/** * @param updateSeq Update sequence. * @return {@code True} if entry has been transitioned to state EVICTED. */ boolean tryEvict(boolean updateSeq) { if (state.getReference() != RENTING || state.getStamp() != 0 || groupReserved()) return false; // Attempt to evict partition entries from cache. clearAll(); if (map.isEmpty() && state.compareAndSet(RENTING, EVICTED, 0, 0)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Evicted partition: " + this); if (!GridQueryProcessor.isEnabled(cctx.config())) clearSwap(); if (cctx.isDrEnabled()) cctx.dr().partitionEvicted(id); cctx.dataStructures().onPartitionEvicted(id); rent.onDone(); ((GridDhtPreloader) cctx.preloader()).onPartitionEvicted(this, updateSeq); clearDeferredDeletes(); return true; } return false; }
/** * @param updateSeq Update sequence. * @return Future for evict attempt. */ IgniteInternalFuture<Boolean> tryEvictAsync(boolean updateSeq) { if (map.isEmpty() && !GridQueryProcessor.isEnabled(cctx.config()) && state.compareAndSet(RENTING, EVICTED, 0, 0)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Evicted partition: " + this); clearSwap(); if (cctx.isDrEnabled()) cctx.dr().partitionEvicted(id); cctx.dataStructures().onPartitionEvicted(id); rent.onDone(); ((GridDhtPreloader) cctx.preloader()).onPartitionEvicted(this, updateSeq); clearDeferredDeletes(); return new GridFinishedFuture<>(true); } return cctx.closures() .callLocalSafe( new GPC<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call() { return tryEvict(true); } }, /*system pool*/ true); }
/** @param entry Entry to add. */ void onAdded(GridDhtCacheEntry entry) { GridDhtPartitionState state = state(); if (state == EVICTED) throw new GridDhtInvalidPartitionException( id, "Adding entry to invalid partition [part=" + id + ']'); map.put(entry.key(), entry); if (!entry.isInternal()) mapPubSize.increment(); }
/** @param entry Entry to remove. */ @SuppressWarnings("SynchronizationOnLocalVariableOrMethodParameter") void onRemoved(GridDhtCacheEntry entry) { assert entry.obsolete(); // Make sure to remove exactly this entry. synchronized (entry) { map.remove(entry.key(), entry); if (!entry.isInternal() && !entry.deleted()) mapPubSize.decrement(); } // Attempt to evict. tryEvict(true); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { return S.toString( GridDhtLocalPartition.class, this, "state", state(), "reservations", reservations(), "empty", map.isEmpty(), "createTime", U.format(createTime), "mapPubSize", mapPubSize); }
/** Clears values for this partition. */ private void clearAll() { GridCacheVersion clearVer = cctx.versions().next(); boolean swap = cctx.isSwapOrOffheapEnabled(); boolean rec = cctx.events().isRecordable(EVT_CACHE_REBALANCE_OBJECT_UNLOADED); Iterator<GridDhtCacheEntry> it = map.values().iterator(); GridCloseableIterator<Map.Entry<byte[], GridCacheSwapEntry>> swapIt = null; if (swap && GridQueryProcessor.isEnabled(cctx.config())) { // Indexing needs to unswap cache values. Iterator<GridDhtCacheEntry> unswapIt = null; try { swapIt = cctx.swap().iterator(id); unswapIt = unswapIterator(swapIt); } catch (Exception e) { U.error(log, "Failed to clear swap for evicted partition: " + this, e); } if (unswapIt != null) it = F.concat(it, unswapIt); } try { while (it.hasNext()) { GridDhtCacheEntry cached = it.next(); try { if (cached.clearInternal(clearVer, swap)) { map.remove(cached.key(), cached); if (!cached.isInternal()) { mapPubSize.decrement(); if (rec) cctx.events() .addEvent( cached.partition(), cached.key(), cctx.localNodeId(), (IgniteUuid) null, null, EVT_CACHE_REBALANCE_OBJECT_UNLOADED, null, false, cached.rawGet(), cached.hasValue(), null, null, null); } } } catch (IgniteCheckedException e) { U.error(log, "Failed to clear cache entry for evicted partition: " + cached, e); } } } finally { U.close(swapIt, log); } }
/** @return Number of entries in this partition (constant-time method). */ public int size() { return map.size(); }
/** @return {@code True} if partition is empty. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return map.isEmpty(); }
/** @return Entries belonging to partition. */ public Collection<GridDhtCacheEntry> entries() { return map.values(); }
/** @return Keys belonging to partition. */ public Set<KeyCacheObject> keySet() { return map.keySet(); }