public GameFile() { game = ""; // load character names and descriptions characters = ""; File characterFile = new File("/home/cory/Programming/treasure_hunt/data/"); try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(characterFile)); for (String s = in.readLine(); s != null; s = in.readLine()) { characters += s + "\n"; } characters.trim(); in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("File I/O error! Couldn't load character data file."); System.exit(1); } // load weapon names and descriptions weapons = ""; File weaponFile = new File("/home/cory/Programming/treasure_hunt/data/"); try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(weaponFile)); for (String s = in.readLine(); s != null; s = in.readLine()) { weapons += s + "\n"; } weapons.trim(); in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("File I/O error! Couldn't load weapon data file."); System.exit(1); } // load treasure names and desciptions treasures = ""; File treasureFile = new File("/home/cory/Programming/treasure_hunt/data/"); try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(treasureFile)); for (String s = in.readLine(); s != null; s = in.readLine()) { treasures += s + "\n"; } treasures.trim(); in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("File I/O error! Couldn't load treasure data file."); System.exit(1); } }
public ArrayList<String> getNewFoe(int race, int name) { ArrayList<String> foeDes = new ArrayList<>(); int index = 0; switch (race) { case 1: index = characters.indexOf("Gnome"); break; case 2: index = characters.indexOf("Halfling"); break; case 3: index = characters.indexOf("Goblin"); break; case 4: index = characters.indexOf("Human"); break; case 5: index = characters.indexOf("Dwarf"); break; case 6: index = characters.indexOf("Elf"); break; case 7: index = characters.indexOf("Orc"); break; case 8: index = characters.indexOf("Troll"); break; default: System.out.println("Couldn't generate characters"); System.exit(1); break; } String temp = characters.substring(index); // need to remove an extra line if female because of file format if (name > 10) { index = temp.indexOf("\n"); temp = temp.substring(index + 1); } for (; name > 0; name--) { index = temp.indexOf("\n"); temp = temp.substring(index + 1); } index = temp.indexOf(" "); foeDes.add(temp.substring(0, index)); foeDes.add(temp.substring(index + 1, temp.indexOf("\n"))); return foeDes; }
public static FileSystemView getFileSystemView() { FileSystemView fsv = FileSystemView.getFileSystemView(); if (Globals.isWindowsPlatform()) { String java_ver = System.getProperty("java.version"); // only use this work around if it is running 1.3.x or below // only need to check java version that starts with 1.2 or 1.3 // since java web start only support Java 2 (1.2 or above) if (java_ver.startsWith("1.2") || java_ver.startsWith("1.3")) { fsv = new WindowsAltFileSystemView(); } } return fsv; }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String cmd = (e.getActionCommand()); if (cmd.equals(aboutItem.getText())) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Simple Image Program for DB2004\nversion 0.1\nThanks to BvS", "About imageLab", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); else if (cmd.equals(quitItem.getText())) System.exit(0); else if (cmd.equals(openItem.getText())) { int returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(this); if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { try { pic2 = new Picture(chooser.getSelectedFile().getName()); pic1 = new Picture(pic2.width(), pic2.height()); lab.setIcon(pic2.getJLabel().getIcon()); sliderPanel.setVisible(false); pack(); repaint(); } catch (Exception ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Could not open " + chooser.getSelectedFile().getName() + "\n" + ex.getMessage(), "Open Error", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } } } else if (cmd.equals(saveItem.getText())) { int returnVal = chooser.showSaveDialog(this); if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { try {; } catch (Exception ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Could not write " + chooser.getSelectedFile().getName() + "\n" + ex.getMessage(), "Save Error", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } } } }
// Called on EDT public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent ev) { String prop = ev.getPropertyName(); if (prop == JConsoleContext.CONNECTION_STATE_PROPERTY) { ConnectionState newState = (ConnectionState) ev.getNewValue(); switch (newState) { case DISCONNECTED: synchronized (this) { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); times.add(time); for (Sequence seq : seqs) { seq.add(Long.MIN_VALUE); } } break; } } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { FileOutputStream f_out = new FileOutputStream(LOG_DIRECTORY + "\\"); // Write object with ObjectOutputStream ObjectOutputStream obj_out = new ObjectOutputStream(f_out); // Write object out to disk obj_out.writeObject(directoryList); obj_out.writeObject(ERROR_LOG_NAME); obj_out.writeObject(MOVE_LOG_NAME); obj_out.flush(); obj_out.close(); printer.printError(LOG_DIRECTORY); } catch (IOException x) { printer.printError(x.toString()); } System.exit(0); }
/** Implementing the action of selection the exit menu item from the file menu. */ public void exitMenuItem_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { System.exit(0); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (isDirectorySelected()) { File dir = getDirectory(); if (dir != null) { try { // Strip trailing ".." dir = ShellFolder.getNormalizedFile(dir); } catch (IOException ex) { // Ok, use f as is } changeDirectory(dir); return; } } JFileChooser chooser = getFileChooser(); String filename = getFileName(); FileSystemView fs = chooser.getFileSystemView(); File dir = chooser.getCurrentDirectory(); if (filename != null) { // Remove whitespaces from end of filename int i = filename.length() - 1; while (i >= 0 && filename.charAt(i) <= ' ') { i--; } filename = filename.substring(0, i + 1); } if (filename == null || filename.length() == 0) { // no file selected, multiple selection off, therefore cancel the approve action resetGlobFilter(); return; } File selectedFile = null; File[] selectedFiles = null; // Unix: Resolve '~' to user's home directory if (File.separatorChar == '/') { if (filename.startsWith("~/")) { filename = System.getProperty("user.home") + filename.substring(1); } else if (filename.equals("~")) { filename = System.getProperty("user.home"); } } if (chooser.isMultiSelectionEnabled() && filename.length() > 1 && filename.charAt(0) == '"' && filename.charAt(filename.length() - 1) == '"') { List<File> fList = new ArrayList<File>(); String[] files = filename.substring(1, filename.length() - 1).split("\" \""); // Optimize searching files by names in "children" array Arrays.sort(files); File[] children = null; int childIndex = 0; for (String str : files) { File file = fs.createFileObject(str); if (!file.isAbsolute()) { if (children == null) { children = fs.getFiles(dir, false); Arrays.sort(children); } for (int k = 0; k < children.length; k++) { int l = (childIndex + k) % children.length; if (children[l].getName().equals(str)) { file = children[l]; childIndex = l + 1; break; } } } fList.add(file); } if (!fList.isEmpty()) { selectedFiles = fList.toArray(new File[fList.size()]); } resetGlobFilter(); } else { selectedFile = fs.createFileObject(filename); if (!selectedFile.isAbsolute()) { selectedFile = fs.getChild(dir, filename); } // check for wildcard pattern FileFilter currentFilter = chooser.getFileFilter(); if (!selectedFile.exists() && isGlobPattern(filename)) { changeDirectory(selectedFile.getParentFile()); if (globFilter == null) { globFilter = new GlobFilter(); } try { globFilter.setPattern(selectedFile.getName()); if (!(currentFilter instanceof GlobFilter)) { actualFileFilter = currentFilter; } chooser.setFileFilter(null); chooser.setFileFilter(globFilter); return; } catch (PatternSyntaxException pse) { // Not a valid glob pattern. Abandon filter. } } resetGlobFilter(); // Check for directory change action boolean isDir = (selectedFile != null && selectedFile.isDirectory()); boolean isTrav = (selectedFile != null && chooser.isTraversable(selectedFile)); boolean isDirSelEnabled = chooser.isDirectorySelectionEnabled(); boolean isFileSelEnabled = chooser.isFileSelectionEnabled(); boolean isCtrl = (e != null && (e.getModifiers() & Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask()) != 0); if (isDir && isTrav && (isCtrl || !isDirSelEnabled)) { changeDirectory(selectedFile); return; } else if ((isDir || !isFileSelEnabled) && (!isDir || !isDirSelEnabled) && (!isDirSelEnabled || selectedFile.exists())) { selectedFile = null; } } if (selectedFiles != null || selectedFile != null) { if (selectedFiles != null || chooser.isMultiSelectionEnabled()) { if (selectedFiles == null) { selectedFiles = new File[] {selectedFile}; } chooser.setSelectedFiles(selectedFiles); // Do it again. This is a fix for bug 4949273 to force the // selected value in case the ListSelectionModel clears it // for non-existing file names. chooser.setSelectedFiles(selectedFiles); } else { chooser.setSelectedFile(selectedFile); } chooser.approveSelection(); } else { if (chooser.isMultiSelectionEnabled()) { chooser.setSelectedFiles(null); } else { chooser.setSelectedFile(null); } chooser.cancelSelection(); } }
