 * Modelo Generado por AD_PrintFormatItem
 * @author Comunidad de Desarrollo Libertya* *Basado en Codigo Original Modificado, Revisado y
 *     Optimizado de:* * Jorg Janke
 * @version - 2011-05-27 13:29:42.1
public class X_AD_PrintFormatItem extends org.openXpertya.model.PO {
  /** Constructor estándar */
  public X_AD_PrintFormatItem(Properties ctx, int AD_PrintFormatItem_ID, String trxName) {
    super(ctx, AD_PrintFormatItem_ID, trxName);
     * if (AD_PrintFormatItem_ID == 0) { setAD_Column_ID (0); setAD_PrintFormatChild_ID (0);
     * setAD_PrintFormat_ID (0); setAD_PrintFormatItem_ID (0); setFieldAlignmentType (null); // D
     * setImageIsAttached (false); setIsAveraged (false); setIsCentrallyMaintained (false);
     * setIsCounted (false); setIsDeviationCalc (false); setIsFilledRectangle (false); // N
     * setIsFixedWidth (false); setIsGroupBy (false); setIsHeightOneLine (true); // Y
     * setIsImageField (false); setIsMaxCalc (false); setIsMinCalc (false); setIsNextLine (true); //
     * Y setIsNextPage (false); setIsOrderBy (false); setIsPageBreak (false); setIsPrinted (true);
     * // Y setIsRelativePosition (true); // Y setIsRunningTotal (false); setIsSetNLPosition
     * (false); setIsSummarized (false); setIsSuppressNull (false); setIsVarianceCalc (false);
     * setLineAlignmentType (null); // X setMaxHeight (0); setMaxWidth (0); setName (null);
     * setPrintAreaType (null); // C setPrintFormatType (null); // F setSeqNo (0); // @SQL=SELECT
     * NVL(MAX(SeqNo),0)+10 AS DefaultValue FROM AD_PrintFormatItem WHERE
     * AD_PrintFormat_ID=@AD_PrintFormat_ID@ setSortNo (0); setXPosition (0); setXSpace (0);
     * setYPosition (0); setYSpace (0); }
  /** Load Constructor */
  public X_AD_PrintFormatItem(Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName) {
    super(ctx, rs, trxName);
  /** AD_Table_ID */
  public static final int Table_ID = M_Table.getTableID("AD_PrintFormatItem");

  /** TableName=AD_PrintFormatItem */
  public static final String Table_Name = "AD_PrintFormatItem";

  protected static KeyNamePair Model = new KeyNamePair(Table_ID, "AD_PrintFormatItem");
  protected static BigDecimal AccessLevel = new BigDecimal(7);

  /** Load Meta Data */
  protected POInfo initPO(Properties ctx) {
    POInfo poi = POInfo.getPOInfo(ctx, Table_ID);
    return poi;

  public String toString() {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("X_AD_PrintFormatItem[").append(getID()).append("]");
    return sb.toString();
  /** Set Column. Column in the table */
  public void setAD_Column_ID(int AD_Column_ID) {
    set_Value("AD_Column_ID", new Integer(AD_Column_ID));
  /** Get Column. Column in the table */
  public int getAD_Column_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("AD_Column_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set AD_ComponentObjectUID */
  public void setAD_ComponentObjectUID(String AD_ComponentObjectUID) {
    if (AD_ComponentObjectUID != null && AD_ComponentObjectUID.length() > 100) {
      log.warning("Length > 100 - truncated");
      AD_ComponentObjectUID = AD_ComponentObjectUID.substring(0, 100);
    set_Value("AD_ComponentObjectUID", AD_ComponentObjectUID);
  /** Get AD_ComponentObjectUID */
  public String getAD_ComponentObjectUID() {
    return (String) get_Value("AD_ComponentObjectUID");
  /** Set Component Version Identifier */
  public void setAD_ComponentVersion_ID(int AD_ComponentVersion_ID) {
    if (AD_ComponentVersion_ID <= 0) set_Value("AD_ComponentVersion_ID", null);
    else set_Value("AD_ComponentVersion_ID", new Integer(AD_ComponentVersion_ID));
  /** Get Component Version Identifier */
  public int getAD_ComponentVersion_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("AD_ComponentVersion_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Print Color. Color used for printing and display */
  public void setAD_PrintColor_ID(int AD_PrintColor_ID) {
    if (AD_PrintColor_ID <= 0) set_Value("AD_PrintColor_ID", null);
    else set_Value("AD_PrintColor_ID", new Integer(AD_PrintColor_ID));
  /** Get Print Color. Color used for printing and display */
  public int getAD_PrintColor_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("AD_PrintColor_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Print Font. Maintain Print Font */
  public void setAD_PrintFont_ID(int AD_PrintFont_ID) {
    if (AD_PrintFont_ID <= 0) set_Value("AD_PrintFont_ID", null);
    else set_Value("AD_PrintFont_ID", new Integer(AD_PrintFont_ID));
  /** Get Print Font. Maintain Print Font */
  public int getAD_PrintFont_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("AD_PrintFont_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();

  public static final int AD_PRINTFORMATCHILD_ID_AD_Reference_ID =
  /** Set Included Print Format. Print format that is included here. */
  public void setAD_PrintFormatChild_ID(int AD_PrintFormatChild_ID) {
    set_Value("AD_PrintFormatChild_ID", new Integer(AD_PrintFormatChild_ID));
  /** Get Included Print Format. Print format that is included here. */
  public int getAD_PrintFormatChild_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("AD_PrintFormatChild_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Print Format. Data Print Format */
  public void setAD_PrintFormat_ID(int AD_PrintFormat_ID) {
    set_ValueNoCheck("AD_PrintFormat_ID", new Integer(AD_PrintFormat_ID));
  /** Get Print Format. Data Print Format */
  public int getAD_PrintFormat_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("AD_PrintFormat_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Print Format Item. Item/Column in the Print format */
  public void setAD_PrintFormatItem_ID(int AD_PrintFormatItem_ID) {
    set_ValueNoCheck("AD_PrintFormatItem_ID", new Integer(AD_PrintFormatItem_ID));
  /** Get Print Format Item. Item/Column in the Print format */
  public int getAD_PrintFormatItem_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("AD_PrintFormatItem_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Graph. Graph included in Reports */
  public void setAD_PrintGraph_ID(int AD_PrintGraph_ID) {
    if (AD_PrintGraph_ID <= 0) set_Value("AD_PrintGraph_ID", null);
    else set_Value("AD_PrintGraph_ID", new Integer(AD_PrintGraph_ID));
  /** Get Graph. Graph included in Reports */
  public int getAD_PrintGraph_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("AD_PrintGraph_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Arc Diameter. Arc Diameter for rounded Rectangles */
  public void setArcDiameter(int ArcDiameter) {
    set_Value("ArcDiameter", new Integer(ArcDiameter));
  /** Get Arc Diameter. Arc Diameter for rounded Rectangles */
  public int getArcDiameter() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("ArcDiameter");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Below Column. Print this column below the column index entered */
  public void setBelowColumn(int BelowColumn) {
    set_Value("BelowColumn", new Integer(BelowColumn));
  /** Get Below Column. Print this column below the column index entered */
  public int getBelowColumn() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("BelowColumn");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();

