public void run(TaskMonitor monitor, PlugInContext context) throws Exception { // -- get the LM because when the Histogram will be shown, the app. focus // will change and context.addLayer will not work (null pointer exc.) // [mmichaud 2012-04-09] to completely resolve this problem, I added the // new JInternalFrame is added after the addLayer method has been called this.currentLM = context.getLayerManager(); monitor.allowCancellationRequests(); if (this.selAttribute == null) { context.getWorkbenchFrame().warnUser(I18N.get(sNoAttributeChoosen)); return; } javax.swing.JInternalFrame internalFrame = context.getWorkbenchFrame().getActiveInternalFrame(); FeatureDataset result = classifyAndCreatePlot(monitor, context); context.getWorkbenchFrame().activateFrame(internalFrame); if (result == null) { context.getWorkbenchFrame().warnUser(I18N.get(sNotEnoughValuesWarning)); } else if (result.size() > 0) { String name = this.selAttribute + "_" + this.selClassifier; this.currentLM.addLayer(StandardCategoryNames.WORKING, name, result); JInternalFrame frame = new JInternalFrame(this.sHistogram); frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); frame.add(plot, BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.setClosable(true); frame.setResizable(true); frame.setMaximizable(true); frame.setSize(450, 450); context.getWorkbenchFrame().addInternalFrame(frame); plot = null; } else { context.getWorkbenchFrame().warnUser(sWarning); } }
/** * Ajusta el tamaño de la ventana al envelope pasado como parámetro * * @param ctx * @param newWrapperEnvelope * @param viewport */ public static void resizeViewToEnvelope( PlugInContext ctx, Envelope newWrapperEnvelope, IViewport viewport) { // ajustamos las proporciones de la ventana a las de la feature JInternalFrame activeInternalFrame = ctx.getActiveInternalFrame(); Dimension dimView = ((Dimension) ctx.getLayerViewPanel()).getSize(); Double widthView = dimView.getWidth(); Double heightView = dimView.getHeight(); int widthDiff = (int) (activeInternalFrame.getWidth() - widthView); int heightDiff = (int) (activeInternalFrame.getHeight() - heightView); Integer newWidth = (int) ((newWrapperEnvelope.getWidth() / viewport.getEnvelopeInModelCoordinates().getWidth()) * widthView); Integer newHeight = (int) ((newWrapperEnvelope.getHeight() / viewport.getEnvelopeInModelCoordinates().getHeight()) * heightView); Dimension newDimensionView = new Dimension(newWidth + widthDiff, newHeight + heightDiff); activeInternalFrame.setSize(newDimensionView); // zoom al envelope actual try { viewport.zoom(newWrapperEnvelope); } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) { log.warn("No se ha podido alcanzar el zoom " + newWrapperEnvelope); } }
public Component add(JInternalFrame frame) { JInternalFrame[] array = getAllFrames(); Point p; int w; int h; Component retval = super.add(frame); checkDesktopSize(); if (array.length > 0) { p = array[0].getLocation(); p.x = p.x + FRAME_OFFSET; p.y = p.y + FRAME_OFFSET; } else { p = new Point(0, 0); } frame.setLocation(p.x, p.y); if (frame.isResizable()) { w = getWidth() - (getWidth() / 3); h = getHeight() - (getHeight() / 3); if (w < frame.getMinimumSize().getWidth()) w = (int) frame.getMinimumSize().getWidth(); if (h < frame.getMinimumSize().getHeight()) h = (int) frame.getMinimumSize().getHeight(); frame.setSize(w, h); } moveToFront(frame); frame.setVisible(true); try { frame.setSelected(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e) { frame.toBack(); } return retval; }
private JInternalFrame _startJFXImpuestosCRUD() { frame = new JInternalFrame("Administrador de impuestos"); final JFXPanel fxPanel = new JFXPanel(); frame.setClosable(true); frame.add(fxPanel); frame.setVisible(true); Herramientas.panelCatalogo(frame); Principal.getEscritorio().getPanelEscritorio().add(frame); frame.setSize(706, 518); frame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(706, 518)); frame.setResizable(true); frame.setVisible(true); Herramientas.centrarVentana(frame); Herramientas.iconificable(frame); frame.toFront(); Platform.runLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Scene scene = null; try { scene = initImpuestosCRUD(); scene.setFill(null); fxPanel.setScene(scene); } catch (IOException e) { } } }); return frame; }
private void agregarAPanel(JInternalFrame internal, int ancho, int largo) { if (!this.desktopPane.isAncestorOf(internal)) { this.desktopPane.add(internal); internal.setSize(ancho, largo); internal.setVisible(true); Dimension desktopSize = desktopPane.getSize(); Dimension jInternalFrameSize = internal.getSize(); internal.setLocation( (desktopSize.width - jInternalFrameSize.width) / 2, (desktopSize.height - jInternalFrameSize.height) / 2); } }
