public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { // Creates an area of motors Motor[] m = {Motor.A, Motor.B}; // Spins them forward for 3 seconds for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m[i].forward(); } LCD.drawString("FORWARD", 0, 0); Thread.sleep(3000); // Spins them backward for 3 seconds for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m[i].backward(); } LCD.drawString("BACKWARD", 0, 1); Thread.sleep(3000); // Spins them forward again for 3 seconds for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m[i].reverseDirection(); } LCD.drawString("FORWARD", 0, 2); Thread.sleep(3000); // Stops the motors for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m[i].stop(); } }
static void init() throws InterruptedException { Sound.beep(); try { File f = new File("CalibrationData.dat"); FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(f); colors = RescueColors.readObject(is); is.close(); LCD.drawString("File read", 0, 0); LCD.drawString("sucessfully", 0, 0); } catch (IOException e) { LCD.drawString("Error reading", 0, 0); LCD.drawString("file", 0, 1); Thread.sleep(1000); System.exit(-1); } colors.printToLCD(); robot = new RescueRobot(colors); Button.ENTER.waitForPressAndRelease(); logger = new MovementLogger(robot); Thread t = new Thread(logger); t.setDaemon(true); t.start(); }
public static void main(String[] aArg) throws Exception { String left = "Turn left "; String right = "Turn right"; LightSensor light = new LightSensor(SensorPort.S3); final int blackWhiteThreshold = 45; DataLogger dl = new DataLogger("Memory10MS_C.txt"); int lightValue; Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); final int forward = 1; final int stop = 3; final int flt = 4; final int power = 80; // Use the light sensor as a reflection sensor light.setFloodlight(true); LCD.drawString("Light %: ", 0, 0); // Show light percent until LEFT is pressed LCD.drawString("Press LEFT", 0, 2); LCD.drawString("to start", 0, 3); while (!Button.LEFT.isDown()) { LCD.drawInt(light.readValue(), 3, 9, 0); } // Follow line until ESCAPE is pressed LCD.drawString("Press ESCAPE", 0, 2); LCD.drawString("to stop ", 0, 3); dl.start(); while (!Button.ESCAPE.isDown()) { lightValue = light.readValue(); if (lightValue > blackWhiteThreshold) { // On white, turn right LCD.drawString(right, 0, 1); MotorPort.B.controlMotor(0, stop); MotorPort.C.controlMotor(power, forward); } else { // On black, turn left LCD.drawString(left, 0, 1); MotorPort.B.controlMotor(power, forward); MotorPort.C.controlMotor(0, stop); } LCD.drawInt(lightValue, 3, 9, 0); dl.writeSample(rt.freeMemory()); Thread.sleep(10); } // Stop car gently with free wheel drive MotorPort.B.controlMotor(0, flt); MotorPort.C.controlMotor(0, flt); LCD.clear(); dl.close(); LCD.drawString("Program stopped", 0, 0); Thread.sleep(1000); }
public void run() { connect(); try { collectMessage(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread msgInterruptDisplay = new ScreenWriter("Msg Col Interupt", 7); msgInterruptDisplay.start(); } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } }
public static void main(String... args) throws InterruptedException { init(); long lastVictimTime = 0; while (true) { RawColor color = colors.getSensorColor(robot.colorSensor); if ((color == colors.silver || color == && System.currentTimeMillis() - lastVictimTime > 2500) { synchronized (robot.pilot) { robot.pilot.stop(); robot.showVictimFound(); lastVictimTime = System.currentTimeMillis();; findline(); } } else if (color == colors.white || color == { synchronized (robot.pilot) { int[] sensors = robot.lineSensor.getSensors(); if (sensors != null) { int leftspeed = calcLeftSpeed(sensors); int rightspeed = calcRightSpeed(sensors); robot.pilot.setLeftSpeed(leftspeed); robot.pilot.setRightSpeed(rightspeed); } } } Thread.sleep(50); } }
public void run() { int count = 0; while (true) { LCD.drawString("" + Integer.toString(count++), 6, 0); count %= 1000; try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } }
private static void collectMessage() throws InterruptedException { boolean atend = false; int N = 0; while (atend == false) { N = N + 1; // % 100; Movement.setCommandCount(N); LCD.drawString("Recv:" + Integer.toString(N), 2, 2); try { // Bluetooth.getConnectionStatus(); int message = inputStream.readInt(); LCD.drawString("Rcvd:" + Integer.toString(N), 2, 3); if (message >= (1 << 26)) { LCD.drawString("end" + Integer.toString(N), 12, 2); atend = true; // Thread atendDisplay = new ScreenWriter(Integer.toString(message),7); LCD.drawString(Integer.toString(message), 0, 7); // atendDisplay.start(); // System.exit(); LCD.drawString("stopped" + message, 0, 2); } else if (message < (1 << 26)) { // Thread newMessageDisplay = new ScreenWriter(Integer.toString(message),6); // LCD.drawString("display"+Integer.toString(N), 6, 0); // newMessageDisplay.start(); LCD.drawString(" ", 5, 6); LCD.drawString("Msg:" + Integer.toString(message), 0, 6); // LCD.drawString("decode:"+Integer.toString(N), 6, 1); parseMessage(message); // LCD.drawString("decoded:"+Integer.toString(N), 6, 0); } // inputStream.close(); // inputStream = connection.openDataInputStream(); } catch (IOException e) { Thread errorConnection = new ScreenWriter("Error - connect back up", 7); errorConnection.start(); // connection = Bluetooth.waitForConnection(); Thread connectedDisplay = new ScreenWriter("Connection Opened", 7); connectedDisplay.start(); } } }
/** * Final Message * * @param seconds */ private static void credits(int seconds) { LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString("LEGO Mindstorms", 0, 1); LCD.drawString("NXT Robots ", 0, 2); LCD.drawString("run better with", 0, 3); LCD.drawString("Java leJOS", 0, 4); LCD.drawString("", 0, 6); LCD.refresh(); try { Thread.sleep(seconds * 1000); } catch (Exception e) { } }
public static void main(String[] args) { LCD.drawString(appName, 0, 0); LCD.drawString("#################", 0, 2); LCD.drawString("#################", 0, 6); msc = new MSC(SensorPort.S1); // Set to initial angle msc.servo1.setAngle(90); int angle = 0; int pulse = 0; int NXTServoBattery = 0; while (!Button.ESCAPE.isPressed()) { NXTServoBattery = msc.getBattery(); if (Button.LEFT.isPressed()) { angle = 0; msc.servo1.setAngle(angle); } if (Button.ENTER.isPressed()) { angle = 90; msc.servo1.setAngle(angle); } if (Button.RIGHT.isPressed()) { angle = 180; msc.servo1.setAngle(angle); } clearRows(); LCD.drawString("Battery: " + NXTServoBattery, 0, 3); LCD.drawString("Pulse: " + msc.servo1.getPulse(), 0, 4); LCD.drawString("Angle: " + msc.servo1.getAngle(), 0, 5); LCD.refresh(); } // Set to initial angle msc.servo1.setAngle(90); LCD.drawString("Test finished", 0, 7); LCD.refresh(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { } credits(3); System.exit(0); }
public void run() { motor_left.resetTachoCount(); motor_left.regulateSpeed(true); Movement.motor_left.smoothAcceleration(true); int previousCommandCount = -1; while (true) { if (Movement.getCommandCount() == previousCommandCount) { try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } continue; } previousCommandCount = Movement.getCommandCount(); setToAngle(ControlCentre.getTargetSteeringAngleLeft()); int new_angle = getToAngle(); if (new_angle < 10) LCD.drawString(" ", 8, 1); else if (new_angle < 100) LCD.drawString(" ", 9, 1); LCD.drawString(Integer.toString(new_angle), 7, 1); LCD.drawString("R", 11, 1); int cur_angle = getCurrentSteeringAngle(); double delta = new_angle - cur_angle; final double C = Movement.rotConstant; double turn_angle = 0; if (Math.abs(delta) < thresholdAngle / 2.0) { continue; } else if (Math.abs(delta) >= thresholdAngle / 2.0 && Math.abs(delta) < thresholdAngle) { delta = thresholdAngle * delta / Math.abs(delta); } setCurrentSteeringAngle((int) (cur_angle + delta) % 360); if (delta != 0 && Math.abs(delta) < 180) { turn_angle = C * delta; } else if (delta >= 180 && delta < 360) { turn_angle = -C * (360 - delta); } else if (delta <= -180) { turn_angle = C * (360 + delta); } else { /* No turning needed */ continue; } motor_left.rotate((int) Math.round(turn_angle)); } }
