protected void info(String message) {, message);
  private void execute(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException {
    String ip = req.getRemoteAddr();
    // if we do have the optional x-forwarded-for request header then
    // use whatever is in it to record ip address of client
    String forwardedFor = req.getHeader("x-forwarded-for");
    if (forwardedFor != null) ip = forwardedFor;, "==========================================================");, "HTML Request (from " + ip + ") : " + req.getRequestURI());
    Log.debug(Log.REQUEST, "Method       : " + req.getMethod());
    Log.debug(Log.REQUEST, "Content type : " + req.getContentType());
    //		Log.debug(Log.REQUEST, "Context path : "+ req.getContextPath());
    //		Log.debug(Log.REQUEST, "Char encoding: "+ req.getCharacterEncoding());
    Log.debug(Log.REQUEST, "Accept       : " + req.getHeader("Accept"));
    //		Log.debug(Log.REQUEST, "Server name  : "+ req.getServerName());
    //		Log.debug(Log.REQUEST, "Server port  : "+ req.getServerPort());

    //		for (Enumeration e = req.getHeaderNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
    //			String theHeader = (String)e.nextElement();
    //			Log.debug(Log.REQUEST, "Got header: "+theHeader);
    //			Log.debug(Log.REQUEST, "With value: "+req.getHeader(theHeader));
    //		}
    HttpSession httpSession = req.getSession();
    Log.debug(Log.REQUEST, "Session id is " + httpSession.getId());
    UserSession session = (UserSession) httpSession.getAttribute("session");

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // --- create a new session if doesn't exist

    if (session == null) {
      // --- create session

      session = new UserSession();

      httpSession.setAttribute("session", session);
      Log.debug(Log.REQUEST, "Session created for client : " + ip);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // --- build service request

    ServiceRequest srvReq = null;

    // --- create request

    try {
      srvReq =
          ServiceRequestFactory.create(req, res, jeeves.getUploadDir(), jeeves.getMaxUploadSize());
    } catch (FileUploadTooBigEx e) {
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
      sb.append("File upload too big - exceeds " + jeeves.getMaxUploadSize() + " Mb\n");
      sb.append("Error : " + e.getClass().getName() + "\n");
      res.sendError(400, sb.toString());

      // now stick the stack trace on the end and log the whole lot
      sb.append("Stack :\n");
      Log.error(Log.REQUEST, sb.toString());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

      sb.append("Cannot build ServiceRequest\n");
      sb.append("Cause : " + e.getMessage() + "\n");
      sb.append("Error : " + e.getClass().getName() + "\n");
      res.sendError(400, sb.toString());

      // now stick the stack trace on the end and log the whole lot
      sb.append("Stack :\n");
      Log.error(Log.REQUEST, sb.toString());

    // --- execute request

    jeeves.dispatch(srvReq, session);
   * @param request
   * @param xml
   * @param context
   * @param toIndex
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
  private int updateTransaction(
      Element request, Element xml, ServiceContext context, Set<String> toIndex) throws Exception {
    GeonetContext gc = (GeonetContext) context.getHandlerContext(Geonet.CONTEXT_NAME);
    DataManager dataMan = gc.getDataManager();

    if (context.getUserSession().getUserId() == null)
      throw new NoApplicableCodeEx("User not authenticated.");

    int totalUpdated = 0;

    // Update full metadata
    if (xml != null) {

      // Retrieve schema and the related Namespaces
      String schemaId = gc.getSchemamanager().autodetectSchema(xml);

      if (schemaId == null) {
        throw new NoApplicableCodeEx("Can't identify metadata schema");

      // Retrieve the metadata identifier
      Dbms dbms = (Dbms) context.getResourceManager().open(Geonet.Res.MAIN_DB);

      String uuid = gc.getDataManager().extractUUID(schemaId, xml);

      if (uuid.length() == 0) {
        throw new NoApplicableCodeEx("Metadata identifier not provided");

      // Update metadata record
      String id = dataMan.getMetadataId(dbms, uuid);

      if (id == null) return totalUpdated;

      if (!gc.getAccessManager().canEdit(context, id))
        throw new NoApplicableCodeEx("User not allowed to update this metadata(" + id + ").");

      String changeDate = null;

      boolean validate = false;
      boolean ufo = false;
      boolean index = false;
      String language = context.getLanguage();
          context, dbms, id, xml, validate, ufo, index, language, changeDate, false);



      return totalUpdated;

      // Update properties
    } else {
      // first, search the record in the database to get the record id
      Element constr = (Element) request.getChild("Constraint", Csw.NAMESPACE_CSW).clone();
      List<Element> results = getResultsFromConstraints(context, constr);

      List<Element> recordProperties =
          (List<Element>) request.getChildren("RecordProperty", Csw.NAMESPACE_CSW);

      Iterator<Element> it = results.iterator();
      if (!it.hasNext()) return totalUpdated;

      Dbms dbms = (Dbms) context.getResourceManager().open(Geonet.Res.MAIN_DB);

      Set updatedMd = new HashSet<String>();
      // Process all records selected
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        Element result =;
        String uuid = result.getChildText("identifier", Csw.NAMESPACE_DC);
        String id = dataMan.getMetadataId(dbms, uuid);
        String changeDate = null;

        if (id == null) continue;

        if (!dataMan.getAccessManager().canEdit(context, id))
          throw new NoApplicableCodeEx("User not allowed to update this metadata(" + id + ").");

        Element metadata = dataMan.getMetadata(context, id, false, false, true);
        metadata.removeChild("info", Edit.NAMESPACE);

        // Retrieve the schema and Namespaces of metadata to update
        String schemaId = gc.getDataManager().autodetectSchema(metadata);

        if (schemaId == null) {
          throw new NoApplicableCodeEx("Can't identify metadata schema");

        Map mapNs = retrieveNamepacesForSchema(gc.getDataManager().getSchema(schemaId));

        boolean metadataChanged = false;

        // Process properties to update
        for (Element recordProperty : recordProperties) {
          Element propertyNameEl = recordProperty.getChild("Name", Csw.NAMESPACE_CSW);
          Element propertyValueEl = recordProperty.getChild("Value", Csw.NAMESPACE_CSW);

          String propertyName = propertyNameEl.getText();

          String propertyValue = propertyValueEl.getText();

          // Get XPath for queriable name, i provided in propertyName.
          // Otherwise assume propertyName contains full XPath to property to update
          String xpathProperty = FieldMapper.mapXPath(propertyName, schemaId);
          if (xpathProperty == null) {
            xpathProperty = propertyName;

, "Xpath of property: " + xpathProperty);
          XPath xpath = new JDOMXPath(xpathProperty);
          xpath.setNamespaceContext(new SimpleNamespaceContext(mapNs));

          Object propEl = xpath.selectSingleNode(metadata);
, "XPath found in metadata: " + (propEl != null));

          // If a property is not found in metadata, just ignore it.
          if (propEl != null) {
            if (propEl instanceof Element) {
              ((Element) propEl).setText(propertyValue);
              metadataChanged = true;

            } else if (propEl instanceof Attribute) {
              ((Attribute) propEl).setValue(propertyValue);
              metadataChanged = true;
        } // for(Element recordProperty : recordProperties)

        // Update the metadata with changes
        if (metadataChanged) {
          boolean validate = false;
          boolean ufo = false;
          boolean index = false;
          String language = context.getLanguage();
              context, dbms, id, metadata, validate, ufo, index, language, changeDate, false);



      return totalUpdated;