  public static final int FIELDALIGNMENTTYPE_AD_Reference_ID =
      MReference.getReferenceID("AD_Print Field Alignment");
  /** Default = D */
  public static final String FIELDALIGNMENTTYPE_Default = "D";
  /** Leading (left) = L */
  public static final String FIELDALIGNMENTTYPE_LeadingLeft = "L";
  /** Trailing (right) = T */
  public static final String FIELDALIGNMENTTYPE_TrailingRight = "T";
  /** Block = B */
  public static final String FIELDALIGNMENTTYPE_Block = "B";
  /** Center = C */
  public static final String FIELDALIGNMENTTYPE_Center = "C";
  /** Set Field Alignment. Field Text Alignment */
  public void setFieldAlignmentType(String FieldAlignmentType) {
    if (FieldAlignmentType.equals("D")
        || FieldAlignmentType.equals("L")
        || FieldAlignmentType.equals("T")
        || FieldAlignmentType.equals("B")
        || FieldAlignmentType.equals("C")) ;
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "FieldAlignmentType Invalid value - Reference = FIELDALIGNMENTTYPE_AD_Reference_ID - D - L - T - B - C");
    if (FieldAlignmentType == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("FieldAlignmentType is mandatory");
    if (FieldAlignmentType.length() > 1) {
      log.warning("Length > 1 - truncated");
      FieldAlignmentType = FieldAlignmentType.substring(0, 1);
    set_Value("FieldAlignmentType", FieldAlignmentType);
  /** Get Field Alignment. Field Text Alignment */
  public String getFieldAlignmentType() {
    return (String) get_Value("FieldAlignmentType");
  /** Set Image attached. The image to be printed is attached to the record */
  public void setImageIsAttached(boolean ImageIsAttached) {
    set_Value("ImageIsAttached", new Boolean(ImageIsAttached));
  /** Get Image attached. The image to be printed is attached to the record */
  public boolean isImageIsAttached() {
    Object oo = get_Value("ImageIsAttached");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Image URL. URL of image */
  public void setImageURL(String ImageURL) {
    if (ImageURL != null && ImageURL.length() > 120) {
      log.warning("Length > 120 - truncated");
      ImageURL = ImageURL.substring(0, 120);
    set_Value("ImageURL", ImageURL);
  /** Get Image URL. URL of image */
  public String getImageURL() {
    return (String) get_Value("ImageURL");
  /** Set Calculate Mean (μ). Calculate Average of numeric content or length */
  public void setIsAveraged(boolean IsAveraged) {
    set_Value("IsAveraged", new Boolean(IsAveraged));
  /** Get Calculate Mean (μ). Calculate Average of numeric content or length */
  public boolean isAveraged() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsAveraged");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Centrally maintained. Information maintained in System Element table */
  public void setIsCentrallyMaintained(boolean IsCentrallyMaintained) {
    set_Value("IsCentrallyMaintained", new Boolean(IsCentrallyMaintained));
  /** Get Centrally maintained. Information maintained in System Element table */
  public boolean isCentrallyMaintained() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsCentrallyMaintained");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Calculate Count (№). Count number of not empty elements */
  public void setIsCounted(boolean IsCounted) {
    set_Value("IsCounted", new Boolean(IsCounted));
  /** Get Calculate Count (№). Count number of not empty elements */
  public boolean isCounted() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsCounted");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Calculate Deviation (σ). Calculate Standard Deviation */
  public void setIsDeviationCalc(boolean IsDeviationCalc) {
    set_Value("IsDeviationCalc", new Boolean(IsDeviationCalc));
  /** Get Calculate Deviation (σ). Calculate Standard Deviation */
  public boolean isDeviationCalc() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsDeviationCalc");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Fill Shape. Fill the shape with the color selected */
  public void setIsFilledRectangle(boolean IsFilledRectangle) {
    set_Value("IsFilledRectangle", new Boolean(IsFilledRectangle));
  /** Get Fill Shape. Fill the shape with the color selected */
  public boolean isFilledRectangle() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsFilledRectangle");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Fixed Width. Column has a fixed width */
  public void setIsFixedWidth(boolean IsFixedWidth) {
    set_Value("IsFixedWidth", new Boolean(IsFixedWidth));
  /** Get Fixed Width. Column has a fixed width */
  public boolean isFixedWidth() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsFixedWidth");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Group by. After a group change, totals, etc. are printed */
  public void setIsGroupBy(boolean IsGroupBy) {
    set_Value("IsGroupBy", new Boolean(IsGroupBy));
  /** Get Group by. After a group change, totals, etc. are printed */
  public boolean isGroupBy() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsGroupBy");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set One Line Only. If selected, only one line is printed */
  public void setIsHeightOneLine(boolean IsHeightOneLine) {
    set_Value("IsHeightOneLine", new Boolean(IsHeightOneLine));
  /** Get One Line Only. If selected, only one line is printed */
  public boolean isHeightOneLine() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsHeightOneLine");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Image Field. The image is retrieved from the data column */
  public void setIsImageField(boolean IsImageField) {
    set_Value("IsImageField", new Boolean(IsImageField));
  /** Get Image Field. The image is retrieved from the data column */
  public boolean isImageField() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsImageField");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Calculate Maximim (↑). Calculate the maximim amount */
  public void setIsMaxCalc(boolean IsMaxCalc) {
    set_Value("IsMaxCalc", new Boolean(IsMaxCalc));
  /** Get Calculate Maximim (↑). Calculate the maximim amount */
  public boolean isMaxCalc() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsMaxCalc");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Calculate Minimum (↓). Calculate the minimum amount */
  public void setIsMinCalc(boolean IsMinCalc) {
    set_Value("IsMinCalc", new Boolean(IsMinCalc));
  /** Get Calculate Minimum (↓). Calculate the minimum amount */
  public boolean isMinCalc() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsMinCalc");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Next Line. Print item on next line */
  public void setIsNextLine(boolean IsNextLine) {
    set_Value("IsNextLine", new Boolean(IsNextLine));
  /** Get Next Line. Print item on next line */
  public boolean isNextLine() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsNextLine");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Next Page. The column is printed on the next page */
  public void setIsNextPage(boolean IsNextPage) {
    set_Value("IsNextPage", new Boolean(IsNextPage));
  /** Get Next Page. The column is printed on the next page */
  public boolean isNextPage() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsNextPage");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Order by. Include in sort order */
  public void setIsOrderBy(boolean IsOrderBy) {
    set_Value("IsOrderBy", new Boolean(IsOrderBy));
  /** Get Order by. Include in sort order */
  public boolean isOrderBy() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsOrderBy");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Page break. Start with new page */
  public void setIsPageBreak(boolean IsPageBreak) {
    set_Value("IsPageBreak", new Boolean(IsPageBreak));
  /** Get Page break. Start with new page */
  public boolean isPageBreak() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsPageBreak");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Printed. Indicates if this document / line is printed */
  public void setIsPrinted(boolean IsPrinted) {
    set_Value("IsPrinted", new Boolean(IsPrinted));
  /** Get Printed. Indicates if this document / line is printed */
  public boolean isPrinted() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsPrinted");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Relative Position. The item is relative positioned (not absolute) */
  public void setIsRelativePosition(boolean IsRelativePosition) {
    set_Value("IsRelativePosition", new Boolean(IsRelativePosition));
  /** Get Relative Position. The item is relative positioned (not absolute) */
  public boolean isRelativePosition() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsRelativePosition");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Running Total. Create a running total (sum) */
  public void setIsRunningTotal(boolean IsRunningTotal) {
    set_Value("IsRunningTotal", new Boolean(IsRunningTotal));
  /** Get Running Total. Create a running total (sum) */
  public boolean isRunningTotal() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsRunningTotal");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Set NL Position. Set New Line Position */
  public void setIsSetNLPosition(boolean IsSetNLPosition) {
    set_Value("IsSetNLPosition", new Boolean(IsSetNLPosition));
  /** Get Set NL Position. Set New Line Position */
  public boolean isSetNLPosition() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsSetNLPosition");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Calculate Sum (Σ). Calculate the Sum of numeric content or length */
  public void setIsSummarized(boolean IsSummarized) {
    set_Value("IsSummarized", new Boolean(IsSummarized));
  /** Get Calculate Sum (Σ). Calculate the Sum of numeric content or length */
  public boolean isSummarized() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsSummarized");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Suppress Null. Suppress columns or elements with NULL value */
  public void setIsSuppressNull(boolean IsSuppressNull) {
    set_Value("IsSuppressNull", new Boolean(IsSuppressNull));
  /** Get Suppress Null. Suppress columns or elements with NULL value */
  public boolean isSuppressNull() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsSuppressNull");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Calculate Variance (σ²). Calculate Variance */
  public void setIsVarianceCalc(boolean IsVarianceCalc) {
    set_Value("IsVarianceCalc", new Boolean(IsVarianceCalc));
  /** Get Calculate Variance (σ²). Calculate Variance */
  public boolean isVarianceCalc() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsVarianceCalc");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;

