public ValoresAtualizaJob retornaNovosValores(Connection conn, JobLote job) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; ValoresAtualizaJob obj = null; String sql = " select sum(qtd_transf) qtd_transf, sum(qtd_sucata) qtd_sucata, sum(hr_tot) hr_tot from joblote\n" + " where job = ? and operacao = ? "; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, job.getJob().trim().replace(".", "")); stmt.setInt(2, job.getOperNum()); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { obj = new ValoresAtualizaJob(); obj.setQtdTransf(rs.getDouble("qtd_transf")); obj.setQtdSucata(rs.getDouble("qtd_sucata")); obj.setHoraTotal(rs.getDouble("hr_tot")); } return obj; }
public JobIniciado retornaUltimoLote(Connection conn, String job, int operacao) throws SQLException { String sql = " select job, operacao, tripulacao,recurso, max(data_fim) \n" + "from joblote where job = ? and operacao = ? \n" + "group by job, operacao, tripulacao, recurso "; PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; JobIniciado iniciado = null; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, job.trim().replace(".", "")); stmt.setInt(2, operacao); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { iniciado = new JobIniciado(); iniciado.setJob(rs.getString(1)); iniciado.setOperacao(rs.getInt(2)); iniciado.setTripulacao(rs.getDouble(3)); iniciado.setRecurso(rs.getString(4)); Timestamp data = rs.getTimestamp(5); iniciado.setData(Validacoes.getDataHoraString(data)); } return iniciado; }
public void executeQuery() throws SQLException { log( "select account, branch, balance, filler from " + m_Driver.getAccountName() + " where account < 101\n", 2); Statement stmt = null; try { stmt = m_conn.createStatement(); ResultSet set = stmt.executeQuery( "select account, branch, balance, filler from " + m_Driver.getAccountName() + " where account < 101"); while ( { set.getInt(1); set.getInt(2); set.getDouble(3); set.getString(4); } set.close(); } finally { if (stmt != null) stmt.close(); stmt = null; } }
public JobProtheus retornaJob(Connection conn, JobLote lote) throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; JobProtheus job = null; String sql = "select job , B1_DESC, operacao , produto, "; sql += " dt_release, job_start_date , qtd_release, setor, qtd_transf "; sql += " from job left join " + DB_PROTHEUS.trim() + ".dbo.SB1000 SB1 "; sql += " on(produto collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = B1_COD) "; sql += " where job = ? and operacao = ? and SB1.D_E_L_E_T_ = '' "; sql += " order by dt_release, produto "; stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setString(1, lote.getJob().trim()); stmt.setInt(2, lote.getOperNum()); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { String nJob = rs.getString("job"); int operacao = rs.getInt("operacao"); String produto = rs.getString("produto"); Date dataEmissao = rs.getDate("dt_release"); Date dataPrevisaoInicio = rs.getDate("job_start_date"); String descricaoProduto = rs.getString("B1_DESC"); double quantidade = rs.getDouble("qtd_release"); String wc = rs.getString("setor"); String emissao = dataEmissao != null ? getDateToString(dataEmissao) : ""; String previsaoInicio = dataPrevisaoInicio != null ? getDateToString(dataPrevisaoInicio) : ""; job = new JobProtheus(); job.setStatus(""); job.setJob(nJob); job.setOperacao(operacao); job.setProduto(produto.trim()); job.setDataEmissao(emissao); job.setQuantidadeLiberada(quantidade); job.setDescricaoProduto(descricaoProduto); job.setCentroTrabalho(wc); double qtdTotal = retornaQtdTotal(conn, job); // calcula o total transferido para o job job.setQuantidadeCompleta(qtdTotal); job.setDataPrivisaoInicio(previsaoInicio); job.setQuantidadeFaltando(quantidade - qtdTotal); // seta o valor qtd faltando } return job; // retorna lista de jobs }