/** * Creates a new {@code JInternalFrame} with a size of 200 x 100. The title of the created * internal frame includes the value of a counter that is automatically increased every time a new * internal frame is created. This method is {@code not} executed in the event dispatch thread * (EDT.) * * @return the created frame. */ @RunsInCurrentThread protected static JInternalFrame createInternalFrame() { // TODO: should be create and add JInternalFrame internalFrame = new JInternalFrame(concat("Internal Frame ", ++internalFrameCounter)); internalFrame.setIconifiable(true); internalFrame.setMaximizable(true); internalFrame.setResizable(true); internalFrame.setSize(new Dimension(200, 100)); internalFrame.setVisible(true); return internalFrame; }
/** * Creates a new JInternalFrame based on the contents of an existing JFrame * * @param f the JFrame that will be used to create the JInternalFrame * @param desktop the JDesktopPane that will receive the JInternalFrame, if null it only retunrs * the internal frame * @return a new JInternalFrame */ public JInternalFrame transformToInternalFrame(JFrame f, JDesktopPane desktop) { JInternalFrame jif = new JInternalFrame(f.getTitle(), true, true, true, true); if (f.getIconImage() != null) jif.setFrameIcon(new ImageIcon(f.getIconImage())); if (desktop != null) desktop.add(jif); jif.setSize(f.getSize()); jif.setContentPane(f.getContentPane()); if (desktop != null) SwingUtilities.convertPointFromScreen(f.getLocation(), desktop); jif.setLocation(new Point(0, 0)); jif.setBounds(f.getBounds()); f.dispose(); jif.setVisible(true); return (jif); }
/** * Resets the triangle graphic to the fixed default location * * @author susiefu */ protected void resetTriangleToDefault() { int tribase = (Math.round((Math.min(editFrame.getSize().width, editFrame.getSize().height))) / 10 > 15) ? Math.round((Math.min(editFrame.getSize().width, editFrame.getSize().height))) / 10 : 15; // How wide // the base // of the // triangle // is triangleFrame.setSize(tribase, TRIANGLE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT); ((Triangle) triangleFrame.getContentPane()) .setGeometry("SE", 0, tribase, TRIANGLE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT, tribase); }
public JInternalFrame employeeFrame() { JInternalFrame f = new JInternalFrame(); f = new JInternalFrame( "Employee Database", false, // Resizable true, // Closable true, // Maximizable true); // Iconifiable f.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(employeeTable()); sp.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); sp.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); sp.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Employees")); f.add(buttonPanel(false), BorderLayout.NORTH); f.add(sp); // f.setLocation(loc); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JInternalFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); f.setFrameIcon(images.loadImage("Images/menubar/database_icon.png")); f.addInternalFrameListener(this); if (osp.isLowResolution()) f.setSize(550, 282); else if (osp.isMidResolution()) f.setSize(550, 282); else f.setSize(850, 500); // Width, Height f.setVisible(true); try { f.setSelected(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } return f; }
public MapEditor(LocalSettings localSettings) throws HeadlessException { setTitle(TITLE); setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); this.localSettings = localSettings; mainpane = new JDesktopPane(); mainpane.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); mainpane.setBackground(Color.GRAY); setContentPane(mainpane); LwjglApplicationConfiguration configuration = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); configuration.width = WIDTH; configuration.height = HEIGHT; levelHolder = new LevelHolder(); final LwjglCanvas lwjglCanvas = new LwjglCanvas(levelHolder, configuration); canvas = lwjglCanvas; levelHolderFrame = new JInternalFrame("EnJine2D Map", false, false, false, true); levelHolderFrame.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); levelHolderFrame.setVisible(true); palette = new Palette("Palette", true, false, true, true); palette.setVisible(true); palette.setLevelHolder(levelHolder); levelHolder.setPalette(palette); getContentPane().add(palette); getContentPane().add(levelHolderFrame); SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { levelHolderFrame.getContentPane().add(lwjglCanvas.getCanvas()); setVisible(true); } }); loadSettings(); levelHolderFrame.addComponentListener(this); palette.addComponentListener(this); addWindowListener(this); }
