public void summaryAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; Map<String, Object> viewData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); DocumentManager docMan = new DocumentManager(); try { if (req.getParameter("documentId") != null) { // Get the document ID int docId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("documentId")); // Get the document using document id Document document = docMan.get(docId); // Set title to name of the document viewData.put("title", document.getDocumentName()); // Create List of access records List<AccessRecord> accessRecords = new LinkedList<AccessRecord>(); // Add access records for document to the list accessRecords = docMan.getAccessRecords(docId); viewData.put("accessRecords", accessRecords); } else { // Go back to thread page. } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.getLogger("").log(Level.SEVERE, "An error occurred when getting profile user", e); } view(req, res, "/views/group/Document.jsp", viewData); }
/** * Action Servlet handling actions on users. * * @author Emmanuel Bourg * @version $Revision$, $Date$ */ public class UserAction extends HttpServlet { private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("net.jetrix"); protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String action = request.getParameter("action"); String name = request.getParameter("name"); String redirect = "/user.jsp?name=" + name; Client client = ClientRepository.getInstance().getClient(name); if ("kick".equals(action)) { client.getUser().getName() + " (" + client.getInetAddress() + ") has been kicked by " + request.getRemoteUser() + " (" + request.getRemoteHost() + ")"); } else if ("ban".equals(action)) { Banlist banlist = Banlist.getInstance(); banlist.ban(client.getInetAddress().getHostAddress()); client.getUser().getName() + " (" + client.getInetAddress() + ") has been banned by " + request.getRemoteUser() + " (" + request.getRemoteHost() + ")"); // save the server configuration Server.getInstance().getConfig().save(); } client.disconnect(); response.sendRedirect("/channel.jsp?name=" + client.getChannel().getConfig().getName()); } }
/** Implements the "get status table" command */ public class AddAuConfigure extends AuActivityBase { private static String NAME = "AddAuConfigure"; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(NAME); public AddAuConfigure() { super(); } /** * Populate the response body * * @return true on success */ public boolean doRemoteSetupAndVerification() throws IOException { /* * Stop if any required parameters are missing (error) */ if (!verifyMinimumParameters()) { throw new ResponseException("Missing required parameters"); } /* * Initial page setup */ return commandSetup(); } /** * Populate the response body * * @return true on success */ public boolean doCommand() throws IOException { Element infoElement; /* * Return disk space */ infoElement = getXmlUtils().createElement(getResponseRoot(), AP_E_INFO); renderDiskXml(infoElement); /* * No further action if this isn't a create command (success) */ if (!isCreateCommand()) { return true; } /* * Stop if any required parameters are missing (error) */ if (!verifyTarget() || !verifyMinimumParameters() || !verifyDefiningParameters()) { throw new ResponseException("Missing required parameters"); } /* * Create the AU */ if (!commandSetup()) { return false; } return createAu(); } /* * "Helpers" */ /** * Did the client provide the minimal parameters required? * * @return true If so */ private boolean verifyMinimumParameters() { int count = 0; if (!StringUtil.isNullString(getParameter(AP_E_PUBLICATION))) count++; if (!StringUtil.isNullString(getParameter(AP_E_CLASSNAME))) count++; if (!StringUtil.isNullString(getParameter(AP_E_PLUGIN))) count++; return (count > 0); } /** * A target system is required to create an AU - was it provided? * * @return true If at least one target was specified */ private boolean verifyTarget() { if (!isCreateCommand()) { return true; } return !StringUtil.isNullString(getParameter(AP_E_TARGET)); } /** * Are all of the "defining parameters" required to create an AU available? * * @return true If so */ private boolean verifyDefiningParameters() { KeyedList parameters; int size; if (!isCreateCommand()) { return true; } parameters = ParseUtils.getDynamicFields(getXmlUtils(), getRequestDocument(), AP_MD_AUDEFINING); size = parameters.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (StringUtil.isNullString((String) parameters.getValue(i))) { return false; } } return true; } /** * "Create" command? * * @return true If so... */ private boolean isCreateCommand() { return "create".equalsIgnoreCase(getParameter(AP_E_ACTION)); } /** Query the daemon for information required to set up this command */ private boolean commandSetup() { Configuration configuration = null; Collection noEditKeys = null; String key; String value; /* * Configure a well known publication? */ if ((value = getParameter(AP_E_PUBLICATION)) != null) { PluginProxy plugin = getTitlePlugin(value); /* * Set plugin and Title configuration information */ if (plugin == null) { String message = "Unknown Publication:" + value; log.warning(message); return error(message); } setPlugin(plugin); setTitleConfig(plugin.getTitleConfig(value)); configuration = getTitleConfig().getConfig(); noEditKeys = getNoEditKeys(); } else { /* * Lookup by Plugin or Class name - set the plugin * * NB: As of 23-Feb-04, this is not supported from See * for full support. */ if ((value = getParameter(AP_E_PLUGIN)) != null) { key = RemoteApi.pluginKeyFromId(value); } else if ((value = getParameter(AP_E_CLASSNAME)) != null) { key = RemoteApi.pluginKeyFromId(value); } else { return error("Supply a Publication, Plugin, or Class name"); } if (StringUtil.isNullString(key)) { return error("Supply a valid Publication, Plugin, or Class name"); } if (!pluginLoaded(key)) { return error("Plugin is not loaded: " + key); } setPlugin(getPluginProxy(key)); } /* * Finally, return an XML rendition of the Plugin and AU key set up */ generateSetupXml(configuration, noEditKeys); return true; } /** * Create an Archival Unit * * @return true If successful */ private boolean createAu() { Configuration config = getAuConfigFromForm(); AuProxy au; Element element; try { au = getRemoteApi().createAndSaveAuConfiguration(getPlugin(), config); } catch (ArchivalUnit.ConfigurationException exception) { return error("Configuration failed: " + exception.getMessage()); } catch (IOException exception) { return error("Unable to save configuration: " + exception.getMessage()); } /* * Successful creation - add the AU name and ID to the response document */ element = getXmlUtils().createElement(getResponseRoot(), AP_E_AU); XmlUtils.addText(element, au.getName()); element = getXmlUtils().createElement(getResponseRoot(), AP_E_AUID); XmlUtils.addText(element, au.getAuId()); return true; } }
public final class autocompleterToolbarActionChip_jsp extends org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase implements org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspSourceDependent { Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); static final String SERVLETPATH = ""; final boolean DEBUG_COMMENTS = ConfigConstants.getInstance().DEBUG_SHOWJSPCOMMENTS; private String getRequestURL() { return SERVLETPATH + "?" + MasterServlet.WINDOW_ID + "=" + Frame.getCurrent().getID(); } private String getRequestURL(String frameName) { return SERVLETPATH + "?" + MasterServlet.WINDOW_ID + "=frame" + DisplayState.DELIMITER + frameName; } private String getWindowRequestURL(String windowName) { return SERVLETPATH + "?" + MasterServlet.WINDOW_ID + "=" + windowName; } private String localized(String strKey) { return DisplayState.getCurrent().getLocalizedString(strKey); } /** * If the appropriate config property is true (hmc.escape.html), all html content in the given * string will be escaped. */ private String escapeHTML(String text) { if (ConfigConstants.getInstance().HTML_ESCAPE) { return Utilities.escapeHTML(text); } else { return text; } } private String getExternalLink(final String url, final String label, final String css) { StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); link.append("<a href=\"" + url + "\" "); if (css != null) { link.append("class=\"" + css + "\" "); } link.append(">"); link.append(label); link.append("</a>"); return link.toString(); } private String getExternalLink(final String url, final String label) { return getExternalLink(url, label, null); } private String getLink( final String event, final String label, final String css, String defaultValue, String selectedValue, String tooltip) { String status = Utilities.escapeHTML(Utilities.filterOutHTMLTags(tooltip)); StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); defaultValue = defaultValue == null ? AbstractChip.FALSE : defaultValue; selectedValue = selectedValue == null ? AbstractChip.TRUE : selectedValue; link.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + defaultValue + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" onMouseover=\"window.status='" + status + "'; return true;\" onMouseout=\"window.status=''; return true;\" "); if (css != null) { link.append("class=\"" + css + "\" "); } link.append("hidefocus=\"true\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value='" + selectedValue + "';setScrollAndSubmit();return false;\">"); link.append(label); link.append("</a>"); return link.toString(); } private String getLink( final String event, final String label, final String css, String defaultValue, String selectedValue) { return getLink(event, label, css, defaultValue, selectedValue, label); } private String getLink(final String url, final String label, final String css) { return getLink(url, label, css, null, null); } private String getLink(final String url, final String label) { return getLink(url, label, null); } private String getMainToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String image, String javascript, final boolean showLabel, final boolean isDropDown, final boolean isEnabled) { return getMainToolbarButton( event, label, label, image, javascript, showLabel, isDropDown, isEnabled); } private String getMainToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String tooltip, final String image, String javascript, final boolean showLabel, final boolean isDropDown, final boolean isEnabled) { if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; final String color = isEnabled ? "#333333" : "#999999"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); if (isEnabled) { link.append( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + AbstractChip.FALSE + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"" + tooltip + "\" "); link.append( "onMouseover=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onMouseout=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onFocus=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onBlur=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value = " + javascript + "; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); } link.append( "<table title=\"" + tooltip + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle; width:100%; height:23px;\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); link.append("<tr>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_left\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_main_l.gif\"> </td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_middle\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_main_m.gif\">"); link.append( "<img id=\"" + imageID + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle;\" src=\"" + image + "\">"); if (showLabel) { link.append( "<span style=\"padding-left:5px; " + (!isDropDown ? "padding-right:5px; " : "") + "color:" + color + "\">" + label + "</span>"); } if (isDropDown) { link.append( "<span style=\"padding-left:3px; padding-right:5px;\"><img style=\"vertical-align:middle;\" src=\"images/icons/header_downarrow_main" + (isEnabled ? "" : "_inactive") + ".gif\"></span>"); } link.append("</td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_right\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_main_r.gif\"> </td>"); link.append("</tr>"); link.append("</table>"); if (isEnabled) { link.append("</a>"); } return link.toString(); } private String getBlueToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { return getBlueToolbarButton(event, label, label, image, javascript, showLabel, isEnabled); } private String getBlueToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String tooltip, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); final String color = isEnabled ? "#ffffff" : "#aaaaff"; if (isEnabled) { link.append( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + AbstractChip.FALSE + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"" + tooltip + "\" "); link.append( "onMouseover=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onMouseout=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onFocus=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onBlur=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value = " + javascript + "; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); } link.append( "<table title=\"" + tooltip + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle; width:100%; height:23px;\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); link.append("<tr>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_left\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_blue_l.gif\"> </td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_middle\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_blue_m.gif\">"); link.append( "<img id=\"" + imageID + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" src=\"" + image + "\">"); if (showLabel) { link.append( "<span style=\"padding-left:5px; padding-right:5px; color:" + color + "\">" + label + "</span>"); } link.append("</td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_right\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_blue_r.gif\"> </td>"); link.append("</tr>"); link.append("</table>"); if (isEnabled) { link.append("</a>"); } return link.toString(); } private String getGreyToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { return getGreyToolbarButton(event, label, label, image, javascript, showLabel, isEnabled); } private String getGreyToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String tooltip, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); final String color = isEnabled ? "#ffffff" : "#D8DCE3"; if (isEnabled) { link.append( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + AbstractChip.FALSE + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"" + tooltip + "\" "); link.append( "onMouseover=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onMouseout=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onFocus=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onBlur=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value = " + javascript + "; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); } link.append( "<table title=\"" + tooltip + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle; width:100%; height:23px;\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); link.append("<tr>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_left\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_grey_l.gif\"> </td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_middle\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_grey_m.gif\">"); link.append( "<img id=\"" + imageID + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" src=\"" + image + "\">"); if (showLabel) { link.append("<span style=\"padding-left:5px; color:" + color + "\">" + label + "</span>"); } link.append("</td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_right\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_grey_r.gif\"> </td>"); link.append("</tr>"); link.append("</table>"); if (isEnabled) { link.append("</a>"); } return link.toString(); } private String getIconButton( final String event, final String label, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { String status = Utilities.escapeHTML(Utilities.filterOutHTMLTags(label)); if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); final String color = isEnabled ? "#ffffff" : "#D8DCE3"; if (isEnabled) { link.append( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + AbstractChip.FALSE + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"" + status + "\" "); link.append( "onMouseover=\"window.status='" + status + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onMouseout=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onFocus=\"window.status='" + status + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover__m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover__r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onBlur=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value = " + javascript + "; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); } link.append( "<table title=\"" + status + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle; width:100%; height:23px; padding:0px;\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); link.append("<tr>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_left\" style=\"width:3px;font-size:1pt;padding:0px;\" background=\"images/icons/icon_button_background_l.gif\"><div style=\"width:3px;\"></div></td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_middle\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;padding:0px;\" background=\"images/icons/icon_button_background_m.gif\">"); link.append( "<img id=\"" + imageID + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" src=\"" + image + "\">"); if (showLabel) { link.append("<span style=\"padding-left:5px; color:" + color + "\">" + label + "</span>"); } link.append("</td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_right\" style=\"width:3px;font-size:1pt;padding:0px;\" background=\"images/icons/icon_button_background_r.gif\"><div style=\"width:3px;\"></div></td>"); link.append("</tr>"); link.append("</table>"); if (isEnabled) { link.append("</a>"); } return link.toString(); } private String getFooterButton( final String event, final String label, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { return getFooterButton(event, label, label, image, javascript, showLabel, isEnabled); } private String getFooterButton( final String event, final String label, final String tooltip, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); final String color = isEnabled ? "#333333" : "#999999"; if (isEnabled) { link.append( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + AbstractChip.FALSE + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"" + tooltip + "\" "); link.append( "onMouseover=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onMouseout=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onFocus=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onBlur=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value = " + javascript + "; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); } link.append( "<table title=\"" + tooltip + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle; width:100%; height:23px;\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); link.append("<tr>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_left\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/footer_background_l.gif\"> </td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_middle\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;\" background=\"images/icons/footer_background_m.gif\">"); link.append( "<img id=\"" + imageID + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" src=\"" + image + "\">"); if (showLabel) { link.append("<span style=\"padding-left:5px; color:" + color + "\">" + label + "</span>"); } link.append("</td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_right\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/footer_background_r.gif\"> </td>"); link.append("</tr>"); link.append("</table>"); if (isEnabled) { link.append("</a>"); } return link.toString(); } private String getSimpleImageConfirmLink( final String event, final String label, final String image, String imageOver, String javascript) { String status = Utilities.escapeHTML(Utilities.filterOutHTMLTags(label)); if ((imageOver == null) || imageOver.equals("")) { imageOver = image; } if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); link.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"") .append(event) .append("\" value=\"") .append(AbstractChip.FALSE) .append("\" />"); link.append("<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"") .append(status) .append("\" title=\"") .append(status) .append("\""); link.append("onMouseover=\"window.status='") .append(status) .append("'; swapImage('") .append(imageID) .append("', '") .append(imageOver) .append("'); return true;\" "); link.append("onMouseout=\"window.status=''; swapImage('") .append(imageID) .append("', '") .append(image) .append("'); return true;\" "); link.append("onFocus=\"swapImage('") .append(imageID) .append("', '") .append(imageOver) .append("'); return true;\" "); link.append("onBlur=\"swapImage('") .append(imageID) .append("', '") .append(image) .append("'); return true;\" "); link.append("onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['") .append(event) .append("'].value = ") .append(javascript) .append("; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); link.append("<img id=\"") .append(imageID) .append("\" src=\"") .append(image) .append("\" alt=\"") .append(status) .append("\">"); link.append("</a>"); return link.toString(); } private String getSimpleImageLink( final String event, final String label, final String image, final String imageOver) { return getSimpleImageConfirmLink(event, label, image, imageOver, null); } public String getLinkedLabel(final String url, final String body) { if (url == null) { return body; } else { return "<a href=\"" + url + "\" hidefocus=\"true\">" + body + "</a>"; } } public String getLinkedIDLabel(String id, final String url, final String body) { if ((id == null) || id.equals("")) { return getLinkedLabel(url, body); } if (url == null) { return body; } else { return "<a id=\"" + id + "\" href=\"" + url + "\" hidefocus=\"true\">" + body + "</a>"; } } private static final javax.servlet.jsp.JspFactory _jspxFactory = javax.servlet.jsp.JspFactory.getDefaultFactory(); private static java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Long> _jspx_dependants; static { _jspx_dependants = new java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String, java.lang.Long>(1); _jspx_dependants.put("/", Long.valueOf(1406205714000L)); } private javax.el.ExpressionFactory _el_expressionfactory; private org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager _jsp_instancemanager; public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Long> getDependants() { return _jspx_dependants; } public void _jspInit() { _el_expressionfactory = _jspxFactory .getJspApplicationContext(getServletConfig().getServletContext()) .getExpressionFactory(); _jsp_instancemanager = org.apache.jasper.runtime.InstanceManagerFactory.getInstanceManager(getServletConfig()); } public void _jspDestroy() {} public void _jspService( final javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, final javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response) throws, javax.servlet.ServletException { final javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext; javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session = null; final javax.servlet.ServletContext application; final javax.servlet.ServletConfig config; javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out = null; final java.lang.Object page = this; javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter _jspx_out = null; javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext _jspx_page_context = null; try { response.setContentType("text/html"); pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response, null, true, 8192, true); _jspx_page_context = pageContext; application = pageContext.getServletContext(); config = pageContext.getServletConfig(); session = pageContext.getSession(); out = pageContext.getOut(); _jspx_out = out; out.write("\r\n\r\n"); final DisplayState theDisplayState = (DisplayState) request.getAttribute(MasterServlet.STATE); final Frame frame = (Frame) request.getAttribute(AbstractChip.FRAME_KEY); /* //to be definitive NOT serializable InputStream noser = (InputStream)session.getAttribute( "NOT_SERIALIZABLE"); if( noser==null ) { session.setAttribute( "NOT_SERIALIZABLE", new ByteArrayInputStream( new byte[0] )); } */ out.write('\r'); out.write('\n'); final AbstractAutocompleterToolbarActionChip theChip = (AbstractAutocompleterToolbarActionChip) request.getAttribute(AbstractChip.CHIP_KEY); final String label = (theChip.getLabel() == null ? "" : localized(theChip.getLabel())); final String tooltip = (theChip.getTooltip() == null ? label : localized(theChip.getTooltip())); final String width = theChip.getWidth() != null && theChip.getWidth().length() > 0 ? theChip.getWidth() : "200px"; final String value = theChip.getValue() != null ? "value=\"" + theChip.getValue() + "\"" : ""; final String contextMenu = theChip.hasVisibleContextMenuEntries() ? "(new Menu(" + theChip.createMenuEntriesForJS(theChip.getMenuEntries()) + ", event, null, null, { uniqueName: '" + theChip.getUniqueName() + "'} )).show(); return false;" : "return false;"; out.write("\r\n\r\n<td title=\""); out.print(tooltip); out.write("\" class=\"toolbar-autocomplete\" oncontextmenu=\""); out.print(contextMenu); out.write( "\">\r\n\t<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\r\n\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t<td class=\"label\">"); out.print(label); out.write(":</td>\r\n\t\t\t<td><input type=\"text\" \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t id=\""); out.print(theChip.getInputID()); out.write("\" \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t style=\"width:"); out.print(width); out.write(";\"\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t name=\""); out.print(theChip.getEventID(AbstractAutocompleterToolbarActionChip.VALUE)); out.write("\" \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t "); out.print(value); out.write("/><div id=\""); out.print(theChip.getMatchesID()); out.write("\" class=\"autocomplete\"></div></td>\r\n\t\t</tr>\r\n\t</table>\r\n</td>\r\n"); final String options = "{ paramName: '" + AbstractAutocompleterToolbarActionChip.SEARCH + "'," + "afterUpdateElement: function(inputElement, selectedListItem) " + "{ if( selectedListItem.nodeName == \"LI\" )" + "{ setEvent('" + theChip.getCommandID(AbstractAutocompleterToolbarActionChip.SELECT) + "', domQuery('span.hidden', selectedListItem)[0].firstChild.nodeValue);setScrollAndSubmit(); }" + "else " + "{ inputElement.value = \"\"; }}," + "onShow: function(element, update)" + "{ if(! ||'absolute')" + "{ = 'absolute'; Position.clone(element, update, { setHeight: false, setWidth:false, offsetTop: element.offsetHeight }); }" + "Effect.Appear(update,{duration:0.15}); } }"; final String tenantIDStr = Registry.getCurrentTenant() instanceof SlaveTenant ? ";tenantID=" + Registry.getCurrentTenant().getTenantID() : ""; out.write("\r\n<script language=\"JavaScript1.2\">\r\n\t\r\n\tnew Ajax.Autocompleter(\""); out.print(theChip.getInputID()); out.write("\", \""); out.print(theChip.getMatchesID()); out.write("\", \"prototype"); out.print(tenantIDStr); out.write('?'); out.print(PrototypeServlet.CHIPID); out.write('='); out.print(theChip.getID()); out.write('"'); out.write(','); out.write(' '); out.print(options); out.write(");\r\n\r\n</script>\r\n\t\t\n"); } catch (java.lang.Throwable t) { if (!(t instanceof javax.servlet.jsp.SkipPageException)) { out = _jspx_out; if (out != null && out.getBufferSize() != 0) try { if (response.isCommitted()) { out.flush(); } else { out.clearBuffer(); } } catch ( e) { } if (_jspx_page_context != null) _jspx_page_context.handlePageException(t); else throw new ServletException(t); } } finally { _jspxFactory.releasePageContext(_jspx_page_context); } } }
