private void addColumnMutation( String schemaName, String tableName, PColumn column, PreparedStatement colUpsert) throws SQLException { colUpsert.setString(1, schemaName); colUpsert.setString(2, tableName); colUpsert.setString(3, column.getName().getString()); colUpsert.setString( 4, column.getFamilyName() == null ? null : column.getFamilyName().getString()); colUpsert.setInt(5, column.getDataType().getSqlType()); colUpsert.setInt( 6, column.isNullable() ? ResultSetMetaData.columnNullable : ResultSetMetaData.columnNoNulls); if (column.getMaxLength() == null) { colUpsert.setNull(7, Types.INTEGER); } else { colUpsert.setInt(7, column.getMaxLength()); } if (column.getScale() == null) { colUpsert.setNull(8, Types.INTEGER); } else { colUpsert.setInt(8, column.getScale()); } colUpsert.setInt(9, column.getPosition() + 1); colUpsert.setInt(10, ColumnModifier.toSystemValue(column.getColumnModifier())); colUpsert.execute(); }
public static void setNumeric(PreparedStatement stm, int i, Number value) throws SQLException { if (value != null) { stm.setObject(i, value, Types.NUMERIC); } else { stm.setNull(i, Types.NUMERIC); } }
public void setColumnObject(PreparedStatement pst, String value, int index) throws SQLException { if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("NULL")) { pst.setNull(index, sqlType); } else { pst.setLong(index, Long.parseLong(value)); } }
public static void setTimestamp(PreparedStatement stm, int i, Date date, boolean isNull) throws SQLException { if (isNull) { stm.setNull(i, Types.TIMESTAMP); } else { stm.setTimestamp(i, new Timestamp(date.getTime())); } }
public static void setDate(PreparedStatement stm, int i, Date date, boolean isNull) throws SQLException { if (isNull) { stm.setNull(i, Types.DATE); } else { stm.setDate(i, new java.sql.Date(date.getTime())); } }
public void deleteISOLanguageByCode2Idx( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, String argISO6391Code) { final String S_ProcName = "deleteISOLanguageByCode2Idx"; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); final String sql = "CALL sp_delete_iso_lang_by_code2idx( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + " )"; if (stmtDeleteByCode2Idx == null) { stmtDeleteByCode2Idx = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtDeleteByCode2Idx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByCode2Idx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtDeleteByCode2Idx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtDeleteByCode2Idx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByCode2Idx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); if (argISO6391Code != null) { stmtDeleteByCode2Idx.setString(argIdx++, argISO6391Code); } else { stmtDeleteByCode2Idx.setNull(argIdx++, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } resultSet = stmtDeleteByCode2Idx.executeQuery(); if ( { int deleteFlag = resultSet.getInt(1); if ( { resultSet.last(); throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected 1 record result set to be returned by delete, not 0 rows"); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
@Override public HTTPResponse insert(HTTPRequest request, HTTPResponse response) { Key key = Key.create(request, response); Connection connection = getConnection(); String sql = "insert into response(uri, vary, status, headers, payload, mimeType, cachetime) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; PreparedStatement statement = null; try { JdbcUtil.startTransaction(connection); invalidate(key, connection); statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); statement.setString(1, key.getURI().toString()); statement.setString(2, key.getVary().toJSON()); statement.setInt(3, response.getStatus().getCode()); statement.setString(4, response.getHeaders().toJSON()); InputStream inputStream = null; if (response.hasPayload() && response.getPayload().isAvailable()) { statement.setString(6, response.getPayload().getMimeType().toString()); inputStream = response.getPayload().getInputStream(); statement.setBinaryStream(5, inputStream); } else { statement.setNull(5, Types.BLOB); statement.setNull(6, Types.VARCHAR); } statement.setTimestamp(7, new Timestamp(DateTimeUtils.currentTimeMillis())); try { statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(inputStream); } connection.commit(); return getImpl(connection, key); } catch (SQLException e) { JdbcUtil.rollback(connection); JdbcUtil.close(connection); throw new DataAccessException(e); } finally { JdbcUtil.endTransaction(connection); JdbcUtil.close(statement); } }
public CFSecurityISOLanguageBuff[] readBuffByCode2Idx( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, String ISO6391Code) { final String S_ProcName = "readBuffByCode2Idx"; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); final String sql = "CALL sp_read_iso_lang_by_code2idx( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + " )"; if (stmtReadBuffByCode2Idx == null) { stmtReadBuffByCode2Idx = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtReadBuffByCode2Idx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtReadBuffByCode2Idx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtReadBuffByCode2Idx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtReadBuffByCode2Idx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtReadBuffByCode2Idx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); if (ISO6391Code != null) { stmtReadBuffByCode2Idx.setString(argIdx++, ISO6391Code); } else { stmtReadBuffByCode2Idx.setNull(argIdx++, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } resultSet = stmtReadBuffByCode2Idx.executeQuery(); List<CFSecurityISOLanguageBuff> buffList = new LinkedList<CFSecurityISOLanguageBuff>(); while ( { CFSecurityISOLanguageBuff buff = unpackISOLanguageResultSetToBuff(resultSet); buffList.add(buff); } int idx = 0; CFSecurityISOLanguageBuff[] retBuff = new CFSecurityISOLanguageBuff[buffList.size()]; Iterator<CFSecurityISOLanguageBuff> iter = buffList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { retBuff[idx++] =; } return (retBuff); } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
public void deleteISOLanguageByCode2Idx( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, String argISO6391Code) { final String S_ProcName = "deleteISOLanguageByCode2Idx"; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); String sql = "call " + schema.getLowerDbSchemaName() + ".sp_delete_iso_lang_by_code2idx( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + " )"; if (stmtDeleteByCode2Idx == null) { stmtDeleteByCode2Idx = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtDeleteByCode2Idx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByCode2Idx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtDeleteByCode2Idx.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtDeleteByCode2Idx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtDeleteByCode2Idx.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); if (argISO6391Code != null) { stmtDeleteByCode2Idx.setString(argIdx++, argISO6391Code); } else { stmtDeleteByCode2Idx.setNull(argIdx++, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } stmtDeleteByCode2Idx.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
/** * 根据数据库连接和表和相关列,做数据库的插入操作 * * @param conn * @param tablename * @param colnames * @throws SQLException */ public void doInsertDB(Connection conn, String tablename, String[] colnames) throws SQLException { StringBuilder insertsql = new StringBuilder(); insertsql.append("insert into ").append(tablename); StringBuilder lstr = new StringBuilder(), rstr = new StringBuilder(); lstr.append("(").append(colnames[0]); rstr.append("(?"); for (int i = 1; i < colnames.length; i++) { lstr.append(",").append(colnames[i]); rstr.append(",?"); } lstr.append(")"); rstr.append(")"); insertsql.append(lstr).append("values").append(rstr); PreparedStatement ps = null; try { // System.out.println(insertsql.toString()) ; ps = conn.prepareStatement(insertsql.toString()); for (int i = 0; i < colnames.length; i++) { Object tmpo = GDB.prepareObjVal(this.getValue(colnames[i])); if (tmpo != null) { ps.setObject(i + 1, tmpo); } else { int sqlt = this.belongToDT .getColumn(colnames[i]) .getJdbcType(); // JavaColumnInfo.Class2SqlType(c) if (sqlt == java.sql.Types.BLOB) // for sqlserver driver // NullPointer error ps.setObject(1 + i, new byte[0]); else ps.setNull(1 + i, sqlt); } } ps.executeUpdate(); } finally { if (ps != null) ps.close(); } }
