/** 空行をskipして読めること。 その際に、データ部の改行による空行を除かないこと。 */ @Test public void read_skip_emptyline() throws Throwable { // ## Arrange ## final Reader r = getResourceAsReader("-11", "tsv"); final MapCsvLayout<String> layout = new MapCsvLayout<String>(); layout.setLineReaderHandler(new SkipEmptyLineReadEditor()); // ## Act ## final RecordReader<Map<String, String>> csvReader = layout.build().openReader(r); // ## Assert ## final Map<String, String> bean = CollectionsUtil.newHashMap(); assertEquals(true, csvReader.hasNext()); csvReader.read(bean); logger.debug(bean.toString()); assertEquals("あ1", bean.get("aaa")); assertEquals("い1", bean.get("bbb")); assertEquals("う1", bean.get("ccc")); assertEquals(true, csvReader.hasNext()); csvReader.read(bean); logger.debug(bean.toString()); assertEquals("あ2", bean.get("aaa")); assertEquals("い\r\n\r\n\r\n2", bean.get("bbb")); assertEquals("う2", bean.get("ccc")); assertEquals(false, csvReader.hasNext()); csvReader.close(); }
/** Notification that the invariants have broken, triggers an error. */ private void invariantsBroken(Object key, Object value) { String mapBefore = _map.toString(); String setBefore = _sortedSet.toString(); String mapSizeBefore = "" + _map.size(); String setSizeBefore = "" + _sortedSet.size(); stabilize(); String mapAfter = _map.toString(); String setAfter = _sortedSet.toString(); String mapSizeAfter = "" + _map.size(); String setSizeAfter = "" + _sortedSet.size(); Assert.silent( false, "key: " + key + ", value: " + value + "\nbefore stabilization: " + "\nsize of map: " + mapSizeBefore + ", set: " + setSizeBefore + "\nmap: " + mapBefore + "\nset: " + setBefore + "\nafter stabilization: " + "\nsize of map " + mapSizeAfter + ", set: " + setSizeAfter + "\nmap: " + mapAfter + "\nset: " + setAfter); }
static void assertReadSmallColumns( final RecordReader<Map<String, String>> csvReader, final Map<String, String> bean) throws IOException { assertEquals(true, csvReader.hasNext()); csvReader.read(bean); logger.debug(bean.toString()); assertEquals("あ1", bean.get("aaa")); assertEquals(null, bean.get("bbb")); assertEquals("う1", bean.get("ccc")); assertEquals(true, csvReader.hasNext()); // ファイルにbbbは無いため、nullで上書きされること bean.put("aaa", "zz1"); bean.put("bbb", "zz2"); bean.put("ccc", "zz3"); csvReader.read(bean); logger.debug(bean.toString()); assertEquals("あ2", bean.get("aaa")); assertEquals(null, bean.get("bbb")); assertEquals("う2", bean.get("ccc")); assertEquals(false, csvReader.hasNext()); csvReader.close(); }
private static <T> T lookupMBean( final Map<String, String> props, final Class<T> type, final Predicate<T> tester, final long timeout) { long until = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout; do try { final T bean = Mbeans.lookup(jdbcJmxDomain, props, type); tester.apply(bean); return bean; } catch (UndeclaredThrowableException e) { if (Exceptions.isCausedBy(e, InstanceNotFoundException.class)) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() < until) { try { TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(5); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { Thread.interrupted(); break; } LOG.debug("Waiting for MBean " + type.getSimpleName() + "/" + props); continue; } throw new NoSuchElementException(type.getSimpleName() + " " + props.toString()); } else { throw Exceptions.toUndeclared(e); } } while (System.currentTimeMillis() < until); throw new NoSuchElementException(type.getSimpleName() + " " + props.toString()); }
public static void assertRead1( final RecordReader<Map<String, String>> csvReader, final Map<String, String> bean) throws IOException { assertEquals(0, csvReader.getRecordNumber()); assertEquals(true, csvReader.hasNext()); assertEquals(0, csvReader.getRecordNumber()); csvReader.read(bean); logger.debug(bean.toString()); assertEquals(1, csvReader.getRecordNumber()); assertEquals("あ1", bean.get("aaa")); assertEquals("い1", bean.get("bbb")); assertEquals("う1", bean.get("ccc")); assertEquals(true, csvReader.hasNext()); csvReader.read(bean); logger.debug(bean.toString()); assertEquals(2, csvReader.getRecordNumber()); assertEquals("あ2", bean.get("aaa")); assertEquals("い2", bean.get("bbb")); assertEquals("う2", bean.get("ccc")); assertEquals(true, csvReader.hasNext()); csvReader.read(bean); logger.debug(bean.toString()); assertEquals(3, csvReader.getRecordNumber()); assertEquals("あ3", bean.get("aaa")); assertEquals("い3", bean.get("bbb")); assertEquals("う3", bean.get("ccc")); assertEquals(false, csvReader.hasNext()); assertEquals(3, csvReader.getRecordNumber()); csvReader.close(); }
