Exemple #1
   * Faz a busca de um funcionario pela Razão Social e seu status.
   * @param String nomeRazaoSocial
   * @param boolean status
   * @param boolean noComeco
   * @return Funcionario
   * @throws Exception
  public List<Funcionario> buscarPorNomeRazaoSocial(
      String nomeRazaoSocial, boolean status, boolean noComeco) throws NoResultException {
    String where = "";

    if (nomeRazaoSocial != null) {
      // Coloca o sinal de percente de acordo com o parametro de pesquisa do boolean
      nomeRazaoSocial = (noComeco) ? nomeRazaoSocial + "%" : "%" + nomeRazaoSocial + "%";
      where = " AND (pf.txNome LIKE ?1 OR pj.txRazaoSocial LIKE ?2)";

    String sql =
        " SELECT c FROM Funcionario c "
            + " JOIN c.pessoa p "
            + " LEFT JOIN p.pessoaFisica pf "
            + " LEFT JOIN p.pessoaJuridica pj "
            + " WHERE p.blStatus = ?3 "
            + where;

    Query query = getSessao().createQuery(sql);
    // Atualiza o cache desta consulta

    if (nomeRazaoSocial != null) {
      query.setParameter(1, nomeRazaoSocial).setParameter(2, nomeRazaoSocial);

    return query.setParameter(3, status).getResultList();
  public void removeEndpoints(CSARID csarId) {

    // FIXME if somebody deletes a csar before some endpoints where added,
    // some exceptions occur

    // get all rest endpoints for the given csarid
    Query queryRestEndpoints =
        this.em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM RESTEndpoint e where e.csarId = :csarId");
    queryRestEndpoints.setParameter("csarId", csarId);
    List<RESTEndpoint> restEndpoints = queryRestEndpoints.getResultList();

    // get all wsdl endpoints for the given csarid
    Query queryWsdlEndpoints =
        this.em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM WSDLEndpoint e where e.csarId = :csarId");
    queryWsdlEndpoints.setParameter("csarId", csarId);
    List<WSDLEndpoint> wsdlEndpoints = queryWsdlEndpoints.getResultList();

    // remove all found endpoints one by one
    for (RESTEndpoint restEndpoint : restEndpoints) {

    for (WSDLEndpoint wsdlEndpoint : wsdlEndpoints) {

  public Long getTotalContentDownloads(
      Company company, Date eventDate, Campaign campaign, Device device) {
    String query =
        "SELECT COUNT(b.id) FROM BluetoothSend b WHERE b.sendStatus = ?1 AND b.eventDate BETWEEN ?2 AND ?3 AND b.company = ?4 ";
    int paramCount = 4;
    HashMap<Integer, Object> params = new HashMap<Integer, Object>();
    if (campaign != null) {
      query += " AND b.campaign = ?" + paramCount + " ";
      params.put(paramCount, campaign);
    if (device != null) {
      query += " AND b.device = ?" + paramCount + " ";
      params.put(paramCount, device);

    Query q = em.createQuery(query);
    q.setParameter(1, BluetoothSend.STATUS_SENT);
    q.setParameter(2, eventDate);
    q.setParameter(3, DateUtil.getEndOfDay(eventDate));
    q.setParameter(4, company);

    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Object> entry : params.entrySet()) {
      Integer paramId = entry.getKey();
      Object object = entry.getValue();
      q.setParameter(paramId, object);

    Long countResult = (Long) q.getSingleResult();
    return countResult;
  public List<Productos> productosLike(String par, String id) {
    /*  String jpql = "SELECT EX.productos FROM Existencias EX "
    + " WHERE EX.bodegas.idBodega = '59' AND EX.productos.idProducto LIKE :par"
    + " OR EX.productos.nombre LIKE :par";*/
    String jpql =
        "SELECT PR FROM Productos PR where PR.idProducto LIKE :par OR PR.nombre LIKE :par";

    Query query = em.createQuery(jpql);