// SingleThreadModel causes servlet instances to be assigned to only a // single thread (request) at a time. public abstract class LockssServlet extends HttpServlet implements SingleThreadModel { protected static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("LockssServlet"); // Constants static final String PARAM_LOCAL_IP = Configuration.PREFIX + "localIPAddress"; static final String PARAM_PLATFORM_VERSION = Configuration.PREFIX + "platform.version"; /** Inactive HTTP session (cookie) timeout */ static final String PARAM_UI_SESSION_TIMEOUT = Configuration.PREFIX + "ui.sessionTimeout"; static final long DEFAULT_UI_SESSION_TIMEOUT = 2 * Constants.DAY; /** Maximum size of uploaded file accepted */ static final String PARAM_MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE = Configuration.PREFIX + "ui.maxUploadFileSize"; static final int DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE = 500000; /** The warning string to display when the UI is disabled. */ static final String PARAM_UI_WARNING = Configuration.PREFIX + "ui.warning"; // session keys static final String SESSION_KEY_OBJECT_ID = "obj_id"; static final String SESSION_KEY_OBJ_MAP = "obj_map"; public static final String SESSION_KEY_RUNNING_SERVLET = "running_servlet"; public static final String SESSION_KEY_REQUEST_HOST = "request_host"; // Name given to form element whose value is the action that should be // performed when the form is submitted. (Not always the submit button.) public static final String ACTION_TAG = "lockssAction"; public static final String JAVASCRIPT_RESOURCE = "org/lockss/htdocs/admin.js"; public static final String ATTR_INCLUDE_SCRIPT = "IncludeScript"; public static final String ATTR_ALLOW_ROLES = "AllowRoles"; /** User may configure admin access (add/delete/modify users, set admin access list) */ public static final String ROLE_USER_ADMIN = "userAdminRole"; /** User may configure content access (set content access list) */ public static final String ROLE_CONTENT_ADMIN = "contentAdminRole"; /** User may change AU configuration (add/delete content) */ public static final String ROLE_AU_ADMIN = "auAdminRole"; public static final String ROLE_DEBUG = "debugRole"; protected ServletContext context; private LockssApp theApp = null; private ServletManager servletMgr; private AccountManager acctMgr; // Request-local storage. Convenient, but requires servlet instances // to be single threaded, and must ensure reset them to avoid carrying // over state between requests. protected HttpServletRequest req; protected HttpServletResponse resp; protected URL reqURL; protected HttpSession session; private String adminDir = null; protected String clientAddr; // client addr, even if no param protected String localAddr; protected MultiPartRequest multiReq; private Vector footnotes; private int footNumber; private int tabindex; ServletDescr _myServletDescr = null; private String myName = null; // number submit buttons sequentially so unit tests can find them protected int submitButtonNumber = 0; /** Run once when servlet loaded. */ public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { super.init(config); context = config.getServletContext(); theApp = (LockssApp) context.getAttribute(ServletManager.CONTEXT_ATTR_LOCKSS_APP); servletMgr = (ServletManager) context.getAttribute(ServletManager.CONTEXT_ATTR_SERVLET_MGR); if (theApp instanceof LockssDaemon) { acctMgr = getLockssDaemon().getAccountManager(); } } public ServletManager getServletManager() { return servletMgr; } protected ServletDescr[] getServletDescrs() { return servletMgr.getServletDescrs(); } /** Servlets must implement this method. */ protected abstract void lockssHandleRequest() throws ServletException, IOException; /** Common request handling. */ public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { resetState(); boolean success = false; HttpSession session = req.getSession(false); try { this.req = req; this.resp = resp; if (log.isDebug()) { logParams(); } resp.setContentType("text/html"); if (!mayPageBeCached()) { resp.setHeader("pragma", "no-cache"); resp.setHeader("Cache-control", "no-cache"); } reqURL = new URL(UrlUtil.getRequestURL(req)); clientAddr = getLocalIPAddr(); // check that current user has permission to run this servlet if (!isServletAllowed(myServletDescr())) { displayWarningInLieuOfPage("You are not authorized to use " + myServletDescr().heading); return; } // check whether servlet is disabled String reason = ServletUtil.servletDisabledReason(myServletDescr().getServletName()); if (reason != null) { displayWarningInLieuOfPage("This function is disabled. " + reason); return; } if (session != null) { session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_RUNNING_SERVLET, getHeading()); String reqHost = req.getRemoteHost(); String forw = req.getHeader(HttpFields.__XForwardedFor); if (!StringUtil.isNullString(forw)) { reqHost += " (proxies for " + forw + ")"; } session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_REQUEST_HOST, reqHost); } lockssHandleRequest(); success = (errMsg == null); } catch (ServletException e) { log.error("Servlet threw", e); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Servlet threw", e); throw e; } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Servlet threw", e); throw e; } finally { if (session != null) { session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_RUNNING_SERVLET, null); session.setAttribute(LockssFormAuthenticator.__J_AUTH_ACTIVITY, TimeBase.nowMs()); } if ("please".equalsIgnoreCase(req.getHeader("X-Lockss-Result"))) { log.debug3("X-Lockss-Result: " + (success ? "Ok" : "Fail")); resp.setHeader("X-Lockss-Result", success ? "Ok" : "Fail"); } resetMyLocals(); resetLocals(); } } protected void resetState() { multiReq = null; footNumber = 0; submitButtonNumber = 0; tabindex = 1; statusMsg = null; errMsg = null; isFramed = false; } protected void resetLocals() {} protected void resetMyLocals() { // Don't hold on to stuff forever req = null; resp = null; session = null; reqURL = null; adminDir = null; localAddr = null; footnotes = null; _myServletDescr = null; myName = null; multiReq = null; } /** * Return true if generated page may be cached (e.g., by browser). Default is false as most * servlets generate dynamic results */ protected boolean mayPageBeCached() { return false; } /** Set the session timeout to the configured value */ protected void setSessionTimeout(HttpSession session) { Configuration config = CurrentConfig.getCurrentConfig(); setSessionTimeout( session, config.getTimeInterval(PARAM_UI_SESSION_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_UI_SESSION_TIMEOUT)); } /** Set the session timeout */ protected void setSessionTimeout(HttpSession session, long time) { session.setMaxInactiveInterval((int) (time / Constants.SECOND)); } /** Get the current session, creating it if necessary (and set the timeout if so) */ protected HttpSession getSession() { if (session == null) { session = req.getSession(true); if (session.isNew()) { setSessionTimeout(session); } } return session; } /** Return true iff a session has already been established */ protected boolean hasSession() { return req.getSession(false) != null; } /** Get an unused ID string for storing an object in the session */ protected String getNewSessionObjectId() { HttpSession session = getSession(); synchronized (session) { Integer id = (Integer) getSession().getAttribute(SESSION_KEY_OBJECT_ID); if (id == null) { id = new Integer(1); } session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_OBJECT_ID, new Integer(id.intValue() + 1)); return id.toString(); } } /** Get the object associated with the ID in the session */ protected Object getSessionIdObject(String id) { HttpSession session = getSession(); synchronized (session) { BidiMap map = (BidiMap) session.getAttribute(SESSION_KEY_OBJ_MAP); if (map == null) { return null; } return map.getKey(id); } } /** Get the String associated with the ID in the session */ protected String getSessionIdString(String id) { return (String) getSessionIdObject(id); } /** Get the ID with which the object is associated with the session, if any */ protected String getSessionObjectId(Object obj) { HttpSession session = getSession(); BidiMap map; synchronized (session) { map = (BidiMap) session.getAttribute(SESSION_KEY_OBJ_MAP); if (map == null) { map = new DualHashBidiMap(); session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_OBJ_MAP, map); } } synchronized (map) { String id = (String) map.get(obj); if (id == null) { id = getNewSessionObjectId(); map.put(obj, id); } return id; } } // Return descriptor of running servlet protected ServletDescr myServletDescr() { if (_myServletDescr == null) { _myServletDescr = servletMgr.findServletDescr(this); } return _myServletDescr; } // By default, servlet heading is in descr. Override method to // compute other heading protected String getHeading(ServletDescr d) { if (d == null) return "Unknown Servlet"; return d.heading; } protected String getHeading() { return getHeading(myServletDescr()); } String getLocalIPAddr() { if (localAddr == null) { try { IPAddr localHost = IPAddr.getLocalHost(); localAddr = localHost.getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { // shouldn't happen log.error("LockssServlet: getLocalHost: " + e.toString()); return "???"; } } return localAddr; } // Return IP addr used by LCAP. If specified by (misleadingly named) // localIPAddress prop, might not really be our address (if we are // behind NAT). String getLcapIPAddr() { String ip = CurrentConfig.getParam(PARAM_LOCAL_IP); if (ip == null || ip.length() <= 0) { return getLocalIPAddr(); } return ip; } String getRequestHost() { return reqURL.getHost(); } String getMachineName() { return PlatformUtil.getLocalHostname(); } // String getMachineName0() { // if (myName == null) { // // Return the canonical name of the interface the request was aimed // // at. (localIPAddress prop isn't necessarily right here, as it // // might be the address of a NAT that we're behind.) // String host = reqURL.getHost(); // try { // IPAddr localHost = IPAddr.getByName(host); // String ip = localHost.getHostAddress(); // myName = getMachineName(ip); // } catch (UnknownHostException e) { // // shouldn't happen // log.error("getMachineName", e); // return host; // } // } // return myName; // } // String getMachineName(String ip) { // try { // IPAddr inet = IPAddr.getByName(ip); // return inet.getHostName(); // } catch (UnknownHostException e) { // log.warning("getMachineName", e); // } // return ip; // } // return IP given name or IP String getMachineIP(String name) { try { IPAddr inet = IPAddr.getByName(name); return inet.getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { return null; } } boolean isServletLinkInNav(ServletDescr d) { return !isThisServlet(d) || linkMeInNav(); } boolean isThisServlet(ServletDescr d) { return d == myServletDescr(); } /** servlets may override this to determine whether they should be a link in nav table */ protected boolean linkMeInNav() { return false; } boolean isLargeLogo() { return myServletDescr().isLargeLogo(); } // user predicates String getUsername() { Principal user = req.getUserPrincipal(); return user != null ? user.toString() : null; } protected UserAccount getUserAccount() { if (acctMgr != null) { return acctMgr.getUser(getUsername()); } return AccountManager.NOBODY_ACCOUNT; } protected boolean isDebugUser() { return doesUserHaveRole(ROLE_DEBUG); } protected boolean doesUserHaveRole(String role) { if ((req.isUserInRole(role) || req.isUserInRole(ROLE_USER_ADMIN)) && !hasNoRoleParsm(role)) { return true; } return hasTestRole(role); } static Map<String, String> noRoleParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { noRoleParams.put(ROLE_USER_ADMIN, "noadmin"); noRoleParams.put(ROLE_CONTENT_ADMIN, "nocontent"); noRoleParams.put(ROLE_AU_ADMIN, "noau"); noRoleParams.put(ROLE_DEBUG, "nodebug"); } protected boolean hasNoRoleParsm(String roleName) { String noRoleParam = noRoleParams.get(roleName); return (noRoleParam != null && !StringUtil.isNullString(req.getParameter(noRoleParam))); } protected boolean hasTestRole(String role) { // Servlet test harness puts roles in context List roles = (List) context.getAttribute(ATTR_ALLOW_ROLES); return roles != null && (roles.contains(role) || roles.contains(ROLE_USER_ADMIN)); } protected boolean isServletAllowed(ServletDescr d) { if (d.needsUserAdminRole() && !doesUserHaveRole(ROLE_USER_ADMIN)) return false; if (d.needsContentAdminRole() && !doesUserHaveRole(ROLE_CONTENT_ADMIN)) return false; if (d.needsAuAdminRole() && !doesUserHaveRole(ROLE_AU_ADMIN)) return false; return d.isEnabled(getLockssDaemon()); } protected boolean isServletDisplayed(ServletDescr d) { if (!isServletAllowed(d)) return false; if (d.needsDebugRole() && !doesUserHaveRole(ROLE_DEBUG)) return false; return true; } protected boolean isServletInNav(ServletDescr d) { if (d.cls == ServletDescr.UNAVAILABLE_SERVLET_MARKER) return false; return d.isInNav(this) && isServletDisplayed(d); } // Called when a servlet doesn't get the parameters it expects/needs protected void paramError() throws IOException { // FIXME: As of 2006-03-15 this method and its only caller checkParam() are not called from // anywhere PrintWriter wrtr = resp.getWriter(); Page page = new Page(); // add referer, params, msg to contact lockss unless from old bookmark // or manually entered url page.add("Parameter error"); page.write(wrtr); } // return true iff error protected boolean checkParam(boolean ok, String msg) throws IOException { if (ok) return false; log.error(myServletDescr().getPath() + ": " + msg); paramError(); return true; } /** Construct servlet URL */ String srvURL(ServletDescr d) { return srvURL((String) null, d, null); } /** Construct servlet URL with params */ String srvURL(ServletDescr d, String params) { return srvURL((String) null, d, params); } /** Construct servlet URL with params */ String srvURL(ServletDescr d, Properties params) { return srvURL(d, concatParams(params)); } /** Construct servlet absolute URL, with params as necessary. */ String srvAbsURL(ServletDescr d, String params) { return srvURL(getRequestHost(), d, params); } /** * Construct servlet URL, with params as necessary. Avoid generating a hostname different from * that used in the original request, or browsers will prompt again for login */ String srvURL(String host, ServletDescr d, String params) { return srvURLFromStem(srvUrlStem(host), d, params); } String srvURL(PeerIdentity peer, ServletDescr d, String params) { return srvURLFromStem(peer.getUiUrlStem(reqURL.getPort()), d, params); } /** * Construct servlet URL, with params as necessary. Avoid generating a hostname different from * that used in the original request, or browsers will prompt again for login */ String srvURLFromStem(String stem, ServletDescr d, String params) { if (d.isPathIsUrl()) { return d.getPath(); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(80); if (stem != null) { sb.append(stem); if (stem.charAt(stem.length() - 1) != '/') { sb.append('/'); } } else { // ensure absolute path even if no scheme/host/port sb.append('/'); } sb.append(d.getPath()); if (params != null) { sb.append('?'); sb.append(params); } return sb.toString(); } String srvUrlStem(String host) { if (host == null) { return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(reqURL.getProtocol()); sb.append("://"); sb.append(host); sb.append(':'); sb.append(reqURL.getPort()); return sb.toString(); } /** Return a link to a servlet */ String srvLink(ServletDescr d, String text) { return srvLink(d, text, (String) null); } /** Return a link to a servlet with params */ String srvLink(ServletDescr d, String text, String params) { return new Link(srvURL(d, params), (text != null ? text : d.heading)).toString(); } /** Return a link to a servlet with params */ String srvLink(ServletDescr d, String text, Properties params) { return new Link(srvURL(d, params), text).toString(); } /** Return an absolute link to a servlet with params */ String srvAbsLink(ServletDescr d, String text, Properties params) { return srvAbsLink(d, text, concatParams(params)); } /** Return an absolute link to a servlet with params */ String srvAbsLink(ServletDescr d, String text, String params) { return new Link(srvAbsURL(d, params), (text != null ? text : d.heading)).toString(); } /** Return an absolute link to a servlet with params */ String srvAbsLink(String host, ServletDescr d, String text, String params) { return new Link(srvURL(host, d, params), (text != null ? text : d.heading)).toString(); } /** Return an absolute link to a servlet with params */ String srvAbsLink(PeerIdentity peer, ServletDescr d, String text, String params) { return new Link(srvURL(peer, d, params), (text != null ? text : d.heading)).toString(); } /** Return text as a link iff isLink */ String conditionalSrvLink(ServletDescr d, String text, String params, boolean isLink) { if (isLink) { return srvLink(d, text, params); } else { return text; } } /** Return text as a link iff isLink */ String conditionalSrvLink(ServletDescr d, String text, boolean isLink) { return conditionalSrvLink(d, text, null, isLink); } /** Concatenate params for URL string */ static String concatParams(String p1, String p2) { if (StringUtil.isNullString(p1)) { return p2; } if (StringUtil.isNullString(p2)) { return p1; } return p1 + "&" + p2; } /** Concatenate params for URL string */ String concatParams(Properties props) { if (props == null) { return null; } java.util.List list = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iter = props.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String key = (String); String val = props.getProperty(key); if (!StringUtil.isNullString(val)) { list.add(key + "=" + urlEncode(val)); } } return StringUtil.separatedString(list, "&"); } String modifyParams(String key, String val) { Properties props = getParamsAsProps(); props.setProperty(key, val); return concatParams(props); } /** * Return the request parameters as a Properties. Only the first value of multivalued parameters * is included. */ Properties getParamsAsProps() { Properties props = new Properties(); for (Enumeration en = req.getParameterNames(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { String name = (String) en.nextElement(); props.setProperty(name, req.getParameter(name)); } return props; } /** * Return the request parameters as a Map<String,String>. Only the first value of multivalued * parameters is included. */ Map<String, String> getParamsAsMap() { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Enumeration en = req.getParameterNames(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { String name = (String) en.nextElement(); map.put(name, req.getParameter(name)); } return map; } protected String urlEncode(String param) { return UrlUtil.encodeUrl(param); } protected String getRequestKey() { String key = req.getPathInfo(); if (key != null && key.startsWith("/")) { return key.substring(1); } return key; } /** Common page setup. */ protected Page newPage() { // Compute heading String heading = getHeading(); if (heading == null) { heading = "Box Administration"; } // Create page and layout header Page page = ServletUtil.doNewPage(getPageTitle(), isFramed()); Iterator inNavIterator; if (myServletDescr().hasNoNavTable()) { inNavIterator = CollectionUtil.EMPTY_ITERATOR; } else { inNavIterator = new FilterIterator( new ObjectArrayIterator(getServletDescrs()), new Predicate() { public boolean evaluate(Object obj) { return isServletInNav((ServletDescr) obj); } }); } ServletUtil.layoutHeader( this, page, heading, isLargeLogo(), getMachineName(), getLockssApp().getStartDate(), inNavIterator); String warnMsg = CurrentConfig.getParam(PARAM_UI_WARNING); if (warnMsg != null) { Composite warning = new Composite(); warning.add("<center><font color=red size=+1>"); warning.add(warnMsg); warning.add("</font></center><br>"); page.add(warning); } return page; } protected Page addBarePageHeading(Page page) { // FIXME: Move the following fragment elsewhere // It causes the doctype statement to appear in the middle, // after the <body> tag. page.add("<!doctype html public \"-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en\">"); page.addHeader("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\">"); page.addHeader("<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1\">"); page.addHeader("<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"/favicon.ico\" type=\"image/x-icon\" />"); return page; } private boolean isFramed = false; protected String errMsg; protected String statusMsg; protected boolean isFramed() { return isFramed; } protected void setFramed(boolean v) { isFramed = v; } protected String getPageTitle() { String heading = getHeading(); if (heading != null) { return "LOCKSS: " + heading; } else { return "LOCKSS"; } } /** Return a button that invokes the javascript submit routine with the specified action */ protected Element submitButton(String label, String action) { return submitButton(label, action, null, null); } /** Return a button that invokes javascript when clicked. */ Input jsButton(String label, String js) { Input btn = new Input("button", null); btn.attribute("value", label); setTabOrder(btn); btn.attribute("onClick", js); return btn; } /** * Return a button that invokes the javascript submit routine with the specified action, first * storing the value in the specified form prop. */ protected Element submitButton(String label, String action, String prop, String value) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(40); sb.append("lockssButton(this, '"); sb.append(action); sb.append("'"); if (prop != null && value != null) { sb.append(", '"); sb.append(prop); sb.append("', '"); sb.append(value); sb.append("'"); } sb.append(")"); Input btn = jsButton(label, sb.toString()); btn.attribute("id", "lsb." + (++submitButtonNumber)); return btn; } /** * Return a (possibly labelled) checkbox. * * @param label appears to right of checkbox if non null * @param value value included in result set if box checked * @param key form key to which result set is assigned * @param checked if true, box is initially checked * @return a checkbox Element */ Element checkBox(String label, String value, String key, boolean checked) { Input in = new Input(Input.Checkbox, key, value); if (checked) { in.check(); } setTabOrder(in); if (StringUtil.isNullString(label)) { return in; } else { Composite c = new Composite(); c.add(in); c.add(" "); c.add(label); return c; } } /** * Return a labelled rasio button * * @param label label to right of circle, and form value if checked * @param key form key to which value is assigned * @param checked if true, is initially checked * @return a readio button Element */ protected Element radioButton(String label, String key, boolean checked) { return radioButton(label, label, key, checked); } /** * Return a labelled rasio button * * @param label appears to right of circle if non null * @param value value assigned to key if box checked * @param key form key to which value is assigned * @param checked if true, is initially checked * @return a readio button Element */ protected Element radioButton(String label, String value, String key, boolean checked) { Composite c = new Composite(); Input in = new Input(Input.Radio, key, value); if (checked) { in.check(); } setTabOrder(in); c.add(in); c.add(label); return c; } /** Add html tags to grey the text if isGrey is true */ protected String greyText(String txt, boolean isGrey) { if (!isGrey) { return txt; } return "<font color=gray>" + txt + "</font>"; } /** * Set this element next in the tab order. Returns the element for easier nesting in expressions. */ protected Element setTabOrder(Element ele) { ele.attribute("tabindex", tabindex++); return ele; } /** * Store a footnote, assign it a number, return html for footnote reference. If footnote in null * or empty, no footnote is added and an empty string is returned. Footnote numbers get turned * into links; <b>Do not put the result of addFootnote inside a link!</b>. */ protected String addFootnote(String s) { if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { return ""; } if (footNumber == 0) { if (footnotes == null) { footnotes = new Vector(10, 10); } else { footnotes.removeAllElements(); } } int n = footnotes.indexOf(s); if (n < 0) { n = footNumber++; footnotes.addElement(s); } return "<sup><font size=-1><a href=#foottag" + (n + 1) + ">" + (n + 1) + "</a></font></sup>"; } /** * Add javascript to page. Normally adds a link to the script file, but can be told to include the * script directly in the page, to accomodate unit testing of individual servlets, when other * fetches won't work. */ protected void addJavaScript(Composite comp) { String include = (String) context.getAttribute(ATTR_INCLUDE_SCRIPT); if (StringUtil.isNullString(include)) { linkToJavaScript(comp); } else { includeJavaScript0(comp); } } private void includeJavaScript0(Composite comp) { Script script = new Script(getJavascript()); comp.add(script); } private void linkToJavaScript(Composite comp) { Script script = new Script(""); script.attribute("src", "admin.js"); comp.add(script); } private static String jstext = null; private static synchronized String getJavascript() { if (jstext == null) { InputStream istr = null; try { ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); istr = loader.getResourceAsStream(JAVASCRIPT_RESOURCE); jstext = StringUtil.fromInputStream(istr); istr.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Can't load javascript", e); } finally { IOUtil.safeClose(istr); } } return jstext; } /** Display a message in lieu of the normal page */ protected void displayMsgInLieuOfPage(String msg) throws IOException { // TODO: Look at HTML Page page = newPage(); Composite warning = new Composite(); warning.add(msg); warning.add("<br>"); page.add(warning); layoutFooter(page); page.write(resp.getWriter()); } /** Display a warning in red, in lieu of the normal page */ protected void displayWarningInLieuOfPage(String msg) throws IOException { displayMsgInLieuOfPage("<center><font color=red size=+1>" + msg + "</font></center>"); } /** Display "The cache isn't ready yet, come back later" */ protected void displayNotStarted() throws IOException { displayWarningInLieuOfPage( "This LOCKSS box is still starting. Please " + srvLink(myServletDescr(), "try again", getParamsAsProps()) + " in a moment."); } public MultiPartRequest getMultiPartRequest() throws FormDataTooLongException, IOException { int maxUpload = CurrentConfig.getIntParam(PARAM_MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE, DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE); return getMultiPartRequest(maxUpload); } public MultiPartRequest getMultiPartRequest(int maxLen) throws FormDataTooLongException, IOException { if (req.getContentType() == null || !req.getContentType().startsWith("multipart/form-data")) { return null; } if (req.getContentLength() > maxLen) { throw new FormDataTooLongException(req.getContentLength() + " bytes, " + maxLen + " allowed"); } MultiPartRequest multi = new MultiPartRequest(req); if (log.isDebug2()) { String[] parts = multi.getPartNames(); log.debug3("Multipart request, " + parts.length + " parts"); if (log.isDebug3()) { for (int p = 0; p < parts.length; p++) { String name = parts[p]; String cont = multi.getString(parts[p]); log.debug3(name + ": " + cont); } } } multiReq = multi; return multi; } public String getParameter(String name) { String val = req.getParameter(name); if (val == null && multiReq != null) { val = multiReq.getString(name); } if (val == null) { return null; } val = StringUtils.strip(val, " \t"); // if (StringUtil.isNullString(val)) { if ("".equals(val)) { return null; } return val; } protected void layoutFooter(Page page) { ServletUtil.doLayoutFooter( page, (footnotes == null ? null : footnotes.iterator()), getLockssApp().getVersionInfo()); if (footnotes != null) { footnotes.removeAllElements(); } } /** Return the app instance. */ protected LockssApp getLockssApp() { return theApp; } /** * Return the daemon instance, assumes that the servlet is running in the daemon. * * @throws ClassCastException if the servlet is running in an app other than the daemon */ protected LockssDaemon getLockssDaemon() { return (LockssDaemon) theApp; } protected void logParams() { Enumeration en = req.getParameterNames(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) en.nextElement(); String vals[]; String dispval; if (StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(name, "passw") >= 0) { dispval = req.getParameter(name).length() == 0 ? "" : "********"; } else if (log.isDebug2() && (vals = req.getParameterValues(name)).length > 1) { dispval = StringUtil.separatedString(vals, ", "); } else { dispval = req.getParameter(name); } log.debug(name + " = " + dispval); } } /** Convenience method */ protected String encodeText(String s) { return HtmlUtil.encode(s, HtmlUtil.ENCODE_TEXT); } /** Convenience method */ protected String encodeTextArea(String s) { return HtmlUtil.encode(s, HtmlUtil.ENCODE_TEXTAREA); } /** Convenience method */ protected String encodeAttr(String s) { return HtmlUtil.encode(s, HtmlUtil.ENCODE_ATTR); } /** * Create message and error message block * * @param composite TODO */ protected void layoutErrorBlock(Composite composite) { if (errMsg != null || statusMsg != null) { ServletUtil.layoutErrorBlock(composite, errMsg, statusMsg); } } /** Exception thrown if multipart form data is longer than the caller-supplied max */ public static class FormDataTooLongException extends Exception { public FormDataTooLongException(String message) { super(message); } } }
