private static boolean canBePrivate( PsiMethod method, Collection<PsiReference> references, Collection<? extends PsiElement> deleted, final PsiElement[] allElementsToDelete) { final PsiClass containingClass = method.getContainingClass(); if (containingClass == null) { return false; } PsiManager manager = method.getManager(); final JavaPsiFacade facade = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(manager.getProject()); final PsiElementFactory factory = facade.getElementFactory(); final PsiModifierList privateModifierList; try { final PsiMethod newMethod = factory.createMethod("x3", PsiType.VOID); privateModifierList = newMethod.getModifierList(); privateModifierList.setModifierProperty(PsiModifier.PRIVATE, true); } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) { LOG.assertTrue(false); return false; } for (PsiReference reference : references) { final PsiElement element = reference.getElement(); if (!isInside(element, allElementsToDelete) && !isInside(element, deleted) && !facade .getResolveHelper() .isAccessible(method, privateModifierList, element, null, null)) { return false; } } return true; }
private void findUsagesForMethod(PsiMethod method, List<FixableUsageInfo> usages) { final PsiManager psiManager = method.getManager(); final Project project = psiManager.getProject(); final GlobalSearchScope scope = GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project); final Iterable<PsiReference> calls =, scope); for (PsiReference reference : calls) { final PsiElement referenceElement = reference.getElement(); final PsiElement parent = referenceElement.getParent(); if (parent instanceof PsiMethodCallExpression) { final PsiMethodCallExpression call = (PsiMethodCallExpression) parent; if (isInMovedElement(call)) { continue; } final PsiReferenceExpression methodExpression = call.getMethodExpression(); final PsiExpression qualifier = methodExpression.getQualifierExpression(); if (qualifier == null || qualifier instanceof PsiThisExpression) { usages.add(new ReplaceThisCallWithDelegateCall(call, delegateFieldName)); } delegationRequired = true; } } if (!delegationRequired && MethodInheritanceUtils.hasSiblingMethods(method)) { delegationRequired = true; } if (delegationRequired) { usages.add(new MakeMethodDelegate(method, delegateFieldName)); } else { usages.add(new RemoveMethod(method)); } }
private void findUsagesForStaticMethod(PsiMethod method, List<FixableUsageInfo> usages) { final PsiManager psiManager = method.getManager(); final Project project = psiManager.getProject(); final GlobalSearchScope scope = GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project); final Iterable<PsiReference> calls =, scope); final String fullyQualifiedName = getQualifiedName(); for (PsiReference reference : calls) { final PsiElement referenceElement = reference.getElement(); final PsiElement parent = referenceElement.getParent(); if (parent instanceof PsiMethodCallExpression) { final PsiMethodCallExpression call = (PsiMethodCallExpression) parent; if (!isInMovedElement(call)) { usages.add(new RetargetStaticMethodCall(call, fullyQualifiedName)); } } else if (parent instanceof PsiImportStaticStatement) { final PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement importReference = ((PsiImportStaticStatement) parent).getImportReference(); if (importReference != null) { final PsiElement qualifier = importReference.getQualifier(); if (qualifier instanceof PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement) { usages.add( new ReplaceClassReference( (PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement) qualifier, fullyQualifiedName)); } } } } usages.add(new RemoveMethod(method)); }