private static Object extendArray(Object a1) { int n = Array.getLength(a1); Object a2 = Array.newInstance(a1.getClass().getComponentType(), n + ARRAY_SIZE_INCREMENT); System.arraycopy(a1, 0, a2, 0, n); return a2; }
@Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); int width = getWidth() - rightMargin - leftMargin - 10; int height = getHeight() - topMargin - bottomMargin; if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { // not enough room to paint anything return; } Color oldColor = g.getColor(); Font oldFont = g.getFont(); Color fg = getForeground(); Color bg = getBackground(); boolean bgIsLight = (bg.getRed() > 200 && bg.getGreen() > 200 && bg.getBlue() > 200); ((Graphics2D) g) .setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); if (smallFont == null) { smallFont = oldFont.deriveFont(9.0F); } r.x = leftMargin - 5; r.y = topMargin - 8; r.width = getWidth() - leftMargin - rightMargin; r.height = getHeight() - topMargin - bottomMargin + 16; if (border == null) { // By setting colors here, we avoid recalculating them // over and over. border = new BevelBorder( BevelBorder.LOWERED, getBackground().brighter().brighter(), getBackground().brighter(), getBackground().darker().darker(), getBackground().darker()); } border.paintBorder(this, g, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); // Fill background color g.setColor(bgColor); g.fillRect(r.x + 2, r.y + 2, r.width - 4, r.height - 4); g.setColor(oldColor); long tMin = Long.MAX_VALUE; long tMax = Long.MIN_VALUE; long vMin = Long.MAX_VALUE; long vMax = 1; int w = getWidth() - rightMargin - leftMargin - 10; int h = getHeight() - topMargin - bottomMargin; if (times.size > 1) { tMin = Math.min(tMin, times.time(0)); tMax = Math.max(tMax, times.time(times.size - 1)); } long viewRangeMS; if (viewRange > 0) { viewRangeMS = viewRange * MINUTE; } else { // Display full time range, but no less than a minute viewRangeMS = Math.max(tMax - tMin, 1 * MINUTE); } // Calculate min/max values for (Sequence seq : seqs) { if (seq.size > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < seq.size; i++) { if (seq.size == 1 || times.time(i) >= tMax - viewRangeMS) { long val = seq.value(i); if (val > Long.MIN_VALUE) { vMax = Math.max(vMax, val); vMin = Math.min(vMin, val); } } } } else { vMin = 0L; } if (unit == Unit.BYTES || !seq.isPlotted) { // We'll scale only to the first (main) value set. // TODO: Use a separate property for this. break; } } // Normalize scale vMax = normalizeMax(vMax); if (vMin > 0) { if (vMax / vMin > 4) { vMin = 0; } else { vMin = normalizeMin(vMin); } } g.setColor(fg); // Axes // Draw vertical axis int x = leftMargin - 18; int y = topMargin; FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); g.drawLine(x, y, x, y + h); int n = 5; if (("" + vMax).startsWith("2")) { n = 4; } else if (("" + vMax).startsWith("3")) { n = 6; } else if (("" + vMax).startsWith("4")) { n = 4; } else if (("" + vMax).startsWith("6")) { n = 6; } else if (("" + vMax).startsWith("7")) { n = 7; } else if (("" + vMax).startsWith("8")) { n = 8; } else if (("" + vMax).startsWith("9")) { n = 3; } // Ticks ArrayList<Long> tickValues = new ArrayList<Long>(); tickValues.add(vMin); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { long v = i * vMax / n; if (v > vMin) { tickValues.add(v); } } tickValues.add(vMax); n = tickValues.size(); String[] tickStrings = new String[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { long v = tickValues.get(i); tickStrings[i] = getSizeString(v, vMax); } // Trim trailing decimal zeroes. if (decimals > 0) { boolean trimLast = true; boolean removedDecimalPoint = false; do { for (String str : tickStrings) { if (!(str.endsWith("0") || str.endsWith("."))) { trimLast = false; break; } } if (trimLast) { if (tickStrings[0].endsWith(".")) { removedDecimalPoint = true; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String str = tickStrings[i]; tickStrings[i] = str.substring(0, str.length() - 1); } } } while (trimLast && !removedDecimalPoint); } // Draw ticks int lastY = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { long v = tickValues.get(i); y = topMargin + h - (int) (h * (v - vMin) / (vMax - vMin)); g.drawLine(x - 2, y, x + 2, y); String s = tickStrings[i]; if (unit == Unit.PERCENT) { s += "%"; } int sx = x - 6 - fm.stringWidth(s); if (y < lastY - 13) { if (checkLeftMargin(sx)) { // Wait