private void addCondition(@NotNull ArrangementUiComponent component) { mySkipStateChange = true; try { component.setSelected(true); Collection<Set<ArrangementSettingsToken>> mutexes = mySettingsManager.getMutexes(); // Update 'mutex conditions', i.e. conditions which can't be active at the same time (e.g. // type 'field' and type 'method'). for (Set<ArrangementSettingsToken> mutex : mutexes) { if (!mutex.contains(component.getToken())) { continue; } for (ArrangementSettingsToken key : mutex) { if (key.equals(component.getToken())) { continue; } ArrangementUiComponent c = myComponents.get(key); if (c != null && c.isEnabled()) { removeCondition(c); } } } refreshConditions(); } finally { mySkipStateChange = false; } }
private Set<Key> getActiveProviderKeys() { Set<Key> result = new HashSet<Key>(); for (BeforeRunTask task : myModel.getItems()) { result.add(task.getProviderId()); } return result; }
@Nullable public FilteringTreeStructure.FilteringNode selectPsiElement(PsiElement element) { Set<PsiElement> parents = getAllParents(element); FilteringTreeStructure.FilteringNode node = (FilteringTreeStructure.FilteringNode) myAbstractTreeBuilder.getRootElement(); while (node != null) { boolean changed = false; for (FilteringTreeStructure.FilteringNode n : node.children()) { final PsiElement psiElement = getPsi(n); if (psiElement != null && parents.contains(psiElement)) { node = n; changed = true; break; } } if (!changed) {; if (myAbstractTreeBuilder.getSelectedElements().isEmpty()) { TreeUtil.selectFirstNode(myTree); } myInitialNodeIsLeaf = node.getChildren().length == 0; return node; } } TreeUtil.selectFirstNode(myTree); return null; }
public boolean checkCanRemove(final List<? extends PackagingElementNode<?>> nodes) { Set<PackagingNodeSource> rootSources = new HashSet<PackagingNodeSource>(); for (PackagingElementNode<?> node : nodes) { rootSources.addAll(getRootNodeSources(node.getNodeSources())); } if (!rootSources.isEmpty()) { final String message; if (rootSources.size() == 1) { final String name = rootSources.iterator().next().getPresentableName(); message = "The selected node belongs to '" + name + "' element. Do you want to remove the whole '" + name + "' element from the artifact?"; } else { message = "The selected node belongs to " + nodes.size() + " elements. Do you want to remove all these elements from the artifact?"; } final int answer = Messages.showYesNoDialog( myArtifactsEditor.getMainComponent(), message, "Remove Elements", null); if (answer != Messages.YES) return false; } return true; }
/** * Return the XML test data for a specified task * * @param caseID * @param taskID * @return testData */ public String getTaskTestData(String caseID, String taskID) { String testData = null; File taskInputData = null; Set workItems = _engineClient.getAllWorkItems(); for (Iterator iterator = workItems.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { YWorkItem item = (YWorkItem); if (item.getCaseID().toString().equals(caseID) && item.getTaskID().equals(taskID)) { try { File testDataDir = YAdminGUI.getSpecTestDataDirectory(item.getSpecificationID().getKey()); taskInputData = new File(testDataDir, taskID + ".xml"); if (taskInputData.exists()) { testData = StringUtil.fileToString(taskInputData); } } catch (Exception e) { reportGeneralProblem(e); } } } if (testData == null) { return testData; } else if (testData.startsWith(xmlCommentHeader)) { return testData; } else { return xmlCommentHeader + taskInputData.getName() + " -->\n" + testData; } }
public Set<String> getObjectChangeEventTypes() { Set<String> types = new HashSet(); types.add(ResearchItem.URL); return types; }
