/** * See if this put is at the same place as another put. * * @param other The other put. * @return true if at the same place, false if not. */ public boolean intersects(Put other) { int thisx = element.getX() + xr; int thisy = element.getY() + yr; int otherx = other.element.getX() + other.xr; int othery = other.element.getY() + other.yr; if (this != other && thisx == otherx && thisy == othery) { return true; } return false; } // end of intersects method
/** * Draw this put. * * @param g The graphics object to draw with. */ public void draw(Graphics g) { Color inside; if (touching) { inside = JLSInfo.touchColor; } else if (isAttached()) { inside = Color.BLACK; return; } else { inside = Color.WHITE; } int d = JLSInfo.pointDiameter; int r = d / 2; int x = element.getX() + xr; int y = element.getY() + yr; g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.fillOval(x - r, y - r, d, d); g.setColor(inside); g.fillOval(x - r + 1, y - r + 1, d - 2, d - 2); } // end of draw method
/** * Get put's y-coordinate. * * @return The y-coordinate. */ public int getY() { return element.getY() + yr; } // end of getY method