@Nullable public static String getReferencePrefix(@NotNull PsiElement insertedElement, int offsetInFile) { final PsiReference ref = insertedElement.getContainingFile().findReferenceAt(offsetInFile); if (ref != null) { final PsiElement element = ref.getElement(); final int endIndex = offsetInFile - element.getTextRange().getStartOffset(); final int beginIndex = ref.getRangeInElement().getStartOffset(); if (beginIndex > endIndex) { LOG.error( "Inconsistent reference (found at offset not included in its range): ref=" + ref + " element=" + element + " text=" + element.getText()); } if (beginIndex < 0) { LOG.error( "Inconsistent reference (begin < 0): ref=" + ref + " element=" + element + "; begin=" + beginIndex + " text=" + element.getText()); } LOG.assertTrue(endIndex >= 0); return element.getText().substring(beginIndex, endIndex); } return null; }
@Nullable public static PsiFile resolveFile(XmlAttribute location, PsiFile baseFile) { if (location == null) return null; final XmlAttributeValue valueElement = location.getValueElement(); if (valueElement == null) return null; // prefer direct relative path final String value = valueElement.getValue(); final PsiFile file = resolveFile(value, baseFile); if (file != baseFile && file instanceof XmlFile) { return file; } final PsiReference[] references = valueElement.getReferences(); for (PsiReference reference : references) { final PsiElement target = reference.resolve(); if (target == null && reference instanceof PsiPolyVariantReference) { final ResolveResult[] results = ((PsiPolyVariantReference) reference).multiResolve(false); for (ResolveResult result : results) { if (result.isValidResult()) { // TODO: how to weigh/prioritize the results? final PsiElement element = result.getElement(); if (element != baseFile && element instanceof XmlFile) { return (PsiFile) target; } } } } else if (target != baseFile && target instanceof XmlFile) { return (PsiFile) target; } } return null; }
@NotNull public XPathType getExpectedType(XPathExpression expr) { final XmlTag tag = PsiTreeUtil.getContextOfType(expr, XmlTag.class, true); if (tag != null && XsltSupport.isXsltTag(tag)) { final XsltElement element = XsltElementFactory.getInstance().wrapElement(tag, XsltElement.class); if (element instanceof XsltVariable) { return ((XsltVariable) element).getType(); } else { final XmlAttribute attr = PsiTreeUtil.getContextOfType(expr, XmlAttribute.class, true); if (attr != null) { if (element instanceof XsltWithParam) { final XmlAttribute nameAttr = tag.getAttribute("name", null); if (nameAttr != null) { final XmlAttributeValue valueElement = nameAttr.getValueElement(); if (valueElement != null) { final PsiReference[] references = valueElement.getReferences(); for (PsiReference reference : references) { final PsiElement psiElement = reference.resolve(); if (psiElement instanceof XsltVariable) { return ((XsltVariable) psiElement).getType(); } } } } } else { final String name = attr.getName(); return getTypeForTag(tag, name); } } } } return XPathType.UNKNOWN; }
protected boolean preprocessUsages(Ref<UsageInfo[]> refUsages) { final MultiMap<PsiElement, String> conflicts = new MultiMap<PsiElement, String>(); checkExistingMethods(conflicts, true); checkExistingMethods(conflicts, false); final Collection<PsiClass> classes =; for (FieldDescriptor fieldDescriptor : myFieldDescriptors) { final Set<PsiMethod> setters = new HashSet<PsiMethod>(); final Set<PsiMethod> getters = new HashSet<PsiMethod>(); for (PsiClass aClass : classes) { final PsiMethod getterOverrider = myDescriptor.isToEncapsulateGet() ? aClass.findMethodBySignature(fieldDescriptor.getGetterPrototype(), false) : null; if (getterOverrider != null) { getters.add(getterOverrider); } final PsiMethod setterOverrider = myDescriptor.isToEncapsulateSet() ? aClass.findMethodBySignature(fieldDescriptor.getSetterPrototype(), false) : null; if (setterOverrider != null) { setters.add(setterOverrider); } } if (!getters.isEmpty() || !setters.isEmpty()) { final PsiField field = fieldDescriptor.getField(); for (PsiReference reference : { final PsiElement place = reference.getElement(); if (place instanceof PsiReferenceExpression) { final PsiExpression qualifierExpression = ((PsiReferenceExpression) place).getQualifierExpression(); final PsiClass ancestor; if (qualifierExpression == null) { ancestor = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(place, PsiClass.class, false); } else { ancestor = PsiUtil.resolveClassInType(qualifierExpression.getType()); } final boolean isGetter = !PsiUtil.isAccessedForWriting((PsiExpression) place); for (PsiMethod overridden : isGetter ? getters : setters) { if (InheritanceUtil.isInheritorOrSelf(myClass, ancestor, true)) { conflicts.putValue( overridden, "There is already a " + RefactoringUIUtil.getDescription(overridden, true) + " which would hide generated " + (isGetter ? "getter" : "setter") + " for " + place.getText()); break; } } } } } } return showConflicts(conflicts, refUsages.get()); }