    String jpql1 =
        "select DISTINCT pro.IdProducto, pro.Nombre from bodegaVirtualMM vb inner join Productos pro on vb.IdProducto = pro.IdProducto and vb.IdVendedor = ? where   pro.IdProducto = ? or pro.Nombre like ? ";
    //   String jpql1 =   "select DISTINCT pro.IdProducto, pro.Nombre from bodegaVirtualMM vb inner
    // join Productos pro on vb.IdProducto = pro.IdProducto and vb.IdVendedor = ? order by
    // pro.Nombre";

    Query query2 = em.createNativeQuery(jpql1, Productos.class);
    query2.setParameter(1, id);
    query2.setParameter(2, par);
    query2.setParameter(3, "%" + par + "%");
    // query2.setParameter(1,  "%"+ par +"%");
    //  query2.setParameter("par", "%"+ par +"%");
    productosLikeList = query2.getResultList();
    return productosLikeList;

    /* String jpql =   "select us.UID, us.Nombre  as 'NombreUsuario' , pm.Nombre  as 'NombrePerfil', pm.Descripcion  as 'DescripcionPerfil' ,\n" +
    " am.Nombre  as NombreApp, am.Descripcion as 'DescripcionMovil' , am.Logo from Usuarios us inner join PerfilesMoviles pm \n" +
    "on us.IdPerfilMovil = pm.IdPerfilMovil inner join AppPorPerfiles ap on us.IdPerfilMovil = ap.IdPerfilMovil\n" +
    "inner join AppMoviles am on ap.IdAppMovil = am.IdAppMovil\n" +
    "where us.UID = :par" ;*/

Exemple #5
  public List needPathologyReport(String days) {
    List resultList = null;

    Integer daysInteger = 0;
    Date limitDate = null;

    if (days != null && !days.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
      limitDate = getLimitDate(Integer.valueOf(days));

    String hql =
        "Select DISTINCT c from Client c "
            + "left join c.colorectalCycles colorectalCycles "
            + "left join colorectalCycles.rsdiFormColorectalCancers colorectalCancers "
            + "left join colorectalCancers.rsdiFormColorectalCancer colorectalCancer "
            + "where lower(colorectalCancer.performedBiopsyItem.code) like lower(:yes) "
            + "and colorectalCancer.performedDate >= :limitDate "
            + "and colorectalcancer.rsdiFormClientSnapshot.clientId is not null ";

    /*+ "order by colorectalcancer.createDate DESC";*/

    Query q = getEntityManager().createQuery(hql);
    q.setParameter("surgery", "SURGERY");

    if (limitDate != null) {
      q.setParameter("limitDate", limitDate);

    resultList = q.getResultList();

    return resultList;
   * Y a t'il d'autres facture a exporter pour le même payeur ?
   * @param moveLineList : une liste de ligne d'écriture de facture
   * @param psl
   * @return
  public boolean hasOtherInvoice(List<MoveLine> moveLineList, MoveLine moveLine) {

    Partner partner = moveLine.getPartner();

    Query q =
                "select count(*) FROM MoveLine as self WHERE self IN ?1 AND self.partner = ?2 ");
    q.setParameter(1, moveLineList);
    q.setParameter(2, partner);

    if ((long) q.getSingleResult() > 1) {
          "Recherche d'une autre facture à prélever (autre que l'écriture {}) pour le tiers {} : OUI",
      return true;

        "Recherche d'une autre facture à prélever (autre que l'écriture {}) pour le tiers {} : NON",

    return false;
  * Finds lab routings for the specified demographic and lab type
  * @param demoNo Demographic to find labs for
  * @param labType Type of the lab to get routings for
  * @return Returns the routings found.
 public List<PatientLabRouting> findByDemographicAndLabType(Integer demoNo, String labType) {
   Query query = createQuery("r", "r.demographicNo = :demoNo AND r.labType = :labType");
   query.setParameter("demoNo", demoNo);
   query.setParameter("labType", labType);
   return query.getResultList();
Exemple #8
  public List<Task> getWeekTasksStat(String name, String momin, Date startWeek) {
    Query query;
    List<Task> list;

    query =
            "select from "
                + Task.class.getName()
                + " t where t.mominId = :momin AND  name =:name AND  t.date >= :start  AND  t.date  < :end order by date asc");
    query.setParameter("name", name);

