/** * Build a collection of menu items relevant for a right-click popup menu on a Class. * * @param me a mouse event * @return a collection of menu items * @see org.tigris.gef.ui.PopupGenerator#getPopUpActions(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ public Vector getPopUpActions(MouseEvent me) { Vector popUpActions = super.getPopUpActions(me); // Add... ArgoJMenu addMenu = new ArgoJMenu("menu.popup.add"); addMenu.add(TargetManager.getInstance().getAddAttributeAction()); addMenu.add(TargetManager.getInstance().getAddOperationAction()); addMenu.add(new ActionAddNote()); addMenu.add(ActionEdgesDisplay.getShowEdges()); addMenu.add(ActionEdgesDisplay.getHideEdges()); popUpActions.insertElementAt(addMenu, popUpActions.size() - getPopupAddOffset()); // Show ... ArgoJMenu showMenu = new ArgoJMenu("menu.popup.show"); Iterator i = ActionCompartmentDisplay.getActions().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { showMenu.add((Action) i.next()); } popUpActions.insertElementAt(showMenu, popUpActions.size() - getPopupAddOffset()); // Modifiers ... popUpActions.insertElementAt( buildModifierPopUp(ABSTRACT | LEAF | ROOT | ACTIVE), popUpActions.size() - getPopupAddOffset()); // Visibility ... popUpActions.insertElementAt(buildVisibilityPopUp(), popUpActions.size() - getPopupAddOffset()); return popUpActions; }
private void moveUpAndDownPage(boolean _up) { int index = tabbedPanel.getSelectedIndex(); if (index < 0) return; Editor page = pageList.get(index); if (page == null) return; if (_up) { if (index == 0) return; pageList.removeElementAt(index); pageList.insertElementAt(page, index - 1); tabbedPanel.removeTabAt(index); tabbedPanel.insertTab( page.isActive() ? page.getName() : page.getName() + " (D)", null, page.getComponent(), tooltip, index - 1); } else { if (index == (pageList.size() - 1)) return; pageList.removeElementAt(index); pageList.insertElementAt(page, index + 1); tabbedPanel.removeTabAt(index); tabbedPanel.insertTab( page.isActive() ? page.getName() : page.getName() + " (D)", null, page.getComponent(), tooltip, index + 1); } tabbedPanel.setSelectedComponent(page.getComponent()); changed = true; }
public void init() { GridBagConstraints gbc; GridBagLayout gbl = new GridBagLayout(); resourcesLabel = new Label("Resources"); gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.gridx = 1; gbc.gridy = 1; gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gbl.setConstraints(resourcesLabel, gbc); idLabel = new Label("Id", Label.RIGHT); gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.gridx = 1; gbc.gridy = 2; gbl.setConstraints(idLabel, gbc); availableLabel = new Label("Available", Label.RIGHT); gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.gridx = 2; gbc.gridy = 2; gbl.setConstraints(availableLabel, gbc); for (int i = 0; i < resourceCount; i++) { Label idLabel; Label availableLabel; // create the labels // add labels to the vectors // set constraints idLabel = new Label(); idLabel.setAlignment(Label.RIGHT); resourceIdLabelVector.insertElementAt(idLabel, i); gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.gridx = 1; gbc.gridy = 3 + i; gbl.setConstraints(idLabel, gbc); availableLabel = new Label(); availableLabel.setAlignment(Label.RIGHT); resourceAvailableLabelVector.insertElementAt(availableLabel, i); gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.gridx = 2; gbc.gridy = 3 + i; gbl.setConstraints(availableLabel, gbc); } setLayout(gbl); add(resourcesLabel); add(idLabel); add(availableLabel); for (int i = 0; i < resourceCount; i++) { Label idLabel; Label availableLabel; idLabel = (Label) resourceIdLabelVector.elementAt(i); availableLabel = (Label) resourceAvailableLabelVector.elementAt(i); add(idLabel); add(availableLabel); } }
/** * Function to swap two itemsets. * * @param i The first itemset. * @param j The second itemset. */ private void swap(int i, int j) { Object help = itemsets.elementAt(i); itemsets.insertElementAt(itemsets.elementAt(j), i); itemsets.removeElementAt(i + 1); itemsets.insertElementAt(help, j); itemsets.removeElementAt(j + 1); }
