Exemple #1
 void showDialog() {
   int width = imp.getWidth();
   int height = imp.getHeight();
   Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
   int places;
   if (cal.scaled()) {
     pixelWidth = cal.pixelWidth;
     pixelHeight = cal.pixelHeight;
     units = cal.getUnits();
     places = 2;
   } else {
     pixelWidth = 1.0;
     pixelHeight = 1.0;
     units = "pixels";
     places = 0;
   if (areaPerPoint == 0.0)
     areaPerPoint =
         (width * cal.pixelWidth * height * cal.pixelHeight) / 81.0; // default to 9x9 grid
   ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
   GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Grid...");
   gd.addChoice("Grid Type:", types, type);
   gd.addNumericField("Area per Point:", areaPerPoint, places, 6, units + "^2");
   gd.addChoice("Color:", colors, color);
   gd.addCheckbox("Random Offset", randomOffset);
   if (gd.wasCanceled()) showGrid(null);
Exemple #2
 void scale(ImageProcessor ip) {
   if (newWindow) {
     Rectangle r = ip.getRoi();
     ImagePlus imp2 = imp.createImagePlus();
     imp2.setProcessor(title, ip.resize(newWidth, newHeight));
     Calibration cal = imp2.getCalibration();
     if (cal.scaled()) {
       cal.pixelWidth *= 1.0 / xscale;
       cal.pixelHeight *= 1.0 / yscale;
     imp2.changes = true;
   } else {
     if (processStack && imp.getStackSize() > 1) {
       StackProcessor sp = new StackProcessor(imp.getStack(), ip);
       sp.scale(xscale, yscale, bgValue);
     } else {
       Undo.setup(Undo.FILTER, imp);
       ip.scale(xscale, yscale);
     imp.changes = true;
Exemple #3
  * Creates a dialog box, allowing the user to enter the requested width, height, x & y
  * coordinates, slice number for a Region Of Interest, option for oval, and option for whether x &
  * y coordinates to be centered.
 void showDialog() {
   Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
   int digits = 0;
   if (scaledUnits && cal.scaled()) digits = 2;
   Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
   if (roi == null) drawRoi();
   GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Specify");
   gd.addNumericField("Width:", width, digits);
   gd.addNumericField("Height:", height, digits);
   gd.addNumericField("X coordinate:", xRoi, digits);
   gd.addNumericField("Y coordinate:", yRoi, digits);
   if (stackSize > 1) gd.addNumericField("Slice:", iSlice, 0);
   gd.addCheckbox("Oval", oval);
   gd.addCheckbox("Constrain square/circle", square);
   gd.addCheckbox("Centered", centered);
   if (cal.scaled()) {
     boolean unitsMatch = cal.getXUnit().equals(cal.getYUnit());
     String units = unitsMatch ? cal.getUnits() : cal.getXUnit() + " x " + cal.getYUnit();
     gd.addCheckbox("Scaled units (" + units + ")", scaledUnits);
   fields = gd.getNumericFields();
   if (gd.wasCanceled()) {
     if (roi == null) imp.deleteRoi();
     else // *ALWAYS* restore initial ROI when cancelled
Exemple #4
 boolean validDialogValues() {
   Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
   double pw = cal.pixelWidth, ph = cal.pixelHeight;
   if (width / pw < 1 || height / ph < 1) return false;
   if (xRoi / pw > imp.getWidth() || yRoi / ph > imp.getHeight()) return false;
   return true;
Exemple #5
 void createNewStack(ImagePlus imp, ImageProcessor ip) {
   int nSlices = imp.getStackSize();
   int w = imp.getWidth(), h = imp.getHeight();
   ImagePlus imp2 = imp.createImagePlus();
   Rectangle r = ip.getRoi();
   boolean crop = r.width != imp.getWidth() || r.height != imp.getHeight();
   ImageStack stack1 = imp.getStack();
   ImageStack stack2 = new ImageStack(newWidth, newHeight);
   ImageProcessor ip1, ip2;
   int method = interpolationMethod;
   if (w == 1 || h == 1) method = ImageProcessor.NONE;
   for (int i = 1; i <= nSlices; i++) {
     IJ.showStatus("Scale: " + i + "/" + nSlices);
     ip1 = stack1.getProcessor(i);
     String label = stack1.getSliceLabel(i);
     if (crop) {
       ip1 = ip1.crop();
     ip2 = ip1.resize(newWidth, newHeight, averageWhenDownsizing);
     if (ip2 != null) stack2.addSlice(label, ip2);
     IJ.showProgress(i, nSlices);
