 public void analyzeStatus(final BatchStatus batchStatus, final String exitStatus)
     throws Exception {
   // the check for number of threads used is not very accurate.  The underlying thread pool
   // may choose a cold thread even when a warm thread has already been returned to pool and
   // available.
   // especially when thread.count is 1, there may be 2 or more threads being used, but at one
   // point,
   // there should be only 1 active thread running partition.
   if (numOfCompletedPartitions == 3 && !skipThreadCheck) { // partitions in job xml
     if (childThreadIds.size() <= threadCount) { // threads in job xml
               "PASS: Max allowable thread count %s, actual threads %s",
               threadCount, childThreadIds.size()));
     } else {
               "FAIL: Expecting max thread count %s, but got %s",
               threadCount, childThreadIds.size()));