public void doUpdateDB(Connection conn, String tablename, String uniquecol, String[] cols) throws SQLException { StringBuilder upsql = new StringBuilder(); upsql.append("update ").append(tablename).append(" set "); upsql.append(cols[0]).append("=?"); for (int i = 1; i < cols.length; i++) { upsql.append(",").append(cols[i]).append("=?"); } upsql.append(" where ").append(uniquecol).append("=?"); String[] allcols = new String[cols.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(cols, 0, allcols, 0, cols.length); allcols[cols.length] = uniquecol; PreparedStatement ps = null; try { // System.out.println(upsql.toString()); ps = conn.prepareStatement(upsql.toString()); for (int i = 0; i < allcols.length; i++) { Object tmpo = GDB.prepareObjVal(this.getValue(allcols[i])); if (tmpo != null) { ps.setObject(i + 1, tmpo); } else { int sqlt = this.belongToDT .getColumn(allcols[i]) .getJdbcType(); // JavaColumnInfo.Class2SqlType(c) if (sqlt == java.sql.Types.BLOB) // for sqlserver driver // NullPointer error ps.setObject(1 + i, new byte[0]); else ps.setNull(1 + i, sqlt); } } ps.executeUpdate(); } finally { if (ps != null) ps.close(); } }
public MutationState createTable(CreateTableStatement statement, byte[][] splits) throws SQLException { PTableType tableType = statement.getTableType(); boolean isView = tableType == PTableType.VIEW; if (isView && !statement.getProps().isEmpty()) { throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.VIEW_WITH_TABLE_CONFIG) .build() .buildException(); } connection.rollback(); boolean wasAutoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit(); try { connection.setAutoCommit(false); TableName tableNameNode = statement.getTableName(); String schemaName = tableNameNode.getSchemaName(); String tableName = tableNameNode.getTableName(); PrimaryKeyConstraint pkConstraint = statement.getPrimaryKeyConstraint(); String pkName = null; Set<String> pkColumns = Collections.<String>emptySet(); Iterator<String> pkColumnsIterator = Iterators.emptyIterator(); if (pkConstraint != null) { pkColumns = pkConstraint.getColumnNames(); pkColumnsIterator = pkColumns.iterator(); pkName = pkConstraint.getName(); } List<ColumnDef> colDefs = statement.getColumnDefs(); List<PColumn> columns = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(colDefs.size()); PreparedStatement colUpsert = connection.prepareStatement(INSERT_COLUMN); int columnOrdinal = 0; Map<String, PName> familyNames = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); boolean isPK = false; for (ColumnDef colDef : colDefs) { if (colDef.isPK()) { if (isPK) { throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.PRIMARY_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS) .setColumnName(colDef.getColumnDefName().getColumnName().getName()) .build() .buildException(); } isPK = true; } PColumn column = newColumn(columnOrdinal++, colDef, pkConstraint); if (SchemaUtil.isPKColumn(column)) { // TODO: remove this constraint? if (!pkColumns.isEmpty() && !column.getName().getString().equals( { throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.PRIMARY_KEY_OUT_OF_ORDER) .setSchemaName(schemaName) .setTableName(tableName) .setColumnName(column.getName().getString()) .build() .buildException(); } } columns.add(column); if (colDef.getDataType() == PDataType.BINARY && colDefs.size() > 1) { throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.BINARY_IN_ROW_KEY) .setSchemaName(schemaName) .setTableName(tableName) .setColumnName(column.getName().getString()) .build() .buildException(); } if (column.getFamilyName() != null) { familyNames.put(column.getFamilyName().getString(), column.getFamilyName()); } } if (!isPK && pkColumns.isEmpty()) { throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.PRIMARY_KEY_MISSING) .setSchemaName(schemaName) .setTableName(tableName) .build() .buildException(); } List<Pair<byte[], Map<String, Object>>> familyPropList = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(familyNames.size()); Map<String, Object> commonFamilyProps = Collections.emptyMap(); Map<String, Object> tableProps = Collections.emptyMap(); if (!statement.getProps().isEmpty()) { if (statement.isView()) { throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.VIEW_WITH_PROPERTIES) .build() .buildException(); } for (String familyName : statement.getProps().keySet()) { if (!familyName.equals(QueryConstants.ALL_FAMILY_PROPERTIES_KEY)) { if (familyNames.get(familyName) == null) { throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.PROPERTIES_FOR_FAMILY) .setFamilyName(familyName) .build() .buildException(); } } } commonFamilyProps = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(statement.getProps().size()); tableProps = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(statement.getProps().size()); Collection<Pair<String, Object>> props = statement.getProps().get(QueryConstants.ALL_FAMILY_PROPERTIES_KEY); // Somewhat hacky way of determining if property is for HColumnDescriptor or // HTableDescriptor HColumnDescriptor defaultDescriptor = new HColumnDescriptor(QueryConstants.DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY_BYTES); for (Pair<String, Object> prop : props) { if (defaultDescriptor.getValue(prop.getFirst()) != null) { commonFamilyProps.put(prop.getFirst(), prop.getSecond()); } else { tableProps.put(prop.getFirst(), prop.getSecond()); } } } for (PName familyName : familyNames.values()) { Collection<Pair<String, Object>> props = statement.getProps().get(familyName.getString()); if (props.isEmpty()) { familyPropList.add( new Pair<byte[], Map<String, Object>>(familyName.getBytes(), commonFamilyProps)); } else { Map<String, Object> combinedFamilyProps = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(props.size() + commonFamilyProps.size()); combinedFamilyProps.putAll(commonFamilyProps); for (Pair<String, Object> prop : props) { combinedFamilyProps.put(prop.getFirst(), prop.getSecond()); } familyPropList.add( new Pair<byte[], Map<String, Object>>(familyName.getBytes(), combinedFamilyProps)); } } // Bootstrapping for our SYSTEM.TABLE that creates itself before it exists if (tableType == PTableType.SYSTEM) { PTable table = new PTableImpl( new PNameImpl(tableName), tableType, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_TABLE_TIMESTAMP, 0, QueryConstants.SYSTEM_TABLE_PK_NAME, null, columns); connection.addTable(schemaName, table); } for (PColumn column : columns) { addColumnMutation(schemaName, tableName, column, colUpsert); } Integer saltBucketNum = (Integer) tableProps.remove(PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SALT_BUCKETS); if (saltBucketNum != null && (saltBucketNum <= 0 || saltBucketNum > SaltingUtil.MAX_BUCKET_NUM)) { throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.INVALID_BUCKET_NUM) .build() .buildException(); } PreparedStatement tableUpsert = connection.prepareStatement(CREATE_TABLE); tableUpsert.setString(1, schemaName); tableUpsert.setString(2, tableName); tableUpsert.setString(3, tableType.getSerializedValue()); tableUpsert.setInt(4, 0); tableUpsert.setInt(5, columnOrdinal); if (saltBucketNum != null) { tableUpsert.setInt(6, saltBucketNum); } else { tableUpsert.setNull(6, Types.INTEGER); } tableUpsert.setString(7, pkName); tableUpsert.execute(); final List<Mutation> tableMetaData = connection.getMutationState().toMutations(); connection.rollback(); MetaDataMutationResult result = connection .getQueryServices() .createTable(tableMetaData, isView, tableProps, familyPropList, splits); MutationCode code = result.getMutationCode(); switch (code) { case TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS: connection.addTable(schemaName, result.getTable()); if (!statement.ifNotExists()) { throw new TableAlreadyExistsException(schemaName, tableName); } break; case NEWER_TABLE_FOUND: // TODO: add table if in result? throw new NewerTableAlreadyExistsException(schemaName, tableName); case UNALLOWED_TABLE_MUTATION: throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.CANNOT_MUTATE_TABLE) .setSchemaName(schemaName) .setTableName(tableName) .build() .buildException(); default: PTable table = new PTableImpl( new PNameImpl(tableName), tableType, result.getMutationTime(), 0, pkName, saltBucketNum, columns); connection.addTable(schemaName, table); if (tableType == PTableType.USER) { connection.setAutoCommit(true); // Delete everything in the column. You'll still be able to do queries at earlier // timestamps Long scn = connection.getSCN(); long ts = (scn == null ? result.getMutationTime() : scn); PSchema schema = new PSchemaImpl( schemaName, ImmutableMap.