private Region generateClosedDoorPane(int n, int e, int s, int w) { Region closedDoor = new Region(); closedDoor.setPrefHeight(CELL_SIZE); closedDoor.setPrefWidth(CELL_SIZE); int north_gap = BORDER_WIDTH, east_gap = BORDER_WIDTH, south_gap = BORDER_WIDTH, west_gap = BORDER_WIDTH; if (n == 3) { north_gap = 0; } if (e == 3) { east_gap = 0; } if (s == 3) { south_gap = 0; } if (w == 3) { west_gap = 0; } Insets gap = new Insets(north_gap, east_gap, south_gap, west_gap); closedDoor.setBackground( new Background(new BackgroundFill(CLOSED_DOOR_COLOR, CornerRadii.EMPTY, gap))); return closedDoor; }
/** * Write a canvas to writer in SVG format. * * @param canvas The canvas. * @param writer The writer. * @throws IOException If writing failed. */ public static void write(Region canvas, Writer writer) throws IOException { writer.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n"); Region viewport = (Region) canvas.getParent(); writer.write( String.format( "<svg xmlns=\"\"" + " xmlns:xlink=\"\" version=\"1.1\" width=\"%f\"" + " height=\"%f\">\n", viewport.getWidth(), viewport.getHeight())); for (Node node : canvas.getChildrenUnmodifiable()) { if (node instanceof Line) { write((Line) node, writer); } else if (node instanceof Rectangle) { write((Rectangle) node, writer); } else if (node instanceof Ellipse) { write((Ellipse) node, writer); } else if (node instanceof Text) { write((Text) node, writer); } } writer.write("</svg>\n"); writer.flush(); }
public SQLHistorySearchCtrl( SQLTextAreaServices sqlTextAreaServices, Session session, ObservableList<SQLHistoryEntry> items) { _sqlTextAreaServices = sqlTextAreaServices; FxmlHelper<SQLHistorySearchView> fxmlHelper = new FxmlHelper<>(SQLHistorySearchView.class); _view = fxmlHelper.getView(); _dialog = new Stage(); _dialog.setTitle( new I18n(getClass()) .t("SQLHistorySearchCtrl.title", session.getMainTabContext().getSessionTabTitle())); _dialog.initModality(Modality.WINDOW_MODAL); _dialog.initOwner(AppState.get().getPrimaryStage()); Region region = fxmlHelper.getRegion(); _dialog.setScene(new Scene(region)); GuiUtils.makeEscapeClosable(region); new StageDimensionSaver( "sqlhistorysearch", _dialog, new Pref(getClass()), region.getPrefWidth(), region.getPrefHeight(), _dialog.getOwner()); _view.cboFilterType.setItems( FXCollections.observableList(Arrays.asList(SqlHistoryFilterType.values()))); _view.cboFilterType.getSelectionModel().selectFirst(); _view.btnApply.setOnAction(e -> onApply()); _view.chkFiltered.setOnAction(e -> onChkFiltered()); _view.split.getItems().add(_tblHistory); _view.split.getItems().add(_txtSqlPreview); _originalTableLoader = new RowObjectTableLoader<>(); _originalTableLoader.initColsByAnnotations(SQLHistoryEntry.class); _originalTableLoader.addRowObjects(items); _currentLoader = _originalTableLoader.cloneLoader(); _currentLoader.load(_tblHistory); _tblHistory .getSelectionModel() .selectedItemProperty() .addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> onTableSelectionChanged()); _tblHistory.setOnMouseClicked(e -> onTblHistoryClicked(e)); _txtSqlPreview.setEditable(false); _dialog.setOnCloseRequest(e -> close()); _view.txtFilter.requestFocus(); _splitPositionSaver.apply(_view.split); _dialog.showAndWait(); }
public void setLayoutBounds(Bounds layoutBounds) { // Setup layoutX/layoutY on the image view and the region (1) region.setLayoutX(layoutBounds.getMinX()); region.setLayoutY(layoutBounds.getMinY()); region.setPrefWidth(layoutBounds.getWidth()); region.setPrefHeight(layoutBounds.getHeight()); }
private Node wrapAndStyle(Region node, int rowNumber) { Pane p = new Pane(node); node.setPadding(new Insets(5.0)); GridPane.setFillWidth(p, true); p.minHeightProperty().bind(node.heightProperty()); // Hack - wrapped labels don't seem to fire their height property changes at the right time - // leaving the surrounding Pane node too small. // this seems to help... Platform.runLater(() -> p.autosize()); p.getStyleClass().add(((rowNumber % 2 == 0) ? "evenGridRow" : "oddGridRow")); return p; }