   imp2.setStack(title, stack2);
   Calibration cal = imp2.getCalibration();
   if (cal.scaled()) {
     cal.pixelWidth *= 1.0 / xscale;
     cal.pixelHeight *= 1.0 / yscale;
   int[] dim = imp.getDimensions();
   imp2.setDimensions(dim[2], dim[3], dim[4]);
   if (imp.isComposite()) {
     imp2 = new CompositeImage(imp2, ((CompositeImage) imp).getMode());
     ((CompositeImage) imp2).copyLuts(imp);
   if (imp.isHyperStack()) imp2.setOpenAsHyperStack(true);
   if (newDepth > 0 && newDepth != oldDepth)
     imp2 = (new Resizer()).zScale(imp2, newDepth, interpolationMethod);
   if (imp2 != null) {
     imp2.changes = true;
Exemple #6
 void createNewStack(ImagePlus imp, ImageProcessor ip) {
   Rectangle r = ip.getRoi();
   boolean crop = r.width != imp.getWidth() || r.height != imp.getHeight();
   int nSlices = imp.getStackSize();
   ImageStack stack1 = imp.getStack();
   ImageStack stack2 = new ImageStack(newWidth, newHeight);
   ImageProcessor ip1, ip2;
   boolean interp = interpolate;
   if (imp.getWidth() == 1 || imp.getHeight() == 1) interp = false;
   for (int i = 1; i <= nSlices; i++) {
     IJ.showStatus("Scale: " + i + "/" + nSlices);
     ip1 = stack1.getProcessor(i);
     String label = stack1.getSliceLabel(i);
     if (crop) {
       ip1 = ip1.crop();
     ip2 = ip1.resize(newWidth, newHeight);
     if (ip2 != null) stack2.addSlice(label, ip2);
     IJ.showProgress(i, nSlices);
   ImagePlus imp2 = imp.createImagePlus();
   imp2.setStack(title, stack2);
   Calibration cal = imp2.getCalibration();
   if (cal.scaled()) {
     cal.pixelWidth *= 1.0 / xscale;
     cal.pixelHeight *= 1.0 / yscale;
   int[] dim = imp.getDimensions();
   imp2.setDimensions(dim[2], dim[3], dim[4]);
   if (imp.isComposite()) {
     imp2 = new CompositeImage(imp2, 0);
     ((CompositeImage) imp2).copyLuts(imp);
   if (imp.isHyperStack()) imp2.setOpenAsHyperStack(true);
   imp2.changes = true;
Exemple #7
 public void run(String arg) {
   imp = IJ.getImage();
   if (imp == null) return;
   stackSize = imp.getStackSize();
   Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
   Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
   if (roi != null && roi.getBounds().equals(prevRoi) && cal.pixelWidth == prevPixelWidth)
     roi = null;
   if (roi != null) {
     boolean rectOrOval =
         roi != null && (roi.getType() == Roi.RECTANGLE || roi.getType() == Roi.OVAL);
     oval = rectOrOval && (roi.getType() == Roi.OVAL); // Handle existing oval ROI
     Rectangle r = roi.getBounds();
     width = r.width;
     height = r.height;
     xRoi = r.x;
     yRoi = r.y;
     if (scaledUnits && cal.scaled()) {
       xRoi = xRoi * cal.pixelWidth;
       yRoi = yRoi * cal.pixelHeight;
       width = width * cal.pixelWidth;
       height = height * cal.pixelHeight;
     if (centered) { // Make xRoi and yRoi consistent when centered mode is active
       xRoi += width / 2.0;
       yRoi += height / 2.0;
   } else if (!validDialogValues()) {
     width = imp.getWidth() / 2;
     height = imp.getHeight() / 2;
     xRoi = width / 2;
     yRoi = height / 2;
   iSlice = imp.getCurrentSlice();
Exemple #8
 void drawRoi() {
   double xPxl = xRoi;
   double yPxl = yRoi;
   if (centered) {
     xPxl -= width / 2;
     yPxl -= height / 2;
   double widthPxl = width;
   double heightPxl = height;
   Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
   if (scaledUnits && cal.scaled()) {
     xPxl /= cal.pixelWidth;
     yPxl /= cal.pixelHeight;
     widthPxl /= cal.pixelWidth;
     heightPxl /= cal.pixelHeight;
     prevPixelWidth = cal.pixelWidth;
   Roi roi;
   if (oval) roi = new OvalRoi(xPxl, yPxl, widthPxl, heightPxl);
   else roi = new Roi(xPxl, yPxl, widthPxl, heightPxl);
   prevRoi = roi.getBounds();
   // prevPixelWidth = cal.pixelWidth;
Exemple #9
  void setCalibration(ImagePlus imp) {
    if (fi.fileType == FileInfo.GRAY16_SIGNED) {
      if (IJ.debugMode) IJ.log("16-bit signed");
      double[] coeff = new double[2];
      coeff[0] = -32768.0;
      coeff[1] = 1.0;
      imp.getLocalCalibration().setFunction(Calibration.STRAIGHT_LINE, coeff, "gray value");