public final class iconChip_jsp extends org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase implements org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspSourceDependent { Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); static final String SERVLETPATH = ""; final boolean DEBUG_COMMENTS = ConfigConstants.getInstance().DEBUG_SHOWJSPCOMMENTS; private String getRequestURL() { return SERVLETPATH + "?" + MasterServlet.WINDOW_ID + "=" + Frame.getCurrent().getID(); } private String getRequestURL(String frameName) { return SERVLETPATH + "?" + MasterServlet.WINDOW_ID + "=frame" + DisplayState.DELIMITER + frameName; } private String getWindowRequestURL(String windowName) { return SERVLETPATH + "?" + MasterServlet.WINDOW_ID + "=" + windowName; } private String localized(String strKey) { return DisplayState.getCurrent().getLocalizedString(strKey); } /** * If the appropriate config property is true (hmc.escape.html), all html content in the given * string will be escaped. */ private String escapeHTML(String text) { if (ConfigConstants.getInstance().HTML_ESCAPE) { return Utilities.escapeHTML(text); } else { return text; } } private String getExternalLink(final String url, final String label, final String css) { StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); link.append("<a href=\"" + url + "\" "); if (css != null) { link.append("class=\"" + css + "\" "); } link.append(">"); link.append(label); link.append("</a>"); return link.toString(); } private String getExternalLink(final String url, final String label) { return getExternalLink(url, label, null); } private String getLink( final String event, final String label, final String css, String defaultValue, String selectedValue, String tooltip) { String status = Utilities.escapeHTML(Utilities.filterOutHTMLTags(tooltip)); StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); defaultValue = defaultValue == null ? AbstractChip.FALSE : defaultValue; selectedValue = selectedValue == null ? AbstractChip.TRUE : selectedValue; link.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + defaultValue + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" onMouseover=\"window.status='" + status + "'; return true;\" onMouseout=\"window.status=''; return true;\" "); if (css != null) { link.append("class=\"" + css + "\" "); } link.append("hidefocus=\"true\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value='" + selectedValue + "';setScrollAndSubmit();return false;\">"); link.append(label); link.append("</a>"); return link.toString(); } private String getLink( final String event, final String label, final String css, String defaultValue, String selectedValue) { return getLink(event, label, css, defaultValue, selectedValue, label); } private String getLink(final String url, final String label, final String css) { return getLink(url, label, css, null, null); } private String getLink(final String url, final String label) { return getLink(url, label, null); } private String getMainToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String image, String javascript, final boolean showLabel, final boolean isDropDown, final boolean isEnabled) { return getMainToolbarButton( event, label, label, image, javascript, showLabel, isDropDown, isEnabled); } private String getMainToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String tooltip, final String image, String javascript, final boolean showLabel, final boolean isDropDown, final boolean isEnabled) { if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; final String color = isEnabled ? "#333333" : "#999999"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); if (isEnabled) { link.append( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + AbstractChip.FALSE + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"" + tooltip + "\" "); link.append( "onMouseover=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onMouseout=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onFocus=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onBlur=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value = " + javascript + "; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); } link.append( "<table title=\"" + tooltip + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle; width:100%; height:23px;\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); link.append("<tr>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_left\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_main_l.gif\"> </td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_middle\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_main_m.gif\">"); link.append( "<img id=\"" + imageID + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle;\" src=\"" + image + "\">"); if (showLabel) { link.append( "<span style=\"padding-left:5px; " + (!isDropDown ? "padding-right:5px; " : "") + "color:" + color + "\">" + label + "</span>"); } if (isDropDown) { link.append( "<span style=\"padding-left:3px; padding-right:5px;\"><img style=\"vertical-align:middle;\" src=\"images/icons/header_downarrow_main" + (isEnabled ? "" : "_inactive") + ".gif\"></span>"); } link.append("</td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_right\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_main_r.gif\"> </td>"); link.append("</tr>"); link.append("</table>"); if (isEnabled) { link.append("</a>"); } return link.toString(); } private String getBlueToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { return getBlueToolbarButton(event, label, label, image, javascript, showLabel, isEnabled); } private String getBlueToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String tooltip, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); final String color = isEnabled ? "#ffffff" : "#aaaaff"; if (isEnabled) { link.append( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + AbstractChip.FALSE + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"" + tooltip + "\" "); link.append( "onMouseover=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onMouseout=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onFocus=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onBlur=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value = " + javascript + "; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); } link.append( "<table title=\"" + tooltip + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle; width:100%; height:23px;\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); link.append("<tr>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_left\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_blue_l.gif\"> </td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_middle\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_blue_m.gif\">"); link.append( "<img id=\"" + imageID + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" src=\"" + image + "\">"); if (showLabel) { link.append( "<span style=\"padding-left:5px; padding-right:5px; color:" + color + "\">" + label + "</span>"); } link.append("</td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_right\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_blue_r.gif\"> </td>"); link.append("</tr>"); link.append("</table>"); if (isEnabled) { link.append("</a>"); } return link.toString(); } private String getGreyToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { return getGreyToolbarButton(event, label, label, image, javascript, showLabel, isEnabled); } private String getGreyToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String tooltip, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); final String color = isEnabled ? "#ffffff" : "#D8DCE3"; if (isEnabled) { link.append( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + AbstractChip.FALSE + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"" + tooltip + "\" "); link.append( "onMouseover=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onMouseout=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onFocus=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onBlur=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value = " + javascript + "; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); } link.append( "<table title=\"" + tooltip + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle; width:100%; height:23px;\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); link.append("<tr>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_left\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_grey_l.gif\"> </td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_middle\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_grey_m.gif\">"); link.append( "<img id=\"" + imageID + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" src=\"" + image + "\">"); if (showLabel) { link.append("<span style=\"padding-left:5px; color:" + color + "\">" + label + "</span>"); } link.append("</td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_right\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_grey_r.gif\"> </td>"); link.append("</tr>"); link.append("</table>"); if (isEnabled) { link.append("</a>"); } return link.toString(); } private String getIconButton( final String event, final String label, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { String status = Utilities.escapeHTML(Utilities.filterOutHTMLTags(label)); if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); final String color = isEnabled ? "#ffffff" : "#D8DCE3"; if (isEnabled) { link.append( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + AbstractChip.FALSE + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"" + status + "\" "); link.append( "onMouseover=\"window.status='" + status + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onMouseout=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onFocus=\"window.status='" + status + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover__m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover__r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onBlur=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value = " + javascript + "; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); } link.append( "<table title=\"" + status + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle; width:100%; height:23px; padding:0px;\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); link.append("<tr>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_left\" style=\"width:3px;font-size:1pt;padding:0px;\" background=\"images/icons/icon_button_background_l.gif\"><div style=\"width:3px;\"></div></td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_middle\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;padding:0px;\" background=\"images/icons/icon_button_background_m.gif\">"); link.append( "<img id=\"" + imageID + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" src=\"" + image + "\">"); if (showLabel) { link.append("<span style=\"padding-left:5px; color:" + color + "\">" + label + "</span>"); } link.append("</td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_right\" style=\"width:3px;font-size:1pt;padding:0px;\" background=\"images/icons/icon_button_background_r.gif\"><div style=\"width:3px;\"></div></td>"); link.append("</tr>"); link.append("</table>"); if (isEnabled) { link.append("</a>"); } return link.toString(); } private String getFooterButton( final String event, final String label, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { return getFooterButton(event, label, label, image, javascript, showLabel, isEnabled); } private String getFooterButton( final String event, final String label, final String tooltip, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); final String color = isEnabled ? "#333333" : "#999999"; if (isEnabled) { link.append( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + AbstractChip.FALSE + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"" + tooltip + "\" "); link.append( "onMouseover=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onMouseout=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onFocus=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onBlur=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value = " + javascript + "; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); } link.append( "<table title=\"" + tooltip + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle; width:100%; height:23px;\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); link.append("<tr>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_left\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/footer_background_l.gif\"> </td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_middle\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;\" background=\"images/icons/footer_background_m.gif\">"); link.append( "<img id=\"" + imageID + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" src=\"" + image + "\">"); if (showLabel) { link.append("<span style=\"padding-left:5px; color:" + color + "\">" + label + "</span>"); } link.append("</td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_right\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/footer_background_r.gif\"> </td>"); link.append("</tr>"); link.append("</table>"); if (isEnabled) { link.append("</a>"); } return link.toString(); } private String getSimpleImageConfirmLink( final String event, final String label, final String image, String imageOver, String javascript) { String status = Utilities.escapeHTML(Utilities.filterOutHTMLTags(label)); if ((imageOver == null) || imageOver.equals("")) { imageOver = image; } if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); link.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"") .append(event) .append("\" value=\"") .append(AbstractChip.FALSE) .append("\" />"); link.append("<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"") .append(status) .append("\" title=\"") .append(status) .append("\""); link.append("onMouseover=\"window.status='") .append(status) .append("'; swapImage('") .append(imageID) .append("', '") .append(imageOver) .append("'); return true;\" "); link.append("onMouseout=\"window.status=''; swapImage('") .append(imageID) .append("', '") .append(image) .append("'); return true;\" "); link.append("onFocus=\"swapImage('") .append(imageID) .append("', '") .append(imageOver) .append("'); return true;\" "); link.append("onBlur=\"swapImage('") .append(imageID) .append("', '") .append(image) .append("'); return true;\" "); link.append("onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['") .append(event) .append("'].value = ") .append(javascript) .append("; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); link.append("<img id=\"") .append(imageID) .append("\" src=\"") .append(image) .append("\" alt=\"") .append(status) .append("\">"); link.append("</a>"); return link.toString(); } private String getSimpleImageLink( final String event, final String label, final String image, final String imageOver) { return getSimpleImageConfirmLink(event, label, image, imageOver, null); } public String getLinkedLabel(final String url, final String body) { if (url == null) { return body; } else { return "<a href=\"" + url + "\" hidefocus=\"true\">" + body + "</a>"; } } public String getLinkedIDLabel(String id, final String url, final String body) { if ((id == null) || id.equals("")) { return getLinkedLabel(url, body); } if (url == null) { return body; } else { return "<a id=\"" + id + "\" href=\"" + url + "\" hidefocus=\"true\">" + body + "</a>"; } } private static final javax.servlet.jsp.JspFactory _jspxFactory = javax.servlet.jsp.JspFactory.getDefaultFactory(); private static java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Long> _jspx_dependants; static { _jspx_dependants = new java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String, java.lang.Long>(1); _jspx_dependants.put("/", Long.valueOf(1406205714000L)); } private javax.el.ExpressionFactory _el_expressionfactory; private org.apache.tomcat.InstanceManager _jsp_instancemanager; public java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Long> getDependants() { return _jspx_dependants; } public void _jspInit() { _el_expressionfactory = _jspxFactory .getJspApplicationContext(getServletConfig().getServletContext()) .getExpressionFactory(); _jsp_instancemanager = org.apache.jasper.runtime.InstanceManagerFactory.getInstanceManager(getServletConfig()); } public void _jspDestroy() {} public void _jspService( final javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, final javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response) throws, javax.servlet.ServletException { final javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext; javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session = null; final javax.servlet.ServletContext application; final javax.servlet.ServletConfig config; javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out = null; final java.lang.Object page = this; javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter _jspx_out = null; javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext _jspx_page_context = null; try { response.setContentType("text/html"); pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response, null, true, 8192, true); _jspx_page_context = pageContext; application = pageContext.getServletContext(); config = pageContext.getServletConfig(); session = pageContext.getSession(); out = pageContext.getOut(); _jspx_out = out; out.write("\r\n\r\n"); final DisplayState theDisplayState = (DisplayState) request.getAttribute(MasterServlet.STATE); final Frame frame = (Frame) request.getAttribute(AbstractChip.FRAME_KEY); /* //to be definitive NOT serializable InputStream noser = (InputStream)session.getAttribute( "NOT_SERIALIZABLE"); if( noser==null ) { session.setAttribute( "NOT_SERIALIZABLE", new ByteArrayInputStream( new byte[0] )); } */ out.write("\r\n\r\n"); final IconChip theChip = (IconChip) request.getAttribute(AbstractChip.CHIP_KEY); final boolean explorable = theChip.isExplorable(); final String iconURI = explorable ? theChip.getIconURI() : theChip.getNonExplorableIconURI(); final String iconLabel = theChip.getIconTitle(); final String iconTooltip = theChip.getIconTooltip(); final String altTxt = iconTooltip != null ? " alt=\"" + iconTooltip.replace("\"", "''") + "\" " : ""; final String toolTipTxt = iconTooltip != null ? " title=\"" + iconTooltip.replace("\"", "''") + "\" " : ""; final int[] box = theChip.getBoxSize(); final int boxWidth = box != null && box[0] > 0 ? box[0] : -1; final boolean useWidth = boxWidth > 0; final int boxHeight = box != null && box[1] > 0 ? box[1] : -1; final boolean useHeight = boxHeight > 0; final List menuEntries = theChip.getMenuEntries(); final String contextMenu = theChip.hasVisibleContextMenuEntries() ? "(new Menu(" + theChip.createMenuEntriesForJS(menuEntries) + ", event, null, null, { uniqueName: '" + theChip.getUniqueName() + "'} )).show(); return false;" : "return false;"; final String widthStyle = useWidth ? "width:" + boxWidth + "px;" : ""; final String heightStyle = useHeight ? "height:" + (boxHeight / 2) + "px;" : ""; out.write("\r\n<table id=\"box_"); out.print(theChip.getID()); out.write( "\"\r\n\t\t cellpadding=\"0\"\r\n\t\t cellspacing=\"0\"\r\n\t\t border=\"0\"\r\n\t\t "); out.print(toolTipTxt); out.write("\r\n\t\t oncontextmenu=\""); out.print(contextMenu); out.write("\"\r\n\t\t class=\"iconChip\"\r\n \t\t onMouseover=\""); out.print(explorable ? " = '#ffffff'; return true;" : ""); out.write("\"\r\n \t\t onMouseout=\""); out.print(explorable ? " = '#f2f2f5'; return true;" : ""); out.write("\"\r\n \t\t >\r\n\t<tr>\r\n\t\t<td>\r\n\t\t\t<div style=\""); out.print(heightStyle); out.write(' '); out.print(widthStyle); out.write( "\">\r\n\t\t\t\t<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>\r\n"); if (explorable) { out.write( "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\"\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonFocus=\"document.getElementById('box_"); out.print(theChip.getID()); out.write( "').style.backgroundColor = '#ffffff'; return true;\"\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonblur=\"document.getElementById('box_"); out.print(theChip.getID()); out.write( "').style.backgroundColor = '#f2f2f5'; return true;\"\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonclick=\"setEvent('"); out.print(theChip.getCommandID(IconChip.CLICK)); out.write( "', 'true' ); setScrollAndSubmit();return false;\"\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonmouseover=\"window.status='open'; return true;\" \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tonMouseOut=\"window.status=''; return true;\"\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src=\""); out.print(iconURI); out.write("\" \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t "); out.print(altTxt); out.write(" \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t "); out.print(heightStyle); out.write("\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t/>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<!--<img src=\""); out.print(iconURI); out.write('"'); out.write(' '); out.print(altTxt); out.write(" />-->\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</a>\r\n"); } else { out.write("\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img src=\""); out.print(iconURI); out.write("\" \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t "); out.print(altTxt); out.write(" \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t "); out.print(heightStyle); out.write("\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t/>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<!--<img src=\""); out.print(iconURI); out.write('"'); out.write(' '); out.print(altTxt); out.write(" />-->\r\n"); } out.write( "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t</table>\r\n\t\t\t</div>\r\n\t\t</td>\r\n\t</tr>\r\n\t<tr>\r\n\t\t<td class=\"smallText\" style=\""); out.print(heightStyle); out.print(widthStyle); out.write("\">\r\n\t\t\t<small>"); out.print(iconLabel); out.write("</small>\r\n\t\t</td>\r\n\t</tr>\r\n</table>\n"); } catch (java.lang.Throwable t) { if (!(t instanceof javax.servlet.jsp.SkipPageException)) { out = _jspx_out; if (out != null && out.getBufferSize() != 0) try { if (response.isCommitted()) { out.flush(); } else { out.clearBuffer(); } } catch ( e) { } if (_jspx_page_context != null) _jspx_page_context.handlePageException(t); else throw new ServletException(t); } } finally { _jspxFactory.releasePageContext(_jspx_page_context); } } }
public abstract class AbstractCauchoRequest implements CauchoRequest { private static final L10N L = new L10N(AbstractCauchoRequest.class); private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AbstractCauchoRequest.class.getName()); private int _sessionGroup = -1; private boolean _sessionIsLoaded; private SessionImpl _session; public abstract CauchoResponse getResponse(); public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String path) { if (path == null || path.length() == 0) return null; else if (path.charAt(0) == '/') return getWebApp().getRequestDispatcher(path); else { CharBuffer cb = new CharBuffer(); WebApp webApp = getWebApp(); String servletPath = getPageServletPath(); if (servletPath != null) cb.append(servletPath); String pathInfo = getPagePathInfo(); if (pathInfo != null) cb.append(pathInfo); int p = cb.lastIndexOf('/'); if (p >= 0) cb.setLength(p); cb.append('/'); cb.append(path); if (webApp != null) return webApp.getRequestDispatcher(cb.toString()); return null; } } public String getRealPath(String uri) { WebApp webApp = getWebApp(); return webApp.getRealPath(uri); } /** Returns the URL for the request */ public StringBuffer getRequestURL() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(getScheme()); sb.append("://"); sb.append(getServerName()); int port = getServerPort(); if (port > 0 && port != 80 && port != 443) { sb.append(":"); sb.append(port); } sb.append(getRequestURI()); return sb; } /** Returns the real path of pathInfo. */ public String getPathTranslated() { // server/106w String pathInfo = getPathInfo(); if (pathInfo == null) return null; else return getRealPath(pathInfo); } public boolean isTop() { return false; } // // session management // public abstract boolean isSessionIdFromCookie(); public abstract String getSessionId(); public abstract void setSessionId(String sessionId); /** Returns the memory session. */ public HttpSession getMemorySession() { if (_session != null && _session.isValid()) return _session; else return null; } /** * Returns the current session, creating one if necessary. Sessions are a convenience for keeping * user state across requests. */ public HttpSession getSession() { return getSession(true); } /** * Returns the current session. * * @param create true if a new session should be created * @return the current session */ public HttpSession getSession(boolean create) { if (_session != null) { if (_session.isValid()) return _session; } else if (!create && _sessionIsLoaded) return null; _sessionIsLoaded = true; _session = createSession(create); return _session; } /** * Returns the current session. * * @return the current session */ public HttpSession getLoadedSession() { if (_session != null && _session.isValid()) return _session; else return null; } /** Returns true if the HTTP request's session id refers to a valid session. */ public boolean isRequestedSessionIdValid() { String id = getRequestedSessionId(); if (id == null) return false; SessionImpl session = _session; if (session == null) session = (SessionImpl) getSession(false); return session != null && session.isValid() && session.getId().equals(id); } /** * Returns the current session. * * <p>XXX: duplicated in RequestAdapter * * @param create true if a new session should be created * @return the current session */ private SessionImpl createSession(boolean create) { SessionManager manager = getSessionManager(); if (manager == null) return null; String id = getSessionId(); long now = Alarm.getCurrentTime(); SessionImpl session = manager.createSession(create, this, id, now, isSessionIdFromCookie()); if (session != null && (id == null || !session.getId().equals(id)) && manager.enableSessionCookies()) { setSessionId(session.getId()); } // server/0123 vs TCK /* if (session != null) session.setAccessTime(now); */ return session; } /** Returns the session manager. */ protected final SessionManager getSessionManager() { WebApp webApp = getWebApp(); if (webApp != null) return webApp.getSessionManager(); else return null; } /** Returns the session cookie. */ protected final String getSessionCookie(SessionManager manager) { if (isSecure()) return manager.getSSLCookieName(); else return manager.getCookieName(); } public int getSessionGroup() { return _sessionGroup; } void saveSession() { SessionImpl session = _session; if (session != null); } // // security // protected String getRunAs() { return null; } protected ServletInvocation getInvocation() { return null; } /** Returns the next request in a chain. */ protected HttpServletRequest getRequest() { return null; } /** @since Servlet 3.0 */ @Override public void login(String username, String password) throws ServletException { WebApp webApp = getWebApp(); Authenticator auth = webApp.getConfiguredAuthenticator(); if (auth == null) throw new ServletException( L.l("No authentication mechanism is configured for '{0}'", getWebApp())); // server/1aj0 Login login = webApp.getLogin(); if (login == null) throw new ServletException(L.l("No login mechanism is configured for '{0}'", getWebApp())); if (!login.isPasswordBased()) throw new ServletException( L.l("Authentication mechanism '{0}' does not support password authentication", login)); removeAttribute(Login.LOGIN_USER); removeAttribute(Login.LOGIN_PASSWORD); Principal principal = login.getUserPrincipal(this); if (principal != null) throw new ServletException(L.l("UserPrincipal object has already been established")); setAttribute(Login.LOGIN_USER, username); setAttribute(Login.LOGIN_PASSWORD, password); try { login.login(this, getResponse(), false); } finally { removeAttribute(Login.LOGIN_USER); removeAttribute(Login.LOGIN_PASSWORD); } principal = login.getUserPrincipal(this); if (principal == null) throw new ServletException("can't authenticate a user"); } @Override public boolean login(boolean isFail) { try { WebApp webApp = getWebApp(); if (webApp == null) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.finer("authentication failed, no web-app found"); getResponse().sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); return false; } // If the authenticator can find the user, return it. Login login = webApp.getLogin(); if (login != null) { Principal user = login.login(this, getResponse(), isFail); return user != null; /* if (user == null) return false; setAttribute(AbstractLogin.LOGIN_NAME, user); return true; */ } else if (isFail) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.finer("authentication failed, no login module found for " + webApp); getResponse().sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); return false; } else { // if a non-failure, then missing login is fine return false; } } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e); return false; } } /** Returns true if any authentication is requested */ public abstract boolean isLoginRequested(); public abstract void requestLogin(); /** @since Servlet 3.0 */ @Override public boolean authenticate(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { WebApp webApp = getWebApp(); if (webApp == null) throw new ServletException( L.l("No authentication mechanism is configured for '{0}'", getWebApp())); // server/1aj{0,1} Authenticator auth = webApp.getConfiguredAuthenticator(); if (auth == null) throw new ServletException( L.l("No authentication mechanism is configured for '{0}'", getWebApp())); Login login = webApp.getLogin(); if (login == null) throw new ServletException( L.l("No authentication mechanism is configured for '{0}'", getWebApp())); Principal principal = login.login(this, response, true); if (principal != null) return true; return false; } /** Returns the Principal representing the logged in user. */ public Principal getUserPrincipal() { requestLogin(); Principal user; user = (Principal) getAttribute(AbstractLogin.LOGIN_NAME); if (user != null) return user; WebApp webApp = getWebApp(); if (webApp == null) return null; // If the authenticator can find the user, return it. Login login = webApp.getLogin(); if (login != null) { user = login.getUserPrincipal(this); if (user != null) { getResponse().setPrivateCache(true); } else { // server/123h, server/1920 // distinguishes between setPrivateCache and setPrivateOrResinCache // _response.setPrivateOrResinCache(true); } } return user; } /** * Returns true if the user represented by the current request plays the named role. * * @param role the named role to test. * @return true if the user plays the role. */ public boolean isUserInRole(String role) { ServletInvocation invocation = getInvocation(); if (invocation == null) { if (getRequest() != null) return getRequest().isUserInRole(role); else return false; } HashMap<String, String> roleMap = invocation.getSecurityRoleMap(); if (roleMap != null) { String linkRole = roleMap.get(role); if (linkRole != null) role = linkRole; } String runAs = getRunAs(); if (runAs != null) return runAs.equals(role); WebApp webApp = getWebApp(); Principal user = getUserPrincipal(); if (user == null) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(this + " no user for isUserInRole"); return false; } RoleMapManager roleManager = webApp != null ? webApp.getRoleMapManager() : null; if (roleManager != null) { Boolean result = roleManager.isUserInRole(role, user); if (result != null) { if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine(this + " userInRole(" + role + ")->" + result); return result; } } Login login = webApp == null ? null : webApp.getLogin(); boolean inRole = login != null && login.isUserInRole(user, role); if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { if (login == null) log.fine(this + " no Login for isUserInRole"); else if (user == null) log.fine(this + " no user for isUserInRole"); else if (inRole) log.fine(this + " " + user + " is in role: " + role); else log.fine(this + " failed " + user + " in role: " + role); } return inRole; } // // lifecycle // protected void finishRequest() throws IOException { SessionImpl session = _session; // if (session == null && getSessionId() != null) session = (SessionImpl) getSession(false); if (session != null) session.finishRequest(); } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[]"; } }
