public void testFailure() { selenium.setContext( "A real negative test, using the real Selenium on the browser side served by Jetty, driven from Java", SeleniumLogLevels.DEBUG);"/selenium-server/tests/html/test_click_page1.html"); String badElementName = "This element doesn't exist, so Selenium should throw an exception"; try { selenium.getText(badElementName); fail("No exception was thrown!"); } catch (SeleniumException se) { assertTrue( "Exception message isn't as expected: " + se.getMessage(), se.getMessage().indexOf(badElementName + " not found") != -1); } try { assertTrue( "Negative test", selenium.isTextPresent("Negative test: verify non-existent text")); fail("No exception was thrown!"); } catch (AssertionFailedError se) { assertTrue( "Exception message isn't as expected: " + se.getMessage(), se.getMessage().indexOf("Negative test") != -1); } }
public void testWithJavaScript() { selenium.setContext( "A real test, using the real Selenium on the browser side served by Jetty, driven from Java", SeleniumLogLevels.DEBUG);"/selenium-server/tests/html/test_click_page1.html"); assertTrue( "link 'link' doesn't contain expected text", selenium.getText("link").indexOf("Click here for next page") != -1); String[] links = selenium.getAllLinks(); assertTrue(links.length > 3); assertEquals("linkToAnchorOnThisPage", links[3]);"link"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("10000"); assertTrue( selenium.getLocation().endsWith("/selenium-server/tests/html/test_click_page2.html"));"previousPage"); selenium.waitForPageToLoad("10000"); assertTrue( selenium.getLocation().endsWith("/selenium-server/tests/html/test_click_page1.html")); }