@Override protected void layoutChildren() { final double top = snappedTopInset(); final double left = snappedLeftInset(); final double bottom = snappedBottomInset(); final double right = snappedRightInset(); final double aw = snapSize(arrow.prefWidth(-1)); final double ah = snapSize(arrow.prefHeight(-1)); final double yPos = snapPosition((getHeight() - (top + bottom + ah)) / 2.0); final double xPos = snapPosition((getWidth() - (left + right + aw)) / 2.0); arrow.resizeRelocate(xPos + left, yPos + top, aw, ah); }
public void update( double closeOffset, double highOffset, double lowOffset, double candleWidth) { openAboveClose = closeOffset > 0; updateStyleClasses(); highLowLine.setStartY(highOffset); highLowLine.setEndY(lowOffset); if (candleWidth == -1) { candleWidth = bar.prefWidth(-1); } if (openAboveClose) { bar.resizeRelocate(-candleWidth / 2, 0, candleWidth, closeOffset); } else { bar.resizeRelocate(-candleWidth / 2, closeOffset, candleWidth, closeOffset * -1); } }
@Override protected double computePrefHeight(double width) { double h = 0; for (Node child : getChildren()) { if (child instanceof Region) { Region region = (Region) child; if (region.getShape() != null) { h = Math.max(h, region.getShape().getLayoutBounds().getMaxY()); } else { h = Math.max(h, region.prefHeight(width)); } } } return h; }
@Override protected double computePrefWidth(double height) { double w = 0; for (Node child : getChildren()) { if (child instanceof Region) { Region region = (Region) child; if (region.getShape() != null) { w = Math.max(w, region.getShape().getLayoutBounds().getMaxX()); } else { w = Math.max(w, region.prefWidth(height)); } } } return w; }
private EndButton(String styleClass, String arrowStyleClass) { getStyleClass().setAll(styleClass); arrow = new Region(); arrow.getStyleClass().setAll(arrowStyleClass); getChildren().setAll(arrow); requestLayout(); }
@Override protected void layoutChildren() { super.layoutChildren(); mainIcon.relocate(getPadding().getLeft(), getPadding().getTop()); mainIcon.resize(mainIcon.prefWidth(-1), mainIcon.prefHeight(-1)); double titleX = mainIcon.getLayoutX() + mainIcon.getWidth() + 12; double titleY = mainIcon.getLayoutY() + (mainIcon.getHeight() - currentTitle.prefHeight(-1)) / 2; double titleWidth = getWidth() - titleX * 2; double titleHeight = currentTitle.prefHeight(-1); currentTitle.relocate(titleX, titleY); currentTitle.resize(titleWidth, titleHeight); actionBox.relocate( getWidth() - getPadding().getRight() - actionBox.prefWidth(-1), getPadding().getTop()); actionBox.resize(actionBox.prefWidth(-1), actionBox.prefHeight(-1)); changeViewAnimationTitle.relocate(titleX, titleY); changeViewAnimationTitle.resize(titleWidth, titleHeight); Insets borderInsets = Optional.ofNullable(getBorder()).map(border -> border.getInsets()).orElse(Insets.EMPTY); background.setX(borderInsets.getLeft()); background.setY(borderInsets.getTop()); background.setWidth(getWidth() - borderInsets.getLeft() - borderInsets.getRight()); background.setHeight(getHeight() - borderInsets.getTop() - borderInsets.getBottom()); changeViewAnimationCircle.setCenterX(mainIcon.getLayoutX() + mainIcon.getWidth() / 2); changeViewAnimationCircle.setCenterY(mainIcon.getLayoutY() + mainIcon.getHeight() / 2); }
@Override protected double computePrefWidth(double height) { final double left = snappedLeftInset(); final double right = snappedRightInset(); final double aw = snapSize(arrow.prefWidth(-1)); return left + aw + right; }
@Override protected double computePrefHeight(double width) { final double top = snappedTopInset(); final double bottom = snappedBottomInset(); final double ah = snapSize(arrow.prefHeight(-1)); return top + ah + bottom; }