protected void performRefactoring(UsageInfo[] usages) { if (!CommonRefactoringUtil.checkReadOnlyStatus(myProject, myTargetClass)) return; PsiMethod patternMethod = createMethodToAdd(); final List<PsiReference> docRefs = new ArrayList<PsiReference>(); for (UsageInfo usage : usages) { if (usage instanceof InheritorUsageInfo) { final PsiClass inheritor = ((InheritorUsageInfo) usage).getInheritor(); addMethodToClass(inheritor, patternMethod, true); } else if (usage instanceof MethodCallUsageInfo && !((MethodCallUsageInfo) usage).isInternal()) { correctMethodCall(((MethodCallUsageInfo) usage).getMethodCallExpression(), false); } else if (usage instanceof JavadocUsageInfo) { docRefs.add(usage.getElement().getReference()); } } try { if (myTargetClass.isInterface()) patternMethod.getBody().delete(); final PsiMethod method = addMethodToClass(myTargetClass, patternMethod, false); myMethod.delete(); for (PsiReference reference : docRefs) { reference.bindToElement(method); } VisibilityUtil.fixVisibility(usages, method, myNewVisibility); } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) { LOG.error(e); } }
public static void replaceMovedMemberTypeParameters( final PsiElement member, final Iterable<PsiTypeParameter> parametersIterable, final PsiSubstitutor substitutor, final GroovyPsiElementFactory factory) { final Map<PsiElement, PsiElement> replacement = new LinkedHashMap<PsiElement, PsiElement>(); for (PsiTypeParameter parameter : parametersIterable) { PsiType substitutedType = substitutor.substitute(parameter); if (substitutedType == null) { substitutedType = TypeConversionUtil.erasure(factory.createType(parameter)); } PsiElement scopeElement = member instanceof GrField ? member.getParent() : member; for (PsiReference reference :, new LocalSearchScope(scopeElement))) { final PsiElement element = reference.getElement(); final PsiElement parent = element.getParent(); if (parent instanceof PsiTypeElement) { replacement.put(parent, factory.createTypeElement(substitutedType)); } else if (element instanceof GrCodeReferenceElement && substitutedType instanceof PsiClassType) { replacement.put( element, factory.createReferenceElementByType((PsiClassType) substitutedType)); } } } for (PsiElement element : replacement.keySet()) { if (element.isValid()) { element.replace(replacement.get(element)); } } }
private void findUsagesForInnerClass(PsiClass innerClass, List<FixableUsageInfo> usages) { final PsiManager psiManager = innerClass.getManager(); final Project project = psiManager.getProject(); final GlobalSearchScope scope = GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project); final Iterable<PsiReference> calls =, scope); final String innerName = innerClass.getQualifiedName(); assert innerName != null; final String sourceClassQualifiedName = sourceClass.getQualifiedName(); assert sourceClassQualifiedName != null; final String newInnerClassName = getQualifiedName() + innerName.substring(sourceClassQualifiedName.length()); boolean hasExternalReference = false; for (PsiReference reference : calls) { final PsiElement referenceElement = reference.getElement(); if (referenceElement instanceof PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement) { if (!isInMovedElement(referenceElement)) { usages.add( new ReplaceClassReference( (PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement) referenceElement, newInnerClassName)); hasExternalReference = true; } } } if (hasExternalReference) { innerClassesToMakePublic.add(innerClass); } }