<String, PTable>of(table.getName().getString(), table)); TableRef tableRef = new TableRef(null, table, schema, ts); byte[] emptyCF = SchemaUtil.getEmptyColumnFamily(table.getColumnFamilies()); MutationPlan plan = new PostDDLCompiler(connection).compile(tableRef, emptyCF, null, ts); return connection.getQueryServices().updateData(plan); } break; } return new MutationState(0, connection); } finally { connection.setAutoCommit(wasAutoCommit); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { Statement statement = null; Connection conn = null; ResultSet rsMin = null; PreparedStatement psInsert = null; LinkedList<Statement> allStatements = new LinkedList<Statement>(); try { // Instantiate the driver Class.forName(JDBC_DRIVER); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { System.out.println( "Can't instantiate driver class; check you have drives and classpath configured correctly?"); cnfe.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); // No driver? Need to fix before anything else will work. So quit the program } try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection(DB_CONNECTION_URL, USER, PASSWORD); statement = conn.createStatement(); allStatements.add(statement); System.out.println("Average Weather Database Program"); // Create a table in the database. Stores today's date, and the min and max temperatures // recorded. String createTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE temp (day date, mintemp double, maxtemp double)"; String deleteTableSQL = "DROP TABLE temp"; try { statement.executeUpdate(createTableSQL); System.out.println("Created temp table"); } catch (SQLException sqle) { // Seems the table already exists. Delete it and recreate it if (sqle.getSQLState() .startsWith("42")) { // Error code for table already existing start with XO System.out.println("Temp table appears to exist already, delete and recreate"); statement.executeUpdate(deleteTableSQL); statement.executeUpdate(createTableSQL); } else { // Something else went wrong. If we can't create the table, no point attempting // to run the rest of the code. Throw the exception again to be handled at the end of the // program. System.out.println("Got stuck in catch else " + sqle.getSQLState() + " is sql state"); throw sqle; } } // Add some test data String prepStatInsert = "INSERT INTO temp VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )"; psInsert = conn.prepareStatement(prepStatInsert); allStatements.add(psInsert); psInsert.setDate(1, Date.valueOf("2014-04-01")); psInsert.setDouble(2, 44.2); psInsert.setDouble(3, 58.7); psInsert.executeUpdate(); psInsert.setDate(1, Date.valueOf("2014-04-02")); psInsert.setDouble(2, 34.6); psInsert.setDouble(3, 55.1); psInsert.executeUpdate(); psInsert.setDate(1, Date.valueOf("2014-04-03")); psInsert.setDouble(2, 43.9); psInsert.setNull( 3, Types.DOUBLE); // Forgot to record the max temperature for this date so set it to null. psInsert.executeUpdate(); psInsert.setDate(1, Date.valueOf("2014-04-04")); psInsert.setDouble(2, 43.8); psInsert.setDouble(3, 47.2); psInsert.executeUpdate(); System.out.println("Added test data to database"); // Let's calculate the average minimum and average maximum temperature for all the days. // Add up all the maximum temperatures and divide by number of days to get average max // temperature. // Add up all the minimum temperatures and divide by number of days to get average min // temperature. double averageMaxTemp = 0; double averageMinTemp = 0; String getAvgsSQL = "SELECT AVG(mintemp) AS rsMin, AVG(maxtemp) AS rsMax FROM temp"; rsMin = statement.executeQuery(getAvgsSQL); while ( { // there is only one averageMinTemp = rsMin.getDouble("rsMin"); System.out.println("Average min is " + averageMinTemp); averageMaxTemp = rsMin.getDouble("rsMax"); System.out.println("Average max is " + averageMaxTemp); } System.out.println( "Average maximum temperature = " + averageMaxTemp + " , average minimum temperature = " + averageMinTemp); } catch (SQLException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { // A finally block runs whether an exception is thrown or not. Close resources and tidy up // whether this code worked or not. try { if (rsMin != null) { rsMin.close(); // Close result set System.out.println("ResultSet closed"); } } catch (SQLException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } // Close all of the statements. Stored a reference to each statement in allStatements so we // can loop over all of them and close them all. for (Statement s : allStatements) { if (s != null) { try { s.close(); System.out.println("Statement closed"); } catch (SQLException se) { System.out.println("Error closing statement"); se.printStackTrace(); } } } try { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); // Close connection to database System.out.println("Database connection closed"); } } catch (SQLException se) { se.printStackTrace(); } } System.out.println("End of program"); }
public void updateISOLanguage( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, CFSecurityISOLanguageBuff Buff) { final String S_ProcName = "updateISOLanguage"; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { short ISOLanguageId = Buff.getRequiredISOLanguageId(); String ISO6392Code = Buff.getRequiredISO6392Code(); String ISO6391Code = Buff.getOptionalISO6391Code(); String EnglishName = Buff.getRequiredEnglishName(); int Revision = Buff.getRequiredRevision(); Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); String sql = "call " + schema.getLowerDbSchemaName() + ".sp_update_iso_lang( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + " )"; if (stmtUpdateByPKey == null) { stmtUpdateByPKey = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtUpdateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, "ISLN"); stmtUpdateByPKey.setShort(argIdx++, ISOLanguageId); stmtUpdateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, ISO6392Code); if (ISO6391Code != null) { stmtUpdateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, ISO6391Code); } else { stmtUpdateByPKey.setNull(argIdx++, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } stmtUpdateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, EnglishName); stmtUpdateByPKey.setInt(argIdx++, Revision); try { resultSet = stmtUpdateByPKey.executeQuery(); } catch (SQLException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() != 1329) { throw e; } resultSet = null; } if ((resultSet != null) && { CFSecurityISOLanguageBuff updatedBuff = unpackISOLanguageResultSetToBuff(resultSet); if ((resultSet != null) && { resultSet.last(); throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } Buff.setRequiredISO6392Code(updatedBuff.getRequiredISO6392Code()); Buff.setOptionalISO6391Code(updatedBuff.getOptionalISO6391Code()); Buff.setRequiredEnglishName(updatedBuff.getRequiredEnglishName()); Buff.setRequiredRevision(updatedBuff.getRequiredRevision()); } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected a single-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