/** @see org.tigris.gef.ui.PopupGenerator#getPopUpActions(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ public Vector getPopUpActions(MouseEvent me) { Vector popUpActions = super.getPopUpActions(me); // TODO: Remove this line after 0.20. // This is a hack that removes the ordering menu according to issue 3645 popUpActions.remove(0); // popupAddOffset should be equal to the number of items added here: popUpActions.addElement(new JSeparator()); popupAddOffset = 1; if (removeFromDiagram) { popUpActions.addElement(ProjectBrowser.getInstance().getRemoveFromDiagramAction()); popupAddOffset++; } popUpActions.addElement(new ActionDeleteModelElements()); popupAddOffset++; /* Check if multiple items are selected: */ boolean ms = TargetManager.getInstance().getTargets().size() > 1; if (!ms) { // #if defined(COGNITIVE) // @#$LPS-COGNITIVE:GranularityType:Statement // @#$LPS-COGNITIVE:Localization:NestedStatement ToDoList list = Designer.theDesigner().getToDoList(); Vector items = (Vector) list.elementsForOffender(getOwner()).clone(); if (items != null && items.size() > 0) { ArgoJMenu critiques = new ArgoJMenu("menu.popup.critiques"); ToDoItem itemUnderMouse = hitClarifier(me.getX(), me.getY()); if (itemUnderMouse != null) { critiques.add(new ActionGoToCritique(itemUnderMouse)); critiques.addSeparator(); } int size = items.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ToDoItem item = (ToDoItem) items.elementAt(i); if (item == itemUnderMouse) continue; critiques.add(new ActionGoToCritique(item)); } popUpActions.insertElementAt(new JSeparator(), 0); popUpActions.insertElementAt(critiques, 0); } } // #endif // Add stereotypes submenu Action[] stereoActions = getApplyStereotypeActions(); if (stereoActions != null) { popUpActions.insertElementAt(new JSeparator(), 0); ArgoJMenu stereotypes = new ArgoJMenu("menu.popup.apply-stereotypes"); for (int i = 0; i < stereoActions.length; ++i) { stereotypes.addCheckItem(stereoActions[i]); } popUpActions.insertElementAt(stereotypes, 0); } return popUpActions; }
public void addMethod(JMethod jMethod) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (jMethod == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class methods cannot be null"); } // -- check method name and signatures *add later* // -- keep method list sorted for esthetics when printing // -- START SORT :-) boolean added = false; short modifierVal = 0; JModifiers modifiers = jMethod.getModifiers(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) { JMethod tmp = (JMethod) methods.elementAt(i); // -- first compare modifiers if (tmp.getModifiers().isPrivate()) { if (!modifiers.isPrivate()) { methods.insertElementAt(jMethod, i); added = true; break; } } // -- compare names if (jMethod.getName().compareTo(tmp.getName()) < 0) { methods.insertElementAt(jMethod, i); added = true; break; } } // -- END SORT if (!added) methods.addElement(jMethod); // -- check parameter packages to make sure we have them // -- in our import list String[] pkgNames = jMethod.getParameterClassNames(); for (int i = 0; i < pkgNames.length; i++) { addImport(pkgNames[i]); } // -- check return type to make sure it's included in the // -- import list JType jType = jMethod.getReturnType(); if (jType != null) { while (jType.isArray()) jType = jType.getComponentType(); if (!jType.isPrimitive()) addImport(((JClass) jType).getName()); } // -- check exceptions JClass[] exceptions = jMethod.getExceptions(); for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.length; i++) { addImport(exceptions[i].getName()); } } // -- addMethod
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) private void ladeTabelle() { String test = Reha.thisClass.patpanel.patDaten.get(63); if (test.trim().equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Mit der Arztliste dieses Patienten läuft etwas schief...."); } else { String[] arztid = test.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < arztid.length; i++) { String[] arzt = arztid[i].split("@"); Vector<Vector<String>> vec = SqlInfo.holeFelder( "select nachname,vorname,strasse,ort,arztnum,bsnr,id from arzt where id = '" + arzt[1] + "' LIMIT 1"); if (vec.size() >= 1) { Vector vec2 = (Vector) ((Vector) vec.get(0)).clone(); vec2.insertElementAt(Boolean.valueOf(false), 0); atblm.addRow((Vector) vec2.clone()); } } if (atblm.getRowCount() > 0) { arzttbl.setRowSelectionInterval(0, 0); } arzttbl.revalidate(); } }