public void attemptToFinishActiveJob(String caseID, String taskID) { Set workItems = _engineClient.getAllWorkItems(); for (Iterator iterator = workItems.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { YWorkItem item = (YWorkItem); if (item.getCaseID().toString().equals(caseID) && item.getTaskID().equals(taskID)) { try { String outputData = _myActiveTasks.getOutputData(caseID, taskID); /** AJH: Write the output data into test data file */ File testDataDir = YAdminGUI.getSpecTestDataDirectory(item.getSpecificationID().getKey()); File taskInputData = new File(testDataDir, taskID + ".xml"); if (!taskInputData.exists()) {"Creating task data file - " + taskInputData.getAbsolutePath()); taskInputData.createNewFile(); } StringUtil.stringToFile(taskInputData.getAbsolutePath(), outputData); // _engineClient.completeWorkItem(item, outputData, inSequenceWorkitemIDs); _engineClient.completeWorkItem(item, outputData, null, YEngine.WorkItemCompletion.Normal); } catch (YDataStateException e) { String errors = e.getMessage(); if (errors.indexOf("FAILED TO VALIDATE AGAINST SCHEMA =") != -1) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); new SpecificationQueryProcessingValidationErrorBox(_frame, item, e); } else { new UserInputValidationErrorBox(_frame, item, e); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception e) { // todo AJH - Create defalut skeleton at this point???? reportGeneralProblem(e); } } } }
private void calculateRoots() { final ModuleManager moduleManager = ModuleManager.getInstance(myProject); // assertion for read access inside final Module[] modules = ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runReadAction( new Computable<Module[]>() { public Module[] compute() { return moduleManager.getModules(); } }); final TreeSet<VirtualFile> checkSet = new TreeSet<VirtualFile>(FilePathComparator.getInstance()); myRoots = new HashSet<VirtualFile>(); myRoots.addAll(myInitialRoots); checkSet.addAll(myInitialRoots); for (Module module : modules) { final VirtualFile[] files = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module).getContentRoots(); for (VirtualFile file : files) { final VirtualFile floor = checkSet.floor(file); if (floor != null) { myModulesSet.put(file, module.getName()); myRoots.add(file); } } } }
public void registerStringValueAction(String key, ValueCallback<String> callback) { synchronized (lock) { if (keys.contains(key)) throw new IllegalStateException("Already registered: " + key); keys.add(key); actions.add(new StringActionPair(key, callback)); } }
private boolean ensureUsagesWritable( ReplaceContext replaceContext, Collection<Usage> selectedUsages) { Set<VirtualFile> readOnlyFiles = null; for (final Usage usage : selectedUsages) { final VirtualFile file = ((UsageInFile) usage).getFile(); if (file != null && !file.isWritable()) { if (readOnlyFiles == null) readOnlyFiles = new HashSet<VirtualFile>(); readOnlyFiles.add(file); } } if (readOnlyFiles != null) { ReadonlyStatusHandler.getInstance(myProject) .ensureFilesWritable(VfsUtilCore.toVirtualFileArray(readOnlyFiles)); } if (hasReadOnlyUsages(selectedUsages)) { int result = Messages.showOkCancelDialog( replaceContext.getUsageView().getComponent(), FindBundle.message(""), FindBundle.message(""), Messages.getWarningIcon()); if (result != Messages.OK) { return false; } } return true; }
private void checkForEmptyAndDuplicatedNames( MyNode rootNode, String prefix, String title, Class<? extends NamedConfigurable> configurableClass, boolean recursively) throws ConfigurationException { final Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < rootNode.getChildCount(); i++) { final MyNode node = (MyNode) rootNode.getChildAt(i); final NamedConfigurable scopeConfigurable = node.getConfigurable(); if (configurableClass.isInstance(scopeConfigurable)) { final String name = scopeConfigurable.getDisplayName(); if (name.trim().length() == 0) { selectNodeInTree(node); throw new ConfigurationException("Name should contain non-space characters"); } if (names.contains(name)) { final NamedConfigurable selectedConfigurable = getSelectedConfigurable(); if (selectedConfigurable == null || !Comparing.strEqual(selectedConfigurable.getDisplayName(), name)) { selectNodeInTree(node); } throw new ConfigurationException( CommonBundle.message("smth.already.exist.error.message", prefix, name), title); } names.add(name); } if (recursively) { checkForEmptyAndDuplicatedNames(node, prefix, title, configurableClass, true); } } }