public void put(StoredBlock storedBlock, StoredUndoableBlock undoableBlock) throws BlockStoreException { maybeConnect(); // We skip the first 4 bytes because (on prodnet) the minimum target has 4 0-bytes byte[] hashBytes = new byte[28]; System.arraycopy(storedBlock.getHeader().getHash().getBytes(), 3, hashBytes, 0, 28); int height = storedBlock.getHeight(); byte[] transactions = null; byte[] txOutChanges = null; try { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); if (undoableBlock.getTxOutChanges() != null) { undoableBlock.getTxOutChanges().serializeToStream(bos); txOutChanges = bos.toByteArray(); } else { int numTxn = undoableBlock.getTransactions().size(); bos.write((int) (0xFF & (numTxn >> 0))); bos.write((int) (0xFF & (numTxn >> 8))); bos.write((int) (0xFF & (numTxn >> 16))); bos.write((int) (0xFF & (numTxn >> 24))); for (Transaction tx : undoableBlock.getTransactions()) tx.rimbitSerialize(bos); transactions = bos.toByteArray(); } bos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BlockStoreException(e); } try { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Looking for undoable block with hash: " + Utils.bytesToHexString(hashBytes)); PreparedStatement findS = conn.get().prepareStatement("select 1 from undoableBlocks where hash = ?"); findS.setBytes(1, hashBytes); ResultSet rs = findS.executeQuery(); if ( { // We already have this output, update it. findS.close(); // Postgres insert-or-updates are very complex (and finnicky). This level of transaction // isolation // seems to work for rimbitj PreparedStatement s = conn.get() .prepareStatement( "UPDATE undoableBlocks SET txOutChanges=?, transactions=?" + " WHERE hash = ?"); s.setBytes(3, hashBytes); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Updating undoable block with hash: " + Utils.bytesToHexString(hashBytes)); if (transactions == null) { s.setBytes(1, txOutChanges); s.setNull(2, Types.BINARY); } else { s.setNull(1, Types.BINARY); s.setBytes(2, transactions); } s.executeUpdate(); s.close(); return; } PreparedStatement s = conn.get() .prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO undoableBlocks(hash, height, txOutChanges, transactions)" + " VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); s.setBytes(1, hashBytes); s.setInt(2, height); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "Inserting undoable block with hash: " + Utils.bytesToHexString(hashBytes) + " at height " + height); if (transactions == null) { s.setBytes(3, txOutChanges); s.setNull(4, Types.BINARY); } else { s.setNull(3, Types.BINARY); s.setBytes(4, transactions); } s.executeUpdate(); s.close(); try { putUpdateStoredBlock(storedBlock, true); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new BlockStoreException(e); } } catch (SQLException e) { if (!e.getSQLState().equals(POSTGRES_DUPLICATE_KEY_ERROR_CODE)) throw new BlockStoreException(e); } }
public void createSecDevice(CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, CFSecuritySecDeviceBuff Buff) { final String S_ProcName = "createSecDevice"; if (!schema.isTransactionOpen()) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Transaction not open"); } ResultSet resultSet = null; try { UUID SecUserId = Buff.getRequiredSecUserId(); String DevName = Buff.getRequiredDevName(); String PubKey = Buff.getOptionalPubKey(); Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); String sql = "call " + schema.getLowerDbSchemaName() + ".sp_create_secdev( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + " )"; if (stmtCreateByPKey == null) { stmtCreateByPKey = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtCreateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtCreateByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtCreateByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtCreateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtCreateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtCreateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, "SDEV"); stmtCreateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, SecUserId.toString()); stmtCreateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, DevName); if (PubKey != null) { stmtCreateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, PubKey); } else { stmtCreateByPKey.setNull(argIdx++, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } try { resultSet = stmtCreateByPKey.executeQuery(); } catch (SQLException e) { if (e.getErrorCode() != 1329) { throw e; } resultSet = null; } if ((resultSet != null) && { CFSecuritySecDeviceBuff createdBuff = unpackSecDeviceResultSetToBuff(resultSet); if ((resultSet != null) && { resultSet.last(); throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } Buff.setRequiredSecUserId(createdBuff.getRequiredSecUserId()); Buff.setRequiredDevName(createdBuff.getRequiredDevName()); Buff.setOptionalPubKey(createdBuff.getOptionalPubKey()); Buff.setRequiredRevision(createdBuff.getRequiredRevision()); Buff.setCreatedByUserId(createdBuff.getCreatedByUserId()); Buff.setCreatedAt(createdBuff.getCreatedAt()); Buff.setUpdatedByUserId(createdBuff.getUpdatedByUserId()); Buff.setUpdatedAt(createdBuff.getUpdatedAt()); } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected a single-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
/** * Reset any events meeting the given criteria so that they can be retried. * * @param criteria An event containing the event-selection criteria. * @return The number of events reset. * @exception FrameworkException Thrown on errors. */ protected static int reset(Event criteria) throws FrameworkException { Debug.log( Debug.MSG_STATUS, "QUEUE OPERATION: Resetting events in database for database queue ..."); if (!StringUtils.hasValue(criteria.channelName)) { throw new FrameworkException( "ERROR: Event channel name is a required queue search criteria."); } Connection dbConn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; long startTime = -1; if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.BENCHMARK)) startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { dbConn = DBConnectionPool.getInstance().acquireConnection(); if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.DB_DATA)) Debug.log( Debug.DB_DATA, "Criteria used to reset events in database:\n" + criteria.describe()); // If no identifier was given that uniquely identifies a single event ... if ( == 0) { // Use last error time and error count, if available. if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.DB_DATA)) Debug.log(Debug.DB_DATA, "\n" + LINE + "\nExecuting SQL:\n" + UPDATE_EVENT_RETRY_SQL); ps = dbConn.prepareStatement(UPDATE_EVENT_RETRY_SQL); ps.setString(1, criteria.channelName); if (criteria.lastErrorTime == null) ps.setNull(2, Types.DATE); else ps.setTimestamp(2, criteria.lastErrorTime); if (criteria.errorCount < 1) ps.setNull(3, Types.INTEGER); else ps.setInt(3, criteria.errorCount); } else { // An Id was given which should uniquely identify a single event, so we should // skip using any other qualifying criteria, if present. if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.DB_DATA)) Debug.log( Debug.DB_DATA, "\n" + LINE + "\nExecuting SQL:\n" + UPDATE_EVENT_RETRY_BY_ID_SQL); ps = dbConn.prepareStatement(UPDATE_EVENT_RETRY_BY_ID_SQL); ps.setString(1, criteria.channelName); ps.setInt(2,; } int numRows = ps.executeUpdate(); DBConnectionPool.getInstance().commit(dbConn); if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.DB_DATA)) Debug.log( Debug.DB_DATA, "Committed SQL execution affected [" + numRows + "] rows.\n" + LINE); return numRows; } catch (SQLException sqle) { throw new DatabaseException( "ERROR: Could not execute SQL statement:\n" + DBInterface.getSQLErrorMessage(sqle)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DatabaseException("ERROR: Could not execute SQL statement:\n" + e.toString()); } finally { releaseDatabaseResources(dbConn, ps); if (Debug.isLevelEnabled(Debug.BENCHMARK) && (startTime > 0)) { long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Debug.log( Debug.BENCHMARK, "ELAPSED TIME [" + (stopTime - startTime) + "] msec: " + "SQL: Time to reset event(s) in PersistentEvent database table."); } } }
/** * Saves the templates to the database. * * @throws java.sql.SQLException Thrown on sql error. */ public void saveToDatabase() throws java.sql.SQLException { setProgressIndeterminate(true); setMessage("Saving Templates"); ArrayList templates = getTemplates(); Connection oracleConnection = getDataSource().getConnection(); try { oracleConnection.setAutoCommit(false); Statement query = oracleConnection.createStatement(); try { int templateCount = templates.size(); // First remove any existing entries. StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("DELETE FROM "); sql.append(MPSBrowserView.SCHEMA); sql.append(".TMPL_SGNL_FLD"); StringBuffer whereClause = new StringBuffer(" WHERE TMPL_ID IN ("); for (int i = 0; i < templateCount; i++) { if (i > 0) whereClause.append(", "); whereClause.append("'"); whereClause.append(((Template) templates.get(i)).getID()); whereClause.append("'"); } whereClause.append(")"); sql.append(whereClause); query.execute(sql.toString()); sql = new StringBuffer("DELETE FROM "); sql.append(MPSBrowserView.SCHEMA); sql.append(".TMPL_MACRO"); sql.append(whereClause); query.execute(sql.toString()); sql = new StringBuffer("DELETE FROM "); sql.append(MPSBrowserView.SCHEMA); sql.append(".TMPL_SGNL_REC"); sql.append(whereClause); query.execute(sql.toString()); sql = new StringBuffer("DELETE FROM "); sql.append(MPSBrowserView.SCHEMA); sql.append(".TMPL_SGNL_FLD"); sql.append(whereClause); query.execute(sql.toString()); sql = new StringBuffer("DELETE FROM "); sql.append(MPSBrowserView.SCHEMA); sql.append(".TEMPLATE"); sql.append(whereClause); query.execute(sql.toString()); sql = new StringBuffer("DELETE FROM "); sql.append(MPSBrowserView.SCHEMA); sql.append(".TMPL_ARCH_REQ"); sql.append(whereClause); query.execute(sql.toString()); sql = new StringBuffer("DELETE FROM "); sql.append(MPSBrowserView.SCHEMA); sql.append(".TMPL_ARCH_REQ_GRP"); sql.append(whereClause); query.execute(sql.toString()); sql = new StringBuffer("DELETE FROM "); sql.append(MPSBrowserView.SCHEMA); sql.append(".TMPL_ARCH_REQ_GRP_ARCH_REQ"); sql.append(whereClause); query.execute(sql.toString()); sql = new StringBuffer("INSERT INTO "); sql.append(MPSBrowserView.SCHEMA); sql.append( ".TEMPLATE (TMPL_ID, TMPL_DESC, EXT_SRC_FILE_NM, EXT_SRC_FILE_MOD_DTE) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); PreparedStatement templateInsertStatement = oracleConnection.