public static void generateTrainingDataFromFile( String fileLocation) // Requires that the original file had the metadata and requires that this // file is formated the same in first sheet { testDataLL = (LinkedList<String[]>) dataLL.clone(); actualClassifications = (LinkedList<String>) classificationsLL.clone(); FileInputStream file; try { file = new FileInputStream(new File(fileLocation)); Workbook excelFile = new HSSFWorkbook(file); Sheet sheet1 = excelFile.getSheetAt(0); // Data sheet for (Row row : sheet1) { String data[] = new String[row.getPhysicalNumberOfCells() - 1]; String classification = ""; int offset = 0; // Used so that we can declare an array of the size of the attributes without the // classification for (Cell cell : row) { int index = cell.getColumnIndex(); if (classificationLocation != index) { data[index - offset] = cell.toString(); } else { classification = cell.toString(); offset++; } } // Even though data and classifications are not really used add it onto the end so it is // still complete for in the event they end up being used in a later version dataLL.add(data); classificationsLL.add(classification); trainingDataLL.add(data); knownClassifications.add(classification); // Check to see if we have seen that classification yet int occurrences = 0; for (int i = 0; i < classificationTypes.size() && occurrences == 0; i++) { if (classificationTypes.get(i).compareTo(classification) == 0) { occurrences = 1; } } if (occurrences == 0) { classificationTypes.add(classification); } } excelFile.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("Error file not found"); System.exit(0); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to read file, disk drive may be failing"); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } }
public static void generateTrainingDataFirst(int trainingDataSize) { testDataLL = (LinkedList<String[]>) dataLL.clone(); actualClassifications = (LinkedList<String>) classificationsLL.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < trainingDataSize; i++) { generateTrainingData(0); } }
public static void generateTrainingDataRandom(int trainingDataSize) { testDataLL = (LinkedList<String[]>) dataLL.clone(); actualClassifications = (LinkedList<String>) classificationsLL.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < trainingDataSize; i++) { int index = (int) (Math.random() * testDataLL.size()); generateTrainingData(index); } }
public static void generateTrainingDataStride(int trainingDataSize) { testDataLL = (LinkedList<String[]>) dataLL.clone(); actualClassifications = (LinkedList<String>) classificationsLL.clone(); int removalCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < trainingDataSize; i++) { double index = i * ((double) dataLL.size() / (double) trainingDataSize); generateTrainingData((int) (Math.round(index) - removalCount)); removalCount++; } }
public LinkedList cloneList() { LinkedList t; LinkedList f = first(); LinkedList k = (LinkedList) f.clone(); LinkedList nf = k; while (f.hasMoreElements() != false) { f = (LinkedList) f.nextElement(); t = (LinkedList) f.clone(); t.prev = k; = t; k = t; } ; return nf; }
void mixLists( LinkedList<Integer> left, LinkedList<Integer> right, ArrayList<LinkedList<Integer>> mix, LinkedList<Integer> before) { if (before.isEmpty() || right.isEmpty()) { LinkedList<Integer> l = new LinkedList<>(); l = (LinkedList<Integer>) before.clone(); l.addAll(left); l.addAll(right); mix.add(l); return; } int hl = left.removeFirst(); before.addLast(hl); mixLists(left, right, mix, before); before.removeLast(); left.addFirst(hl); int hr = right.removeFirst(); before.addLast(hr); mixLists(left, right, mix, before); before.removeLast(); right.addFirst(hr); }
public void weavelists( LinkedList<Integer> first, LinkedList<Integer> second, ArrayList<LinkedList<Integer>> results, LinkedList<Integer> prefix) { if (first.size() == 0 || second.size() == 0) { LinkedList<Integer> result = (LinkedList<Integer>) prefix.clone(); result.addAll(first); result.addAll(second); results.add(result); return; } int headFirst = first.removeFirst(); prefix.addLast(headFirst); weavelists(first, second, results, prefix); prefix.removeLast(); first.addFirst(headFirst); int secondHead = second.removeFirst(); prefix.addLast(secondHead); weavelists(first, second, results, prefix); prefix.removeLast(); second.addFirst(secondHead); }