public void run() { while (true) { boolean kick = ControlCentre.getKickState(); if (kick) { LCD.drawString("K,", 0, 1); Movement.motor_kick.setSpeed(900); Movement.motor_kick.rotate((-120 * (5 / 3))); Movement.motor_kick.rotate((120 * (5 / 3))); } else { LCD.drawString("_,", 0, 1); } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } }
// Aims to establish a conection over Bluetooth private static void connect() { Thread tryingDisplay = new ScreenWriter("Trying to connect", 7); tryingDisplay.start(); // Wait until connected connection = Bluetooth.waitForConnection(); Thread connectedDisplay = new ScreenWriter("Connected", 7); connectedDisplay.start(); inputStream = connection.openDataInputStream(); outputStream = connection.openDataOutputStream(); Thread openConnDisplay = new ScreenWriter("Connection Opened", 7); openConnDisplay.start(); }
public static boolean findline() { TachoPilot p = robot.pilot; int[] angles = new int[] {30, -30, 60, -60, 90, -90, 0}; int lastangle = 0; for (int angle : angles) { p.rotate((lastangle - angle) * 4, true); while (p.isMoving()) { if (linefound()) { Sound.beepSequence(); p.stop(); return true; } Thread.yield(); } p.stop(); lastangle = angle; Delay.msDelay(250); } return false; }
public static void main(String[] args) { HTSensorMux3 sm1 = new HTSensorMux3(SensorPort.S1); // LCD.drawString("" + sm1.getProductID(), 0,2); // LCD.drawString("" + sm1.getVersion(), 0,3); // LCD.drawString("" + sm1.getSensorType(), 0,4); // LCD.refresh(); sm1.configurateMUX2(); int distance = 0; while (!Button.ESCAPE.isPressed()) { distance = sm1.getDistance(); LCD.drawString("" + distance, 0, 0); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (Exception e) { } } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String connected = "Connected"; String waiting = "Waiting..."; String closing = "Closing..."; while (true) { LCD.drawString(waiting, 0, 0); LCD.refresh(); // BTConnection btc = Bluetooth.waitForConnection(); BTConnection btc = Bluetooth.waitForConnection(0, NXTConnection.RAW); LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString(connected, 0, 0); LCD.refresh(); DataInputStream dis = btc.openDataInputStream(); DataOutputStream dos = btc.openDataOutputStream(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { int n = dis.readInt(); LCD.drawInt(n, 7, 0, 1); LCD.refresh(); dos.writeInt(-n); dos.flush(); } dis.close(); dos.close(); Thread.sleep(100); // wait for data to drain LCD.clear(); LCD.drawString(closing, 0, 0); LCD.refresh(); btc.close(); LCD.clear(); } }
/** * This recursive method is responsible for finding the blue styrofoam block and returning it to * the green/red zone. The search and detect process will begin when the robot has reached the * green/red zone. * * @param x The x position of where the robot will start the search for the blue styrofoam block * @param y The y position of where the robot will start search for the blue styrofoam block */ public void doSearchAndDetect(double x, double y) { // Searching inside the green/red zone if (firstTry) { odox = odometer.getX(); odoy = odometer.getY(); odotheta = odometer.getTheta(); dashboard.turnLeft(40); try { Thread.sleep(750); } catch (Exception e) { } } else if (Math.abs(odox - odometer.getX()) > 15 && Math.abs(odoy - odometer.getY()) > 15) { odox = odometer.getX(); odoy = odometer.getY(); odotheta = odometer.getTheta(); dashboard.turnLeft(40); try { Thread.sleep(750); } catch (Exception e) { } } firstTry = false; // Initializing the heading angle when a robot detects something 35 cm away detectionAngle = odometer.getTheta(); Point greenZone = new Point((int) x, (int) y); // Remembering green zone dashboard.turnLeft(70); // Beginning the 360 degrees scan boolean clawIsDown = false; // The boolean found never becomes true so the robot will keep spinning until // it finds something then moves to a different zone or it will complete 1 full // revolution from its starting angle then move to a different zone. while (!found) { // Condition for the robot to