  public static final int LINEALIGNMENTTYPE_AD_Reference_ID =
      MReference.getReferenceID("AD_Print Line Alignment");
  /** None = X */
  public static final String LINEALIGNMENTTYPE_None = "X";
  /** Leading (left) = L */
  public static final String LINEALIGNMENTTYPE_LeadingLeft = "L";
  /** Center = C */
  public static final String LINEALIGNMENTTYPE_Center = "C";
  /** Trailing (right) = T */
  public static final String LINEALIGNMENTTYPE_TrailingRight = "T";
  /** Set Line Alignment. Line Alignment */
  public void setLineAlignmentType(String LineAlignmentType) {
    if (LineAlignmentType.equals("X")
        || LineAlignmentType.equals("L")
        || LineAlignmentType.equals("C")
        || LineAlignmentType.equals("T")) ;
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "LineAlignmentType Invalid value - Reference = LINEALIGNMENTTYPE_AD_Reference_ID - X - L - C - T");
    if (LineAlignmentType == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("LineAlignmentType is mandatory");
    if (LineAlignmentType.length() > 1) {
      log.warning("Length > 1 - truncated");
      LineAlignmentType = LineAlignmentType.substring(0, 1);
    set_Value("LineAlignmentType", LineAlignmentType);
  /** Get Line Alignment. Line Alignment */
  public String getLineAlignmentType() {
    return (String) get_Value("LineAlignmentType");
  /** Set Line Width. Width of the lines */
  public void setLineWidth(int LineWidth) {
    set_Value("LineWidth", new Integer(LineWidth));
  /** Get Line Width. Width of the lines */
  public int getLineWidth() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("LineWidth");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Max Height. Maximum Height in 1/72 if an inch - 0 = no restriction */
  public void setMaxHeight(int MaxHeight) {
    set_Value("MaxHeight", new Integer(MaxHeight));
  /** Get Max Height. Maximum Height in 1/72 if an inch - 0 = no restriction */
  public int getMaxHeight() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("MaxHeight");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Max Width. Maximum Width in 1/72 if an inch - 0 = no restriction */
  public void setMaxWidth(int MaxWidth) {
    set_Value("MaxWidth", new Integer(MaxWidth));
  /** Get Max Width. Maximum Width in 1/72 if an inch - 0 = no restriction */
  public int getMaxWidth() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("MaxWidth");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity */
  public void setName(String Name) {
    if (Name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name is mandatory");
    if (Name.length() > 60) {
      log.warning("Length > 60 - truncated");
      Name = Name.substring(0, 60);
    set_Value("Name", Name);
  /** Get Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity */
  public String getName() {
    return (String) get_Value("Name");

  public KeyNamePair getKeyNamePair() {
    return new KeyNamePair(getID(), getName());
  /** Set Override Value */
  public void setOverrideValue(String OverrideValue) {
    if (OverrideValue != null && OverrideValue.length() > 100) {
      log.warning("Length > 100 - truncated");
      OverrideValue = OverrideValue.substring(0, 100);
    set_Value("OverrideValue", OverrideValue);
  /** Get Override Value */
  public String getOverrideValue() {
    return (String) get_Value("OverrideValue");