    Properties props = decodeDescriptionString(fi);
    Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
    boolean calibrated = false;
    if (fi.pixelWidth > 0.0 && fi.unit != null) {
      cal.pixelWidth = fi.pixelWidth;
      cal.pixelHeight = fi.pixelHeight;
      cal.pixelDepth = fi.pixelDepth;
      calibrated = true;

    if (fi.valueUnit != null) {
      int f = fi.calibrationFunction;
      if ((f >= Calibration.STRAIGHT_LINE && f <= Calibration.RODBARD2 && fi.coefficients != null)
          || f == Calibration.UNCALIBRATED_OD) {
        boolean zeroClip = props != null && props.getProperty("zeroclip", "false").equals("true");
        cal.setFunction(f, fi.coefficients, fi.valueUnit, zeroClip);
        calibrated = true;

    if (calibrated) checkForCalibrationConflict(imp, cal);

    if (fi.frameInterval != 0.0) cal.frameInterval = fi.frameInterval;

    if (props == null) return;

    cal.xOrigin = getDouble(props, "xorigin");
    cal.yOrigin = getDouble(props, "yorigin");
    cal.zOrigin = getDouble(props, "zorigin");
    cal.info = props.getProperty("info");

    cal.fps = getDouble(props, "fps");
    cal.loop = getBoolean(props, "loop");
    cal.frameInterval = getDouble(props, "finterval");
    cal.setTimeUnit(props.getProperty("tunit", "sec"));

    double displayMin = getDouble(props, "min");
    double displayMax = getDouble(props, "max");
    if (!(displayMin == 0.0 && displayMax == 0.0)) {
      int type = imp.getType();
      ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor();
      if (type == ImagePlus.GRAY8 || type == ImagePlus.COLOR_256)
        ip.setMinAndMax(displayMin, displayMax);
      else if (type == ImagePlus.GRAY16 || type == ImagePlus.GRAY32) {
        if (ip.getMin() != displayMin || ip.getMax() != displayMax)
          ip.setMinAndMax(displayMin, displayMax);

    int stackSize = imp.getStackSize();
    if (stackSize > 1) {
      int channels = (int) getDouble(props, "channels");
      int slices = (int) getDouble(props, "slices");
      int frames = (int) getDouble(props, "frames");
      if (channels == 0) channels = 1;
      if (slices == 0) slices = 1;
      if (frames == 0) frames = 1;
      // IJ.log("setCalibration: "+channels+"  "+slices+"  "+frames);
      if (channels * slices * frames == stackSize) {
        imp.setDimensions(channels, slices, frames);
        if (getBoolean(props, "hyperstack")) imp.setOpenAsHyperStack(true);
Exemple #10
  String getInfo(ImagePlus imp, ImageProcessor ip) {
    String s = new String("\n");
    s += "Title: " + imp.getTitle() + "\n";
    Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
    int stackSize = imp.getStackSize();
    int channels = imp.getNChannels();
    int slices = imp.getNSlices();
    int frames = imp.getNFrames();
    int digits = imp.getBitDepth() == 32 ? 4 : 0;
    if (cal.scaled()) {
      String unit = cal.getUnit();
      String units = cal.getUnits();
      s +=
          "Width:  "
              + IJ.d2s(imp.getWidth() * cal.pixelWidth, 2)
              + " "
              + units
              + " ("
              + imp.getWidth()
              + ")\n";
      s +=
          "Height:  "
              + IJ.d2s(imp.getHeight() * cal.pixelHeight, 2)
              + " "
              + units
              + " ("
              + imp.getHeight()
              + ")\n";
      if (slices > 1)
        s += "Depth:  " + IJ.d2s(slices * cal.pixelDepth, 2) + " " + units + " (" + slices + ")\n";
      double xResolution = 1.0 / cal.pixelWidth;
      double yResolution = 1.0 / cal.pixelHeight;
      int places = Tools.getDecimalPlaces(xResolution, yResolution);
      if (xResolution == yResolution)
        s += "Resolution:  " + IJ.d2s(xResolution, places) + " pixels per " + unit + "\n";
      else {
        s += "X Resolution:  " + IJ.d2s(xResolution, places) + " pixels per " + unit + "\n";
        s += "Y Resolution:  " + IJ.d2s(yResolution, places) + " pixels per " + unit + "\n";
    } else {
      s += "Width:  " + imp.getWidth() + " pixels\n";
      s += "Height:  " + imp.getHeight() + " pixels\n";
      if (stackSize > 1) s += "Depth:  " + slices + " pixels\n";
    if (stackSize > 1)
      s +=
          "Voxel size: "
              + d2s(cal.pixelWidth)
              + "x"
              + d2s(cal.pixelHeight)
              + "x"
              + d2s(cal.pixelDepth)
              + " "
              + cal.getUnit()
              + "\n";
      s +=
          "Pixel size: "
              + d2s(cal.pixelWidth)
              + "x"
              + d2s(cal.pixelHeight)
              + " "
              + cal.getUnit()
              + "\n";