public static InventoryList fetchInventory(MOB seer, MOB mob) { final InventoryList lst = new InventoryList(); Vector<Coins> coinsV = null; int insertAt = -1; CMLib.beanCounter().getTotalAbsoluteNativeValue(mob); for (final Enumeration<Item> i = mob.items(); i.hasMoreElements(); ) { final Item thisItem = i.nextElement(); if (thisItem == null) continue; if ((thisItem.container() == null) && (thisItem.amWearingAt(Wearable.IN_INVENTORY))) { if (CMLib.flags().canBeSeenBy(thisItem, seer)) lst.foundAndSeen = true; else lst.foundButUnseen = true; if ((!(thisItem instanceof Coins)) || (((Coins) thisItem).getDenomination() == 0.0)) lst.viewItems.add(thisItem); else { coinsV = lst.moneyItems.get(((Coins) thisItem).getCurrency()); if (coinsV == null) { coinsV = new Vector<Coins>(); lst.moneyItems.put(((Coins) thisItem).getCurrency(), coinsV); } for (insertAt = 0; insertAt < coinsV.size(); insertAt++) if (coinsV.get(insertAt).getDenomination() > ((Coins) thisItem).getDenomination()) break; if (insertAt >= coinsV.size()) coinsV.add((Coins) thisItem); else coinsV.insertElementAt((Coins) thisItem, insertAt); } } } return lst; }
public Vector put(Range holder, Object value) { int pos = VectorUtil.binarySearch(ranges, holder, rangeComparator, true); if (pos == -1) { pos = 0; } Vector output = new Vector(); int posHigh = VectorUtil.binarySearch( ranges, new RangeHolder(holder.getHigh(), holder.getHigh()), rangeComparator, true); Vector purged = new Vector(); boolean positionRemoved = false; for (int i = (pos - 1 >= 0 ? pos - 1 : 0); i < posHigh && i < ranges.size(); i++) { Range clobberMe = (Range) ranges.elementAt(i); if (overlaps(clobberMe, holder)) { if (i == pos - 1) positionRemoved = true; output.addElement(data.remove(clobberMe)); purged.addElement(clobberMe); } } for (int i = 0; i < purged.size(); i++) ranges.removeElement(purged.elementAt(i)); if (positionRemoved) pos = pos - 1; ranges.insertElementAt(holder, pos); data.put(holder, value); return output; }
// public MazeImpl(Point point, long seed) { public MazeImpl(Point point, long seed, BlockingQueue eventQueue, Client client) { this.eventQueue = eventQueue; this.client = client; System.out.println("MazeImpl constructor Client name:" + client.getName()); maxX = point.getX(); assert (maxX > 0); maxY = point.getY(); assert (maxY > 0); // Initialize the maze matrix of cells mazeVector = new Vector(maxX); for (int i = 0; i < maxX; i++) { Vector colVector = new Vector(maxY); for (int j = 0; j < maxY; j++) { colVector.insertElementAt(new CellImpl(), j); } mazeVector.insertElementAt(colVector, i); } thread = new Thread(this); // Initialized the random number generator randomGen = new Random(seed); // Build the maze starting at the corner if (seed == 0) buildEmptyMaze(); else buildMaze(new Point(0, 0)); thread.start(); }
/* * @see org.tigris.gef.ui.PopupGenerator#getPopUpActions( * java.awt.event.MouseEvent) */ public Vector getPopUpActions(MouseEvent me) { Vector popUpActions = super.getPopUpActions(me); // Modifiers ... popUpActions.insertElementAt( buildModifierPopUp(ABSTRACT | LEAF | ROOT), popUpActions.size() - getPopupAddOffset()); return popUpActions; }
private static Object readValue(InputStream is, ClassLoader loader) throws Exception { byte type = (byte) is.read(); if (type == -1) { return null; } Class vClass = null; if (type == 2) { int length = PDataStream.readInt(is); Vector v = new Vector(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { v.insertElementAt(readValue(is, loader), i); } return v; } else if (type == 0) { return readRealObject((byte) is.read(), is, loader); } else { int length = PDataStream.readInt(is); boolean primitive = PDataStream.readBoolean(is); if (primitive) { return readPrimitiveArray(length, is); } vClass = loader == null ? Class.forName(PDataStream.readUTF(is)) : loader.loadClass(PDataStream.readUTF(is)); Object array = Array.newInstance(vClass, length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Array.set(array, i, readValue(is, loader)); } return array; } }
private void runScript(File script) { FileReader fr; try { fr = new FileReader(script); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { HF.showErrorMessage(i18n.getMessage("FileNotFound!")); return; } BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); try { String s = br.readLine(); while (s != null) { getLSConsoleModel().setCommandLineText(s); getLSConsoleModel().execCommand(); s = br.readLine(); } } catch (Exception e) { HF.showErrorMessage(e); return; } if (!cbmiLSConsoleShown.isSelected()) cbmiLSConsoleShown.doClick(0); String s = script.getAbsolutePath(); recentScripts.remove(s); recentScripts.insertElementAt(s, 0); while (recentScripts.size() > ClassicPrefs.getRecentScriptsSize()) { recentScripts.removeElementAt(recentScripts.size() - 1); } updateRecentScriptsMenu(); }