/** * Open the internal frame for the given {@link BuildOutput} (or bring it to the front, if it is * already open) * * @param buildOutput The {@link BuildOutput} */ private void openBuildOutputFrame(BuildOutput buildOutput) { JInternalFrame buildOutputFrame = openedBuildOutputFrames.get(buildOutput); if (buildOutputFrame != null) { buildOutputFrame.toFront(); return; } buildOutputFrame = new JInternalFrame(buildOutput.getProjectName(), true, true, true, true); openedBuildOutputFrames.put(buildOutput, buildOutputFrame); buildOutputFrame.addInternalFrameListener( new InternalFrameAdapter() { @Override public void internalFrameClosed(InternalFrameEvent e) { openedBuildOutputFrames.remove(buildOutput); } }); buildOutputFrame.getContentPane().add(new BuildOutputPanel(buildOutput)); desktopPane.add(buildOutputFrame); buildOutputFrame.setLocation(0, 0); buildOutputFrame.setSize(desktopPane.getSize()); buildOutputFrame.setVisible(true); }
/** * MouseListener implementation. Shows an internal frame with the picture of the player whose * label was clicked. */ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { Object source = evt.getSource(); if ((source == whiteLabel) || (source == blackLabel)) { String name = (source == whiteLabel ? getGame().getWhiteName() : getGame().getBlackName()); URL url; try { url = new URL("" + name + ".jpg"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } JInternalFrame frame = new UserImageInternalFrame(url, name); frame.setLocation(0, 0); JDesktopPane desktop = boardManager.getPluginContext().getMainFrame().getDesktop(); desktop.add(frame, JLayeredPane.PALETTE_LAYER); frame.setSize(frame.getPreferredSize()); frame.setVisible(true); frame.toFront(); } }
/** * Will update the triangle given the absolute location of the center of the moveButton. * * @author achang, adapted from code by susiefu */ public void updateTriangle(int x, int y) { Point realLocation = new Point(x, y); Dimension editFrameSize = editFrame.getSize(); Point editFrameLocation = editFrame.getLocation(); // new Point(realLocation.x - editFrameSize.width + buttonFrame.getWidth()*3/4, // realLocation.y + buttonFrame.getHeight()/2); int X_FUDGE = 15; int Y_FUDGE = 5; int tribase = (Math.round((Math.min(editFrameSize.width, editFrameSize.height))) / 10 > TRIANGLE_BASE) ? Math.round((Math.min(editFrameSize.width, editFrameSize.height))) / 10 : TRIANGLE_BASE; int tilt = -1; int cellX = getCellCenter().x; int cellY = getCellCenter().y; // System.out.println("kCW >> updateTriangle >> cellCenter="+getCellCenter()); int width, height; if (editFrameLocation.x + editFrameSize.width / 2 >= cellX && editFrameLocation.x - X_FUDGE <= cellX && editFrameLocation.y >= cellY) { // Right , bottom (DEFAULT) direction = "SE"; height = editFrameLocation.y - cellY; if (editFrameLocation.x >= cellX) { tilt = 0; // Pointing left width = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.x - cellX) + tribase; } else { tilt = 1; // Pointing right if (Math.abs(editFrameLocation.x - cellX) > tribase) { width = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.x - cellX); } else { width = tribase; } } } else if (editFrameLocation.x + editFrameSize.width / 2 < cellX && editFrameLocation.x + editFrameSize.width > cellX && editFrameLocation.y >= cellY + Y_FUDGE) { // Middle, // bottom direction = "S"; // SAME CODE AS "SE" DIRECTION BECAUSE OF OVERLAPPING // OF BUTTONS AND TRIANGLE height = editFrameLocation.y - cellY; if (editFrameLocation.x >= cellX) { tilt = 0; // Pointing left width = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.x - cellX) + tribase; } else { tilt = 1; // Pointing right if (Math.abs(editFrameLocation.x - cellX) > tribase) { width = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.x - cellX); } else { width = tribase; } } } else if (editFrameLocation.x + editFrameSize.width <= cellX && editFrameLocation.y + editFrameSize.height + 3 * Y_FUDGE >= cellY || editFrameLocation.x + 3 * editFrameSize.width / 2 < cellX && editFrameLocation.y + editFrameSize.height < cellY) { // Left, middle direction = "W"; width = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.x + editFrameSize.width - cellX); if (editFrameLocation.y >= cellY) { tilt = 0; // Pointing up height = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.y - cellY) + tribase; } else { tilt = 1; // Pointing down if (Math.abs(editFrameLocation.y - cellY) > tribase) { height = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.y - cellY); } else { height = tribase; } } } else if (editFrameLocation.x + editFrameSize.width / 2 <= cellX && editFrameLocation.x + 3 * editFrameSize.width / 2 >= cellX && editFrameLocation.y + editFrameSize.height + 3 * Y_FUDGE < cellY) { // Left, // top direction = "NW"; height = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.y + editFrameSize.height - cellY); if (editFrameLocation.x + editFrameSize.width > cellX) { tilt = 0; // Pointing left if (Math.abs(editFrameLocation.x + editFrameSize.width - cellX) > tribase) { width = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.x + editFrameSize.width - cellX); } else { width = tribase; } } else { tilt = 1; // Pointing right width = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.x + editFrameSize.width - cellX) + tribase; } } else if (editFrameLocation.x + editFrameSize.width / 2 > cellX && editFrameLocation.x - editFrameSize.width / 2 <= cellX && editFrameLocation.y + editFrameSize.height + Y_FUDGE < cellY) { // Middle, // top direction = "N"; height = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.y + editFrameSize.height - cellY); if (editFrameLocation.x >= cellX) { tilt = 0; // Pointing left width = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.x - cellX) + tribase; } else { tilt = 1; // Pointing right if (Math.abs(editFrameLocation.x - cellX) > tribase) { width = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.x - cellX); } else { width = tribase; } } } else if (editFrameLocation.x - X_FUDGE > cellX || editFrameLocation.y - editFrameSize.height / 2 >= cellY && editFrameLocation.x - X_FUDGE <= cellX) { // Right, middle direction = "E"; width = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.x - cellX); if (editFrameLocation.y >= cellY) { tilt = 0; // Pointing up height = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.y - cellY) + tribase; } else { tilt = 1; // Pointing down if (Math.abs(editFrameLocation.y - cellY) > tribase) { height = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.y - cellY); } else { height = tribase; } } } else { direction = "NONE"; height = editFrameLocation.y - cellY; if (editFrameLocation.x >= cellX) { tilt = 0; width = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.x - cellX) + tribase; } else { tilt = 1; if (Math.abs(editFrameLocation.x - cellX) > tribase) { width = Math.abs(editFrameLocation.x - cellX); } else { width = tribase; } } } triangleFrame.setSize(width, height); ((Triangle) triangleFrame.getContentPane()) .setGeometry(direction, tilt, width, height, tribase); setFrameGeometry( direction, tilt, realLocation.x - editFrameSize.width + buttonFrame.getWidth() * 3 / 4, realLocation.y - buttonFrame.getWidth() / 2); }
/** * Constructor: The one we're working on right now. * * @param id * @param label * @param desktop */ public kCodeWindow(String id, String label, JDesktopPane desktop) { = id; this.desktop = desktop; // make the editor portions TextAreaDefaults editareaSettings = new PdeTextAreaDefaults(); editareaSettings.rows = TEXTAREA_DEFAULT_ROWS; editareaSettings.cols = TEXTAREA_DEFAULT_COLS; textarea = new JEditTextArea(editareaSettings); textarea.getDocument().setTokenMarker(Editor.pdeTokenMarker); textarea.setEventsEnabled( false); // suppress JEditTextArea events (not that anyone is listening to it) textarea.setEditable(true); textarea.setHorizontalOffset(TEXTAREA_HORIZ_OFFSET); textarea.getPainter().setLineHighlightEnabled(false); // else looks funny textarea.getPainter().setBackground(kConstants.CODE_WINDOW_COLOR); setShortcutKeystrokes(); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textarea); scrollPane.setBorder(null); // scrollPane.setOpaque(true); editFrame = new JInternalFrame(label, true, false, false, false); editFrame.setContentPane(textarea); editFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.HIDE_ON_CLOSE); editFrame.setSize(editFrame_DEFAULT_WIDTH, editFrame_DEFAULT_HEIGHT); editFrame.setBorder(null); editFrame.setOpaque(true); // make the triangle triangleFrame = new JInternalFrame("", false, false, false, false); triangleFrame.setOpaque(false); triangleFrame .getRootPane() .setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); // needs this to actually do the trick triangleFrame.setContentPane( new Triangle("SE", 0, TRIANGLE_BASE, TRIANGLE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT, TRIANGLE_BASE)); triangleFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.HIDE_ON_CLOSE); triangleFrame.setSize(TRIANGLE_BASE, TRIANGLE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT); triangleFrame.setBorder(null); // remove the ability to move the triangle iframe MouseMotionListener[] actions = (MouseMotionListener[]) triangleFrame.getListeners(MouseMotionListener.class); for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) triangleFrame.removeMouseMotionListener(actions[i]); // make the buttons moveButton = new JButton(Base.getImageIcon("codewindow-activ-move.gif", desktop)); moveButton.setDisabledIcon(Base.getImageIcon("codewindow-inact-move.gif", desktop)); moveButton.setVisible(true); moveButton.setBorder(null); moveButton.setOpaque(false); moveButton.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); closeButton = new JButton(Base.getImageIcon("codewindow-activ-close.gif", desktop)); closeButton.setDisabledIcon(Base.getImageIcon("codewindow-inact-close.gif", desktop)); closeButton.setVisible(true); closeButton.setBorder(null); closeButton.setOpaque(false); closeButton.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(); buttonPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 1, 0)); buttonPanel.setBorder(null); buttonPanel.setOpaque(false); buttonPanel.add(moveButton); buttonPanel.add(closeButton); buttonFrame = new JInternalFrame("", false, false, false, false); buttonFrame.setContentPane(buttonPanel); buttonFrame.setOpaque(false); buttonFrame.getRootPane().setBackground(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); buttonFrame.setSize(BUTTON_ICON_WIDTH * 2 + BUTTON_GAP, BUTTON_ICON_HEIGHT); buttonFrame.setBorder(null); // myriad event handling installFocusHandlers(buttonPanel); // hide code window when escape key is hit textarea.addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) setVisible(false); } }); // add dragging function of the move button, // reset the triangle after mouse release, and shift the editFrame // along with the mouse when the user is moving the window mxMouseControl moveListener = createMoveListener(); moveButton.addMouseListener(moveListener); moveButton.addMouseMotionListener(moveListener); closeButton.addMouseListener(createCloseListener()); // listens to resizing of editFrame and adjusts the position of the // buttons and the shape of the triangle accordingly editFrame.addComponentListener(createResizeListener()); // when code windows are on top of each other, layers them correctly // such that when the user clicks on any part of a code window // all three component internal frames are brought to the top // so they appear "focused" also InternalFrameListener iframeListener = new InternalFrameAdapter() { public void internalFrameActivated(InternalFrameEvent e) { moveToFrontLayer(); } public void internalFrameDeactivated(InternalFrameEvent e) { moveToBackLayer(); } }; editFrame.addInternalFrameListener(iframeListener); buttonFrame.addInternalFrameListener(iframeListener); triangleFrame.addInternalFrameListener(iframeListener); // add everything to desktop desktop.add(editFrame); desktop.add(buttonFrame); desktop.add(triangleFrame); moveToBackLayer(); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JDesktopPane dp = (JDesktopPane) e.getSource(); String key = getName(); if (CLOSE == key || MAXIMIZE == key || MINIMIZE == key || RESTORE == key) { setState(dp, key); } else if (ESCAPE == key) { if (sourceFrame == dp.getSelectedFrame() && focusOwner != null) { focusOwner.requestFocus(); } moving = false; resizing = false; sourceFrame = null; focusOwner = null; } else if (MOVE == key || RESIZE == key) { sourceFrame = dp.getSelectedFrame(); if (sourceFrame == null) { return; } moving = (key == MOVE) ? true : false; resizing = (key == RESIZE) ? true : false; focusOwner = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner(); if (!SwingUtilities.isDescendingFrom(focusOwner, sourceFrame)) { focusOwner = null; } sourceFrame.requestFocus(); } else if (LEFT == key || RIGHT == key || UP == key || DOWN == key || SHRINK_RIGHT == key || SHRINK_LEFT == key || SHRINK_UP == key || SHRINK_DOWN == key) { JInternalFrame c = dp.getSelectedFrame(); if (sourceFrame == null || c != sourceFrame || KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner() != sourceFrame) { return; } Insets minOnScreenInsets = UIManager.getInsets("Desktop.minOnScreenInsets"); Dimension size = c.getSize(); Dimension minSize = c.getMinimumSize(); int dpWidth = dp.getWidth(); int dpHeight = dp.getHeight(); int delta; Point loc = c.getLocation(); if (LEFT == key) { if (moving) { c.setLocation( loc.x + size.width - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT < minOnScreenInsets.right ? -size.width + minOnScreenInsets.right : loc.x - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT, loc.y); } else if (resizing) { c.setLocation(loc.x - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT, loc.y); c.setSize(size.width + MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT, size.height); } } else if (RIGHT == key) { if (moving) { c.setLocation( loc.x + MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT > dpWidth - minOnScreenInsets.left ? dpWidth - minOnScreenInsets.left : loc.x + MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT, loc.y); } else if (resizing) { c.setSize(size.width + MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT, size.height); } } else if (UP == key) { if (moving) { c.setLocation( loc.x, loc.y + size.height - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT < minOnScreenInsets.bottom ? -size.height + minOnScreenInsets.bottom : loc.y - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT); } else if (resizing) { c.setLocation(loc.x, loc.y - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT); c.setSize(size.width, size.height + MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT); } } else if (DOWN == key) { if (moving) { c.setLocation( loc.x, loc.y + MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT > dpHeight - ? dpHeight - : loc.y + MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT); } else if (resizing) { c.setSize(size.width, size.height + MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT); } } else if (SHRINK_LEFT == key && resizing) { // Make sure we don't resize less than minimum size. if (minSize.width < (size.width - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT)) { delta = MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT; } else { delta = size.width - minSize.width; } // Ensure that we keep the internal frame on the desktop. if (loc.x + size.width - delta < minOnScreenInsets.left) { delta = loc.x + size.width - minOnScreenInsets.left; } c.setSize(size.width - delta, size.height); } else if (SHRINK_RIGHT == key && resizing) { // Make sure we don't resize less than minimum size. if (minSize.width < (size.width - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT)) { delta = MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT; } else { delta = size.width - minSize.width; } // Ensure that we keep the internal frame on the desktop. if (loc.x + delta > dpWidth - minOnScreenInsets.right) { delta = (dpWidth - minOnScreenInsets.right) - loc.x; } c.setLocation(loc.x + delta, loc.y); c.setSize(size.width - delta, size.height); } else if (SHRINK_UP == key && resizing) { // Make sure we don't resize less than minimum size. if (minSize.height < (size.height - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT)) { delta = MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT; } else { delta = size.height - minSize.height; } // Ensure that we keep the internal frame on the desktop. if (loc.y + size.height - delta < minOnScreenInsets.bottom) { delta = loc.y + size.height - minOnScreenInsets.bottom; } c.setSize(size.width, size.height - delta); } else if (SHRINK_DOWN == key && resizing) { // Make sure we don't resize less than minimum size. if (minSize.height < (size.height - MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT)) { delta = MOVE_RESIZE_INCREMENT; } else { delta = size.height - minSize.height; } // Ensure that we keep the internal frame on the desktop. if (loc.y + delta > dpHeight - { delta = (dpHeight - - loc.y; } c.setLocation(loc.x, loc.y + delta); c.setSize(size.width, size.height - delta); } } else if (NEXT_FRAME == key || PREVIOUS_FRAME == key) { dp.selectFrame((key == NEXT_FRAME) ? true : false); } else if (NAVIGATE_NEXT == key || NAVIGATE_PREVIOUS == key) { boolean moveForward = true; if (NAVIGATE_PREVIOUS == key) { moveForward = false; } Container cycleRoot = dp.getFocusCycleRootAncestor(); if (cycleRoot != null) { FocusTraversalPolicy policy = cycleRoot.getFocusTraversalPolicy(); if (policy != null && policy instanceof SortingFocusTraversalPolicy) { SortingFocusTraversalPolicy sPolicy = (SortingFocusTraversalPolicy) policy; boolean idc = sPolicy.getImplicitDownCycleTraversal(); try { sPolicy.setImplicitDownCycleTraversal(false); if (moveForward) { KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().focusNextComponent(dp); } else { KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().focusPreviousComponent(dp); } } finally { sPolicy.setImplicitDownCycleTraversal(idc); } } } } }
// ´°¿ÚµÄ»ù±¾ÅäÖà public void initWindow() { dispose(); setUndecorated(true); setRootPaneCheckingEnabled(false); setSize(380, 296); setResizable(false); javax.swing.plaf.InternalFrameUI jf = jif.getUI(); ((javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameUI) jf).setNorthPane(null); jif.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.LIGHT_GRAY, 2)); jif.setSize(380, 296); jif.setEnabled(false); jsetup.setBounds(287, -2, 28, 20); jclose.setBounds(343, -2, 39, 20); jmin.setBounds(315, -2, 28, 20); jif.getContentPane().add(jsetup); jif.getContentPane().add(jclose); jif.getContentPane().add(jmin); setJLabel(header); header.setBounds(20, 140, 87, 87); jif.getContentPane().add(header); setJLabel(photo); photo.setBounds(23, 142, 83, 83); jif.getContentPane().add(photo); userInput.setBounds(118, 142, 188, 25); userInput.setEditable(true); userInput.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", 0, 14)); jif.getContentPane().add(userInput); setJLabel(register); register.setBounds(316, 144, 51, 16); jif.getContentPane().add(register); pwdInput.setBounds(118, 175, 188, 25); jif.getContentPane().add(pwdInput); setJLabel(minaFind); minaFind.setBounds(316, 178, 51, 16); jif.getContentPane().add(minaFind); remPwd.setBounds(117, 210, 72, 16); jif.getContentPane().add(remPwd); setJCheckbox(remPwd); autoLogin.setBounds(202, 210, 72, 16); jif.getContentPane().add(autoLogin); setJCheckbox(autoLogin); setJLabel(swit); swit.setBounds(15, 255, 25, 25); jif.getContentPane().add(swit); setButton(jlogin); jlogin.setBounds(115, 247, 165, 40); jlogin.setFont(new Font("ËÎÌå", 0, 12)); jlogin.setIconTextGap(-108); jif.getContentPane().add(jlogin); setJLabel(right); right.setBounds(333, 248, 38, 38); jif.getContentPane().add(right); setJLabel(state); state.setBounds(92, 210, 11, 11); jif.getContentPane().add(state, 3); setWindowDray(jif); jif.getContentPane().add(bg); getContentPane().add(jif); setLocation( (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width - getSize().width) / 2, (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().height - getSize().height) / 2); setButton(jsetup); setButton(jclose); setButton(jmin); this.setTitle("PQQ-"); this.setIconImage(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("pics/xiaomi.jpg")).getImage()); setAlwaysOnTop(true); jif.setVisible(true); setVisible(true); }
/** * Method to handle hyper link events. * * @param event hyper link event */ public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent event) { if (event.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) { setCursor(cbusy); try { URL url = event.getURL(); int ind1 = event.getDescription().indexOf("["); int ind2 = event.getDescription().lastIndexOf("]"); String search = ""; if (ind1 > -1 && ind2 > -1) search = event.getDescription().substring(ind1 + 1, ind2); else { ind1 = event.getDescription().indexOf("=") + 1; // genedb if (ind1 > -1) search = event.getDescription().substring(ind1); } if (desktop != null) { if (BigPane.srsTabPane.isSelected()) setUpSRSFrame(url, search); if (BigPane.srsWin.isSelected()) { int hgt = (2 * desktop.getHeight()) / 3; Annotation edPane = new Annotation(url); JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(edPane); JInternalFrame jif = new JInternalFrame( "SRS " + search, true, // resizable true, // closable true, // maximizable true); // iconifiable); JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); menuBar.add(new CommonMenu(jif)); jif.setJMenuBar(menuBar); jif.getContentPane().add(jsp); jif.setLocation(0, 0); jif.setSize(800, hgt); jif.setVisible(true); desktop.add(jif); } if (BigPane.srsBrowser.isSelected()) BrowserControl.displayURL(event.getDescription()); } else { setPage(url); back.add(url); } } catch (IOException ioe) { String msg = event.getDescription(); if (msg.length() > 50) msg = msg.substring(0, 50) + "...."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Cannot reach URL:\n" + msg, "Cannot Connect", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); // ioe.printStackTrace(); // ("Can't follow link to " + // event.getURL().toExternalForm() ); } setCursor(cdone); } else if (event.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ENTERED) { try { JTextField statusField = (JTextField) BigPane.srsFrame.getContentPane().getComponent(1); statusField.setText(event.getDescription()); } catch (Exception exp) { } } else if (event.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.EXITED) { try { JTextField statusField = (JTextField) BigPane.srsFrame.getContentPane().getComponent(1); statusField.setText(""); } catch (Exception exp) { } } }
public SceneLayoutApp() { super(); new Pair(); final JFrame frame = new JFrame("Scene Layout"); final JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); frame.setContentPane(panel); final Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); frame.setMaximumSize(screenSize); frame.setSize(screenSize); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); final JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar(); frame.setJMenuBar(mb); final JMenu jMenu = new JMenu("File"); mb.add(jMenu); mb.add(new JMenu("Edit")); mb.add(new JMenu("Help")); JMenu menu = new JMenu("Look and Feel"); // // Get all the available look and feel that we are going to use for // creating the JMenuItem and assign the action listener to handle // the selection of menu item to change the look and feel. // UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo[] lookAndFeelInfos = UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels(); for (int i = 0; i < lookAndFeelInfos.length; i++) { final UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo lookAndFeelInfo = lookAndFeelInfos[i]; JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(lookAndFeelInfo.getName()); item.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { // // Set the look and feel for the frame and update the UI // to use a new selected look and feel. // UIManager.setLookAndFeel(lookAndFeelInfo.getClassName()); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(frame); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (InstantiationException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } }); menu.add(item); } mb.add(menu); jMenu.add(new JMenuItem(new scene.action.QuitAction())); panel.add(new JScrollPane(desktopPane), BorderLayout.CENTER); final JToolBar bar = new JToolBar(); panel.add(bar, BorderLayout.NORTH); final JComboBox comboNewWindow = new JComboBox( new String[] {"320:180", "320:240", "640:360", "640:480", "1280:720", "1920:1080"}); comboNewWindow.addActionListener(new CreateSceneWindowAction()); comboNewWindow.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Create New Window")); bar.add(comboNewWindow); bar.add( new AbstractAction("Progress Bars") { /** Invoked when an action occurs. */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { new ProgressBarAnimator(); } }); bar.add( new AbstractAction("Sliders") { /** Invoked when an action occurs. */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { new SliderBarAnimator(); } }); final JCheckBox permaViz = new JCheckBox(); permaViz.setText("Show the dump window"); permaViz.setBorder(BorderFactory.createBevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED)); dumpWindow = new JInternalFrame("perma dump window"); dumpWindow.setContentPane(new JScrollPane(permText)); permaViz.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { dumpWindow.setVisible(permaViz.isSelected()); } }); comboNewWindow.setMaximumSize(comboNewWindow.getPreferredSize()); permaViz.setSelected(false); bar.add(new CreateWebViewV1Action()); bar.add(new CreateWebViewV2Action()); bar.add(permaViz); desktopPane.add(dumpWindow); dumpWindow.setSize(400, 400); dumpWindow.setResizable(true); dumpWindow.setClosable(false); dumpWindow.setIconifiable(false); final JMenuBar m = new JMenuBar(); final JMenu cmenu = new JMenu("Create"); m.add(cmenu); final JMenuItem menuItem = new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("new") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { Object[] in = (Object[]) XSTREAM.fromXML(permText.getText()); final JInternalFrame ff = new JInternalFrame(); final ScenePanel c = new ScenePanel(); ff.setContentPane(c); desktopPane.add(ff); final Dimension d = (Dimension) in[0]; c.setMaximumSize(d); c.setPreferredSize(d); ff.setSize(d.width + 50, d.height + 50); ScenePanel.panes.put(c, (List<Pair<Point, ArrayList<URL>>>) in[1]); c.invalidate(); c.repaint(); ff.pack(); ff.setClosable(true); ff.setMaximizable(false); ff.setIconifiable(false); ff.setResizable(false);; } }; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(runnable); } }); cmenu.add(menuItem); // JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); // getContentPane().add(menuBar); dumpWindow.setJMenuBar(m); frame.setVisible(true); }