private static IActivity consumeXor( IActivity startActivity, LinkedList<ITransition> unconsumed, HashSet<ITransition> visited, boolean forward, boolean supportsLoops, ModelElementList<ITransition> transitions) { IActivity result = null; for (ITransition out : transitions) { if (visited.contains(out)) // loop { if (!supportsLoops) { return null; } } else { LinkedList<ITransition> unconsumedClone = (LinkedList<ITransition>) unconsumed.clone(); HashSet<ITransition> visitedClone = (HashSet<ITransition>) visited.clone(); visitedClone.add(out); unconsumedClone.add(out); IActivity next = consume(startActivity, unconsumedClone, visitedClone, forward, supportsLoops); if (next == null) { return null; } else if (result == null) { result = next; } else if (result != next) { return null; } } } return result; }
/** 测试从AbstractSequentialList中继承的方法 */ private static void testLinkedListFromASL() { System.out.println( "Test methods: add(), addAll(Collection<?> extends E c), get(int index), set(int index, E e), remove(int index), clear(), clone()"); // 将"a", "b"添加到list中 LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>(); list.add("a"); list.add("b"); printList(list); // 将含有"c", "d"的集合list2添加到list中 LinkedList<String> list2 = new LinkedList<String>(); list2.add("c"); list2.add("d"); list.addAll(list.size(), list2); printList(list); // 将list中的最后一个元素设置成第一个元素 list.set(list.size() - 1, list.get(0)); // list.set(index, e)、list.get(index)都不推荐使用! printList(list); // 将第一个"a"元素从list中移除 list.remove(list.indexOf("a")); printList(list); // 将list克隆一份 LinkedList<String> cloneList = (LinkedList<String>) list.clone(); printList(cloneList); // 将list中元素清除 list.clear(); System.out.println("list elements : " + list + " list size : " + list.size()); }
public void addTickGroup(Tick tock) { LinkedList<Tick> newTicks = (LinkedList<Tick>) ticks.clone(); if (!newTicks.contains(tock)) { newTicks.add(tock); ticks = newTicks; } }
/** * Calculate the distance between two taskSet one assumption here taskA and taskB are at the same * level because it is horizontal clustering does not work with arbitary workflows * * @param taskA * @param taskB * @return */ private int calDistance(TaskSet taskA, TaskSet taskB) { if (taskA == null || taskB == null || taskA == taskB) { return 0; } LinkedList<TaskSet> listA = new LinkedList<TaskSet>(); LinkedList<TaskSet> listB = new LinkedList<TaskSet>(); int distance = 0; listA.add(taskA); listB.add(taskB); if (taskA.getTaskList().isEmpty() || taskB.getTaskList().isEmpty()) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } do { LinkedList<TaskSet> copyA = (LinkedList) listA.clone(); listA.clear(); for (TaskSet set : copyA) { for (TaskSet child : set.getChildList()) { if (!listA.contains(child)) { listA.add(child); } } } LinkedList<TaskSet> copyB = (LinkedList) listB.clone(); listB.clear(); for (TaskSet set : copyB) { for (TaskSet child : set.getChildList()) { if (!listB.contains(child)) { listB.add(child); } } } for (TaskSet set : listA) { if (listB.contains(set)) { return distance * 2; } } distance++; } while (!listA.isEmpty() && !listB.isEmpty()); return distance * 2; }
public FunType(Type _retType, LinkedList<Type> _args) { if (_args == null) { args = new LinkedList<Type>(); } else { args = (LinkedList<Type>) _args.clone(); } retType = _retType; }
public LinkedList allBut(Object key) { LinkedList t; LinkedList f = first(); if (f.value.equals(key)) if ( != null) f =; else return null; LinkedList k = (LinkedList) f.clone(); LinkedList nf = k; while (f.hasMoreElements() != false) { f = (LinkedList) f.nextElement(); if (f.value.equals(key)) continue; t = (LinkedList) f.clone(); t.prev = k; = t; k = t; } ; return nf; }