    Task.moveToDay(startWeek, -1);
    Date end = CalendarUtil.copyDate(startWeek);
    CalendarUtil.addDaysToDate(end, 7);
    query.setParameter("momin", momin);
    query.setParameter("start", startWeek);
    //	    end.setTime(end.getTime()-2000);
    query.setParameter("end", end);
    list = query.getResultList();

    //	    if(group == null)
    //	    	getCache().put(keyWeek, list);

    return list;
Exemple #9
  public List<Hsfo2Visit> getVisitRecordInDateRangeByDemographicNo(
      String patientId, String startDate, String endDate) {

    String sqlCommand =
        "select x FROM Hsfo2Visit x where x.Patient_Id=?1 and x.VisitDate_Id>?2 and x.VisitDate_Id<?3 group by x.VisitDate_Id";
    Query query = entityManager.createQuery(sqlCommand);
    query.setParameter(1, patientId);

    try {
      Date start = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(startDate);
      Date end = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(endDate);

      query.setParameter(2, start);
      query.setParameter(3, end);

      List<Hsfo2Visit> results = query.getResultList();

      return results;

    } catch (ParseException e) {

      logger.error("[Hsfo2VisitDao] - formatDate: ", e);

      return null;
Exemple #10
  public UserInfo loginUser(UserInfo user) {
    String name = user.getName();
    String passwd = user.getPasswd();
    if (name != null && passwd != null) {
      // manager.getTransaction().begin();
      // Query query = manager.createNativeQuery(queryString); // ,
      // "UserResult");
      // UserInfo
      // user2=new
      // UserInfo();

      // Object list=query.getSingleResult();
      Query query =
              "select p from UserInfo p where p.name = :name and p.passwd = :passwd and p.verified =1");
      query.setParameter("name", name);
      query.setParameter("passwd", passwd);
      // List<UserInfo> users=contentUserInfoTransfer(query.getResultList());
      Iterator iterator = query.getResultList().iterator();
      if (iterator.hasNext()) user = (UserInfo) iterator.next();
      // user=users.size()==0?user:users.get(0);

      // EntityManagerFactory factory =
      // Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("basfdb");
      // // 获取EntityManager
      // EntityManager em = factory.createEntityManager();
      // // 开始事务处理
      // em.getTransaction().begin();
      // manager.getTransaction().commit();
      if (user.getUser_id() == null) return null;
      return user;

    } else return null;
 public void normalize(ArtResourceFrequency f) {
   Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery("artResource.taggingCount");
   query.setParameter("resid", f.getResource().getId());
   query.setParameter("lang", localeSelector.getLanguage());
   double taggings = ((Long) query.getSingleResult()).doubleValue();
   f.setCount(f.getCount() / taggings);
  public List<LOSStorageLocation> getListByAreaType(Client client, LOSAreaType areaType) {
    StringBuffer qstr = new StringBuffer();
        "SELECT sl FROM "
            + LOSStorageLocation.class.getSimpleName()
            + " sl "
            + ", "
            + LOSArea.class.getSimpleName()
            + " a "
            + "WHERE a.areaType = :areaType AND sl.area.id = a.id ");

    if (!client.isSystemClient()) {
      qstr.append("AND sl.client = :cl ");

    qstr.append("ORDER BY sl.name");

    Query query = manager.createQuery(qstr.toString());

    query.setParameter("areaType", areaType);

    if (!client.isSystemClient()) {
      query.setParameter("cl", client);

    return (List<LOSStorageLocation>) query.getResultList();
   * Returns a list of dates from trade open until expiration.
   * @param expiration
   * @return
  public static List<Date> getTradeDatesStarting(Date expiration, Date startDate) {

    EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("JPAOptionsTrader");
    EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

    // Note: table name refers to the Entity Class and is case sensitive
    //       field names are property names in the Entity Class
    Query query =
            "select distinct(opt.trade_date) from "
                + TradeProperties.SYMBOL_FOR_QUERY
                + " opt "
                + "where "
                + "opt.trade_date >= :tradeDate "
                + "opt.expiration=:expiration "
                //				+ "and opt.call_put = :call_put "
                //				+ "and opt.delta > 0.04 "
                //				+ "and opt.delta < 0.96 "
                + "order by opt.trade_date");

    query.setParameter("tradeDate", startDate);
    query.setParameter("expiration", expiration);
    //		query.setParameter("call_put", callPut);