/** * Removes interval [fx,tx] from existing set such that none of its elements intersects with it * anymore. Existing intervals are reduced if they intersect, split into two or fully removed if * they are contained in [fx,tx] * * @param fx is the lower bound of the interval * @param tx is the upper bound of the interval */ public void remove(int fx, int tx) { // make sure fx <= tx if (tx < fx) { int jj = tx; tx = fx; fx = jj; } // check all elements of the set for an overlap with interval [fx,tx] // assume that set is sorted in increasing order for (int i = 0; i != ranges.size(); i++) { RangeSetElement rse = (RangeSetElement) ranges.elementAt(i); if (rse.max < fx) continue; // rse is below [fx,tx] if (rse.min > tx) return; // rse is above [fx,tx] if (fx <= rse.min) { if (rse.max <= tx) { // rse is inside [fx,tx] ranges.removeElementAt(i--); // remove element, adjust index for iterating reduced set continue; } rse.min = tx + 1; // else, rse and [fx,tx] overlap, truncate intersection from rse from below return; } if (fx <= rse.max && tx >= rse.max) { // rse.min < fx <= rse.max <= tx rse.max = fx - 1; // rse and [fx,tx] overlap, truncate intersection from rse from above continue; } // if all conditions fail, then [fx,tx] lies inside the current interval // split interval into two: [rse.min,fx-1] and [tx+1,rse.max] RangeSetElement nrse = new RangeSetElement(rse.min, fx - 1); ranges.insertElementAt(nrse, i); rse.min = tx + 1; return; } }
protected void addPage(String _typeOfPage, String _name, String _code, boolean _enabled) { cardLayout.show(finalPanel, "TabbedPanel"); _name = getUniqueName(_name); Editor page = createPage(_typeOfPage, _name, _code); page.setFont(myFont); page.setColor(myColor); int index = tabbedPanel.getSelectedIndex(); if (index == -1) { pageList.addElement(page); if (tabbedPanel.getTabCount() == 0) { tabbedPanel.addTab( page.getName(), null, page.getComponent(), tooltip); // This causes an exception sometimes } else { tabbedPanel.insertTab( page.getName(), null, page.getComponent(), tooltip, tabbedPanel.getTabCount()); } index = 0; } else { index++; pageList.insertElementAt(page, index); tabbedPanel.insertTab(page.getName(), null, page.getComponent(), tooltip, index); } tabbedPanel.setSelectedComponent(page.getComponent()); page.setActive(_enabled); if (!_enabled) tabbedPanel.setTitleAt(index, page.getName() + " (D)"); updatePageCounterField(pageList.size()); // tabbedPanel.validate(); This hangs the computer when reading a file at start-up !!!??? tabbedPanel.repaint(); changed = true; }
/** Sends a figure to the back of the drawing. */ public synchronized void sendToBack(Figure figure) { if (fFigures.contains(figure)) { fFigures.removeElement(figure); fFigures.insertElementAt(figure, 0); figure.changed(); } }
public ElementListModel(Vector list) { elements = new Vector(); if (list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { SchemaElement element = (SchemaElement) list.elementAt(i); // Find out where to insert the element... int index = -1; for (int j = 0; j < elements.size() && index == -1; j++) { // Compare alphabeticaly if (element .getName() .compareToIgnoreCase(((SchemaElement) elements.elementAt(j)).getName()) <= 0) { index = j; } } if (index != -1) { elements.insertElementAt(element, index); } else { elements.addElement(element); } } } }
protected TnLocation getLocationByCellTowerInfo(TnCellInfo cellTowerInfo) { if (cellTowerInfo == null) return null; synchronized (mutex) { int index = findCellTowerInfoIndex(cellTowerInfo); if (index == -1) return null; CellTowerMapping mapping = (CellTowerMapping) cellTowerMappingInfos.elementAt(index); TnLocation location = mapping.location; cellTowerMappingInfos.removeElementAt(index); if (System.currentTimeMillis() > location.getLocalTimeStamp() + CELL_LOCATION_CACHE_EXPIRATION_TIME) { return null; } cellTowerMappingInfos.insertElementAt(mapping, 0); TnLocation clone = new TnLocation(""); clone.set(location); clone.setLocalTimeStamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); clone.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis() / 10); return clone; } }
