private Calendar getDateOnlyCalendar() { Calendar calendar = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); return calendar; }
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); System.out.println("Publicty Chair Servlet RuleML-2009"); out.println("Publicty Chair Servlet RuleML-2009"); Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; int day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); String date; if (month == 10 || month == 11 || month == 12) date = "" + year + month + day; else date = "" + year + "0" + month + day; date = "date(" + date + ":integer)."; System.out.println("Publicty Chair Servlet Console update:"); System.out.println(date); }
@Override public void init(FilterConfig fc) throws ServletException { Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(); nextReportingHour = c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + 1; String t = fc.getInitParameter("maxTotalSimultaneousRequests"); if (t != null) try { maxTotalSimultaneousRequests = Integer.parseInt(t); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error("Bad value for parameter 'maxTotalSimultaneousRequests': '" + t + "'"); log.error("Using the default value of 10 instead"); } // t=fc.getInitParameter("maxSimultaneousRequests"); // if(t!=null) // try { // maxSimultaneousRequests=Integer.parseInt(t); // } // catch(Exception e) { // log.error("Bad value for parameter 'maxSimultaneousRequests': '"+t+"'"); // log.error("Using the default value of 3 instead"); // } contactInfo = fc.getInitParameter("contactInfo"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("contactInfo=" + contactInfo); addressInHeader = fc.getInitParameter("addressInHeader"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("addressInHeader=" + addressInHeader); String eA = fc.getInitParameter("equivalentAddresses"); if (eA != null) { // comma/blank/tab separated list of shortAddr=shortAddr // e.g. 157.55.33=157.55.32, 157.55.34=157.55.32, 157.55.35=157.55.32, 157.55.36=157.55.32, // 157.55.37=157.55.32 // or 157.55.*=157.55.0 // or 69.171.224-255=69.171.224 String first, pair, second; StringTokenizer findPairs = new StringTokenizer(eA, ",\t "); StringTokenizer findValues; while (findPairs.hasMoreTokens()) { pair = findPairs.nextToken(); findValues = new StringTokenizer(pair, "="); first = findValues.nextToken(); second = findValues.nextToken(); if (first.endsWith(".*")) { first = first.substring(0, first.indexOf(".*")); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) equivalentAddresses.put(first + "." + i, second); } else if (first.contains("-")) { int offset = first.lastIndexOf('.'); String base = first.substring(0, offset); String rest = first.substring(offset + 1); StringTokenizer range = new StringTokenizer(rest, "-"); int start = Integer.parseInt(range.nextToken()); int end = Integer.parseInt(range.nextToken()); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { System.out.println( "adding " + base + "." + i + "=" + second + " to the equivalence table"); equivalentAddresses.put(base + "." + i, second); } } else equivalentAddresses.put(first, second); } } String iA = fc.getInitParameter("ignorableAddresses"); if (iA != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(iA, ", "); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) ignorableAddresses.add(st.nextToken()); } }
@Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { String longAddr = null, shortAddr, s, transactionKey = null; int count; boolean ignorable = false; synchronized (simultaneousRequestsByShortIPAddr) { if (totalSimultaneousRequests >= maxTotalSimultaneousRequests) { log.error( "This system has exceeded the maxTotalSimultaneousRequests limit of " + maxTotalSimultaneousRequests); log.error(simultaneousRequestsByShortIPAddr); for (String str : simultaneousRequests) log.error(str); ((HttpServletResponse) response).setStatus(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAVAILABLE); response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); writer.println("<html><body><h1>Service Temporarily Unavailable</h1>"); writer.println( "The system is experiencing a severe load and is temporarily unable to accept new requests"); if (contactInfo != null) writer.println("<p>Contact " + contactInfo + " for more information</p>"); writer.println("</body></html>"); writer.close(); return; } if (addressInHeader != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Enumeration<String> addrs = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getHeaders(addressInHeader); while (addrs.hasMoreElements()) { longAddr = addrs.nextElement(); if (longAddr == null) { if (++addressInHeaderErrorCount < 10) log.error("Expected a " + addressInHeader + " header but got null"); continue; } if (longAddr.lastIndexOf('.') >= 0) break; } } if (longAddr == null) longAddr = request.getRemoteAddr(); int i = longAddr.lastIndexOf('.'); if (i < 0) { log.error("bogus IP address: '" + longAddr + "'"); longAddr = ""; } shortAddr = longAddr.substring(0, i); // trim off 4th number group // that lets us spot requests from clusters s = equivalentAddresses.get(shortAddr); // map one short addr to another? if (s != null) shortAddr = s; if (ignorableAddresses.contains(shortAddr)) { ignorable = true; } else { Integer icount = simultaneousRequestsByShortIPAddr.get(shortAddr); if (icount != null) count = icount; else count = 0; int maxSimultaneousRequests = (maxTotalSimultaneousRequests - totalSimultaneousRequests) / 4; if (maxSimultaneousRequests == 0) maxSimultaneousRequests = 1; if (count >= maxSimultaneousRequests) { log.error( "IP addr " + shortAddr + ".* has exceeded " + maxSimultaneousRequests + " simultaneous requests!"); log.error("maxTotalSimultaneousRequests=" + maxTotalSimultaneousRequests); log.error("totalSimultaneousRequests=" + totalSimultaneousRequests); for (String str : simultaneousRequests) log.error(str); // // ((HttpServletResponse)response).setStatus(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS); // // someday ((HttpServletResponse) response).setStatus(429); // too many requests response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); writer.println( "<html><head><title>Too Many Requests</title></head><body><h1>Too Many Requests</h1>"); writer.println( "You have exceeded the maximum simultaneous request value of " + maxSimultaneousRequests); writer.println("<p>This message and your IP address have been logged and reported</p>"); if (contactInfo != null) writer.println("<p>Contact " + contactInfo + " for more information</p>"); writer.println("</body></html>"); writer.close(); return; } simultaneousRequestsByShortIPAddr.put(shortAddr, count + 1); icount = totalRequests.get(shortAddr); if (icount != null) count = icount; else count = 0; totalRequests.put(shortAddr, count + 1); totalSimultaneousRequests++; transactionKey = new StringBuilder((new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())).toString()) .append('|') .append(shortAddr) .append('|') .append(((HttpServletRequest) request).getQueryString()) .toString(); simultaneousRequests.add(transactionKey); } } try { HttpServletResponseWrapper wrapper = new HttpServletResponseWrapper((HttpServletResponse) response); chain.doFilter(request, wrapper); } finally { if (!ignorable) synchronized (simultaneousRequestsByShortIPAddr) { totalSimultaneousRequests--; simultaneousRequests.remove(transactionKey); count = simultaneousRequestsByShortIPAddr.get(shortAddr); if (count == 1) // prune them from the table simultaneousRequestsByShortIPAddr.remove(shortAddr); else simultaneousRequestsByShortIPAddr.put(shortAddr, count - 1); } } Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(); int hour = c.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); if (hour == 0 && nextReportingHour == 24) { // new day! // you could reset your daily limits table here nextReportingHour = 0; } if (hour >= nextReportingHour) { // generate the hourly report // you could reset your hourly limits table here nextReportingHour = hour + 1; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { HashMap<String, Integer> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); List<String> yourMapKeys = new ArrayList<String>(totalRequests.keySet()); List<Integer> yourMapValues = new ArrayList<Integer>(totalRequests.values()); TreeSet<Integer> sortedSet = new TreeSet<Integer>(yourMapValues); Integer[] sortedArray = sortedSet.descendingSet().toArray(new Integer[0]); int size = sortedArray.length; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) map.put(yourMapKeys.get(yourMapValues.indexOf(sortedArray[i])), sortedArray[i]); Iterator<String> it = map.keySet().iterator(); String key; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Top 10 users in the last hour"); for (int i = 0; i < 10 && it.hasNext(); i++) { key =; sb.append("\n ").append(key).append(" : ").append(map.get(key)); }; } totalRequests.clear(); } }