    List<Date> dates = query.getResultList();
    return dates;
  private Query criarQueryEspecifica(Dao dao, Class entidade, List<ParametroConsulta> params) {

    String nomeQuery = entidade.getSimpleName() + ".findBy";

    for (ParametroConsulta t : params) {
      nomeQuery +=
          (String.valueOf(t.getCampo().charAt(0)).toUpperCase() + t.getCampo().substring(1));

    Query query = dao.createNamedQuery(nomeQuery);

    for (ParametroConsulta t : params) {
      if (t.getTipo().equals("numero")) {
        try {
          query.setParameter(t.getCampo(), Long.valueOf(t.getValor()));
        } catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
          query.setParameter(t.getCampo(), 0L);
      } else {
        query.setParameter(t.getCampo(), t.getValor());

    return query;
Exemple #15
  * 描述:更近sc统计相关信息条数 <br>
  * 创建时间:2013-5-11 下午11:51:02
  * @author liyang
  * @param lockMode
  * @param cacheName
  * @param sc
  * @return
 public Object statBySearchCriterion(
     final LockModeType lockMode, final ConstantsEnum.EHCACHE cacheName, SearchCriterion sc) {
   if (sc == null) {
     sc = new SearchCriterion();
   Map<String, Object> map = sc.getFilterMap();
   Query query = entityManager.createQuery("select count(*) " + this.getJPQL(sc));
   if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) {
     for (String str : map.keySet()) {
       if (str.split("\\.").length > 1) {
         query.setParameter(str.split("\\.")[1], map.get(str));
       } else {
         query.setParameter(str, map.get(str));
   map = sc.getFilterValue();
   if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) {
     for (String str : map.keySet()) {
       if (str.split("\\.").length > 1) {
         query.setParameter(str.split("\\.")[1], map.get(str));
       } else {
         query.setParameter(str, map.get(str));
   if (lockMode != null) {
   if (cacheName != null) {
     query.setHint("org.hibernate.cacheable", true);
     query.setHint("org.hibernate.cacheRegion", cacheName.getStr());
   return query.getSingleResult();
Exemple #16
   * @param hospital
   * @param name
   * @return
  public Department findByHospitalAndName(Hospital hospital, String name) {
    Query query = this.em.createNamedQuery(Department.QUERY_FIND_BY_HOSPTIAL_AND_NAME);
    query.setParameter("hospital", hospital);
    query.setParameter("name", name);

    return getSingleResult(query);
Exemple #17
  public <T> List<T> findWithNamedQuery(String queryName, Map<String, Object> params) {
    Set<Entry<String, Object>> rawParameters = params.entrySet();
    Query query = entityManager.createNamedQuery(queryName);

    // if has limit.
    if (params.containsKey(QueryParameters.LIMIT_START)) {
      int start = new Integer(params.get(QueryParameters.LIMIT_START).toString());
      int n = (Integer) params.get(QueryParameters.LIMIT_N);

    // if has order by.
    if (params.containsKey(QueryParameters.ORDERBY)) {
      String orderbyField = (String) params.get(QueryParameters.ORDERBY);
      query.setParameter("orderby", String.format("%s", orderbyField));
      if (params.containsKey(QueryParameters.ORDERBY_SORT)) {

    // Add parameters
    for (Entry<String, Object> entry : rawParameters) {
      query.setParameter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    return query.getResultList();
  public List<ConceptoProveedor> getListaByBusqueda(
      String codTipo, String txtBusqueda, boolean mostrarDebaja, int cantMax) {

    try {
      String sQuery =
          "SELECT e FROM ConceptoProveedor e "
              + "WHERE ((e.codigo LIKE :codigo)  OR  (e.descripcion LIKE :descripcion)) "
              + (mostrarDebaja ? " " : " AND e.auditoria.debaja = 'N' ")
              + (codTipo == null ? " " : " AND e.tipo = :tipoConcepto ")
              + "ORDER BY e.codigo ";

