Exemple #1
  * Returns the specified image.
  * @param url image url
  * @return image
 public static Image get(final URL url) {
   try {
     return ImageIO.read(url);
   } catch (final IOException ex) {
     throw Util.notExpected(ex);
Exemple #2
   * Adds default interactions to the specified component.
   * @param comp component
   * @param win parent window
  public static void addInteraction(final Component comp, final Window win) {
        new MouseAdapter() {
          public void mouseEntered(final MouseEvent e) {

    if (win instanceof BaseXDialog) {
      // add default keys
      final BaseXDialog d = (BaseXDialog) win;
          new KeyAdapter() {
            public void keyPressed(final KeyEvent e) {
              final Object s = e.getSource();
              if (s instanceof BaseXCombo && ((BaseXCombo) s).isPopupVisible()) return;

              // do not key close dialog if button or editor is focused
              if (ENTER.is(e) && !(s instanceof BaseXButton || s instanceof TextPanel)) {
              } else if (ESCAPE.is(e)) {
                // do not cancel dialog if search bar is opened
                boolean close = true;
                if (s instanceof TextPanel) {
                  final SearchBar bar = ((TextPanel) s).getSearch();
                  close = bar == null || !bar.deactivate(true);
                if (close) d.cancel();

    if (win instanceof GUI) {
      comp.addKeyListener(globalShortcuts((GUI) win));
    } else {
      throw Util.notExpected("Reference to main window expected.");