move to a different area to search since it has // completed one full revolution if (Math.abs(odox - odometer.getX()) < 10 && Math.abs(odoy - odometer.getY()) < 10 && Math.abs(odotheta - odometer.getTheta()) < 5) { // Case where no objects in search radius if (directionCounter == 1) { // First time around, go to a point 15 cm south west of the green zone bottom // left corner directionCounter++; navigation.travelTo(greenZone.getX() - 15, greenZone.getY() - 15, false); } else if (directionCounter == 2) { // Second time around, go below the middle of the green zone directionCounter++; navigation.travelTo(greenZone.getX() + 30, greenZone.getY() - 15, false); } else if (directionCounter == 3) { // Third time, go north easy of of the green zone directionCounter++; navigation.travelTo(greenZone.getX() + 30, greenZone.getY() + 45, false); } else if (directionCounter == 4) { // Last time around, go to the middle of the playing field directionCounter = 1; navigation.travelTo(180, 180, false); } // After traveling to the new scan zone, perform the search and scan doSearchAndDetect(greenZone.getX(), greenZone.getY()); } else { // If the ultrasonic sensor senses something within 35 centimeters, go to the object if (usLow.getFilteredDistance() <= 35 && Math.abs(odometer.getTheta() - badHeading) > 30) { // Range to go check out object detectionAngle = odometer.getTheta(); // Saving heading angle when the object is detected blockAngle = odometer.getTheta(); previousDistance = usLow.getFilteredDistance(); navigation.turnTo( detectionAngle - 30.0); // Turning to past where object was detected so it can analyze the full // block Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); // Scanning whole object for 3 seconds to find shortest point of the object to robot while (stopwatch.elapsed() < (3 * Math.pow(10, 3))) { dashboard.turnRight( 70); // Turning to the right to analyze object since it overturned initially if (usLow.getFilteredDistance() < previousDistance) { dashboard.stop(); previousDistance = usLow.getFilteredDistance(); blockAngle = odometer.getTheta(); } } dashboard.stop(); navigation.turnTo(blockAngle); // Turn to block // Remembering tacho count in case object is a wooden block // so it will back up to exactly the same spot originalTacho = dashboard.getRightTacho(); Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); while (usLow.getFilteredDistance() >= 10) { // If robot hasn't reached object in 8 seconds, most likely nothing there and false // positive if (watch.elapsed() > 9 * Math.pow(10, 3)) { badHeading = odometer.getTheta(); newTacho = dashboard.getRightTacho(); dashboard.rotateMotor(-(newTacho - originalTacho), -(newTacho - originalTacho), 200); dashboard.stop(); doSearchAndDetect(greenZone.getX(), greenZone.getY()); } // Travel to the object by going forward dashboard.goForward(200); } // Making a check for a wooden block by using the top ultrasonic sensor if (usHigh.getFilteredDistance() < 25) { // Brown Block so back up distance traveled to the block dashboard.stop(); badHeading = odometer .getTheta(); // Saving the angle of the wooden block so it doesn't go back when // it sees it again newTacho = dashboard.getRightTacho(); dashboard.rotateMotor(-(newTacho - originalTacho), -(newTacho - originalTacho), 200); dashboard.stop(); doSearchAndDetect(greenZone.getX(), greenZone.getY()); } else { // Go forward a bit more to get closer to the styrofoam block for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { dashboard.goForward(70); } } // 2nd check for brown block to make sure when closer to object if (usHigh.getFilteredDistance() < 25) { dashboard.stop(); badHeading = odometer.getTheta(); newTacho = dashboard.getRightTacho(); dashboard.rotateMotor(-(newTacho - originalTacho), -(newTacho - originalTacho), 200); dashboard.stop(); doSearchAndDetect(greenZone.getX(), greenZone.getY()); } else { // Return to dropzone then drop off and re-do scan newTacho = dashboard.getRightTacho(); // If doing search but the block is in the green/red zone, don't pick it up again