@Override public void handlePerspective( final Message<Event, Object> action, final PerspectiveLayout perspectiveLayout) { if (action.messageBodyEquals(MessageUtil.INIT)) { perspectiveLayout.registerRootComponent(createRoot()); GridPane.setVgrow(perspectiveLayout.getRootComponent(), Priority.ALWAYS); GridPane.setHgrow(perspectiveLayout.getRootComponent(), Priority.ALWAYS); // register left panel perspectiveLayout.registerTargetLayoutComponent("content0", this.content1); perspectiveLayout.registerTargetLayoutComponent("content1", this.content2); perspectiveLayout.registerTargetLayoutComponent("content2", this.content3); ApplicationLauncherPerspectiveMessaginTest.latch.countDown(); } else { if (counter.get() > 1) { counter.decrementAndGet(); context.send("id10", "message"); } else { System.out.println("Perspective id12: FINISH"); if (wait.getCount() > 0) wait.countDown(); if (PerspectiveMessagingTestP1.wait.getCount() > 0) context.send("id10", "message"); } } }
@FXML void initialize() { getAllImageViewsForButtons(); configureWidthHeightForImageViews(); configureButtons(); contentPane.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); // show all customers and all employees titleLabel.setText("All Customers and All Employees"); TableView table = new TableView(); TableColumn fnCol = new TableColumn("First Name"); fnCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("firstName")); TableColumn lnCol = new TableColumn("Last Name"); lnCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("lastName")); TableColumn emailCol = new TableColumn("email"); emailCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("email")); table.getColumns().addAll(fnCol, lnCol, emailCol); ObservableList<Person> data = FXCollections.observableArrayList(operation.getAllCustomersAndEmployees()); table.setItems(data); table.setColumnResizePolicy(TableView.CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY); contentPane.getChildren().add(table); }
public static RadioButton addRadioButton(GridPane gridPane, int rowIndex, String title) { RadioButton radioButton = new RadioButton(title); GridPane.setRowIndex(radioButton, rowIndex); GridPane.setColumnIndex(radioButton, 1); gridPane.getChildren().add(radioButton); return radioButton; }
public void makeBoard(Cell[][] cells) { if (stageGridPane != null) { // Устанавливаем размер клетки stageGridPane.getColumnConstraints().add(new ColumnConstraints(10)); stageGridPane.getRowConstraints().add(new RowConstraints(10)); if (cells[0][0] == null) { fillCircuit(); } // Заполняем массив клеток основного поля и выводим его на экран for (int i = 1; i < cells.length - 1; i++) { stageGridPane.addRow(i); for (int j = 1; j < cells[0].length - 1; j++) { stageGridPane.addColumn(j); Cell tempRect = new Cell(10, 10, Color.WHITE, i, j); if (cells[i][j] == null) { stageGridPane.add(cells[i][j] = tempRect, i, j); } else { if (cells[i][j].isRoad) { cells[i][j].setFill(Color.BLUE); } } cells[i][j].setStroke(Color.BLACK); cells[i][j].setOnMouseClicked( t -> { switch (CellType.getValue()) { case "Wall": if (tempRect.getFill() == Color.BLACK) { tempRect.setFill(Color.WHITE); tempRect.isBlocked = false; } else { tempRect.setFill(Color.BLACK); tempRect.isBlocked = true; } break; case "Start": if (tempRect.getFill() == Color.GREEN) { tempRect.setFill(Color.WHITE); start = null; } else if (start == null) { tempRect.setFill(Color.GREEN); start = tempRect; } break; case "End": if (tempRect.getFill() == Color.RED) { tempRect.setFill(Color.WHITE); finish = null; } else if (finish == null) { tempRect.setFill(Color.RED); finish = tempRect; } break; } }); } } } else { System.err.print("stageGridPane is null"); } }
