private String nullSafeRefAddrStringGet(String referenceName, Reference ref) { RefAddr refAddr = ref.get(referenceName); String asString = refAddr != null ? (String) refAddr.getContent() : null; return asString; }
/** JNDI object factory so the proxy can be used as a resource. */ public Object getObjectInstance( Object obj, Name name, Context nameCtx, Hashtable<?, ?> environment) throws Exception { Reference ref = (Reference) obj; String api = null; String url = null; String user = null; String password = null; for (int i = 0; i < ref.size(); i++) { RefAddr addr = ref.get(i); String type = addr.getType(); String value = (String) addr.getContent(); if (type.equals("type")) api = value; else if (type.equals("url")) url = value; else if (type.equals("user")) setUser(value); else if (type.equals("password")) setPassword(value); } if (url == null) throw new NamingException("`url' must be configured for HessianProxyFactory."); // XXX: could use meta protocol to grab this if (api == null) throw new NamingException("`type' must be configured for HessianProxyFactory."); ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Class apiClass = Class.forName(api, false, loader); return create(apiClass, url); }
/** * @see javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory#getObjectInstance(java.lang.Object, javax.naming.Name, * javax.naming.Context, java.util.Hashtable) */ public Object getObjectInstance(Object obj, Name name, Context nameCtx, Hashtable environment) throws Exception { Object ret = null; if (obj instanceof Reference) { Reference ref = (Reference) obj; RefAddr ra = ref.get("com.atomikos.serializable"); if (ra != null) { byte[] bytes = (byte[]) ra.getContent(); ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(bin) { protected Class resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass desc) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { try { // try default class loading return super.resolveClass(desc); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { // try the context class loader - happens in OSGi? return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(desc.getName()); } } }; ret = in.readObject(); in.close(); } } return ret; }
/** * Creates an instance of JDO from a JNDI reference. * * @see javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory#getObjectInstance(java.lang.Object, javax.naming.Name, * javax.naming.Context, java.util.Hashtable) */ public Object getObjectInstance(Object refObj, Name name, Context nameCtx, Hashtable env) throws NamingException { Reference ref; // Can only reconstruct from a reference. if (refObj instanceof Reference) { ref = (Reference) refObj; // Make sure reference is of datasource class. if (!ref.getClassName().equals(getClass().getName())) { throw new NamingException("Reference not constructed from class " + getClass().getName()); } JDO jdo; RefAddr addr; try { jdo = (JDO) Class.forName(ref.getClassName()).newInstance(); } catch (Exception except) { throw new NamingException(except.toString()); } addr = ref.get("description"); if (addr != null) jdo._description = (String) addr.getContent(); addr = ref.get("databaseName"); if (addr != null) jdo._dbName = (String) addr.getContent(); addr = ref.get("configuration"); if (addr != null) jdo._jdoConfURI = (String) addr.getContent(); addr = ref.get("lockTimeout"); if (addr != null) jdo._lockTimeout = Integer.parseInt((String) addr.getContent()); return jdo; } else if (refObj instanceof Remote) return refObj; else return null; }
/** * Create and return a new <code>BasicDataSource</code> instance. If no instance can be created, * return <code>null</code> instead. * * @param obj The possibly null object containing location or reference information that can be * used in creating an object * @param name The name of this object relative to <code>nameCtx</code> * @param nameCtx The context relative to which the <code>name</code> parameter is specified, or * <code>null</code> if <code>name</code> is relative to the default initial context * @param environment The possibly null environment that is used in creating this object * @exception Exception if an exception occurs creating the instance */ public Object getObjectInstance(Object obj, Name name, Context nameCtx, Hashtable environment) throws Exception { // We only know how to deal with <code>javax.naming.Reference</code>s // that specify a class name of "javax.sql.DataSource" if ((obj == null) || !(obj instanceof Reference)) { return null; } Reference ref = (Reference) obj; if (!"javax.sql.DataSource".equals(ref.getClassName())) { return null; } Properties properties = new Properties(); for (int i = 0; i < ALL_PROPERTIES.length; i++) { String propertyName = ALL_PROPERTIES[i]; RefAddr ra = ref.get(propertyName); if (ra != null) { String propertyValue = ra.getContent().toString(); properties.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue); } } return createDataSource(properties); }
private Map<String, String[]> getConfigurationMap(Reference ref) { Map<String, String[]> configMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); String separatorChars = ","; RefAddr separatorCharsRefAddr = ref.get("separatorChars"); if (separatorCharsRefAddr != null) { String value = (String) separatorCharsRefAddr.getContent(); if (value != null && !"".equals(value)) { separatorChars = value.trim(); } } Enumeration addrs = ref.getAll(); while (addrs.hasMoreElements()) { RefAddr addr = (RefAddr) addrs.nextElement(); String type = addr.getType(); String value = (String) addr.getContent(); String[] valueArray = StringUtils.splitPreserveAllTokens(value, separatorChars); for (int i = 0; i < valueArray.length; i++) { valueArray[i] = valueArray[i].trim(); } configMap.put(type, valueArray); } return configMap; }
@Test public void testGetObjectInstance() throws Exception { config.setAcquireIncrement(5); config.setMinConnectionsPerPartition(30); config.setMaxConnectionsPerPartition(100); config.setPartitionCount(1); Reference mockRef = createNiceMock(Reference.class); Enumeration<RefAddr> mockEnum = createNiceMock(Enumeration.class); RefAddr mockRefAddr = createNiceMock(RefAddr.class); expect(mockRef.getAll()).andReturn(mockEnum).anyTimes(); expect(mockEnum.hasMoreElements()).andReturn(true).times(2); expect(mockEnum.nextElement()).andReturn(mockRefAddr).anyTimes(); expect(mockRefAddr.getType()) .andReturn("driverClassName") .once() .andReturn("password") .times(2); expect(mockRefAddr.getContent()) .andReturn("com.jolbox.bonecp.MockJDBCDriver") .once() .andReturn("abcdefgh") .once(); replay(mockRef, mockEnum, mockRefAddr); BoneCPDataSource dsb = new BoneCPDataSource(); BoneCPDataSource result = (BoneCPDataSource) dsb.getObjectInstance(mockRef, null, null, null); assertEquals("abcdefgh", result.getPassword()); verify(mockRef, mockEnum, mockRefAddr); }
public Object getObjectInstance(Object arg0, Name arg1, Context arg2, Hashtable arg3) throws Exception { Reference ref = (Reference) arg0; RefAddr refAddr = ref.get(0); String valueName = refAddr.getType(); if (!valueName.equalsIgnoreCase("val")) throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized refaddr type = " + valueName); String value = (String) refAddr.getContent(); return new SomeObject(Integer.parseInt(value.trim())); }
/** * Crete a new Resource env instance. * * @param obj The reference object describing the DataSource */ public Object getObjectInstance(Object obj, Name name, Context nameCtx, Hashtable environment) throws Exception { if (obj instanceof ResourceEnvRef) { Reference ref = (Reference) obj; ObjectFactory factory = null; RefAddr factoryRefAddr = ref.get(Constants.FACTORY); if (factoryRefAddr != null) { // Using the specified factory String factoryClassName = factoryRefAddr.getContent().toString(); // Loading factory ClassLoader tcl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Class factoryClass = null; if (tcl != null) { try { factoryClass = tcl.loadClass(factoryClassName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { NamingException ex = new NamingException("Could not load resource factory class"); ex.initCause(e); throw ex; } } else { try { factoryClass = Class.forName(factoryClassName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { NamingException ex = new NamingException("Could not load resource factory class"); ex.initCause(e); throw ex; } } if (factoryClass != null) { try { factory = (ObjectFactory) factoryClass.newInstance(); } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof NamingException) throw (NamingException) t; NamingException ex = new NamingException("Could not create resource factory instance"); ex.initCause(t); throw ex; } } } // Note: No defaults here if (factory != null) { return factory.getObjectInstance(obj, name, nameCtx, environment); } else { throw new NamingException("Cannot create resource instance"); } } return null; }
public Object getObjectInstance( Object paramObject, Name paramName, Context paramContext, Hashtable paramHashtable) throws Exception { if (!(paramObject instanceof Reference)) return null; Reference localReference = (Reference) paramObject; String str1 = localReference.getClassName(); if (("org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDataSource".equals(str1)) || ("org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCPool".equals(str1)) || ("org.hsqldb.jdbc.pool.JDBCPooledDataSource".equals(str1)) || ("org.hsqldb.jdbc.pool.JDBCXADataSource".equals(str1))) { JDBCCommonDataSource localJDBCCommonDataSource = (JDBCCommonDataSource) Class.forName(str1).newInstance(); RefAddr localRefAddr = localReference.get("database"); if (localRefAddr == null) throw new Exception(str1 + ": RefAddr not set: database"); Object localObject = localRefAddr.getContent(); if (!(localObject instanceof String)) throw new Exception(str1 + ": invalid RefAddr: database"); localJDBCCommonDataSource.setDatabase((String) localObject); localRefAddr = localReference.get("user"); if (localRefAddr == null) throw new Exception(str1 + ": RefAddr not set: user"); localObject = localReference.get("user").getContent(); if (!(localObject instanceof String)) throw new Exception(str1 + ": invalid RefAddr: user"); localJDBCCommonDataSource.setUser((String) localObject); localRefAddr = localReference.get("password"); if (localRefAddr == null) { localObject = ""; } else { localObject = localReference.get("password").getContent(); if (!(localObject instanceof String)) throw new Exception(str1 + ": invalid RefAddr: password"); } localJDBCCommonDataSource.setPassword((String) localObject); localRefAddr = localReference.get("loginTimeout"); if (localRefAddr != null) { localObject = localRefAddr.getContent(); if ((localObject instanceof String)) { String str2 = ((String) localObject).trim(); if (str2.length() > 0) try { localJDBCCommonDataSource.setLoginTimeout(Integer.parseInt(str2)); } catch (NumberFormatException localNumberFormatException) { } } } return localJDBCCommonDataSource; } return null; }
/* * Ref has no factory. For each address of type "URL", try its URL * context factory. Returns null if unsuccessful in creating and * invoking a factory. */ static Object processURLAddrs( Reference ref, Name name, Context nameCtx, Hashtable<?, ?> environment) throws NamingException { for (int i = 0; i < ref.size(); i++) { RefAddr addr = ref.get(i); if (addr instanceof StringRefAddr && addr.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("URL")) { String url = (String) addr.getContent(); Object answer = processURL(url, name, nameCtx, environment); if (answer != null) { return answer; } } } return null; }
/** * @return an instance of a proxy (an EJB) that handle local calls. * @param obj the reference containing data to build instance * @param name Name of context, relative to ctx, or null. * @param nameCtx Context relative to which 'name' is named. * @param environment Environment to use when creating the context * * @throws Exception if this object factory encountered an exception while attempting to create an * object, and no other object factories are to be tried. */ public Object getObjectInstance( final Object obj, final Name name, final Context nameCtx, final Hashtable<?, ?> environment) throws Exception { if (obj instanceof Reference) { Reference ref = (Reference) obj; // get the embeddedID, getContainerId(), getFactoryName() RefAddr containerIDAddr = ref.get(AbsCallRef.CONTAINER_ID); RefAddr factoryNameAddr = ref.get(AbsCallRef.FACTORY_NAME); RefAddr itfClassNameAddr = ref.get(AbsCallRef.INTERFACE_NAME); RefAddr useIDAddr = ref.get(AbsCallRef.USE_ID); String containerID = (String) containerIDAddr.getContent(); String factoryName = (String) factoryNameAddr.getContent(); String itfClassName = (String) itfClassNameAddr.getContent(); boolean useID = Boolean.valueOf((String) useIDAddr.getContent()).booleanValue(); // Build new Handler ClientRPCInvocationHandler handler = buildRemoteHandler(containerID, factoryName, useID); // Set the environment used by client to do the lookup. handler.setRMIEnv(environment); // Get current classloader ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); // load class Class<?> clz = null; try { clz = classLoader.loadClass(itfClassName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new EZBContainerException( "Cannot find the class '" + itfClassName + "' in Classloader '" + classLoader + "'.", e); } // set the interface class handler.setInterfaceClass(clz); // build the proxy Object proxy = Proxy.newProxyInstance(classLoader, new Class[] {clz}, handler); // Stateful case ? needs to invoke a remote method in order to // initialize the ID as the ID needs to be present when the client // performs the lookup. if (useID) { proxy.toString(); } // return the object built. return proxy; } throw new IllegalStateException("Can only build object with a reference"); }