/* * Adds an element to the table but in the rigth place */ public void addElement(String element) { Vector newRow = new Vector(2); if (!isElement(element)) { newRow.add(element); newRow.add(new Boolean(true)); // Let's order the data int i = 0; boolean inserted = false; while ((i < data.size()) && (!inserted)) { if (order((String) getValueAt(i, 0)).compareTo(order(element)) > 0) { data.insertElementAt(newRow, i); inserted = true; } else i++; } if (!inserted) { data.addElement(newRow); } // Create a TableModelEvent TableModelEvent evento; evento = new TableModelEvent( this, this.getRowCount() - 1, this.getRowCount() - 1, TableModelEvent.ALL_COLUMNS, TableModelEvent.INSERT); // and tell the listeners tellListeners(evento); } else setValueAt(new Boolean(true), whereIsElement(element), 1); }
/** * Moves the column and heading at <code>columnIndex</code> to <code>newIndex</code>. The old * column at <code>columnIndex</code> will now be found at <code>newIndex</code>. The column that * used to be at <code>newIndex</code> is shifted left or right to make room. This will not move * any columns if <code>columnIndex</code> equals <code>newIndex</code>. This method also posts a * <code>columnMoved</code> event to its listeners. * * @param columnIndex the index of column to be moved * @param newIndex new index to move the column * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>column</code> or <code>newIndex</code> are not in * the valid range */ public void moveColumn(int columnIndex, int newIndex) { if ((columnIndex < 0) || (columnIndex >= getColumnCount()) || (newIndex < 0) || (newIndex >= getColumnCount())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("moveColumn() - Index out of range"); TableColumn aColumn; // If the column has not yet moved far enough to change positions // post the event anyway, the "draggedDistance" property of the // tableHeader will say how far the column has been dragged. // Here we are really trying to get the best out of an // API that could do with some rethinking. We preserve backward // compatibility by slightly bending the meaning of these methods. if (columnIndex == newIndex) { fireColumnMoved(new TableColumnModelEvent(this, columnIndex, newIndex)); return; } aColumn = (TableColumn) tableColumns.elementAt(columnIndex); tableColumns.removeElementAt(columnIndex); boolean selected = selectionModel.isSelectedIndex(columnIndex); selectionModel.removeIndexInterval(columnIndex, columnIndex); tableColumns.insertElementAt(aColumn, newIndex); selectionModel.insertIndexInterval(newIndex, 1, true); if (selected) { selectionModel.addSelectionInterval(newIndex, newIndex); } else { selectionModel.removeSelectionInterval(newIndex, newIndex); } fireColumnMoved(new TableColumnModelEvent(this, columnIndex, newIndex)); }
/** * Adds the given JMethodSignature to this JClass * * @param jMethodSig the JMethodSignature to add. * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when the given JMethodSignature conflicts with an * existing method signature. */ public void addMethod(JMethodSignature jMethodSig) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (jMethodSig == null) { String err = "The JMethodSignature cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(err); } // -- check method name and signatures *add later* // -- keep method list sorted for esthetics when printing // -- START SORT :-) boolean added = false; // short modifierVal = 0; JModifiers modifiers = jMethodSig.getModifiers(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) { JMethodSignature tmp = (JMethodSignature) methods.elementAt(i); // -- first compare modifiers if (tmp.getModifiers().isProtected()) { if (!modifiers.isProtected()) { methods.insertElementAt(jMethodSig, i); added = true; break; } } // -- compare names if (jMethodSig.getName().compareTo(tmp.getName()) < 0) { methods.insertElementAt(jMethodSig, i); added = true; break; } } // -- END SORT if (!added) methods.addElement(jMethodSig); // -- check return type to make sure it's included in the // -- import list JType jType = jMethodSig.getReturnType(); if (jType != null) { while (jType.isArray()) jType = jType.getComponentType(); if (!jType.isPrimitive()) addImport(jType.getName()); } // -- check exceptions JClass[] exceptions = jMethodSig.getExceptions(); for (JClass exception : exceptions) { addImport(exception.getName()); } } // -- addMethod