      Query q = em.createQuery(sQuery);

      //            System.err.println("sQuery: "+sQuery);

      if (codTipo != null) {
        q.setParameter("tipoConcepto", (codTipo.isEmpty() ? "" : codTipo));

      q.setParameter("codigo", "%" + txtBusqueda.replace(" ", "%") + "%");
      q.setParameter("descripcion", "%" + txtBusqueda.replace(" ", "%") + "%");

      if (cantMax > 0) {

      return q.getResultList();

    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.log(Level.SEVERE, "getListaByBusqueda", e.getMessage());
      return new ArrayList<ConceptoProveedor>();
  public List<FiseTipDocRef> buscarFiseTipDocRef(String id, String descripcion)
      throws SQLException {

    String q = "SELECT d FROM " + FiseTipDocRef.class.getName() + " d WHERE 1=1 ";
    if (FormatoUtil.isNotBlank(id)) {
      q = q.concat(" AND d.idTipDocRef = :id ");
    if (FormatoUtil.isNotBlank(descripcion)) {
      q = q.concat(" AND d.descripcion LIKE :descripcion ");
    q = q.concat(" ORDER BY d.descripcion ASC");

    Query query = em.createQuery(q);
    if (FormatoUtil.isNotBlank(id)) {
      query.setParameter("id", id);
    if (FormatoUtil.isNotBlank(descripcion)) {
      String des = "%" + descripcion + "%";
      query.setParameter("descripcion", des);
    List<FiseTipDocRef> lista = query.getResultList();
    if (lista == null) {
      return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
    } else {
      return lista;
  * Listado de Motivos por Status y Categorías
  * @param status
  * @param categoria
  * @return
 public List<Motivo> findMotivo(int status, Categoria categoria) {
   String query = "SELECT m from Motivo m WHERE m.status = :status and m.categoriaId = :categoria";
   Query q = getEntityManager().createQuery(query);
   q.setParameter("status", status);
   q.setParameter("categoria", categoria);
   return q.getResultList();
 public Permissao pesquisaPermissao(int idModulo, int idRotina, int idEvento, int idCliente) {
   try {
     Query query =
                 "   SELECT P                                                "
                     + "   FROM Permissao AS P                                   "
                     + "  WHERE P.modulo.id      = :modulo                       "
                     + "    AND P.rotina.id      = :rotina                       "
                     + "    AND P.rotina.ativo   = true                          "
                     + "    AND P.segEvento.id   = :evento                       ");
     // + "    AND P.cliente.id     = :cliente                      ");
     query.setParameter("modulo", idModulo);
     query.setParameter("rotina", idRotina);
     query.setParameter("evento", idEvento);
     // query.setParameter("cliente", idCliente);
     List list = query.getResultList();
     if (!list.isEmpty() && list.size() == 1) {
       return (Permissao) query.getSingleResult();
   } catch (Exception e) {
     return null;
   return null;
Exemple #22
  public static void index() {
    Test test = Test.findById(1L);
    Account account = Account.find("byEmail", Security.connected()).first();
    TestResult testResult =
        TestResult.find("test = ? and account = ? order by resultDate desc", test, account).first();

    List<TestResultAttr> lastRes = TestResultAttr.find("byTestResult", testResult).fetch();
    List<String[]> last = getTappingData(lastRes);
    List<TestResultAttr> allRes =
        TestResultAttr.find("testResult.test = ? and testResult.account = ?", test, account)
    List<String[]> all = getTappingData(allRes);
    Query query =
                "select t.sortOrder - 1, avg(a.val) "
                    + "from TestResult r, TestResultAttr a, TestAttr t "
                    + "where a.testResult = r and a.testAttr = t and r.test = :test and r.account = :account group by t.sortOrder order by t.sortOrder");
    query.setParameter("test", test);
    query.setParameter("account", account);
    List<String[]> avg = query.getResultList();

    render(account, last, avg, all);
Exemple #23
  public List missingSurgeryReport(String days) {
    List resultList = null;