/** * Create and return a new <code>BasicDataSource</code> instance. If no instance can be created, * return <code>null</code> instead. * * @param obj The possibly null object containing location or reference information that can be * used in creating an object * @param name The name of this object relative to <code>nameCtx</code> * @param nameCtx The context relative to which the <code>name</code> parameter is specified, or * <code>null</code> if <code>name</code> is relative to the default initial context * @param environment The possibly null environment that is used in creating this object * @exception Exception if an exception occurs creating the instance */ @Override public Object getObjectInstance( Object obj, Name name, Context nameCtx, Hashtable<?, ?> environment) throws Exception { // We only know how to deal with <code>javax.naming.Reference</code>s // that specify a class name of "javax.sql.DataSource" if ((obj == null) || !(obj instanceof Reference)) { return null; } Reference ref = (Reference) obj; boolean XA = false; boolean ok = false; if ("javax.sql.DataSource".equals(ref.getClassName())) { ok = true; } if ("javax.sql.XADataSource".equals(ref.getClassName())) { ok = true; XA = true; } if (org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource.class.getName().equals(ref.getClassName())) { ok = true; } if (!ok) { log.warn(ref.getClassName() + " is not a valid class name/type for this JNDI factory."); return null; } Properties properties = new Properties(); for (int i = 0; i < ALL_PROPERTIES.length; i++) { String propertyName = ALL_PROPERTIES[i]; RefAddr ra = ref.get(propertyName); if (ra != null) { String propertyValue = ra.getContent().toString(); properties.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue); } } return createDataSource(properties, nameCtx, XA); }
/** Return a String rendering of this object. */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("HandlerRef["); sb.append("className="); sb.append(getClassName()); sb.append(",factoryClassLocation="); sb.append(getFactoryClassLocation()); sb.append(",factoryClassName="); sb.append(getFactoryClassName()); Enumeration<RefAddr> refAddrs = getAll(); while (refAddrs.hasMoreElements()) { RefAddr refAddr = refAddrs.nextElement(); sb.append(",{type="); sb.append(refAddr.getType()); sb.append(",content="); sb.append(refAddr.getContent()); sb.append("}"); } sb.append("]"); return (sb.toString()); }
public Object lookup(String name) throws NamingException { name = trimSlashes(name); int i = name.indexOf("/"); String tok = i == -1 ? name : name.substring(0, i); Object value = map.get(tok); if (value == null) { throw new NameNotFoundException("Name not found: " + tok); } if (value instanceof InVMContext && i != -1) { return ((InVMContext) value).lookup(name.substring(i)); } if (value instanceof Reference) { Reference ref = (Reference) value; RefAddr refAddr = ref.get("nns"); // we only deal with references create by NonSerializableFactory String key = (String) refAddr.getContent(); return NonSerializableFactory.lookup(key); } else { return value; } }
/** * Create a new Bean instance. * * @param obj The reference object describing the Bean */ @Override public Object getObjectInstance( Object obj, Name name, Context nameCtx, Hashtable<?, ?> environment) throws NamingException { if (obj instanceof ResourceRef) { try { Reference ref = (Reference) obj; String beanClassName = ref.getClassName(); Class<?> beanClass = null; ClassLoader tcl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (tcl != null) { try { beanClass = tcl.loadClass(beanClassName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } } else { try { beanClass = Class.forName(beanClassName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (beanClass == null) { throw new NamingException("Class not found: " + beanClassName); } BeanInfo bi = Introspector.getBeanInfo(beanClass); PropertyDescriptor[] pda = bi.getPropertyDescriptors(); Object bean = beanClass.newInstance(); /* Look for properties with explicitly configured setter */ RefAddr ra = ref.get("forceString"); Map<String, Method> forced = new HashMap<String, Method>(); String value; if (ra != null) { value = (String) ra.getContent(); Class<?> paramTypes[] = new Class[1]; paramTypes[0] = String.class; String setterName; int index; /* Items are given as comma separated list */ for (String param : value.split(",")) { param = param.trim(); /* A single item can either be of the form name=method * or just a property name (and we will use a standard * setter) */ index = param.indexOf('='); if (index >= 0) { setterName = param.substring(index + 1).trim(); param = param.substring(0, index).trim(); } else { setterName = "set" + param.