public TooltipRenderer calcTooltipRenderer( @NotNull final Collection<RangeHighlighter> highlighters) { LineTooltipRenderer bigRenderer = null; // do not show same tooltip twice Set<String> tooltips = null; for (RangeHighlighter highlighter : highlighters) { final Object tooltipObject = highlighter.getErrorStripeTooltip(); if (tooltipObject == null) continue; final String text = tooltipObject.toString(); if (tooltips == null) { tooltips = new THashSet<String>(); } if (tooltips.add(text)) { if (bigRenderer == null) { bigRenderer = new LineTooltipRenderer(text, new Object[] {highlighters}); } else { bigRenderer.addBelow(text); } } } return bigRenderer; }
/** * Generate new configuration name basing on descriptor * * @return the generated configuration name */ private String generateNewConfigurationName() { String name = null; for (BranchDescriptor d : myBranches) { if (d.newBranchName != null) { name = d.newBranchName; break; } if (d.existingBranches.contains(d.currentReference)) { name = d.currentReference; } } if (name == null) { name = "untitled"; } if (myExistingConfigNames.contains(name)) { for (int i = 2; i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; i++) { String t = name + i; if (!myExistingConfigNames.contains(t)) { name = t; break; } } } return name; }
private void updateRightTreeModel() { Set<PsiFile> deps = new HashSet<PsiFile>(); Set<PsiFile> scope = getSelectedScope(myLeftTree); myIllegalsInRightTree = new HashSet<PsiFile>(); for (PsiFile psiFile : scope) { Map<DependencyRule, Set<PsiFile>> illegalDeps = myIllegalDependencies.get(psiFile); if (illegalDeps != null) { for (final DependencyRule rule : illegalDeps.keySet()) { myIllegalsInRightTree.addAll(illegalDeps.get(rule)); } } final Set<PsiFile> psiFiles = myDependencies.get(psiFile); if (psiFiles != null) { for (PsiFile file : psiFiles) { if (file != null && file.isValid()) { deps.add(file); } } } } deps.removeAll(scope); myRightTreeExpansionMonitor.freeze(); myRightTree.setModel(buildTreeModel(deps, myRightTreeMarker)); myRightTreeExpansionMonitor.restore(); expandFirstLevel(myRightTree); }
void doAddAction(AnActionButton button) { if (isUnknown()) { return; } final JBPopupFactory popupFactory = JBPopupFactory.getInstance(); final BeforeRunTaskProvider<BeforeRunTask>[] providers = Extensions.getExtensions( BeforeRunTaskProvider.EXTENSION_POINT_NAME, myRunConfiguration.getProject()); Set<Key> activeProviderKeys = getActiveProviderKeys(); DefaultActionGroup actionGroup = new DefaultActionGroup(null, false); for (final BeforeRunTaskProvider<BeforeRunTask> provider : providers) { if (provider.createTask(myRunConfiguration) == null) continue; if (activeProviderKeys.contains(provider.getId()) && provider.isSingleton()) continue; AnAction providerAction = new AnAction(provider.getName(), null, provider.getIcon()) { @Override public void actionPerformed(AnActionEvent e) { BeforeRunTask task = provider.createTask(myRunConfiguration); if (task != null) { provider.configureTask(myRunConfiguration, task); if (!provider.canExecuteTask(myRunConfiguration, task)) return; } else { return; } task.setEnabled(true); Set<RunConfiguration> configurationSet = new HashSet<RunConfiguration>(); getAllRunBeforeRuns(task, configurationSet); if (configurationSet.contains(myRunConfiguration)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( BeforeRunStepsPanel.this, ExecutionBundle.message( "before.launch.panel.cyclic_dependency_warning", myRunConfiguration.getName(), provider.getDescription(task)), ExecutionBundle.message("warning.common.title"), JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return; } addTask(task); myListener.fireStepsBeforeRunChanged(); } }; actionGroup.add(providerAction); } final ListPopup popup = popupFactory.createActionGroupPopup( ExecutionBundle.message(""), actionGroup, SimpleDataContext.getProjectContext(myRunConfiguration.getProject()), false, false, false, null, -1, Condition.TRUE);; }