    s += "ID: " + imp.getID() + "\n";
    String zOrigin = stackSize > 1 || cal.zOrigin != 0.0 ? "," + d2s(cal.zOrigin) : "";
    s += "Coordinate origin:  " + d2s(cal.xOrigin) + "," + d2s(cal.yOrigin) + zOrigin + "\n";
    int type = imp.getType();
    switch (type) {
      case ImagePlus.GRAY8:
        s += "Bits per pixel: 8 ";
        String lut = "LUT";
        if (imp.getProcessor().isColorLut()) lut = "color " + lut;
        else lut = "grayscale " + lut;
        if (imp.isInvertedLut()) lut = "inverting " + lut;
        s += "(" + lut + ")\n";
        if (imp.getNChannels() > 1) s += displayRanges(imp);
        else s += "Display range: " + (int) ip.getMin() + "-" + (int) ip.getMax() + "\n";
      case ImagePlus.GRAY16:
      case ImagePlus.GRAY32:
        if (type == ImagePlus.GRAY16) {
          String sign = cal.isSigned16Bit() ? "signed" : "unsigned";
          s += "Bits per pixel: 16 (" + sign + ")\n";
        } else s += "Bits per pixel: 32 (float)\n";
        if (imp.getNChannels() > 1) s += displayRanges(imp);
        else {
          s += "Display range: ";
          double min = ip.getMin();
          double max = ip.getMax();
          if (cal.calibrated()) {
            min = cal.getCValue((int) min);
            max = cal.getCValue((int) max);
          s += IJ.d2s(min, digits) + " - " + IJ.d2s(max, digits) + "\n";
      case ImagePlus.COLOR_256:
        s += "Bits per pixel: 8 (color LUT)\n";
      case ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB:
        s += "Bits per pixel: 32 (RGB)\n";
    double interval = cal.frameInterval;
    double fps = cal.fps;
    if (stackSize > 1) {
      ImageStack stack = imp.getStack();
      int slice = imp.getCurrentSlice();
      String number = slice + "/" + stackSize;
      String label = stack.getShortSliceLabel(slice);
      if (label != null && label.length() > 0) label = " (" + label + ")";
      else label = "";
      if (interval > 0.0 || fps != 0.0) {
        s += "Frame: " + number + label + "\n";
        if (fps != 0.0) {
          String sRate =
              Math.abs(fps - Math.round(fps)) < 0.00001 ? IJ.d2s(fps, 0) : IJ.d2s(fps, 5);
          s += "Frame rate: " + sRate + " fps\n";
        if (interval != 0.0)
          s +=
              "Frame interval: "
                  + ((int) interval == interval ? IJ.d2s(interval, 0) : IJ.d2s(interval, 5))
                  + " "
                  + cal.getTimeUnit()
                  + "\n";
      } else s += "Image: " + number + label + "\n";
      if (imp.isHyperStack()) {
        if (channels > 1) s += "  Channel: " + imp.getChannel() + "/" + channels + "\n";
        if (slices > 1) s += "  Slice: " + imp.getSlice() + "/" + slices + "\n";
        if (frames > 1) s += "  Frame: " + imp.getFrame() + "/" + frames + "\n";
      if (imp.isComposite()) {
        if (!imp.isHyperStack() && channels > 1) s += "  Channels: " + channels + "\n";
        String mode = ((CompositeImage) imp).getModeAsString();
        s += "  Composite mode: \"" + mode + "\"\n";