public String toString() { return String.format( "CFPropDefs(%s, compaction: %s, compression: %s)", properties.toString(), compactionStrategyOptions.toString(), compressionParameters.toString()); }
static void assertReadEmptyRow2(final RecordReader<Map<String, String>> csvReader) throws IOException { { assertEquals(true, csvReader.hasNext()); final Map<String, String> bean = csvReader.read(); logger.debug(bean.toString()); assertEquals("あ1", bean.get("aaa")); assertEquals("い1", bean.get("bbb")); assertEquals("う1", bean.get("ccc")); } { assertEquals(true, csvReader.hasNext()); final Map<String, String> bean = csvReader.read(); logger.debug(bean.toString()); assertEquals(null, bean.get("aaa")); assertEquals(null, bean.get("bbb")); assertEquals(null, bean.get("ccc")); } { assertEquals(true, csvReader.hasNext()); final Map<String, String> bean = csvReader.read(); logger.debug(bean.toString()); assertEquals("あ3", bean.get("aaa")); assertEquals("い3", bean.get("bbb")); assertEquals("う3", bean.get("ccc")); } assertEquals(false, csvReader.hasNext()); csvReader.close(); }
public void testConstrainedMapLegal() { Map<String, Integer> map = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); Map<String, Integer> constrained = MapConstraints.constrainedMap(map, TEST_CONSTRAINT); map.put(TEST_KEY, TEST_VALUE); constrained.put("foo", 1); map.putAll(ImmutableMap.of("bar", 2)); constrained.putAll(ImmutableMap.of("baz", 3)); assertTrue(map.equals(constrained)); assertTrue(constrained.equals(map)); assertEquals(map.entrySet(), constrained.entrySet()); assertEquals(map.keySet(), constrained.keySet()); assertEquals(HashMultiset.create(map.values()), HashMultiset.create(constrained.values())); assertFalse(map.values() instanceof Serializable); assertEquals(map.toString(), constrained.toString()); assertEquals(map.hashCode(), constrained.hashCode()); ASSERT .that(map.entrySet()) .has() .allOf( Maps.immutableEntry(TEST_KEY, TEST_VALUE), Maps.immutableEntry("foo", 1), Maps.immutableEntry("bar", 2), Maps.immutableEntry("baz", 3)) .inOrder(); }
public String toStringShort() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( String.format("character counts: %s\n", characterOccurrences.toString())); // $NON-NLS-1$ sb.append(String.format("doublet counts: %s\n", doubletOccurrences.toString())); // $NON-NLS-1$ sb.append(String.format("triplet counts: %s", tripletOccurrences.toString())); // $NON-NLS-1$ return sb.toString(); }
/** * Tests Map.toString(). Since the format of the string returned by the toString() method is not * defined in the Map interface, there is no common way to test the results of the toString() * method. Thereforce, it is encouraged that Map implementations override this test with one that * checks the format matches any format defined in its API. This default implementation just * verifies that the toString() method does not return null. */ public void testMapToString() { resetEmpty(); assertTrue("Empty map toString() should not return null", map.toString() != null); verify(); resetFull(); assertTrue("Empty map toString() should not return null", map.toString() != null); verify(); }
