Exemple #1
 private String getCIJobPath(ApplicationInfo appInfo) {
   StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(Utility.getProjectHome());
   return builder.toString();
Exemple #2
  // get the caption for the loop's visual representation
  // the caption is an abbreviated form of the code
  // the caption appears in the upper-left corner of the loop
  public String getCaption() {
    String caption = "";
    switch (type) {
        if (!numWarmups.equals("0")) {
          caption += numWarmups + " " + Utility.wordForm(numWarmups, "warmups") + " + ";
          if (sync) caption += "sync + ";
        caption += numReps + " " + Utility.wordForm(numReps, "reps");
        return caption;
      case LOOP_TYPE_FOR_EACH:
        caption = sequenceName + " in ";
        for (int i = 0; i < sequences.size(); i++) {
          String sequence = (String) sequences.elementAt(i);
          if (i > 0) caption += ", ";
          caption += "{" + sequence + "}";

        return caption;
      case LOOP_TYPE_TIMED:
        return toCode();
        assert false;
        return "";
Exemple #3
  public boolean tryDamageSkill(String rem, String cut, String output) {

    if (cut.length() > 0)
      if (rem.indexOf(cut) == 0) {
        rem = rem.substring(cut.length(), rem.length());
        rem = Utility.clearWhiteSpace(rem);

    target = owner.getRoom().findEntity(owner, rem);

    if ((target == null) && (owner.getPlayerState() == Utility.PSTATE_FIGHTING))
      target = owner.getTarget();

    if (target == null) {
      return false;

    if (!Combat.canAttack(owner, target, false, true)) return false;

    tn = target.getName();
    Tn = target.getPName();
    ty = Utility.possessive(tn);
    Ty = Utility.possessive(Tn);

    return true;
Exemple #4
  // returns the code for the header of the loop, not code for
  // the entire loop that it contains
  public String toCode() {
    String code;
    switch (type) {
        code = "for " + numReps + " " + Utility.wordForm(numReps, "repetitions");

        if (!numWarmups.equals("0")) {
          code += " plus " + numWarmups + " warmup " + Utility.wordForm(numWarmups, "repetitions");
          if (sync) code += " and a synchronization";
        return code;
      case LOOP_TYPE_FOR_EACH:
        code = "for each " + sequenceName + " in ";
        for (int i = 0; i < sequences.size(); i++) {
          String sequence = (String) sequences.elementAt(i);
          if (i > 0) code += ", ";
          code += "{" + sequence + "}";
        return code;
      case LOOP_TYPE_TIMED:
        code = "for " + time + " " + Utility.wordForm(time, timeUnits);
        return code;
        assert false;
        return "";
Exemple #5
  private void setSvnCredential(CIJob job) throws JDOMException, IOException {
    S_LOGGER.debug("Entering Method CIManagerImpl.setSvnCredential");
    try {
      String jenkinsTemplateDir = Utility.getJenkinsTemplateDir();
      String credentialFilePath = jenkinsTemplateDir + job.getRepoType() + HYPHEN + CREDENTIAL_XML;
      if (debugEnabled) {
        S_LOGGER.debug("credentialFilePath ... " + credentialFilePath);
      File credentialFile = new File(credentialFilePath);

      SvnProcessor processor = new SvnProcessor(credentialFile);

      //			DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(credentialFile));
      //			while (in.available() != 0) {
      //				System.out.println(in.readLine());
      //			}
      //			in.close();

      processor.changeNodeValue("credentials/entry//userName", job.getUserName());
      processor.changeNodeValue("credentials/entry//password", job.getPassword());
      processor.writeStream(new File(Utility.getJenkinsHome() + File.separator + job.getName()));

