Exemple #1
 public boolean equals(Object o) {
   if (o instanceof Node) {
     Node other = (Node) o;
     if (StringTool.compare(ch, other.ch) == true) {
       if (lfreq == other.lfreq) {
         return true;
   return false;
  private void processRequest(PDU pdu) throws DBException, IOException {
    // Process the request and add to SMS_RECEIVE_QUEUE
    if (pdu.getCommandId() == Data.DELIVER_SM) {

      dsm = (DeliverSM) pdu;
      this.userId = dsm.getSourceAddr().getAddress();
      this.serviceId = dsm.getDestAddr().getAddress();
      this.info = dsm.getShortMessage();

      ByteBuffer da = null;

      try {
        da = dsm.getDestSubaddress();

        String te = Convert.hexToString(da.getHexDump().substring(2));

        //				this.RequestID = te;
        Gateway.util.log(this.getClass().getName(), "getDestSubaddress:" + te);
      } catch (ValueNotSetException ex) {

      short destport = 0;
      try {
        destport = dsm.getDestinationPort();

        Gateway.util.log(this.getClass().getName(), "getDestinationPort:" + destport);
      } catch (ValueNotSetException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        // Tim Dport o day
        // ByteBuffer otaData =new
        // ByteBuffer(info.getBytes(Data.ENC_ISO8859_1));
        ByteBuffer otaData = new ByteBuffer();
        otaData = dsm.getShortMessagebuff();
        try {

          byte udhlength = otaData.removeByte();
          byte udhele1 = otaData.removeByte();
          byte udhele2 = otaData.removeByte();

          short sdport = otaData.removeShort();

          short ssport = otaData.removeShort();

          String newmsg = otaData.removeString(otaData.length(), Data.ENC_ISO8859_1);

          if (udhlength == 6 && udhele1 == 5) {
            destport = sdport;
            this.info = newmsg;
                this.getClass().getName(), "getDestinationPort:" + destport + "@info=" + newmsg);

        } catch (NotEnoughDataInByteBufferException e1) {
          // TODO Auto-generated catch block


      this.Dport = Short.toString(destport);

      if (this.info == null) {
        this.info = "null";
      this.userId = removePlusSign(this.userId);
      this.serviceId = rebuildServiceId(this.serviceId);
      this.operator = Preference.mobileOperator;
      // Added on 22//2003 : VinaPhone gui ban tin DeliverReport voi
      // truong esm_class != 0x4. ==> He thong xem nhu ban tin thuong
      // sai format va gui thong bao -- report -- thong bao --> LOOP./
      // To pass over this, set:

      if (dsm.getEsmClass() == 0x4 || info.startsWith("id:")) { // DeliverReport
        // (not
        // processed)!
        Gateway.util.log(this.getClass().getName(), "It can be DeliverReport (not processed)!");
        return; // not processed

      // Normal message (request):
      // Neu mobile o che do tieng viet
      // --> Loai bo space (ky tu 00) giua cac ky tu
      this.info = StringTool.removeChar(this.info, '\00');

      String newserviceid = this.serviceId;

      newserviceid = newserviceid.substring(newserviceid.length() - 4);

      // DANND add
      DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMddHHmmssSSS");
      java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();
      String datetime = dateFormat.format(date);
      this.RequestID = Preference.prefix_requestid + datetime + threadId;