public String[] knownNamespaces() { final PsiElement parentElement = getParent(); BidirectionalMap<String, String> map = initNamespaceMaps(parentElement); Set<String> known = Collections.emptySet(); if (map != null) { known = new HashSet<String>(map.values()); } if (parentElement instanceof XmlTag) { if (known.isEmpty()) return ((XmlTag) parentElement).knownNamespaces(); ContainerUtil.addAll(known, ((XmlTag) parentElement).knownNamespaces()); } else { XmlExtension xmlExtension = XmlExtension.getExtensionByElement(this); if (xmlExtension != null) { final XmlFile xmlFile = xmlExtension.getContainingFile(this); if (xmlFile != null) { final XmlTag rootTag = xmlFile.getRootTag(); if (rootTag != null && rootTag != this) { if (known.isEmpty()) return rootTag.knownNamespaces(); ContainerUtil.addAll(known, rootTag.knownNamespaces()); } } } } return ArrayUtil.toStringArray(known); }
private static void updateExistingPluginInfo( IdeaPluginDescriptor descr, IdeaPluginDescriptor existing) { int state = StringUtil.compareVersionNumbers(descr.getVersion(), existing.getVersion()); final PluginId pluginId = existing.getPluginId(); final String idString = pluginId.getIdString(); final JDOMExternalizableStringList installedPlugins = PluginManagerUISettings.getInstance().getInstalledPlugins(); if (!installedPlugins.contains(idString) && !((IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl) existing).isDeleted()) { installedPlugins.add(idString); } final PluginManagerUISettings updateSettings = PluginManagerUISettings.getInstance(); if (state > 0 && !PluginManager.isIncompatible(descr) && !updatedPlugins.contains(descr.getPluginId())) { NewVersions2Plugins.put(pluginId, 1); if (!updateSettings.myOutdatedPlugins.contains(idString)) { updateSettings.myOutdatedPlugins.add(idString); } final IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl plugin = (IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl) existing; plugin.setDownloadsCount(descr.getDownloads()); plugin.setVendor(descr.getVendor()); plugin.setVendorEmail(descr.getVendorEmail()); plugin.setVendorUrl(descr.getVendorUrl()); plugin.setUrl(descr.getUrl()); } else { updateSettings.myOutdatedPlugins.remove(idString); if (NewVersions2Plugins.remove(pluginId) != null) { updatedPlugins.add(pluginId); } } }
private void handleBranchingInstruction( ProblemsHolder holder, StandardInstructionVisitor visitor, Set<Instruction> trueSet, Set<Instruction> falseSet, HashSet<PsiElement> reportedAnchors, BranchingInstruction instruction, final boolean onTheFly) { PsiElement psiAnchor = instruction.getPsiAnchor(); boolean underBinary = isAtRHSOfBooleanAnd(psiAnchor); if (instruction instanceof InstanceofInstruction && visitor.isInstanceofRedundant((InstanceofInstruction) instruction)) { if (visitor.canBeNull((BinopInstruction) instruction)) { holder.registerProblem( psiAnchor, InspectionsBundle.message("dataflow.message.redundant.instanceof"), new RedundantInstanceofFix()); } else { final LocalQuickFix localQuickFix = createSimplifyBooleanExpressionFix(psiAnchor, true); holder.registerProblem( psiAnchor, InspectionsBundle.message( underBinary ? "dataflow.message.constant.condition.when.reached" : "dataflow.message.constant.condition", Boolean.toString(true)), localQuickFix == null ? null : new LocalQuickFix[] {localQuickFix}); } } else if (psiAnchor instanceof PsiSwitchLabelStatement) { if (falseSet.contains(instruction)) { holder.registerProblem( psiAnchor, InspectionsBundle.message("dataflow.message.unreachable.switch.label")); } } else if (psiAnchor != null && !reportedAnchors.contains(psiAnchor) && !isFlagCheck(psiAnchor)) { boolean evaluatesToTrue = trueSet.contains(instruction); final PsiElement parent = psiAnchor.getParent(); if (parent instanceof PsiAssignmentExpression && ((PsiAssignmentExpression) parent).getLExpression() == psiAnchor) { holder.registerProblem( psiAnchor, InspectionsBundle.message( "dataflow.message.pointless.assignment.expression", Boolean.toString(evaluatesToTrue)), createConditionalAssignmentFixes( evaluatesToTrue, (PsiAssignmentExpression) parent, onTheFly)); } else if (!skipReportingConstantCondition(visitor, psiAnchor, evaluatesToTrue)) { final LocalQuickFix fix = createSimplifyBooleanExpressionFix(psiAnchor, evaluatesToTrue); String message = InspectionsBundle.message( underBinary ? "dataflow.message.constant.condition.when.reached" : "dataflow.message.constant.condition", Boolean.toString(evaluatesToTrue)); holder.registerProblem(psiAnchor, message, fix == null ? null : new LocalQuickFix[] {fix}); } reportedAnchors.add(psiAnchor); } }
