public StyledHTMLEditorPane() {

    this.document = (HTMLDocument) this.getDocument();


   * Sets the font used for HTML displays to the specified font. Components that display HTML do not
   * necessarily honor font properties, since the HTML document can override these values. Calling
   * {@code setHtmlFont} after the data is set will force the HTML display to use the font specified
   * to this method.
   * @param doc the HTML document to update
   * @param font the font to use
   * @throws NullPointerException if any parameter is {@code null}
  public static void setHtmlFont(HTMLDocument doc, Font font) {
    String stylesheet =
        String.format(STYLESHEET, font.getName(), font.getSize(), font.getName(), font.getSize());

    try {
      doc.getStyleSheet().loadRules(new StringReader(stylesheet), null);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      // this should never happen with our sheet
      throw new IllegalStateException(e);
  * Sets the default font for an HTML document (e.g., in a tool tip displaying HTML). This is here
  * because when rendering HTML, {@code setFont()} is not honored.
  * @param doc The document to modify.
  * @param font The font to use.
  * @param fg The default foreground color.
 public static void setFont(HTMLDocument doc, Font font, Color fg) {
           "body { font-family: "
               + font.getFamily()
               + "; font-size: "
               + font.getSize()
               + "pt"
               + "; color: "
               + getHexString(fg)
               + "; }");
   * Tweaks a <code>JEditorPane</code> so it can be used to render the content in a focusable
   * pseudo-tool tip. It is assumed that the editor pane is using an <code>HTMLDocument</code>.
   * @param textArea The editor pane to tweak.
  public static void tweakTipEditorPane(JEditorPane textArea) {

    // Jump through a few hoops to get things looking nice in Nimbus
    boolean isNimbus = isNimbusLookAndFeel();
    if (isNimbus) {
      Color selBG = textArea.getSelectionColor();
      Color selFG = textArea.getSelectedTextColor();
      textArea.setUI(new javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicEditorPaneUI());

    textArea.setEditable(false); // Required for links to work!
    textArea.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));

    // Make selection visible even though we are not (initially) focusable.

    // Set the foreground color.  Important because when rendering HTML,
    // default foreground becomes black, which may not match all LAF's
    // (e.g. Substance).
    Color fg = UIManager.getColor("Label.foreground");
    if (fg == null || (isNimbus && isDerivedColor(fg))) {
      fg = SystemColor.textText;

    // Make it use the "tool tip" background color.

    // Force JEditorPane to use a certain font even in HTML.
    // All standard LookAndFeels, even Nimbus (!), define Label.font.
    Font font = UIManager.getFont("Label.font");
    if (font == null) { // Try to make a sensible default
      font = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 12);
    HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument) textArea.getDocument();
    setFont(doc, font, fg);

    // Always add link foreground rule.  Unfortunately these CSS rules
    // stack each time the LaF is changed (how can we overwrite them
    // without clearing out the important "standard" ones?).
    Color linkFG = RSyntaxUtilities.getHyperlinkForeground();
    doc.getStyleSheet().addRule("a { color: " + getHexString(linkFG) + "; }");
  * Modify the current base font size
  * @param s the size to add to the current size
 public void modifyFont(final int s) {
   try {
     currentFontSize = Math.min(Math.max(0, currentFontSize + s), 6);
     HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument) accessibleHtml.getDocument();
     StyleContext.NamedStyle style =
         (StyleContext.NamedStyle) doc.getStyleSheet().getStyle("body");
     MutableAttributeSet attr = (MutableAttributeSet) style.getResolveParent();
     if (StyleConstants.getFontSize(attr) != fontSizes[currentFontSize]) {
       StyleConstants.setFontSize(attr, fontSizes[currentFontSize]);
   } catch (NullPointerException e) {
     // Can occur if the user is changing quickly the document
         () -> {
Exemple #6
 protected StyleSheet getStyleSheet() {
   HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument) getDocument();
   return doc.getStyleSheet();