@Test public void mappedServersTest() { Map<Integer, String> servers = new HashMap<>(); servers.put(0, "server0"); servers.put(1, "server1"); HashFunction md5 = Hashing.md5(); List<PartitionEntry> triggers = generateTriggers(3, 1000); Map<Integer, String> newPartition; Map<Integer, String> oldPartition; print("initial - test 2 servers " + servers.toString()); newPartition = new HashMap<>(); for (PartitionEntry trigger : triggers) { newPartition.put( trigger.hashCode(), servers.get(Hashing.consistentHash(md5.hashInt(trigger.hashCode()), 2))); } for (int buckets = 3; buckets < 10; buckets++) { servers.put(buckets - 1, "server" + (buckets - 1)); print("test " + buckets + " servers " + servers.toString()); oldPartition = newPartition; newPartition = new HashMap<>(); for (PartitionEntry trigger : triggers) { newPartition.put( trigger.hashCode(), servers.get(Hashing.consistentHash(md5.hashInt(trigger.hashCode()), buckets))); } int changes = comparePartitions(oldPartition, newPartition); print( "Changes from " + (buckets - 1) + " to " + buckets + " servers: " + changes + " of " + oldPartition.size()); print("" + (((float) changes / (float) oldPartition.size()) * 100) + " % moved"); print( "K(" + oldPartition.size() + ")/n(" + buckets + "): " + ((float) oldPartition.size() / (float) buckets)); } }
@Override public String toString() { return Objects.toStringHelper(this) .add("startDate", startDate) .add("endDate", endDate) .add("startOffset", startOffset) .add("endOffset", endOffset) .add("sourcePartitionOffsetStart", sourcePartitionOffsetStart.toString()) .add("sourcePartitionOffsetEnd", sourcePartitionOffsetEnd.toString()) .toString(); }
public static void main(String[] args) { /** 参数初始化 在java main 方式运行时必须每次都执行加载 如果是在web应用开发里,这个方写在可使用监听的方式写入缓存,无须在这出现 */ SDKConfig.getConfig().loadPropertiesFromSrc(); // 从classpath加载acp_sdk.properties文件 /** 组装请求报文 */ Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); // 版本号 data.put("version", "5.0.0"); // 字符集编码 默认"UTF-8" data.put("encoding", "UTF-8"); // 签名方法 01 RSA data.put("signMethod", "01"); // 交易类型 data.put("txnType", "32"); // 交易子类型 data.put("txnSubType", "00"); // 业务类型 data.put("bizType", "000201"); // 渠道类型,07-PC,08-手机 data.put("channelType", "08"); // 前台通知地址 ,控件接入方式无作用 data.put("frontUrl", "http://localhost:8080/ACPTest/acp_front_url.do"); // 后台通知地址 data.put("backUrl", ""); // 接入类型,商户接入填0 0- 商户 , 1: 收单, 2:平台商户 data.put("accessType", "0"); // 商户号码,请改成自己的商户号 data.put("merId", "888888888888888"); // 原预授权的queryId,可以从查询接口或者通知接口中获取 data.put("origQryId", "201502282020185545888"); // 商户订单号,8-40位数字字母,重新产生,不同于原交易 data.put("orderId", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").format(new Date())); // 订单发送时间,取系统时间 data.put("txnTime", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss").format(new Date())); // 交易金额,撤销时需和原预授权一致 data.put("txnAmt", "1"); // 交易币种 data.put("currencyCode", "156"); // 请求方保留域,透传字段,查询、通知、对账文件中均会原样出现 // data.put("reqReserved", "透传信息"); data = signData(data); // 交易请求url 从配置文件读取 String url = SDKConfig.getConfig().getBackRequestUrl(); Map<String, String> resmap = submitUrl(data, url); System.out.println("请求报文=[" + data.toString() + "]"); System.out.println("应答报文=[" + resmap.toString() + "]"); }
/** Asserts that two maps are equal. */ public static void assertEquals(Map<?, ?> actual, Map<?, ?> expected) { if (actual == expected) { return; } if (actual == null || expected == null) { log.error(message(null, expected.toString(), actual.toString())); if (haultonfailure) fail("Maps not equal: expected: " + expected + " and actual: " + actual); else { if (map == null) { map = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); } map.put( "Maps not equal: " + SEPARATOR + UtilityMethods.getRandomNumber() + System.currentTimeMillis(), actual + SEPARATOR + expected); } } if (actual.size() != expected.size()) { if (haultonfailure) fail("Maps do not have the same size:" + actual.size() + " != " + expected.size()); else { if (map == null) { map = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); } map.put( "Maps do not have the same size: " + SEPARATOR + UtilityMethods.getRandomNumber() + System.currentTimeMillis(), actual + SEPARATOR + expected); } } Set<?> entrySet = actual.entrySet(); for (Iterator<?> iterator = entrySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry<?, ?> entry = (Map.Entry<?, ?>) iterator.next(); Object key = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); Object expectedValue = expected.get(key); assertEquals( value, expectedValue, "Maps do not match for key:" + key + " actual:" + value + " expected:" + expectedValue); } }
