public Collection getAllFiltersExcept(boolean duplicate, NodeDescriptor n) { Collection result = new ArrayList(); Set keys = data.keySet(); synchronized (data) { Iterator it = keys.iterator(); NodeDescriptor currentNeighbor; while (it.hasNext()) { currentNeighbor = (NodeDescriptor); if (currentNeighbor.equals(n)) continue; // skip neighbor n Collection filters = (Collection) data.get(currentNeighbor); if (duplicate) result.addAll(filters); else { Iterator it1 = filters.iterator(); while (it1.hasNext()) { Filter f = (Filter); if (!result.contains(f)) result.add(f); } } } } return result; }
public Collection matches(Message message, NodeDescriptor senderID) { List matchingNeighbors = new ArrayList(); // iterates over the subscribed neighbors Set keys = data.keySet(); synchronized (data) { Iterator it = keys.iterator(); NodeDescriptor currentNeighbor; while (it.hasNext()) { currentNeighbor = (NodeDescriptor); // Check if currentNeighbor is subscribed to the message // iterates over the set of filters for currentNeighbor if (senderID.equals(currentNeighbor)) continue; Iterator it1 = ((Collection) data.get(currentNeighbor)).iterator(); while (it1.hasNext()) { Filter f = (Filter); if (f.matches(message)) { matchingNeighbors.add(currentNeighbor); break; } } } } return matchingNeighbors; }