/** * _more_ * * @return _more_ * @throws Exception _more_ */ private boolean initConnection() throws Exception { if (getConnection() == null) { return false; } // jdbc:postgresql:// // evaluate("CREATE RULE update AS ON UPDATE TO global_attributes DO NOTIFY current;"); Statement stmt; ResultSet results; SqlUtil.Iterator iter; EolDbTrackInfo trackInfo = new EolDbTrackInfo(this, "TRACK"); Hashtable cats = new Hashtable(); try { stmt = select("*", TABLE_CATEGORIES); iter = SqlUtil.getIterator(stmt); while ((results = iter.getNext()) != null) { cats.put(results.getString(COL_VARIABLE), results.getString(COL_CATEGORY)); } } catch (Exception exc) { // exc.printStackTrace(); } missingMap = new Hashtable(); stmt = select("*", TABLE_GLOBALS); globals = new Hashtable(); boolean gotCoords = false; description = "<b>Globals</b><br>"; iter = SqlUtil.getIterator(stmt); while ((results = iter.getNext()) != null) { String globalName = results.getString(1).trim(); String globalValue = results.getString(2).trim(); globals.put(globalName, globalValue); description = description + "<tr valign=\"top\"><td>" + globalName + "</td><td>" + globalValue + "</td></tr>"; // System.err.println(globalName +"=" + globalValue); if (globalName.equals(GLOBAL_STARTTIME)) { startTime = new DateTime(DateUtil.parse(globalValue)); } else if (globalName.equals(GLOBAL_ENDTIME)) { endTime = new DateTime(DateUtil.parse(globalValue)); } else if (globalName.equals(GLOBAL_COORDINATES)) { List toks = StringUtil.split(globalValue, " ", true, true); if (toks.size() != 4) { throw new BadDataException("Incorrect coordinates value in database:" + globalValue); } gotCoords = true; System.err.println("coords:" + toks); trackInfo.setCoordinateVars( (String) toks.get(0), (String) toks.get(1), (String) toks.get(2), (String) toks.get(3)); trackInfo.setCoordinateVars("GGLON", "GGLAT", "GGALT", "datetime"); } } description = description + "</table>"; if (!gotCoords) { throw new BadDataException("No coordinates found in database"); } = (String) globals.get(GLOBAL_PROJECTNAME); String flight = (String) globals.get(GLOBAL_FLIGHTNUMBER); if (( != null) && (flight != null) && (flight.length() != 0)) { += " - " + flight; } stmt = select("*", TABLE_VARIABLE_LIST); iter = SqlUtil.getIterator(stmt); while ((results = iter.getNext()) != null) { String name = results.getString(COL_NAME).trim(); String desc = results.getString(COL_LONG_NAME).trim(); Unit unit = DataUtil.parseUnit(results.getString(COL_UNITS).trim()); String cat = (String) cats.get(name); double missing = results.getDouble(COL_MISSING_VALUE); VarInfo variable = new VarInfo(name, desc, cat, unit, missing); trackInfo.addVariable(variable); } addTrackInfo(trackInfo); return true; }
void runTextTest() { Statement stmt = null; try { // System.out.println("Thread :" + getName() + " Text test entered"); setProgressMinMax(0, m_nNumRuns - 1); int nProgressStep = m_nNumRuns / 10 + 1; // System.out.println("Thread :" + getName() + " before commit state"); boolean m_bTransactionsUsed = m_bTrans && m_conn.getMetaData().supportsTransactions(); // System.out.println("Thread :" + getName() + " are transactions used"); boolean bCurrentAutoCommit = m_conn.getAutoCommit(); // System.out.println("Thread :" + getName() + "got currentCommit"); m_conn.setAutoCommit(!m_bTransactionsUsed); // System.out.println("Thread :" + getName() + " commit state set"); stmt = m_conn.createStatement(); int nAccNum, nBranchNum, nTellerNum; double dDelta, dBalance; log( "Starting SQL text benchmark for " + m_nNumRuns + ((m_time > 0) ? " min.