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + param.substring(1); } try { forced.put(param, beanClass.getMethod(setterName, paramTypes)); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new NamingException( "Forced String setter " + setterName + " not found for property " + param); } catch (SecurityException ex) { throw new NamingException( "Forced String setter " + setterName + " not allowed for property " + param); } } } Enumeration<RefAddr> e = ref.getAll(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { ra = e.nextElement(); String propName = ra.getType(); if (propName.equals(Constants.FACTORY) || propName.equals("scope") || propName.equals("auth") || propName.equals("forceString") || propName.equals("singleton")) { continue; } value = (String) ra.getContent(); Object[] valueArray = new Object[1]; /* Shortcut for properties with explicitly configured setter */ Method method = forced.get(propName); if (method != null) { valueArray[0] = value; try { method.invoke(bean, valueArray); } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { throw new NamingException( "Forced String setter " + method.getName() + " threw IllegalAccessException for property " + propName); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new NamingException( "Forced String setter " + method.getName() + " threw IllegalArgumentException for property " + propName); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { throw new NamingException( "Forced String setter " + method.getName() + " threw InvocationTargetException for property " + propName); } continue; } int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < pda.length; i++) { if (pda[i].getName().equals(propName)) { Class<?> propType = pda[i].getPropertyType(); if (propType.equals(String.class)) { valueArray[0] = value; } else if (propType.equals(Character.class) || propType.equals(char.class)) { valueArray[0] = Character.valueOf(value.charAt(0)); } else if (propType.equals(Byte.class) || propType.equals(byte.class)) { valueArray[0] = Byte.valueOf(value); } else if (propType.equals(Short.class) || propType.equals(short.class)) { valueArray[0] = Short.valueOf(value); } else if (propType.equals(Integer.class) || propType.equals(int.class)) { valueArray[0] = Integer.valueOf(value); } else if (propType.equals(Long.class) || propType.equals(long.class)) { valueArray[0] = Long.valueOf(value); } else if (propType.equals(Float.class) || propType.equals(float.class)) { valueArray[0] = Float.valueOf(value); } else if (propType.equals(Double.class) || propType.equals(double.class)) { valueArray[0] = Double.valueOf(value); } else if (propType.equals(Boolean.class) || propType.equals(boolean.class)) { valueArray[0] = Boolean.valueOf(value); } else { throw new NamingException( "String conversion for property " + propName + " of type '" + propType.getName() + "' not available"); } Method setProp = pda[i].getWriteMethod(); if (setProp != null) { setProp.invoke(bean, valueArray); } else { throw new NamingException("Write not allowed for property: " + propName); } break; } } if (i == pda.length) { throw new NamingException("No set method found for property: " + propName); } } return bean; } catch (java.beans.IntrospectionException ie) { NamingException ne = new NamingException(ie.getMessage()); ne.setRootCause(ie); throw ne; } catch (java.lang.IllegalAccessException iae) { NamingException ne = new NamingException(iae.getMessage()); ne.setRootCause(iae); throw ne; } catch (java.lang.InstantiationException ie2) { NamingException ne = new NamingException(ie2.getMessage()); ne.setRootCause(ie2); throw ne; } catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ite) { Throwable cause = ite.getCause(); if (cause instanceof ThreadDeath) { throw (ThreadDeath) cause; } if (cause instanceof VirtualMachineError) { throw (VirtualMachineError) cause; } NamingException ne = new NamingException(ite.getMessage()); ne.setRootCause(ite); throw ne; } } else { return null; } }