private void _jspService( javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, com.caucho.jsp.PageContextImpl pageContext, javax.servlet.ServletContext application, javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session, TagState _jsp_state) throws Throwable { javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut(); final javax.el.ELContext _jsp_env = pageContext.getELContext(); javax.servlet.ServletConfig config = getServletConfig(); javax.servlet.Servlet page = this; javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag _jsp_parent_tag = null; com.caucho.jsp.PageContextImpl _jsp_parentContext = pageContext; response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); out.write(_jsp_string0, 0, _jsp_string0.length); CP_Classes.EthnicGroup ethnic; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { ethnic = (CP_Classes.EthnicGroup) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("ethnic"); if (ethnic == null) { ethnic = new CP_Classes.EthnicGroup(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("ethnic", ethnic); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Login logchk; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { logchk = (CP_Classes.Login) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("logchk"); if (logchk == null) { logchk = new CP_Classes.Login(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("logchk", logchk); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Translate trans; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { trans = (CP_Classes.Translate) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("trans"); if (trans == null) { trans = new CP_Classes.Translate(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("trans", trans); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); // added to check whether organisation is a consulting company // Mark Oei 09 Mar 2010 out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Organization Org; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { Org = (CP_Classes.Organization) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("Org"); if (Org == null) { Org = new CP_Classes.Organization(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("Org", Org); } } out.write(_jsp_string1, 0, _jsp_string1.length); CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey CE_Survey; synchronized (pageContext.getSession()) { CE_Survey = (CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey) pageContext.getSession().getAttribute("CE_Survey"); if (CE_Survey == null) { CE_Survey = new CP_Classes.Create_Edit_Survey(); pageContext.getSession().setAttribute("CE_Survey", CE_Survey); } } out.write(_jsp_string2, 0, _jsp_string2.length); // by lydia Date 05/09/2008 Fix jsp file to support Thai language out.write(_jsp_string3, 0, _jsp_string3.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Delete Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string4, 0, _jsp_string4.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Edit Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string5, 0, _jsp_string5.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Please enter Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string6, 0, _jsp_string6.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Add Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string7, 0, _jsp_string7.