      // jenkins home location
      String jenkinsJobHome = System.getenv(JENKINS_HOME);
      StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(jenkinsJobHome);

      processor.writeStream(new File(builder.toString() + CI_CREDENTIAL_XML));
    } catch (Exception e) {
          "Entered into the catch block of CIManagerImpl.setSvnCredential "
              + e.getLocalizedMessage());
  private BusinessPartnerCategoryData getEditVariables(Connection con, VariablesSecureApp vars)
      throws IOException, ServletException {
    BusinessPartnerCategoryData data = new BusinessPartnerCategoryData();
    ServletException ex = null;
    try {
      data.adOrgId = vars.getRequiredGlobalVariable("inpadOrgId", windowId + "|AD_Org_ID");
      data.adOrgIdr = vars.getStringParameter("inpadOrgId_R");
      data.cBpGroupId = vars.getRequestGlobalVariable("inpcBpGroupId", windowId + "|C_BP_Group_ID");
      data.value = vars.getStringParameter("inpvalue");
      data.name = vars.getRequiredStringParameter("inpname");
      data.description = vars.getStringParameter("inpdescription");
      data.isactive = vars.getStringParameter("inpisactive", "N");
      data.isdefault = vars.getStringParameter("inpisdefault", "N");
      data.adClientId = vars.getRequiredGlobalVariable("inpadClientId", windowId + "|AD_Client_ID");
      data.createdby = vars.getUser();
      data.updatedby = vars.getUser();
      data.adUserClient = Utility.getContext(this, vars, "#User_Client", windowId, accesslevel);
      data.adOrgClient =
          Utility.getContext(this, vars, "#AccessibleOrgTree", windowId, accesslevel);
      data.updatedTimeStamp = vars.getStringParameter("updatedTimestamp");

      if (data.value.equals(""))
        data.value =
            Utility.getDocumentNoConnection(con, this, vars.getClient(), "C_BP_Group", true);
    } catch (ServletException e) {
      vars.setEditionData(tabId, data);
      throw e;
    // Behavior with exception for numeric fields is to catch last one if we have multiple ones
    if (ex != null) {
      vars.setEditionData(tabId, data);
      throw ex;
    return data;
Exemple #7
 public void printVariable() {
   Utility.Dprintc("VARIABLE " + varID + " ", 0);
   for (int j = 0; j < domain.length; j++) {
     Utility.Dprintc(domain[j].toString() + " ", 0);
   Utility.Dprint("", 0);
Exemple #8
    private static DialogFeatureConfig parseDialogConfig(JSONObject dialogConfigJSON) {
      String dialogNameWithFeature = dialogConfigJSON.optString(DIALOG_CONFIG_NAME_KEY);
      if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(dialogNameWithFeature)) {
        return null;

      String[] components =
      if (components.length != 2) {
        // We expect the format to be dialogName|FeatureName, where both components are
        // non-empty.
        return null;

      String dialogName = components[0];
      String featureName = components[1];
      if (isNullOrEmpty(dialogName) || isNullOrEmpty(featureName)) {
        return null;

      String urlString = dialogConfigJSON.optString(DIALOG_CONFIG_URL_KEY);
      Uri fallbackUri = null;
      if (!Utility.isNullOrEmpty(urlString)) {
        fallbackUri = Uri.parse(urlString);

      JSONArray versionsJSON = dialogConfigJSON.optJSONArray(DIALOG_CONFIG_VERSIONS_KEY);

      int[] featureVersionSpec = parseVersionSpec(versionsJSON);

      return new DialogFeatureConfig(dialogName, featureName, fallbackUri, featureVersionSpec);
  /** Unit test for TupleDesc.combine() */
  public void combine() {
    TupleDesc td1, td2, td3;

    td1 = Utility.getTupleDesc(1, "td1");
    td2 = Utility.getTupleDesc(2, "td2");

    // test td1.combine(td2)
    td3 = TupleDesc.merge(td1, td2);
    assertEquals(3, td3.numFields());
    assertEquals(3 * Type.INT_TYPE.getLen(), td3.getSize());
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) assertEquals(Type.INT_TYPE, td3.getFieldType(i));
    assertEquals(combinedStringArrays(td1, td2, td3), true);

    // test td2.combine(td1)
    td3 = TupleDesc.merge(td2, td1);
    assertEquals(3, td3.numFields());
    assertEquals(3 * Type.INT_TYPE.getLen(), td3.getSize());
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) assertEquals(Type.INT_TYPE, td3.getFieldType(i));
    assertEquals(combinedStringArrays(td2, td1, td3), true);