    Integer daysInteger = 0;
    Date limitDate = null;

    if (days != null && !days.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
      limitDate = getLimitDate(Integer.valueOf(days));

    String hql =
        "Select DISTINCT c from Client c "
            + "inner join c.colorectalCycles colorectalCycles "
            + "inner join colorectalCycles.rsdiFormPathologyReports pathologyReports "
            + "inner join pathologyReports.rsdiFormPathologyReport pathologyReport "
            + "where lower(pathologyReport.recommendedTestItem.code) like lower(:surgery) "
            + "and pathologyReport.reportCompletedDate <= :limitDate "
            + "and pathologyReport.rsdiFormClientSnapshot.clientId is not null ";

    /*+ "order by colorectalcancer.createDate DESC";*/

    Query q = getEntityManager().createQuery(hql);
    q.setParameter("surgery", "SURGERY");

    if (limitDate != null) {
      q.setParameter("limitDate", limitDate);

    resultList = q.getResultList();

    return resultList;
Exemple #24
  public Page<Object[]> getCustomerService(int pageNo, int pageSize, Date minDate, Date maxDate) {
    String hql =
        "select count(cs.serviceType) from CustomerService cs "
            + "  where cs.customer is not null And cs.serviceType is not null "
            + "  and cs.createDate between ? and ?";

    Query query = entityManager.createQuery(hql);
    query.setParameter(1, minDate);
    query.setParameter(2, maxDate);
    long total = (long) query.getSingleResult();

    hql =
        "select cs.serviceType , count(cs.serviceType) from CustomerService cs "
            + "where cs.customer is not null and cs.serviceType is not null and cs.createDate between ? and ? "
            + " group by cs.serviceType";

    query = entityManager.createQuery(hql);
    query.setParameter(1, minDate);
    query.setParameter(2, maxDate);

    query.setFirstResult((pageNo - 1) * pageSize).setMaxResults(pageSize);
    List<Object[]> content = query.getResultList();

    PageRequest pageable = new PageRequest(pageNo - 1, pageSize);

    PageImpl<Object[]> page = new PageImpl<Object[]>(content, pageable, total);

    return page;
  /** {@Inheritdoc} */
  public List<RESTEndpoint> getRestEndpoints(URI anyURI, CSARID csarId) {
    ArrayList<RESTEndpoint> results = new ArrayList<RESTEndpoint>();

     * Create Query to retrieve RESTEndpoints identified by a URI and thorID
     * @see RESTEndpoint#getEndpointForPath
    Query getRestEndpointsQuery = this.em.createNamedQuery(RESTEndpoint.getEndpointForPath);

    // Set Parameters
    getRestEndpointsQuery.setParameter("path", anyURI.getPath());
    getRestEndpointsQuery.setParameter("csarId", csarId);

    // Get Query-Results and add them to the result list
    // Result can only be a RESTEndpoint
    List<RESTEndpoint> queryResults = getRestEndpointsQuery.getResultList();
    for (RESTEndpoint endpoint : queryResults) {
    return results;
  private List<ServiceValueDetail> getServiceValueDetailList(
      String where, Long userphoneCod, Long serviceCod, Integer cant) {
    EntityManager em = null;
    try {
      String sql =
          " SELECT o "
              + " FROM ServiceValueDetail o "
              + " WHERE o.enabledChr = true "
              + " AND o.serviceValue.enabledChr = true "
              + " AND o.serviceValue.userphone.userphoneCod = :userphoneCod "
              + " AND o.serviceValue.service.serviceCod = :serviceCod   "
              + " AND trunc(o.recorddateDat) <= :date "
              + where
              + " ORDER BY o.servicevaluedetailCod DESC ";

      em = getFacadeContainer().getEntityManager();
      Query query = em.createQuery(sql);
      query.setParameter("userphoneCod", userphoneCod);
      query.setParameter("serviceCod", serviceCod);
      query.setParameter("date", new Date());
      List<ServiceValueDetail> svdList = query.getResultList();
      return svdList;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return null;
    } finally {
      if (em != null && getFacadeContainer().isEntityManagerTransactional()) {
  public Long getUniqueDevicesSupportingBluetooth(
      Company company, Date eventDate, Campaign campaign, Device device) {
    String query =
        "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT b.macAddress) FROM BluetoothSend b WHERE b.eventDate BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2 AND b.company = ?3 AND b.sendStatus in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7) ";
    int paramCount = 3;
    HashMap<Integer, Object> params = new HashMap<Integer, Object>();
    if (campaign != null) {
      query += " AND b.campaign = ?" + paramCount + " ";
      params.put(paramCount, campaign);
    if (device != null) {
      query += " AND b.device = ?" + paramCount + " ";
      params.put(paramCount, device);
    Query q = em.createQuery(query);

    q.setParameter(1, eventDate);
    q.setParameter(2, DateUtil.getEndOfDay(eventDate));
    q.setParameter(3, company);

    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Object> entry : params.entrySet()) {
      Integer paramId = entry.getKey();
      Object object = entry.getValue();
      q.setParameter(paramId, object);

    Long countResult = (Long) q.getSingleResult();
    return countResult;
Exemple #28
  public List<Usuario> getUsuarioByBusqueda(
      String txtBusqueda, boolean mostrarDeBaja, int cantMax) {
    try {

      String sQuery =
          "SELECT e FROM Usuario e "
              + " WHERE (e.usuario LIKE :usuario OR e.nombre LIKE :nombre OR e.email LIKE :email) "
              + " ORDER BY e.usuario";

      Query q = em.createQuery(sQuery);
      q.setParameter("usuario", "%" + txtBusqueda.replaceAll(" ", "%") + "%");
      q.setParameter("nombre", "%" + txtBusqueda.replaceAll(" ", "%") + "%");
      q.setParameter("email", "%" + txtBusqueda.replaceAll(" ", "%") + "%");

      if (cantMax > 0) {

      return q.getResultList();

    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.log(Level.SEVERE, "getUsuarioByBusqueda", e.getCause());
      return new ArrayList<Usuario>();
  public List<BluetoothFileSendSummary> fetchBluetoothFileSendSummaries(
      Date eventDate, Company company, Campaign campaign, Device device) {
    String query =
        "SELECT b FROM BluetoothFileSendSummary b WHERE b.eventDate BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2 AND b.company = ?3 ";
    int paramCount = 3;
    HashMap<Integer, Object> params = new HashMap<Integer, Object>();
    if (campaign != null) {
      query += " AND b.campaign = ?" + paramCount + " ";
      params.put(paramCount, campaign);
    if (device != null) {
      query += " AND b.device = ?" + paramCount + " ";
      params.put(paramCount, device);

    Query q = em.createQuery(query);
    q.setParameter(1, eventDate);
    q.setParameter(2, DateUtil.getEndOfDay(eventDate));
    q.setParameter(3, company);

    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Object> entry : params.entrySet()) {
      Integer paramId = entry.getKey();
      Object object = entry.getValue();
      q.setParameter(paramId, object);

    List<BluetoothFileSendSummary> results = (List<BluetoothFileSendSummary>) q.getResultList();
    return results;
Exemple #30
   * Deletes a tag.
   * @param tagId Tag ID
   * @param userId User ID
  public void delete(String tagId, String userId) {
    EntityManager em = ThreadLocalContext.get().getEntityManager();

    // Get the tag
    Query q = em.createQuery("select t from Tag t where t.id = :id and t.deleteDate is null");
    q.setParameter("id", tagId);
    Tag tagDb = (Tag) q.getSingleResult();

    // Delete the tag
    Date dateNow = new Date();

    // Delete linked data
    q =
            "update DocumentTag dt set dt.deleteDate = :dateNow where dt.tagId = :tagId and dt.deleteDate is not null");
    q.setParameter("dateNow", dateNow);
    q.setParameter("tagId", tagId);

    q =
            "update Acl a set a.deleteDate = :dateNow where a.sourceId = :tagId and a.deleteDate is null");
    q.setParameter("tagId", tagId);
    q.setParameter("dateNow", dateNow);

    // Create audit log
    AuditLogUtil.create(tagDb, AuditLogType.DELETE, userId);