/** 1つのRecordInOutインスタンスから複数のCsvReaderをopenしたとき、 それぞれのReaderでの処理が影響しないこと。 */ @Test public void openMultiReader() throws Throwable { // ## Arrange ## final MapCsvLayout<String> layout = new MapCsvLayout<String>(); // ## Act ## final RecordReader<Map<String, String>> csvReader1 = layout.build().openReader(getResourceAsReader("-6", "tsv")); final Map<String, String> bean1 = CollectionsUtil.newHashMap(); final Map<String, String> bean2 = CollectionsUtil.newHashMap(); // ## Assert ## csvReader1.read(bean1); logger.debug(bean1.toString()); assertEquals(4, bean1.size()); assertEquals("あ1", bean1.get("aaa")); assertEquals("い1", bean1.get("bbb")); assertEquals("う1", bean1.get("ccc")); assertEquals("え1", bean1.get("ddd")); final RecordReader<Map<String, String>> csvReader2 = layout.build().openReader(getResourceAsReader("-4", "tsv")); csvReader2.read(bean2); assertEquals(3, bean2.size()); logger.debug(bean2.toString()); assertEquals("あ1", bean2.get("aaa")); assertEquals("い1", bean2.get("bbb")); assertEquals(" ", bean2.get("ccc")); csvReader1.read(bean1); logger.debug(bean1.toString()); assertEquals(4, bean1.size()); assertEquals("あ2", bean1.get("aaa")); assertEquals("い2", bean1.get("bbb")); assertEquals("う2", bean1.get("ccc")); assertEquals("え2", bean1.get("ddd")); csvReader2.read(bean2); logger.debug(bean2.toString()); assertEquals(3, bean2.size()); assertEquals(null, bean2.get("aaa")); assertEquals("い2", bean2.get("bbb")); assertEquals(null, bean2.get("ccc")); csvReader1.close(); csvReader2.close(); }
@Override public String toString() { return "cluster: " + (this.cluster == null ? "" : this.cluster) + "summaryMap: " + summaryMap.toString(); }
@SuppressWarnings({"UnnecessaryBoxing", "UnnecessaryUnboxing"}) protected void assertAllDataRemoved() { if (!createSchema()) { return; // no tables were created... } if (!Boolean.getBoolean(VALIDATE_DATA_CLEANUP)) { return; } Session tmpSession = sessionFactory.openSession(); try { List list = tmpSession.createQuery("select o from java.lang.Object o").list(); Map<String, Integer> items = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { for (Object element : list) { Integer l = items.get(tmpSession.getEntityName(element)); if (l == null) { l = 0; } l = l + 1; items.put(tmpSession.getEntityName(element), l); System.out.println("Data left: " + element); } fail("Data is left in the database: " + items.toString()); } } finally { try { tmpSession.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { // intentionally empty } } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException { Company com = new Company(); com.setName(""); com.getName(); // simple BeanUtils.setProperty(com, "name", "Jack"); BeanUtils.getProperty(com, "name"); // indexed BeanUtils.setProperty(com, "product[1]", "NOTES SERVER"); BeanUtils.getProperty(com, "product[1]"); // mapped HashMap am = new HashMap(); am.put("1", "10010"); am.put("2", "10010"); BeanUtils.setProperty(com, "telephone", am); BeanUtils.getProperty(com, "telephone(2)"); // combined BeanUtils.getProperty(com, "employee[1].name"); // copyProperty Company com2 = new Company(); BeanUtils.copyProperties(com2, com); // converter BeanUtils.setProperty(com, "date", new Date()); BeanUtils.setProperty(com, "date", "2013-10-01"); ConvertUtils.register( new Converter() { public <T> T convert(Class<T> type, Object value) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } }, Date.class); // DynamicBean LazyDynaMap dynaBean = new LazyDynaMap(); dynaBean.set("foo", "bar"); dynaBean.set("customer", "title", "Rose"); dynaBean.set("address", 0, "address1"); System.out.println(dynaBean.get("address", 0)); Map map = dynaBean.getMap(); System.out.println(map.toString()); // returnNull dynaBean.setReturnNull(true); // Restricted dynaBean.setRestricted(true); }
public static Map<String, String> getSearchRecipesOptions(String query, int page) { Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>(); options.put("q", query); options.put("page", String.valueOf(page)); Log.d("food2fork", "query Search - " + options.toString()); return options; }