public Logger getLogger() { if (logger == null) { logger = Logger.getLogger(""); } return logger; }
/** * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]" >Morten Sabroe Mortensen</a> * @version $Id:,v 1.2 2009/10/07 10:12:09 momor Exp $ */ public class ApplicationContextListener implements ServletContextListener { /** Constructor. */ public ApplicationContextListener() { super(); } /** */ public static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ApplicationContextListener.class.getName()); /** */ protected void initializeJSF() { // Make sure the faces application is set: { ApplicationFactory f = (ApplicationFactory) FactoryFinder.getFactory(FactoryFinder.APPLICATION_FACTORY); Application a = f.getApplication(); if (!(a instanceof SystemApplication)) { Application b = new SystemApplication(a); f.setApplication(b); } } } /** */ public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent ev) { initializeJSF(); } /** */ public static void shutdownThreadPools() { try { ThreadPoolManager.shutdownAll(); } catch (Throwable ex) { // Log info: { Level level = Level.SEVERE; Logger logger = log; if (logger.isLoggable(level)) { String message = "Failure to stop thread pools!"; logger.log(level, message, ex); } } throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** */ public static void shutdownThreadPoolsNow() { try { ThreadPoolManager.shutdownAllNow(); } catch (Throwable ex) { // Log info: { Level level = Level.SEVERE; Logger logger = log; if (logger.isLoggable(level)) { String message = "Failure to stop thread pools!"; logger.log(level, message, ex); } } throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** */ protected void statFlush() { try { DSLDataAccessorFactory f = DefaultDSLDataAccessorFactory.getInstance(); DSLDataAccessor a = f.getDSLDataAccessor(); a.statFlush(); } catch (Throwable ex) { // Log info: { Level level = Level.SEVERE; Logger logger = log; if (logger.isLoggable(level)) { String message = "Failure to flush statistical info!"; logger.log(level, message, ex); } } } } /** */ public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent ev) { statFlush(); // shutdownThreadPools(); shutdownThreadPoolsNow(); } }
/** UI to invoke various daemon actions */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class DebugPanel extends LockssServlet { public static final String PREFIX = Configuration.PREFIX + "debugPanel."; /** Priority for crawls started from the debug panel */ public static final String PARAM_CRAWL_PRIORITY = PREFIX + "crawlPriority"; public static final int DEFAULT_CRAWL_PRIORITY = 10; /** Priority for crawls started from the debug panel */ public static final String PARAM_ENABLE_DEEP_CRAWL = PREFIX + "deepCrawlEnabled"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLE_DEEP_CRAWL = false; static final String KEY_ACTION = "action"; static final String KEY_MSG = "msg"; static final String KEY_NAME_SEL = "name_sel"; static final String KEY_NAME_TYPE = "name_type"; static final String KEY_AUID = "auid"; static final String KEY_URL = "url"; static final String KEY_REFETCH_DEPTH = "depth"; static final String KEY_TIME = "time"; static final String ACTION_MAIL_BACKUP = "Mail Backup File"; static final String ACTION_THROW_IOEXCEPTION = "Throw IOException"; static final String ACTION_FIND_URL = "Find Preserved URL"; public static final String ACTION_REINDEX_METADATA = "Reindex Metadata"; public static final String ACTION_FORCE_REINDEX_METADATA = "Force Reindex Metadata"; public static final String ACTION_START_V3_POLL = "Start V3 Poll"; static final String ACTION_FORCE_START_V3_POLL = "Force V3 Poll"; public static final String ACTION_START_CRAWL = "Start Crawl"; public static final String ACTION_FORCE_START_CRAWL = "Force Start Crawl"; public static final String ACTION_START_DEEP_CRAWL = "Deep Crawl"; public static final String ACTION_FORCE_START_DEEP_CRAWL = "Force Deep Crawl"; public static final String ACTION_CHECK_SUBSTANCE = "Check Substance"; static final String ACTION_CRAWL_PLUGINS = "Crawl Plugins"; static final String ACTION_RELOAD_CONFIG = "Reload Config"; static final String ACTION_SLEEP = "Sleep"; public static final String ACTION_DISABLE_METADATA_INDEXING = "Disable Indexing"; /** Set of actions for which audit alerts shouldn't be generated */ public static final Set noAuditActions = SetUtil.set(ACTION_FIND_URL); static final String COL2 = "colspan=2"; static final String COL2CENTER = COL2 + " align=center"; static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("DebugPanel"); private LockssDaemon daemon; private PluginManager pluginMgr; private PollManager pollManager; private CrawlManager crawlMgr; private ConfigManager cfgMgr; private DbManager dbMgr; private MetadataManager metadataMgr; private RemoteApi rmtApi; boolean showResult; boolean showForcePoll; boolean showForceCrawl; boolean showForceReindexMetadata; String formAuid; String formDepth = "100"; protected void resetLocals() { resetVars(); super.resetLocals(); } void resetVars() { formAuid = null; errMsg = null; statusMsg = null; showForcePoll = false; showForceCrawl = false; showForceReindexMetadata = false; } public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { super.init(config); daemon = getLockssDaemon(); pluginMgr = daemon.getPluginManager(); pollManager = daemon.getPollManager(); crawlMgr = daemon.getCrawlManager(); cfgMgr = daemon.getConfigManager(); rmtApi = daemon.getRemoteApi(); try { dbMgr = daemon.getDbManager(); metadataMgr = daemon.getMetadataManager(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { } } public void lockssHandleRequest() throws IOException { resetVars(); boolean showForm = true; String action = getParameter(KEY_ACTION); if (!StringUtil.isNullString(action)) { formAuid = getParameter(KEY_AUID); formDepth = getParameter(KEY_REFETCH_DEPTH); UserAccount acct = getUserAccount(); if (acct != null && !noAuditActions.contains(action)) { acct.auditableEvent("used debug panel action: " + action + " AU ID: " + formAuid); } } if (ACTION_MAIL_BACKUP.equals(action)) { doMailBackup(); } if (ACTION_RELOAD_CONFIG.equals(action)) { doReloadConfig(); } if (ACTION_SLEEP.equals(action)) { doSleep(); } if (ACTION_THROW_IOEXCEPTION.equals(action)) { doThrow(); } if (ACTION_START_V3_POLL.equals(action)) { doV3Poll(); } if (ACTION_FORCE_START_V3_POLL.equals(action)) { forceV3Poll(); } if (ACTION_START_CRAWL.equals(action)) { doCrawl(false, false); } if (ACTION_FORCE_START_CRAWL.equals(action)) { doCrawl(true, false); } if (ACTION_START_DEEP_CRAWL.equals(action)) { doCrawl(false, true); } if (ACTION_FORCE_START_DEEP_CRAWL.equals(action)) { doCrawl(true, true); } if (ACTION_CHECK_SUBSTANCE.equals(action)) { doCheckSubstance(); } if (ACTION_CRAWL_PLUGINS.equals(action)) { crawlPluginRegistries(); } if (ACTION_FIND_URL.equals(action)) { showForm = doFindUrl(); } if (ACTION_REINDEX_METADATA.equals(action)) { doReindexMetadata(); } if (ACTION_FORCE_REINDEX_METADATA.equals(action)) { forceReindexMetadata(); } if (ACTION_DISABLE_METADATA_INDEXING.equals(action)) { doDisableMetadataIndexing(); } if (showForm) { displayPage(); } } private void doMailBackup() { try { rmtApi.createConfigBackupFile(RemoteApi.BackupFileDisposition.Mail); } catch (Exception e) { errMsg = "Error: " + e.getMessage(); } } private void doReloadConfig() { cfgMgr.requestReload(); } private void doThrow() throws IOException { String msg = getParameter(KEY_MSG); throw new IOException(msg != null ? msg : "Test message"); } private void doSleep() throws IOException { String timestr = getParameter(KEY_TIME); try { long time = StringUtil.parseTimeInterval(timestr);; statusMsg = "Slept for " + StringUtil.timeIntervalToString(time); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errMsg = "Illegal duration: " + e; } catch (InterruptedException e) { errMsg = "Interrupted: " + e; } } private void doReindexMetadata() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { startReindexingMetadata(au, false); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Can't reindex metadata", e); errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString(); } } private void forceReindexMetadata() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { startReindexingMetadata(au, true); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Can't reindex metadata", e); errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString(); } } private void doDisableMetadataIndexing() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { disableMetadataIndexing(au, false); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Can't disable metadata indexing", e); errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString(); } } private void doCrawl(boolean force, boolean deep) { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { startCrawl(au, force, deep); } catch (CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException.RateLimiter e) { errMsg = "AU has crawled recently (" + e.getMessage() + "). Click again to override."; showForceCrawl = true; return; } catch (CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException e) { errMsg = "Can't enqueue crawl: " + e.getMessage(); } } private void crawlPluginRegistries() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (ArchivalUnit au : pluginMgr.getAllRegistryAus()) { sb.append(au.getName()); sb.append(": "); try { startCrawl(au, true, false); sb.append("Queued."); } catch (CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException e) { sb.append("Failed: "); sb.append(e.getMessage()); } sb.append("\n"); } statusMsg = sb.toString(); } private boolean startCrawl(ArchivalUnit au, boolean force, boolean deep) throws CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException { CrawlManagerImpl cmi = (CrawlManagerImpl) crawlMgr; if (force) { RateLimiter limit = cmi.getNewContentRateLimiter(au); if (!limit.isEventOk()) { limit.unevent(); } } cmi.checkEligibleToQueueNewContentCrawl(au); String delayMsg = ""; String deepMsg = ""; try { cmi.checkEligibleForNewContentCrawl(au); } catch (CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException e) { delayMsg = ", Start delayed due to: " + e.getMessage(); } Configuration config = ConfigManager.getCurrentConfig(); int pri = config.getInt(PARAM_CRAWL_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_CRAWL_PRIORITY); CrawlReq req; try { req = new CrawlReq(au); req.setPriority(pri); if (deep) { int d = Integer.parseInt(formDepth); if (d < 0) { errMsg = "Illegal refetch depth: " + d; return false; } req.setRefetchDepth(d); deepMsg = "Deep (" + req.getRefetchDepth() + ") "; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errMsg = "Illegal refetch depth: " + formDepth; return false; } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Couldn't create CrawlReq: " + au, e); errMsg = "Couldn't create CrawlReq: " + e.toString(); return false; } cmi.startNewContentCrawl(req, null); statusMsg = deepMsg + "Crawl requested for " + au.getName() + delayMsg; return true; } private void doCheckSubstance() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { checkSubstance(au); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Error in SubstanceChecker", e); errMsg = "Error in SubstanceChecker; see log."; } } private void checkSubstance(ArchivalUnit au) { SubstanceChecker subChecker = new SubstanceChecker(au); if (!subChecker.isEnabled()) { errMsg = "No substance patterns defined for plugin."; return; } AuState auState = AuUtil.getAuState(au); SubstanceChecker.State oldState = auState.getSubstanceState(); SubstanceChecker.State newState = subChecker.findSubstance(); String chtxt = (newState == oldState ? "(unchanged)" : "(was " + oldState.toString() + ")"); switch (newState) { case Unknown: log.error("Shouldn't happen: SubstanceChecker returned Unknown"); errMsg = "Error in SubstanceChecker; see log."; break; case Yes: statusMsg = "AU has substance " + chtxt + ": " + au.getName(); auState.setSubstanceState(SubstanceChecker.State.Yes); break; case No: statusMsg = "AU has no substance " + chtxt + ": " + au.getName(); auState.setSubstanceState(SubstanceChecker.State.No); break; } } private boolean startReindexingMetadata(ArchivalUnit au, boolean force) { if (metadataMgr == null) { errMsg = "Metadata processing is not enabled."; return false; } if (!force) { if (!AuUtil.hasCrawled(au)) { errMsg = "Au has never crawled. Click again to reindex metadata"; showForceReindexMetadata = true; return false; } AuState auState = AuUtil.getAuState(au); switch (auState.getSubstanceState()) { case No: errMsg = "Au has no substance. Click again to reindex metadata"; showForceReindexMetadata = true; return false; case Unknown: errMsg = "Unknown substance for Au. Click again to reindex metadata."; showForceReindexMetadata = true; return false; case Yes: // fall through } } // Fully reindex metadata with the highest priority. Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement insertPendingAuBatchStatement = null; try { conn = dbMgr.getConnection(); insertPendingAuBatchStatement = metadataMgr.getPrioritizedInsertPendingAuBatchStatement(conn); if (metadataMgr.enableAndAddAuToReindex( au, conn, insertPendingAuBatchStatement, false, true)) { statusMsg = "Reindexing metadata for " + au.getName(); return true; } } catch (DbException dbe) { log.error("Cannot reindex metadata for " + au.getName(), dbe); } finally { DbManager.safeCloseStatement(insertPendingAuBatchStatement); DbManager.safeRollbackAndClose(conn); } if (force) { errMsg = "Still cannot reindex metadata for " + au.getName(); } else { errMsg = "Cannot reindex metadata for " + au.getName(); } return false; } private boolean disableMetadataIndexing(ArchivalUnit au, boolean force) { if (metadataMgr == null) { errMsg = "Metadata processing is not enabled."; return false; } try { metadataMgr.disableAuIndexing(au); statusMsg = "Disabled metadata indexing for " + au.getName(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { errMsg = "Cannot reindex metadata for " + au.getName() + ": " + e.getMessage(); return false; } } private void doV3Poll() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { callV3ContentPoll(au); } catch (PollManager.NotEligibleException e) { errMsg = "AU is not eligible for poll: " + e.getMessage(); // errMsg = "Ineligible: " + e.getMessage() + // "<br>Click again to force new poll."; // showForcePoll = true; return; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Can't start poll", e); errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString(); } } private void forceV3Poll() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { callV3ContentPoll(au); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Can't start poll", e); errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString(); } } private void callV3ContentPoll(ArchivalUnit au) throws PollManager.NotEligibleException { log.debug("Enqueuing a V3 Content Poll on " + au.getName()); PollSpec spec = new PollSpec(au.getAuCachedUrlSet(), Poll.V3_POLL); pollManager.enqueueHighPriorityPoll(au, spec); statusMsg = "Enqueued V3 poll for " + au.getName(); } private boolean doFindUrl() throws IOException { String url = getParameter(KEY_URL); String redir = srvURL( AdminServletManager.SERVLET_DAEMON_STATUS, PropUtil.fromArgs("table", ArchivalUnitStatus.AUS_WITH_URL_TABLE_NAME, "key", url)); resp.setContentLength(0); // resp.sendRedirect(resp.encodeRedirectURL(redir)); resp.sendRedirect(redir); return false; } ArchivalUnit getAu() { if (StringUtil.isNullString(formAuid)) { errMsg = "Select an AU"; return null; } ArchivalUnit au = pluginMgr.getAuFromId(formAuid); if (au == null) { errMsg = "No such AU. Select an AU"; return null; } return au; } private void displayPage() throws IOException { Page page = newPage(); layoutErrorBlock(page); ServletUtil.layoutExplanationBlock(page, "Debug Actions"); page.add(makeForm()); page.add("<br>"); endPage(page); } private Element makeForm() { Composite comp = new Composite(); Form frm = new Form(srvURL(myServletDescr())); frm.method("POST"); frm.add("<br><center>"); Input reload = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_RELOAD_CONFIG); setTabOrder(reload); frm.add(reload); frm.add(" "); Input backup = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_MAIL_BACKUP); setTabOrder(backup); frm.add(backup); frm.add(" "); Input crawlplug = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_CRAWL_PLUGINS); setTabOrder(crawlplug); frm.add(crawlplug); frm.add("</center>"); ServletDescr d1 = AdminServletManager.SERVLET_HASH_CUS; if (isServletRunnable(d1)) { frm.add("<br><center>" + srvLink(d1, d1.heading) + "</center>"); } Input findUrl = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_FIND_URL); Input findUrlText = new Input(Input.Text, KEY_URL); findUrlText.setSize(50); setTabOrder(findUrl); setTabOrder(findUrlText); frm.add("<br><center>" + findUrl + " " + findUrlText + "</center>"); Input thrw = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_THROW_IOEXCEPTION); Input thmsg = new Input(Input.Text, KEY_MSG); setTabOrder(thrw); setTabOrder(thmsg); frm.add("<br><center>" + thrw + " " + thmsg + "</center>"); frm.add("<br><center>AU Actions: select AU</center>"); Composite ausel = ServletUtil.layoutSelectAu(this, KEY_AUID, formAuid); frm.add("<br><center>" + ausel + "</center>"); setTabOrder(ausel); Input v3Poll = new Input( Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, (showForcePoll ? ACTION_FORCE_START_V3_POLL : ACTION_START_V3_POLL)); Input crawl = new Input( Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, (showForceCrawl ? ACTION_FORCE_START_CRAWL : ACTION_START_CRAWL)); frm.add("<br><center>"); frm.add(v3Poll); frm.add(" "); frm.add(crawl); if (CurrentConfig.getBooleanParam(PARAM_ENABLE_DEEP_CRAWL, DEFAULT_ENABLE_DEEP_CRAWL)) { Input deepCrawl = new Input( Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, (showForceCrawl ? ACTION_FORCE_START_DEEP_CRAWL : ACTION_START_DEEP_CRAWL)); Input depthText = new Input(Input.Text, KEY_REFETCH_DEPTH, formDepth); depthText.setSize(4); setTabOrder(depthText); frm.add(" "); frm.add(deepCrawl); frm.add(depthText); } Input checkSubstance = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_CHECK_SUBSTANCE); frm.add("<br>"); frm.add(checkSubstance); if (metadataMgr != null) { Input reindex = new Input( Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, (showForceReindexMetadata ? ACTION_FORCE_REINDEX_METADATA : ACTION_REINDEX_METADATA)); frm.add(" "); frm.add(reindex); Input disableIndexing = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_DISABLE_METADATA_INDEXING); frm.add(" "); frm.add(disableIndexing); } frm.add("</center>"); comp.add(frm); return comp; } }
/** * This portlet implements several test cases for the JSR 362 TCK. The test case names are defined * in the /src/main/resources/xml-resources/additionalTCs.xml file. The build process will integrate * the test case names defined in the additionalTCs.xml file into the complete list of test case * names for execution by the driver. * * <p>This is the main portlet for the test cases. If the test cases call for events, this portlet * will initiate the events, but not process them. The processing is done in the companion portlet * DispatcherTests_SPEC2_19_ForwardServletResource_event */ public class DispatcherTests_SPEC2_19_ForwardServletResource implements Portlet, ResourceServingPortlet { private static final String LOG_CLASS = DispatcherTests_SPEC2_19_ForwardServletResource.class.getName(); private final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LOG_CLASS); private PortletConfig portletConfig = null; @Override public void init(PortletConfig config) throws PortletException { this.portletConfig = config; } @Override public void destroy() {} @Override public void processAction(ActionRequest portletReq, ActionResponse portletResp) throws PortletException, IOException { LOGGER.entering(LOG_CLASS, "main portlet processAction entry"); portletResp.setRenderParameters(portletReq.getParameterMap()); long tid = Thread.currentThread().getId(); portletReq.setAttribute(THREADID_ATTR, tid); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); } @Override public void serveResource(ResourceRequest portletReq, ResourceResponse portletResp) throws PortletException, IOException { LOGGER.entering(LOG_CLASS, "main portlet serveResource entry"); long tid = Thread.currentThread().getId(); portletReq.setAttribute(THREADID_ATTR, tid); PrintWriter writer = portletResp.getWriter(); // Now do the actual dispatch String target = SERVLET_PREFIX + "DispatcherTests_SPEC2_19_ForwardServletResource_servlet" + SERVLET_SUFFIX + "?" + QUERY_STRING; PortletRequestDispatcher rd = portletConfig.getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(target); rd.forward(portletReq, portletResp); } @Override public void render(RenderRequest portletReq, RenderResponse portletResp) throws PortletException, IOException { LOGGER.entering(LOG_CLASS, "main portlet render entry"); long tid = Thread.currentThread().getId(); portletReq.setAttribute(THREADID_ATTR, tid); PrintWriter writer = portletResp.getWriter(); writer.write( "<div id=\"DispatcherTests_SPEC2_19_ForwardServletResource\">no resource output.</div>\n"); ResourceURL resurl = portletResp.createResourceURL(); resurl.setCacheability(PAGE); writer.write("<script>\n"); writer.write("(function () {\n"); writer.write(" var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n"); writer.write(" xhr.onreadystatechange=function() {\n"); writer.write(" if (xhr.readyState==4 && xhr.status==200) {\n"); writer.write( " document.getElementById(\"DispatcherTests_SPEC2_19_ForwardServletResource\").innerHTML=xhr.responseText;\n"); writer.write(" }\n"); writer.write(" };\n"); writer.write("\"GET\",\"" + resurl.toString() + "\",true);\n"); writer.write(" xhr.send();\n"); writer.write("})();\n"); writer.write("</script>\n"); } }
/** * This portlet implements several test cases for the JSR 362 TCK. The test case names are defined * in the /src/main/resources/xml-resources/additionalTCs.xml file. The build process will integrate * the test case names defined in the additionalTCs.xml file into the complete list of test case * names for execution by the driver. * * <p>This is the main portlet for the test cases. If the test cases call for events, this portlet * will initiate the events, but not process them. The processing is done in the companion portlet * DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_event */ public class DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse implements Portlet, ResourceServingPortlet { private static final String LOG_CLASS = DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse.class.getName(); private final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LOG_CLASS); private PortletConfig portletConfig = null; @Override public void init(PortletConfig config) throws PortletException { this.portletConfig = config; } @Override public void destroy() {} @Override public void processAction(ActionRequest portletReq, ActionResponse portletResp) throws PortletException, IOException { LOGGER.entering(LOG_CLASS, "main portlet processAction entry"); portletResp.setRenderParameters(portletReq.getParameterMap()); long tid = Thread.currentThread().getId(); portletReq.setAttribute(THREADID_ATTR, tid); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); // Now do the actual dispatch String target = JSP_PREFIX + "DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse" + JSP_SUFFIX + "?" + QUERY_STRING; PortletRequestDispatcher rd = portletConfig.getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(target); rd.include(portletReq, portletResp); } @Override public void serveResource(ResourceRequest portletReq, ResourceResponse portletResp) throws PortletException, IOException { LOGGER.entering(LOG_CLASS, "main portlet serveResource entry"); long tid = Thread.currentThread().getId(); portletReq.setAttribute(THREADID_ATTR, tid); PrintWriter writer = portletResp.getWriter(); } @Override public void render(RenderRequest portletReq, RenderResponse portletResp) throws PortletException, IOException { LOGGER.entering(LOG_CLASS, "main portlet render entry"); long tid = Thread.currentThread().getId(); portletReq.setAttribute(THREADID_ATTR, tid); PrintWriter writer = portletResp.getWriter(); PortletSession ps = portletReq.getPortletSession(); String msg = (String) ps.getAttribute( RESULT_ATTR_PREFIX + "DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse", APPLICATION_SCOPE); if (msg != null) { writer.write("<p>" + msg + "</p><br/>\n"); ps.removeAttribute( RESULT_ATTR_PREFIX + "DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse", APPLICATION_SCOPE); } /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_containsHeader */ /* Details: "In a target jsp of a include in the Action phase, the */ /* method HttpServletResponse.containsHeader must return false" */ { PortletURL aurl = portletResp.createActionURL(); aurl.setParameters(portletReq.getPrivateParameterMap()); TestButton tb = new TestButton( "V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_containsHeader", aurl); tb.writeTo(writer); } /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_encodeRedirectURL1 */ /* Details: "In a target jsp of a include in the Action phase, the */ /* method HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL must return null" */ { PortletURL aurl = portletResp.createActionURL(); aurl.setParameters(portletReq.getPrivateParameterMap()); TestButton tb = new TestButton( "V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_encodeRedirectURL1", aurl); tb.writeTo(writer); } /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_encodeRedirectUrl */ /* Details: "In a target jsp of a include in the Action phase, the */ /* method HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectUrl must return null" */ { PortletURL aurl = portletResp.createActionURL(); aurl.setParameters(portletReq.getPrivateParameterMap()); TestButton tb = new TestButton( "V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_encodeRedirectUrl", aurl); tb.writeTo(writer); } /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_encodeURL1 */ /* Details: "In a target jsp of a include in the Action phase, the */ /* method HttpServletResponse.encodeURL must provide the same */ /* functionality as ActionResponse.encodeURL" */ { PortletURL aurl = portletResp.createActionURL(); aurl.setParameters(portletReq.getPrivateParameterMap()); TestButton tb = new TestButton( "V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_encodeURL1", aurl); tb.writeTo(writer); } /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_encodeUrl */ /* Details: "In a target jsp of a include in the Action phase, the */ /* method HttpServletResponse.encodeUrl must provide the same */ /* functionality as ActionResponse.encodeURL" */ { PortletURL aurl = portletResp.createActionURL(); aurl.setParameters(portletReq.getPrivateParameterMap()); TestButton tb = new TestButton( "V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_encodeUrl", aurl); tb.writeTo(writer); } /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_getBufferSize */ /* Details: "In a target jsp of a include in the Action phase, the */ /* method HttpServletResponse.getBufferSize must return 0" */ { PortletURL aurl = portletResp.createActionURL(); aurl.setParameters(portletReq.getPrivateParameterMap()); TestButton tb = new TestButton( "V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_getBufferSize", aurl); tb.writeTo(writer); } /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_getCharacterEncoding */ /* Details: "In a target jsp of a include in the Action phase, the */ /* method HttpServletResponse.getCharacterEncoding must return null" */ { PortletURL aurl = portletResp.createActionURL(); aurl.setParameters(portletReq.getPrivateParameterMap()); TestButton tb = new TestButton( "V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_getCharacterEncoding", aurl); tb.writeTo(writer); } /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_getContentType */ /* Details: "In a target jsp of a include in the Action phase, the */ /* method HttpServletResponse.getContentType must return null" */ { PortletURL aurl = portletResp.createActionURL(); aurl.setParameters(portletReq.getPrivateParameterMap()); TestButton tb = new TestButton( "V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_getContentType", aurl); tb.writeTo(writer); } /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_getLocale */ /* Details: "In a target jsp of a include in the Action phase, the */ /* method HttpServletResponse.getLocale must return null" */ { PortletURL aurl = portletResp.createActionURL(); aurl.setParameters(portletReq.getPrivateParameterMap()); TestButton tb = new TestButton( "V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_getLocale", aurl); tb.writeTo(writer); } /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_isCommitted */ /* Details: "In a target jsp of a include in the Action phase, the */ /* method HttpServletResponse.isCommitted must return true" */ { PortletURL aurl = portletResp.createActionURL(); aurl.setParameters(portletReq.getPrivateParameterMap()); TestButton tb = new TestButton( "V2DispatcherReqRespTests3_SPEC2_19_IncludeJSPActionResponse_isCommitted", aurl); tb.writeTo(writer); } } }
