   * Adds resources for contact.
   * @param tip the tool tip
   * @param protocolContact the protocol contact, which resources we're looking for
  private void addContactResourceTooltipLines(ExtendedTooltip tip, Contact protocolContact) {
    Collection<ContactResource> contactResources = protocolContact.getResources();

    if (contactResources == null) return;

    Iterator<ContactResource> resourcesIter = contactResources.iterator();

    while (resourcesIter.hasNext()) {
      ContactResource contactResource = resourcesIter.next();

      // We only add the status icon if we have more than one resources,
      // otherwise it will always be identical to the contact status icon.
      ImageIcon protocolStatusIcon = null;
      if (contactResources.size() > 1) {
        protocolStatusIcon =

      String resourceName =
          (contactResource.getPriority() >= 0)
              ? contactResource.getResourceName() + " (" + contactResource.getPriority() + ")"
              : contactResource.getResourceName();

      if (protocolStatusIcon == null) tip.addSubLine(protocolStatusIcon, resourceName, 27);
      else tip.addSubLine(protocolStatusIcon, resourceName, 20);

  * Returns the presence status of this transport.
  * @return the presence status of this transport.
 public PresenceStatus getStatus() {
   if (contactResource != null) return contactResource.getPresenceStatus();
   else return contact.getPresenceStatus();