    // test td2.combine(td2)
    td3 = TupleDesc.merge(td2, td2);
    assertEquals(4, td3.numFields());
    assertEquals(4 * Type.INT_TYPE.getLen(), td3.getSize());
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) assertEquals(Type.INT_TYPE, td3.getFieldType(i));
    assertEquals(combinedStringArrays(td2, td2, td3), true);
 private void refreshSessionNew(VariablesSecureApp vars) throws IOException, ServletException {
   BusinessPartnerCategoryData[] data =
           vars.getStringParameter("inpcBpGroupId", ""),
           Utility.getContext(this, vars, "#User_Client", windowId),
           Utility.getContext(this, vars, "#AccessibleOrgTree", windowId, accesslevel));
   if (data == null || data.length == 0) return;
   refreshSessionEdit(vars, data);
 private void writeDoCommand(PrintWriter pw, String indent) {
   String str = indent + "fCommandStatus = fUMart.do" + fCmdDef.getCmdName() + "(";
   str += Utility.makeFieldString((String) fCmdDef.getReturnData().get("NAME"));
   str += ", userID";
   Iterator itr = fCmdDef.getArgList().iterator();
   while (itr.hasNext()) {
     HashMap argInfo = (HashMap) itr.next();
     String argName = Utility.makeFieldString((String) argInfo.get("NAME"));
     str += ", " + argName;
   str += ");";
Exemple #12
  public void init(Entity Owner, int Level) {

    owner = Owner;
    level = Level;

    if (Owner != null) {

      mn = owner.getName();
      Mn = owner.getPName();
      my = Utility.possessive(mn);
      My = Utility.possessive(Mn);
  public static Intent createProxyAuthIntent(
      Context context,
      String applicationId,
      List<String> permissions,
      String e2e,
      boolean isRerequest,
      SessionDefaultAudience defaultAudience) {
    for (NativeAppInfo appInfo : facebookAppInfoList) {
      Intent intent =
          new Intent()
              .setClassName(appInfo.getPackage(), FACEBOOK_PROXY_AUTH_ACTIVITY)
              .putExtra(FACEBOOK_PROXY_AUTH_APP_ID_KEY, applicationId);

      if (!Utility.isNullOrEmpty(permissions)) {
        intent.putExtra(FACEBOOK_PROXY_AUTH_PERMISSIONS_KEY, TextUtils.join(",", permissions));
      if (!Utility.isNullOrEmpty(e2e)) {
        intent.putExtra(FACEBOOK_PROXY_AUTH_E2E_KEY, e2e);


      if (!Settings.getPlatformCompatibilityEnabled()) {
        // Override the API Version for Auth
            ServerProtocol.DIALOG_PARAM_LEGACY_OVERRIDE, ServerProtocol.GRAPH_API_VERSION);

        // Only set the rerequest auth type for non legacy requests
        if (isRerequest) {
              ServerProtocol.DIALOG_PARAM_AUTH_TYPE, ServerProtocol.DIALOG_REREQUEST_AUTH_TYPE);

      intent = validateActivityIntent(context, intent, appInfo);

      if (intent != null) {
        return intent;
    return null;
 private void writeSendingHashMap(PrintWriter pw, String indent, HashMap item, String hashName) {
   String coreClassName = "UC" + fCmdDef.getCmdName() + "Core";
   String type = (String) item.get("TYPE");
   ArrayList contents = (ArrayList) item.get("CONTENTS");
   Iterator itr = contents.iterator();
   while (itr.hasNext()) {
     HashMap item2 = (HashMap) itr.next();
     String type2 = (String) item2.get("TYPE");
     String name2 = (String) item2.get("NAME");
     String key2 = Utility.makeKeyString(type2, name2);
     String comment2 = (String) item2.get("COMMENT");
     String localVariableName = Utility.makeLocalVariable(name2);
     if (type2.equals("HashMap")) {
               + "HashMap "
               + localVariableName
               + " = (HashMap)"
               + hashName
               + ".get("
               + coreClassName
               + "."
               + key2
               + ");");
       pw.println(" // " + comment2);
       writeSendingHashMap(pw, indent, item2, localVariableName);
     } else if (type2.equals("ArrayList")) {
               + "ArrayList "
               + localVariableName
               + " = (ArrayList)"
               + hashName
               + ".get("
               + coreClassName
               + "."
               + key2
               + ");");
       pw.println(" // " + comment2);
       writeSendingArrayList(pw, indent, item2, localVariableName);
     } else {
       String str = indent + "fAgent.sendMessage(" + hashName + ".get(";
       str += "UC" + fCmdDef.getCmdName() + "Core." + key2 + ").toString());";
       pw.println(" // " + comment2);
Exemple #15
  public static DialogFeatureConfig getDialogFeatureConfig(
      String applicationId, String actionName, String featureName) {
    if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(actionName) || Utility.isNullOrEmpty(featureName)) {
      return null;