  public static final int PRINTAREATYPE_AD_Reference_ID =
      MReference.getReferenceID("AD_Print Area");
  /** Content = C */
  public static final String PRINTAREATYPE_Content = "C";
  /** Header = H */
  public static final String PRINTAREATYPE_Header = "H";
  /** Footer = F */
  public static final String PRINTAREATYPE_Footer = "F";
  /** Set Area. Print Area */
  public void setPrintAreaType(String PrintAreaType) {
    if (PrintAreaType.equals("C") || PrintAreaType.equals("H") || PrintAreaType.equals("F")) ;
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "PrintAreaType Invalid value - Reference = PRINTAREATYPE_AD_Reference_ID - C - H - F");
    if (PrintAreaType == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("PrintAreaType is mandatory");
    if (PrintAreaType.length() > 1) {
      log.warning("Length > 1 - truncated");
      PrintAreaType = PrintAreaType.substring(0, 1);
    set_Value("PrintAreaType", PrintAreaType);
  /** Get Area. Print Area */
  public String getPrintAreaType() {
    return (String) get_Value("PrintAreaType");

  public static final int PRINTFORMATTYPE_AD_Reference_ID =
      MReference.getReferenceID("AD_Print Format Type");
  /** Rectangle = R */
  public static final String PRINTFORMATTYPE_Rectangle = "R";
  /** Line = L */
  public static final String PRINTFORMATTYPE_Line = "L";
  /** Image = I */
  public static final String PRINTFORMATTYPE_Image = "I";
  /** Field = F */
  public static final String PRINTFORMATTYPE_Field = "F";
  /** Text = T */
  public static final String PRINTFORMATTYPE_Text = "T";
  /** Print Format = P */
  public static final String PRINTFORMATTYPE_PrintFormat = "P";
  /** Set Format Type. Print Format Type */
  public void setPrintFormatType(String PrintFormatType) {
    if (PrintFormatType.equals("R")
        || PrintFormatType.equals("L")
        || PrintFormatType.equals("I")
        || PrintFormatType.equals("F")
        || PrintFormatType.equals("T")
        || PrintFormatType.equals("P")) ;
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "PrintFormatType Invalid value - Reference = PRINTFORMATTYPE_AD_Reference_ID - R - L - I - F - T - P");
    if (PrintFormatType == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("PrintFormatType is mandatory");
    if (PrintFormatType.length() > 1) {
      log.warning("Length > 1 - truncated");
      PrintFormatType = PrintFormatType.substring(0, 1);
    set_Value("PrintFormatType", PrintFormatType);
  /** Get Format Type. Print Format Type */
  public String getPrintFormatType() {
    return (String) get_Value("PrintFormatType");
  /** Set Print Text. The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence. */
  public void setPrintName(String PrintName) {
    if (PrintName != null && PrintName.length() > 2000) {
      log.warning("Length > 2000 - truncated");
      PrintName = PrintName.substring(0, 2000);
    set_Value("PrintName", PrintName);
  /** Get Print Text. The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence. */
  public String getPrintName() {
    return (String) get_Value("PrintName");
   * Set Print Label Suffix. The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence after the
   * field
  public void setPrintNameSuffix(String PrintNameSuffix) {
    if (PrintNameSuffix != null && PrintNameSuffix.length() > 60) {
      log.warning("Length > 60 - truncated");
      PrintNameSuffix = PrintNameSuffix.substring(0, 60);
    set_Value("PrintNameSuffix", PrintNameSuffix);
   * Get Print Label Suffix. The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence after the
   * field
  public String getPrintNameSuffix() {
    return (String) get_Value("PrintNameSuffix");
  /** Set Running Total Lines. Create Running Total Lines (page break) every x lines */
  public void setRunningTotalLines(int RunningTotalLines) {
    set_Value("RunningTotalLines", new Integer(RunningTotalLines));
  /** Get Running Total Lines. Create Running Total Lines (page break) every x lines */
  public int getRunningTotalLines() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("RunningTotalLines");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Sequence. Method of ordering records; lowest number comes first */
  public void setSeqNo(int SeqNo) {
    set_Value("SeqNo", new Integer(SeqNo));
  /** Get Sequence. Method of ordering records; lowest number comes first */
  public int getSeqNo() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("SeqNo");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();

  public static final int SHAPETYPE_AD_Reference_ID =
      MReference.getReferenceID("AD_PrintFormatItem ShapeType");
  /** 3D Rectangle = 3 */
  public static final String SHAPETYPE_3DRectangle = "3";
  /** Oval = O */
  public static final String SHAPETYPE_Oval = "O";
  /** Round Rectangle = R */
  public static final String SHAPETYPE_RoundRectangle = "R";
  /** Normal Rectangle = N */
  public static final String SHAPETYPE_NormalRectangle = "N";
  /** Set Shape Type. Type of the shape to be painted */
  public void setShapeType(String ShapeType) {
    if (ShapeType == null
        || ShapeType.equals("3")
        || ShapeType.equals("O")
        || ShapeType.equals("R")
        || ShapeType.equals("N")) ;
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "ShapeType Invalid value - Reference = SHAPETYPE_AD_Reference_ID - 3 - O - R - N");
    if (ShapeType != null && ShapeType.length() > 1) {
      log.warning("Length > 1 - truncated");
      ShapeType = ShapeType.substring(0, 1);
    set_Value("ShapeType", ShapeType);
  /** Get Shape Type. Type of the shape to be painted */
  public String getShapeType() {
    return (String) get_Value("ShapeType");
  /** Set Record Sort No. Determines in what order the records are displayed */
  public void setSortNo(int SortNo) {
    set_Value("SortNo", new Integer(SortNo));
  /** Get Record Sort No. Determines in what order the records are displayed */
  public int getSortNo() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("SortNo");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set X Position. Absolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inch */
  public void setXPosition(int XPosition) {
    set_Value("XPosition", new Integer(XPosition));
  /** Get X Position. Absolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inch */
  public int getXPosition() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("XPosition");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set X Space. Relative X (horizontal) space in 1/72 of an inch */
  public void setXSpace(int XSpace) {
    set_Value("XSpace", new Integer(XSpace));
  /** Get X Space. Relative X (horizontal) space in 1/72 of an inch */
  public int getXSpace() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("XSpace");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Y Position. Absolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inch */
  public void setYPosition(int YPosition) {
    set_Value("YPosition", new Integer(YPosition));
  /** Get Y Position. Absolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inch */
  public int getYPosition() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("YPosition");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Y Space. Relative Y (vertical) space in 1/72 of an inch */
  public void setYSpace(int YSpace) {
    set_Value("YSpace", new Integer(YSpace));
  /** Get Y Space. Relative Y (vertical) space in 1/72 of an inch */
  public int getYSpace() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("YSpace");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
 * Modelo Generado por T_Acct_Balance
 * @author Comunidad de Desarrollo Libertya* *Basado en Codigo Original Modificado, Revisado y
 *     Optimizado de:* * Jorg Janke
 * @version - 2011-09-15 17:01:17.287
public class X_T_Acct_Balance extends org.openXpertya.model.PO {
  /** Constructor estándar */
  public X_T_Acct_Balance(Properties ctx, int T_Acct_Balance_ID, String trxName) {
    super(ctx, T_Acct_Balance_ID, trxName);
     * if (T_Acct_Balance_ID == 0) { setAD_PInstance_ID (0); setSubindex (0); setT_Acct_Balance_ID
     * (0); }
  /** Load Constructor */
  public X_T_Acct_Balance(Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName) {
    super(ctx, rs, trxName);
  /** AD_Table_ID */
  public static final int Table_ID = M_Table.getTableID("T_Acct_Balance");

  /** TableName=T_Acct_Balance */
  public static final String Table_Name = "T_Acct_Balance";

  protected static KeyNamePair Model = new KeyNamePair(Table_ID, "T_Acct_Balance");
  protected static BigDecimal AccessLevel = new BigDecimal(3);

  /** Load Meta Data */
  protected POInfo initPO(Properties ctx) {
    POInfo poi = POInfo.getPOInfo(ctx, Table_ID);
    return poi;

  public String toString() {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("X_T_Acct_Balance[").append(getID()).append("]");
    return sb.toString();
  /** Set Account Code */
  public void setAcct_Code(String Acct_Code) {
    if (Acct_Code != null && Acct_Code.length() > 512) {
      log.warning("Length > 512 - truncated");
      Acct_Code = Acct_Code.substring(0, 512);
    set_Value("Acct_Code", Acct_Code);
  /** Get Account Code */
  public String getAcct_Code() {
    return (String) get_Value("Acct_Code");
  /** Set Account Description */
  public void setAcct_Description(String Acct_Description) {
    if (Acct_Description != null && Acct_Description.length() > 1024) {
      log.warning("Length > 1024 - truncated");
      Acct_Description = Acct_Description.substring(0, 1024);
    set_Value("Acct_Description", Acct_Description);
  /** Get Account Description */
  public String getAcct_Description() {
    return (String) get_Value("Acct_Description");
  /** Set Process Instance. Instance of the process */
  public void setAD_PInstance_ID(int AD_PInstance_ID) {
    set_Value("AD_PInstance_ID", new Integer(AD_PInstance_ID));
  /** Get Process Instance. Instance of the process */
  public int getAD_PInstance_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("AD_PInstance_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Balance */
  public void setBalance(BigDecimal Balance) {
    set_Value("Balance", Balance);
  /** Get Balance */
  public BigDecimal getBalance() {
    BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) get_Value("Balance");
    if (bd == null) return Env.ZERO;
    return bd;
  /** Set Account Element. Account Element */
  public void setC_ElementValue_ID(int C_ElementValue_ID) {
    if (C_ElementValue_ID <= 0) set_Value("C_ElementValue_ID", null);
    else set_Value("C_ElementValue_ID", new Integer(C_ElementValue_ID));
  /** Get Account Element. Account Element */
  public int getC_ElementValue_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("C_ElementValue_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Credit */
  public void setCredit(BigDecimal Credit) {
    set_Value("Credit", Credit);
  /** Get Credit */
  public BigDecimal getCredit() {
    BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) get_Value("Credit");
    if (bd == null) return Env.ZERO;
    return bd;
  /** Set Debit */
  public void setDebit(BigDecimal Debit) {
    set_Value("Debit", Debit);
  /** Get Debit */
  public BigDecimal getDebit() {
    BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) get_Value("Debit");
    if (bd == null) return Env.ZERO;
    return bd;
  /** Set Hierarchical Code */
  public void setHierarchicalCode(String HierarchicalCode) {
    if (HierarchicalCode != null && HierarchicalCode.length() > 1024) {
      log.warning("Length > 1024 - truncated");
      HierarchicalCode = HierarchicalCode.substring(0, 1024);
    set_Value("HierarchicalCode", HierarchicalCode);
  /** Get Hierarchical Code */
  public String getHierarchicalCode() {
    return (String) get_Value("HierarchicalCode");
  /** Set Subindex */
  public void setSubindex(int Subindex) {
    set_Value("Subindex", new Integer(Subindex));
  /** Get Subindex */
  public int getSubindex() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("Subindex");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Account General Balance */
  public void setT_Acct_Balance_ID(int T_Acct_Balance_ID) {
    set_ValueNoCheck("T_Acct_Balance_ID", new Integer(T_Acct_Balance_ID));
  /** Get Account General Balance */
  public int getT_Acct_Balance_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("T_Acct_Balance_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
Exemple #3
 * Modelo Generado por C_Tax
 * @author Comunidad de Desarrollo Libertya* *Basado en Codigo Original Modificado, Revisado y
 *     Optimizado de:* * Jorg Janke
 * @version - 2014-07-07 10:12:13.629
public class X_C_Tax extends org.openXpertya.model.PO {
  /** Constructor estándar */
  public X_C_Tax(Properties ctx, int C_Tax_ID, String trxName) {
    super(ctx, C_Tax_ID, trxName);
     * if (C_Tax_ID == 0) { setC_TaxCategory_ID (0); setC_Tax_ID (0); setIsDefault (false);
     * setIsDocumentLevel (false); setIsPercepcion (false); setIsSummary (false); setIsTaxExempt
     * (false); setName (null); setRate (Env.ZERO); setRequiresTaxCertificate (false); setSOPOType
     * (null); // B setTaxType (null); // G setValidFrom (new
     * Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); }
  /** Load Constructor */
  public X_C_Tax(Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName) {
    super(ctx, rs, trxName);
  /** AD_Table_ID */
  public static final int Table_ID = M_Table.getTableID("C_Tax");

  /** TableName=C_Tax */
  public static final String Table_Name = "C_Tax";

  protected static KeyNamePair Model = new KeyNamePair(Table_ID, "C_Tax");
  protected static BigDecimal AccessLevel = new BigDecimal(2);