@Override public void start(final Stage primaryStage) throws Exception { final int w = 200; final int l = 5; final int size = w / l; final GridPane g = new GridPane(); g.setPrefSize(w, w); final TooltipBehavior behavior = new TooltipBehavior(); // マウスが乗ってから0.1秒後に表示 behavior.setOpenDuration(new Duration(100)); // ずっと表示 behavior.setHideDuration(Duration.INDEFINITE); // マウスが放れてから0.3秒後に非表示 behavior.setLeftDuration(new Duration(300)); for (int y = 0; y < l; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < l; x++) { final Rectangle r = createNode(size); g.add(r, x, y); // 色をツールチップで表示する final Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(r.getFill().toString()); // インストール behavior.install(r, tooltip); // 普通の動作との違いが見てみたい人は↑をコメントにして // ↓をコメント解除してみてください // Tooltip.install(r,tooltip); } } primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(g)); primaryStage.show(); }
public void initSeats(int numSeats, int numColumns) { row = 0; columns = 0; countSeats = 0; SeatShape.columns = numColumns; gridPane.hgapProperty().unbind(); gridPane.hgapProperty().bind(bus.widthProperty().divide(numColumns).divide(8)); seatsList.clear(); gridPane.getChildren().clear(); while (columns < numColumns) { while (row < NUM_ROWS + 1) { if (countSeats < numSeats) { SeatShape seatsShape = new SeatShape(countSeats + 1, gridPane.hgapProperty(), bus); if (row != 2) { countSeats++; seatsList.add(seatsShape); } else { seatsShape.setVisible(false); } seatsShape.setOnMouseClicked( (MouseEvent evt) -> { ((SeatShape) evt.getSource()).toogle(); }); gridPane.add(seatsShape, columns, row); } row++; } row = 0; columns++; } }
// Add new account form private void addNewAccount() { paymentAccountsListView.getSelectionModel().clearSelection(); removeAccountRows(); addAccountButton.setDisable(true); accountTitledGroupBg = addTitledGroupBg(root, ++gridRow, 1, "Create new account", Layout.GROUP_DISTANCE); if (paymentMethodForm != null) { FormBuilder.removeRowsFromGridPane(root, 3, paymentMethodForm.getGridRow() + 1); GridPane.setRowSpan(accountTitledGroupBg, paymentMethodForm.getRowSpan() + 1); } gridRow = 2; paymentMethodForm = getPaymentMethodForm(PaymentMethod.BLOCK_CHAINS); if (paymentMethodForm != null) { paymentMethodForm.addFormForAddAccount(); gridRow = paymentMethodForm.getGridRow(); Tuple2<Button, Button> tuple2 = add2ButtonsAfterGroup(root, ++gridRow, "Save new account", "Cancel"); saveNewAccountButton = tuple2.first; saveNewAccountButton.setOnAction( event -> onSaveNewAccount(paymentMethodForm.getPaymentAccount())); saveNewAccountButton.disableProperty().bind(paymentMethodForm.allInputsValidProperty().not()); Button cancelButton = tuple2.second; cancelButton.setOnAction(event -> onCancelNewAccount()); GridPane.setRowSpan(accountTitledGroupBg, paymentMethodForm.getRowSpan() + 1); } }
public FormPane() { setContent(grid); vbarPolicyProperty().set(ScrollBarPolicy.AS_NEEDED); setStyle("-fx-background-color:inherit;"); grid.setHgap(5); grid.setVgap(5); }
private void clickc(int a) { double x = iv[a].getX(); double y = iv[a].getY(); double x1 = iv[ep].getX(); double y1 = iv[ep].getY(); gpane.getChildren().remove(iv[a]); gpane.getChildren().remove(iv[ep]); iv[a].setViewport(rct[ep]); String ab = iv[a].getId(); iv[a].setId(iv[ep].getId()); iv[ep].setViewport(rct[a]); iv[ep].setId(ab); gpane.getChildren().add(iv[ep]); iv[ep].setX(x); iv[ep].setY(y); gpane.getChildren().add(iv[a]); iv[a].setX(x1); iv[a].setY(y1); Rectangle2D rctTemp = new Rectangle2D(0, 0, 0, 0); rctTemp = rct[ep]; rct[ep] = rct[a]; rct[a] = rctTemp; ep = a; }