/** * Clones this set. * * @return Clone of this set. * @throws CloneNotSupportedException */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "OverriddenMethodCallDuringObjectConstruction"}) @Override protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { GridListSet<V> clone = (GridListSet<V>) super.clone(); clone.vals = (LinkedList<V>) vals.clone(); clone.comp = comp; clone.strict = strict; return clone; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ViewComponentInfo( int ix, int iy, int iw, int ih, int mw, int mh, LinkedList<ViewComponentInfo> ic) { x = ix; y = iy; width = iw; height = ih; measuredWidth = mw; measuredHeight = mh; if (ic != null) children = (LinkedList<ViewComponentInfo>) ic.clone(); else children = null; }
private void paintAnimations(Graphics2D g2d) { LinkedList<Animation> toRemove = new LinkedList<Animation>(); // get all the animations you can, forget about the ones that are about to be added animationLock.lock(); List<Animation> toPaint = (List<Animation>) animations.clone(); animationLock.unlock(); for (Animation x : toPaint) { if (x.isOver()) toRemove.add(x); else x.step(g2d); } animations.removeAll(toRemove); }
/** * Gets rid of all the resources of the view. No other methods should be invoked on the view * afterwards. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void dispose() { if (executor != null) { executor.shutdown(); executor = null; } if (disposables != null) { for (Disposable d : (LinkedList<Disposable>) disposables.clone()) { d.dispose(); } disposables = null; } removeAll(); }
public RfcommChannelPicker(UUID uuid) { synchronized (RfcommChannelPicker.class) { if (sChannels == null) { // lazy initialization of non-reserved rfcomm channels sChannels = new LinkedList<Integer>(); for (int i = 1; i <= BluetoothSocket.MAX_RFCOMM_CHANNEL; i++) { sChannels.addLast(new Integer(i)); } for (int reserved : RESERVED_RFCOMM_CHANNELS) { sChannels.remove(new Integer(reserved)); } sRandom = new Random(); } mChannels = (LinkedList<Integer>) sChannels.clone(); } mUuid = uuid; }
// $ANTLR start "parameters" // /Users/joachim/workspace/MartScript/ANTLR/MartScript.g:38:1: parameters returns [List value] : // ( WHITESPACE argument )* ; public final List parameters() throws RecognitionException { List value = null; try { // /Users/joachim/workspace/MartScript/ANTLR/MartScript.g:39:2: ( ( WHITESPACE argument )* ) // /Users/joachim/workspace/MartScript/ANTLR/MartScript.g:39:4: ( WHITESPACE argument )* { // /Users/joachim/workspace/MartScript/ANTLR/MartScript.g:39:4: ( WHITESPACE argument )* loop4: do { int alt4 = 2; int LA4_0 = input.LA(1); if ((LA4_0 == WHITESPACE)) { alt4 = 1; } switch (alt4) { case 1: // /Users/joachim/workspace/MartScript/ANTLR/MartScript.g:39:5: WHITESPACE argument { match(input, WHITESPACE, FOLLOW_WHITESPACE_in_parameters161); pushFollow(FOLLOW_argument_in_parameters163); argument(); state._fsp--; } break; default: break loop4; } } while (true); value = (List) parameters.clone(); parameters.clear(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input, re); } finally { } return value; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void workerLoop() { log.debug("workerLoop();"); if (scsn != null && sessionID != null) { startSC(); } synchronized (cmdQueue) { while (running) { try { cmdQueue.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return; } if (!running) return; if (!cmdQueue.isEmpty()) { // commands to send @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final LinkedList<Command> commands = (LinkedList<Command>) cmdQueue.clone(); cmdQueue.clear(); if (!running) return; threadPool.background( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { log.error("run();"); try { processRequest(commands); } catch (IOException e) { handleError(e); } } }); } } } }
@Test public void shouldStubbingWithThrowableBeVerifiable() { when(mock.size()).thenThrow(new RuntimeException()); stubVoid(mock).toThrow(new RuntimeException()).on().clone(); try { mock.size(); fail(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { } try { mock.clone(); fail(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { } verify(mock).size(); verify(mock).clone(); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mock); }
