/** Returns maximum block size available in the group. */ private String getMaxBlockSize() { final long free = blockDevInfo.getFreeInVolumeGroup() / 1024; String maxBlockSize = "0"; try { final long taken = Long.parseLong(blockDevInfo.getBlockDevice().getBlockSize()); final BlockDevInfo oBDI = blockDevInfo.getOtherBlockDevInfo(); long max = free + taken; final String lvm = blockDevInfo.getBlockDevice().getName(); if (hostCheckBoxes != null) { for (final Host h : hostCheckBoxes.keySet()) { if (blockDevInfo.getHost() == h) { continue; } if (hostCheckBoxes.get(h).isSelected()) { for (final BlockDevice b : h.getBlockDevices()) { if (lvm.equals(b.getName()) || (oBDI != null && oBDI.getBlockDevice() == b)) { final long oFree = h.getFreeInVolumeGroup(b.getVolumeGroup()) / 1024; final long oTaken = Long.parseLong(b.getBlockSize()); if (oFree + oTaken < max) { /* take the smaller maximum. */ max = oFree + oTaken; } } } } } } maxBlockSize = Long.toString(max); } catch (final Exception e) { Tools.appWarning("could not get max size"); /* ignore */ } return maxBlockSize; }
/** Returns array of volume group checkboxes. */ private Map<String, JCheckBox> getPVCheckBoxes(final Set<String> selectedPVs) { final Map<String, JCheckBox> components = new LinkedHashMap<String, JCheckBox>(); for (final BlockDevice pv : host.getPhysicalVolumes()) { final String pvName = pv.getName(); final JCheckBox button = new JCheckBox(pvName, selectedPVs.contains(pvName)); button.setBackground(Tools.getDefaultColor("ConfigDialog.Background.Light")); components.put(pvName, button); } return components; }
/** LVM Resize and DRBD Resize. */ private boolean resize(final String size) { final boolean ret = LVM.resize(blockDevInfo.getHost(), blockDevInfo.getBlockDevice().getName(), size, false); if (ret) { answerPaneSetText( "Lodical volume was successfully resized on " + blockDevInfo.getHost() + "."); /* resize lvm volume on the other node. */ final String lvm = blockDevInfo.getBlockDevice().getName(); final BlockDevInfo oBDI = blockDevInfo.getOtherBlockDevInfo(); boolean resizingFailed = false; for (final Host h : hostCheckBoxes.keySet()) { if (h == blockDevInfo.getHost() || !hostCheckBoxes.get(h).isSelected()) { continue; } for (final BlockDevice b : h.getBlockDevices()) { if (lvm.equals(b.getName()) || (oBDI != null && oBDI.getBlockDevice() == b)) { /* drbd or selected other host */ final boolean oRet = LVM.resize(h, b.getName(), size, false); if (oRet) { answerPaneAddText( "Lodical volume was successfully" + " resized on " + h.getName() + "."); } else { answerPaneAddTextError( "Resizing of " + b.getName() + " on host " + h.getName() + " failed."); resizingFailed = true; } break; } if (resizingFailed) { break; } } } if (oBDI != null && !resizingFailed) { final boolean dRet = blockDevInfo.resizeDrbd(false); if (dRet) { answerPaneAddText( "DRBD resource " + blockDevInfo.getDrbdVolumeInfo().getName() + " was successfully resized."); } else { answerPaneAddTextError( "DRBD resource " + blockDevInfo.getDrbdVolumeInfo().getName() + " resizing failed."); } } } else { answerPaneAddTextError( "Resizing of " + blockDevInfo.getName() + " on host " + blockDevInfo.getHost() + " failed."); } return ret; }
/** Returns true if the specified host has specified PVs without VGs. */ private boolean hostHasPVS(final Host host) { final Map<String, BlockDevice> oPVS = new HashMap<String, BlockDevice>(); for (final BlockDevice bd : host.getPhysicalVolumes()) { oPVS.put(bd.getName(), bd); } final Set<String> pvs = pvCheckBoxes.keySet(); int selected = 0; for (final String pv : pvs) { if (!pvCheckBoxes.get(pv).isSelected()) { continue; } selected++; final BlockDevice opv = oPVS.get(pv); if (opv == null) { return false; } if (!opv.isPhysicalVolume() || opv.isVolumeGroupOnPhysicalVolume()) { return false; } } return selected > 0; }