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Please enter Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string8, 0, _jsp_string8.length); String username = (String) session.getAttribute("username"); if (!logchk.isUsable(username)) { out.write(_jsp_string9, 0, _jsp_string9.length); } else { if (request.getParameter("proceed") != null) { int PKOrg = new Integer(request.getParameter("proceed")).intValue(); logchk.setOrg(PKOrg); } if (request.getParameter("Delete") != null) { int Ethnic_ID = new Integer(request.getParameter("ethnic_ID")).intValue(); boolean bIsDeleted = ethnic.deleteRecord(Ethnic_ID, logchk.getPKUser()); if (bIsDeleted) { out.write(_jsp_string10, 0, _jsp_string10.length); } } if (request.getParameter("Edit") != null) { int Ethnic_ID = new Integer(request.getParameter("ethnic_ID")).intValue(); String txtEthnic = request.getParameter("txtEthnic"); boolean bIsEdited = ethnic.editRecord(Ethnic_ID, txtEthnic, logchk.getOrg(), logchk.getPKUser()); if (bIsEdited) { out.write(_jsp_string11, 0, _jsp_string11.length); } else { out.write(_jsp_string12, 0, _jsp_string12.length); } } if (request.getParameter("Add") != null) { String txtEthnic = request.getParameter("txtEthnic"); boolean bExist = ethnic.existRecord(txtEthnic, logchk.getOrg()); if (!bExist) { boolean bIsAdded = ethnic.addRecord(txtEthnic, logchk.getOrg(), logchk.getPKUser()); if (bIsAdded) { out.write(_jsp_string13, 0, _jsp_string13.length); } } else { out.write(_jsp_string14, 0, _jsp_string14.length); } } out.write(_jsp_string15, 0, _jsp_string15.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string16, 0, _jsp_string16.length); out.print((trans.tslt("To Add, click on the Add button"))); out.write(_jsp_string17, 0, _jsp_string17.length); out.print( (trans.tslt("To Edit, click on the relevant radio button and click on the Edit button"))); out.write(_jsp_string17, 0, _jsp_string17.length); out.print( (trans.tslt( "To Delete, click on the relevant radio button and click on the Delete button"))); out.write(_jsp_string18, 0, _jsp_string18.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Organisation"))); out.write(_jsp_string19, 0, _jsp_string19.length); // Added to check whether organisation is also a consulting company // if yes, will display a dropdown list of organisation managed by this company // else, it will display the current organisation only // Mark Oei 09 Mar 2010 String[] UserDetail = new String[14]; UserDetail = CE_Survey.getUserDetail(logchk.getPKUser()); boolean isConsulting = true; isConsulting = Org.isConsulting(UserDetail[10]); // check whether organisation is a consulting company if (isConsulting) { Vector vOrg = logchk.getOrgList(logchk.getCompany()); for (int i = 0; i < vOrg.size(); i++) { votblOrganization vo = (votblOrganization) vOrg.elementAt(i); int PKOrg = vo.getPKOrganization(); String OrgName = vo.getOrganizationName(); if (logchk.getOrg() == PKOrg) { out.write(_jsp_string20, 0, _jsp_string20.length); out.print((PKOrg)); out.write(_jsp_string21, 0, _jsp_string21.length); out.print((OrgName)); out.write(_jsp_string22, 0, _jsp_string22.length); } else { out.write(_jsp_string20, 0, _jsp_string20.length); out.print((PKOrg)); out.write('>'); out.print((OrgName)); out.write(_jsp_string22, 0, _jsp_string22.length); } } } else { out.write(_jsp_string23, 0, _jsp_string23.length); out.print((logchk.getSelfOrg())); out.write('>'); out.print((UserDetail[10])); out.write(_jsp_string24, 0, _jsp_string24.length); } // End of isConsulting out.write(_jsp_string25, 0, _jsp_string25.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string26, 0, _jsp_string26.length); /** ****************** Edited by James 17 Oct 2007 ********************** */ Vector v = ethnic.getAllEthnics(logchk.getOrg()); for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) { voEthnic vo = (voEthnic) v.elementAt(i); int ethnic_ID = vo.getPKEthnic(); String ethnic_Desc = vo.getEthnicDesc(); out.write(_jsp_string27, 0, _jsp_string27.length); out.print((ethnic_ID)); out.write(_jsp_string28, 0, _jsp_string28.length); out.print((ethnic_Desc)); out.write(_jsp_string29, 0, _jsp_string29.length); out.print((ethnic_Desc)); out.write(_jsp_string30, 0, _jsp_string30.length); } out.write(_jsp_string31, 0, _jsp_string31.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Ethnic Group"))); out.write(_jsp_string32, 0, _jsp_string32.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Add"))); out.write(_jsp_string33, 0, _jsp_string33.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Edit"))); out.write(_jsp_string34, 0, _jsp_string34.length); out.print((trans.tslt("Delete"))); out.write(_jsp_string35, 0, _jsp_string35.length); } out.write(_jsp_string36, 0, _jsp_string36.length); // by lydia Date 05/09/2008 Fix jsp file to support Thai language out.write(_jsp_string37, 0, _jsp_string37.length); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); int year = c.get(Calendar.YEAR); out.write(_jsp_string38, 0, _jsp_string38.length); // Denise 05/01/2010 update new email address out.write(_jsp_string39, 0, _jsp_string39.length); out.print((year)); out.write(_jsp_string40, 0, _jsp_string40.length); }
/** Business logic to execute. */ public final Response executeCommand( Object inputPar, UserSessionParameters userSessionPars, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, HttpSession userSession, ServletContext context) { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { conn = ConnectionManager.getConnection(context); // fires the GenericEvent.CONNECTION_CREATED event... EventsManager.getInstance() .processEvent( new GenericEvent( this, getRequestName(), GenericEvent.CONNECTION_CREATED, (JAIOUserSessionParameters) userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context, conn, inputPar, null)); Response responseVO = bean.insertItem( conn, (JournalHeaderVO) inputPar, userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context); if (responseVO.isError()) { conn.rollback(); return responseVO; } if (inputPar instanceof JournalHeaderWithVatVO) { JournalHeaderWithVatVO vo = (JournalHeaderWithVatVO) inputPar; // insert vat rows in the specified vat register... Response regRes = vatRegisterAction.insertVatRows( conn, vo.getVats(), userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context); if (regRes.isError()) { conn.rollback(); return regRes; } // retrieve payment instalments... Response payRes = payAction.executeCommand( new LookupValidationParams(vo.getPaymentCodeREG10(), new HashMap()), userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context); if (payRes.isError()) { conn.rollback(); return payRes; } PaymentVO payVO = (PaymentVO) ((VOListResponse) payRes).getRows().get(0); GridParams gridParams = new GridParams(); gridParams .getOtherGridParams() .put(ApplicationConsts.PAYMENT_CODE_REG10, vo.getPaymentCodeREG10()); payRes = paysAction.executeCommand( gridParams, userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context); if (payRes.isError()) { conn.rollback(); return payRes; } java.util.List rows = ((VOListResponse) payRes).getRows(); // create expirations in DOC19 ONLY if: // - there are more than one instalment OR // - there is only one instalment and this instalment has more than 0 instalment days if (rows.size() > 1 || (rows.size() == 1 && ((PaymentInstalmentVO) rows.get(0)).getInstalmentDaysREG17().intValue() > 0)) { // retrieve internationalization settings (Resources object)... ServerResourcesFactory factory = (ServerResourcesFactory) context.getAttribute(Controller.RESOURCES_FACTORY); Resources resources = factory.getResources(userSessionPars.getLanguageId()); PaymentInstalmentVO inVO = null; pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( "insert into DOC19_EXPIRATIONS(COMPANY_CODE_SYS01,DOC_TYPE,DOC_YEAR,DOC_NUMBER,DOC_SEQUENCE,PROGRESSIVE,DOC_DATE,EXPIRATION_DATE,NAME_1,NAME_2,VALUE,PAYED,DESCRIPTION,CUSTOMER_SUPPLIER_CODE,PROGRESSIVE_REG04,CURRENCY_CODE_REG03) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); long startTime = vo.getItemDateACC05().getTime(); // item date... if (payVO.getStartDayREG10().equals(ApplicationConsts.START_DAY_END_MONTH)) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); if (cal.get(cal.MONTH) == 10 || cal.get(cal.MONTH) == 3 || cal.get(cal.MONTH) == 5 || cal.get(cal.MONTH) == 8) cal.set(cal.DAY_OF_MONTH, 30); else if (cal.get(cal.MONTH) == 1) { if (cal.get(cal.YEAR) % 4 == 0) cal.set(cal.DAY_OF_MONTH, 29); else cal.set(cal.DAY_OF_MONTH, 28); } else cal.set(cal.DAY_OF_MONTH, 31); startTime = cal.getTime().getTime(); } BigDecimal amount = null; for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) { inVO = (PaymentInstalmentVO) rows.get(i); pstmt.setString(1, vo.getCompanyCodeSys01ACC05()); pstmt.setString(2, vo.getDocTypeDOC19()); pstmt.setBigDecimal(3, vo.getItemYearACC05()); pstmt.setBigDecimal(4, null); pstmt.setBigDecimal(5, vo.getDocSequenceDOC19()); pstmt.setBigDecimal( 6, ProgressiveUtils.getConsecutiveProgressive( "DOC19_EXPIRATIONS", "PROGRESSIVE", conn)); pstmt.setDate(7, vo.getItemDateACC05()); pstmt.setDate( 8, new java.sql.Date( startTime + inVO.getInstalmentDaysREG17().longValue() * 86400 * 1000)); // expiration date pstmt.setString(9, vo.getName_1REG04()); pstmt.setString(10, vo.getName_2REG04()); amount = vo.getTotalValue() .multiply(inVO.getPercentageREG17()) .divide(new BigDecimal(100), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) .setScale(vo.getTotalValue().scale(), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); // value pstmt.setBigDecimal(11, amount); pstmt.setString(12, "N"); if (vo.getDocTypeDOC19().equals(ApplicationConsts.SALE_GENERIC_INVOICE)) pstmt.setString( 13, resources.getResource("sale generic document") + " " + vo.getDocSequenceDOC19() + "/" + vo.getItemYearACC05() + " - " + resources.getResource("valueREG01") + " " + resources.getResource("rateNumberREG17") + " " + (i + 1) + " - " + inVO.getPaymentTypeDescriptionSYS10()); // description else pstmt.setString( 13, resources.getResource("purchase generic document") + " " + vo.getDocSequenceDOC19() + "/" + vo.getItemYearACC05() + " - " + resources.getResource("valueREG01") + " " + resources.getResource("rateNumberREG17") + " " + (i + 1) + " - " + inVO.getPaymentTypeDescriptionSYS10()); // description pstmt.setString(14, vo.getCustomerCodeSAL07()); pstmt.setBigDecimal(15, vo.getProgressiveREG04()); pstmt.setString(16, vo.getCurrencyCodeREG01()); pstmt.execute(); } pstmt.close(); } // create an item registration for proceeds, according to expiration settings (e.g. retail // selling): // there must be only one instalment and this instalment has 0 instalment days if (rows.size() == 1 && ((PaymentInstalmentVO) rows.get(0)).getInstalmentDaysREG17().intValue() == 0) { // retrieve internationalization settings (Resources object)... ServerResourcesFactory factory = (ServerResourcesFactory) context.getAttribute(Controller.RESOURCES_FACTORY); Resources resources = factory.getResources(userSessionPars.getLanguageId()); HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put(ApplicationConsts.COMPANY_CODE_SYS01, vo.getCompanyCodeSys01ACC05()); map.put(ApplicationConsts.PARAM_CODE, ApplicationConsts.CASE_ACCOUNT); Response res = userParamAction.executeCommand( map, userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context); if (res.isError()) { conn.rollback(); return res; } String caseAccountCode = ((VOResponse) res).getVo().toString(); JournalHeaderVO jhVO = new JournalHeaderVO(); jhVO.setCompanyCodeSys01ACC05(vo.getCompanyCodeSys01ACC05()); if (vo.getDocTypeDOC19().equals(ApplicationConsts.SALE_GENERIC_INVOICE)) { jhVO.setDescriptionACC05( resources.getResource("sale generic document") + " " + vo.getDocSequenceDOC19() + "/" + vo.getItemYearACC05() + " - " + resources.getResource("customer") + " " + vo.getName_1REG04() + " " + (vo.getName_2REG04() == null ? "" : vo.getName_2REG04())); jhVO.setAccountingMotiveCodeAcc03ACC05(ApplicationConsts.MOTIVE_INVOICE_PROCEEDS); } else { jhVO.setDescriptionACC05( resources.getResource("purchase generic document") + " " + vo.getDocSequenceDOC19() + "/" + vo.getItemYearACC05() + " - " + resources.getResource("supplier") + " " + vo.getName_1REG04() + " " + (vo.getName_2REG04() == null ? "" : vo.getName_2REG04())); jhVO.setAccountingMotiveCodeAcc03ACC05(ApplicationConsts.MOTIVE_PURCHASE_INVOICE_PAYED); } jhVO.setItemDateACC05(new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); jhVO.setItemYearACC05(new BigDecimal(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR))); JournalRowVO jrVO = new JournalRowVO(); jrVO.setCompanyCodeSys01ACC06(jhVO.getCompanyCodeSys01ACC05()); if (vo.getDocTypeDOC19().equals(ApplicationConsts.SALE_GENERIC_INVOICE)) { jrVO.setAccountCodeAcc02ACC06(vo.getCreditAccountCodeAcc02SAL07()); jrVO.setAccountCodeACC06(vo.getCustomerCodeSAL07()); jrVO.setAccountCodeTypeACC06(ApplicationConsts.ACCOUNT_TYPE_CUSTOMER); jrVO.setCreditAmountACC06(vo.getTotalValue()); } else { jrVO.setAccountCodeAcc02ACC06(vo.getDebitAccountCodeAcc02PUR01()); jrVO.setAccountCodeACC06(vo.getSupplierCodePUR01()); jrVO.setAccountCodeTypeACC06(ApplicationConsts.ACCOUNT_TYPE_SUPPLIER); jrVO.setDebitAmountACC06(vo.getTotalValue()); } jrVO.setDescriptionACC06(""); jrVO.setItemYearAcc05ACC06(jhVO.getItemYearACC05()); jrVO.setProgressiveAcc05ACC06(jhVO.getProgressiveACC05()); jhVO.addJournalRow(jrVO); jrVO = new JournalRowVO(); jrVO.setCompanyCodeSys01ACC06(jhVO.getCompanyCodeSys01ACC05()); jrVO.setAccountCodeAcc02ACC06(caseAccountCode); jrVO.setAccountCodeACC06(caseAccountCode); jrVO.setAccountCodeTypeACC06(ApplicationConsts.ACCOUNT_TYPE_ACCOUNT); if (vo.getDocTypeDOC19().equals(ApplicationConsts.SALE_GENERIC_INVOICE)) { jrVO.setDebitAmountACC06(vo.getTotalValue()); } else { jrVO.setCreditAmountACC06(vo.getTotalValue()); } jrVO.setDescriptionACC06(""); jrVO.setItemYearAcc05ACC06(jhVO.getItemYearACC05()); jrVO.setProgressiveAcc05ACC06(jhVO.getProgressiveACC05()); jhVO.addJournalRow(jrVO); Response proceedsRes = bean.insertItem(conn, jhVO, userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context); if (proceedsRes.isError()) { conn.rollback(); return proceedsRes; } } } Response answer = responseVO; // fires the GenericEvent.BEFORE_COMMIT event... EventsManager.getInstance() .processEvent( new GenericEvent( this, getRequestName(), GenericEvent.BEFORE_COMMIT, (JAIOUserSessionParameters) userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context, conn, inputPar, answer)); conn.commit(); // fires the GenericEvent.AFTER_COMMIT event... EventsManager.getInstance() .processEvent( new GenericEvent( this, getRequestName(), GenericEvent.AFTER_COMMIT, (JAIOUserSessionParameters) userSessionPars, request, response, userSession, context, conn, inputPar, answer)); return answer; } catch (Throwable ex) { Logger.error( userSessionPars.getUsername(), this.getClass().getName(), "executeCommand", "Error while inserting a new item in the journal", ex); try { conn.rollback(); } catch (Exception ex3) { } return new ErrorResponse(ex.getMessage()); } finally { try { pstmt.close(); } catch (Exception ex2) { } try { ConnectionManager.releaseConnection(conn, context); } catch (Exception ex1) { } } }
private boolean isNewFileNeeded(Calendar todayCalendar) { return todayCalendar.get(Calendar.DATE) != getPerformanceLogCalendar().get(Calendar.DATE); }
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { address = PAConfiguration.getAddress(); port = PAConfiguration.getPort(instantiation); poslAddress = PAConfiguration.getPOSL(instantiation, topic); rdfAddress = PAConfiguration.getRDFTaxonomy(instantiation); messageEndpoint = PAConfiguration.getEndpointName(instantiation, topic); } catch (BadConfigurationException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); try { System.out.println("5 Publicty Chair Servlet"); System.out.println(response.toString()); BufferedReader brd = request.getReader(); String input = ""; String message = ""; while (!input.equals("</RuleML>")) { input = brd.readLine(); message = message + input; } String[] varOrder = getVariableOrder(message); System.out.println("Received Message: " + message); // BackwardReasoner br = new BackwardReasoner(); // Iterator solit =null; // DefiniteClause dc = null; // SymbolTable.reset(); POSLParser pp = new POSLParser(); // String contents = "c(a).\nc(b).\nc(c)."; Date t1 = new GregorianCalendar().getTime(); System.out.println(t1.getHours() + ":" + t1.getMinutes()); // append time to contents System.out.println("day: " + t1.getDay()); System.out.println("day: " + t1.getYear()); System.out.println("day: " + t1.getMonth()); // time String time = "time(" + t1.getHours() + ":integer)."; System.out.println(time); String url = poslAddress; // String url = ""; String contents = ""; // day of the week int day = t1.getDay(); boolean weekday = true; if (day == 0 || day == 6) { weekday = false; } String dayOfWeek; if (weekday) { dayOfWeek = "day(weekday)."; } else { dayOfWeek = "day(weekend)."; } // full date Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; int day2 = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); String date; String day3 = "" + day2; if (day2 == 1 || day2 == 2 || day2 == 3 || day2 == 4 || day2 == 5 || day2 == 6 || day2 == 7 || day2 == 8 || day2 == 9) { day3 = "0" + day2; } if (month == 10 || month == 11 || month == 12) date = "" + year + month + day3; else date = "" + year + "0" + month + day3; date = "date(" + date + ":integer)."; System.out.println(date); String url2 = rdfAddress; HttpClient client2 = new HttpClient(); GetMethod method2 = new GetMethod(url2); method2.setFollowRedirects(true); String typestr = ""; // Execute the GET method int statusCode2 = client2.executeMethod(method2); if (statusCode2 != -1) { typestr = method2.getResponseBodyAsString(); } System.out.println("Types: " + typestr); Types.reset(); RDFSParser.parseRDFSString(typestr); try { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); GetMethod method = new GetMethod(url); method.setFollowRedirects(true); // Execute the GET method int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method); if (statusCode != -1) { contents = method.getResponseBodyAsString(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } contents = contents + "\n" + time; contents = contents + "\n" + dayOfWeek; contents = contents + "\n" + date; BackwardReasoner br = new BackwardReasoner(); Iterator solit = null; DefiniteClause dc = null; SymbolTable.reset(); pp.parseDefiniteClauses(contents); br.loadClauses(pp.iterator()); System.out.println("TEST"); Iterator it = pp.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DefiniteClause d = (DefiniteClause); System.out.println("Loaded clause: " + d.toPOSLString()); } br = new BackwardReasoner(br.clauses, br.oids); MessageParser m = new MessageParser(message); Element atom = null; try { atom = m.parseForContent(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Invalid Message"); // out.flush(); } QueryBuilder q = new QueryBuilder(atom); String query = q.generateDoc(); System.out.println("ABOUT TO INPUT THIS QUERY:" + query); RuleMLParser qp = new RuleMLParser(); try { dc = qp.parseRuleMLQuery(query); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Invalid Query"); // out.flush(); } // solit = br.iterativeDepthFirstSolutionIterator(dc); solit = br.iterativeDepthFirstSolutionIterator(dc); int varSize = 0; while (solit.hasNext()) { Vector data = new Vector(); BackwardReasoner.GoalList gl = (BackwardReasoner.GoalList); Hashtable varbind = gl.varBindings; javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode root = br.toTree(); root.setAllowsChildren(true); javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel dtm = new DefaultTreeModel(root); int i = 0; Object[][] rowdata = new Object[varbind.size()][2]; varSize = varbind.size(); Enumeration e = varbind.keys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Object k = e.nextElement(); Object val = varbind.get(k); String ks = (String) k; rowdata[i][0] = ks; rowdata[i][1] = val; i++; } data.addElement(rowdata); String[] messages = new String[data.size()]; MessageGenerator g = new MessageGenerator( data, varSize, messageEndpoint, m.getId(), m.getProtocol(), m.getRel(), varOrder); messages = g.Messages2(); String appender = ""; URL sender = new URL(address + ":" + port); HttpMessage msg = new HttpMessage(sender); Properties props = new Properties(); for (int i1 = 0; i1 < data.size(); i1++) { System.out.println(i1 + ")" + messages[i1].toString()); props.put("text", messages[i1].toString()); InputStream in = msg.sendGetMessage(props); } System.out.println("NEXT MESSAGE"); } MessageGenerator g = new MessageGenerator( null, varSize, messageEndpoint, m.getId(), m.getProtocol(), m.getRel()); URL sender = new URL(address + ":" + port); HttpMessage msg = new HttpMessage(sender); Properties props = new Properties(); String finalMessage = g.finalMessage(query); System.out.println(finalMessage); props.put("text", finalMessage); InputStream in = msg.sendGetMessage(props); System.out.println("Stop_Communication"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("ERROR has occured : " + e.toString()); } out.close(); }