private Map<String, Object> getID3Tags(String filename) { debug("Getting the properties."); Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { MpegAudioFileReader reader = new MpegAudioFileReader(this); // InputStream stream = createInput(filename); InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(filename); AudioFileFormat baseFileFormat = reader.getAudioFileFormat(stream, stream.available()); stream.close(); if (baseFileFormat instanceof TAudioFileFormat) { TAudioFileFormat fileFormat = (TAudioFileFormat) baseFileFormat; props = fileFormat.properties(); if (props.size() == 0) { error("No file properties available for " + filename + "."); } else { debug("File properties: " + props.toString()); } } } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e) { error("Couldn't get the file format for " + filename + ": " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { error("Couldn't access " + filename + ": " + e.getMessage()); } return props; }
public Subject krb5PasswordLogin(String password) { String loginModuleName = "krb5UsernamePasswordLogin"; LOG.info( "Attempting kerberos authentication of user: "******" using username and password mechanism"); // Set the domain to realm and the kdc // System.setProperty("java.security.krb5.realm", "JTLAN.CO.UK"); // System.setProperty("java.security.krb5.kdc", "jtserver.jtlan.co.uk"); // System.setProperty("java.security.krb5.conf", // "/home/turnerj/git/servlet-security-filter/KerberosSecurityFilter/src/main/resources/krb5.conf"); // Form jaasOptions map Map<String, String> jaasOptions = new HashMap<String, String>(); jaasOptions.put("useKeyTab", "false"); jaasOptions.put("storeKey", "false"); jaasOptions.put("doNotPrompt", "false"); jaasOptions.put("refreshKrb5Config", "false"); jaasOptions.put("clearPass", "true"); jaasOptions.put("useTicketCache", "false"); LOG.debug("Dynamic jaas configuration used:" + jaasOptions.toString()); // Create dynamic jaas config DynamicJaasConfiguration contextConfig = new DynamicJaasConfiguration(); contextConfig.addAppConfigEntry( loginModuleName, "com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule", AppConfigurationEntry.LoginModuleControlFlag.REQUIRED, jaasOptions); try { /* * Create login context using dynamic config * The "krb5UsernamePasswordLogin" needs to correspond to a configuration in the jaas config. */ LoginContext loginCtx = new LoginContext( loginModuleName, null, new LoginUsernamePasswordHandler(clientPrincipal, password), contextConfig); loginCtx.login(); Subject clientSubject = loginCtx.getSubject(); String loggedInUser = principalNameFromSubject(clientSubject); LOG.info( "SUCCESSFUL LOGIN for user: "******" using username and password mechanism."); return clientSubject; } catch (LoginException le) { le.printStackTrace(); // Failed logins are not an application error so the following line is at info level. LOG.info( "LOGIN FAILED for user: "******" using username and password mechanism. Reason: " + le.toString()); return null; } }
public void test() { String text = new StringBuilder() .append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n") .append( "<DescribeRegionsResponse xmlns=\"http://ec2.amazonaws.com/doc/2010-06-15/\"><requestId>0a5a6b4d-c0d7-4531-9ba9-bbc0b94d2007</requestId><regionInfo><item><regionName>is-1</regionName><regionEndpoint>api.greenqloud.com</regionEndpoint></item></regionInfo></DescribeRegionsResponse>\n") .toString(); Map<String, URI> expected = expected(); DescribeRegionsResponseHandler handler = injector.getInstance(DescribeRegionsResponseHandler.class); Map<String, URI> result = factory.create(handler).parse(text); assertEquals(result.toString(), expected.toString()); }