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); try { sql = new StringBuffer("INSERT INTO "); sql.append(MPSBrowserView.SCHEMA); sql.append(".TMPL_MACRO (TMPL_ID, MACRO_ID) VALUES (?, ?)"); PreparedStatement macroInsertStatement = oracleConnection.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); try { sql = new StringBuffer("INSERT INTO "); sql.append(MPSBrowserView.SCHEMA); sql.append( ".TMPL_SGNL_REC (TMPL_ID, TMPL_SGNL_ID, REC_TYPE_ID, ARCH_IND, ARCH_FREQ, ARCH_TYPE) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); PreparedStatement signalInsertStatement = oracleConnection.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); try { sql = new StringBuffer("INSERT INTO "); sql.append(MPSBrowserView.SCHEMA); sql.append( ".TMPL_SGNL_FLD (TMPL_ID, TMPL_SGNL_ID, FLD_ID, REC_TYPE_ID, VAL) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); PreparedStatement fieldInsertStatement = oracleConnection.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); try { sql = new StringBuffer("INSERT INTO "); sql.append(MPSBrowserView.SCHEMA); sql.append(".TMPL_ARCH_REQ (TMPL_ID, ARCH_REQ_FILE_NM) VALUES (?, ?)"); PreparedStatement requestInsertStatement = oracleConnection.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); try { sql = new StringBuffer("INSERT INTO "); sql.append(MPSBrowserView.SCHEMA); sql.append(".TMPL_ARCH_REQ_GRP (TMPL_ID, ARCH_REQ_GRP_FILE_NM) VALUES (?, ?)"); PreparedStatement groupInsertStatement = oracleConnection.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); try { sql = new StringBuffer("INSERT INTO "); sql.append(MPSBrowserView.SCHEMA); sql.append( ".TMPL_ARCH_REQ_GRP_ARCH_REQ (TMPL_ID, ARCH_REQ_GRP_FILE_NM, ARCH_REQ_FILE_NM) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); PreparedStatement requestGroupInsertStatement = oracleConnection.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); try { sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE "); sql.append(MPSBrowserView.SCHEMA); sql.append( ".TMPL_SGNL_REC SET ARCH_IND = ?, ARCH_FREQ = ?, ARCH_TYPE = ?, ARCH_REQ_FILE = ? WHERE TMPL_ID = ? AND TMPL_SGNL_ID = ? AND REC_TYPE_ID = ?"); PreparedStatement signalUpdateStatement = oracleConnection.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); try { int progress = 0; setProgressMaximum(importedFieldCount + importedMacroCount); setProgressValue(0); setProgressIndeterminate(false); for (int templateIndex = 0; templateIndex < templateCount; templateIndex++) { Template currentTemplate = (Template) templates.get(templateIndex); String currentTemplateID = currentTemplate.getID(); templateInsertStatement.setString(1, currentTemplateID); String currentDescription = currentTemplate.getDescription(); if (currentDescription == null) templateInsertStatement.setNull(2, Types.VARCHAR); else templateInsertStatement.setString(2, currentDescription); templateInsertStatement.setString(3, currentTemplate.getFileName()); templateInsertStatement.setTimestamp( 4, currentTemplate.getFileModifiedDate()); templateInsertStatement.execute(); // Need to insert macros. int macroCount = currentTemplate.getMacroCount(); for (int macroIndex = 0; macroIndex < macroCount; macroIndex++) { macroInsertStatement.setString(1, currentTemplateID); String currentMacro = currentTemplate.getMacroAt(macroIndex); macroInsertStatement.setString(2, currentMacro); macroInsertStatement.execute(); setProgressValue(++progress); } int signalCount = currentTemplate.getSignalCount(); for (int signalIndex = 0; signalIndex < signalCount; signalIndex++) { Signal currentSignal = currentTemplate.getSignalAt(signalIndex); String currentSignalID = currentSignal.getID(); String currentRecordTypeID = currentSignal.getType().getRecordType().getID(); signalInsertStatement.setString(1, currentTemplateID); signalInsertStatement.setString(2, currentSignalID); signalInsertStatement.setString(3, currentRecordTypeID); signalInsertStatement.setString(4, currentSignal.getArchiveIndicator()); BigDecimal currentFrequency = currentSignal.getArchiveFrequency(); if (currentFrequency == null) currentFrequency = new BigDecimal("60"); // 60 default in RDB signalInsertStatement.setBigDecimal(5, currentFrequency); String currentType = currentSignal.getArchiveType(); if (currentType == null) currentType = "Monitor"; // 'Monitor' default in RDB signalInsertStatement.setString(6, currentType); signalInsertStatement.execute(); int fieldCount = currentSignal.getFieldCount(); for (int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < fieldCount; fieldIndex++) { SignalField currentField = currentSignal.getFieldAt(fieldIndex); fieldInsertStatement.setString(1, currentTemplateID); fieldInsertStatement.setString(2, currentSignalID); fieldInsertStatement.setString(3, currentField.getType().getID()); fieldInsertStatement.setString(4, currentRecordTypeID); fieldInsertStatement.setString(5, currentField.getValue()); fieldInsertStatement.execute(); if (isParseCanceled()) { oracleConnection.rollback(); return; } setProgressValue(++progress); } } // Insert archive requests. int requestCount = currentTemplate.getArchiveRequestCount(); for (int requestIndex = 0; requestIndex < requestCount; requestIndex++) { ArchiveRequest currentRequest = currentTemplate.getArchiveRequestAt(requestIndex); String currentRequestFileName = currentRequest.getFileName(); requestInsertStatement.setString(1, currentTemplateID); requestInsertStatement.setString(2, currentRequestFileName); requestInsertStatement.execute(); signalCount = currentRequest.getSignalCount(); for (int signalIndex = 0; signalIndex < signalCount; signalIndex++) { Signal currentSignal = currentRequest.getSignalAt(signalIndex); String currentSignalID = currentSignal.getID(); signalUpdateStatement.setString( 1, currentSignal.getArchiveIndicator()); signalUpdateStatement.setBigDecimal( 2, currentSignal.getArchiveFrequency()); signalUpdateStatement.setString(3, currentSignal.getArchiveType()); signalUpdateStatement.setString(4, currentRequestFileName); signalUpdateStatement.setString(5, currentTemplateID); signalUpdateStatement.setString(6, currentSignalID); signalUpdateStatement.setString( 7, currentSignal.getType().getRecordType().getID()); signalUpdateStatement.execute(); int fieldCount = currentSignal.getFieldCount(); } } // Insert archive groups. int groupCount = currentTemplate.getArchiveGroupCount(); for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < groupCount; groupIndex++) { ArchiveGroup currentGroup = currentTemplate.getArchiveGroupAt(groupIndex); groupInsertStatement.setString(1, currentTemplateID); String currentGroupFileName = currentGroup.getFileName(); groupInsertStatement.setString(2, currentGroupFileName); groupInsertStatement.execute(); requestCount = currentGroup.getArchiveRequestCount(); for (int requestIndex = 0; requestIndex < requestCount; requestIndex++) { ArchiveRequest currentRequest = currentGroup.getArchiveRequestAt(requestIndex); String currentRequestFileName = currentRequest.getFileName(); requestGroupInsertStatement.setString(1, currentTemplateID); requestGroupInsertStatement.setString(2, currentGroupFileName); requestGroupInsertStatement.setString( 3, currentRequest.getFileName()); } } } } finally { signalUpdateStatement.close(); } } finally { requestGroupInsertStatement.close(); } } finally { groupInsertStatement.close(); } } finally { requestInsertStatement.close(); } } finally { fieldInsertStatement.close(); } } finally { signalInsertStatement.close(); } } finally { macroInsertStatement.close(); } } finally { templateInsertStatement.close(); } } catch (java.sql.SQLException ex) { oracleConnection.rollback(); throw ex; } finally { query.close(); } if (isParseCanceled()) oracleConnection.rollback(); else oracleConnection.commit(); } finally { oracleConnection.close(); } }