void weaveList( LinkedList<Integer> first, LinkedList<Integer> sec, ArrayList<LinkedList<Integer>> results, LinkedList<Integer> pre) { if (first.size() == 0 || sec.size() == 0) { LinkedList<Integer> result = (LinkedList<Integer>) pre.clone(); result.addAll(first); result.addAll(sec); results.add(result); return; } int headfirst = first.removeFirst(); pre.addLast(headfirst); pre.removeLast(); first.addFirst(headfirst); int headsec = sec.removeLast(); pre.addLast(headsec); weaveList(first, sec, results, pre); pre.removeLast(); sec.addFirst(headsec); }
/** * Return a copy of the array containing all class diagram elements. * * @return a copy of the array containing all class diagram elements */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public LinkedList<IDiagramComponent> getComponents() { return (LinkedList<IDiagramComponent>) components.clone(); }
public static void taatand(String s) { LinkedList<Lnode>[] lkarray = new LinkedList[10]; // LinkedList<Integer>[] vertex = new LinkedList[5]; LinkedList<Lnode> mergell = new LinkedList<Lnode>(); LinkedList<Lnode> m2 = new LinkedList<Lnode>(); LinkedList<Lnode> temp = new LinkedList<Lnode>(); String[] result = Querymanip.getlinetoken(s); ArrayList<Integer> fin = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int qno = result.length; // no of query terms long tStart, tEnd, tDelta; double elapsedSeconds; tStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); int c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < qno; i++) { lkarray[i] = llbyfreq(result[i]); // here used function to get linked list cuz it wasnt messing up // int sz=lkarray[i].size(); // System.out.println(sz); } int min = lkarray[0].size(); // find list with minimum size for (int i = 0; i < qno; i++) if (lkarray[i].size() < min) { min = lkarray[i].size(); } // System.out.println("MIN POST LIST IS"+ min); for (int i = 0; i < qno; i++) if (lkarray[i].size() == min) mergell = (LinkedList<Lnode>) lkarray[i].clone(); // make that your starting list // System.out.println(mergell.get(0).docid); int x = 0; int j; while (x < qno) { for (int i = 0; i < mergell.size(); i++) { // System.out.println("mergell sx" + mergell.size()); for (j = 0; j < lkarray[x].size(); j++) { c++; if (mergell.get(i).docid == lkarray[x].get(j) .docid) { // if both are same then add to middle result and check for other terms // System.out.println("aded to m2"+mergell.get(i).docid); m2.add(mergell.get(i)); // System.out.println(); break; } /*if(j==lkarray[x+1].size()) lkarray[x+1].add(lkarray[x].get(i));*/ } /*if(j==lkarray[x].size()) {mergell.remove(i); //print mergell i to i-1size to check chang size? i=i-1;}*/ } mergell = (LinkedList<Lnode>) m2.clone(); // after one row is done make the merged list the one with clasing values m2.clear(); // clear this to find clashin values of next iteration x++; } // end of while // System.out.println("CLASHING DOC\\n"); // System.out.println(mergell.size()); tEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); tDelta = tEnd - tStart; elapsedSeconds = tDelta / 1000.0; System.out.print( "FUNCTION: termAtATimeQueryAnd"); // print result did separately so arrays dont get mixed up for (int i = 0; i < qno - 1; i++) { System.out.print(" " + result[i] + ","); } System.out.print(" " + result[qno - 1]); System.out.println(); System.out.println(mergell.size() + " documents are found"); System.out.println(c + " comparisons are made"); System.out.println(elapsedSeconds + " seconds are used"); int sz = mergell.size(); // if not 0 if (sz == 0) { System.out.print("Result: "); System.out.println("no docs found"); } else if (sz == 1) { System.out.print("Result: "); System.out.println(mergell.get(0).docid); } else { int t; int p; for (int m = sz; m >= 0; m--) { for (int i = 0; i < sz - 1; i++) { p = i + 1; if (mergell.get(i).docid > mergell.get(p).docid) { t = mergell.get(i).docid; // temp1=klist[i].termk; mergell.get(i).docid = mergell.get(p).docid; mergell.get(p).docid = t; // klist[p].termk=temp1; } } } System.out.print("Result: "); for (int i = 0; i < sz - 1; i++) { System.out.print(mergell.get(i).docid + ", "); } System.out.println(mergell.get(sz - 1).docid); } // System.out.print(mergell.get(0).docid); } // end of method
