public Splash_Controller(
      final JavaFX_Server_Template main,
      Splash_Model model,
          view) { // final JavaFX_App_Template main -> Da die Main-Klasse sich selbst übergibt, kann
                  // der Controller jetzt so auf Methoden in der Main-Klasse zugreifen
    super(model, view);

    // We could monitor the progress property and pass it on to the progress bar
    // However, JavaFX can also do this for us: We just bind the progressProperty of the
    // progress bar to the progressProperty of the task.
                .progressProperty()); // Aktualisieren(Listener)/Verbinden den Ladebalken aus dem
                                      // model mit dem view

    // The stateProperty tells us the status of the task. When the state is SUCCEEDED,
    // the task is finished, so we tell the main program to continue.

    // Below are two equivalent implementations - only one of these should be used!

    // Using an anonymous class
    //        model.initializer.stateProperty().addListener(
    //                new ChangeListener<Worker.State>() {
    //                    @Override
    //                    public void changed(
    //                            ObservableValue<? extends Worker.State> observable,
    //                            Worker.State oldValue, Worker.State newValue) {
    //                        if (newValue == Worker.State.SUCCEEDED)
    //                            main.startApp();
    //                    }
    //                });

    // Using a lambda expression
        .addListener( // Beobachten den Ladebalken
            (observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
              if (newValue
                  == Worker.State
                      .SUCCEEDED) // Wenn Ladebalken fertig geladen wurde (resourcen jetzt geladen),
                                  // starte im JavaFX_App_Template die methode "startApp()" welche
                                  // die MVC-Komponenten lädt
                    .startApp(); // Über die im Parameter übergebenen Objekte (bzw. das Main-Klasse
                                 // Objekt selbst) kann jetzt auf die Methode startApp() zugegriffen
                                 // werden
 * Copyright 2015, FHNW, Prof. Dr. Brad Richards. All rights reserved. This code is licensed under
 * the terms of the BSD 3-clause license (see the file license.txt).
 * <p>The singleton instance of this class provide central storage for resources used by the
 * program. It also defines application-global constants, such as the application name.
 * @author Brad Richards
public class ServiceLocator {
  private static ServiceLocator serviceLocator; // singleton

  // Application-global constants
  private final Class<?> APP_CLASS = JavaFX_Server_Template.class;
  private final String APP_NAME = "JavaFX_Server_Template";
  private final JavaFX_Server_Template JavaFX_Server_Template_mainProgram =

  // Supported locales (for translations)
  private final Locale[] locales =
      new Locale[] {
        new Locale("en"), new Locale("de")
      }; // Wird nur gebraucht damit wir wissen wie viele Sprachen es gibt, Translator-Objekt liest
         // die texte ein aus den files

  // Resources
  private Logger logger;
  private Configuration configuration;
  private Translator translator; // Mutlilingual-Texte werden hier eingelesen

  // May be deleted
  private boolean windowIsActive =
      true; // For deactivating the thread ShowTimeInWindow() in Bonuspunkte_Controller

  //    //
  //    final private String windowTitle =  this.translator.getString(""); //

   * Factory method for returning the singleton
   * @param mainClass The main class of this program
   * @return The singleton resource locator
  public static ServiceLocator getServiceLocator() {
    if (serviceLocator == null) serviceLocator = new ServiceLocator();
    return serviceLocator;

   * Private constructor, because this class is a singleton
   * @param appName Name of the main class of this program
  private ServiceLocator() {
    // Currently nothing to do here. We must define this constructor anyway,
    // because the default constructor is public

  public Class<?> getAPP_CLASS() {
    return APP_CLASS;

  public String getAPP_NAME() {
    return APP_NAME;

  public JavaFX_Server_Template getJavaFX_App_Template_mainProgram() {
    return JavaFX_Server_Template_mainProgram;

  public Logger getLogger() {
    return logger;

  public void setLogger(Logger logger) {
    this.logger = logger;

  public Configuration getConfiguration() {
    return configuration;

  public void setConfiguration(
          configuration) { // Wenn Parameter "new Configuration" -> in Klasse Configuration wird
                           // Konstruktor aufgerufen
    this.configuration =
        configuration; // Speichere das vom Konstruktor erschaffene Objekt hier im ServiceLocator

  public Locale[] getLocales() {
    return locales;

  public Translator getTranslator() {
    return translator;

  public void setTranslator(Translator translator) {
    this.translator = translator;

  public boolean getIsWindowIsActive() {
    return windowIsActive;

  public void setWindowIsActive(boolean windowIsActive) {
    this.windowIsActive = windowIsActive;

  // For deactivating the thread ShowTimeInWindow()
  public void setChangeValueWindowIsActive() {
    if (this.windowIsActive) {
      this.windowIsActive = false;
    } else if (this.windowIsActive) {
      this.windowIsActive = true;