/** * Servlet for JSR 362 request dispatcher testing. Used by portlet: * DispatcherReqRespTests4_SPEC2_19_IncludeServletResourceResponse * * @author nick */ public class DispatcherReqRespTests4_SPEC2_19_IncludeServletResourceResponse_servlet extends HttpServlet { private static final String LOG_CLASS = DispatcherReqRespTests4_SPEC2_19_IncludeServletResourceResponse_servlet.class.getName(); private final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LOG_CLASS); @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { processTCKReq(req, resp); } @Override protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { processTCKReq(req, resp); } // The tck uses only get & post requests protected void processTCKReq(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { LOGGER.entering(LOG_CLASS, "servlet entry"); PortletRequest portletReq = (PortletRequest) request.getAttribute("javax.portlet.request"); PortletResponse portletResp = (PortletResponse) request.getAttribute("javax.portlet.response"); PortletConfig portletConfig = (PortletConfig) request.getAttribute("javax.portlet.config"); long svtTid = Thread.currentThread().getId(); long reqTid = (Long) portletReq.getAttribute(THREADID_ATTR); PrintWriter writer = ((MimeResponse) portletResp).getWriter(); JSR286DispatcherReqRespTestCaseDetails tcd = new JSR286DispatcherReqRespTestCaseDetails(); // Create result objects for the tests /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests4_SPEC2_19_IncludeServletResourceResponse_containsHeader */ /* Details: "In a target servlet of a include in the Resource phase, */ /* the method HttpServletResponse.containsHeader must return false" */ TestResult tr0 = tcd.getTestResultFailed( V2DISPATCHERREQRESPTESTS4_SPEC2_19_INCLUDESERVLETRESOURCERESPONSE_CONTAINSHEADER); try { boolean ok = response.containsHeader("Accept"); tr0.setTcSuccess(ok == false); } catch (Exception e) { tr0.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr0.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests4_SPEC2_19_IncludeServletResourceResponse_encodeRedirectURL1 */ /* Details: "In a target servlet of a include in the Resource phase, */ /* the method HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL must return null" */ TestResult tr1 = tcd.getTestResultFailed( V2DISPATCHERREQRESPTESTS4_SPEC2_19_INCLUDESERVLETRESOURCERESPONSE_ENCODEREDIRECTURL1); try { String isval = response.encodeRedirectURL(""); CompareUtils.stringsEqual(isval, null, tr1); } catch (Exception e) { tr1.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr1.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests4_SPEC2_19_IncludeServletResourceResponse_encodeRedirectUrl */ /* Details: "In a target servlet of a include in the Resource phase, */ /* the method HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectUrl must return null" */ TestResult tr2 = tcd.getTestResultFailed( V2DISPATCHERREQRESPTESTS4_SPEC2_19_INCLUDESERVLETRESOURCERESPONSE_ENCODEREDIRECTURL); try { String isval = response.encodeRedirectUrl(""); CompareUtils.stringsEqual(isval, null, tr2); } catch (Exception e) { tr2.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr2.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests4_SPEC2_19_IncludeServletResourceResponse_encodeURL1 */ /* Details: "In a target servlet of a include in the Resource phase, */ /* the method HttpServletResponse.encodeURL must provide the same */ /* functionality as ResourceResponse.encodeURL" */ TestResult tr3 = tcd.getTestResultFailed( V2DISPATCHERREQRESPTESTS4_SPEC2_19_INCLUDESERVLETRESOURCERESPONSE_ENCODEURL1); try { String turl = ""; String hval = (String) response.encodeURL(turl); String pval = (String) portletResp.encodeURL(turl); CompareUtils.stringsEqual("HttpServletResponse", hval, "ResourceResponse", pval, tr3); } catch (Exception e) { tr3.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr3.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests4_SPEC2_19_IncludeServletResourceResponse_encodeUrl */ /* Details: "In a target servlet of a include in the Resource phase, */ /* the method HttpServletResponse.encodeUrl must provide the same */ /* functionality as ResourceResponse.encodeURL" */ TestResult tr4 = tcd.getTestResultFailed( V2DISPATCHERREQRESPTESTS4_SPEC2_19_INCLUDESERVLETRESOURCERESPONSE_ENCODEURL); try { String turl = ""; String hval = (String) response.encodeUrl(turl); String pval = (String) portletResp.encodeURL(turl); CompareUtils.stringsEqual("HttpServletResponse", hval, "ResourceResponse", pval, tr4); } catch (Exception e) { tr4.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr4.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests4_SPEC2_19_IncludeServletResourceResponse_getBufferSize */ /* Details: "In a target servlet of a include in the Resource phase, */ /* the method HttpServletResponse.getBufferSize must provide the same */ /* functionality as ResourceResponse.getBufferSize" */ TestResult tr5 = tcd.getTestResultFailed( V2DISPATCHERREQRESPTESTS4_SPEC2_19_INCLUDESERVLETRESOURCERESPONSE_GETBUFFERSIZE); try { int hval = response.getBufferSize(); int pval = ((ResourceResponse) portletResp).getBufferSize(); String str = "Value " + hval + " from " + "HttpServletResponse" + " does not equal value " + pval + " + ResourceResponse"; if (hval != pval) { tr5.appendTcDetail(str); } tr5.setTcSuccess(hval == pval); } catch (Exception e) { tr5.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr5.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests4_SPEC2_19_IncludeServletResourceResponse_getCharacterEncoding */ /* Details: "In a target servlet of a include in the Resource phase, */ /* the method HttpServletResponse.getCharacterEncoding must provide */ /* the same functionality as ResourceResponse.getCharacterEncoding" */ TestResult tr6 = tcd.getTestResultFailed( V2DISPATCHERREQRESPTESTS4_SPEC2_19_INCLUDESERVLETRESOURCERESPONSE_GETCHARACTERENCODING); try { String hval = response.getCharacterEncoding(); String pval = ((ResourceResponse) portletResp).getCharacterEncoding(); CompareUtils.stringsEqual("HttpServletResponse", hval, "ResourceResponse", pval, tr6); } catch (Exception e) { tr6.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr6.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests4_SPEC2_19_IncludeServletResourceResponse_getContentType */ /* Details: "In a target servlet of a include in the Resource phase, */ /* the method HttpServletResponse.getContentType must provide the */ /* same functionality as ResourceResponse.getContentType" */ TestResult tr7 = tcd.getTestResultFailed( V2DISPATCHERREQRESPTESTS4_SPEC2_19_INCLUDESERVLETRESOURCERESPONSE_GETCONTENTTYPE); try { String hval = response.getContentType(); String pval = ((ResourceResponse) portletResp).getContentType(); CompareUtils.stringsEqual("HttpServletResponse", hval, "ResourceResponse", pval, tr7); } catch (Exception e) { tr7.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr7.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests4_SPEC2_19_IncludeServletResourceResponse_getLocale */ /* Details: "In a target servlet of a include in the Resource phase, */ /* the method HttpServletResponse.getLocale must provide the same */ /* functionality as ResourceResponse.getLocale" */ TestResult tr8 = tcd.getTestResultFailed( V2DISPATCHERREQRESPTESTS4_SPEC2_19_INCLUDESERVLETRESOURCERESPONSE_GETLOCALE); try { Locale hl = response.getLocale(); Locale pl = ((MimeResponse) portletResp).getLocale(); String hval = hl.getDisplayName(); String pval = pl.getDisplayName(); CompareUtils.stringsEqual("HttpServletResponse", hval, "ResourceResponse", pval, tr8); } catch (Exception e) { tr8.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr8.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2DispatcherReqRespTests4_SPEC2_19_IncludeServletResourceResponse_isCommitted */ /* Details: "In a target servlet of a include in the Resource phase, */ /* the method HttpServletResponse.isCommitted must provide the same */ /* functionality as ResourceResponse.isCommitted" */ TestResult tr9 = tcd.getTestResultFailed( V2DISPATCHERREQRESPTESTS4_SPEC2_19_INCLUDESERVLETRESOURCERESPONSE_ISCOMMITTED); try { boolean hval = response.isCommitted(); boolean pval = ((ResourceResponse) portletResp).isCommitted(); String str = "Value " + hval + " from " + "HttpServletResponse" + " does not equal value " + pval + " + ResourceResponse"; if (hval != pval) { tr9.appendTcDetail(str); } tr9.setTcSuccess(hval == pval); } catch (Exception e) { tr9.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr9.writeTo(writer); } }
/** * This portlet implements several test cases for the JSR 362 TCK. The test case names are defined * in the /src/main/resources/xml-resources/additionalTCs.xml file. The build process will integrate * the test case names defined in the additionalTCs.xml file into the complete list of test case * names for execution by the driver. * * <p>This is the main portlet for the test cases. If the test cases call for events, this portlet * will initiate the events, but not process them. The processing is done in the companion portlet * EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_event */ public class EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource implements Portlet, ResourceServingPortlet { private static final String LOG_CLASS = EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource.class.getName(); private final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LOG_CLASS); private PortletConfig portletConfig = null; @Override public void init(PortletConfig config) throws PortletException { this.portletConfig = config; } @Override public void destroy() {} @Override public void processAction(ActionRequest portletReq, ActionResponse portletResp) throws PortletException, IOException { LOGGER.entering(LOG_CLASS, "main portlet processAction entry"); portletResp.setRenderParameters(portletReq.getParameterMap()); long tid = Thread.currentThread().getId(); portletReq.setAttribute(THREADID_ATTR, tid); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); } @Override public void serveResource(ResourceRequest portletReq, ResourceResponse portletResp) throws PortletException, IOException { LOGGER.entering(LOG_CLASS, "main portlet serveResource entry"); long tid = Thread.currentThread().getId(); portletReq.setAttribute(THREADID_ATTR, tid); PrintWriter writer = portletResp.getWriter(); JSR286ApiTestCaseDetails tcd = new JSR286ApiTestCaseDetails(); // Create result objects for the tests ClassChecker cc = new ClassChecker(portletResp.getCacheControl().getClass()); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_getExpirationTime1 */ /* Details: "Method getExpirationTime(): Returns the expiration time */ /* set through setExpirationTime" */ TestResult tr0 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_GETEXPIRATIONTIME1); /* TODO: implement test */ tr0.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr0.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_getExpirationTime2 */ /* Details: "Method getExpirationTime(): Returns the default */ /* expiration time from the deployment descriptor if the expiration */ /* time has not been set" */ TestResult tr1 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_GETEXPIRATIONTIME2); /* TODO: implement test */ tr1.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr1.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_getExpirationTime3 */ /* Details: "Method getExpirationTime(): Returns 0 if the expiration */ /* time has not been set and no default is set in the deployment */ /* descriptor" */ TestResult tr2 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_GETEXPIRATIONTIME3); /* TODO: implement test */ tr2.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr2.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_setExpirationTime1 */ /* Details: "Method setExpirationTime(int): Sets the expiration time */ /* for the current response to the specified value" */ TestResult tr3 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_SETEXPIRATIONTIME1); /* TODO: implement test */ tr3.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr3.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_setExpirationTime2 */ /* Details: "Method setExpirationTime(int): If the expiration value */ /* is set to 0, caching is disabled" */ TestResult tr4 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_SETEXPIRATIONTIME2); /* TODO: implement test */ tr4.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr4.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_setExpirationTime3 */ /* Details: "Method setExpirationTime(int): If the expiration value */ /* is set to -1, the cache does not expire" */ TestResult tr5 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_SETEXPIRATIONTIME3); /* TODO: implement test */ tr5.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr5.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_isPublicScope1 */ /* Details: "Method isPublicScope(): Returns true if the caching */ /* scope has been set to public through the setPublicScope method" */ TestResult tr6 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_ISPUBLICSCOPE1); /* TODO: implement test */ tr6.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr6.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_isPublicScope2 */ /* Details: "Method isPublicScope(): Returns true if the caching */ /* scope default has not been set with the setPublicScope method, but */ /* has been set to public in the deployment descriptor " */ TestResult tr7 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_ISPUBLICSCOPE2); /* TODO: implement test */ tr7.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr7.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_isPublicScope3 */ /* Details: "Method isPublicScope(): Returns false if the caching */ /* scope has not been set with the setPublicScope method, but has */ /* been set to private through the setPublicScope method " */ TestResult tr8 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_ISPUBLICSCOPE3); /* TODO: implement test */ tr8.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr8.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_isPublicScope5 */ /* Details: "Method isPublicScope(): Returns false if the caching */ /* scope has not been set with the setPublicScope method and has not */ /* been set in the deployment descriptor" */ TestResult tr9 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_ISPUBLICSCOPE5); /* TODO: implement test */ tr9.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr9.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_setPublicScope1 */ /* Details: "Method setPublicScope(boolean): If the input parameter */ /* is true, the cache scope is set to public" */ TestResult tr10 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_SETPUBLICSCOPE1); /* TODO: implement test */ tr10.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr10.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_setPublicScope2 */ /* Details: "Method setPublicScope(boolean): If the input parameter */ /* is false, the cache scope is set to non-public" */ TestResult tr11 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_SETPUBLICSCOPE2); /* TODO: implement test */ tr11.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr11.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_getETag1 */ /* Details: "Method getETag(): Returns a String containing the ETag */ /* for the current response" */ TestResult tr12 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_GETETAG1); /* TODO: implement test */ tr12.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr12.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_getETag2 */ /* Details: "Method getETag(): Returns null if no ETag is set on the */ /* response" */ TestResult tr13 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_GETETAG2); /* TODO: implement test */ tr13.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr13.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_setETag1 */ /* Details: "Method setETag(String): Sets an ETag for the current */ /* response" */ TestResult tr14 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_SETETAG1); /* TODO: implement test */ tr14.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr14.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_setETag2 */ /* Details: "Method setETag(String): A previously-set ETag is */ /* overwritten" */ TestResult tr15 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_SETETAG2); /* TODO: implement test */ tr15.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr15.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_setETag3 */ /* Details: "Method setETag(String): Removes the ETag if the input */ /* parameter is null" */ TestResult tr16 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_SETETAG3); /* TODO: implement test */ tr16.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr16.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_useCachedContent1 */ /* Details: "Method useCachedContent(): Returns true if cached */ /* content has been set to valid through the setUseCachedContent */ /* method" */ TestResult tr17 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_USECACHEDCONTENT1); /* TODO: implement test */ tr17.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr17.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_useCachedContent2 */ /* Details: "Method useCachedContent(): Returns false if cached */ /* content has been set to invalid through the setUseCachedContent */ /* method" */ TestResult tr18 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_USECACHEDCONTENT2); /* TODO: implement test */ tr18.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr18.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_useCachedContent3 */ /* Details: "Method useCachedContent(): Returns false if the use */ /* cached content indcator has not been set" */ TestResult tr19 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_USECACHEDCONTENT3); /* TODO: implement test */ tr19.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr19.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_setUseCachedContent1 */ /* Details: "Method setUseCachedContent(boolean): If set to true, the */ /* cached content is valid " */ TestResult tr20 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_SETUSECACHEDCONTENT1); /* TODO: implement test */ tr20.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr20.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource_setUseCachedContent2 */ /* Details: "Method setUseCachedContent(boolean): If set to false, */ /* the cached content is invalid " */ TestResult tr21 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2ENVIRONMENTTESTS_CACHECONTROL_APIRESOURCE_SETUSECACHEDCONTENT2); /* TODO: implement test */ tr21.appendTcDetail("Not implemented."); tr21.writeTo(writer); } @Override public void render(RenderRequest portletReq, RenderResponse portletResp) throws PortletException, IOException { LOGGER.entering(LOG_CLASS, "main portlet render entry"); long tid = Thread.currentThread().getId(); portletReq.setAttribute(THREADID_ATTR, tid); PrintWriter writer = portletResp.getWriter(); writer.write( "<div id=\"EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource\">no resource output.</div>\n"); ResourceURL resurl = portletResp.createResourceURL(); resurl.setCacheability(PAGE); writer.write("<script>\n"); writer.write("(function () {\n"); writer.write(" var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n"); writer.write(" xhr.onreadystatechange=function() {\n"); writer.write(" if (xhr.readyState==4 && xhr.status==200) {\n"); writer.write( " document.getElementById(\"EnvironmentTests_CacheControl_ApiResource\").innerHTML=xhr.responseText;\n"); writer.write(" }\n"); writer.write(" };\n"); writer.write("\"GET\",\"" + resurl.toString() + "\",true);\n"); writer.write(" xhr.send();\n"); writer.write("})();\n"); writer.write("</script>\n"); } }
/** * This is the container for an instance of a site on a single server. This can be access via * __instance__ * * @anonymous name : {local}, isField : {true}, desc : {Refers to the site being run.}, type: * {library} * @anonymous name : {core}, isField : {true}, desc : {Refers to corejs.} example : * {core.core.mail() calls corejs/core/mail.js}, type : {library} * @anonymous name : {external} isField : {true}, desc : {Refers to the external libraries.}, type : * {library} * @anonymous name : {db}, isField : {true}, desc : {Refers to the database.}, type : {database} * @anonymous name : {setDB} desc : {changes <tt>db</tt> to refer to a different database.} param : * {type : (string) name : (dbname) desc : (name of the database to which to connect)} * @anonymous name : {SYSOUT} desc : {Prints a string.} param : {type : (string) name : (str) desc : * (the string to print)} * @anonymous name : {log} desc : {Global logger.} param : {type : (string) name : (str) desc : (the * string to log)} * @expose * @docmodule system.system.__instance__ */ public class AppContext extends ServletContextBase implements JSObject, Sizable { /** @unexpose */ static final boolean DEBUG = AppServer.D; /** * If these files exist in the directory or parent directories of a file being run, run these * files first. Includes _init.js and /~~/core/init.js. */ static final String INIT_FILES[] = new String[] {"/~~/core/init.js", "PREFIX_init"}; /** * Initializes a new context for a given site directory. * * @param f the file to run */ public AppContext(File f) { this(f.toString()); } /** * Initializes a new context for a given site's path. * * @param root the path to the site from where ed is being run */ public AppContext(String root) { this(root, guessNameAndEnv(root).name, guessNameAndEnv(root).env); } /** * Initializes a new context. * * @param root the path to the site * @param name the name of the site * @param environment the version of the site */ public AppContext(String root, String name, String environment) { this(root, new File(root), name, environment); } /** * Initializes a new context. * * @param root the path to the site * @param rootFile the directory in which the site resides * @param name the name of the site * @param environment the version of the site */ public AppContext(String root, File rootFile, String name, String environment) { this(root, rootFile, name, environment, null); } private AppContext( String root, File rootFile, String name, String environment, AppContext nonAdminParent) { super(name + ":" + environment); if (root == null) throw new NullPointerException("AppContext root can't be null"); if (rootFile == null) throw new NullPointerException("AppContext rootFile can't be null"); if (name == null) name = guessNameAndEnv(root).name; if (name == null) throw new NullPointerException("how could name be null"); _root = root; _rootFile = rootFile; _git = new GitDir(_rootFile); _name = name; _environment = environment; _nonAdminParent = nonAdminParent; _admin = _nonAdminParent != null; _codePrefix = _admin ? "/~~/modules/admin/" : ""; _moduleRegistry = ModuleRegistry.getNewGlobalChild(); if (_git.isValid()) { _gitBranch = _git.getBranchOrTagName(); _gitHash = _git.getCurrentHash(); } _isGrid = name.equals("grid"); _scope = new Scope( "AppContext:" + root + (_admin ? ":admin" : ""), _isGrid ? : Scope.newGlobal(), null, Language.JS(), _rootFile); _scope.setGlobal(true); _initScope = _scope.child("_init"); _usage = new UsageTracker(this); _baseScopeInit(); _adminContext = _admin ? null : new AppContext(root, rootFile, name, environment, this); _rootContextReachable = new SeenPath(); if (!_admin) "Started Context. root:" + _root + " environment:" + environment + " git branch: " + _gitBranch); } /** * Returns the adapter type for the given file. Will first use the adapter selector function if it * was specified in init.js, otherwise will use the static type (either set in _init file, as a * server-wide override in, or default of DIRECT_10GEN) * * @param file to produce type for * @return adapter type for the specified file */ public AdapterType getAdapterType(File file) { // Q : I think this is the right thing to do if (inScopeSetup()) { return AdapterType.DIRECT_10GEN; } /* * cheap hack - prevent any _init.* file from getting run as anythign but DIRECT_10GEN */ if (file != null && file.getName().indexOf("_init.") != -1) { return AdapterType.DIRECT_10GEN; } if (_adapterSelector == null) { return _staticAdapterType; } /* * only let the app select type if file is part of application (i.e. * don't do it for corejs, core modules, etc... */ String fp = file.getAbsolutePath(); String fullRoot = _rootFile.getAbsolutePath(); // there must be a nicer way to do this? if (!fp.startsWith(fullRoot)) { return AdapterType.DIRECT_10GEN; } Object o =, new JSString(fp.substring(fullRoot.length()))); if (o == null) { return _staticAdapterType; } if (!(o instanceof JSString)) { log("Error : adapter selector not returning string. Ignoring and using static adapter type"); return _staticAdapterType; } AdapterType t = getAdapterTypeFromString(o.toString()); return (t == null ? _staticAdapterType : t); } /** * Creates a copy of this context. * * @return an identical context */ AppContext newCopy() { return new AppContext(_root, _rootFile, _name, _environment, _nonAdminParent); } /** Initializes the base scope for the application */ private void _baseScopeInit() { // --- libraries if (_admin) _scope.put("local", new JSObjectBase(), true); else _setLocalObject(new JSFileLibrary(_rootFile, "local", this)); _loadConfig(); _core = CoreJS.get().getLibrary(getCoreJSVersion(), this, null, true);"corejs : " + _core.getRoot()); _scope.put("core", _core, true); _external = Module.getModule("external").getLibrary(getVersionForLibrary("external"), this, null, true); _scope.put("external", _external, true); _scope.put("__instance__", this, true); _scope.lock("__instance__"); // --- db if (!