/** Sets the events for each label in the grid. */ private void setEvents() { for (Label label : labels) { label.setOnMouseClicked( event -> { int index = gridPane.getRowIndex(label); chosenPlugin[0] = plugins.get(index).get(0); curIndex = index; chosenPlugin[1] = plugins.get(index).get(1); chosenPreview = preview.get(index).get(0); description = appData.get(index).get(1); goToNextScreen("/fxml/PluginInfo.fxml"); }); } for (ImageView image : iconsView) { image.setOnMouseClicked( event -> { int index = gridPane.getRowIndex(image); chosenPlugin[0] = plugins.get(index).get(0); curIndex = index; chosenPlugin[1] = plugins.get(index).get(1); chosenPreview = preview.get(index).get(0); description = appData.get(index).get(1); goToNextScreen("/fxml/PluginInfo.fxml"); }); } }
@Override protected BorderPane getPane() { BorderPane pane = new BorderPane(); GridPane paneFullTime = new GridPane(); paneFullTime.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); paneFullTime.setPadding(new Insets(11, 12, 13, 14)); paneFullTime.setHgap(5.5); paneFullTime.setVgap(5.5); paneFullTime.add(text, 0, 0); paneFullTime.add(tfSSN, 1, 0); paneFullTime.add(arrNonCreditChBox[0], 0, 2); paneFullTime.add(arrNonCreditChBox[1], 0, 3); paneFullTime.add(arrNonCreditChBox[2], 0, 4); paneFullTime.add(submitBt, 1, 5); pane.setCenter(paneFullTime); submitBt.setOnAction( e -> { checkingRequirements(); connectToDB(); submitToDB(); pane.setCenter(new Congratulation().getPane()); }); return pane; }
private GridPane initContent() { GridPane pane = new GridPane(); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(200, 200); pane.add(canvas, 0, 0); this.drawShapes(canvas.getGraphicsContext2D()); return pane; }
@Test public void testImageInsertion() throws Exception { imageProvider.addImage(new ImageData("test", "/de/ks/images/keymap.jpg")); InsertImage command = adocEditor.getCommand(InsertImage.class); command.collectImages(); SelectImageController selectImageController = command.getSelectImageController(); for (Future<?> future : selectImageController.getLoadingFutures()) { future.get(); } activityController.waitForTasks(); FXPlatform.waitForFX(); assertEquals(1, selectImageController.getImagePane().getChildren().size()); FXPlatform.invokeLater( () -> { GridPane grid = (GridPane) command.getSelectImageController().getImagePane().getChildren().get(0); Button node = (Button) grid.getChildren().get(0); node.getOnAction().handle(null); }); assertThat( adocEditor.editor.getText(), Matchers.containsString("image::file:////de/ks/images/keymap.jpg")); }
private void updateChildren(boolean useButtons) { hboxLayout.getChildren().clear(); hboxLayout.getChildren().addAll(createChildren(useButtons)); vboxLayout.getChildren().clear(); vboxLayout.getChildren().addAll(createChildren(useButtons)); flowLayout.getChildren().clear(); flowLayout.getChildren().addAll(createChildren(useButtons)); List<Node> contents1 = createChildren(useButtons); gridLayout.getChildren().clear(); gridLayout.add(contents1.get(0), 0, 0); gridLayout.add(contents1.get(1), 1, 0); gridLayout.add(contents1.get(2), 0, 1, 2, 1); List<Node> contents = createChildren(useButtons); borderLayout.getChildren().clear(); borderLayout.setLeft(contents.get(0)); borderLayout.setTop(contents.get(1)); borderLayout.setRight(contents.get(2)); borderLayout.setBottom(contents.get(3)); borderLayout.setCenter(contents.get(4)); stackLayout.getChildren().clear(); stackLayout.getChildren().addAll(createChildren(useButtons)); tileLayout.getChildren().clear(); tileLayout.getChildren().addAll(createChildren(useButtons)); }
public void setMitjas(String tipus, double result, String unitats) { mitjas.setHeaderText("Càlcul de la mitja de la " + tipus); Label label1 = new Label(String.format("%.2f", result) + " " + unitats); GridPane grid = new GridPane(); grid.add(label1, 1, 1); mitjas.getDialogPane().setContent(grid); }