  /** Load Meta Data */
  protected POInfo initPO(Properties ctx) {
    POInfo poi = POInfo.getPOInfo(ctx, Table_ID);
    return poi;

  public String toString() {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("X_C_Tax[").append(getID()).append("]");
    return sb.toString();
  /** Set AD_ComponentObjectUID */
  public void setAD_ComponentObjectUID(String AD_ComponentObjectUID) {
    if (AD_ComponentObjectUID != null && AD_ComponentObjectUID.length() > 100) {
      log.warning("Length > 100 - truncated");
      AD_ComponentObjectUID = AD_ComponentObjectUID.substring(0, 100);
    set_Value("AD_ComponentObjectUID", AD_ComponentObjectUID);
  /** Get AD_ComponentObjectUID */
  public String getAD_ComponentObjectUID() {
    return (String) get_Value("AD_ComponentObjectUID");
  /** Set Arciba Norm Code */
  public void setArcibaNormCode(String ArcibaNormCode) {
    if (ArcibaNormCode != null && ArcibaNormCode.length() > 10) {
      log.warning("Length > 10 - truncated");
      ArcibaNormCode = ArcibaNormCode.substring(0, 10);
    set_Value("ArcibaNormCode", ArcibaNormCode);
  /** Get Arciba Norm Code */
  public String getArcibaNormCode() {
    return (String) get_Value("ArcibaNormCode");
  /** Set Business Partner Group. Business Partner Group */
  public void setC_BP_Group_ID(int C_BP_Group_ID) {
    if (C_BP_Group_ID <= 0) set_Value("C_BP_Group_ID", null);
    else set_Value("C_BP_Group_ID", new Integer(C_BP_Group_ID));
  /** Get Business Partner Group. Business Partner Group */
  public int getC_BP_Group_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("C_BP_Group_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();

  public static final int C_COUNTRY_ID_AD_Reference_ID = MReference.getReferenceID("C_Country");
  /** Set Country. Country */
  public void setC_Country_ID(int C_Country_ID) {
    if (C_Country_ID <= 0) set_Value("C_Country_ID", null);
    else set_Value("C_Country_ID", new Integer(C_Country_ID));
  /** Get Country. Country */
  public int getC_Country_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("C_Country_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();

  public static final int C_REGION_ID_AD_Reference_ID = MReference.getReferenceID("C_Region");
  /** Set Region. Identifies a geographical Region */
  public void setC_Region_ID(int C_Region_ID) {
    if (C_Region_ID <= 0) set_Value("C_Region_ID", null);
    else set_Value("C_Region_ID", new Integer(C_Region_ID));
  /** Get Region. Identifies a geographical Region */
  public int getC_Region_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("C_Region_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Tax Category. Tax Category */
  public void setC_TaxCategory_ID(int C_TaxCategory_ID) {
    set_Value("C_TaxCategory_ID", new Integer(C_TaxCategory_ID));
  /** Get Tax Category. Tax Category */
  public int getC_TaxCategory_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("C_TaxCategory_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Tax. Tax identifier */
  public void setC_Tax_ID(int C_Tax_ID) {
    set_ValueNoCheck("C_Tax_ID", new Integer(C_Tax_ID));
  /** Get Tax. Tax identifier */
  public int getC_Tax_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("C_Tax_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Description. Optional short description of the record */
  public void setDescription(String Description) {
    if (Description != null && Description.length() > 255) {
      log.warning("Length > 255 - truncated");
      Description = Description.substring(0, 255);
    set_Value("Description", Description);
  /** Get Description. Optional short description of the record */
  public String getDescription() {
    return (String) get_Value("Description");
  /** Set Default. Default value */
  public void setIsDefault(boolean IsDefault) {
    set_Value("IsDefault", new Boolean(IsDefault));
  /** Get Default. Default value */
  public boolean isDefault() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsDefault");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Document Level. Tax is calculated on document level (rather than line by line) */
  public void setIsDocumentLevel(boolean IsDocumentLevel) {
    set_Value("IsDocumentLevel", new Boolean(IsDocumentLevel));
  /** Get Document Level. Tax is calculated on document level (rather than line by line) */
  public boolean isDocumentLevel() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsDocumentLevel");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Is Percepcion */
  public void setIsPercepcion(boolean IsPercepcion) {
    set_Value("IsPercepcion", new Boolean(IsPercepcion));
  /** Get Is Percepcion */
  public boolean isPercepcion() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsPercepcion");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Summary Level. This is a summary entity */
  public void setIsSummary(boolean IsSummary) {
    set_Value("IsSummary", new Boolean(IsSummary));
  /** Get Summary Level. This is a summary entity */
  public boolean isSummary() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsSummary");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Tax exempt. Business partner is exempt from tax */
  public void setIsTaxExempt(boolean IsTaxExempt) {
    set_Value("IsTaxExempt", new Boolean(IsTaxExempt));
  /** Get Tax exempt. Business partner is exempt from tax */
  public boolean isTaxExempt() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsTaxExempt");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Product Category. Category of a Product */
  public void setM_Product_Category_ID(int M_Product_Category_ID) {
    if (M_Product_Category_ID <= 0) set_Value("M_Product_Category_ID", null);
    else set_Value("M_Product_Category_ID", new Integer(M_Product_Category_ID));
  /** Get Product Category. Category of a Product */
  public int getM_Product_Category_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("M_Product_Category_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Product. Product, Service, Item */
  public void setM_Product_ID(int M_Product_ID) {
    if (M_Product_ID <= 0) set_Value("M_Product_ID", null);
    else set_Value("M_Product_ID", new Integer(M_Product_ID));
  /** Get Product. Product, Service, Item */
  public int getM_Product_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("M_Product_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity */
  public void setName(String Name) {
    if (Name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name is mandatory");
    if (Name.length() > 60) {
      log.warning("Length > 60 - truncated");
      Name = Name.substring(0, 60);
    set_Value("Name", Name);
  /** Get Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity */
  public String getName() {
    return (String) get_Value("Name");

  public KeyNamePair getKeyNamePair() {
    return new KeyNamePair(getID(), getName());

  public static final int PARENT_TAX_ID_AD_Reference_ID = MReference.getReferenceID("C_Tax");
  /** Set Parent Tax. Parent Tax indicates a tax that is made up of multiple taxes */
  public void setParent_Tax_ID(int Parent_Tax_ID) {
    if (Parent_Tax_ID <= 0) set_Value("Parent_Tax_ID", null);
    else set_Value("Parent_Tax_ID", new Integer(Parent_Tax_ID));
  /** Get Parent Tax. Parent Tax indicates a tax that is made up of multiple taxes */
  public int getParent_Tax_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("Parent_Tax_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();