private void registerLocalRef(@NotNull PsiReference ref, PsiElement refElement) { if (refElement instanceof PsiMethod && PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(refElement, ref.getElement(), true)) return; // filter self-recursive calls if (refElement instanceof PsiClass && PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(refElement, ref.getElement(), true)) return; // filter inner use of itself synchronized (myLocalRefsMap) { myLocalRefsMap.put(ref, refElement); } }
private boolean willBeUsedInSubclass(PsiElement member, PsiClass superclass, PsiClass subclass) { for (PsiReference ref :, new LocalSearchScope(subclass), false)) { PsiElement element = ref.getElement(); if (!RefactoringHierarchyUtil.willBeInTargetClass( element, myMembersToMove, superclass, false)) { return true; } } return false; }
@Nullable private static Condition<PsiElement> findMethodUsages( final PsiMethod psiMethod, final PsiElement[] allElementsToDelete, List<UsageInfo> usages) { final Collection<PsiReference> references =; if (psiMethod.isConstructor()) { return findConstructorUsages(psiMethod, references, usages, allElementsToDelete); } final PsiMethod[] overridingMethods = removeDeletedMethods(, allElementsToDelete); findFunctionalExpressions(usages, ArrayUtil.prepend(psiMethod, overridingMethods)); final HashMap<PsiMethod, Collection<PsiReference>> methodToReferences = new HashMap<>(); for (PsiMethod overridingMethod : overridingMethods) { final Collection<PsiReference> overridingReferences =; methodToReferences.put(overridingMethod, overridingReferences); } final Set<PsiMethod> validOverriding = validateOverridingMethods( psiMethod, references, Arrays.asList(overridingMethods), methodToReferences, usages, allElementsToDelete); for (PsiReference reference : references) { final PsiElement element = reference.getElement(); if (!isInside(element, allElementsToDelete) && !isInside(element, validOverriding)) { usages.add( new SafeDeleteReferenceJavaDeleteUsageInfo( element, psiMethod, PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, PsiImportStaticStatement.class) != null)); } } final List<PsiMethod> calleesSafeToDelete = SafeDeleteJavaCalleeChooser.computeCalleesSafeToDelete(psiMethod); if (calleesSafeToDelete != null) { for (PsiMethod method : calleesSafeToDelete) { usages.add(new SafeDeleteMethodCalleeUsageInfo(method, psiMethod)); } } return usage -> { if (usage instanceof PsiFile) return false; return isInside(usage, allElementsToDelete) || isInside(usage, validOverriding); }; }
private static void rebindExternalReferences( PsiElement element, Map<PsiClass, PsiElement> oldToNewMap, Set<PsiElement> rebindExpressions) { final LocalSearchScope searchScope = new LocalSearchScope(element); for (PsiClass aClass : oldToNewMap.keySet()) { final PsiElement newClass = oldToNewMap.get(aClass); for (PsiReference reference :, searchScope)) { rebindExpressions.add(reference.bindToElement(newClass)); } } }
private static ArrayList<PsiMethod> filterConstructorsIfFieldAlreadyAssigned( PsiMethod[] constructors, PsiField field) { final ArrayList<PsiMethod> result = new ArrayList<PsiMethod>(Arrays.asList(constructors)); for (PsiReference reference :, new LocalSearchScope(constructors))) { final PsiElement element = reference.getElement(); if (element instanceof PsiReferenceExpression && PsiUtil.isOnAssignmentLeftHand((PsiExpression) element)) { result.remove(PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, PsiMethod.class)); } } return result; }
public static boolean addResult( Processor<UsageInfo> results, PsiReference ref, FindUsagesOptions options) { if (filterUsage(ref.getElement(), options)) { TextRange rangeInElement = ref.getRangeInElement(); return results.process( new UsageInfo( ref.getElement(), rangeInElement.getStartOffset(), rangeInElement.getEndOffset(), false)); } return true; }