/** * This method calculates the path from the origin to the destination road segment. * * @param smiod The SMIOD object. */ public boolean calculatePath( StreetMobilityInfoOD smiod, RoadSegment origin, Location nextEnd, RoadSegment destination) { // TODO support loading from OD pairs // after calling constructor, objects for A* search must be created boolean found = false; // TODO the caller should determine direction if (DEBUG_OD) { System.out.println("Calculating path..."); System.out.println("Origin: " + origin.printStreetName(streets)); System.out.println("Destination: " + destination.printStreetName(streets)); System.out.println( "Distance: " + origin.getStartPoint().distance(destination.getStartPoint())); } if (nextEnd == null) { if (smiod.rsEnd.distance(origin.getEndPoint()) == 0) { nextEnd = origin.getEndPoint(); } else { nextEnd = origin.getStartPoint(); } } if (DEBUG_OD && DEBUG_VIS_OD && v != null) { v.colorSegment(origin, Color.RED); } boolean endStart; Location endPoint; if (destination.getStartPoint().distance(nextEnd) < destination.getEndPoint().distance(nextEnd)) { endPoint = destination.getStartPoint(); endStart = true; } else { endPoint = destination.getEndPoint(); endStart = false; } SegmentNode startNode = new SegmentNode( nextEnd, origin.getSelfIndex(), origin.getStartPoint().distance(nextEnd) == 0, true); SegmentNode endNode = new SegmentNode(endPoint, destination.getSelfIndex(), endStart, false); sni.dest = endNode; // try to find cached path if (hm != null) { LinkedList ll = (LinkedList) hm.get(nextEnd); if (ll != null) { ListIterator li = ll.listIterator(); while (li.hasNext()) { LinkedList path = (LinkedList); if (!matches(startNode, endNode, path)) { continue; } smiod.path = (LinkedList) path.clone(); smiod.path.removeFirst(); if (DEBUG_OD) System.out.println("Found cached path!"); return true; // break; } } } if (!found) { // TODO support locations at arbitrary points on road smiod.destinationSN = endNode; smiod.destinationLocation = destination.getEndPoint(); AStarSearch ass = new AStarSearch(hm, this); // TODO rename variable smiod.path = ass.findPath(startNode, endNode); // find the path } // no path found if (smiod.path.get(0) == null) { AStarSearch ass = new AStarSearch(hm, this); // TODO rename variable smiod.path = ass.findPath(startNode, endNode); // find the path if (v != null) { v.colorSegments( new RoadSegment[] {origin, destination}, new Color[] {Color.RED, Color.RED}); } smiod.path.remove(0); System.out.println("No path found!"); return false; } if (DEBUG_VIS_OD && v != null) { showPath(smiod.path.toArray(), Color.BLUE); } // check for strange double entry in list for (int i = 1; i < smiod.path.size(); i++) { if (((SegmentNode) smiod.path.get(smiod.path.size() - i)).segmentID == ((SegmentNode) smiod.path.get(smiod.path.size() - (i + 1))).segmentID) { if (DEBUG_OD) System.out.println("Removed redundant entry!"); smiod.path.remove(smiod.path.size() - i); } } if (DEBUG_OD) printPath(smiod.path); if (hm != null) cachePath(smiod, startNode, endNode); return true; // path found! }
public void delTickGroup(Tick tock) { LinkedList<Tick> newTicks = (LinkedList<Tick>) ticks.clone(); if (newTicks.remove(tock)) ticks = newTicks; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") LinkedList<ViewComponentInfo> getChildren() { return (LinkedList<ViewComponentInfo>) children.clone(); }
public void setDomainsBackup() { domainsBackup = (LinkedList<Domain>) domains.clone(); }
public LinkedList<Medium> getAllMedia() { return (LinkedList<Medium>) availableMedia.clone(); }
public synchronized LinkedList<SensorDataPoint> getDataPoints() { return (LinkedList<SensorDataPoint>) dataPoints.clone(); }