_isGrid) { _scope.put("db", DBProvider.get(this), true); _scope.put( "setDB", new JSFunctionCalls1() { public Object call(Scope s, Object name, Object extra[]) { if (name.equals(_lastSetTo)) return true; DBBase db = (DBBase) AppContext.this._scope.get("db"); if (!db.allowedToAccess(name.toString())) throw new JSException("you are not allowed to access db [" + name + "]"); if (name.equals(db.getName())) return true; AppContext.this._scope.put( "db", DBProvider.get(AppContext.this, name.toString()), false); _lastSetTo = name.toString(); if (_adminContext != null) { // yes, i do want a new copy so Constructors don't get copied for both _adminContext._scope.put( "db", DBProvider.get(AppContext.this, name.toString()), false); } return true; } String _lastSetTo = null; }, true); } // --- output _scope.put( "SYSOUT", new JSFunctionCalls1() { public Object call(Scope s, Object str, Object foo[]) { System.out.println(AppContext.this._name + " \t " + str); return true; } }, true); _scope.put("log", _logger, true); // --- random? _scope.put( "openFile", new JSFunctionCalls1() { public Object call(Scope s, Object name, Object extra[]) { return new JSLocalFile(_rootFile, name.toString()); } }, true); _scope.put("globalHead", _globalHead, true); Map<String, JSFileLibrary> rootFileMap = new HashMap<String, JSFileLibrary>(); for (String rootKey : new String[] {"local", "core", "external"}) { Object temp = _scope.get(rootKey); if (temp instanceof JSFileLibrary) rootFileMap.put(rootKey, (JSFileLibrary) temp); } _scope.put( "fork", new JSFunctionCalls1() { public Object call(final Scope scope, final Object funcJS, final Object extra[]) { if (!(funcJS instanceof JSFunction)) throw new JSException("fork has to take a function"); return queueWork("forked", (JSFunction) funcJS, extra); } }); _scope.lock("fork"); ed.appserver.templates.djang10.JSHelper.install(_scope, rootFileMap, _logger); _scope.lock("user"); // protection against global user object } private void _loadConfig() { try { _configScope.set("__instance__", this); _loadConfigFromCloudObject(getSiteObject()); _loadConfigFromCloudObject(getEnvironmentObject()); File f; if (!_admin) { f = getFileSafe("_config.js"); if (f == null || !f.exists()) f = getFileSafe("_config"); } else f = new File( Module.getModule("core-modules/admin").getRootFile(getVersionForLibrary("admin")), "_config.js");"config file [" + f + "] exists:" + f.exists()); if (f == null || !f.exists()) return; Convert c = new Convert(f); JSFunction func = c.get(); func.setUsePassedInScope(true);; _logger.debug("config things " + _configScope.keySet()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("couldn't load config", e); } } private void _loadConfigFromCloudObject(JSObject o) { if (o == null) return; _configScope.putAll((JSObject) o.get("config")); } /** * Get the version of corejs to run for this AppContext. * * @return the version of corejs as a string. null if should use default */ public String getCoreJSVersion() { Object o = _scope.get("corejsversion"); if (o != null) { _logger.error("you are using corejsversion which is deprecated. please use version.corejs"); return JS.toString(o); } return getVersionForLibrary("corejs"); } /** * Get the version of a library to run. * * @param name the name of the library to look up * @return the version of the library to run as a string. null if should use default */ public String getVersionForLibrary(String name) { String version = getVersionForLibrary(_configScope, name, this); _libraryVersions.set(name, version); return version; } public JSObject getLibraryVersionsLoaded() { return _libraryVersions; } /** @unexpose */ public static String getVersionForLibrary(Scope s, String name) { AppRequest ar = AppRequest.getThreadLocal(); return getVersionForLibrary(s, name, ar == null ? null : ar.getContext()); } /** @unexpose */ private static String getVersionForLibrary(Scope s, String name, AppContext ctxt) { final String version = _getVersionForLibrary(s, name, ctxt); _libraryLogger.log( ctxt != null && !ctxt._admin ? Level.DEBUG : Level.INFO, ctxt + "\t" + name + "\t" + version); return version; } private static String _getVersionForLibrary(Scope s, String name, AppContext ctxt) { final JSObject o1 = ctxt == null ? null : (JSObject) (s.get("version_" + ctxt.getEnvironmentName())); final JSObject o2 = (JSObject) s.get("version"); _libraryLogger.debug(ctxt + "\t versionConfig:" + (o1 != null) + " config:" + (o2 != null)); String version = _getString(name, o1, o2); if (version != null) return version; if (ctxt == null || ctxt._nonAdminParent == null) return null; return ctxt._nonAdminParent.getVersionForLibrary(name); } private static String _getString(String name, JSObject... places) { for (JSObject o : places) { if (o == null) continue; Object temp = o.get(name); if (temp == null) continue; return temp.toString(); } return null; } /** @return [ <name> , <env> ] */ static NameAndEnv guessNameAndEnv(String root) { root =; root = root.replaceAll("\\.+/", ""); String pcs[] = root.split("/+"); if (pcs.length == 0) throw new RuntimeException("no root for : " + root); // handle anything with sites/foo for (int i = 0; i < pcs.length - 1; i++) if (pcs[i].equals("sites")) { return new NameAndEnv(pcs[i + 1], i + 2 < pcs.length ? pcs[i + 2] : null); } final int start = pcs.length - 1; for (int i = start; i > 0; i--) { String s = pcs[i]; if (i == start && (s.equals("master") || s.equals("test") || s.equals("www") || s.equals("staging") || // s.equals("stage") || s.equals("dev"))) continue; return new NameAndEnv(s, i + 1 < pcs.length ? pcs[i + 1] : null); } return new NameAndEnv(pcs[0], pcs.length > 1 ? pcs[1] : null); } static class NameAndEnv { NameAndEnv(String name, String env) { = name; this.env = env; } final String name; final String env; } /** * Returns the name of the site being run. * * @return the name of the site */ public String getName() { return _name; } /** * Get the database being used. * * @return The database being used */ public DBBase getDB() { return (DBBase) _scope.get("db"); } /** * Given the _id of a JSFile, return the file. * * @param id _id of the file to find * @return The file, if found, otherwise null */ JSFile getJSFile(String id) { if (id == null) return null; DBCollection f = getDB().getCollection("_files"); return (JSFile) (f.find(new ObjectId(id))); } /** * Returns (and if necessary, reinitializes) the scope this context is using. * * @return the scope */ public Scope getScope() { return _scope(); } public Scope getInitScope() { return _initScope; } public Object getInitObject(String what) { return getFromInitScope(what); } public Object getFromInitScope(String what) { if (!_knownInitScopeThings.contains(what)) System.err.println("*** Unknown thing requested from initScope [" + what + "]"); return _initScope.get(what); } public void setInitObject(String name, Object value) { _initScope.set(name, value); } void setTLPreferredScope(AppRequest req, Scope s) { _scope.setTLPreferred(s); } private synchronized Scope _scope() { if (_inScopeSetup) return _scope; if (_getScopeTime() > _lastScopeInitTime) _scopeInited = false; if (_scopeInited) return _scope; _scopeInited = true; _lastScopeInitTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); _setupScope(); _setStaticAdapterType(); _setAdapterSelectorFunction(); return _scope; } protected void _setAdapterSelectorFunction() { Object o = this.getFromInitScope(INIT_ADAPTER_SELECTOR); if (o == null) { log("Adapter selector function not specified in _init file"); return; } if (!(o instanceof JSFunction)) { log( "Adapter selector function specified in _init file not a function. Ignoring. [" + o.getClass() + "]"); return; } _adapterSelector = (JSFunction) o; log("Adapter selector function specified in _init file"); } public void setStaticAdapterTypeValue(AdapterType type) { log("Static adapter type directly set : " + type); _staticAdapterType = type; } public AdapterType getStaticAdapterTypeValue() { return _staticAdapterType; } /** * Figure out what kind of static adapter type was specified. By default it's a 10genDEFAULT app */ protected void _setStaticAdapterType() { /* * app configuration steps could have set this already. If so, don't bother doing anything */ if (_staticAdapterType != AdapterType.UNSET) { log("Static adapter type has already been directly set to " + _staticAdapterType); return; } /* * check to see if overridden in */ String override = Config.get().getProperty(INIT_ADAPTER_TYPE); if (override != null) { AdapterType t = getAdapterTypeFromString(override); if (t == null) { log( "Static adapter type specified as override [" + override + "] unknown - will use _init file specified or default"); } else { log("Static adapter type overridden by or env. Value : " + override); _staticAdapterType = t; return; } } /* * if not, use the one from _init file if specified */ _staticAdapterType = AdapterType.DIRECT_10GEN; Object o = getFromInitScope(INIT_ADAPTER_TYPE); if (o == null) { log("Static adapter type not specified in _init file - using default value of DIRECT_10GEN"); return; } if (!(o instanceof JSString)) { log("Static adapter type from _init file not a string - using default value of DIRECT_10GEN"); return; } _staticAdapterType = getAdapterTypeFromString(o.toString()); if (_staticAdapterType == null) { log( "Static adapter type from _init file [" + o.toString() + "] unknown - using default value of DIRECT_10GEN"); _staticAdapterType = AdapterType.DIRECT_10GEN; return; } log("Static adapter type specified in _init file = " + _staticAdapterType); return; } public AdapterType getAdapterTypeFromString(String s) { if (AdapterType.DIRECT_10GEN.toString().equals(s.toUpperCase())) { return AdapterType.DIRECT_10GEN; } if (AdapterType.CGI.toString().equals(s.toUpperCase())) { return AdapterType.CGI; } if (AdapterType.WSGI.toString().equals(s.toUpperCase())) { return AdapterType.WSGI; } return null; } /** @unexpose */ public File getFileSafe(final String uri) { try { return getFile(uri); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) { return null; } } /** @unexpose */ public File getFile(final String uri) throws FileNotFoundException { File f = _files.get(uri); if (f != null) return f; if (uri.startsWith("/~~/") || uri.startsWith("~~/")) f = _core.getFileFromPath(uri.substring(3)); else if (uri.startsWith("/admin/")) f = _core.getFileFromPath("/modules" + uri); else if (uri.startsWith("/@@/") || uri.startsWith("@@/")) f = _external.getFileFromPath(uri.substring(3)); else if (_localObject != null && uri.startsWith("/modules/")) f = _localObject.getFileFromPath(uri); else f = new File(_rootFile, uri); if (f == null) throw new FileNotFoundException(uri); _files.put(uri, f); return f; } public String getRealPath(String path) { try { return getFile(path).getAbsolutePath(); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) { throw new RuntimeException("file not found [" + path + "]"); } } public URL getResource(String path) { try { File f = getFile(path); if (!f.exists()) return null; return f.toURL(); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) { // the spec says to return null if we can't find it // even though this is weird... return null; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("error opening [" + path + "]", ioe); } } public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String path) { URL url = getResource(path); if (url == null) return null; try { return url.openStream(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("can't getResourceAsStream [" + path + "]", ioe); } } /** * This causes the AppContext to be started over. All context level variable will be lost. If code * is being managed, will cause it to check that its up to date. */ public void reset() { _reset = true; } /** Checks if this context has been reset. */ public boolean isReset() { return _reset; } /** * Returns the path to the directory the appserver is running. (For example, site/version.) * * @return the path */ public String getRoot() { return _root; } public File getRootFile() { return _rootFile; } /** * Creates an new request for the app server from an HTTP request. * * @param request HTTP request to create * @return the request */ public AppRequest createRequest(HttpRequest request) { return createRequest(request, request.getHost(), request.getURI()); } /** * Creates an new request for the app server from an HTTP request. * * @param request HTTP request to create * @param uri the URI requested * @return the request */ public AppRequest createRequest(HttpRequest request, String host, String uri) { _numRequests++; if (AppRequest.isAdmin(request)) return new AppRequest(_adminContext, request, host, uri); return new AppRequest(this, request, host, uri); } /** * Tries to find the given file, assuming that it's missing the ".jxp" extension * * @param f File to check * @return same file if not found to be missing the .jxp, or a new File w/ the .jxp appended */ File tryNoJXP(File f) { if (f.exists()) return f; if (f.getName().indexOf(".") >= 0) return f; File temp = new File(f.toString() + ".jxp"); return temp.exists() ? temp : f; } File tryOtherExtensions(File f) { if (f.exists()) return f; if (f.getName().indexOf(".") >= 0) return f; for (int i = 0; i < JSFileLibrary._srcExtensions.length; i++) { File temp = new File(f.toString() + JSFileLibrary._srcExtensions[i]); if (temp.exists()) return temp; } return f; } /** * Maps a servlet-like URI to a jxp file. * * @param f File to check * @return new File with <root>.jxp if exists, orig file if not * @example /wiki/geir -> maps to wiki.jxp if exists */ File tryServlet(File f) { if (f.exists()) return f; String uri = f.toString(); if (uri.startsWith(_rootFile.toString())) uri = uri.substring(_rootFile.toString().length()); if (_core != null && uri.startsWith(_core._base.toString())) uri = "/~~" + uri.substring(_core._base.toString().length()); while (uri.startsWith("/")) uri = uri.substring(1); int start = 0; while (true) { int idx = uri.indexOf("/", start); if (idx < 0) break; String foo = uri.substring(0, idx); File temp = getFileSafe(foo + ".jxp"); if (temp != null && temp.exists()) f = temp; start = idx + 1; } return f; } /** * Returns the index.jxp for the File argument if it's an existing directory, and the index.jxp * file exists * * @param f directory to check * @return new File for index.jxp in that directory, or same file object if not */ File tryIndex(File f) { if (!(f.isDirectory() && f.exists())) return f; for (int i = 0; i < JSFileLibrary._srcExtensions.length; i++) { File temp = new File(f, "index" + JSFileLibrary._srcExtensions[i]); if (temp.exists()) return temp; } return f; } JxpSource getSource(File f) throws IOException { if (DEBUG) System.err.println("getSource\n\t " + f); File temp = _findFile(f); if (DEBUG) System.err.println("\t " + temp); if (!temp.exists()) return handleFileNotFound(f); // if it's a directory (and we know we can't find the index file) // TODO : at some point, do something where we return an index for the dir? if (temp.isDirectory()) return null; // if we are at init time, save it as an initializaiton file loadedFile(temp); // Ensure that this is w/in the right tree for the context if (_localObject != null && _localObject.isIn(temp)) return _localObject.getSource(temp); // if not, is it core? if (_core.isIn(temp)) return _core.getSource(temp); throw new RuntimeException("what? can't find:" + f); } /** * Finds the appropriate file for the given path. * * <p>We have a hierarchy of attempts as we try to find a file : * * <p>1) first, see if it exists as is, or if it's really a .jxp w/o the extension 2) next, see if * it can be deconstructed as a servlet such that /foo/bar maps to /foo.jxp 3) See if we can find * the index file for it if a directory */ File _findFile(File f) { File temp; if ((temp = tryNoJXP(f)) != f) { return temp; } if ((temp = tryOtherExtensions(f)) != f) { return temp; } if ((temp = tryServlet(f)) != f) { return temp; } if ((temp = tryIndex(f)) != f) { return temp; } return f; } public void loadedFile(File f) { if (_inScopeSetup) _initFlies.add(f); } public void addInitDependency(File f) { _initFlies.add(f); } JxpServlet getServlet(File f) throws IOException { // if this site doesn't exist, don't return anything if (!_rootFile.exists()) return null; JxpSource source = getSource(f); if (source == null) return null; return source.getServlet(this); } private void _setupScope() { if (_inScopeSetup) return; final Scope saveTLPref = _scope.getTLPreferred(); _scope.setTLPreferred(null); final Scope saveTL = Scope.getThreadLocal(); _scope.makeThreadLocal(); _inScopeSetup = true; try { Object fo = getConfigObject("framework"); if (fo != null) { Framework f = null; if (fo instanceof JSString) { f = Framework.byName(fo.toString(), null); // we allow people to just specify name"Setting framework by name [" + fo.toString() + "]"); } else if (fo instanceof JSObjectBase) { JSObjectBase obj = (JSObjectBase) fo; if (obj.containsKey("name")) { String s = obj.getAsString("version"); f = Framework.byName(obj.getAsString("name"), s);"Setting framework by name [" + obj.getAsString("name") + "]"); } else if (obj.containsKey("custom")) { Object o = obj.get("custom"); if (o instanceof JSObjectBase) { f = Framework.byCustom((JSObjectBase) o);"Setting framework by custom [" + o + "]"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Error - custom framework wasn't an object [" + o + "]"); } } else if (obj.containsKey("classname")) { f = Framework.byClass(obj.getAsString("classname"));"Setting framework by class [" + obj.getAsString("classname") + "]"); } } if (f == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Error : can't find framework [" + fo + "]"); } f.install(this); } _runInitFiles(INIT_FILES); if (_adminContext != null) { _adminContext._scope.set("siteScope", _scope); _adminContext._setLocalObject(_localObject); } _lastScopeInitTime = _getScopeTime(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { _scopeInited = false; throw re; } catch (Exception e) { _scopeInited = false; throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { _inScopeSetup = false; _scope.setTLPreferred(saveTLPref); if (saveTL != null) saveTL.makeThreadLocal(); this.approxSize(_rootContextReachable); } } public boolean inScopeSetup() { return _inScopeSetup; } private void _runInitFiles(String[] files) throws IOException { if (files == null) return; for (JSFunction func : _initRefreshHooks) {, null); } for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) runInitFile(files[i].replaceAll("PREFIX", _codePrefix)); } public void addInitRefreshHook(JSFunction func) { _initRefreshHooks.add(func); } /** @param path (ex: /~~/foo.js ) */ public void runInitFile(String path) throws IOException { _runInitFile(tryOtherExtensions(getFile(path))); } private void _runInitFile(File f) throws IOException { if (f == null) return; if (!f.exists()) return; _initFlies.add(f); JxpSource s = getSource(f); JSFunction func = s.getFunction(); func.setUsePassedInScope(true);; } long _getScopeTime() { long last = 0; for (File f : _initFlies) if (f.exists()) last = Math.max(last, f.lastModified()); return last; } /** * Convert this AppContext to a string by returning the name of the directory it's running in. * * @return the filename of its root directory */ public String toString() { return _rootFile.toString(); } public String debugInfo() { return _rootFile + " admin:" + _admin; } public void fix(Throwable t) { StackTraceHolder.getInstance().fix(t); } /** * Get a "global" head array. This array contains HTML that will be inserted into the head of * every request served by this app context. It's analagous to the <tt>head</tt> array, but * persistent. * * @return a mutable array */ public JSArray getGlobalHead() { return _globalHead; } /** * Gets the date of creation for this app context. * * @return the creation date as a JS Date. */ public JSDate getWhenCreated() { return _created; } /** * Gets the number of requests served by this app context. * * @return the number of requests served */ public int getNumRequests() { return _numRequests; } /** * Get the name of the git branch we think we're running. * * @return the name of the git branch, as a string */ public String getGitBranch() { return _gitBranch; } public String getGitHash() { return _gitHash; } /** * Update the git branch that we're running and return it. * * @return the name of the git branch, or null if there isn't any */ public String getCurrentGitBranch() { return getCurrentGitBranch(false); } public String getCurrentGitBranch(boolean forceUpdate) { if (_gitBranch == null) return null; if (_gitFile == null) _gitFile = new File(_rootFile, ".git/HEAD"); if (!_gitFile.exists()) throw new RuntimeException("this should be impossible"); if (forceUpdate || _lastScopeInitTime < _gitFile.lastModified()) { _gitBranch = _git.getBranchOrTagName(); _gitHash = _git.getCurrentHash(); } return _gitBranch; } /** * Get the environment in which this site is running * * @return the environment name as a string */ public String getEnvironmentName() { return _environment; } /** * updates the context to the correct branch based on environment and to the latest version of the * code if name or environemnt is missing, does nothing */ public String updateCode() { if (!_git.isValid()) throw new RuntimeException(_rootFile + " is not a git repository");"going to update code"); _git.fullUpdate(); if (_name == null || _environment == null) return getCurrentGitBranch(); JSObject env = getEnvironmentObject(); if (env == null) return null; String branch = env.get("branch").toString();"updating to [" + branch + "]"); _git.checkout(branch); Python.deleteCachedJythonFiles(_rootFile); return getCurrentGitBranch(true); } private JSObject getSiteObject() { return AppContextHolder.getSiteFromCloud(_name); } private JSObject getEnvironmentObject() { return AppContextHolder.getEnvironmentFromCloud(_name, _environment); } private void _setLocalObject(JSFileLibrary local) { _localObject = local; _scope.put("local", _localObject, true); _scope.put("jxp", _localObject, true); _scope.warn("jxp"); } JxpSource handleFileNotFound(File f) { String name = f.getName(); if (name.endsWith(".class")) { name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 6); return getJxpServlet(name); } return null; } public JxpSource getJxpServlet(String name) { JxpSource source = _httpServlets.get(name); if (source != null) return source; try { Class c = Class.forName(name); Object n = c.newInstance(); if (!(n instanceof HttpServlet)) throw new RuntimeException("class [" + name + "] is not a HttpServlet"); HttpServlet servlet = (HttpServlet) n; servlet.init(createServletConfig(name)); source = new ServletSource(servlet); _httpServlets.put(name, source); return source; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("can't load [" + name + "]", e); } } ServletConfig createServletConfig(final String name) { final Object rawServletConfigs = _scope.get("servletConfigs"); final Object servletConfigObject = rawServletConfigs instanceof JSObject ? ((JSObject) rawServletConfigs).get(name) : null; final JSObject servletConfig; if (servletConfigObject instanceof JSObject) servletConfig = (JSObject) servletConfigObject; else servletConfig = null; return new ServletConfig() { public String getInitParameter(String name) { if (servletConfig == null) return null; Object foo = servletConfig.get(name); if (foo == null) return null; return foo.toString(); } public Enumeration getInitParameterNames() { Collection keys; if (servletConfig == null) keys = new LinkedList(); else keys = servletConfig.keySet(); return new CollectionEnumeration(keys); } public ServletContext getServletContext() { return AppContext.this; } public String getServletName() { return name; } }; } public static AppContext findThreadLocal() { AppContext context = _tl.get(); if (context != null) return context; AppRequest req = AppRequest.getThreadLocal(); if (req != null) return req._context; Scope s = Scope.getThreadLocal(); if (s != null) { Object foo = s.get("__instance__"); if (foo instanceof AppContext) return (AppContext) foo; } return null; } public void makeThreadLocal() { _tl.set(this); } public static void clearThreadLocal() { _tl.set(null); } public String getInitParameter(String name) { Object foo = _configScope.get(name); if (foo == null) return null; return foo.toString(); } public Enumeration getInitParameterNames() { return new CollectionEnumeration(_configScope.keySet()); } public Object getConfigObject(String name) { return _configScope.get(name); } public void setConfigObject(String name, Object value) { _configScope.set(name, value); } public String getContextPath() { return ""; } public RequestDispatcher getNamedDispatcher(String name) { throw new RuntimeException("getNamedDispatcher not implemented"); } public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String name) { throw new RuntimeException("getRequestDispatcher not implemented"); } public Set getResourcePaths(String path) { throw new RuntimeException("getResourcePaths not implemented"); } public AppContext getSiteInstance() { if (_nonAdminParent == null) return this; return _nonAdminParent; } public long approxSize() { return approxSize(new SeenPath()); } public long approxSize(SeenPath seen) { long size = 0; seen.visited(this); if (seen.shouldVisit(_scope, this)) size += _scope.approxSize(seen, false, true); if (seen.shouldVisit(_initScope, this)) size += _initScope.approxSize(seen, true, false); size += JSObjectSize.size(_localObject, seen, this); size += JSObjectSize.size(_core, seen, this); size += JSObjectSize.size(_external, seen, this); if (seen.shouldVisit(_adminContext, this)) size += _adminContext.approxSize(seen); size += JSObjectSize.size(_logger, seen, this); return size; } public int hashCode() { return System.identityHashCode(this); } public boolean equals(Object o) { return o == this; } public AppWork queueWork(String identifier, JSFunction work, Object... params) { return queueWork(new AppWork.FunctionAppWork(this, identifier, work, params)); } public AppWork queueWork(AppWork work) { if (_workQueue == null) { _workQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<AppWork>(100); AppWork.addQueue(_workQueue); } if (_workQueue.offer(work)) return work; throw new RuntimeException("work queue full!"); } public Logger getLogger(String sub) { return _logger.getChild(sub); } public ModuleRegistry getModuleRegistry() { return _moduleRegistry; } // ---- START JSObject INTERFACE public Object get(Object n) { return _scope.get(n); } public JSFunction getFunction(String name) { return _scope.getFunction(name); } public final Set<String> keySet() { return _scope.keySet(); } public Set<String> keySet(boolean includePrototype) { return _scope.keySet(includePrototype); } public boolean containsKey(String s) { return _scope.containsKey(s); } public boolean containsKey(String s, boolean includePrototype) { return _scope.containsKey(s, includePrototype); } public Object set(Object n, Object v) { return _scope.putExplicit(n.toString(), v); } public Object setInt(int n, Object v) { throw new RuntimeException("not allowed"); } public Object getInt(int n) { return _scope.getInt(n); } public Object removeField(Object n) { return _scope.removeField(n); } public JSFunction getConstructor() { return null; } public JSObject getSuper() { return null; } // ---- END BROKEN JSOBJET INTERFACE public TimeZone getTimeZone() { return _tz; } public void setTimeZone(String tz) { if (tz.length() == 3) tz = tz.toUpperCase(); _tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tz); if (!_tz.getID().equals(tz)) throw new RuntimeException("can't find time zone[" + tz + "]"); } final String _name; final String _root; final File _rootFile; final GitDir _git; private String _gitBranch; private String _gitHash; final String _environment; final boolean _admin; final AppContext _adminContext; final String _codePrefix; final AppContext _nonAdminParent; private JSFileLibrary _localObject; private JSFileLibrary _core; private JSFileLibrary _external; final Scope _scope; final SeenPath _rootContextReachable; final Scope _initScope; final Scope _configScope = new Scope(); final UsageTracker _usage; final ModuleRegistry _moduleRegistry; final JSArray _globalHead = new JSArray(); private final Map<String, File> _files = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, File>()); private final Set<File> _initFlies = new HashSet<File>(); private final Map<String, JxpSource> _httpServlets = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, JxpSource>()); private final JSObject _libraryVersions = new JSObjectBase(); private Queue<AppWork> _workQueue; private TimeZone _tz = TimeZone.getDefault(); boolean _scopeInited = false; boolean _inScopeSetup = false; long _lastScopeInitTime = 0; final boolean _isGrid; boolean _reset = false; int _numRequests = 0; final JSDate _created = new JSDate(); private File _gitFile = null; private long _lastGitCheckTime = 0; private Collection<JSFunction> _initRefreshHooks = new ArrayList<JSFunction>(); /* * adapter type - can have either a static ("all files in this app are X") * or dynamic - the provided selector function dynamically chooses, falling * back to the static if it returns null */ public static final String INIT_ADAPTER_TYPE = "adapterType"; public static final String INIT_ADAPTER_SELECTOR = "adapterSelector"; private AdapterType _staticAdapterType = AdapterType.UNSET; private JSFunction _adapterSelector = null; private static Logger _libraryLogger = Logger.getLogger("library.load"); static { _libraryLogger.setLevel(Level.INFO); } private static final Set<String> _knownInitScopeThings = new HashSet<String>(); private static final ThreadLocal<AppContext> _tl = new ThreadLocal<AppContext>(); static { _knownInitScopeThings.add("mapUrlToJxpFileCore"); _knownInitScopeThings.add("mapUrlToJxpFile"); _knownInitScopeThings.add("allowed"); _knownInitScopeThings.add("staticCacheTime"); _knownInitScopeThings.add("handle404"); _knownInitScopeThings.add(INIT_ADAPTER_TYPE); _knownInitScopeThings.add(INIT_ADAPTER_SELECTOR); } public static final class AppContextReachable extends ReflectionVisitor.Reachable { public boolean follow(Object o, Class c, java.lang.reflect.Field f) { if (_reachableStoppers.contains(c)) return false; if (f != null && _reachableStoppers.contains(f.getType())) return false; return super.follow(o, c, f); } } private static final Set<Class> _reachableStoppers = new HashSet<Class>(); static { _reachableStoppers.add(HttpServer.class); _reachableStoppers.add(AppServer.class); _reachableStoppers.add(DBTCP.class); _reachableStoppers.add(Mongo.class); _reachableStoppers.add(WeakBag.class); _reachableStoppers.add(WeakValueMap.class); } }
