public static void addCompilationOptions( List<String> options, CompileContext context, ModuleChunk chunk, @Nullable ProcessorConfigProfile profile) { if (!isEncodingSet(options)) { final CompilerEncodingConfiguration config = context.getProjectDescriptor().getEncodingConfiguration(); final String encoding = config.getPreferredModuleChunkEncoding(chunk); if (config.getAllModuleChunkEncodings(chunk).size() > 1) { final StringBuilder msgBuilder = new StringBuilder(); msgBuilder.append("Multiple encodings set for module chunk ").append(chunk.getName()); if (encoding != null) { msgBuilder.append("\n\"").append(encoding).append("\" will be used by compiler"); } context.processMessage( new CompilerMessage(BUILDER_NAME, BuildMessage.Kind.INFO, msgBuilder.toString())); } if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(encoding)) { options.add("-encoding"); options.add(encoding); } } final String langLevel = getLanguageLevel(chunk.getModules().iterator().next()); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(langLevel)) { options.add("-source"); options.add(langLevel); } JpsJavaCompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration = JpsJavaExtensionService.getInstance() .getOrCreateCompilerConfiguration(context.getProjectDescriptor().getProject()); String bytecodeTarget = null; int chunkSdkVersion = -1; for (JpsModule module : chunk.getModules()) { final JpsSdk<JpsDummyElement> sdk = module.getSdk(JpsJavaSdkType.INSTANCE); if (sdk != null) { final int moduleSdkVersion = convertToNumber(sdk.getVersionString()); if (moduleSdkVersion != 0 /*could determine the version*/ && (chunkSdkVersion < 0 || chunkSdkVersion > moduleSdkVersion)) { chunkSdkVersion = moduleSdkVersion; } } final String moduleTarget = compilerConfiguration.getByteCodeTargetLevel(module.getName()); if (moduleTarget == null) { continue; } if (bytecodeTarget == null) { bytecodeTarget = moduleTarget; } else { if (moduleTarget.compareTo(bytecodeTarget) < 0) { bytecodeTarget = moduleTarget; // use the lower possible target among modules that form the chunk } } } if (bytecodeTarget != null) { options.add("-target"); options.add(bytecodeTarget); } else { if (chunkSdkVersion > 0 && getCompilerSdkVersion(context) > chunkSdkVersion) { // force lower bytecode target level to match the version of sdk assigned to this chunk options.add("-target"); options.add("1." + chunkSdkVersion); } } if (profile != null && profile.isEnabled()) { // configuring annotation processing if (!profile.isObtainProcessorsFromClasspath()) { final String processorsPath = profile.getProcessorPath(); options.add("-processorpath"); options.add( processorsPath == null ? "" : FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(processorsPath.trim())); } final Set<String> processors = profile.getProcessors(); if (!processors.isEmpty()) { options.add("-processor"); options.add(StringUtil.join(processors, ",")); } for (Map.Entry<String, String> optionEntry : profile.getProcessorOptions().entrySet()) { options.add("-A" + optionEntry.getKey() + "=" + optionEntry.getValue()); } final File srcOutput = ProjectPaths.getAnnotationProcessorGeneratedSourcesOutputDir( chunk.getModules().iterator().next(), chunk.containsTests(), profile); if (srcOutput != null) { srcOutput.mkdirs(); options.add("-s"); options.add(srcOutput.getPath()); } } else { options.add("-proc:none"); } }
private boolean compileJava( final CompileContext context, ModuleChunk chunk, Collection<File> files, Collection<File> classpath, Collection<File> platformCp, Collection<File> sourcePath, DiagnosticOutputConsumer diagnosticSink, final OutputFileConsumer outputSink) throws Exception { final TasksCounter counter = new TasksCounter(); COUNTER_KEY.set(context, counter); final JpsJavaExtensionService javaExt = JpsJavaExtensionService.getInstance(); final JpsJavaCompilerConfiguration compilerConfig = javaExt.getCompilerConfiguration(context.getProjectDescriptor().getProject()); assert compilerConfig != null; final Set<JpsModule> modules = chunk.getModules(); ProcessorConfigProfile profile = null; if (modules.size() == 1) { final JpsModule module = modules.iterator().next(); profile = compilerConfig.getAnnotationProcessingProfile(module); } else { // perform cycle-related validations Pair<String, LanguageLevel> pair = null; for (JpsModule module : modules) { final LanguageLevel moduleLevel = javaExt.getLanguageLevel(module); if (pair == null) { pair = Pair.create(module.getName(), moduleLevel); // first value } else { if (!Comparing.equal(pair.getSecond(), moduleLevel)) { final String message = "Modules " + pair.getFirst() + " and " + module.getName() + " must have the same language level because of cyclic dependencies between them"; PlainMessageDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, message)); return true; } } } // check that all chunk modules are excluded from annotation processing for (JpsModule module : modules) { final ProcessorConfigProfile prof = compilerConfig.getAnnotationProcessingProfile(module); if (prof.isEnabled()) { final String message = "Annotation processing is not supported for module cycles. Please ensure that all modules from cycle [" + chunk.getName() + "] are excluded from annotation processing"; PlainMessageDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, message)); return true; } } } final Map<File, Set<File>> outs = buildOutputDirectoriesMap(context, chunk); final List<String> options = getCompilationOptions(context, chunk, profile); final ClassProcessingConsumer classesConsumer = new ClassProcessingConsumer(context, outputSink); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug( "Compiling chunk [" + chunk.getName() + "] with options: \"" + StringUtil.join(options, " ") + "\""); } try { final boolean rc; if (USE_EMBEDDED_JAVAC) { final boolean useEclipse = useEclipseCompiler(context); rc = JavacMain.compile( options, files, classpath, platformCp, sourcePath, outs, diagnosticSink, classesConsumer, context.getCancelStatus(), useEclipse); } else { final JavacServerClient client = ensureJavacServerLaunched(context); final RequestFuture<JavacServerResponseHandler> future = client.sendCompileRequest( options, files, classpath, platformCp, sourcePath, outs, diagnosticSink, classesConsumer); while (!future.waitFor(100L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { if (context.getCancelStatus().isCanceled()) { future.cancel(false); } } rc = future.getMessageHandler().isTerminatedSuccessfully(); } return rc; } finally { counter.await(); } }