/** * Inserta el registro dado por la entidad vData. * * <p><b> insert into * GRLRegistroPNC(iEjercicio,iConsecutivoPNC,dtRegistro,iCveUsuRegistro,iCveProducto,lResuelto,dtResolucion,iCveOficinaAsignado,iCveDeptoAsignado) * values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) </b> * * <p><b> Campos Llave: iEjercicio,iConsecutivoPNC, </b> * * @param vData TVDinRep - VO Dinámico que contiene a la entidad a Insertar. * @param cnNested Connection - Conexión anidada que permite que el método se encuentre dentro de * una transacción mayor. * @throws DAOException - Excepción de tipo DAO * @return TVDinRep - VO Dinámico que contiene a la entidad a Insertada, así como a la llave de * esta entidad. */ public TVDinRep insertExiste(TVDinRep vData, Connection cnNested) throws DAOException { DbConnection dbConn = null; Connection conn = cnNested; PreparedStatement lPStmt = null; boolean lSuccess = true; boolean lAgregarAPNC = false; boolean lInsertaCausa = false; TFechas dtFechaActual = new TFechas(); int iNumSolicitud, iCveTramite, iCveModalidad = 0; int iConsecutivoPNC = 0; int iEjercicio = 0; try { // LEL26092006 Vector vcDataA = findByCustom( "", "SELECT " + "TRAREGPNCETAPA.IEJERCICIOPNC, " + "TRAREGPNCETAPA.INUMSOLICITUD, " + "TRAREGPNCETAPA.ICONSECUTIVOPNC, " + "TRAREGPNCETAPA.ICVETRAMITE, " + "TRAREGPNCETAPA.ICVEMODALIDAD " + "FROM TRAREGPNCETAPA " + "where TRAREGPNCETAPA.IEJERCICIO = " + vData.getInt("iEjercicio") + " and TRAREGPNCETAPA.INUMSOLICITUD = " + vData.getInt("iNumSolicitud") + " ORDER BY ICONSECUTIVOPNC DESC "); TVDinRep vSoli; if (vcDataA.size() > 0) { vSoli = (TVDinRep) vcDataA.get(0); iEjercicio = vSoli.getInt("IEJERCICIOPNC"); iNumSolicitud = vSoli.getInt("INUMSOLICITUD"); iConsecutivoPNC = vSoli.getInt("ICONSECUTIVOPNC"); iCveTramite = vSoli.getInt("ICVETRAMITE"); iCveModalidad = vSoli.getInt("ICVEMODALIDAD"); vcDataA = null; vcDataA = findByCustom( "", "SELECT " + "DTNOTIFICACION FROM TRAREGREQXTRAM " + "WHERE IEJERCICIO = " + iEjercicio + " AND INUMSOLICITUD = " + iNumSolicitud + " AND ICVETRAMITE = " + iCveTramite + " AND ICVEMODALIDAD = " + iCveModalidad + " AND LTIENEPNC = 1"); lAgregarAPNC = true; for (int i = 0; i < vcDataA.size() && lAgregarAPNC == false; i++) { vSoli = (TVDinRep) vcDataA.get(i); if (vSoli.getDate("DTNOTIFICACION") == null) lAgregarAPNC = true; else lAgregarAPNC = false; } } if (lAgregarAPNC) { TVDinRep vResuelto; Vector vcDataR = findByCustom( "", "SELECT lResuelto " + "FROM GRLREGISTROPNC WHERE " + "IEJERCICIO = " + iEjercicio + " AND ICONSECUTIVOPNC = " + iConsecutivoPNC); if (vcDataR.size() > 0) { vResuelto = (TVDinRep) vcDataR.get(0); if (vResuelto.getInt("lResuelto") != 0) lAgregarAPNC = false; } } // FinLEL26092006 if (cnNested == null) { dbConn = new DbConnection(dataSourceName); conn = dbConn.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); conn.setTransactionIsolation(2); } String lSQL = "insert into GRLRegistroPNC(iEjercicio,iConsecutivoPNC,dtRegistro,iCveUsuRegistro,iCveProducto,lResuelto,dtResolucion,iCveOficinaAsignado,iCveDeptoAsignado,iCveOficina,iCveDepartamento,iCveProceso) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; // AGREGAR AL ULTIMO ... if (lAgregarAPNC == false) { Vector vcData = findByCustom( "", "select MAX(iConsecutivoPNC) AS iConsecutivoPNC from GRLRegistroPNC WHERE iEjercicio = " + vData.getInt("iEjercicio")); if (vcData.size() > 0) { TVDinRep vUltimo = (TVDinRep) vcData.get(0); vData.put("iConsecutivoPNC", vUltimo.getInt("iConsecutivoPNC") + 1); } else vData.put("iConsecutivoPNC", 1); } else { vData.put("iConsecutivoPNC", iConsecutivoPNC); } vData.addPK(vData.getString("iConsecutivoPNC")); lPStmt = conn.prepareStatement(lSQL); lPStmt.setInt(1, dtFechaActual.getIntYear(dtFechaActual.TodaySQL())); lPStmt.setInt(2, vData.getInt("iConsecutivoPNC")); iConsecutivo = vData.getInt("iConsecutivoPNC"); lPStmt.setDate(3, tFecha.TodaySQL()); lPStmt.setInt(4, vData.getInt("iCveUsuario")); lPStmt.setInt(5, vData.getInt("iCveProducto")); lPStmt.setInt(6, vData.getInt("lResuelto")); if (vData.getDate("dtResolucion") == null) lPStmt.setNull(7, Types.DATE); else lPStmt.setDate(7, vData.getDate("dtResolucion")); lPStmt.setInt(8, vData.getInt("iCveOficinaUsrAsg")); lPStmt.setInt(9, vData.getInt("iCveDeptoUsrAsg")); lPStmt.setInt(10, vData.getInt("iCveOficinaUsr")); lPStmt.setInt(11, vData.getInt("iCveDeptoUsr")); lPStmt.setInt(12, vData.getInt("iCveProceso")); if (lAgregarAPNC == false) lPStmt.executeUpdate(); lPStmt.close(); try { TDGRLRegCausaPNC1 dGRLRegCausaPNC = new TDGRLRegCausaPNC1(); // TDGRLRegCausaPNC dGRLRegCausaPNC = new TDGRLRegCausaPNC(); if (lAgregarAPNC == false) { dGRLRegCausaPNC.insert(vData, conn, iConsecutivo); // dGRLRegCausaPNC.insert(vData,conn); } else { dGRLRegCausaPNC.insertA(vData, conn, iConsecutivo); // dGRLRegCausaPNC.insertA(vData,conn); } } catch (Exception exCausa) { exCausa.printStackTrace(); lSuccess = false; } if (cnNested == null && lSuccess) conn.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { warn("insert", ex); if (cnNested == null) { try { conn.rollback(); } catch (Exception e) { fatal("insert.rollback", e); } } lSuccess = false; } finally { try { if (lPStmt != null) lPStmt.close(); if (cnNested == null) { if (conn != null) conn.close(); dbConn.closeConnection(); } } catch (Exception ex2) { warn("insert.close", ex2); } if (lSuccess == false) throw new DAOException(""); return vData; } }
public User createUser(String username, String password, String name, String email) throws UserAlreadyExistsException { if (isReadOnly()) { // Reject the operation since the provider is read-only throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } try { loadUser(username); // The user already exists since no exception, so: throw new UserAlreadyExistsException("Username " + username + " already exists"); } catch (UserNotFoundException unfe) { // The user doesn't already exist so we can create a new user // Determine if the password should be stored as plain text or encrypted. boolean usePlainPassword = JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty("user.usePlainPassword"); String encryptedPassword = null; if (!usePlainPassword) { try { encryptedPassword = AuthFactory.encryptPassword(password); // Set password to null so that it's inserted that way. password = null; } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) { // Encrypting the password may have failed if in setup mode. Therefore, // use the plain password. } } Date now = new Date(); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; try { con = DbConnectionManager.getConnection(); pstmt = con.prepareStatement(INSERT_USER); pstmt.setString(1, username); if (password == null) { pstmt.setNull(2, Types.VARCHAR); } else { pstmt.setString(2, password); } if (encryptedPassword == null) { pstmt.setNull(3, Types.VARCHAR); } else { pstmt.setString(3, encryptedPassword); } if (name == null) { pstmt.setNull(4, Types.VARCHAR); } else { pstmt.setString(4, name); } if (email == null) { pstmt.setNull(5, Types.VARCHAR); } else { pstmt.setString(5, email); } pstmt.setString(6, StringUtils.dateToMillis(now)); pstmt.setString(7, StringUtils.dateToMillis(now)); pstmt.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("admin.error"), e); } finally { DbConnectionManager.closeConnection(pstmt, con); } return new User(username, name, email, now, now); } }
