// convert coordinates to relative coordinates with the top-left one as (0,0) public void convertToRelativePositions() { LayoutBox box = getExactLayoutBox(); // System.out.println("Box // ("+box.topleft.x+","+box.topleft.y+");("+(box.topleft.x+box.width)+","+(box.topleft.y+box.height)); Iterator<NodeLayout> e = nodes.iterator(); NodeLayout nl; while (e.hasNext()) { nl = e.next(); /* Debug code if(nl.x<box.topleft.x || nl.y<box.topleft.y || nl.x>(box.topleft.x+box.width) || nl.y>(box.topleft.y+box.height)){ System.out.println("Invalid node "+nl.x+","+nl.y); } //*/ nl.x = nl.x - box.topleft.x; nl.y = nl.y - box.topleft.y; } Iterator<EdgeLayout> e2 = edges.iterator(); EdgeLayout el; while (e2.hasNext()) { el = e2.next(); for (LayoutPoint lp : el.bends) { lp.x = lp.x - box.topleft.x; lp.y = lp.y - box.topleft.y; } } }
public void flipLayoutLeftRight() { LayoutBox box = getExactLayoutBox(); Iterator<NodeLayout> ne = nodes.iterator(); while (ne.hasNext()) { NodeLayout nl = ne.next(); if (nl.processID.equals("null")) { nl.x = box.topleft.x + (box.width - (nl.x - box.topleft.x)) - 60; // minus 60 which is the width of process node's box, since using upperleft // coor } else if (isSecondary(nl)) { nl.x = box.topleft.x + (box.width - (nl.x - box.topleft.x)) - 60; } else { nl.x = box.topleft.x + (box.width - (nl.x - box.topleft.x)) - 20; } } Iterator<EdgeLayout> e2 = edges.iterator(); EdgeLayout el; while (e2.hasNext()) { el = e2.next(); for (LayoutPoint lp : el.bends) { lp.x = box.topleft.x + (box.width - (lp.x - box.topleft.x)); } } }
/** * @return exact rectangle box bounding all the center points of the nodes and all the bend * points. */ public LayoutBox getExactLayoutBox() { Iterator<NodeLayout> e = nodes.iterator(); double tlx = 0, tly = 0, brx = 0, bry = 0; // top left, bottom right NodeLayout nl; if (e.hasNext()) { nl = e.next(); tlx = nl.x; tly = nl.y; brx = nl.x; bry = nl.y; } while (e.hasNext()) { nl = e.next(); if (nl.x < tlx) { tlx = nl.x; } if (nl.x > brx) { brx = nl.x; } if (nl.y < tly) { tly = nl.y; } if (nl.y > bry) { bry = nl.y; } } Iterator<EdgeLayout> ee = edges.iterator(); Iterator<LayoutPoint> be; LayoutPoint lp; EdgeLayout el; while (ee.hasNext()) { el = ee.next(); be = el.bends.iterator(); while (be.hasNext()) { lp = be.next(); if (lp.x < tlx) { tlx = lp.x; } if (lp.x > brx) { brx = lp.x; } if (lp.y < tly) { tly = lp.y; } if (lp.y > bry) { bry = lp.y; } } } return new LayoutBox(tlx, tly, brx - tlx, bry - tly); }
public String toString() { if (isEmpty()) { return ""; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Iterator<NodeLayout> e = nodes.iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) sb.append((e.next()).toString()); sb.append("\n"); Iterator<EdgeLayout> ee = edges.iterator(); while (ee.hasNext()) sb.append((ee.next()).toString()); return sb.toString(); }
public String toBeautifiedString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Iterator<NodeLayout> e = nodes.iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) sb.append((e.next()).toBeautifiedString()); sb.append("\n"); Iterator<EdgeLayout> ee = edges.iterator(); while (ee.hasNext()) { sb.append((ee.next()).toBeautifiedString()); } sb.append("\n\nNumber of Nodes: "); sb.append(nodes.size()); sb.append("\nNumber of Edges: "); sb.append(edges.size() + "\n"); return sb.toString(); }
public EdgeLayout getEdgeLayouts(String spid, String sid, String tpid, String tid) { Iterator<EdgeLayout> ee = edges.iterator(); EdgeLayout el; while (ee.hasNext()) { el = ee.next(); if (el.sourceNode.equals(sid) && el.targetNode.equals(tid)) { return el; } } return null; } // */
// convert coordinates to shifted coordinates with the top-left one as (xs,ys) public void convertToShiftedPositions(double xs, double ys) { convertToRelativePositions(); Iterator<NodeLayout> e = nodes.iterator(); NodeLayout nl; while (e.hasNext()) { nl = e.next(); nl.x += xs; nl.y += ys; } Iterator<EdgeLayout> e2 = edges.iterator(); EdgeLayout el; while (e2.hasNext()) { el = e2.next(); for (LayoutPoint lp : el.bends) { lp.x += xs; lp.y += ys; } } }
public void flipLayoutUpDown() { LayoutBox box = getExactLayoutBox(); Iterator<NodeLayout> ne = nodes.iterator(); while (ne.hasNext()) { NodeLayout nl = ne.next(); if (isSecondary(nl)) { nl.y = box.topleft.y + (box.height - (nl.y - box.topleft.y)) - 12; } else { nl.y = box.topleft.y + (box.height - (nl.y - box.topleft.y)) - 20; } } Iterator<EdgeLayout> e2 = edges.iterator(); EdgeLayout el; while (e2.hasNext()) { el = e2.next(); for (LayoutPoint lp : el.bends) { lp.y = box.topleft.y + (box.height - (lp.y - box.topleft.y)); } } }
public void filpLayoutUpDown() { LayoutBox box = getExactLayoutBox(); Iterator<NodeLayout> ne = nodes.iterator(); while (ne.hasNext()) { NodeLayout nl = ne.next(); if (nl.cofactor.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { nl.y = box.topleft.y + (box.height - (nl.y - box.topleft.y)) - 12; } else { nl.y = box.topleft.y + (box.height - (nl.y - box.topleft.y)) - 20; } } Iterator<EdgeLayout> e2 = edges.iterator(); EdgeLayout el; while (e2.hasNext()) { el = e2.next(); for (LayoutPoint lp : el.bends) { lp.y = box.topleft.y + (box.height - (lp.y - box.topleft.y)); } } }
public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(sourcepid + "," + sourceNode + "," + targetpid + "," + targetNode + ","); Iterator<LayoutPoint> e = bends.iterator(); LayoutPoint b; while (e.hasNext()) { b = (LayoutPoint) e.next(); sb.append(b.x + "," + b.y + ","); } sb.append("\n"); return sb.toString(); }
public static void parseDocumentFragment(Reader reader, XMLReceiver xmlReceiver) throws SAXException { try { final XMLReader xmlReader = newSAXParser(XMLUtils.ParserConfiguration.PLAIN).getXMLReader(); xmlReader.setContentHandler(new XMLFragmentReceiver(xmlReceiver)); final ArrayList<Reader> readers = new ArrayList<Reader>(3); readers.add(new StringReader("<root>")); readers.add(reader); readers.add(new StringReader("</root>")); xmlReader.parse(new InputSource(new SequenceReader(readers.iterator()))); } catch (IOException e) { throw new OXFException(e); } }
public String toBeautifiedString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("sourcePID: " + sourcepid); sb.append(" sourceNodeId: " + sourceNode + "\n"); sb.append(" targetPID: " + targetpid); sb.append(" targetNodeId: " + targetNode + "\n"); Iterator<LayoutPoint> e = bends.iterator(); LayoutPoint b; while (e.hasNext()) { b = (LayoutPoint) e.next(); sb.append(" Bend Points: " + b.x + "," + b.y + " "); } sb.append("\n\n"); return sb.toString(); }
// Return the shared nodes(with the same node id) with the other LayoutInfo public LinkedHashMap<NodeLayout, NodeLayout> sharedNodes(LayoutInfo info2) { LinkedHashMap<NodeLayout, NodeLayout> shared = new LinkedHashMap<NodeLayout, NodeLayout>(); Iterator<NodeLayout> e = nodes.iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { NodeLayout nl = e.next(); if (nl.cofactor.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { continue; } NodeLayout nl2; Iterator<NodeLayout> e2 = info2.nodes.iterator(); while (e2.hasNext()) { nl2 = e2.next(); if (nl2.cofactor.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { continue; } if (nl.nodeID.equals(nl2.nodeID)) { shared.put(nl, nl2); } } } return shared; }
public void CrawlRT(String RTPage) throws IOException { ArrayList<String> t = new ArrayList<String>(); String crawlData; String crawlData2; String crawlData3; FileReader freader = new FileReader("Crawl.txt"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(freader); FileReader freader2 = new FileReader("Tocrawl.txt"); BufferedReader br2 = new BufferedReader(freader2); FileWriter fwriter2 = new FileWriter("Tocrawl.txt", true); BufferedWriter bw2 = new BufferedWriter(fwriter2); FileWriter fwriter = new FileWriter("Crawl.txt", true); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fwriter); /*while(null != (crawlData2 = br.readLine())) { if(crawlData2 !=null) Crawl.add(crawlData2); } t = collectLinks(RTPage); Iterator<String> e3= t.iterator(); while(e3.hasNext()) { String ee = e3.next(); if(!Crawl.contains(ee)) { bw2.write(ee+"\r\n"); } } br.close(); br2.close(); bw.close(); bw2.close();*/ if (null == (crawlData = br.readLine())) // if(true) { // initial iteration bw.write(RTPage + "\r\n"); Crawl.add(RTPage); t = collectLinks(RTPage); ToCrawl.addAll(t); } else { // collect data from files and load to array lists while (null != (crawlData2 = br.readLine())) { if (crawlData2 != null) Crawl.add(crawlData2); } while (null != (crawlData3 = br2.readLine())) { if (crawlData3 != null) ToCrawl.add(crawlData3); } } System.out.println("Crawlled"); // Number of movies to be crawled for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { if (ToCrawl.size() > 0) { Crawl.removeAll(Collections.singleton(null)); ToCrawl.removeAll(Collections.singleton(null)); String c = ToCrawl.get(0); if (Crawl.contains(c)) ToCrawl.remove(c); else { // collect links and collect data from a particular link Crawl.add(c); t = collectLinks(c); CollectData(c); ToCrawl.remove(c); Iterator<String> e3 = t.iterator(); while (e3.hasNext()) { String ee = e3.next(); if (!ToCrawl.contains(ee)) { if (!Crawl.contains(ee)) { ToCrawl.add(ee); } } } bw.write(c + "\r\n"); } } } System.out.println("To Be Crawlled"); Iterator<String> e2 = ToCrawl.iterator(); while (e2.hasNext()) { // write to file the movies still to be crawled. bw2.write(e2.next() + "\r\n"); } prop.setProperty("Id", Integer.toString(n)); prop.store(new FileOutputStream("config.properties"), null); br.close(); br2.close(); bw.close(); bw2.close(); }