private void rebuild() { // update indeterminate indicator final int segments = skin.indeterminateSegmentCount.get(); opacities.clear(); pathsG.getChildren().clear(); final double step = 0.8 / (segments - 1); for (int i = 0; i < segments; i++) { Region region = new Region(); region.setScaleShape(false); region.setCenterShape(false); region.getStyleClass().addAll("segment", "segment" + i); if (fillOverride instanceof Color) { Color c = (Color) fillOverride; region.setStyle( "-fx-background-color: rgba(" + ((int) (255 * c.getRed())) + "," + "" + ((int) (255 * c.getGreen())) + "," + ((int) (255 * c.getBlue())) + "," + "" + c.getOpacity() + ");"); } else { region.setStyle(null); } double opacity = Math.min(1, i * step); opacities.add(opacity); region.setOpacity(opacity); pathsG.getChildren().add(region); } }
private Region generateFloorSurfacePane(int t, int n, int e, int s, int w) { Region floor = new Region(); floor.setPrefHeight(CELL_SIZE); floor.setPrefWidth(CELL_SIZE); Color floorSurface = Color.web("fff"); switch (t) { case (0): floorSurface = BARE_FLOOR_COLOR; break; case (1): floorSurface = LOW_PILE_COLOR; break; case (2): floorSurface = HIGH_PILE_COLOR; break; case (3): // TODO: replace with stair color floorSurface = Color.web("f00"); break; default: System.out.println("Unsupported floor type"); break; } int floor_n = 0, floor_e = 0, floor_s = 0, floor_w = 0; if (n > 0) { floor_n = BORDER_WIDTH; } if (e > 0) { floor_e = BORDER_WIDTH; } if (s > 0) { floor_s = BORDER_WIDTH; } if (w > 0) { floor_w = BORDER_WIDTH; } Insets floorGap = new Insets(floor_n, floor_e, floor_s, floor_w); floor.setBackground( new Background(new BackgroundFill(floorSurface, CornerRadii.EMPTY, floorGap))); return floor; }
private void updateStyleClasses() { getStyleClass().setAll("candlestick-candle", seriesStyleClass, dataStyleClass); highLowLine .getStyleClass() .setAll( "candlestick-line", seriesStyleClass, dataStyleClass, openAboveClose ? "open-above-close" : "close-above-open"); bar.getStyleClass() .setAll( "candlestick-bar", seriesStyleClass, dataStyleClass, openAboveClose ? "open-above-close" : "close-above-open"); }
@Override protected void layoutChildren() { // calculate scale double scale = getWidth() / computePrefWidth(-1); getChildren() .stream() .filter(child -> child instanceof Region) .forEach( child -> { Region region = (Region) child; if (region.getShape() != null) { region.resize( region.getShape().getLayoutBounds().getMaxX(), region.getShape().getLayoutBounds().getMaxY()); region.getTransforms().setAll(new Scale(scale, scale, 0, 0)); } else { region.autosize(); } }); }
@Override protected void layoutChildren() { super.layoutChildren(); if (_nodeByPosition.isEmpty()) { adjustLineCount(0); setPrefWidth(0); setPrefHeight(0); return; } // Calculate width per position based on layout bounds Map<NodePosition, Double> widthByPosition = new HashMap<>(); Map<Integer, Double> levelHeight = new HashMap<>(); Map<Integer, Set<NodePosition>> positionsByLevel = new HashMap<>(); Map<NodePosition, Set<NodePosition>> positionsByParentPosition = new HashMap<>(); int maxLevel = Collections.max(_nodeByLevel.keySet()); for (int curLevel = maxLevel; curLevel >= 0; --curLevel) { levelHeight.put(curLevel, 0.0); positionsByLevel.put(curLevel, new HashSet<NodePosition>()); } for (int curLevel = maxLevel; curLevel >= 0; --curLevel) { // Get bounds of nodes on current level Set<Node> curLevelNodes = _nodeByLevel.get(curLevel); if (curLevelNodes != null) { // Get node bounds for (Node node : curLevelNodes) { // Node data NodePosition nodePosition = _positionByNode.get(node); Bounds nodeBounds = node.getLayoutBounds(); // Get bounds widthByPosition.put(nodePosition, nodeBounds.getWidth() + this.getXAxisSpacing()); levelHeight.put( curLevel, Math.max(levelHeight.get(curLevel), nodeBounds.getHeight() + this.getYAxisSpacing())); // Register positions positionsByLevel.get(curLevel).add(nodePosition); if (curLevel > 0) { positionsByLevel.get(curLevel - 1).add(nodePosition.getParent()); } } } // Calculate position widths of current level for (NodePosition position : positionsByLevel.get(curLevel)) { // Register positions if (position.getLevel() > 0) { NodePosition parentPosition = position.getParent(); positionsByLevel.get(position.getLevel() - 1).add(parentPosition); if (positionsByParentPosition.containsKey(parentPosition) == false) { positionsByParentPosition.put(parentPosition, new HashSet<NodePosition>()); } positionsByParentPosition.get(parentPosition).add(position); } // Get width of children double widthOfChildren = 0; Set<NodePosition> parentPositions = positionsByParentPosition.get(position); if (parentPositions != null) { for (NodePosition childPosition : parentPositions) { if (widthByPosition.containsKey(childPosition) == true) { widthOfChildren += widthByPosition.get(childPosition); } } } // Get maximum of node bound and sum of child node bounds if (widthByPosition.containsKey(position) == false) { widthByPosition.put(position, widthOfChildren); } else { widthByPosition.put(position, Math.max(widthByPosition.get(position), widthOfChildren)); } } } // Calculate position boxes Map<NodePosition, Rectangle2D> boxesByPosition = new HashMap<>(); if (positionsByLevel.containsKey(0) == false || positionsByLevel.get(0).size() != 1) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } boxesByPosition.put( NodePosition.ROOT, new Rectangle2D(0, 0, widthByPosition.get(NodePosition.ROOT), levelHeight.get(0))); for (int curLevel = 0; curLevel <= maxLevel; ++curLevel) { for (NodePosition position : positionsByLevel.get(curLevel)) { Rectangle2D positionBox = boxesByPosition.get(position); List<NodePosition> childPositions = new ArrayList<>(); if (positionsByParentPosition.containsKey(position)) { childPositions.addAll(positionsByParentPosition.get(position)); } Collections.sort(childPositions); double childX = positionBox.getMinX(); for (NodePosition childPosition : childPositions) { double childWidth = widthByPosition.get(childPosition); boxesByPosition.put( childPosition, new Rectangle2D( childX, positionBox.getMaxY(), childWidth, levelHeight.get(childPosition.getLevel()))); childX += childWidth; } } } // Position nodes Map<NodePosition, Double> xCenterHintByPosition = new HashMap<>(); Map<NodePosition, Double> yCenterHintByPosition = new HashMap<>(); for (int curLevel = maxLevel; curLevel >= 0; --curLevel) { for (NodePosition position : positionsByLevel.get(curLevel)) { // Calculate center hints Rectangle2D positionBox = boxesByPosition.get(position); double xCenterHint = (positionBox.getMinX() + positionBox.getMaxX()) / 2; if (xCenterHintByPosition.containsKey(position) == true) { xCenterHint = xCenterHintByPosition.get(position); } double yCenterHint = (positionBox.getMinY() + positionBox.getMaxY()) / 2; xCenterHintByPosition.put(position, xCenterHint); yCenterHintByPosition.put(position, yCenterHint); // Position node if (_nodeByPosition.containsKey(position)) { Node node = _nodeByPosition.get(position); Bounds nodeBounds = node.getLayoutBounds(); node.relocate( xCenterHint - nodeBounds.getWidth() / 2, yCenterHint - nodeBounds.getHeight() / 2); } // Update parent node position hint NodePosition parentPosition = position.getParent(); if (xCenterHintByPosition.containsKey(parentPosition)) { xCenterHintByPosition.put( parentPosition, (xCenterHintByPosition.get(parentPosition) + xCenterHint) / 2); } else { xCenterHintByPosition.put(parentPosition, xCenterHint); } } } // Update lines if (this.getShowLines() == true) { adjustLineCount(boxesByPosition.size() - 1); int currentLine = 0; for (NodePosition position : boxesByPosition.keySet()) { if (positionsByParentPosition.containsKey(position) == false) { continue; } for (NodePosition childPosition : positionsByParentPosition.get(position)) { Bounds fromBounds = _nodeByPosition.containsKey(position) ? _nodeByPosition.get(position).getLayoutBounds() : null; Bounds toBounds = _nodeByPosition.containsKey(childPosition) ? _nodeByPosition.get(childPosition).getLayoutBounds() : null; Point2D lineFrom = new Point2D( xCenterHintByPosition.get(position), yCenterHintByPosition.get(position) + (fromBounds != null ? (fromBounds.getHeight() / 