public final String toString() { if (l == null) { StringBuilder localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); localStringBuilder.append("["); localStringBuilder.append(getClass().getSimpleName()); localStringBuilder.append(": appBundleId="); localStringBuilder.append(a); localStringBuilder.append(", executionId="); localStringBuilder.append(b); localStringBuilder.append(", installationId="); localStringBuilder.append(c); localStringBuilder.append(", androidId="); localStringBuilder.append(d); localStringBuilder.append(", osVersion="); localStringBuilder.append(e); localStringBuilder.append(", deviceModel="); localStringBuilder.append(f); localStringBuilder.append(", appVersionCode="); localStringBuilder.append(g); localStringBuilder.append(", appVersionName="); localStringBuilder.append(h); localStringBuilder.append(", timestamp="); localStringBuilder.append(i); localStringBuilder.append(", type="); localStringBuilder.append(j); localStringBuilder.append(", details="); localStringBuilder.append(k.toString()); localStringBuilder.append("]"); l = localStringBuilder.toString(); } return l; }
@RequestNeedParam({"messageid"}) @RequestMapping( value = "/detailMessage", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) @ResponseBody public ResponseBean detailMessage(String request) { requestBean = gson.fromJson(request, RequestBean.class); // 进行校验 if (requestBean.checkMac()) { LOG.info("校验成功...."); // 真正的业务逻辑 try { content = requestBean.getContent(); Message message = gson.fromJson(content.toString(), Message.class); CommonUtils.decriptObject( message, requestBean.getHead().getImei(), requestBean.getHead().getImsi()); message = messageService.detailAndSetreadMessage(message); responseBean.setContent(message); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("业务执行异常...." + e.getMessage()); responseBean.getMsg().setCode("0001"); responseBean.getMsg().setDesc(Constant.CODE_0001); return responseBean; } LOG.info("业务执行成功,设置返回报文状态为成功..."); responseBean.getMsg().setCode("0000"); responseBean.getMsg().setDesc(Constant.CODE_0000); responseBean.setMac(requestBean.getHead().getSerial()); } return responseBean; }
/** * Dynamic streaming play method. * * <p>The following properties are supported on the play options: * * <pre> * streamName: String. The name of the stream to play or the new stream to switch to. * oldStreamName: String. The name of the initial stream that needs to be switched out. This is not needed and ignored * when play2 is used for just playing the stream and not switching to a new stream. * start: Number. The start time of the new stream to play, just as supported by the existing play API. and it has the * same defaults. This is ignored when the method is called for switching (in other words, the transition * is either NetStreamPlayTransition.SWITCH or NetStreamPlayTransitions.SWAP) * len: Number. The duration of the playback, just as supported by the existing play API and has the same defaults. * transition: String. The transition mode for the playback command. It could be one of the following: * NetStreamPlayTransitions.RESET * NetStreamPlayTransitions.APPEND * NetStreamPlayTransitions.SWITCH * NetStreamPlayTransitions.SWAP * </pre> * * NetStreamPlayTransitions: * * <pre> * APPEND : String = "append" - Adds the stream to a playlist and begins playback with the first stream. * APPEND_AND_WAIT : String = "appendAndWait" - Builds a playlist without starting to play it from the first stream. * RESET : String = "reset" - Clears any previous play calls and plays the specified stream immediately. * RESUME : String = "resume" - Requests data from the new connection starting from the point at which the previous connection ended. * STOP : String = "stop" - Stops playing the streams in a playlist. * SWAP : String = "swap" - Replaces a content stream with a different content stream and maintains the rest of the playlist. * SWITCH : String = "switch" - Switches from playing one stream to another stream, typically with streams of the same content. * </pre> * * @see <a * href="http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashmediaserver/articles/dynstream_actionscript.html">ActionScript * guide to dynamic streaming</a> * @see <a * href="http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/net/NetStreamPlayTransitions.html">NetStreamPlayTransitions</a> */ public void play2(int streamId, Map<String, ?