@NotNull protected UsageInfo[] findUsages() { final PsiManager manager = myMethod.getManager(); final GlobalSearchScope searchScope = GlobalSearchScope.allScope(manager.getProject()); final List<UsageInfo> usages = new ArrayList<UsageInfo>(); for (PsiReference ref :, searchScope, false)) { final PsiElement element = ref.getElement(); if (element instanceof PsiReferenceExpression) { boolean isInternal = PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(myMethod, element, true); usages.add(new MethodCallUsageInfo((PsiReferenceExpression) element, isInternal)); } else if (element instanceof PsiDocTagValue) { usages.add(new JavadocUsageInfo(((PsiDocTagValue) element))); } else { throw new UnknownReferenceTypeException(element.getLanguage()); } } if (myTargetClass.isInterface()) { addInheritorUsages(myTargetClass, searchScope, usages); } final PsiCodeBlock body = myMethod.getBody(); if (body != null) { body.accept( new JavaRecursiveElementWalkingVisitor() { @Override public void visitNewExpression(PsiNewExpression expression) { if (MoveInstanceMembersUtil.getClassReferencedByThis(expression) != null) { usages.add(new InternalUsageInfo(expression)); } super.visitNewExpression(expression); } @Override public void visitReferenceExpression(PsiReferenceExpression expression) { if (MoveInstanceMembersUtil.getClassReferencedByThis(expression) != null) { usages.add(new InternalUsageInfo(expression)); } else if (!expression.isQualified()) { final PsiElement resolved = expression.resolve(); if (myTargetVariable.equals(resolved)) { usages.add(new InternalUsageInfo(expression)); } } super.visitReferenceExpression(expression); } }); } return usages.toArray(new UsageInfo[usages.size()]); }
private static void rename( PsiReference ref, String newName, PsiManager manager, PsiMember elementToResolve) { final PsiElement renamed = ref.handleElementRename(newName); PsiElement newly_resolved = ref.resolve(); if (!manager.areElementsEquivalent(newly_resolved, elementToResolve)) { if (newly_resolved instanceof PsiMethod) { newly_resolved = GroovyPropertyUtils.findFieldForAccessor((PsiMethod) newly_resolved, false); } if (!manager.areElementsEquivalent(newly_resolved, elementToResolve)) { qualify(elementToResolve, renamed, newName); } } }
protected int getCaretOffset() { RangeMarker r; if (myLocalMarker != null) { final PsiReference reference = myExpr != null ? myExpr.getReference() : null; if (reference != null && reference.resolve() == myLocalVariable) { r = myExprMarker; } else { r = myLocalMarker; } } else { r = myExprMarker; } return r != null ? r.getStartOffset() : 0; }
public static void change(UsageInfo[] usages, TypeMigrationLabeler labeler, Project project) { final List<SmartPsiElementPointer<PsiNewExpression>> newExpressionsToCheckDiamonds = new SmartList<>(); final TypeMigrationLabeler.MigrationProducer producer = labeler.createMigratorFor(usages); final SmartPointerManager smartPointerManager = SmartPointerManager.getInstance(project); List<UsageInfo> nonCodeUsages = new ArrayList<>(); for (UsageInfo usage : usages) { if (((TypeMigrationUsageInfo) usage).isExcluded()) continue; final PsiElement element = usage.getElement(); if (element instanceof PsiVariable || element instanceof PsiMember || element instanceof PsiExpression || element instanceof PsiReferenceParameterList) { producer.change( (TypeMigrationUsageInfo) usage, expression -> newExpressionsToCheckDiamonds.add( smartPointerManager.createSmartPsiElementPointer(expression))); } else { nonCodeUsages.add(usage); } } for (SmartPsiElementPointer<PsiNewExpression> newExpressionPointer : newExpressionsToCheckDiamonds) { final PsiNewExpression newExpression = newExpressionPointer.getElement(); if (newExpression != null) { labeler.postProcessNewExpression(newExpression); } } for (UsageInfo usageInfo : nonCodeUsages) { final PsiElement element = usageInfo.getElement(); if (element != null) { final PsiReference reference = element.getReference(); if (reference != null) { final Object target = producer.getConversion(usageInfo); if (target instanceof PsiMember) { try { reference.bindToElement((PsiElement) target); } catch (IncorrectOperationException ignored) { } } } } } producer.flush(); }
