// FormNodeChildren implementation
    protected void updateKeys() {
      RADComponent[] subComps = container.getSubBeans();
      List<Object> keys = new ArrayList<Object>(subComps.length + 2);

      if (container instanceof RADVisualContainer) {
        RADVisualContainer visualCont = (RADVisualContainer) container;

        RADComponent menuComp = visualCont.getContainerMenu();
        if (menuComp != null) keys.add(menuComp);

        if (visualCont.shouldHaveLayoutNode()) {
          keyLayout =
                  .getLayoutDelegate(); // new Object(); // [need not be recreated every time]

        for (int i = 0; i < subComps.length; i++)
          if (subComps[i] != menuComp) keys.add(subComps[i]);
      } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < subComps.length; i++) keys.add(subComps[i]);

  public void componentLayoutChanged(int index, PropertyChangeEvent ev)
      throws PropertyVetoException {
    RADVisualComponent<?> radComp = radContainer.getSubComponent(index);

    if (ev != null && ev.getPropertyName() != null) {
      layoutDelegate.acceptComponentLayoutChange(index, ev);

      FormModel formModel = radContainer.getFormModel();
          radComp, ev.getPropertyName(), ev.getOldValue(), ev.getNewValue());

      if (radComp.getNodeReference() != null) // propagate the change to node
            .firePropertyChangeHelper(ev.getPropertyName(), ev.getOldValue(), ev.getNewValue());
    } else {
      if (radComp.getNodeReference() != null) // propagate the change to node
  public boolean isLayoutChanged() {
    Container defaultContainer =
        (Container) BeanSupport.getDefaultInstance(radContainer.getBeanClass());
    Container defaultContDelegate = radContainer.getContainerDelegate(defaultContainer);

    return layoutDelegate.isLayoutChanged(defaultContainer, defaultContDelegate);
 // return container delegate of container instance of meta container
 public Container getPrimaryContainerDelegate() {
   Container defCont = (Container) radContainer.getBeanInstance();
   if (primaryContainerDelegate == null || primaryContainer != defCont) {
     primaryContainer = defCont;
     primaryContainerDelegate = radContainer.getContainerDelegate(defCont);
   return primaryContainerDelegate;
  public void removeComponent(RADVisualComponent<?> radComp, int index) {
    // first store constraints in the meta component
    LayoutConstraints<?> constr = layoutDelegate.getConstraints(index);
    if (constr != null) {
      radComp.setLayoutConstraints(layoutDelegate.getClass(), constr);
    // remove the component from layout
    // remove the component instance from the primary container instance
    if (!layoutDelegate.removeComponentFromContainer(
                .getBeanInstance())) { // layout delegate does not support removing individual
                                       // components,
      // so we clear the container and add the remaining components again
      layoutDelegate.clearContainer(getPrimaryContainer(), getPrimaryContainerDelegate());

      RADVisualComponent<?>[] radComps = radContainer.getSubComponents();
      if (radComps.length > 1) {
        // we rely on that radcomp was not removed from the model yet
        Component[] comps = new Component[radComps.length - 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < radComps.length; i++) {
          if (i != index) {
            Component comp = (Component) radComps[i].getBeanInstance();
            comps[i < index ? i : i - 1] = comp;
            getPrimaryContainer(), getPrimaryContainerDelegate(), comps, 0);
  private void fillLayout(LayoutConstraints<?>[] oldConstraints) {
    RADVisualComponent<?>[] radComps = radContainer.getSubComponents();
    int componentCount = radComps.length;
    Component[] primaryComps = new Component[componentCount];
    LayoutConstraints<?>[] newConstraints = new LayoutConstraints<?>[componentCount];

    for (int i = 0; i < componentCount; i++) {
      primaryComps[i] = radComps[i].getBeanInstance();
      newConstraints[i] = radComps[i].getLayoutConstraints(layoutDelegate.getClass());

    layoutDelegate.convertConstraints(oldConstraints, newConstraints, primaryComps);

    if (componentCount > 0) {
      layoutDelegate.acceptNewComponents(radComps, newConstraints, 0);
      layoutDelegate.addComponents(radComps, newConstraints, 0);

      for (int i = 0; i < componentCount; i++) {

    // setup primary container
    Container cont = getPrimaryContainer();
    Container contDel = getPrimaryContainerDelegate();
    layoutDelegate.setLayoutToContainer(cont, contDel);
    if (componentCount > 0) {
      layoutDelegate.addComponentsToContainer(cont, contDel, primaryComps, 0);
  private LayoutConstraints<?>[] removeLayoutDelegate(boolean extractConstraints) {
    int componentCount = layoutDelegate.getComponentCount();
    LayoutConstraints<?>[] constraints = null;