\n" : " runs\n"), 0); java.util.Random rand = new java.util.Random(m_nMaxAccount + m_nMaxBranch + m_nMaxTeller); for (int nRun = 0; (m_time > 0) ? true : nRun < m_nNumRuns; nRun++) { if (m_time > 0) { java.util.Date current = new java.util.Date(); if ((current.getTime() - m_time) > (m_nNumRuns * 60000)) break; } try { nAccNum = (int) (rand.nextFloat() * rand.nextFloat() * (m_nMaxAccount - 1)) + 1; nBranchNum = (int) (rand.nextFloat() * (m_nMaxBranch - 1)) + 1; nTellerNum = (int) (rand.nextFloat() * (m_nMaxTeller - 1)) + 1; dDelta = ((double) ((long) ((((int) (rand.nextFloat() * (m_nMaxTeller - 1)) + 1) * (rand.nextFloat() > 0.5 ? -1 : 1)) * 100))) / 100; java.util.Date startTime = new java.util.Date(); log( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getAccountName() + " SET balance = balance + " + dDelta + " WHERE account = " + nAccNum + "\n", 2); stmt.executeUpdate( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getAccountName() + " SET balance = balance + " + dDelta + " WHERE account = " + nAccNum); log( "SELECT balance FROM " + m_Driver.getAccountName() + " WHERE account = " + nAccNum + "\n", 2); ResultSet balanceSet = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT balance FROM " + m_Driver.getAccountName() + " WHERE account = " + nAccNum);; dBalance = balanceSet.getDouble(1); balanceSet.close(); log( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getTellerName() + " SET balance = balance + " + dDelta + " WHERE teller = " + nTellerNum + "\n", 2); stmt.executeUpdate( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getTellerName() + " SET balance = balance + " + dDelta + " WHERE teller = " + nTellerNum); log( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getBranchName() + " SET balance = balance + " + dDelta + " WHERE branch = " + nBranchNum + "\n", 2); stmt.executeUpdate( "UPDATE " + m_Driver.getBranchName() + " SET balance = balance + " + dDelta + " WHERE branch = " + nBranchNum); log( "INSERT INTO " + m_Driver.getHistoryName() + " (histid, account, teller, branch, amount, timeoftxn, filler) VALUES (" + nRun + " , " + nAccNum + " , " + nTellerNum + " , " + nBranchNum + " , " + dDelta + " , " + m_nowFunction + " , \'" + BenchPanel.strFiller.substring(0, 21) + "\')\n", 2); stmt.executeUpdate( "INSERT INTO " + m_Driver.getHistoryName() + " (histid, account, teller, branch, amount, timeoftxn, filler) VALUES (" + nRun + " , " + nAccNum + " , " + nTellerNum + " , " + nBranchNum + " , " + dDelta + " , " + m_nowFunction + " , \'" + BenchPanel.strFiller.substring(0, 21) + "\')"); if (m_bQuery) executeQuery(); // System.out.println("Done query"); if (m_bTransactionsUsed) m_conn.commit(); java.util.Date endTime = new java.util.Date(); // System.out.println("Done"); m_nTrans += 1; long diff = endTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime(); if (diff < 1000) m_nTrans1Sec += 1; else if (diff < 2000) m_nTrans2Sec += 1; m_nTimeSum += ((double) diff) / 1000; } catch (SQLException e1) { // System.err.println(e1.getMessage()); // e1.printStackTrace(); break; } if (nRun % nProgressStep == 0) setProgressValue(nRun); // yield(); } setProgressValue(m_nNumRuns - 1); m_conn.setAutoCommit(bCurrentAutoCommit); } catch (SQLException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getMessage(), "SQL Error in Text test", // JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); log("SQLError in text test : " + e.getMessage(), 0); } finally { if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } }