public static Point getCenterOf(final Component aContainer, final JComponent content) { final JComponent component = getTargetComponent(aContainer); Point containerScreenPoint = component.getVisibleRect().getLocation(); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(containerScreenPoint, aContainer); return UIUtil.getCenterPoint( new Rectangle(containerScreenPoint, component.getVisibleRect().getSize()), content.getPreferredSize()); }
public static void scroll( JComponent c, Rectangle r, ScrollBias horizontalBias, ScrollBias verticalBias) { Rectangle visible = c.getVisibleRect(); Rectangle dest = new Rectangle(r); if (dest.width > visible.width) { if (horizontalBias == ScrollBias.VIEWPORT) { // leave as is } else if (horizontalBias == ScrollBias.UNCHANGED) { if (dest.x <= visible.x && dest.x + dest.width >= visible.x + visible.width) { dest.width = visible.width; } } else { if (horizontalBias == ScrollBias.CENTER) { dest.x += (dest.width - visible.width) / 2; } else if (horizontalBias == ScrollBias.LAST) dest.x += dest.width - visible.width; dest.width = visible.width; } } if (dest.height > visible.height) { // same code as above in the other direction } if (!visible.contains(dest)) c.scrollRectToVisible(dest); }
public static void center(JComponent c, Rectangle r, boolean withInsets) { Rectangle visible = c.getVisibleRect(); visible.x = r.x - (visible.width - r.width) / 2; visible.y = r.y - (visible.height - r.height) / 2; Rectangle bounds = c.getBounds(); Insets i = withInsets ? new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0) : c.getInsets(); bounds.x = i.left; bounds.y =; bounds.width -= i.left + i.right; bounds.height -= + i.bottom; if (visible.x < bounds.x) visible.x = bounds.x; if (visible.x + visible.width > bounds.x + bounds.width) visible.x = bounds.x + bounds.width - visible.width; if (visible.y < bounds.y) visible.y = bounds.y; if (visible.y + visible.height > bounds.y + bounds.height) visible.y = bounds.y + bounds.height - visible.height; c.scrollRectToVisible(visible); }
private void moveVisibleRect(Point center) { JComponent component = scene.getView(); if (component == null) { return; } double zoomFactor = scene.getZoomFactor(); Rectangle bounds = scene.getBounds(); Dimension size = getSize(); double sx = bounds.width > 0 ? (double) size.width / bounds.width : 0.0; double sy = bounds.width > 0 ? (double) size.height / bounds.height : 0.0; double scale = Math.min(sx, sy); int vw = (int) (scale * bounds.width); int vh = (int) (scale * bounds.height); int vx = (size.width - vw) / 2; int vy = (size.height - vh) / 2; int cx = (int) ((double) (center.x - vx) / scale * zoomFactor); int cy = (int) ((double) (center.y - vy) / scale * zoomFactor); Rectangle visibleRect = component.getVisibleRect(); visibleRect.x = cx - visibleRect.width / 2; visibleRect.y = cy - visibleRect.height / 2; component.scrollRectToVisible(visibleRect); this.repaint(); }
public void updateLocation(JComponent container) { final Rectangle rec = container.getVisibleRect(); final Dimension iconSize = getPreferredSize(); final Rectangle newBounds = new Rectangle(rec.x + rec.width - iconSize.width, rec.y, iconSize.width, iconSize.height); if (!newBounds.equals(getBounds())) { setBounds(newBounds); container.repaint(); } }
private void attach(Panner panner, boolean nextCorner) { Rectangle visible = target.getVisibleRect(); Dimension sz = size; if (sz == null) { sz = new Dimension(visible.width, visible.height); sz.width = sz.width * percent / 100; sz.height = sz.height * percent / 100; } panner.setSize(sz); if (corner != CENTER && nextCorner) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastHidden < MOVE_TIMEOUT) { corner = (corner + 1) & 0x3; } else { corner = 0; } } int x = visible.x; int y = visible.y; switch (corner) { case UL: x += offset.x; y += offset.y; break; case UR: x += visible.width - offset.x - panner.getPreferredSize().width; y += offset.y; break; case LR: x += visible.width - offset.x - panner.getPreferredSize().width; y += visible.height - offset.y - panner.getPreferredSize().height; break; case LL: x += offset.x; y += visible.height - offset.y - panner.getPreferredSize().height; break; case CENTER: default: x += (visible.width - panner.getPreferredSize().width) / 2; y += (visible.height - panner.getPreferredSize().height) / 2; break; } panner.attach(x, y); panner.revalidate(); panner.repaint(); }