    if (componentCount > 0) {
      RADVisualComponent<?>[] radComps = radContainer.getSubComponents();
      if (radComps.length
          == componentCount) { // robustness: might be called after failed layout initialization
        if (extractConstraints) {
          constraints = new LayoutConstraints<?>[componentCount];

        for (int i = 0; i < componentCount; i++) {
          LayoutConstraints<?> constr = layoutDelegate.getConstraints(i);
          if (extractConstraints) {
            constraints[i] = constr;
          if (constr != null) {
            radComps[i].setLayoutConstraints(layoutDelegate.getClass(), constr);
    layoutDelegate.clearContainer(getPrimaryContainer(), getPrimaryContainerDelegate());
    layoutDelegate = null;
    return constraints;
  public void containerLayoutChanged(PropertyChangeEvent ev) throws PropertyVetoException {
    if (ev != null && ev.getPropertyName() != null) {

      FormModel formModel = radContainer.getFormModel();
          radContainer, ev.getPropertyName(), ev.getOldValue(), ev.getNewValue());
    } else {
      propertySets = null;

    LayoutNode node = radContainer.getLayoutNodeReference();
    if (node != null) {
      // propagate the change to node
      if (ev != null && ev.getPropertyName() != null) {
      } else {
 public void removeAll() {
   // first store constraints in meta components
   RADVisualComponent<?>[] components = radContainer.getSubComponents();
   for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
     LayoutConstraints<?> constr = layoutDelegate.getConstraints(i);
     if (constr != null) {
       components[i].setLayoutConstraints(layoutDelegate.getClass(), constr);
   // remove components from layout
   // clear the primary container instance
   layoutDelegate.clearContainer(getPrimaryContainer(), getPrimaryContainerDelegate());
   * Creation and initialization of a layout delegate for a new container.
   * @param initialize
   * @return false if suitable layout delegate is not found
   * @throws java.lang.Exception
   * @throw IllegalArgumentException if the container instance is not empty
  public boolean prepareLayoutDelegate(boolean initialize) throws Exception {
    LayoutSupportDelegate delegate = null;
    LayoutManager lmInstance = null;

    // first try to find a dedicated layout delegate (for the container)
    Class<?> layoutDelegateClass =

    if (layoutDelegateClass != null) {
      delegate = (LayoutSupportDelegate) layoutDelegateClass.newInstance();
      if (!delegate.checkEmptyContainer(getPrimaryContainer())) {
          RuntimeException ex = new IllegalArgumentException();
                  ex, AbstractLayoutSupport.getBundle().getString(
                          "MSG_ERR_NonEmptyContainer")); // NOI18N
          throw ex;
    } else {
      Container contDel = getPrimaryContainerDelegate();
      // if (contDel.getComponentCount() == 0) {
      // we can still handle only empty containers ...
      lmInstance = contDel.getLayout();
      delegate = LayoutSupportRegistry.createSupportForLayout(lmInstance.getClass());
      } else {
          RuntimeException ex = new IllegalArgumentException();
                  ex, AbstractLayoutSupport.getBundle().getString(
                          "MSG_ERR_NonEmptyContainer")); // NOI18N
          throw ex;

    if (delegate != null) {
      if (initialize) {
      } else {
        layoutDelegate = delegate;
        needInit = true;
        initializeFromInstance = lmInstance != null;
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
  public void updatePrimaryContainer() {
    Container cont = getPrimaryContainer();
    Container contDel = getPrimaryContainerDelegate();

    layoutDelegate.clearContainer(cont, contDel);
    layoutDelegate.setLayoutToContainer(cont, contDel);

    RADVisualComponent<?>[] components = radContainer.getSubComponents();
    if (components.length > 0) {
      Component[] comps = new Component[components.length];
      for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
        comps[i] = (Component) components[i].getBeanInstance();
      layoutDelegate.addComponentsToContainer(cont, contDel, comps, 0);
  // drag and drop support
  public LayoutConstraints<?> getNewConstraints(
      Container container,
      Container containerDelegate,
      Component component,
      int index,
      Point posInCont,
      Point posInComp) {

    LayoutConstraints<?> constraints =
            container, containerDelegate, component, index, posInCont, posInComp);
    String context = null;
    Object[] params = null;
    if (layoutDelegate instanceof AbstractLayoutSupport) {
      AbstractLayoutSupport support = (AbstractLayoutSupport) layoutDelegate;
      context = support.getAssistantContext();
      params = support.getAssistantParams();
    context = (context == null) ? "generalPosition" : context; // NOI18N
    radContainer.getFormModel().getAssistantModel().setContext(context, params);
    return constraints;
 // return component instance of meta component
 public Component getPrimaryComponent(int index) {
   return (Component) radContainer.getSubComponent(index).getBeanInstance();
 // return container instance of meta container
 public Container getPrimaryContainer() {
   return (Container) radContainer.getBeanInstance();