public static void doRenameGenericNamedElement( @NotNull PsiElement namedElement, String newName, UsageInfo[] usages, @Nullable RefactoringElementListener listener) throws IncorrectOperationException { PsiWritableMetaData writableMetaData = null; if (namedElement instanceof PsiMetaOwner) { final PsiMetaData metaData = ((PsiMetaOwner) namedElement).getMetaData(); if (metaData instanceof PsiWritableMetaData) { writableMetaData = (PsiWritableMetaData) metaData; } } if (writableMetaData == null && !(namedElement instanceof PsiNamedElement)) { LOG.error("Unknown element type:" + namedElement); } boolean hasBindables = false; for (UsageInfo usage : usages) { if (!(usage.getReference() instanceof BindablePsiReference)) { rename(usage, newName); } else { hasBindables = true; } } if (writableMetaData != null) { writableMetaData.setName(newName); } else { PsiElement namedElementAfterRename = ((PsiNamedElement) namedElement).setName(newName); if (namedElementAfterRename != null) namedElement = namedElementAfterRename; } if (hasBindables) { for (UsageInfo usage : usages) { final PsiReference ref = usage.getReference(); if (ref instanceof BindablePsiReference) { try { ref.bindToElement(namedElement); } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) { // fall back to old scheme ref.handleElementRename(newName); } } } } if (listener != null) { listener.elementRenamed(namedElement); } }
@Nullable private static Condition<PsiElement> findConstructorUsages( PsiMethod constructor, Collection<PsiReference> originalReferences, List<UsageInfo> usages, final PsiElement[] allElementsToDelete) { HashMap<PsiMethod, Collection<PsiReference>> constructorsToRefs = new HashMap<>(); HashSet<PsiMethod> newConstructors = new HashSet<>(); if (isTheOnlyEmptyDefaultConstructor(constructor)) return null; newConstructors.add(constructor); constructorsToRefs.put(constructor, originalReferences); HashSet<PsiMethod> passConstructors = new HashSet<>(); do { passConstructors.clear(); for (PsiMethod method : newConstructors) { final Collection<PsiReference> references = constructorsToRefs.get(method); for (PsiReference reference : references) { PsiMethod overridingConstructor = getOverridingConstructorOfSuperCall(reference.getElement()); if (overridingConstructor != null && !constructorsToRefs.containsKey(overridingConstructor)) { Collection<PsiReference> overridingConstructorReferences =; constructorsToRefs.put(overridingConstructor, overridingConstructorReferences); passConstructors.add(overridingConstructor); } } } newConstructors.clear(); newConstructors.addAll(passConstructors); } while (!newConstructors.isEmpty()); final Set<PsiMethod> validOverriding = validateOverridingMethods( constructor, originalReferences, constructorsToRefs.keySet(), constructorsToRefs, usages, allElementsToDelete); return usage -> { if (usage instanceof PsiFile) return false; return isInside(usage, allElementsToDelete) || isInside(usage, validOverriding); }; }
@Nullable static PsiElement resolveReference(final PsiReference psiReference) { if (psiReference instanceof PsiPolyVariantReference) { final ResolveResult[] results = ((PsiPolyVariantReference) psiReference).multiResolve(true); if (results.length == 1) return results[0].getElement(); } return psiReference.resolve(); }
private void resolveReference( @NotNull PsiReference reference, @NotNull Set<PsiElement> resolved) { PsiElement element = reference.resolve(); if (element != null) { resolved.add(element); } refCount.incrementAndGet(); }
public boolean isReferencedForWrite(@NotNull PsiVariable variable) { List<PsiReference> array; synchronized (myLocalRefsMap) { array = myLocalRefsMap.getKeysByValue(variable); } if (array == null) return false; for (PsiReference ref : array) { final PsiElement refElement = ref.getElement(); if (!(refElement instanceof PsiExpression)) { // possible with incomplete code return true; } if (PsiUtil.isAccessedForWriting((PsiExpression) refElement)) { return true; } } return false; }
private void removeParametersUsedInExitsOnly( PsiElement codeFragment, List<PsiVariable> inputVariables) { LocalSearchScope scope = new LocalSearchScope(codeFragment); Variables: for (Iterator<PsiVariable> iterator = inputVariables.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { PsiVariable variable =; for (PsiReference ref :, scope)) { PsiElement element = ref.getElement(); int elementOffset = myControlFlow.getStartOffset(element); if (elementOffset == -1) { continue Variables; } if (elementOffset >= myFlowStart && elementOffset <= myFlowEnd) { if (!isInExitStatements(element, myExitStatements)) continue Variables; } } iterator.remove(); } }
protected void performRefactoring(UsageInfo[] usages) { if (!CommonRefactoringUtil.checkReadOnlyStatus(myProject, myTargetClass)) return; PsiMethod patternMethod = createMethodToAdd(); final List<PsiReference> docRefs = new ArrayList<PsiReference>(); for (UsageInfo usage : usages) { if (usage instanceof InheritorUsageInfo) { final PsiClass inheritor = ((InheritorUsageInfo) usage).getInheritor(); addMethodToClass(inheritor, patternMethod, true); } else if (usage instanceof MethodCallUsageInfo && !((MethodCallUsageInfo) usage).isInternal()) { final PsiElement expression = ((MethodCallUsageInfo) usage).getMethodCallExpression(); if (expression instanceof PsiMethodCallExpression) { correctMethodCall((PsiMethodCallExpression) expression, false); } else if (expression instanceof PsiMethodReferenceExpression) { PsiExpression newQualifier = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(myProject) .getElementFactory() .createExpressionFromText(myTargetVariable.getType().getCanonicalText(), null); ((PsiMethodReferenceExpression) expression).setQualifierExpression(newQualifier); } } else if (usage instanceof JavadocUsageInfo) { docRefs.add(usage.getElement().getReference()); } } try { if (myTargetClass.isInterface()) patternMethod.getBody().delete(); final PsiMethod method = addMethodToClass(myTargetClass, patternMethod, false); myMethod.delete(); for (PsiReference reference : docRefs) { reference.bindToElement(method); } VisibilityUtil.fixVisibility(UsageViewUtil.toElements(usages), method, myNewVisibility); if (myOpenInEditor) { EditorHelper.openInEditor(method); } } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) { LOG.error(e); } }
@Nullable private static String getStringValue(@Nullable PsiElement psiElement, int depth) { if (psiElement == null || ++depth > 5) { return null; } if (psiElement instanceof StringLiteralExpression) { String resolvedString = ((StringLiteralExpression) psiElement).getContents(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(resolvedString)) { return null; } return resolvedString; } if (psiElement instanceof Field) { return getStringValue(((Field) psiElement).getDefaultValue(), depth); } if (psiElement instanceof PhpReference) { PsiReference psiReference = psiElement.getReference(); if (psiReference == null) { return null; } PsiElement ref = psiReference.resolve(); if (ref instanceof PhpReference) { return getStringValue(psiElement, depth); } if (ref instanceof Field) { PsiElement resolved = ((Field) ref).getDefaultValue(); if (resolved instanceof StringLiteralExpression) { return ((StringLiteralExpression) resolved).getContents(); } } } return null; }
public boolean isReferencedByMethodReference( @NotNull PsiMethod method, @NotNull LanguageLevel languageLevel) { if (!languageLevel.isAtLeast(LanguageLevel.JDK_1_8)) return false; List<PsiReference> array; synchronized (myLocalRefsMap) { array = myLocalRefsMap.getKeysByValue(method); } if (array != null && !array.isEmpty()) { for (PsiReference reference : array) { final PsiElement element = reference.getElement(); if (element != null && element instanceof PsiMethodReferenceExpression) { return true; } } } return false; }
public static void sortIdenticalShortNameClasses( PsiClass[] classes, @NotNull PsiReference context) { if (classes.length <= 1) return; PsiElement leaf = context .getElement() .getFirstChild(); // the same proximity weighers are used in completion, where the // leafness is critical Arrays.sort(classes, new PsiProximityComparator(leaf)); }