public void updateTopDomain(CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, CFInternetTopDomainBuff Buff) { final String S_ProcName = "updateTopDomain"; if ("TDOM".equals(Buff.getClassCode()) && (!schema.isTenantUser(Authorization, Buff.getRequiredTenantId(), "UpdateTopDomain"))) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Permission denied -- User not part of TSecGroup UpdateTopDomain"); } ResultSet resultSet = null; try { String ClassCode = Buff.getClassCode(); long TenantId = Buff.getRequiredTenantId(); long Id = Buff.getRequiredId(); String Description = Buff.getOptionalDescription(); long TldId = Buff.getRequiredTldId(); String Name = Buff.getRequiredName(); int Revision = Buff.getRequiredRevision(); Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); final String sql = "CALL sp_update_tdomdef( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + " )"; if (stmtUpdateByPKey == null) { stmtUpdateByPKey = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtUpdateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, ClassCode); stmtUpdateByPKey.setLong(argIdx++, TenantId); stmtUpdateByPKey.setLong(argIdx++, Id); if (Description != null) { stmtUpdateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, Description); } else { stmtUpdateByPKey.setNull(argIdx++, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } stmtUpdateByPKey.setLong(argIdx++, TldId); stmtUpdateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, Name); stmtUpdateByPKey.setInt(argIdx++, Revision); resultSet = stmtUpdateByPKey.executeQuery(); if ( { CFInternetTopDomainBuff updatedBuff = unpackTopDomainResultSetToBuff(resultSet); if ( { resultSet.last(); throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } Buff.setOptionalDescription(updatedBuff.getOptionalDescription()); Buff.setRequiredTldId(updatedBuff.getRequiredTldId()); Buff.setRequiredName(updatedBuff.getRequiredName()); Buff.setRequiredRevision(updatedBuff.getRequiredRevision()); } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected a single-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
/** * Inserta el registro dado por la entidad vData. * * <p><b> insert into * GRLRegistroPNC(iEjercicio,iConsecutivoPNC,dtRegistro,iCveUsuRegistro,iCveProducto,lResuelto,dtResolucion,iCveOficinaAsignado,iCveDeptoAsignado) * values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) </b> * * <p><b> Campos Llave: iEjercicio,iConsecutivoPNC, </b> * * @param vData TVDinRep - VO Dinámico que contiene a la entidad a Insertar. * @param cnNested Connection - Conexión anidada que permite que el método se encuentre dentro de * una transacción mayor. * @throws DAOException - Excepción de tipo DAO * @return TVDinRep - VO Dinámico que contiene a la entidad a Insertada, así como a la llave de * esta entidad. */ public TVDinRep insert(TVDinRep vData, Connection cnNested) throws DAOException { DbConnection dbConn = null; Connection conn = cnNested; PreparedStatement lPStmt = null; boolean lSuccess = true; TFechas dtFechaActual = new TFechas(); try { if (cnNested == null) { dbConn = new DbConnection(dataSourceName); conn = dbConn.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); conn.setTransactionIsolation(2); } String lSQL = "insert into GRLRegistroPNC(iEjercicio,iConsecutivoPNC,dtRegistro,iCveUsuRegistro,iCveProducto,lResuelto,dtResolucion,iCveOficinaAsignado,iCveDeptoAsignado,iCveOficina,iCveDepartamento,iCveProceso) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; // AGREGAR AL ULTIMO ... Vector vcData = findByCustom( "", "select MAX(iConsecutivoPNC) AS iConsecutivoPNC from GRLRegistroPNC WHERE iEjercicio = " + vData.getInt("iEjercicio")); if (vcData.size() > 0) { TVDinRep vUltimo = (TVDinRep) vcData.get(0); vData.put("iConsecutivoPNC", vUltimo.getInt("iConsecutivoPNC") + 1); } else vData.put("iConsecutivoPNC", 1); vData.addPK(vData.getString("iConsecutivoPNC")); lPStmt = conn.prepareStatement(lSQL); lPStmt.setInt(1, dtFechaActual.getIntYear(dtFechaActual.TodaySQL())); lPStmt.setInt(2, vData.getInt("iConsecutivoPNC")); iConsecutivo = vData.getInt("iConsecutivoPNC"); lPStmt.setDate(3, tFecha.TodaySQL()); lPStmt.setInt(4, vData.getInt("iCveUsuario")); lPStmt.setInt(5, vData.getInt("iCveProducto")); lPStmt.setInt(6, vData.getInt("lResuelto")); if (vData.getDate("dtResolucion") == null) lPStmt.setNull(7, Types.DATE); else lPStmt.setDate(7, vData.getDate("dtResolucion")); lPStmt.setInt(8, vData.getInt("iCveOficinaUsrAsg")); lPStmt.setInt(9, vData.getInt("iCveDeptoUsrAsg")); lPStmt.setInt(10, vData.getInt("iCveOficinaUsr")); lPStmt.setInt(11, vData.getInt("iCveDeptoUsr")); lPStmt.setInt(12, vData.getInt("iCveProceso")); lPStmt.executeUpdate(); lPStmt.close(); try { TDGRLRegCausaPNC1 dGRLRegCausaPNC = new TDGRLRegCausaPNC1(); dGRLRegCausaPNC.insert(vData, conn, iConsecutivo); } catch (Exception exCausa) { exCausa.printStackTrace(); lSuccess = false; throw new Exception("Error Causa"); } if (cnNested == null && lSuccess) conn.commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { warn("insert", ex); if (cnNested == null) { try { conn.rollback(); } catch (Exception e) { fatal("insert.rollback", e); } } lSuccess = false; } finally { try { if (lPStmt != null) lPStmt.close(); if (cnNested == null) { if (conn != null) conn.close(); dbConn.closeConnection(); } } catch (Exception ex2) { warn("insert.close", ex2); } if (lSuccess == false) throw new DAOException(""); return vData; } }
public void createISOCurrency( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, CFSecurityISOCurrencyBuff Buff) { final String S_ProcName = "createISOCurrency"; if (!schema.isTransactionOpen()) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Transaction not open"); } ResultSet resultSet = null; try { short Id = Buff.getRequiredId(); String ISOCode = Buff.getRequiredISOCode(); String Name = Buff.getRequiredName(); String UnitSymbol = Buff.getOptionalUnitSymbol(); String FracSymbol = Buff.getOptionalFracSymbol(); short Precis = Buff.getRequiredPrecis(); Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); String sql = "exec sp_create_iso_ccy ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?"; if (stmtCreateByPKey == null) { stmtCreateByPKey = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtCreateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtCreateByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtCreateByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtCreateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtCreateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtCreateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, "ISCY"); stmtCreateByPKey.setShort(argIdx++, Id); stmtCreateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, ISOCode); stmtCreateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, Name); if (UnitSymbol != null) { stmtCreateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, UnitSymbol); } else { stmtCreateByPKey.setNull(argIdx++, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } if (FracSymbol != null) { stmtCreateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, FracSymbol); } else { stmtCreateByPKey.setNull(argIdx++, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } stmtCreateByPKey.setShort(argIdx++, Precis); resultSet = stmtCreateByPKey.executeQuery(); if ( { CFSecurityISOCurrencyBuff createdBuff = unpackISOCurrencyResultSetToBuff(resultSet); if ( { resultSet.last(); throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } Buff.setRequiredId(createdBuff.getRequiredId()); Buff.setRequiredISOCode(createdBuff.getRequiredISOCode()); Buff.setRequiredName(createdBuff.getRequiredName()); Buff.setOptionalUnitSymbol(createdBuff.getOptionalUnitSymbol()); Buff.setOptionalFracSymbol(createdBuff.getOptionalFracSymbol()); Buff.setRequiredPrecis(createdBuff.getRequiredPrecis()); Buff.setRequiredRevision(createdBuff.getRequiredRevision()); Buff.setCreatedByUserId(createdBuff.getCreatedByUserId()); Buff.setCreatedAt(createdBuff.getCreatedAt()); Buff.setUpdatedByUserId(createdBuff.getUpdatedByUserId()); Buff.setUpdatedAt(createdBuff.getUpdatedAt()); } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected a single-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