/** implements ObjectFactory to create an instance of this class */ public Object getObjectInstance(Object refObj, Name name, Context context, Hashtable env) throws Exception { // The spec says to return null if we can't create an instance // of the reference Jdbc2PoolDataSource ds = null; if (refObj instanceof Reference) { Reference ref = (Reference) refObj; if (ref.getClassName().equals(getClass().getName())) { RefAddr ra = ref.get("isNew"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { isNew = Boolean.valueOf(ra.getContent().toString()).booleanValue(); } ra = ref.get("instanceKey"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { instanceKey = new Integer(ra.getContent().toString()); } ra = ref.get("dataSourceName"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setDataSourceName(ra.getContent().toString()); } ra = ref.get("defaultAutoCommit"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setDefaultAutoCommit(Boolean.valueOf(ra.getContent().toString()).booleanValue()); } ra = ref.get("defaultMaxActive"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setDefaultMaxActive(Integer.parseInt(ra.getContent().toString())); } ra = ref.get("defaultMaxIdle"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setDefaultMaxIdle(Integer.parseInt(ra.getContent().toString())); } ra = ref.get("defaultMaxWait"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setDefaultMaxWait(Integer.parseInt(ra.getContent().toString())); } ra = ref.get("defaultReadOnly"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setDefaultReadOnly(Boolean.valueOf(ra.getContent().toString()).booleanValue()); } ra = ref.get("description"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setDescription(ra.getContent().toString()); } ra = ref.get("jndiEnvironment"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { byte[] serialized = (byte[]) ra.getContent(); jndiEnvironment = (Properties) deserialize(serialized); } ra = ref.get("loginTimeout"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setLoginTimeout(Integer.parseInt(ra.getContent().toString())); } ra = ref.get("perUserDefaultAutoCommit"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { byte[] serialized = (byte[]) ra.getContent(); perUserDefaultAutoCommit = (Map) deserialize(serialized); } ra = ref.get("perUserMaxActive"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { byte[] serialized = (byte[]) ra.getContent(); perUserMaxActive = (Map) deserialize(serialized); } ra = ref.get("perUserMaxIdle"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { byte[] serialized = (byte[]) ra.getContent(); perUserMaxIdle = (Map) deserialize(serialized); } ra = ref.get("perUserMaxWait"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { byte[] serialized = (byte[]) ra.getContent(); perUserMaxWait = (Map) deserialize(serialized); } ra = ref.get("perUserDefaultReadOnly"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { byte[] serialized = (byte[]) ra.getContent(); perUserDefaultReadOnly = (Map) deserialize(serialized); } ra = ref.get("testOnBorrow"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setTestOnBorrow(Boolean.valueOf(ra.getContent().toString()).booleanValue()); } ra = ref.get("testOnReturn"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setTestOnReturn(Boolean.valueOf(ra.getContent().toString()).booleanValue()); } ra = ref.get("timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(Integer.parseInt(ra.getContent().toString())); } ra = ref.get("numTestsPerEvictionRun"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setNumTestsPerEvictionRun(Integer.parseInt(ra.getContent().toString())); } ra = ref.get("minEvictableIdleTimeMillis"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(Integer.parseInt(ra.getContent().toString())); } ra = ref.get("testWhileIdle"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setTestWhileIdle(Boolean.valueOf(ra.getContent().toString()).booleanValue()); } ra = ref.get("validationQuery"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setValidationQuery(ra.getContent().toString()); } ds = this; } } return ds; }
/** * Create a new Bean instance. * * @param obj The reference object describing the Bean */ @Override public Object getObjectInstance( Object obj, Name name, Context nameCtx, Hashtable<?, ?> environment) throws NamingException { if (obj instanceof ResourceRef) { try { Reference ref = (Reference) obj; String beanClassName = ref.getClassName(); Class<?> beanClass = null; ClassLoader tcl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (tcl != null) { try { beanClass = tcl.loadClass(beanClassName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } } else { try { beanClass = Class.forName(beanClassName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (beanClass == null) { throw new NamingException("Class not found: " + beanClassName); } BeanInfo bi = Introspector.getBeanInfo(beanClass); PropertyDescriptor[] pda = bi.getPropertyDescriptors(); Object bean = beanClass.newInstance(); Enumeration<RefAddr> e = ref.getAll(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { RefAddr ra = e.nextElement(); String propName = ra.getType(); if (propName.equals(Constants.FACTORY) || propName.equals("scope") || propName.equals("auth") || propName.equals("singleton")) { continue; } String value = (String) ra.getContent(); Object[] valueArray = new Object[1]; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < pda.length; i++) { if (pda[i].getName().equals(propName)) { Class<?