public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Class thisClass = MethodResultTest.class; Class exoticClass = Exotic.class; String exoticClassName = Exotic.class.getName(); ClassLoader testClassLoader = thisClass.getClassLoader(); if (!(testClassLoader instanceof URLClassLoader)) { System.out.println("TEST INVALID: Not loaded by a " + "URLClassLoader: " + testClassLoader); System.exit(1); } URLClassLoader tcl = (URLClassLoader) testClassLoader; URL[] urls = tcl.getURLs(); ClassLoader shadowLoader = new ShadowLoader( urls, testClassLoader, new String[] { exoticClassName, ExoticMBeanInfo.class.getName(), ExoticException.class.getName() }); Class cl = shadowLoader.loadClass(exoticClassName); if (cl == exoticClass) { System.out.println( "TEST INVALID: Shadow class loader loaded " + "same class as test class loader"); System.exit(1); } Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(shadowLoader); ObjectName on = new ObjectName("a:b=c"); MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer(); mbs.createMBean(Thing.class.getName(), on); final String[] protos = {"rmi", "iiop", "jmxmp"}; boolean ok = true; for (int i = 0; i < protos.length; i++) { try { ok &= test(protos[i], mbs, on); System.out.println(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("TEST FAILED WITH EXCEPTION:"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); ok = false; } } if (ok) System.out.println("Test passed"); else { System.out.println("TEST FAILED"); System.exit(1); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { int errorCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NTESTS; i++) { try { System.out.println("Test " + i + ":"); test(i); } catch (Throwable e) { errorCount++; boolean first = true; do { System.err.println(first ? "Exception:" : "Caused by:"); first = false; e.printStackTrace(); Throwable nexte; nexte = e.getCause(); if (nexte == null) { // old JMX if (e instanceof MBeanException) nexte = ((MBeanException) e).getTargetException(); } e = nexte; } while (e != null); } } if (errorCount == 0) { System.out.println("All ModelMBean tests successfuly passed"); System.out.println("Bye! Bye!"); // JTReg doesn't like System.exit(0); return; } else { System.err.println("ERROR: " + errorCount + " tests failed"); System.exit(errorCount); } }
public void dump(long interval, long samples) { try { PrintGCStat pstat = new PrintGCStat(server); for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) { pstat.printVerboseGc(); try { Thread.sleep(interval); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.exit(1); } } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("\nCommunication error: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println( "Test that target MBean class loader is used " + "before JMX Remote API class loader"); ClassLoader jmxRemoteClassLoader = JMXServiceURL.class.getClassLoader(); if (jmxRemoteClassLoader == null) { System.out.println( "JMX Remote API loaded by bootstrap " + "class loader, this test is irrelevant"); return; } if (!(jmxRemoteClassLoader instanceof URLClassLoader)) { System.out.println("TEST INVALID: JMX Remote API not loaded by " + "URLClassLoader"); System.exit(1); } URLClassLoader jrcl = (URLClassLoader) jmxRemoteClassLoader; URL[] urls = jrcl.getURLs(); PrivateMLet mlet = new PrivateMLet(urls, null, false); Class shadowClass = mlet.loadClass(JMXServiceURL.class.getName()); if (shadowClass == JMXServiceURL.class) { System.out.println("TEST INVALID: MLet got original " + "JMXServiceURL not shadow"); System.exit(1); } MBeanServer mbs = MBeanServerFactory.newMBeanServer(); mbs.registerMBean(mlet, mletName); final String[] protos = {"rmi", "iiop", "jmxmp"}; boolean ok = true; for (int i = 0; i < protos.length; i++) { try { ok &= test(protos[i], mbs); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("TEST FAILED WITH EXCEPTION:"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); ok = false; } } if (ok) System.out.println("Test passed"); else { System.out.println("TEST FAILED"); System.exit(1); } }
private void parseCmdLine(String[] args) { CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("v", "version", false, "Q2's version"); options.addOption("d", "deploydir", true, "Deployment directory"); options.addOption("r", "recursive", false, "Deploy subdirectories recursively"); options.addOption("h", "help", false, "Usage information"); options.addOption("C", "config", true, "Configuration bundle"); options.addOption("e", "encrypt", true, "Encrypt configuration bundle"); options.addOption("i", "cli", false, "Command Line Interface"); options.addOption("c", "command", true, "Command to execute"); try { CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); if (line.hasOption("v")) { displayVersion(); System.exit(0); } if (line.hasOption("h")) { HelpFormatter helpFormatter = new HelpFormatter(); helpFormatter.printHelp("Q2", options); System.exit(0); } if (line.hasOption("c")) { cli = new CLI(this, line.getOptionValue("c"), line.hasOption("i")); } else if (line.hasOption("i")) cli = new CLI(this, null, true); String dir = DEFAULT_DEPLOY_DIR; if (line.hasOption("d")) { dir = line.getOptionValue("d"); } recursive = line.hasOption("r"); this.deployDir = new File(dir); if (line.hasOption("C")) deployBundle(new File(line.getOptionValue("C")), false); if (line.hasOption("e")) deployBundle(new File(line.getOptionValue("e")), true); } catch (MissingArgumentException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } }
/** Connect to a JMX agent of a given URL. */ private void connect(String urlPath) { try { JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("rmi", "", 0, urlPath); this.jmxc = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(url); this.server = jmxc.getMBeanServerConnection(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // should not reach here } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("\nCommunication error: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (args.length != 4) { System.err.println("Please provide process id zabbix-host zabbix-port host-guid"); System.exit(-1); } String processPid = args[0]; String zabbixHost = args[1]; String zabbixPort = args[2]; String hostGuid = args[3]; VirtualMachine vm = VirtualMachine.attach(processPid); String connectorAddr = vm.getAgentProperties().getProperty(""); if (connectorAddr == null) { String agent = vm.getSystemProperties().getProperty("java.home") + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + "management-agent.jar"; vm.loadAgent(agent); connectorAddr = vm.getAgentProperties().getProperty(""); } JMXServiceURL serviceURL = new JMXServiceURL(connectorAddr); JMXConnector connector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(serviceURL); MBeanServerConnection mbsc = connector.getMBeanServerConnection(); ObjectName objName = new ObjectName(ManagementFactory.THREAD_MXBEAN_NAME); Set<ObjectName> mbeans = mbsc.queryNames(objName, null); for (ObjectName name : mbeans) { ThreadMXBean threadBean; threadBean = ManagementFactory.newPlatformMXBeanProxy(mbsc, name.toString(), ThreadMXBean.class); long threadIds[] = threadBean.getAllThreadIds(); for (long threadId : threadIds) { ThreadInfo threadInfo = threadBean.getThreadInfo(threadId); System.out.println(threadInfo.getThreadName() + " / " + threadInfo.getThreadState()); } } }
public void run() { started = true; Thread.currentThread().setName("Q2-" + getInstanceId().toString()); try { /* * The following code determines whether a MBeanServer exists * already. If so then the first one in the list is used. * I have not yet find a way to interrogate the server for * information other than MBeans so to pick a specific one * would be difficult. */ ArrayList mbeanServerList = MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null); if (mbeanServerList.isEmpty()) { server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(JMX_NAME); } else { server = (MBeanServer) mbeanServerList.get(0); } final ObjectName loaderName = new ObjectName(Q2_CLASS_LOADER); try { loader = (QClassLoader) new { public Object run() { return new QClassLoader(server, libDir, loaderName, mainClassLoader); } }); server.registerMBean(loader, loaderName); loader = loader.scan(false); } catch (Throwable t) { if (log != null) log.error("initial-scan", t); else t.printStackTrace(); } factory = new QFactory(loaderName, this); initSystemLogger(); addShutdownHook(); q2Thread = Thread.currentThread(); q2Thread.setContextClassLoader(loader); if (cli != null) cli.start(); initConfigDecorator(); for (int i = 1; !shutdown; i++) { try { boolean forceNewClassLoader = scan(); QClassLoader oldClassLoader = loader; loader = loader.scan(forceNewClassLoader); if (loader != oldClassLoader) { oldClassLoader = null; // We want't this to be null so it gets GCed. System.gc(); // force a GC "new classloader [" + Integer.toString(loader.hashCode(), 16) + "] has been created"); } deploy(); checkModified(); relax(SCAN_INTERVAL); if (i % (3600000 / SCAN_INTERVAL) == 0) logVersion(); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("start", t); relax(); } } undeploy(); try { server.unregisterMBean(loaderName); } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) { log.error(e); } if (decorator != null) { decorator.uninitialize(); } if (exit && !shuttingDown) System.exit(0); } catch (Exception e) { if (log != null) log.error(e); else e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println( "Checking that all known MBeans that are " + "NotificationBroadcasters have sane " + "MBeanInfo.getNotifications()"); System.out.println("Checking platform MBeans..."); checkPlatformMBeans(); URL codeBase = ClassLoader.getSystemResource("javax/management/MBeanServer.class"); if (codeBase == null) { throw new Exception("Could not determine codeBase for " + MBeanServer.class); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Looking for standard MBeans..."); String[] classes = findStandardMBeans(codeBase); System.out.println("Testing standard MBeans..."); for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { String name = classes[i]; Class<?> c; try { c = Class.forName(name); } catch (Throwable e) { System.out.println(name + ": cannot load (not public?): " + e); continue; } if (!NotificationBroadcaster.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) { System.out.println(name + ": not a NotificationBroadcaster"); continue; } if (Modifier.isAbstract(c.getModifiers())) { System.out.println(name + ": abstract class"); continue; } NotificationBroadcaster mbean; Constructor<?> constr; try { constr = c.getConstructor(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(name + ": no public no-arg constructor: " + e); continue; } try { mbean = (NotificationBroadcaster) constr.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(name + ": no-arg constructor failed: " + e); continue; } check(mbean); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("Testing some explicit cases..."); check(new RelationService(false)); /* We can't do this: check(new RequiredModelMBean()); because the Model MBean spec more or less forces us to use the names GENERIC and ATTRIBUTE_CHANGE for its standard notifs. */ checkRMIConnectorServer(); System.out.println(); if (!suspicious.isEmpty()) System.out.println("SUSPICIOUS CLASSES: " + suspicious); if (failed.isEmpty()) System.out.println("TEST PASSED"); else { System.out.println("TEST FAILED: " + failed); System.exit(1); } }