public final class abstractItemTreeNodeChip_jsp extends org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase implements org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspSourceDependent { Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); static final String SERVLETPATH = ""; final boolean DEBUG_COMMENTS = ConfigConstants.getInstance().DEBUG_SHOWJSPCOMMENTS; private String getRequestURL() { return SERVLETPATH + "?" + MasterServlet.WINDOW_ID + "=" + Frame.getCurrent().getID(); } private String getRequestURL(String frameName) { return SERVLETPATH + "?" + MasterServlet.WINDOW_ID + "=frame" + DisplayState.DELIMITER + frameName; } private String getWindowRequestURL(String windowName) { return SERVLETPATH + "?" + MasterServlet.WINDOW_ID + "=" + windowName; } private String localized(String strKey) { return DisplayState.getCurrent().getLocalizedString(strKey); } /** * If the appropriate config property is true (hmc.escape.html), all html content in the given * string will be escaped. */ private String escapeHTML(String text) { if (ConfigConstants.getInstance().HTML_ESCAPE) { return Utilities.escapeHTML(text); } else { return text; } } private String getExternalLink(final String url, final String label, final String css) { StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); link.append("<a href=\"" + url + "\" "); if (css != null) { link.append("class=\"" + css + "\" "); } link.append(">"); link.append(label); link.append("</a>"); return link.toString(); } private String getExternalLink(final String url, final String label) { return getExternalLink(url, label, null); } private String getLink( final String event, final String label, final String css, String defaultValue, String selectedValue, String tooltip) { String status = Utilities.escapeHTML(Utilities.filterOutHTMLTags(tooltip)); StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); defaultValue = defaultValue == null ? AbstractChip.FALSE : defaultValue; selectedValue = selectedValue == null ? AbstractChip.TRUE : selectedValue; link.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + defaultValue + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" onMouseover=\"window.status='" + status + "'; return true;\" onMouseout=\"window.status=''; return true;\" "); if (css != null) { link.append("class=\"" + css + "\" "); } link.append("hidefocus=\"true\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value='" + selectedValue + "';setScrollAndSubmit();return false;\">"); link.append(label); link.append("</a>"); return link.toString(); } private String getLink( final String event, final String label, final String css, String defaultValue, String selectedValue) { return getLink(event, label, css, defaultValue, selectedValue, label); } private String getLink(final String url, final String label, final String css) { return getLink(url, label, css, null, null); } private String getLink(final String url, final String label) { return getLink(url, label, null); } private String getMainToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String image, String javascript, final boolean showLabel, final boolean isDropDown, final boolean isEnabled) { return getMainToolbarButton( event, label, label, image, javascript, showLabel, isDropDown, isEnabled); } private String getMainToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String tooltip, final String image, String javascript, final boolean showLabel, final boolean isDropDown, final boolean isEnabled) { if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; final String color = isEnabled ? "#333333" : "#999999"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); if (isEnabled) { link.append( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + AbstractChip.FALSE + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"" + tooltip + "\" "); link.append( "onMouseover=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onMouseout=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onFocus=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_main_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onBlur=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_main_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value = " + javascript + "; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); } link.append( "<table title=\"" + tooltip + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle; width:100%; height:23px;\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); link.append("<tr>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_left\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_main_l.gif\"> </td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_middle\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_main_m.gif\">"); link.append( "<img id=\"" + imageID + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle;\" src=\"" + image + "\">"); if (showLabel) { link.append( "<span style=\"padding-left:5px; " + (!isDropDown ? "padding-right:5px; " : "") + "color:" + color + "\">" + label + "</span>"); } if (isDropDown) { link.append( "<span style=\"padding-left:3px; padding-right:5px;\"><img style=\"vertical-align:middle;\" src=\"images/icons/header_downarrow_main" + (isEnabled ? "" : "_inactive") + ".gif\"></span>"); } link.append("</td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_right\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_main_r.gif\"> </td>"); link.append("</tr>"); link.append("</table>"); if (isEnabled) { link.append("</a>"); } return link.toString(); } private String getBlueToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { return getBlueToolbarButton(event, label, label, image, javascript, showLabel, isEnabled); } private String getBlueToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String tooltip, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); final String color = isEnabled ? "#ffffff" : "#aaaaff"; if (isEnabled) { link.append( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + AbstractChip.FALSE + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"" + tooltip + "\" "); link.append( "onMouseover=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onMouseout=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onFocus=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_blue_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onBlur=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_blue_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value = " + javascript + "; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); } link.append( "<table title=\"" + tooltip + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle; width:100%; height:23px;\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); link.append("<tr>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_left\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_blue_l.gif\"> </td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_middle\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_blue_m.gif\">"); link.append( "<img id=\"" + imageID + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" src=\"" + image + "\">"); if (showLabel) { link.append( "<span style=\"padding-left:5px; padding-right:5px; color:" + color + "\">" + label + "</span>"); } link.append("</td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_right\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_blue_r.gif\"> </td>"); link.append("</tr>"); link.append("</table>"); if (isEnabled) { link.append("</a>"); } return link.toString(); } private String getGreyToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { return getGreyToolbarButton(event, label, label, image, javascript, showLabel, isEnabled); } private String getGreyToolbarButton( final String event, final String label, final String tooltip, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); final String color = isEnabled ? "#ffffff" : "#D8DCE3"; if (isEnabled) { link.append( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + AbstractChip.FALSE + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"" + tooltip + "\" "); link.append( "onMouseover=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onMouseout=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onFocus=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_hover_grey_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onBlur=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/header_background_grey_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value = " + javascript + "; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); } link.append( "<table title=\"" + tooltip + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle; width:100%; height:23px;\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); link.append("<tr>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_left\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_grey_l.gif\"> </td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_middle\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_grey_m.gif\">"); link.append( "<img id=\"" + imageID + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" src=\"" + image + "\">"); if (showLabel) { link.append("<span style=\"padding-left:5px; color:" + color + "\">" + label + "</span>"); } link.append("</td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_right\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/header_background_grey_r.gif\"> </td>"); link.append("</tr>"); link.append("</table>"); if (isEnabled) { link.append("</a>"); } return link.toString(); } private String getIconButton( final String event, final String label, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { String status = Utilities.escapeHTML(Utilities.filterOutHTMLTags(label)); if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); final String color = isEnabled ? "#ffffff" : "#D8DCE3"; if (isEnabled) { link.append( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + AbstractChip.FALSE + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"" + status + "\" "); link.append( "onMouseover=\"window.status='" + status + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onMouseout=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onFocus=\"window.status='" + status + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover__m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_hover__r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onBlur=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/icon_button_background_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value = " + javascript + "; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); } link.append( "<table title=\"" + status + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle; width:100%; height:23px; padding:0px;\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); link.append("<tr>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_left\" style=\"width:3px;font-size:1pt;padding:0px;\" background=\"images/icons/icon_button_background_l.gif\"><div style=\"width:3px;\"></div></td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_middle\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;padding:0px;\" background=\"images/icons/icon_button_background_m.gif\">"); link.append( "<img id=\"" + imageID + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" src=\"" + image + "\">"); if (showLabel) { link.append("<span style=\"padding-left:5px; color:" + color + "\">" + label + "</span>"); } link.append("</td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_right\" style=\"width:3px;font-size:1pt;padding:0px;\" background=\"images/icons/icon_button_background_r.gif\"><div style=\"width:3px;\"></div></td>"); link.append("</tr>"); link.append("</table>"); if (isEnabled) { link.append("</a>"); } return link.toString(); } private String getFooterButton( final String event, final String label, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { return getFooterButton(event, label, label, image, javascript, showLabel, isEnabled); } private String getFooterButton( final String event, final String label, final String tooltip, final String image, String javascript, boolean showLabel, boolean isEnabled) { if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); final String color = isEnabled ? "#333333" : "#999999"; if (isEnabled) { link.append( "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + event + "\" value=\"" + AbstractChip.FALSE + "\" />"); link.append( "<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"" + tooltip + "\" "); link.append( "onMouseover=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onMouseout=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onFocus=\"window.status='" + tooltip + "'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_hover_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onBlur=\"window.status='';" + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_left').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_l.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_middle').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_m.gif)'; " + " document.getElementById('" + imageID + "_bg_right').style.backgroundImage = 'url(images/icons/footer_background_r.gif)'; " + " return true;\" "); link.append( "onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['" + event + "'].value = " + javascript + "; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); } link.append( "<table title=\"" + tooltip + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle; width:100%; height:23px;\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">"); link.append("<tr>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_left\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/footer_background_l.gif\"> </td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_middle\" style=\"white-space:nowrap;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;\" background=\"images/icons/footer_background_m.gif\">"); link.append( "<img id=\"" + imageID + "\" style=\"vertical-align:middle\" src=\"" + image + "\">"); if (showLabel) { link.append("<span style=\"padding-left:5px; color:" + color + "\">" + label + "</span>"); } link.append("</td>"); link.append( "<td id=\"" + imageID + "_bg_right\" style=\"width:3px;\" background=\"images/icons/footer_background_r.gif\"> </td>"); link.append("</tr>"); link.append("</table>"); if (isEnabled) { link.append("</a>"); } return link.toString(); } private String getSimpleImageConfirmLink( final String event, final String label, final String image, String imageOver, String javascript) { String status = Utilities.escapeHTML(Utilities.filterOutHTMLTags(label)); if ((imageOver == null) || imageOver.equals("")) { imageOver = image; } if ((javascript == null) || javascript.equals("")) { javascript = "true"; } final String imageID = event + "_img"; StringBuffer link = new StringBuffer(); link.append("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"") .append(event) .append("\" value=\"") .append(AbstractChip.FALSE) .append("\" />"); link.append("<a href=\"#\" hidefocus=\"true\" style=\"text-decoration:none; \" alt=\"") .append(status) .append("\" title=\"") .append(status) .append("\""); link.append("onMouseover=\"window.status='") .append(status) .append("'; swapImage('") .append(imageID) .append("', '") .append(imageOver) .append("'); return true;\" "); link.append("onMouseout=\"window.status=''; swapImage('") .append(imageID) .append("', '") .append(image) .append("'); return true;\" "); link.append("onFocus=\"swapImage('") .append(imageID) .append("', '") .append(imageOver) .append("'); return true;\" "); link.append("onBlur=\"swapImage('") .append(imageID) .append("', '") .append(image) .append("'); return true;\" "); link.append("onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['") .append(event) .append("'].value = ") .append(javascript) .append("; setScrollAndSubmit(); return false;\">"); link.append("<img id=\"") .append(imageID) .append("\" src=\"") .append(image) .append("\" alt=\"") .append(status) .append("\">"); link.append("</a>"); return link.toString(); } private String getSimpleImageLink( final String event, final String label, final String image, final String imageOver) { return getSimpleImageConfirmLink(event, label, image, imageOver, null); } public String getLinkedLabel(final String url, final String body) { if (url == null) { return body; } else { return "<a href=\"" + url + "\" hidefocus=\"true\">" + body + "</a>"; } } public String getLinkedIDLabel(String id, final String url, final String body) { if ((id == null) || id.equals("")) { return getLinkedLabel(url, body); } if (url == null) { return body; } else { return "<a id=\"" + id + "\" href=\"" + url + "\" hidefocus=\"true\">" + body + "</a>"; } } private static final JspFactory _jspxFactory = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory(); private static java.util.List _jspx_dependants; static { _jspx_dependants = new java.util.ArrayList(1); _jspx_dependants.add("/ext/catalog/../../"); } private javax.el.ExpressionFactory _el_expressionfactory; private org.apache.AnnotationProcessor _jsp_annotationprocessor; public Object getDependants() { return _jspx_dependants; } public void _jspInit() { _el_expressionfactory = _jspxFactory .getJspApplicationContext(getServletConfig().getServletContext()) .getExpressionFactory(); _jsp_annotationprocessor = (org.apache.AnnotationProcessor) getServletConfig() .getServletContext() .getAttribute(org.apache.AnnotationProcessor.class.getName()); } public void _jspDestroy() {} public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws, ServletException { PageContext pageContext = null; HttpSession session = null; ServletContext application = null; ServletConfig config = null; JspWriter out = null; Object page = this; JspWriter _jspx_out = null; PageContext _jspx_page_context = null; try { response.setContentType("text/html"); pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response, null, true, 8192, true); _jspx_page_context = pageContext; application = pageContext.getServletContext(); config = pageContext.getServletConfig(); session = pageContext.getSession(); out = pageContext.getOut(); _jspx_out = out; out.write("\r\n\r\n"); final DisplayState theDisplayState = (DisplayState) request.getAttribute(MasterServlet.STATE); final Frame frame = (Frame) request.getAttribute(AbstractChip.FRAME_KEY); /* //to be definitive NOT serializable InputStream noser = (InputStream)session.getAttribute( "NOT_SERIALIZABLE"); if( noser==null ) { session.setAttribute( "NOT_SERIALIZABLE", new ByteArrayInputStream( new byte[0] )); } */ out.write('\r'); out.write('\n'); final AbstractItemTreeNodeChip theChip = (AbstractItemTreeNodeChip) request.getAttribute(AbstractChip.CHIP_KEY); out.write("\r\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""); out.print(theChip.getEventID(AbstractTreeNodeChip.EDIT)); out.write("\" value=\""); out.print(AbstractChip.FALSE); out.write( "\" />\r\n<table class=\"abstractItemTreeNodeChip\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\r\n\t<tr>\r\n\t\t<td class=\"aitncIcon\">\r\n\t\t\t<div onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['"); out.print(theChip.getEventID(AbstractTreeNodeChip.EDIT)); out.write("'].value='"); out.print(AbstractChip.TRUE); out.write("';setScrollAndSubmit();\">\r\n\t\t\t\t<img src=\""); out.print(theChip.getIcon()); out.write( "\" border=\"0\">\r\n\t\t\t</div>\r\n\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t<td class=\"aitncName\">\r\n\t\t\t<div onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['"); out.print(theChip.getEventID(AbstractTreeNodeChip.EDIT)); out.write("'].value='"); out.print(AbstractChip.TRUE); out.write("';setScrollAndSubmit();\">\r\n\t\t\t\t"); out.print(theChip.getName()); out.write("\r\n\t\t\t</div>\r\n\t\t</td>\r\n\t</tr>\r\n\t"); if (theChip.isExpanded()) { for (final Iterator it = theChip.getAllChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { final AbstractTreeNodeChip child = (AbstractTreeNodeChip); out.write("\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class=\"aitncTreeIMG\" background=\""); out.print(it.hasNext() ? "images/vert.gif" : ""); out.write("\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); if (child.hasChildren()) { if (child.isExpanded()) { out.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""); out.print(child.getEventID(AbstractTreeNodeChip.COLLAPSE)); out.write("\" value=\""); out.print(AbstractChip.FALSE); out.write("\" /><div onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['"); out.print(child.getEventID(AbstractTreeNodeChip.COLLAPSE)); out.write("'].value='"); out.print(AbstractChip.TRUE); out.write("';setScrollAndSubmit();\">"); if (it.hasNext()) { out.write("<img src=\"images/minus.gif\"></td>"); } else { out.write("<img src=\"images/minusend.gif\"></td>"); } out.write("</div>"); } else { out.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\""); out.print(child.getEventID(AbstractTreeNodeChip.EXPAND)); out.write("\" value=\""); out.print(AbstractChip.FALSE); out.write("\" /><div onclick=\"document.editorForm.elements['"); out.print(child.getEventID(AbstractTreeNodeChip.EXPAND)); out.write("'].value='"); out.print(AbstractChip.TRUE); out.write("';setScrollAndSubmit();\">"); if (it.hasNext()) { out.write("<img src=\"images/plus.gif\"></td>"); } else { out.write("<img src=\"images/plusend.gif\"></td>"); } out.write("</div>"); } } else { if (it.hasNext()) { out.write("<img src=\"images/horiz.gif\"></td>"); } else { out.write("<img src=\"images/end.gif\"></td>"); } } out.write("\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class=\"aitncContext\">"); child.render(pageContext); out.write("</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t"); } } out.write("\r\n</table>\r\n"); } catch (Throwable t) { if (!(t instanceof SkipPageException)) { out = _jspx_out; if (out != null && out.getBufferSize() != 0) try { out.clearBuffer(); } catch ( e) { } if (_jspx_page_context != null) _jspx_page_context.handlePageException(t); else log(t.getMessage(), t); } } finally { _jspxFactory.releasePageContext(_jspx_page_context); } } }
/** * Servlet to handle requests for group specific tasks. Manages creation and deletion of groups, * meetings, documents, discussion threads * * @author Tyler Haigh - C3182929 * @author Simon Hartcher - C3185790 * @author Josh Crompton - C3165877 */ @MultipartConfig @WebServlet(urlPatterns = {"/group/*", "/group"}) public class GroupController extends Controller { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GroupController.class.getName()); /** Constructor for the Group Controller. Provides no functionality */ public GroupController() {} /** * Displays a given Research Group page for a HTTP Get, or creates a new Group for a HTTP Post * * <p>- Requires a cookie for the session user - Requires a groupId request parameter for a GET - * Requires a groupName, description, createdByUserId request parameters for a POST * * @param req The HTTP Request * @param res The HTTP Response */ public void researchgroupAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // Ensure there is a cookie for the session user if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; Map<String, Object> viewData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); viewData.put("title", "Research Group"); if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Get) { // Load group data into Map GroupManager gm = new GroupManager(); int groupId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("groupId")); Group group = gm.get(groupId); if (group != null) { // Load Group into map viewData.put("group", group); // Load group members into Map List<String> groupMembers = gm.getGroupMembers(groupId); viewData.put("groupMembers", groupMembers); // Load meetings into map MeetingManager meetMan = new MeetingManager(); List<Meeting> groupMeetings = meetMan.getGroupMeetings(groupId); viewData.put("groupMeetings", groupMeetings); // Load Document Data into Map DocumentManager docMan = new DocumentManager(); List<Document> groupDocuments = docMan.getGroupDocuments(groupId); viewData.put("groupDocuments", groupDocuments); // Load discussion threads DiscussionManager dm = new DiscussionManager(); viewData.put("groupDiscussions", dm.getThreads(groupId)); // Check if the user is a member boolean isMember = false; HttpSession session = req.getSession(); Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession"); User user = userSession.getUser(); for (Group g : gm.getAllGroups(user.getId())) { if (g.getId() == group.getId()) { isMember = true; break; } } viewData.put("notMember", !isMember); // View group page. view(req, res, "/views/group/ResearchGroup.jsp", viewData); } else { httpNotFound(req, res); } } else if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Post) { // Create Group // Get data from parameters String groupName = req.getParameter("groupName"); String description = req.getParameter("description"); int adminId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("createdByUserId")); // Create the Group GroupManager groupMan = new GroupManager(); Group group = new Group(); group.setGroupName(groupName); group.setDescription(description); group.setCoordinatorId(adminId); // Create the mapping groupMan.createGroup(group); int groupId = groupMan.getIdFor(group); groupMan.createMapping(groupId, adminId); group.setId(groupId); // Update the User Session to show new group HttpSession session = req.getSession(); Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession"); User admin = userSession.getUser(); admin.getGroups().add(group); // Show the Group Page viewData.put("groupName", group.getGroupName()); List<String> groupMembers = groupMan.getGroupMembers(groupId); viewData.put("groupMembers", groupMembers); view(req, res, "/views/group/ResearchGroup.jsp", viewData); } } /** * Displays a given Meeting page for a HTTP Get, or creates a new Meeting for a HTTP Post * * <p>- Requires a cookie for the session user - Requires a meetingId request parameter for a GET * - Requires description, createdByUserId, datepicker, meetingTime, groupId request parameters * for a POST * * @param req The HTTP Request * @param res The HTTP Response */ public void meetingAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // Ensure there is a cookie for the session user if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; Map<String, Object> viewData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); viewData.put("title", "Meeting"); // Initialise Manager connections MeetingManager meetingMan = new MeetingManager(); GroupManager groupMan = new GroupManager(); if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Get) { // Get request parameter int meetingId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("meetingId")); Meeting meeting = meetingMan.get(meetingId); if (meeting != null) { List<User> meetingUsers = groupMan.getGroupUsers(meeting.getGroupId()); viewData.put("meetingUsers", meetingUsers); viewData.put("meeting", meeting); view(req, res, "/views/group/Meeting.jsp", viewData); } else { httpNotFound(req, res); } } else if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Post) { // Get details from request String description = req.getParameter("description"); int createdByUserId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("createdByUserId")); Date dateCreated = new Date(); String meetingDate = req.getParameter("datepicker"); String meetingTime = req.getParameter("meetingTime"); // Parse meeting date time details DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm"); Date dateDue = new Date(); try { dateDue = format.parse(meetingDate + " " + meetingTime); } catch (ParseException e) { // Unable to parse date. This shouldn't happen since we are // performing javascript validation. } int groupId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("groupId")); // Create a Meeting Meeting meeting = new Meeting(); meeting.setDescription(description); meeting.setCreatedByUserId(createdByUserId); meeting.setDateCreated(dateCreated); meeting.setDateDue(dateDue); meeting.setGroupId(groupId); meetingMan.createMeeting(meeting); int meetingId = meetingMan.getIdFor(meeting); meeting.setId(meetingId); UserManager userMan = new UserManager(); User createdByUser = userMan.get(createdByUserId); // Create a notification for all users in group NotificationManager notificationMan = new NotificationManager(); List<User> users = groupMan.getGroupUsers(groupId); for (User u : users) { Notification notification = new Notification( u.getId(), u, groupId, null, "Meeting " + description + " was created by " + createdByUser.getFullName(), "/group/meeting?meetingId=" + meetingId); notificationMan.createNotification(notification); } // Update the User Session to show new meeting HttpSession session = req.getSession(); Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession"); User admin = userSession.getUser(); admin.getMeetings().add(meeting); // Show meeting page viewData.put("meetingUsers", users); viewData.put("meeting", meeting); view(req, res, "/views/group/Meeting.jsp", viewData); } } /** * Deletes a meeting from the database * * <p>- Requires a cookie for the session user - Requires a meetingId request parameter for the * HTTP GET * * @param req The HTTP Request * @param res The HTTP Response */ public void deletemeetingAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // Ensure there is a cookie for the session user if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Get) { // Get the meeting int meetingId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("meetingId")); MeetingManager meetingMan = new MeetingManager(); Meeting meeting = meetingMan.get(meetingId); meetingMan.deleteMeeting(meetingId); // Update the User Session to remove meeting HttpSession session = req.getSession(); Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession"); List<Meeting> adminMeetings = userSession.getUser().getMeetings(); for (int i = 0; i < adminMeetings.size(); i++) { Meeting m = adminMeetings.get(i); if (m.getId() == meeting.getId()) { adminMeetings.remove(i); break; } } redirectToLocal(req, res, "/home/dashboard"); return; } else if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Post) { httpNotFound(req, res); } } /** * Displays a Discussion Thread page * * <p>- Requires a cookie for the session user - Requires a threadId request parameter for the * HTTP GET * * @param req The HTTP Request * @param res The HTTP Response */ public void discussionAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // Ensure there is a cookie for the session user if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; Map<String, Object> viewData = new HashMap<>(); if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Get) { // Get the thread GroupManager gm = new GroupManager(); int threadId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("threadId")); DiscussionManager discussionManager = new DiscussionManager(); DiscussionThread thread = discussionManager.getThread(threadId); thread.setGroup(gm.get(thread.getGroupId())); thread.setPosts(discussionManager.getPosts(threadId)); // get documents for the thread DocumentManager docMan = new DocumentManager(); viewData.put("documents", docMan.getDocumentsForThread(threadId)); viewData.put("thread", thread); viewData.put("title", "Discussion: " + thread.getThreadName()); view(req, res, "/views/group/DiscussionThread.jsp", viewData); } else { httpNotFound(req, res); } } /** * Displays the Create Discussion page for a HTTP Get, or creates a Discussion Thread for a HTTP * Post * * <p>- Requires a cookie for the session user - Requires a groupId request parameter for a GET - * Requires a groupId and threadName request parameter for a POST - Requires a document request * part for a POST * * @param req The HTTP Request * @param res The HTTP Response */ public void createDiscussionAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // Ensure there is a cookie for the session user if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; Map<String, Object> viewData = new HashMap<>(); if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Get) { viewData.put("title", "Create Discussion"); viewData.put("groupId", req.getParameter("groupId")); view(req, res, "/views/group/CreateDiscussion.jsp", viewData); return; } else if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Post) { // save discussion GroupManager groupMan = new GroupManager(); DiscussionThread thread = new DiscussionThread(); int groupId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("groupId")); thread.setGroupId(groupId); thread.setGroup(groupMan.get(groupId)); thread.setThreadName(req.getParameter("threadName")); DiscussionManager dm = new DiscussionManager(); dm.createDiscussion(thread); try { Part documentPart = req.getPart("document"); // if we have a document to upload if (documentPart.getSize() > 0) { String uuid = DocumentController.saveDocument(this.getServletContext(), documentPart); Document doc = new Document(); doc.setDocumentName(getFileName(documentPart)); doc.setDocumentPath(uuid); doc.setVersionNumber(1); doc.setThreadId(thread.getId()); doc.setGroupId(thread.getGroupId()); DocumentManager docMan = new DocumentManager(); docMan.createDocument(doc); // Get uploading User HttpSession session = req.getSession(); Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession"); User uploader = userSession.getUser(); // Create a notification to all in the group NotificationManager notificationMan = new NotificationManager(); groupMan = new GroupManager(); List<User> groupUsers = groupMan.getGroupUsers(groupId); for (User u : groupUsers) { Notification notification = new Notification( u.getId(), u, groupId, null, "User " + uploader.getFullName() + " has uploaded a document", "/document/document?documentId=" + doc.getId()); notificationMan.createNotification(notification); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Document save error", e); } redirectToLocal(req, res, "/group/discussion/?threadId=" + thread.getId()); return; } httpNotFound(req, res); } /** * Creates a Discussion Post * * <p>- Requires a cookie for the session user - Requires a comment and threadId request parameter * for the POST * * @param req The HTTP Request * @param res The HTTP Response */ public void createPostAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // Ensure there is a cookie for the session user if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; Map<String, Object> viewData = new HashMap<>(); if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Post) { DiscussionManager dm = new DiscussionManager(); HttpSession session = req.getSession(); Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession"); // Create the discussion post DiscussionPost post = new DiscussionPost(); post.setUserId(userSession.getUserId()); post.setMessage(req.getParameter("comment")); post.setThreadId(Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("threadId"))); dm.createPost(post); redirectToLocal(req, res, "/group/discussion/?threadId=" + req.getParameter("threadId")); } else { httpNotFound(req, res); } } /** * Creates a notification to a Group coordinator signaling that a user wants to join their group * * <p>- Requires a groupId request parameter for the GET * * @param req The HTTP Request * @param res The HTTP Response */ public void inviteAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // Ensure there is a cookie for the session user if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; Map<String, Object> viewData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); int groupId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("groupId")); try { // Get the session user HttpSession session = req.getSession(); Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession"); User user = userSession.getUser(); // Get the coordinator for the group GroupManager groupMan = new GroupManager(); Group group = groupMan.get(groupId); User coordinator = groupMan.getCoordinator(groupId); // Send a notification to the coordinator for them to permit access to the group NotificationManager notificationMan = new NotificationManager(); Notification notification = new Notification( coordinator.getId(), coordinator, groupId, group, user.getFullName() + " wants to join your group " + group.getGroupName(), "/home/notifications?addUserId=" + user.getId() + "&groupId=" + group.getId()); notificationMan.createNotification(notification); redirectToLocal(req, res, "/home/dashboard"); return; } catch (Exception e) { redirectToLocal(req, res, "/home/dashboard"); } } /** * Removes User from the Group * * <p>- Requires a cookie for the session user - Requires a groupId request parameter for the HTTP * GET * * @param req The HTTP Request * @param res The HTTP Response */ public void leaveAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; if (req.getMethod() == HttpMethod.Get) { int groupId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("groupId")); HttpSession session = req.getSession(); Session userSession = (Session) session.getAttribute("userSession"); int userId = userSession.getUser().getId(); GroupManager groupMan = new GroupManager(); groupMan.removeMapping(groupId, userId); // reload groups into the user userSession.getUser().setGroups(groupMan.getAllGroups(userId)); redirectToLocal(req, res, "/home/dashboard"); return; } else { httpNotFound(req, res); } } /** * Displays a page showing details for all groups in RGMS * * @param req The HTTP Request * @param res The HTTP Response */ public void showgroupsAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { // Ensure there is a cookie for the session user if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; Map<String, Object> viewData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); viewData.put("title", "RGMS Groups"); // Get all groups in the RGMS database GroupManager groupMan = new GroupManager(); List<Group> groups = groupMan.getEveryGroup(); viewData.put("allGroups", groups); view(req, res, "/views/group/ShowGroups.jsp", viewData); } public void summaryAction(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) { if (AccountController.redirectIfNoCookie(req, res)) return; Map<String, Object> viewData = new HashMap<String, Object>(); DocumentManager docMan = new DocumentManager(); try { if (req.getParameter("documentId") != null) { // Get the document ID int docId = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter("documentId")); // Get the document using document id Document document = docMan.get(docId); // Set title to name of the document viewData.put("title", document.getDocumentName()); // Create List of access records List<AccessRecord> accessRecords = new LinkedList<AccessRecord>(); // Add access records for document to the list accessRecords = docMan.getAccessRecords(docId); viewData.put("accessRecords", accessRecords); } else { // Go back to thread page. } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.getLogger("").log(Level.SEVERE, "An error occurred when getting profile user", e); } view(req, res, "/views/group/Document.jsp", viewData); } }
/** * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]" >Morten Sabroe Mortensen</a> * @version $Id:,v 1.3 2009/10/07 09:38:45 momor Exp $ */ public class ApplicationContextListener implements ServletContextListener { /** Constructor. */ public ApplicationContextListener() { super(); } /** */ public static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ApplicationContextListener.class.getName()); /** */ private void startScheduler() { try { SchedulerFactory f = DefaultSchedulerFactory.getInstance(); Scheduler s = f.getScheduler(); s.start(null, null); } catch (IOException ex) { // Log info: { String message = "Failure to start scheduler!"; log.log(Level.SEVERE, message, ex); } throw new RuntimeException(ex); } catch (Throwable ex) { // Log info: { String message = "Failure to start scheduler!"; log.log(Level.SEVERE, message, ex); } throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** */ protected void stopScheduler() { try { SchedulerFactory f = DefaultSchedulerFactory.getInstance(); Scheduler s = f.getScheduler(); s.stop(null, null); } catch (IOException ex) { // Log info: { String message = "Failure to stop scheduler!"; log.log(Level.SEVERE, message, ex); } throw new RuntimeException(ex); } catch (Throwable ex) { // Log info: { String message = "Failure to stop scheduler!"; log.log(Level.SEVERE, message, ex); } throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** */ protected void startTerminal() { try { TerminalFactory f = DefaultTerminalFactory.getInstance(); Terminal t = f.getTerminal(); t.start(); } catch (IOException ex) { // Log info: { String message = "Failure to start terminal!"; log.log(Level.SEVERE, message, ex); } throw new RuntimeException(ex); } catch (Throwable ex) { // Log info: { String message = "Failure to start terminal!"; log.log(Level.SEVERE, message, ex); } throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** */ protected void stopTerminal() { try { TerminalFactory f = DefaultTerminalFactory.getInstance(); Terminal t = f.getTerminal(); t.stop(); } catch (IOException ex) { // Log info: { String message = "Failure to stop terminal!"; log.log(Level.SEVERE, message, ex); } throw new RuntimeException(ex); } catch (Throwable ex) { // Log info: { String message = "Failure to stop terminal!"; log.log(Level.SEVERE, message, ex); } throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** */ public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent ev) { startTerminal(); startScheduler(); ensureInitOfDefaultDSLAMProviderManager(); dk.tdc.example.RMI.server.DSLDataAccessorRMIServer.bindStubToRMIRegistry(); } /** */ protected void ensureInitOfDefaultDSLAMProviderManager() { /* * Note: * This forces class load of the default DSLAM-provider manager and * implies initialization. * In particular, this initialization may imply initialization of * contained DSLAM-provider allocators. */ DSLAMProviderManagerFactory f = DefaultDSLAMProviderManagerFactory.getInstance(); try { DSLAMProviderManager m = f.getDSLAMProviderManager(); // yes, force classload of the default instance! } catch (IOException ex) { // Ignore! } } /** */ public static void shutdownThreadPools() { try { ThreadPoolManager.shutdownAll(); } catch (Throwable ex) { // Log info: { Level level = Level.SEVERE; Logger logger = log; if (logger.isLoggable(level)) { String message = "Failure to stop thread pools!"; logger.log(level, message, ex); } } throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** */ public static void shutdownThreadPoolsNow() { try { ThreadPoolManager.shutdownAllNow(); } catch (Throwable ex) { // Log info: { Level level = Level.SEVERE; Logger logger = log; if (logger.isLoggable(level)) { String message = "Failure to stop thread pools!"; logger.log(level, message, ex); } } throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** */ protected void statFlush() { try { DSLDataAccessorFactory f = DefaultDSLDataAccessorFactory.getInstance(); DSLDataAccessor a = f.getDSLDataAccessor(); a.statFlush(); } catch (Throwable ex) { // Log info: { Level level = Level.SEVERE; Logger logger = log; if (logger.isLoggable(level)) { String message = "Failure to flush statistical info!"; logger.log(level, message, ex); } } } } /** */ public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent ev) { // Shut down DSLAM-provider hieracy: { DSLAMProviderManagerFactory f = DefaultDSLAMProviderManagerFactory.getInstance(); f.dispose(); // shut it all down! } stopScheduler(); stopTerminal(); statFlush(); // shutdownThreadPools(); shutdownThreadPoolsNow(); } }
/** * This portlet implements several test cases for the JSR 362 TCK. The test case names are defined * in the /src/main/resources/xml-resources/additionalTCs.xml file. The build process will integrate * the test case names defined in the additionalTCs.xml file into the complete list of test case * names for execution by the driver. * * <p>This is the main portlet for the test cases. If the test cases call for events, this portlet * will initiate the events, but not process them. The processing is done in the companion portlet * SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_event */ public class SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl implements Portlet, ResourceServingPortlet { private static final String LOG_CLASS = SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl.class.getName(); private final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LOG_CLASS); private PortletConfig portletConfig = null; @Override public void init(PortletConfig config) throws PortletException { this.portletConfig = config; } @Override public void destroy() {} @Override public void processAction(ActionRequest portletReq, ActionResponse portletResp) throws PortletException, IOException { LOGGER.entering(LOG_CLASS, "main portlet processAction entry"); portletResp.setRenderParameters(portletReq.getParameterMap()); long tid = Thread.currentThread().getId(); portletReq.setAttribute(THREADID_ATTR, tid); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); } @Override public void serveResource(ResourceRequest portletReq, ResourceResponse portletResp) throws PortletException, IOException { LOGGER.entering(LOG_CLASS, "main portlet serveResource entry"); long tid = Thread.currentThread().getId(); portletReq.setAttribute(THREADID_ATTR, tid); PrintWriter writer = portletResp.getWriter(); JSR286SignatureTestCaseDetails tcd = new JSR286SignatureTestCaseDetails(); // Create result objects for the tests PortletURL url = portletResp.createActionURL(); ClassChecker cc = new ClassChecker(url.getClass()); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasAddProperty */ /* Details: "Action URL has a addProperty(String, String) method " */ TestResult tr0 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASADDPROPERTY); try { String name = "addProperty"; Class<?>[] exceptions = null; Class<?>[] parms = {String.class, String.class}; tr0.setTcSuccess(cc.hasMethod(name, parms, exceptions)); } catch (Exception e) { tr0.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr0.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasAddPropertyReturns */ /* Details: "Action URL method addProperty(String, String) returns */ /* void " */ TestResult tr1 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASADDPROPERTYRETURNS); try { String name = "addProperty"; Class<?> retType = void.class; Class<?>[] parms = {String.class, String.class}; tr1.setTcSuccess(cc.methodHasReturnType(name, retType, parms)); } catch (Exception e) { tr1.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr1.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasGetParameterMap */ /* Details: "Action URL has a getParameterMap() method " */ TestResult tr2 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASGETPARAMETERMAP); try { String name = "getParameterMap"; Class<?>[] exceptions = null; Class<?>[] parms = null; tr2.setTcSuccess(cc.hasMethod(name, parms, exceptions)); } catch (Exception e) { tr2.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr2.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasGetParameterMapReturns */ /* Details: "Action URL method getParameterMap() returns */ /* java.util.Map " */ TestResult tr3 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASGETPARAMETERMAPRETURNS); try { String name = "getParameterMap"; Class<?> retType = java.util.Map.class; Class<?>[] parms = null; tr3.setTcSuccess(cc.methodHasReturnType(name, retType, parms)); } catch (Exception e) { tr3.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr3.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasSetParameter */ /* Details: "Action URL has a setParameter(String, String) method " */ TestResult tr4 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASSETPARAMETER); try { String name = "setParameter"; Class<?>[] exceptions = null; Class<?>[] parms = {String.class, String.class}; tr4.setTcSuccess(cc.hasMethod(name, parms, exceptions)); } catch (Exception e) { tr4.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr4.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasSetParameterA */ /* Details: "Action URL has a setParameter(String, String[]) method */ /* " */ TestResult tr5 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASSETPARAMETERA); try { String name = "setParameter"; Class<?>[] exceptions = null; Class<?>[] parms = {String.class, String[].class}; tr5.setTcSuccess(cc.hasMethod(name, parms, exceptions)); } catch (Exception e) { tr5.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr5.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasSetParameterReturns */ /* Details: "Action URL method setParameter(String, String) returns */ /* void " */ TestResult tr6 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASSETPARAMETERRETURNS); try { String name = "setParameter"; Class<?> retType = void.class; Class<?>[] parms = {String.class, String.class}; tr6.setTcSuccess(cc.methodHasReturnType(name, retType, parms)); } catch (Exception e) { tr6.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr6.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasSetParameterReturnsA */ /* Details: "Action URL method setParameter(String, String[]) returns */ /* void " */ TestResult tr7 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASSETPARAMETERRETURNSA); try { String name = "setParameter"; Class<?> retType = void.class; Class<?>[] parms = {String.class, String[].class}; tr7.setTcSuccess(cc.methodHasReturnType(name, retType, parms)); } catch (Exception e) { tr7.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr7.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasSetParameters */ /* Details: "Action URL has a setParameters(java.util.Map) method " */ TestResult tr8 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASSETPARAMETERS); try { String name = "setParameters"; Class<?>[] exceptions = null; Class<?>[] parms = {java.util.Map.class}; tr8.setTcSuccess(cc.hasMethod(name, parms, exceptions)); } catch (Exception e) { tr8.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr8.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasSetParametersReturns */ /* Details: "Action URL method setParameters(java.util.Map) returns */ /* void " */ TestResult tr9 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASSETPARAMETERSRETURNS); try { String name = "setParameters"; Class<?> retType = void.class; Class<?>[] parms = {java.util.Map.class}; tr9.setTcSuccess(cc.methodHasReturnType(name, retType, parms)); } catch (Exception e) { tr9.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr9.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasSetProperty */ /* Details: "Action URL has a setProperty(String, String) method " */ TestResult tr10 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASSETPROPERTY); try { String name = "setProperty"; Class<?>[] exceptions = null; Class<?>[] parms = {String.class, String.class}; tr10.setTcSuccess(cc.hasMethod(name, parms, exceptions)); } catch (Exception e) { tr10.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr10.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasSetPropertyReturns */ /* Details: "Action URL method setProperty(String, String) returns */ /* void " */ TestResult tr11 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASSETPROPERTYRETURNS); try { String name = "setProperty"; Class<?> retType = void.class; Class<?>[] parms = {String.class, String.class}; tr11.setTcSuccess(cc.methodHasReturnType(name, retType, parms)); } catch (Exception e) { tr11.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr11.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasSetSecure */ /* Details: "Action URL has a setSecure(boolean) throws */ /* PortletSecurityException method " */ TestResult tr12 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASSETSECURE); try { String name = "setSecure"; Class<?>[] exceptions = {PortletSecurityException.class}; Class<?>[] parms = {boolean.class}; tr12.setTcSuccess(cc.hasMethod(name, parms, exceptions)); } catch (Exception e) { tr12.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr12.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasSetSecureReturns */ /* Details: "Action URL method setSecure(boolean) returns void " */ TestResult tr13 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASSETSECURERETURNS); try { String name = "setSecure"; Class<?> retType = void.class; Class<?>[] parms = {boolean.class}; tr13.setTcSuccess(cc.methodHasReturnType(name, retType, parms)); } catch (Exception e) { tr13.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr13.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasToString */ /* Details: "Action URL has a toString() method " */ TestResult tr14 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASTOSTRING); try { String name = "toString"; Class<?>[] exceptions = null; Class<?>[] parms = null; tr14.setTcSuccess(cc.hasMethod(name, parms, exceptions)); } catch (Exception e) { tr14.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr14.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasToStringReturns */ /* Details: "Action URL method toString() returns String " */ TestResult tr15 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASTOSTRINGRETURNS); try { String name = "toString"; Class<?> retType = String.class; Class<?>[] parms = null; tr15.setTcSuccess(cc.methodHasReturnType(name, retType, parms)); } catch (Exception e) { tr15.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr15.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasWrite */ /* Details: "Action URL has a write( throws */ /* method " */ TestResult tr16 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASWRITE); try { String name = "write"; Class<?>[] exceptions = {}; Class<?>[] parms = {}; tr16.setTcSuccess(cc.hasMethod(name, parms, exceptions)); } catch (Exception e) { tr16.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr16.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasWriteA */ /* Details: "Action URL has a write(, boolean) throws */ /* method " */ TestResult tr17 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASWRITEA); try { String name = "write"; Class<?>[] exceptions = {}; Class<?>[] parms = {, boolean.class}; tr17.setTcSuccess(cc.hasMethod(name, parms, exceptions)); } catch (Exception e) { tr17.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr17.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasWriteReturns */ /* Details: "Action URL method write( returns void " */ TestResult tr18 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASWRITERETURNS); try { String name = "write"; Class<?> retType = void.class; Class<?>[] parms = {}; tr18.setTcSuccess(cc.methodHasReturnType(name, retType, parms)); } catch (Exception e) { tr18.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr18.writeTo(writer); /* TestCase: V2SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl_hasWriteReturnsA */ /* Details: "Action URL method write(, boolean) returns */ /* void " */ TestResult tr19 = tcd.getTestResultFailed(V2SIGTESTSURL_BASEURL_SIGRESOURCEACTURL_HASWRITERETURNSA); try { String name = "write"; Class<?> retType = void.class; Class<?>[] parms = {, boolean.class}; tr19.setTcSuccess(cc.methodHasReturnType(name, retType, parms)); } catch (Exception e) { tr19.appendTcDetail(e.toString()); } tr19.writeTo(writer); } @Override public void render(RenderRequest portletReq, RenderResponse portletResp) throws PortletException, IOException { LOGGER.entering(LOG_CLASS, "main portlet render entry"); long tid = Thread.currentThread().getId(); portletReq.setAttribute(THREADID_ATTR, tid); PrintWriter writer = portletResp.getWriter(); writer.write("<div id=\"SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl\">no resource output.</div>\n"); ResourceURL resurl = portletResp.createResourceURL(); resurl.setCacheability(PAGE); writer.write("<script>\n"); writer.write("(function () {\n"); writer.write(" var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n"); writer.write(" xhr.onreadystatechange=function() {\n"); writer.write(" if (xhr.readyState==4 && xhr.status==200) {\n"); writer.write( " document.getElementById(\"SigTestsURL_BaseURL_SIGResourceActurl\").innerHTML=xhr.responseText;\n"); writer.write(" }\n"); writer.write(" };\n"); writer.write("\"GET\",\"" + resurl.toString() + "\",true);\n"); writer.write(" xhr.send();\n"); writer.write("})();\n"); writer.write("</script>\n"); } }