public void paint(Graphics g) { Graphics2D gr = (Graphics2D) g; super.paint(g); Rectangle bounds = scene.getBounds(); Dimension size = getSize(); double sx = bounds.width > 0 ? (double) size.width / bounds.width : 0.0; double sy = bounds.width > 0 ? (double) size.height / bounds.height : 0.0; double scale = Math.min(sx, sy); int vw = (int) (scale * bounds.width); int vh = (int) (scale * bounds.height); int vx = (size.width - vw) / 2; int vy = (size.height - vh) / 2; if (image == null || vw != imageWidth || vh != imageHeight) { imageWidth = vw; imageHeight = vh; image = this.createImage(imageWidth, imageHeight); Graphics2D ig = (Graphics2D) image.getGraphics(); ig.scale(scale, scale); scene.setRealZoomFactor(scale); scene.paint(ig); scene.setRealZoomFactor(0.0); } gr.drawImage(image, vx, vy, this); JComponent component = scene.getView(); double zoomFactor = scene.getZoomFactor(); Rectangle viewRectangle = component != null ? component.getVisibleRect() : null; if (viewRectangle != null) { Rectangle window = new Rectangle( (int) ((double) viewRectangle.x * scale / zoomFactor), (int) ((double) viewRectangle.y * scale / zoomFactor), (int) ((double) viewRectangle.width * scale / zoomFactor), (int) ((double) viewRectangle.height * scale / zoomFactor)); window.translate(vx, vy); gr.setColor(new Color(200, 200, 200, 128)); gr.fill(window); gr.setColor(Color.BLACK); gr.drawRect(window.x, window.y, window.width - 1, window.height - 1); } }
/** * @param aEvent * @param aStartPoint */ protected void handleZoomRegion(final MouseEvent aEvent, final Point aStartPoint) { // For now, disabled by default as it isn't 100% working yet... if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("zoomregionenabled", "false")))) { return; } final JComponent source = (JComponent) aEvent.getComponent(); final boolean dragging = (aEvent.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED); final GhostGlassPane glassPane = (GhostGlassPane) SwingUtilities.getRootPane(source).getGlassPane(); Rectangle viewRect; final JScrollPane scrollPane = SwingComponentUtils.getAncestorOfClass(JScrollPane.class, source); if (scrollPane != null) { final JViewport viewport = scrollPane.getViewport(); viewRect = SwingUtilities.convertRectangle(viewport, viewport.getVisibleRect(), glassPane); } else { viewRect = SwingUtilities.convertRectangle(source, source.getVisibleRect(), glassPane); } final Point start = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(source, aStartPoint, glassPane); final Point current = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(source, aEvent.getPoint(), glassPane); if (dragging) { if (!glassPane.isVisible()) { glassPane.setVisible(true); glassPane.setRenderer(new RubberBandRenderer(), start, current, viewRect); } else { glassPane.updateRenderer(start, current, viewRect); } glassPane.repaintPartially(); } else /* if ( !dragging ) */ { // Fire off a signal to the zoom controller to do its job... this.controller.getZoomController().zoomRegion(aStartPoint, aEvent.getPoint()); glassPane.setVisible(false); } }
public static void paintImmediately(JComponent component) { component.paintImmediately(component.getVisibleRect()); }
/** * Must be overwritten because Swing uses this method to tell if 2 elements are overlapping It's * also used to determine which element gets selected if there are overlapping elements (the * smallest one) IMPORTANT: on overlapping elements, contains is called for all elements until the * first one returns true, then the others contain methods are not called * * <p>In future this logic should be the same as in * BaseletGWT.DrawPanel.getGridElementOnPosition() which is much simpler because its externally * calculated (this migration is only possible if there are not GridElement Listeners, but instead * only one Diagram Listener which delegates the event to the specific GridElement like in GWT) */ public static boolean checkForOverlap(GridElement gridElement, Point p) { JComponent component = (JComponent) gridElement.getComponent(); java.awt.Rectangle rectangle = component.getVisibleRect(); Point absolute = new Point( gridElement.getRectangle().getX() + p.getX(), gridElement.getRectangle().getY() + p.getY()); if (!rectangle.contains(p.x, p.y)) { return false; } DrawPanel drawPanel = HandlerElementMap.getHandlerForElement(gridElement).getDrawPanel(); List<GridElement> elements = drawPanel.getGridElements(); Selector selector = drawPanel.getSelector(); for (GridElement other : elements) { if (other == gridElement || other.getLayer() < gridElement.getLayer() || !other.isSelectableOn(absolute)) { continue; // ignore this element, elements with a lower layer and elements which are not // selectable on the point } // issue #260: if a relation is the only selected element its selection should be retained if (gridElement instanceof Relation && other instanceof Relation) { if (selector.isSelectedOnly(gridElement)) { return true; } if (selector.isSelectedOnly(other)) { return false; } } JComponent otherComponent = (JComponent) other.getComponent(); if (other.getLayer() > gridElement .getLayer()) { // elements with higher layer can "overwrite" contains-value of this // move point to coordinate system of other entity Point other_p = new Point( p.x + gridElement.getRectangle().x - other.getRectangle().x, p.y + gridElement.getRectangle().y - other.getRectangle().y); if (otherComponent.contains(Converter.convert(other_p))) { return false; } } java.awt.Rectangle other_rectangle = otherComponent.getVisibleRect(); // move bounds to coordinate system of this component other_rectangle.x += other.getRectangle().x - gridElement.getRectangle().x; other_rectangle.y += other.getRectangle().y - gridElement.getRectangle().y; // when elements intersect, select the smaller element except if it is an old relation // (because they have a larger rectangle than they use). NOTE: Old Relations are not checked // because they do not properly implement isSelectableOn if (!(other instanceof com.baselet.element.old.element.Relation) && rectangle.intersects(other_rectangle) && firstSmallerThanSecond(other_rectangle, rectangle)) { return false; } } return true; }
/** * Returns a point at the center of the visible rectangle of the given {@code JComponent}. * * <p><b>Note:</b> This method is accessed in the current executing thread. Such thread may or may * not be the event dispatch thread (EDT.) Client code must call this method from the EDT. * * @param c the given {@code JComponent}. * @return a point at the center of the visible rectangle of the given {@code JComponent}. */ @RunsInCurrentThread public static @Nonnull Point centerOfVisibleRect(@Nonnull JComponent c) { Rectangle r = c.getVisibleRect(); return centerOf(checkNotNull(r)); }
@NotNull @Override public RelativePoint guessBestPopupLocation(@NotNull final JComponent component) { Point popupMenuPoint = null; final Rectangle visibleRect = component.getVisibleRect(); if (component instanceof JList) { // JList JList list = (JList) component; int firstVisibleIndex = list.getFirstVisibleIndex(); int lastVisibleIndex = list.getLastVisibleIndex(); int[] selectedIndices = list.getSelectedIndices(); for (int index : selectedIndices) { if (firstVisibleIndex <= index && index <= lastVisibleIndex) { Rectangle cellBounds = list.getCellBounds(index, index); popupMenuPoint = new Point(visibleRect.x + visibleRect.width / 4, cellBounds.y + cellBounds.height); break; } } } else if (component instanceof JTree) { // JTree JTree tree = (JTree) component; int[] selectionRows = tree.getSelectionRows(); if (selectionRows != null) { Arrays.sort(selectionRows); for (int i = 0; i < selectionRows.length; i++) { int row = selectionRows[i]; Rectangle rowBounds = tree.getRowBounds(row); if (visibleRect.contains(rowBounds)) { popupMenuPoint = new Point(rowBounds.x + 2, rowBounds.y + rowBounds.height - 1); break; } } if (popupMenuPoint == null) { // All selected rows are out of visible rect Point visibleCenter = new Point( visibleRect.x + visibleRect.width / 2, visibleRect.y + visibleRect.height / 2); double minDistance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; int bestRow = -1; Point rowCenter; double distance; for (int i = 0; i < selectionRows.length; i++) { int row = selectionRows[i]; Rectangle rowBounds = tree.getRowBounds(row); rowCenter = new Point(rowBounds.x + rowBounds.width / 2, rowBounds.y + rowBounds.height / 2); distance = visibleCenter.distance(rowCenter); if (minDistance > distance) { minDistance = distance; bestRow = row; } } if (bestRow != -1) { Rectangle rowBounds = tree.getRowBounds(bestRow); tree.scrollRectToVisible( new Rectangle( rowBounds.x, rowBounds.y, Math.min(visibleRect.width, rowBounds.width), rowBounds.height)); popupMenuPoint = new Point(rowBounds.x + 2, rowBounds.y + rowBounds.height - 1); } } } } else if (component instanceof JTable) { JTable table = (JTable) component; int column = table.getColumnModel().getSelectionModel().getLeadSelectionIndex(); int row = Math.max( table.getSelectionModel().getLeadSelectionIndex(), table.getSelectionModel().getAnchorSelectionIndex()); Rectangle rect = table.getCellRect(row, column, false); if (!visibleRect.intersects(rect)) { table.scrollRectToVisible(rect); } popupMenuPoint = new Point(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height); } else if (component instanceof PopupOwner) { popupMenuPoint = ((PopupOwner) component).getBestPopupPosition(); } if (popupMenuPoint == null) { popupMenuPoint = new Point(visibleRect.x + visibleRect.width / 2, visibleRect.y + visibleRect.height / 2); } return new RelativePoint(component, popupMenuPoint); }