public static Label addLabel(GridPane gridPane, int rowIndex, String title, double top) { Label label = new Label(title); GridPane.setRowIndex(label, rowIndex); GridPane.setMargin(label, new Insets(top, 0, 0, 0)); gridPane.getChildren().add(label); return label; }
public static void removeRowsFromGridPane(GridPane gridPane, int fromGridRow, int toGridRow) { Set<Node> nodes = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(gridPane.getChildren()); nodes .stream() .filter(e -> GridPane.getRowIndex(e) >= fromGridRow && GridPane.getRowIndex(e) <= toGridRow) .forEach(e -> gridPane.getChildren().remove(e)); }
public static GridPane looArvutiLaud() { GridPane arvutiRuudustik = looRuudustik(); for (Laev laev : Laevastik.arvutijaLaevad) { for (int i = 0; i < laev.laevaPikkus; i++) { String koordinaat = laev.laevaKoordinaadid.get(i); if (koordinaat.length() < 3) { // tuleneb laevade paigutamise loogikast. Ruudustik on suurem kui 10 int rida = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(koordinaat.charAt(1))); int veerg = tahed.indexOf(koordinaat.charAt(0)); Rectangle ruut = new Rectangle(50, 50, Color.TRANSPARENT); ruut.setId("laev"); ruut.setStroke(Color.BLACK); arvutiRuudustik.add(ruut, rida - 1, veerg); } else { int veerg = tahed.indexOf(koordinaat.charAt(0)); int rida = 10; Rectangle ruut = new Rectangle(50, 50, Color.TRANSPARENT); ruut.setId("laev"); ruut.setStroke(Color.BLACK); arvutiRuudustik.add(ruut, rida - 1, veerg); } } } return arvutiRuudustik; }
public void open() throws IOException { paneCenter.getChildren().clear(); String station = (String) cbStations.getValue(); File f = new File("database\\" + station + "\\status.txt"); FileReader fr1 = new FileReader(f); LineNumberReader ln = new LineNumberReader(fr1); int count = 0; while (ln.readLine() != null) { count++; } ln.close(); fr1.close(); FileReader fr2 = new FileReader(f); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr2); paneCenter.add(new Label("Last seen : " + (br.readLine())), 0, 0); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { paneCenter.add(new Label(br.readLine()), 0, i); } br.close(); fr2.close(); addQuantityToCB(); }
public void init() { dob.setPrefWidth(200); GridPane grid = new GridPane(); grid.addRow(0, new Label("First Name:"), firstNameFld); grid.addRow(1, new Label("Last Name:"), lastNameFld); grid.addRow(2, new Label("DOB:"), dob); this.setContent(grid); }
/** * Private method to handle all removing and reinstating of listviews in the display. * * @param add Boolean to describe whether we are adding (reinstating) or removing. * @param debug Boolean to describe which listView we are reinstating or removing. True for * debugListView, false for lineNumberListView. */ private void addOrRemoveDebugOrLineNumberColumn(boolean add, boolean debug) { int lv = debug ? 0 : 1; int size = add ? 30 : 0; gridPane.getColumnConstraints().get(lv).setMinWidth(size); gridPane.getColumnConstraints().get(lv).setMaxWidth(size); gridPane.getColumnConstraints().get(lv).setPrefWidth(size); refresh(); }
public static Button addButton(GridPane gridPane, int rowIndex, String title) { Button button = new Button(title); button.setDefaultButton(true); GridPane.setRowIndex(button, rowIndex); GridPane.setColumnIndex(button, 1); gridPane.getChildren().add(button); return button; }