    if (ip.getMinThreshold() == ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD) s += "No Threshold\n";
    else {
      double lower = ip.getMinThreshold();
      double upper = ip.getMaxThreshold();
      int dp = digits;
      if (cal.calibrated()) {
        lower = cal.getCValue((int) lower);
        upper = cal.getCValue((int) upper);
        dp = cal.isSigned16Bit() ? 0 : 4;
      s += "Threshold: " + IJ.d2s(lower, dp) + "-" + IJ.d2s(upper, dp) + "\n";
    ImageCanvas ic = imp.getCanvas();
    double mag = ic != null ? ic.getMagnification() : 1.0;
    if (mag != 1.0) s += "Magnification: " + IJ.d2s(mag, 2) + "\n";

    if (cal.calibrated()) {
      s += " \n";
      int curveFit = cal.getFunction();
      s += "Calibration Function: ";
      if (curveFit == Calibration.UNCALIBRATED_OD) s += "Uncalibrated OD\n";
      else if (curveFit == Calibration.CUSTOM) s += "Custom lookup table\n";
      else s += CurveFitter.fList[curveFit] + "\n";
      double[] c = cal.getCoefficients();
      if (c != null) {
        s += "  a: " + IJ.d2s(c[0], 6) + "\n";
        s += "  b: " + IJ.d2s(c[1], 6) + "\n";
        if (c.length >= 3) s += "  c: " + IJ.d2s(c[2], 6) + "\n";
        if (c.length >= 4) s += "  c: " + IJ.d2s(c[3], 6) + "\n";
        if (c.length >= 5) s += "  c: " + IJ.d2s(c[4], 6) + "\n";
      s += "  Unit: \"" + cal.getValueUnit() + "\"\n";
    } else s += "Uncalibrated\n";

    FileInfo fi = imp.getOriginalFileInfo();
    if (fi != null) {
      if (fi.url != null && !fi.url.equals("")) s += "URL: " + fi.url + "\n";
      else if (fi.directory != null && fi.fileName != null)
        s += "Path: " + fi.directory + fi.fileName + "\n";

    ImageWindow win = imp.getWindow();
    if (win != null) {
      Point loc = win.getLocation();
      Dimension screen = IJ.getScreenSize();
      s +=
          "Screen location: "
              + loc.x
              + ","
              + loc.y
              + " ("
              + screen.width
              + "x"
              + screen.height
              + ")\n";

    Overlay overlay = imp.getOverlay();
    if (overlay != null) {
      String hidden = imp.getHideOverlay() ? " (hidden)" : " ";
      int n = overlay.size();
      String elements = n == 1 ? " element" : " elements";
      s += "Overlay: " + n + elements + (imp.getHideOverlay() ? " (hidden)" : "") + "\n";
    } else s += "No Overlay\n";