for next repaint return; } g.drawString(s, sx, y + 4); } // Draw horizontal grid line g.setColor(Color.lightGray); g.drawLine(r.x + 4, y, r.x + r.width - 4, y); g.setColor(fg); lastY = y; } // Draw horizontal axis x = leftMargin; y = topMargin + h + 15; g.drawLine(x, y, x + w, y); long t1 = tMax; if (t1 <= 0L) { // No data yet, so draw current time t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } long tz = timeDF.getTimeZone().getOffset(t1); long tickInterval = calculateTickInterval(w, 40, viewRangeMS); if (tickInterval > 3 * HOUR) { tickInterval = calculateTickInterval(w, 80, viewRangeMS); } long t0 = tickInterval - (t1 - viewRangeMS + tz) % tickInterval; while (t0 < viewRangeMS) { x = leftMargin + (int) (w * t0 / viewRangeMS); g.drawLine(x, y - 2, x, y + 2); long t = t1 - viewRangeMS + t0; String str = formatClockTime(t); g.drawString(str, x, y + 16); // if (tickInterval > (1 * HOUR) && t % (1 * DAY) == 0) { if ((t + tz) % (1 * DAY) == 0) { str = formatDate(t); g.drawString(str, x, y + 27); } // Draw vertical grid line g.setColor(Color.lightGray); g.drawLine(x, topMargin, x, topMargin + h); g.setColor(fg); t0 += tickInterval; } // Plot values int start = 0; int nValues = 0; int nLists = seqs.size(); if (nLists > 0) { nValues = seqs.get(0).size; } if (nValues == 0) { g.setColor(oldColor); return; } else { Sequence seq = seqs.get(0); // Find starting point for (int p = 0; p < seq.size; p++) { if (times.time(p) >= tMax - viewRangeMS) { start = p; break; } } } // Optimization: collapse plot of more than four values per pixel int pointsPerPixel = (nValues - start) / w; if (pointsPerPixel < 4) { pointsPerPixel = 1; } // Draw graphs // Loop backwards over sequences because the first needs to be painted on top for (int i = nLists - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int x0 = leftMargin; int y0 = topMargin + h + 1; Sequence seq = seqs.get(i); if (seq.isPlotted && seq.size > 0) { // Paint twice, with white and with color for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) { g.setColor((pass == 0) ? Color.white : seq.color); int x1 = -1; long v1 = -1; for (int p = start; p < nValues; p += pointsPerPixel) { // Make sure we get the last value if (pointsPerPixel > 1 && p >= nValues - pointsPerPixel) { p = nValues - 1; } int x2 = (int) (w * (times.time(p) - (t1 - viewRangeMS)) / viewRangeMS); long v2 = seq.value(p); if (v2 >= vMin && v2 <= vMax) { int y2 = (int) (h * (v2 - vMin) / (vMax - vMin)); if (x1 >= 0 && v1 >= vMin && v1 <= vMax) { int y1 = (int) (h * (v1 - vMin) / (vMax - vMin)); if (y1 == y2) { // fillrect is much faster g.fillRect(x0 + x1, y0 - y1 - pass, x2 - x1, 1); } else { Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; Stroke oldStroke = null; if (seq.transitionStroke != null) { oldStroke = g2d.getStroke(); g2d.setStroke(seq.transitionStroke); } g.drawLine(x0 + x1, y0 - y1 - pass, x0 + x2, y0 - y2 - pass); if (oldStroke != null) { g2d.setStroke(oldStroke); } } } } x1 = x2; v1 = v2; } } // Current value long v = seq.value(seq.size - 1); if (v >= vMin && v <= vMax) { if (bgIsLight) { g.setColor(seq.color); } else { g.setColor(fg); } x = r.x + r.width + 2; y = topMargin + h - (int) (h * (v - vMin) / (vMax - vMin)); // a small triangle/arrow g.fillPolygon(new int[] {x + 2, x + 6, x + 6}, new int[] {y, y + 3, y - 3}, 3); } g.setColor(fg); } } int[] valueStringSlots = new int[nLists]; for (int i = 0; i < nLists; i++) valueStringSlots[i] = -1; for (int i = 0; i < nLists; i++) { Sequence seq = seqs.get(i); if (seq.isPlotted && seq.size > 0) { // Draw current value // TODO: collapse values if pointsPerPixel >= 4 long v = seq.value(seq.size - 1); if (v >= vMin && v <= vMax) { x = r.x + r.width + 2; y = topMargin + h - (int) (h * (v - vMin) / (vMax - vMin)); int y2 = getValueStringSlot(valueStringSlots, y, 2 * 10, i); g.setFont(smallFont); if (bgIsLight) { g.setColor(seq.color); } else { g.setColor(fg); } String curValue = getFormattedValue(v, true); if (unit == Unit.PERCENT) { curValue += "%"; } int valWidth = fm.stringWidth(curValue); String legend = (displayLegend ? : ""); int legendWidth = fm.stringWidth(legend); if (checkRightMargin(valWidth) || checkRightMargin(legendWidth)) { // Wait for next repaint return; } g.drawString(legend, x + 17, Math.min(topMargin + h, y2 + 3 - 10)); g.drawString(curValue, x + 17, Math.min(topMargin + h + 10, y2 + 3)); // Maybe draw a short line to value if (y2 > y + 3) { g.drawLine(x + 9, y + 2, x + 14, y2); } else if (y2 < y - 3) { g.drawLine(x + 9, y - 2, x + 14, y2); } } g.setFont(oldFont); g.setColor(fg); } } g.setColor(oldColor); }