2) : 0) + this.getLineSpacing()); Point2D lineTo = new Point2D( xCenterHintByPosition.get(childPosition), yCenterHintByPosition.get(childPosition) - (toBounds != null ? (toBounds.getHeight() / 2) : 0) - this.getLineSpacing()); Line l = _lines.get(currentLine); l.setStartX(lineFrom.getX()); l.setStartY(lineFrom.getY()); l.setEndX(lineTo.getX()); l.setEndY(lineTo.getY()); ++currentLine; } } } else { adjustLineCount(0); } // Update preferred size double totalHeight = 0; for (Double h : levelHeight.values()) { totalHeight += h; } setPrefWidth(widthByPosition.get(NodePosition.ROOT)); setPrefHeight(totalHeight); }
private Parent createContent() throws IOException { dealer = new Hand(dealerCards.getChildren()); player = new Hand(playerCards.getChildren()); Pane root = new Pane(); root.setPrefSize(windowWidth, windowHeight); Region background = new Region(); background.setPrefSize(windowWidth, windowHeight); background.setStyle("-fx-background-image: url('res/images/casino.jpg')"); HBox rootLayout = new HBox(5); rootLayout.setPadding(new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5)); // Rectangle leftBG = new Rectangle(550, 560); // leftBG.setArcWidth(50); // leftBG.setArcHeight(50); // leftBG.setFill(Color.GREEN); // Canvas canvas = new Canvas(560, 560); BufferedImage imgi; GraphicsContext gcfx = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D(); // Graphics gc = canvas.getGraphics(); Image zbyszek = new Image("/res/images/table.png", 560, 560, true, false); gcfx.setFill(DARKSLATEGRAY); gcfx.fillRoundRect(0, 0, 550, 300, 10, 100); gcfx.setFill(BLACK); gcfx.drawImage(zbyszek, 0, 280); // try { // imgi ="/res/images/table.png")); // // gcfx.drawImage(imgi, 300, 300, null); // canvas.setVisible(true); // } catch (Exception e) { // } Rectangle rightBG = new Rectangle(230, 560); rightBG.setArcWidth(50); rightBG.setArcHeight(50); rightBG.setFill(Color.ORANGE); // LEFT VBox leftVBox = new VBox(50); leftVBox.setAlignment(Pos.TOP_CENTER); Text dealerScore = new Text("Dealer: "); Text playerScore = new Text("Player: "); leftVBox.getChildren().addAll(dealerScore, dealerCards, message, playerCards, playerScore); // RIGHT VBox rightVBox = new VBox(20); rightVBox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); // final TextField bet = new TextField("BET"); // bet.setDisable(true); // bet.setMaxWidth(50); // Text money = new Text("MONEY"); Button btnPlay = new Button("PLAY"); Button btnHit = new Button("HIT"); Button btnStand = new Button("STAND"); HBox buttonsHBox = new HBox(15, btnHit, btnStand); buttonsHBox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); // rightVBox.getChildren().addAll(bet, btnPlay, money, buttonsHBox); rightVBox.getChildren().addAll(btnPlay, buttonsHBox); // ADD BOTH STACKS TO ROOT LAYOUT rootLayout .getChildren() .addAll(new StackPane(canvas, leftVBox), new StackPane(rightBG, rightVBox)); root.getChildren().addAll(background, rootLayout); // BIND PROPERTIES btnPlay.disableProperty().bind(playable); btnHit.disableProperty().bind(playable.not()); btnStand.disableProperty().bind(playable.not()); playerScore .textProperty() .bind(new SimpleStringProperty("Player: ").concat(player.valueProperty().asString())); dealerScore .textProperty() .bind(new SimpleStringProperty("Dealer: ").concat(dealer.valueProperty().asString())); player .valueProperty() .addListener( (obs, old, newValue) -> { if (newValue.intValue() >= 21) { endGame(); } }); dealer .valueProperty() .addListener( (obs, old, newValue) -> { if (newValue.intValue() >= 21) { endGame(); } }); // INIT BUTTONS btnPlay.setOnAction( event -> { startNewGame(); }); btnHit.setOnAction( event -> { player.takeCard(deck.drawCard()); }); btnStand.setOnAction( event -> { while (dealer.valueProperty().get() < 17) { dealer.takeCard(deck.drawCard()); } endGame(); }); return root; }
@Override protected void layoutChildren() { super.layoutChildren(); container.resizeRelocate(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); }