    Roi roi = imp.getRoi();
    if (roi == null) {
      if (cal.calibrated()) s += " \n";
      s += "No Selection\n";
    } else if (roi instanceof EllipseRoi) {
      s += "\nElliptical Selection\n";
      double[] p = ((EllipseRoi) roi).getParams();
      double dx = p[2] - p[0];
      double dy = p[3] - p[1];
      double major = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
      s += "  Major: " + IJ.d2s(major, 2) + "\n";
      s += "  Minor: " + IJ.d2s(major * p[4], 2) + "\n";
      s += "  X1: " + IJ.d2s(p[0], 2) + "\n";
      s += "  Y1: " + IJ.d2s(p[1], 2) + "\n";
      s += "  X2: " + IJ.d2s(p[2], 2) + "\n";
      s += "  Y2: " + IJ.d2s(p[3], 2) + "\n";
      s += "  Aspect ratio: " + IJ.d2s(p[4], 2) + "\n";
    } else {
      s += " \n";
      s += roi.getTypeAsString() + " Selection";
      String points = null;
      if (roi instanceof PointRoi) {
        int npoints = ((PolygonRoi) roi).getNCoordinates();
        String suffix = npoints > 1 ? "s)" : ")";
        points = " (" + npoints + " point" + suffix;
      String name = roi.getName();
      if (name != null) {
        s += " (\"" + name + "\")";
        if (points != null) s += "\n " + points;
      } else if (points != null) s += points;
      s += "\n";
      Rectangle r = roi.getBounds();
      if (roi instanceof Line) {
        Line line = (Line) roi;
        s += "  X1: " + IJ.d2s(line.x1d * cal.pixelWidth) + "\n";
        s += "  Y1: " + IJ.d2s(yy(line.y1d, imp) * cal.pixelHeight) + "\n";
        s += "  X2: " + IJ.d2s(line.x2d * cal.pixelWidth) + "\n";
        s += "  Y2: " + IJ.d2s(yy(line.y2d, imp) * cal.pixelHeight) + "\n";
      } else if (cal.scaled()) {
        s += "  X: " + IJ.d2s(cal.getX(r.x)) + " (" + r.x + ")\n";
        s += "  Y: " + IJ.d2s(cal.getY(r.y, imp.getHeight())) + " (" + r.y + ")\n";
        s += "  Width: " + IJ.d2s(r.width * cal.pixelWidth) + " (" + r.width + ")\n";
        s += "  Height: " + IJ.d2s(r.height * cal.pixelHeight) + " (" + r.height + ")\n";
      } else {
        s += "  X: " + r.x + "\n";
        s += "  Y: " + yy(r.y, imp) + "\n";
        s += "  Width: " + r.width + "\n";
        s += "  Height: " + r.height + "\n";

    return s;
Exemple #11
  public boolean dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog gd, AWTEvent e) {
    if (IJ.isMacOSX()) IJ.wait(50);
    Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration();
    width = gd.getNextNumber();
    height = gd.getNextNumber();
    xRoi = gd.getNextNumber();
    yRoi = gd.getNextNumber();
    if (stackSize > 1) iSlice = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
    oval = gd.getNextBoolean();
    square = gd.getNextBoolean();
    centered = gd.getNextBoolean();
    if (cal.scaled()) scaledUnits = gd.getNextBoolean();
    if (gd.invalidNumber() || width <= 0 || height <= 0) return false;
    Vector numFields = gd.getNumericFields();
    Vector checkboxes = gd.getCheckboxes();
    boolean newWidth = false, newHeight = false, newXY = false;
    if (e != null && e.getSource() == checkboxes.get(SQUARE) && square) {
      width = 0.5 * (width + height); // make square: same width&height
      height = width;
      newWidth = true;
      newHeight = true;
    if (e != null && e.getSource() == checkboxes.get(CENTERED)) {
      double shiftBy = centered ? 0.5 : -0.5; // 'centered' changed:
      xRoi += shiftBy * width; // shift x, y to keep roi the same
      yRoi += shiftBy * height;
      newXY = true;
    if (square && width != height && e != null) { // in 'square' mode, synchronize width&height
      if (e.getSource() == numFields.get(WIDTH)) {
        height = width;
        newHeight = true;
      } else if (e.getSource() == numFields.get(HEIGHT)) {
        width = height;
        newWidth = true;
    if (e != null && cal.scaled() && e.getSource() == checkboxes.get(SCALED_UNITS)) {
      double xFactor = scaledUnits ? cal.pixelWidth : 1. / cal.pixelWidth;
      double yFactor = scaledUnits ? cal.pixelHeight : 1. / cal.pixelHeight;
      width *= xFactor; // transform everything to keep roi the same
      height *= yFactor;
      xRoi *= xFactor;
      yRoi *= yFactor;
      newWidth = true;
      newHeight = true;
      newXY = true;
    int digits = (scaledUnits || (int) width != width) ? 2 : 0;
    if (newWidth) ((TextField) (numFields.get(WIDTH))).setText(IJ.d2s(width, digits));
    if (newHeight) ((TextField) (numFields.get(HEIGHT))).setText(IJ.d2s(height, digits));
    digits = (scaledUnits || (int) xRoi != xRoi || (int) yRoi != yRoi) ? 2 : 0;
    if (newXY) {
      ((TextField) (numFields.get(X_ROI))).setText(IJ.d2s(xRoi, digits));
      ((TextField) (numFields.get(Y_ROI))).setText(IJ.d2s(yRoi, digits));

    if (stackSize > 1 && iSlice > 0 && iSlice <= stackSize) imp.setSlice(iSlice);
    if (!newWidth && !newHeight && !newXY) // don't draw if an update will come immediately
    return true;