> playOptions) { log.debug("play2 options: {}", playOptions.toString()); /* { streamName=streams/new.flv, oldStreamName=streams/old.flv, start=0, len=-1, offset=12.195, transition=switch } */ // get the transition type String transition = (String) playOptions.get("transition"); if (conn != null) { if ("NetStreamPlayTransitions.STOP".equals(transition)) { PendingCall pendingCall = new PendingCall("play", new Object[] {Boolean.FALSE}); conn.invoke(pendingCall, getChannelForStreamId(streamId)); } else if ("NetStreamPlayTransitions.RESET".equals(transition)) { // just reset the currently playing stream } else { Object[] params = new Object[6]; params[0] = playOptions.get("streamName").toString(); Object o = playOptions.get("start"); params[1] = o instanceof Integer ? (Integer) o : Integer.valueOf((String) o); o = playOptions.get("len"); params[2] = o instanceof Integer ? (Integer) o : Integer.valueOf((String) o); // new parameters for playback params[3] = transition; params[4] = playOptions.get("offset"); params[5] = playOptions.get("oldStreamName"); // do call PendingCall pendingCall = new PendingCall("play2", params); conn.invoke(pendingCall, getChannelForStreamId(streamId)); } } else { log.info("Connection was null ?"); } }
public static Map<String, String> getRecipesOptions(String requester, int page) { Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>(); options.put("sort", getSortByForRequesterFragment(requester)); options.put("page", String.valueOf(page)); Log.d("food2fork", "query - " + options.toString()); return options; }
/** * Set policy bundle. * * @param code - Operation code. */ public void setPolicyBundle(String code) { try { resultBuilder.build(code, new JSONObject(bundleParams.toString())); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Invalid JSON format." + e); } }
@Override public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); String NEW_LINE = System.getProperty("line.separator"); result.append(this.getClass().getName() + " Object {" + NEW_LINE); result.append(" consumerKey: " + _consumerKey + NEW_LINE); result.append(" consumerSecret: " + _consumerSecret + NEW_LINE); result.append(" signatureMethod: " + _signatureMethod + NEW_LINE); result.append(" transportName: " + _transportName + NEW_LINE); result.append(" id: " + id + NEW_LINE); result.append(" providerImplClass: " + providerImplClass + NEW_LINE); result.append(" customPermissions: " + customPermissions + NEW_LINE); result.append(" requestTokenUrl: " + requestTokenUrl + NEW_LINE); result.append(" authenticationUrl: " + authenticationUrl + NEW_LINE); result.append(" accessTokenUrl: " + accessTokenUrl + NEW_LINE); result.append(" registeredPlugins: " + registeredPlugins + NEW_LINE); result.append(" pluginsScopes: " + pluginsScopes + NEW_LINE); result.append(" saveRawResponse: " + saveRawResponse + NEW_LINE); if (customProperties != null) { result.append(" customProperties: " + customProperties.toString() + NEW_LINE); } else { result.append(" customProperties: null" + NEW_LINE); } result.append("}"); return result.toString(); }
@RequestMapping(value = "PosterLoginServlet", produces = "application/json;charset=UTF-8") @ResponseBody public String PosterLogin(HttpServletRequest req) { String infor = req.getParameter("sendInfor"); String postername = ""; String password = ""; System.out.println(infor); JSONObject json; try { json = new JSONObject(infor); postername = json.getString("postername"); password = json.getString("password"); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } Map<String, Object> posterinfo = new HashMap<String, Object>(); posterinfo = us.PosterLogin(postername, password); if (posterinfo != null && !posterinfo.toString().equals("[]")) { JSONObject jsonres = new JSONObject(posterinfo); System.out.println(jsonres.toString()); return encodeUTF_8.encodeStr(jsonres.toString()); } else { return "Failed to Login!"; } }
@Override public String toString() { return "instance of MassPayItem class with the values: " + "nvpRequest: " + nvpRequest.toString(); }