> propType = pda[i].getPropertyType(); if (propType.equals(String.class)) { valueArray[0] = value; } else if (propType.equals(Character.class) || propType.equals(char.class)) { valueArray[0] = Character.valueOf(value.charAt(0)); } else if (propType.equals(Byte.class) || propType.equals(byte.class)) { valueArray[0] = new Byte(value); } else if (propType.equals(Short.class) || propType.equals(short.class)) { valueArray[0] = new Short(value); } else if (propType.equals(Integer.class) || propType.equals(int.class)) { valueArray[0] = new Integer(value); } else if (propType.equals(Long.class) || propType.equals(long.class)) { valueArray[0] = new Long(value); } else if (propType.equals(Float.class) || propType.equals(float.class)) { valueArray[0] = new Float(value); } else if (propType.equals(Double.class) || propType.equals(double.class)) { valueArray[0] = new Double(value); } else if (propType.equals(Boolean.class) || propType.equals(boolean.class)) { valueArray[0] = Boolean.valueOf(value); } else { throw new NamingException( "String conversion for property type '" + propType.getName() + "' not available"); } Method setProp = pda[i].getWriteMethod(); if (setProp != null) { setProp.invoke(bean, valueArray); } else { throw new NamingException("Write not allowed for property: " + propName); } break; } } if (i == pda.length) { throw new NamingException("No set method found for property: " + propName); } } return bean; } catch (java.beans.IntrospectionException ie) { NamingException ne = new NamingException(ie.getMessage()); ne.setRootCause(ie); throw ne; } catch (java.lang.IllegalAccessException iae) { NamingException ne = new NamingException(iae.getMessage()); ne.setRootCause(iae); throw ne; } catch (java.lang.InstantiationException ie2) { NamingException ne = new NamingException(ie2.getMessage()); ne.setRootCause(ie2); throw ne; } catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ite) { NamingException ne = new NamingException(ite.getMessage()); ne.setRootCause(ite); throw ne; } } else { return null; } }
/** implements ObjectFactory to create an instance of this class */ public Object getObjectInstance(Object refObj, Name name, Context context, Hashtable env) throws Exception { // The spec says to return null if we can't create an instance // of the reference DriverAdapterCPDS cpds = null; if (refObj instanceof Reference) { Reference ref = (Reference) refObj; if (ref.getClassName().equals(getClass().getName())) { RefAddr ra = ref.get("description"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setDescription(ra.getContent().toString()); } ra = ref.get("driver"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setDriver(ra.getContent().toString()); } ra = ref.get("url"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setUrl(ra.getContent().toString()); } ra = ref.get("user"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setUser(ra.getContent().toString()); } ra = ref.get("password"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setPassword(ra.getContent().toString()); } ra = ref.get("poolPreparedStatements"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setPoolPreparedStatements(Boolean.valueOf(ra.getContent().toString()).booleanValue()); } ra = ref.get("maxActive"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setMaxActive(Integer.parseInt(ra.getContent().toString())); } ra = ref.get("maxIdle"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setMaxIdle(Integer.parseInt(ra.getContent().toString())); } ra = ref.get("timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(Integer.parseInt(ra.getContent().toString())); } ra = ref.get("numTestsPerEvictionRun"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setNumTestsPerEvictionRun(Integer.parseInt(ra.getContent().toString())); } ra = ref.get("minEvictableIdleTimeMillis"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(Integer.parseInt(ra.getContent().toString())); } ra = ref.get("maxPreparedStatements"); if (ra != null && ra.getContent() != null) { setMaxPreparedStatements(Integer.parseInt(ra.getContent().toString())); } cpds = this; } } return cpds; }