  public static final int PERCEPTIONTYPE_AD_Reference_ID =
      MReference.getReferenceID("Retention - Perception Type");
  /** Ganancias = G */
  public static final String PERCEPTIONTYPE_Ganancias = "G";
  /** SIJP = J */
  public static final String PERCEPTIONTYPE_SIJP = "J";
  /** Suss = S */
  public static final String PERCEPTIONTYPE_Suss = "S";
  /** IVA = I */
  public static final String PERCEPTIONTYPE_IVA = "I";
  /** Ingresos Brutos = B */
  public static final String PERCEPTIONTYPE_IngresosBrutos = "B";
  /** Set PerceptionType */
  public void setPerceptionType(String PerceptionType) {
    if (PerceptionType == null
        || PerceptionType.equals("G")
        || PerceptionType.equals("J")
        || PerceptionType.equals("S")
        || PerceptionType.equals("I")
        || PerceptionType.equals("B")) ;
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "PerceptionType Invalid value - Reference = PERCEPTIONTYPE_AD_Reference_ID - G - J - S - I - B");
    if (PerceptionType != null && PerceptionType.length() > 1) {
      log.warning("Length > 1 - truncated");
      PerceptionType = PerceptionType.substring(0, 1);
    set_Value("PerceptionType", PerceptionType);
  /** Get PerceptionType */
  public String getPerceptionType() {
    return (String) get_Value("PerceptionType");
  /** Set Rate. Rate or Tax or Exchange */
  public void setRate(BigDecimal Rate) {
    if (Rate == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rate is mandatory");
    set_Value("Rate", Rate);
  /** Get Rate. Rate or Tax or Exchange */
  public BigDecimal getRate() {
    BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) get_Value("Rate");
    if (bd == null) return Env.ZERO;
    return bd;
  /** Set Requires Tax Certificate. This tax rate requires the Business Partner to be tax exempt */
  public void setRequiresTaxCertificate(boolean RequiresTaxCertificate) {
    set_Value("RequiresTaxCertificate", new Boolean(RequiresTaxCertificate));
  /** Get Requires Tax Certificate. This tax rate requires the Business Partner to be tax exempt */
  public boolean isRequiresTaxCertificate() {
    Object oo = get_Value("RequiresTaxCertificate");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;

  public static final int SOPOTYPE_AD_Reference_ID = MReference.getReferenceID("C_Tax SPPOType");
  /** Both = B */
  public static final String SOPOTYPE_Both = "B";
  /** Sales Tax = S */
  public static final String SOPOTYPE_SalesTax = "S";
  /** Purchase Tax = P */
  public static final String SOPOTYPE_PurchaseTax = "P";
  /** Set SO/PO Type. Sales Tax applies to sales situations, Purchase Tax to purchase situations */
  public void setSOPOType(String SOPOType) {
    if (SOPOType.equals("B") || SOPOType.equals("S") || SOPOType.equals("P")) ;
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "SOPOType Invalid value - Reference = SOPOTYPE_AD_Reference_ID - B - S - P");
    if (SOPOType == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("SOPOType is mandatory");
    if (SOPOType.length() > 1) {
      log.warning("Length > 1 - truncated");
      SOPOType = SOPOType.substring(0, 1);
    set_Value("SOPOType", SOPOType);
  /** Get SO/PO Type. Sales Tax applies to sales situations, Purchase Tax to purchase situations */
  public String getSOPOType() {
    return (String) get_Value("SOPOType");

  public static final int TAXACCUSATION_AD_Reference_ID =
      MReference.getReferenceID("C_Tax Accusation");
  /** Direct Encumbered = G */
  public static final String TAXACCUSATION_DirectEncumbered = "G";
  /** Not Computable = N */
  public static final String TAXACCUSATION_NotComputable = "N";
  /** Prorrateable = P */
  public static final String TAXACCUSATION_Prorrateable = "P";
  /** Set Tax Accusation. Tax acussation method */
  public void setTaxAccusation(String TaxAccusation) {
    if (TaxAccusation == null
        || TaxAccusation.equals("G")
        || TaxAccusation.equals("N")
        || TaxAccusation.equals("P")) ;
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "TaxAccusation Invalid value - Reference = TAXACCUSATION_AD_Reference_ID - G - N - P");
    if (TaxAccusation != null && TaxAccusation.length() > 1) {
      log.warning("Length > 1 - truncated");
      TaxAccusation = TaxAccusation.substring(0, 1);
    set_Value("TaxAccusation", TaxAccusation);
  /** Get Tax Accusation. Tax acussation method */
  public String getTaxAccusation() {
    return (String) get_Value("TaxAccusation");
  /** Set Tax Indicator. Short form for Tax to be printed on documents */
  public void setTaxIndicator(String TaxIndicator) {
    if (TaxIndicator != null && TaxIndicator.length() > 10) {
      log.warning("Length > 10 - truncated");
      TaxIndicator = TaxIndicator.substring(0, 10);
    set_Value("TaxIndicator", TaxIndicator);
  /** Get Tax Indicator. Short form for Tax to be printed on documents */
  public String getTaxIndicator() {
    return (String) get_Value("TaxIndicator");

  public static final int TAXTYPE_AD_Reference_ID = MReference.getReferenceID("C_Tax Type");
  /** General = G */
  public static final String TAXTYPE_General = "G";
  /** By Category = C */
  public static final String TAXTYPE_ByCategory = "C";
  /** By Product = P */
  public static final String TAXTYPE_ByProduct = "P";
  /** Set Tax Type */
  public void setTaxType(String TaxType) {
    if (TaxType.equals("G") || TaxType.equals("C") || TaxType.equals("P")) ;
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "TaxType Invalid value - Reference = TAXTYPE_AD_Reference_ID - G - C - P");
    if (TaxType == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("TaxType is mandatory");
    if (TaxType.length() > 1) {
      log.warning("Length > 1 - truncated");
      TaxType = TaxType.substring(0, 1);
    set_Value("TaxType", TaxType);
  /** Get Tax Type */
  public String getTaxType() {
    return (String) get_Value("TaxType");