/** Adds an element at the current position. */ public void addHere(Named n) { if (!readonly) { synchronized (this) { data.insertElementAt(n, pos); hash.put(n.getName(), n); } } }
public void add(String s) { if (s == null || s.equals("")) return; if (list.contains(s)) { list.remove(s); } list.insertElementAt(s, 0); }
public void insertRow(Object[] obj) { if (getRowCount() == 0) { vRows.addElement(obj); } else { vRows.insertElementAt(obj, 0); } fireTableRowsInserted(getRowCount(), getRowCount()); }
@Override public void onApplicationEvent(BusinessObjectEvent event) { if (event.getBusinessObject() instanceof LogMessage && event.getType() instanceof BusinessObjectCreated) { LogMessage logMessage = (LogMessage) event.getBusinessObject(); rows.insertElementAt(logMessage, 0); if (!paused && (activeAgents.isEmpty() || activeAgents.contains(logMessage.getLogFile().getAgent()))) { visibleRows.insertElementAt(logMessage, 0); super.tableRowsChanged(); } } }
// format == null assumed here private final void setTokens(final String format) { if ((_format != null) && (format.equals(_format))) { // has already been set return; } _format = format; // reset final int length = _format.length(); boolean isFirst = true; _separFirst = true; _separLast = false; _nSepars = 0; _nFormats = 0; _separToks.clear(); _formatToks.clear(); /* * Tokenize the format string into alphanumeric and non-alphanumeric * tokens as described in M. Kay page 241. */ for (int j = 0, i = 0; i < length; ) { char c = format.charAt(i); for (j = i; Character.isLetterOrDigit(c); ) { if (++i == length) break; c = format.charAt(i); } if (i > j) { if (isFirst) { _separToks.addElement("."); isFirst = _separFirst = false; } _formatToks.addElement(format.substring(j, i)); } if (i == length) break; c = format.charAt(i); for (j = i; !Character.isLetterOrDigit(c); ) { if (++i == length) break; c = format.charAt(i); isFirst = false; } if (i > j) { _separToks.addElement(format.substring(j, i)); } } _nSepars = _separToks.size(); _nFormats = _formatToks.size(); if (_nSepars > _nFormats) _separLast = true; if (_separFirst) _nSepars--; if (_separLast) _nSepars--; if (_nSepars == 0) { _separToks.insertElementAt(".", 1); _nSepars++; } if (_separFirst) _nSepars++; }
// add new value; return index inserted at if value was not already present, -1 if it was public int add(FormIndex index) { int i = indexOf(index, false); if (i != -1 && get(i).equals(index)) { return -1; } else { v.insertElementAt(index, i + 1); return i + 1; } }
/** * Adds the specified item to the specified location in the list. If the desired index is -1 or * greater than the number of rows in the list, then the item is added to the end. * * @param item The item to add to the list. * @param index The location in the list to add the item, or -1 to add to the end. */ public void add(String item, int index) { if ((index == -1) || (index >= items.size())) items.addElement(item); else items.insertElementAt(item, index); if (peer != null) { ListPeer l = (ListPeer) peer; l.add(item, index); } }
/** * Inserts a {@link DataElement} at the specified index. After the element has been successfully * inserted all {@link DataListener DataListeners} will be informed. * * @param index Index at which <tt>element</tt> will be inserted. All elements with an index >= * <tt>index</tt> will be shifted. * @param element DataElement to be added. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>element</tt> is not of the correct type which will be * checked by the method {@link #isValid}. */ public void insertElementAt(int index, DataElement element) { if (isValid(element)) { _container.insertElementAt(element, index); element.setContainer(this); notifyListeners(DataEvent.createInsertEvent(this, index)); } else { throwException(INSERT, element); } }
/** * moveData * * @param curRow Old row for the data * @param newRow New row for the data */ private void moveData(int curRow, int newRow) { int lastRow = rowData.size() - 1; if (curRow >= 0 && curRow <= lastRow && newRow >= 0 && newRow <= lastRow) { Object[] curData = (Object[]) rowData.elementAt(curRow); rowData.removeElementAt(curRow); rowData.insertElementAt(curData, newRow); fireTableDataChanged(); } }