private void addContent() { addMultilineLabel( gridPane, ++rowIndex, "Please use that only in emergency case if you cannot access your fund from the UI.\n" + "Before you use this tool, you should backup your data directory. After you have successfully transferred your wallet balance, remove" + " the db directory inside the data directory to start with a newly created and consistent data structure.\n" + "Please make a bug report on Github so that we can investigate what was causing the problem.", 10); Coin totalBalance = walletService.getAvailableBalance(); boolean isBalanceSufficient = totalBalance.compareTo(FeePolicy.TX_FEE) >= 0; addressTextField = addLabelTextField( gridPane, ++rowIndex, "Your available wallet balance:", formatter.formatCoinWithCode(totalBalance), 10) .second; Tuple2<Label, InputTextField> tuple = addLabelInputTextField(gridPane, ++rowIndex, "Your destination address:"); addressInputTextField = tuple.second; emptyWalletButton = new Button("Empty wallet"); emptyWalletButton.setDefaultButton(isBalanceSufficient); emptyWalletButton.setDisable( !isBalanceSufficient && addressInputTextField.getText().length() > 0); emptyWalletButton.setOnAction( e -> { if (addressInputTextField.getText().length() > 0 && isBalanceSufficient) { if (walletService.getWallet().isEncrypted()) { walletPasswordPopup .onClose(() -> blurAgain()) .onAesKey(aesKey -> doEmptyWallet(aesKey)) .show(); } else { doEmptyWallet(null); } } }); closeButton = new Button("Cancel"); closeButton.setOnAction( e -> { hide(); closeHandlerOptional.ifPresent(closeHandler -> closeHandler.run()); }); HBox hBox = new HBox(); hBox.setSpacing(10); GridPane.setRowIndex(hBox, ++rowIndex); GridPane.setColumnIndex(hBox, 1); hBox.getChildren().addAll(emptyWalletButton, closeButton); gridPane.getChildren().add(hBox); GridPane.setMargin(hBox, new Insets(10, 0, 0, 0)); }
public static Button addButtonAfterGroup(GridPane gridPane, int rowIndex, String title) { Button button = new Button(title); button.setDefaultButton(true); GridPane.setRowIndex(button, rowIndex); GridPane.setColumnIndex(button, 1); GridPane.setMargin(button, new Insets(15, 0, 0, 0)); gridPane.getChildren().add(button); return button; }
private void setUpStepTextField() { Label label = new Label("Podaj krok: "); step = new TextField(); step.setPromptText("Podaj krok"); GridPane.setMargin(step, new Insets(10, 50, 10, 50)); GridPane.setMargin(label, new Insets(50, 50, 10, 50)); gridPane.add(label, 0, 0); gridPane.add(step, 0, 1); }
private static Node ruutLaual( GridPane kasutjaRuudustik, int rida, int veerg) { // gridpaneist vastava ruudu tuvastamine for (Node node : kasutjaRuudustik.getChildren()) { if (GridPane.getColumnIndex(node) == veerg && GridPane.getRowIndex(node) == rida) { return node; } } return null; }
private GridPane createLoadingIndicator() { GridPane grid = createGridPane(); ProgressIndicator loadingIndicator = new ProgressIndicator(); Label labelLoading = new Label("Waiting for login"); grid.add(loadingIndicator, 0, 0); grid.add(labelLoading, 0, 1); return grid; }
public static CheckBox addCheckBox( GridPane gridPane, int rowIndex, String checkBoxTitle, double top) { CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox(checkBoxTitle); GridPane.setMargin(checkBox, new Insets(top, 0, 0, 0)); GridPane.setRowIndex(checkBox, rowIndex); GridPane.setColumnIndex(checkBox, 1); gridPane.getChildren().add(checkBox); return checkBox; }
private GridPane createGridPane() { GridPane grid = new GridPane(); grid.setHgap(hGap); grid.setVgap(vGap); grid.setPadding(new Insets(topOffset, rightOffset, bottomOffset, leftOffset)); grid.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); return grid; }
public static Label addMultilineLabel(GridPane gridPane, int rowIndex, String text, double top) { Label label = new Label(text); label.setWrapText(true); GridPane.setHalignment(label, HPos.LEFT); GridPane.setRowIndex(label, rowIndex); GridPane.setColumnSpan(label, 2); GridPane.setMargin(label, new Insets(top, 0, 0, 0)); gridPane.getChildren().add(label); return label; }