public void createTag(CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, CFCrmTagBuff Buff) { final String S_ProcName = "createTag"; if (!schema.isTransactionOpen()) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Transaction not open"); } ResultSet resultSet = null; try { long TenantId = Buff.getRequiredTenantId(); String Name = Buff.getRequiredName(); String Descr = Buff.getOptionalDescr(); Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); String sql = "exec sp_create_tag ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?"; if (stmtCreateByPKey == null) { stmtCreateByPKey = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtCreateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtCreateByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtCreateByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtCreateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtCreateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtCreateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, "CTAG"); stmtCreateByPKey.setLong(argIdx++, TenantId); stmtCreateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, Name); if (Descr != null) { stmtCreateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, Descr); } else { stmtCreateByPKey.setNull(argIdx++, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } stmtCreateByPKey.execute(); boolean moreResults = true; resultSet = null; while (resultSet == null) { try { moreResults = stmtCreateByPKey.getMoreResults(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } if (moreResults) { try { resultSet = stmtCreateByPKey.getResultSet(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (-1 == stmtCreateByPKey.getUpdateCount()) { break; } } if (resultSet == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "resultSet"); } if ( { CFCrmTagBuff createdBuff = unpackTagResultSetToBuff(resultSet); if ( { resultSet.last(); throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } Buff.setRequiredTenantId(createdBuff.getRequiredTenantId()); Buff.setRequiredId(createdBuff.getRequiredId()); Buff.setRequiredName(createdBuff.getRequiredName()); Buff.setOptionalDescr(createdBuff.getOptionalDescr()); Buff.setRequiredRevision(createdBuff.getRequiredRevision()); Buff.setCreatedByUserId(createdBuff.getCreatedByUserId()); Buff.setCreatedAt(createdBuff.getCreatedAt()); Buff.setUpdatedByUserId(createdBuff.getUpdatedByUserId()); Buff.setUpdatedAt(createdBuff.getUpdatedAt()); } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected a single-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
public void updateISOCurrency( CFSecurityAuthorization Authorization, CFSecurityISOCurrencyBuff Buff) { final String S_ProcName = "updateISOCurrency"; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { short ISOCurrencyId = Buff.getRequiredISOCurrencyId(); String ISOCode = Buff.getRequiredISOCode(); String Name = Buff.getRequiredName(); String UnitSymbol = Buff.getOptionalUnitSymbol(); short Precis = Buff.getRequiredPrecis(); int Revision = Buff.getRequiredRevision(); Connection cnx = schema.getCnx(); String sql = "exec sp_update_iso_ccy ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?" + ", " + "?"; if (stmtUpdateByPKey == null) { stmtUpdateByPKey = cnx.prepareStatement(sql); } int argIdx = 1; stmtUpdateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecUserId().toString()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setString( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? "" : Authorization.getSecSessionId().toString()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecClusterId()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setLong( argIdx++, (Authorization == null) ? 0 : Authorization.getSecTenantId()); stmtUpdateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, "ISCY"); stmtUpdateByPKey.setShort(argIdx++, ISOCurrencyId); stmtUpdateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, ISOCode); stmtUpdateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, Name); if (UnitSymbol != null) { stmtUpdateByPKey.setString(argIdx++, UnitSymbol); } else { stmtUpdateByPKey.setNull(argIdx++, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); } stmtUpdateByPKey.setShort(argIdx++, Precis); stmtUpdateByPKey.setInt(argIdx++, Revision); stmtUpdateByPKey.execute(); boolean moreResults = true; resultSet = null; while (resultSet == null) { try { moreResults = stmtUpdateByPKey.getMoreResults(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } if (moreResults) { try { resultSet = stmtUpdateByPKey.getResultSet(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (-1 == stmtUpdateByPKey.getUpdateCount()) { break; } } if (resultSet == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "resultSet"); } if ( { CFSecurityISOCurrencyBuff updatedBuff = unpackISOCurrencyResultSetToBuff(resultSet); if ( { resultSet.last(); throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Did not expect multi-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } Buff.setRequiredISOCode(updatedBuff.getRequiredISOCode()); Buff.setRequiredName(updatedBuff.getRequiredName()); Buff.setOptionalUnitSymbol(updatedBuff.getOptionalUnitSymbol()); Buff.setRequiredPrecis(updatedBuff.getRequiredPrecis()); Buff.setRequiredRevision(updatedBuff.getRequiredRevision()); } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory() .newRuntimeException( getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected a single-record response, " + resultSet.getRow() + " rows selected"); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newDbException(getClass(), S_ProcName, e); } finally { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } resultSet = null; } } }
/** * Perrform process. * * @return Message that would be set to process infor summary (no use currently) * @throws Exception if not successful */ protected String doIt() throws Exception { // load query into cache file directly // int userId= this.getAD_User_ID(); // User user= SecurityUtils.getUser(userId); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; QueryEngine engine = QueryEngine.getInstance(); conn = engine.getConnection(); Configurations conf = (Configurations) WebUtils.getServletContextManager().getActor(nds.util.WebKeys.CONFIGURATIONS); String folder = conf.getProperty("", "e:/act/ahyy/download"); File fd = new File(folder); if (!fd.exists()) fd.mkdirs(); ahyyCode = conf.getProperty("ahyy.payment.code"); if (ahyyCode == null || ahyyCode.length() != 8) throw new NDSException("Wrong code for bank payment interface"); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyMMdd"); String ftpFile = "MPAYREP" + ahyyCode + df.format(new java.util.Date()); String file = folder + "/" + ftpFile; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String lineSep = Tools.LINE_SEPARATOR; try { // 下载文件 CommandExecuter cmd = new CommandExecuter(folder + "/log/" + ftpFile + ".log"); String exec = conf.getProperty("", "e:/act/bin/download.cmd"); int err = + " " + ftpFile); if (err != 0) { throw new NDSException("Error(code=" + err + ") when doing " + exec + " " + ftpFile); } if (!(new File(file)).exists()) { throw new NDSException("File not downloaded when doing " + exec + " " + ftpFile); } BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); in.readLine(); // skip first line, which is summary String line = in.readLine(); pstmt = conn.prepareStatement( "update b_pay_sum set state=?, err_code =? where billno=? and state='R'"); while (line != null) { log.debug(line); if (line.length() < 34) { log.debug("line not has length: 34"); } /* String billType= line.substring(0,2); String billNo= line.substring(0, 22);// billno String amt=line.substring(22,34); String ack=line.substring(34,36);*/ String billNo = line.substring(0, 20); // billno String amt = line.substring(20, 32); String ack = line.substring(32, 34); if ("00".equals(ack)) { java.math.BigDecimal bd = new java.math.BigDecimal(amt); pstmt.setString(1, "Y"); pstmt.setNull(2, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR); pstmt.setString(3, billNo); int ret = pstmt.executeUpdate(); if (ret != 1) { sb.append(line + "(updated " + ret + " lines)").append(lineSep); } } else { pstmt.setString(1, "P"); pstmt.setString(2, ack); pstmt.setString(3, billNo); int ret = pstmt.executeUpdate(); if (ret != 1) { sb.append(line + "(updated " + ret + " lines)").append(lineSep); } } line = in.readLine(); } in.close(); try { log.debug("Move " + file + " to " + folder + "/log/" + ftpFile); (new File(file)).renameTo(new File(folder + "/log/" + ftpFile)); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("Fail to move " + file + " to " + folder + "/log/" + ftpFile, t); } Vector vet = new Vector(); String log = sb.toString(); this.log.debug(log); this.addLog(log); return "完成"; } finally { if (rs != null) try { rs.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } if (pstmt != null) try { pstmt.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } if (conn != null) try { conn.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } } }