/** * Refreshes the derivatives if they have not been refreshed in the refreshSteps() method (ie if * the variable "refreshDerivsLater" is false). */ protected void refreshDerivsIfNeeded() { if (!refreshDerivsLater) return; refreshDerivsLater = false; for (ParticleModel part : getModels()) { part.updateDerivatives(); part.firePropertyChange("steps", null, null); // $NON-NLS-1$ } }
/** Trims all steps after endFrame. */ protected void trimSteps() { // return if trimming not needed VideoClip clip = trackerPanel.getPlayer().getVideoClip(); int n = clip.getFrameCount() - 1; int end = getEndFrame() == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? n : getEndFrame(); while (end > getStartFrame() && !clip.includesFrame(end)) { end--; } if (end >= lastValidFrame) return; int trimCount = (tracePtsPerStep * (lastValidFrame - end)) / clip.getStepSize(); ParticleModel[] models = getModels(); for (ParticleModel next : models) { // create smaller trace arrays and copy existing points into them next.locked = false; int traceLength = next.traceX.length - trimCount; if (traceLength < 0) return; // trap for error during closing next.prevX = next.traceX; next.prevY = next.traceY; next.traceX = new double[traceLength]; next.traceY = new double[traceLength]; System.arraycopy(next.prevX, 0, next.traceX, 0, traceLength); System.arraycopy(next.prevY, 0, next.traceY, 0, traceLength); // reduce number of steps next.steps.setLength(end + 1); // refresh derivatives next.updateDerivatives(end - 2, lastValidFrame - end + 2); // restore state restoreState(end); next.support.firePropertyChange("steps", null, null); // $NON-NLS-1$ next.locked = true; } lastValidFrame = end; repaint(); // trackerPanel.repaint(); }
/** * Saves an object's data to an XMLControl. * * @param control the control to save to * @param obj the object to save */ public void saveObject(XMLControl control, Object obj) { ParticleModel p = (ParticleModel) obj; // save mass control.setValue("mass", p.getMass()); // $NON-NLS-1$ // save track data XML.getLoader(TTrack.class).saveObject(control, obj); // save parameters, initial values and functions Parameter[] params = p.getParamEditor().getParameters(); control.setValue("user_parameters", params); // $NON-NLS-1$ Parameter[] inits = p.getInitEditor().getParameters(); control.setValue("initial_values", inits); // $NON-NLS-1$ UserFunction[] functions = p.getFunctionEditor().getMainFunctions(); control.setValue("main_functions", functions); // $NON-NLS-1$ functions = p.getFunctionEditor().getSupportFunctions(); if (functions.length > 0) control.setValue("support_functions", functions); // $NON-NLS-1$ // save start and end frames (if custom) if (p.startFrame > 0) control.setValue("start_frame", p.startFrame); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (p.endFrame < Integer.MAX_VALUE) control.setValue("end_frame", p.endFrame); // $NON-NLS-1$ // save inspector size and position if (p.inspector != null && p.trackerPanel != null && p.trackerPanel.getTFrame() != null) { // save inspector location relative to frame TFrame frame = p.trackerPanel.getTFrame(); int x = p.inspector.getLocation().x - frame.getLocation().x; int y = p.inspector.getLocation().y - frame.getLocation().y; control.setValue("inspector_x", x); // $NON-NLS-1$ control.setValue("inspector_y", y); // $NON-NLS-1$ control.setValue("inspector_h", p.inspector.getHeight()); // $NON-NLS-1$ control.setValue("inspector_visible", p.inspector.isVisible()); // $NON-NLS-1$ } }
protected boolean isModelsVisible() { for (ParticleModel model : getModels()) { if (model.isTraceVisible() || (model.isVisible() && (model.isPositionVisible(trackerPanel) || model.isVVisible(trackerPanel) || model.isAVisible(trackerPanel)))) { return true; } } return false; }
