public void spawnTeleporter() { // there were no towers in range ever, so lets just build a new one: towerSpawnLocation = spawning.getTowerSpawnLocation(); if (towerSpawnLocation == null) { pa("WTF. There is nowhere to spawn the tower."); return; } towerSpawnFromLocation = towerSpawnLocation.subtract(controller.getLocation().directionTo(towerSpawnLocation)); navigation.changeToLocationGoal(towerSpawnFromLocation, true); controller.setIndicatorString(2, towerSpawnFromLocation.toString()); setGoal(Goal.placingTeleporter); }
public void step() { spawning.changeModeToAttacking(); if (moveTurns > 0) { if (navigation.simpleMove(Direction.SOUTH_EAST) == Status.success) moveTurns--; } // try to spawn a new dude every turn if (turnsSinceLastSpawn > 2) { int status = spawning.spawnRobot(); if (status == Status.success) { turnsSinceLastSpawn = -1; try { messaging.sendFollowRequest( controller.getLocation(), controller.senseGroundRobotAtLocation(spawning.spawnLocation).getID()); } catch (Exception e) { pa("----Exception Caught in sendFollowRequest()"); } } } turnsSinceLastSpawn++; if (archonNumber == 1) messaging.sendMessageForEnemyRobots(); }