private static void reportOptionalOfNullableImprovements( ProblemsHolder holder, Set<PsiElement> reportedAnchors, Instruction[] instructions) { for (Instruction instruction : instructions) { if (instruction instanceof MethodCallInstruction) { final PsiExpression[] args = ((MethodCallInstruction) instruction).getArgs(); if (args.length != 1) continue; final PsiExpression expr = args[0]; if (((MethodCallInstruction) instruction).isOptionalAlwaysNullProblem()) { if (!reportedAnchors.add(expr)) continue; holder.registerProblem( expr, "Passing <code>null</code> argument to <code>Optional</code>", DfaOptionalSupport.createReplaceOptionalOfNullableWithEmptyFix(expr)); } else if (((MethodCallInstruction) instruction).isOptionalAlwaysNotNullProblem()) { if (!reportedAnchors.add(expr)) continue; holder.registerProblem( expr, "Passing a non-null argument to <code>Optional</code>", DfaOptionalSupport.createReplaceOptionalOfNullableWithOfFix()); } } } }
@Override public void saveAllDocuments() { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertIsDispatchThread(); myMultiCaster.beforeAllDocumentsSaving(); if (myUnsavedDocuments.isEmpty()) return; final Map<Document, IOException> failedToSave = new HashMap<Document, IOException>(); final Set<Document> vetoed = new HashSet<Document>(); while (true) { int count = 0; for (Document document : myUnsavedDocuments) { if (failedToSave.containsKey(document)) continue; if (vetoed.contains(document)) continue; try { doSaveDocument(document); } catch (IOException e) { //noinspection ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored failedToSave.put(document, e); } catch (SaveVetoException e) { vetoed.add(document); } count++; } if (count == 0) break; } if (!failedToSave.isEmpty()) { handleErrorsOnSave(failedToSave); } }
/** By Dingding */ private Set<Line.Segment> getRemovableLineSegments( Map<Position, Piece> pieceMap, PieceColor pieceColor) { Set<Line.Segment> removableLines = new HashSet<>(); Set<Line> linesOnTheBoard = Line.getLinesOnTheBoard( this); // Get all the possible lines on the board. Positions don't need to be occupied. for (Line line : linesOnTheBoard) { Position currentPosition = line.getStartPosition(); Position startOfSegment = null; Position endOfSegment = null; Direction direction = line.getDirection(); int consecutivePieces = 0; // We start at a dot position, so we can assume that we don't start in a set of // consecutive pieces boolean isInLineSegment = false; // Break the for-loop if an endOfSegment has been found (because the largest lines only have 7 // positions on the board, there // can't be more than one set of four pieces of the same color (requiring at least 9 // positions) on the board. for (; endOfSegment == null && isPositionOnPlayAreaOrOuterDots(currentPosition); currentPosition = { PieceColor currentPieceColor = pieceMap.containsKey(currentPosition) ? pieceMap.get(currentPosition).getPieceColor() : null; // Update the consecutivePieces if (currentPieceColor == pieceColor) consecutivePieces++; if (consecutivePieces == 4) isInLineSegment = true; if (currentPieceColor != pieceColor) consecutivePieces = 0; if (isInLineSegment) { if (isDotPosition(currentPosition) || currentPieceColor == null) { endOfSegment = currentPosition.previous(direction); } } // Update the startOfSegment if necessary if (startOfSegment == null) { if (currentPieceColor != null) { startOfSegment = currentPosition; } } if (currentPieceColor == null && endOfSegment == null) { startOfSegment = null; } // Add a line segment to the list if we have found one if (endOfSegment != null) { removableLines.add(new Line.Segment(this, startOfSegment, endOfSegment, direction)); } } } return removableLines; }