/** Refreshes step positions. */ protected void refreshSteps() { locked = true; if (refreshStepsLater) return; // return if this is an empty dynamic system if (this instanceof DynamicSystem) { DynamicSystem system = (DynamicSystem) this; if (system.particles.length == 0) return; } if (trackerPanel != null) { refreshDerivsLater = trackerPanel.getPlayer().getClipControl().isPlaying(); int n = trackerPanel.getFrameNumber(); VideoClip clip = trackerPanel.getPlayer().getVideoClip(); // determine last frame to be marked (must satisfy both model and clip) int end = Math.min(getEndFrame(), n); while (end > getStartFrame() && !clip.includesFrame(end)) { end--; } if (end <= lastValidFrame) return; if (lastValidFrame == -1) { reset(); // initializes model, sets lastValidFrame to marked frame, if any if (lastValidFrame == -1 || end <= lastValidFrame) return; } int start = lastValidFrame; Tracker.logTime( this.getClass().getSimpleName() + this.hashCode() + " refreshing steps " + start + " to " + end); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ boolean singleStep = (end - start == 1); // step forward to end ImageCoordSystem coords = trackerPanel.getCoords(); // get underlying coords if appropriate boolean useDefault = isUseDefaultReferenceFrame(); while (useDefault && coords instanceof ReferenceFrame) { coords = ((ReferenceFrame) coords).getCoords(); } double startTime = t0 + dt * tracePtsPerStep * (start - getStartFrame()) / clip.getStepSize(); double stepSize = 1.0 * clip.getStepSize() / tracePtsPerStep; int stepCount = (tracePtsPerStep * (end - start)) / clip.getStepSize(); ParticleModel[] models = getModels(); // prepare larger trace arrays and copy existing points into them for (ParticleModel next : models) { next.locked = false; int traceLength = next.traceX.length + stepCount; next.prevX = next.traceX; next.prevY = next.traceY; next.traceX = new double[traceLength]; next.traceY = new double[traceLength]; System.arraycopy(next.prevX, 0, next.traceX, 0, next.prevX.length); System.arraycopy(next.prevY, 0, next.traceY, 0, next.prevY.length); } for (int i = 0; i < stepCount; i++) { int stepNumber = i + 1; int frameNumber = start + (int) (stepNumber * stepSize); time = startTime + stepNumber * dt; Point2D[] points = getNextTracePositions(); if (points == null) continue; AffineTransform transform = coords.getToImageTransform(frameNumber); for (int j = 0; j < models.length; j++) { transform.transform(points[j], points[j]); // determine if point is invalid due to out of bounds boolean valid = Math.abs(points[j].getX()) < xLimit && Math.abs(points[j].getY()) < yLimit; if (!valid && !invalidWarningShown) { invalidWarningShown = true; Runnable runner = new Runnable() { // avoids deadlock? public void run() { // if (invalidWarningShown) return; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( trackerPanel, TrackerRes.getString("ParticleModel.Dialog.Offscreen.Message1") + XML.NEW_LINE //$NON-NLS-1$ + TrackerRes.getString( "ParticleModel.Dialog.Offscreen.Message2"), //$NON-NLS-1$ TrackerRes.getString("ParticleModel.Dialog.Offscreen.Title"), // $NON-NLS-1$ JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } }; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(runner); } models[j].traceX[models[j].prevX.length + i] = valid ? points[j].getX() : Double.NaN; models[j].traceY[models[j].prevY.length + i] = valid ? points[j].getY() : Double.NaN; if (stepNumber % tracePtsPerStep == 0) { // refresh position step saveState(frameNumber); PositionStep step = (PositionStep) models[j].getStep(frameNumber); if (step == null) { step = createPositionStep(models[j], frameNumber, 0, 0); step.setFootprint(models[j].getFootprint()); models[j].steps.setStep(frameNumber, step); } step.getPosition().setPosition(valid ? points[j] : nan); // this method is fast } } } int count = 4 + (end - start); int startUpdate = start; // step back twice to pick up possible valid derivatives if (startUpdate > clip.getStepSize()) startUpdate -= clip.getStepSize(); if (startUpdate > clip.getStepSize()) startUpdate -= clip.getStepSize(); lastValidFrame = end; for (ParticleModel next : models) { next.steps.setLength(end + 1); coords = trackerPanel.getCoords(); // get active coords // special treatment if this is the origin of current reference frame if (coords instanceof ReferenceFrame && ((ReferenceFrame) coords).getOriginTrack() == next) { // set origins of reference frame boolean prev = next.refreshing; // save refreshing value next.refreshing = true; ((ReferenceFrame) coords).setOrigins(); // then set positions to zero wrt origins for (int i = 0; i < clip.getStepCount(); i++) { int frameNumber = clip.stepToFrame(i); PositionStep step = (PositionStep) next.getStep(frameNumber); if (step == null) continue; AffineTransform transform = coords.getToImageTransform(frameNumber); next.point.setLocation(0, 0); transform.transform(next.point, next.point); step.getPosition().setPosition(next.point); // this method is fast } next.refreshing = prev; // restore refreshing value if (!refreshDerivsLater) { next.updateDerivatives(startUpdate, count); } } else if (!refreshDerivsLater) { next.updateDerivatives(startUpdate, count); } if (next.vAtOrigin) next.vTailsToOriginItem.doClick(); if (next.aAtOrigin) next.aTailsToOriginItem.doClick(); if (!refreshDerivsLater) { if (singleStep) next.support.firePropertyChange("step", null, new Integer(n)); // $NON-NLS-1$ else next.support.firePropertyChange("steps", null, null); // $NON-NLS-1$ } // erase refreshed steps for (int i = start + 1; i <= end; i++) { Step step = next.getStep(i); if (step != null) step.erase(); } next.locked = true; } trackerPanel.repaint(); } }
/** * Loads an object with data from an XMLControl. * * @param control the control * @param obj the object * @return the loaded object */ public Object loadObject(XMLControl control, Object obj) { // load track data XML.getLoader(TTrack.class).loadObject(control, obj); ParticleModel p = (ParticleModel) obj; p.mass = control.getDouble("mass"); // $NON-NLS-1$ p.inspectorX = control.getInt("inspector_x"); // $NON-NLS-1$ p.inspectorY = control.getInt("inspector_y"); // $NON-NLS-1$ p.inspectorH = control.getInt("inspector_h"); // $NON-NLS-1$ p.showInspector = control.getBoolean("inspector_visible"); // $NON-NLS-1$ Parameter[] params = (Parameter[]) control.getObject("user_parameters"); // $NON-NLS-1$ p.getParamEditor().setParameters(params); params = (Parameter[]) control.getObject("initial_values"); // $NON-NLS-1$ // remove trailing "0" from initial condition parameters for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { Parameter param = params[i]; String name = param.getName(); int n = name.lastIndexOf("0"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (n > -1) { // replace parameter with new one name = name.substring(0, n); Parameter newParam = new Parameter(name, param.getExpression()); newParam.setDescription(param.getDescription()); newParam.setNameEditable(false); params[i] = newParam; } } p.getInitEditor().setParameters(params); UserFunction[] functions = (UserFunction[]) control.getObject("main_functions"); // $NON-NLS-1$ p.getFunctionEditor().setMainFunctions(functions); functions = (UserFunction[]) control.getObject("support_functions"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (functions != null) { for (int i = 0; i < functions.length; i++) { p.getFunctionEditor().addObject(functions[i], false); } } p.functionPanel.refreshFunctions(); int n = control.getInt("start_frame"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (n != Integer.MIN_VALUE) p.startFrame = n; else { p.startFrameUndefined = true; } n = control.getInt("end_frame"); // $NON-NLS-1$ if (n != Integer.MIN_VALUE) p.endFrame = n; return obj; }