/** Setters and Accessors for base insertion and base deletion quality scores */ public void setBaseQualities(final byte[] quals, final EventType errorModel) { switch (errorModel) { case BASE_SUBSTITUTION: setBaseQualities(quals); break; case BASE_INSERTION: setAttribute( GATKSAMRecord.BQSR_BASE_INSERTION_QUALITIES, quals == null ? null : SAMUtils.phredToFastq(quals)); break; case BASE_DELETION: setAttribute( GATKSAMRecord.BQSR_BASE_DELETION_QUALITIES, quals == null ? null : SAMUtils.phredToFastq(quals)); break; default: throw new ReviewedGATKException("Unrecognized Base Recalibration type: " + errorModel); } }
/** @return the base deletion quality or null if read doesn't have one */ public byte[] getExistingBaseDeletionQualities() { return SAMUtils.fastqToPhred(getStringAttribute(BQSR_BASE_DELETION_QUALITIES)); }