@Override @NotNull public Document[] getUncommittedDocuments() { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertIsDispatchThread(); Document[] documents = myUncommittedDocuments.toArray(new Document[myUncommittedDocuments.size()]); return ArrayUtil.stripTrailingNulls(documents); }
private static <T extends Number> Set<OptionToSet> getOptionsToSet( String fullOptionName, MultiValueOption<T> multiValueOption) { Set<OptionToSet> set = new HashSet<OptionToSet>(); for (T value : multiValueOption.getValue()) { set.add(new OptionToSet<T>(fullOptionName, value)); } return set; }
private boolean checkReadonlyUsages() { final Set<VirtualFile> readOnlyUsages = getReadOnlyUsagesFiles(); return readOnlyUsages.isEmpty() || !ReadonlyStatusHandler.getInstance(myProject) .ensureFilesWritable(VfsUtil.toVirtualFileArray(readOnlyUsages)) .hasReadonlyFiles(); }
private void collectOptions(Set<String> optionNames, final List<Option> optionList) { for (Option option : optionList) { if (option.groupName != null) { optionNames.add(option.groupName); } optionNames.add(option.title); } }
@NotNull public static List<SymfonyInstallerVersion> getVersions(@NotNull String jsonContent) { JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonParser().parse(jsonContent).getAsJsonObject(); List<SymfonyInstallerVersion> symfonyInstallerVersions = new ArrayList<>(); // prevent adding duplicate version on alias names Set<String> aliasBranches = new HashSet<>(); // get alias version, in most common order for (String s : new String[] {"latest", "lts"}) { JsonElement asJsonObject = jsonObject.get(s); if (asJsonObject == null) { continue; } String asString = asJsonObject.getAsString(); aliasBranches.add(asString); symfonyInstallerVersions.add( new SymfonyInstallerVersion(s, String.format("%s (%s)", asString, s))); } List<SymfonyInstallerVersion> branches = new ArrayList<>(); Set<Map.Entry<String, JsonElement>> entries = jsonObject.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : entries) { if (!entry.getKey().matches("^\\d+\\.\\d+$")) { continue; } // "2.8.0-dev", "2.8.0-DEV" is not supported String asString = entry.getValue().getAsString(); if (asString.matches(".*[a-zA-Z].*") || aliasBranches.contains(asString)) { continue; } branches.add( new SymfonyInstallerVersion( asString, String.format("%s (%s)", entry.getKey(), asString))); } branches.sort(Comparator.comparing(SymfonyInstallerVersion::getVersion)); Collections.reverse(branches); symfonyInstallerVersions.addAll(branches); // we need reverse order for sorting them on version string List<SymfonyInstallerVersion> installableVersions = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsonElement installable : jsonObject.getAsJsonArray("installable")) { installableVersions.add(new SymfonyInstallerVersion(installable.getAsString())); } Collections.reverse(installableVersions); symfonyInstallerVersions.addAll(installableVersions); return symfonyInstallerVersions; }
@NotNull private static GlobalSearchScope forDirectory( @NotNull Project project, boolean withSubdirectories, @NotNull VirtualFile directory) { Set<VirtualFile> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(); result.add(directory); addSourceDirectoriesFromLibraries(project, directory, result); VirtualFile[] array = result.toArray(new VirtualFile[result.size()]); return GlobalSearchScopesCore.directoriesScope(project, withSubdirectories, array); }
@NotNull public Set<Executor> getExecutors(RunContentDescriptor descriptor) { Set<Executor> result = new HashSet<>(); for (Trinity<RunContentDescriptor, RunnerAndConfigurationSettings, Executor> trinity : myRunningConfigurations) { if (descriptor == trinity.first) result.add(trinity.third); } return result; }
private Set<Object> doFilter(Set<Object> elements) { Set<Object> result = new LinkedHashSet<Object>(); for (Object o : elements) { if (myElementClass.isInstance(o) && getFilter().isAccepted((T) o)) { result.add(o); } } return result; }
private void updateIsIDEtalkClient(String jabberId, User user) { if (getResource(jabberId) .toLowerCase() .startsWith(JabberFacade.IDETALK_RESOURCE.toLowerCase())) { myIDEtalkUsers.add(user.getName()); } else { myIDEtalkUsers.remove(user.getName()); } }