  public static final int TO_COUNTRY_ID_AD_Reference_ID = MReference.getReferenceID("C_Country");
  /** Set To. Receiving Country */
  public void setTo_Country_ID(int To_Country_ID) {
    if (To_Country_ID <= 0) set_Value("To_Country_ID", null);
    else set_Value("To_Country_ID", new Integer(To_Country_ID));
  /** Get To. Receiving Country */
  public int getTo_Country_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("To_Country_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();

  public static final int TO_REGION_ID_AD_Reference_ID = MReference.getReferenceID("C_Region");
  /** Set To. Receiving Region */
  public void setTo_Region_ID(int To_Region_ID) {
    if (To_Region_ID <= 0) set_Value("To_Region_ID", null);
    else set_Value("To_Region_ID", new Integer(To_Region_ID));
  /** Get To. Receiving Region */
  public int getTo_Region_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("To_Region_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Valid from. Valid from including this date (first day) */
  public void setValidFrom(Timestamp ValidFrom) {
    if (ValidFrom == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ValidFrom is mandatory");
    set_Value("ValidFrom", ValidFrom);
  /** Get Valid from. Valid from including this date (first day) */
  public Timestamp getValidFrom() {
    return (Timestamp) get_Value("ValidFrom");
  /** Set WSFE Code. WSFE Code */
  public void setWSFECode(int WSFECode) {
    set_Value("WSFECode", new Integer(WSFECode));
  /** Get WSFE Code. WSFE Code */
  public int getWSFECode() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("WSFECode");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
 * Modelo Generado por C_InvoiceTax
 * @author Comunidad de Desarrollo Libertya* *Basado en Codigo Original Modificado, Revisado y
 *     Optimizado de:* * Jorg Janke
 * @version - 2013-03-28 18:55:23.097
public class X_C_InvoiceTax extends org.openXpertya.model.PO {
  /** Constructor estándar */
  public X_C_InvoiceTax(Properties ctx, int C_InvoiceTax_ID, String trxName) {
    super(ctx, C_InvoiceTax_ID, trxName);
     * if (C_InvoiceTax_ID == 0) { setC_Invoice_ID (0); setC_Tax_ID (0); setIsPerceptionsIncluded
     * (false); setIsTaxIncluded (false); setProcessed (false); setTaxAmt (Env.ZERO); setTaxBaseAmt
     * (Env.ZERO); }
  /** Load Constructor */
  public X_C_InvoiceTax(Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName) {
    super(ctx, rs, trxName);
  /** AD_Table_ID */
  public static final int Table_ID = M_Table.getTableID("C_InvoiceTax");

  /** TableName=C_InvoiceTax */
  public static final String Table_Name = "C_InvoiceTax";

  protected static KeyNamePair Model = new KeyNamePair(Table_ID, "C_InvoiceTax");
  protected static BigDecimal AccessLevel = new BigDecimal(1);

  /** Load Meta Data */
  protected POInfo initPO(Properties ctx) {
    POInfo poi = POInfo.getPOInfo(ctx, Table_ID);
    return poi;

  public String toString() {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("X_C_InvoiceTax[").append(getID()).append("]");
    return sb.toString();
  /** Set Arciba Norm Code */
  public void setArcibaNormCode(String ArcibaNormCode) {
    if (ArcibaNormCode != null && ArcibaNormCode.length() > 10) {
      log.warning("Length > 10 - truncated");
      ArcibaNormCode = ArcibaNormCode.substring(0, 10);
    set_Value("ArcibaNormCode", ArcibaNormCode);
  /** Get Arciba Norm Code */
  public String getArcibaNormCode() {
    return (String) get_Value("ArcibaNormCode");
  /** Set Invoice. Invoice Identifier */
  public void setC_Invoice_ID(int C_Invoice_ID) {
    set_ValueNoCheck("C_Invoice_ID", new Integer(C_Invoice_ID));
  /** Get Invoice. Invoice Identifier */
  public int getC_Invoice_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("C_Invoice_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Tax. Tax identifier */
  public void setC_Tax_ID(int C_Tax_ID) {
    set_Value("C_Tax_ID", new Integer(C_Tax_ID));
  /** Get Tax. Tax identifier */
  public int getC_Tax_ID() {
    Integer ii = (Integer) get_Value("C_Tax_ID");
    if (ii == null) return 0;
    return ii.intValue();
  /** Set Is Perceptions Included */
  public void setIsPerceptionsIncluded(boolean IsPerceptionsIncluded) {
    set_Value("IsPerceptionsIncluded", new Boolean(IsPerceptionsIncluded));
  /** Get Is Perceptions Included */
  public boolean isPerceptionsIncluded() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsPerceptionsIncluded");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Price includes Tax. Tax is included in the price */
  public void setIsTaxIncluded(boolean IsTaxIncluded) {
    set_Value("IsTaxIncluded", new Boolean(IsTaxIncluded));
  /** Get Price includes Tax. Tax is included in the price */
  public boolean isTaxIncluded() {
    Object oo = get_Value("IsTaxIncluded");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Processed. The document has been processed */
  public void setProcessed(boolean Processed) {
    set_Value("Processed", new Boolean(Processed));
  /** Get Processed. The document has been processed */
  public boolean isProcessed() {
    Object oo = get_Value("Processed");
    if (oo != null) {
      if (oo instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) oo).booleanValue();
      return "Y".equals(oo);
    return false;
  /** Set Rate. Rate or Tax or Exchange */
  public void setRate(BigDecimal Rate) {
    set_Value("Rate", Rate);
  /** Get Rate. Rate or Tax or Exchange */
  public BigDecimal getRate() {
    BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) get_Value("Rate");
    if (bd == null) return Env.ZERO;
    return bd;
  /** Set Tax Amount. Tax Amount for a document */
  public void setTaxAmt(BigDecimal TaxAmt) {
    if (TaxAmt == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("TaxAmt is mandatory");
    set_Value("TaxAmt", TaxAmt);
  /** Get Tax Amount. Tax Amount for a document */
  public BigDecimal getTaxAmt() {
    BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) get_Value("TaxAmt");
    if (bd == null) return Env.ZERO;
    return bd;
  /** Set Tax base Amount. Base for calculating the tax amount */
  public void setTaxBaseAmt(BigDecimal TaxBaseAmt) {
    if (TaxBaseAmt == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("TaxBaseAmt is mandatory");
    set_Value("TaxBaseAmt", TaxBaseAmt);
  /** Get Tax base Amount. Base for calculating the tax amount */
  public BigDecimal getTaxBaseAmt() {
    BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) get_Value("TaxBaseAmt");
    if (bd == null) return Env.ZERO;
    return bd;