if ((odometer.getX() > greenZone.getX() && odometer.getY() > greenZone.getY()) && (odometer.getX() < greenZone.getX() + 30 && odometer.getY() < greenZone.getY() + 30)) { badHeading = odometer.getTheta(); dashboard.rotateMotor(-(newTacho - originalTacho), -(newTacho - originalTacho), 200); dashboard.stop(); doSearchAndDetect(greenZone.getX(), greenZone.getY()); } dashboard.stop(); // Reached a good distance from the styrofoam block so back up // and get ready for the juggle. Stopwatch secondWatch = new Stopwatch(); while (secondWatch.elapsed() < 3 * Math.pow(10, 3)) { dashboard.goBackward(100); } dashboard.stop(); if (!clawIsDown) { // Arms are currently up so drop them since the block is // detected and close by lifter.dropClaw(); clawIsDown = true; } // Driving forward until the block is within 7 cm while (usLow.getFilteredDistance() >= 7) { dashboard.goForward(100); } juggle(); // Juggle to reposition the block so it is easier to pick dashboard.stop(); // Drive forward 8 cm so the block will be picked up perfectly dashboard.goForward(8, false); // Remember where the block was picked up so the robot // will return here after dropping off in the designated zone previousPickUp.setLocation(odometer.getX(), odometer.getY()); dashboard.stop(); lifter.lift(); // Picking up the block isCarrying = true; // Driving back to the green zone (a bit further to account) for the arms // and at this distance, the block is dropped off in the middle of the zone navigation.travelTo(greenZone.getX() + 45, greenZone.getY() + 45, false); // If it is the nth*2 time, robot will stack. if (!firstIteration) { lifter.stackLift(); } navigation.turnTo(180); // Turning so the block will end up in the middle of the zone dashboard.goForward( 2, false); // Going forward 2 cm so even closer to block (used for stacking purposes) lifter.dropBlock(); Stopwatch secondStop = new Stopwatch(); // After dropping it off, back up then lift arms while (secondStop.elapsed() < 3.5 * Math.pow(10, 3)) { dashboard.goBackward(100); } dashboard.stop(); lifter.postLift(); firstIteration = !firstIteration; // Only making stacks of 2 so reverse boolean navigation.travelTo( greenZone.getX() - 15, greenZone.getY(), false); // Travel to side of green zone so blocks are not touched when navigating // out of the zone navigation.travelTo( previousPickUp.getX(), previousPickUp.getY(), false); // Return to previous position of where styrofoam block was found doSearchAndDetect( greenZone.getX(), greenZone.getY()); // Do search and detect at the new position } } } } }
public void run() { Multiplexor chip = new Multiplexor(SensorPort.S4); while (true) { int targetLeft = ControlCentre.getTargetDriveLeftVal(); LCD.drawString(Integer.toString(targetLeft) + ",", 2, 1); switch (targetLeft) { case 0: chip.setMotors(0, 0, 0); break; case 4: chip.setMotors(0, 0, 0); break; case 1: chip.setMotors(1, 1, 0); break; case 2: chip.setMotors(1, 2, 0); break; case 3: chip.setMotors(1, 3, 0); break; case 5: chip.setMotors(-1, 1, 0); break; case 6: chip.setMotors(-1, 2, 0); break; case 7: chip.setMotors(-1, 3, 0); break; } int targetRight = ControlCentre.getTargetDriveRightVal(); LCD.drawString(Integer.toString(targetRight) + " L", 4, 1); switch (targetRight) { case 0: chip.setMotors(0, 0, 1); break; case 4: chip.setMotors(0, 0, 1); break; case 1: chip.setMotors(1, 1, 1); break; case 2: chip.setMotors(1, 2, 1); break; case 3: chip.setMotors(1, 3, 1); break; case 5: chip.setMotors(-1, 1, 1); break; case 6: chip.setMotors(-1, 2, 1); break; case 7: chip.setMotors(-1, 3, 1); break; } try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Thread mainCommunicator = new Communicator(); Thread kickThread = new KickThread(); Thread driveThread = new DriveThread(); Thread steeringLeftThread = new SteeringLeftThread(); Thread steeringRightThread = new SteeringRightThread(); Thread counterThread = new CounterThread(); mainCommunicator.start(); kickThread.start(); driveThread.start(); steeringLeftThread.start(); steeringRightThread.start(); counterThread.start(); }