    FetchedAppSettings settings = fetchedAppSettings.get(applicationId);
    if (settings != null) {
      Map<String, DialogFeatureConfig> featureMap =
      if (featureMap != null) {
        return featureMap.get(featureName);
    return null;
    public boolean validateSignature(Context context, String packageName) {
      String brand = Build.BRAND;
      int applicationFlags = context.getApplicationInfo().flags;
      if (brand.startsWith("generic")
          && (applicationFlags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE) != 0) {
        // We are debugging on an emulator, don't validate package signature.
        return true;

      PackageInfo packageInfo = null;
      try {
        packageInfo =
            context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(packageName, PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES);
      } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
        return false;

      for (Signature signature : packageInfo.signatures) {
        String hashedSignature = Utility.sha1hash(signature.toByteArray());
        if (validAppSignatureHashes.contains(hashedSignature)) {
          return true;

      return false;
Exemple #17
  /* Get value with given name */
  public Value getValue(String val) {

    for (int i = 0; i < domain.length; i++) if (domain[i].toString().equals(val)) return domain[i];

    Utility.Dprint("Variable.getValue(): Unknown Value: " + val, Utility.TRACE_FUNCTION_LEVEL);
    return null;
Exemple #18
  public static Skill createSkill(String sName, Entity ENT, int lev) {

    Ability A = null;
    Class C = null;

    sName = Utility.getProperClassName(sName);

    try {
      C = Class.forName(sName);
      A = (Ability) C.newInstance();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return null;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      return null;

    try {
      Skill Sk = (Skill) A;
      Sk.init(ENT, lev);
      return Sk;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return null;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      return null;
  * Set up the default screen control for this field.
  * @param itsLocation Location of this component on screen (ie., GridBagConstraint).
  * @param targetScreen Where to place this component (ie., Parent screen or GridBagLayout).
  * @param converter The converter to set the screenfield to.
  * @param iDisplayFieldDesc Display the label? (optional).
  * @param properties Extra properties
  * @return Return the component or ScreenField that is created for this field.
 public ScreenComponent setupDefaultView(
     ScreenLoc itsLocation,
     ComponentParent targetScreen,
     Convert converter,
     int iDisplayFieldDesc,
     Map<String, Object> properties) {
   if (targetScreen != null) {
     Record recCurrencys =
         (Record) Utility.getRecordOwner(targetScreen).getRecord(Currencys.CURRENCYS_FILE);
     if (recCurrencys != null) {
       BaseField fldCurrencyCode = recCurrencys.getField(Currencys.CURRENCY_CODE);
       Converter conv =
           new FieldDescConverter(
               fldCurrencyCode, (Converter) converter); // Use the description for this field
       ScreenComponent sfCurrency =
       itsLocation =
               ScreenConstants.RIGHT_OF_LAST, ScreenConstants.DONT_SET_ANCHOR);
       iDisplayFieldDesc = ScreenConstants.DONT_DISPLAY_DESC; // Display it only once
   return super.setupDefaultView(
       itsLocation, targetScreen, converter, iDisplayFieldDesc, properties);
  public void new_getFieldTypeTest() {
    int length = 100;
    String name = "td";
    TupleDesc td = Utility.getTupleDesc(length, name);

    // Lower than index bound.
    try {
      td.getFieldType(length + 1);
      fail("expected exception");
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {

    // Higher than index bound.
    try {
      fail("expected exception");
    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {

    // Check each name.
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      assertEquals(Type.INT_TYPE, td.getFieldType(i));
  private String getSearchSqlByFilterName(String filterName, String filterVal, int filterType) {
    String nameFilter = "";
    if (Utility.isSet(filterVal)) {

      switch (filterType) {
        case QueryRequest.BEGINS:
          nameFilter =
              " and UPPER("
                  + filterName
                  + ") LIKE UPPER('"
                  + filterVal.replaceAll("'", "''")
                  + "%') \n";
        case QueryRequest.CONTAINS:
          nameFilter =
              " and UPPER("
                  + filterName
                  + ") LIKE UPPER('%"
                  + filterVal.replaceAll("'", "''")
                  + "%') \n";
    return nameFilter;
Exemple #22
  protected String getField(
      Segment pSegment, int pFieldNum, boolean pMandatoryFl, String pErrorMessage) {
    DataElement de = null;
    String val = null;
    String err = null;

    try {
      de = pSegment.getDataElement(pFieldNum);
    } catch (Exception exc) {
      if (pMandatoryFl) {
        err = pErrorMessage + " (1)";
    if (err == null && de == null && pMandatoryFl) {
      err = pErrorMessage + " (2)";
    if (err == null && de != null) {
      try {
        val = de.get();
      } catch (Exception exc) {
      if (!Utility.isSet(val) && pMandatoryFl) {
        err = pErrorMessage + " (3)";
    if (err != null) {
    return val;
Exemple #23
 // generate the code corresponding to the compute aggregates
 public String toCodeComputeAggregates() {
   if (computeAggregatesGroup == null) return null;
     return computeAggregatesGroup.toCodeSource()
         + " "
         + Utility.wordForm(computeAggregatesGroup.toCodeSource(), "computes")
         + " aggregates";
 public static File createTmpFile() {
   try {
     return File.createTempFile("Utility_temp_file-" + String.valueOf(Utility.tic()), ".tmp");
   } catch (IOException ex) {
     mylogger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error: Can not create temp file ", ex);
     return null;
  /** Unit test for TupleDesc.numFields() */
  public void numFields() {
    int[] lengths = new int[] {1, 2, 1000};

    for (int len : lengths) {
      TupleDesc td = Utility.getTupleDesc(len);
      assertEquals(len, td.numFields());
  /** Unit test for TupleDesc.getSize() */
  public void getSize() {
    int[] lengths = new int[] {1, 2, 1000};

    for (int len : lengths) {
      TupleDesc td = Utility.getTupleDesc(len);
      assertEquals(len * Type.INT_TYPE.getLen(), td.getSize());
 private String getDisplayLogicContext(VariablesSecureApp vars, boolean isNew)
     throws IOException, ServletException {
   log4j.debug("Output: Display logic context fields");
   String result =
       "var strShowAudit=\""
           + (isNew ? "N" : Utility.getContext(this, vars, "ShowAudit", windowId))
           + "\";\n";
   return result;
  /** Unit test for TupleDesc.getType() */
  public void getType() {
    int[] lengths = new int[] {1, 2, 1000};

    for (int len : lengths) {
      TupleDesc td = Utility.getTupleDesc(len);
      for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) assertEquals(Type.INT_TYPE, td.getFieldType(i));
Exemple #29
 int getStatus(Exception e) {
   if (e instanceof JavaScriptException) {
     JavaScriptException je = (JavaScriptException) e;
     Object value = ((ScriptableObject) je.getValue()).get("message", null);
     if (value != null) {
       String status = Utility.find(value.toString(), "^\\d\\d\\d\\b");
       if (status != null) return Integer.parseInt(status);
   return 500;
  /** Test one prarmeter constructor, it should set the filed name to null. */
  public void new_oneParamsConTest() {
    int[] lengths = new int[] {1, 2, 1000};

    for (int len : lengths) {
      TupleDesc td = Utility.getTupleDesc(len);
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        assertEquals("", td.getFieldName(i));