@Override public void visitBinaryExpression(GrBinaryExpression expression) { final IElementType type = expression.getOperationTokenType(); final GrExpression left = expression.getLeftOperand(); final GrExpression right = expression.getRightOperand(); if (type == mREGEX_FIND || type == mREGEX_MATCH) { final PsiClassType string = TypesUtil.createType(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_STRING, expression); myResult = createSimpleSubTypeResult(string); return; } final GrExpression other = myExpression == left ? right : left; final PsiType otherType = other != null ? other.getType() : null; if (otherType == null) return; if (type == mPLUS && otherType.equalsToText(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_STRING)) { final PsiClassType obj = TypesUtil.getJavaLangObject(expression); myResult = createSimpleSubTypeResult(obj); return; } myResult = createSimpleSubTypeResult(otherType); }
@Override public void visitUnaryExpression(GrUnaryExpression expression) { final GrExpression operand = expression.getOperand(); if (operand == null) return; if (expression.getOperationTokenType() != mLNOT) { operand.accept(this); visitCall(expression); return; } ConditionInstruction cond = new ConditionInstruction(expression); addNodeAndCheckPending(cond); registerCondition(cond); operand.accept(this); visitCall(expression); myConditions.removeFirstOccurrence(cond); List<GotoInstruction> negations = collectAndRemoveAllPendingNegations(expression); InstructionImpl head = myHead; addNodeAndCheckPending(new PositiveGotoInstruction(expression, cond)); handlePossibleReturn(expression); addPendingEdge(expression, myHead); if (negations.isEmpty()) { myHead = head; } else { myHead = reduceAllNegationsIntoInstruction(expression, negations); } }
public void visitAssertStatement(GrAssertStatement assertStatement) { final InstructionImpl assertInstruction = startNode(assertStatement); final GrExpression assertion = assertStatement.getAssertion(); if (assertion != null) { assertion.accept(this); InstructionImpl positiveHead = myHead; List<GotoInstruction> negations = collectAndRemoveAllPendingNegations(assertStatement); if (!negations.isEmpty()) { interruptFlow(); reduceAllNegationsIntoInstruction(assertStatement, negations); } GrExpression errorMessage = assertStatement.getErrorMessage(); if (errorMessage != null) { errorMessage.accept(this); } addNode(new ThrowingInstruction(assertStatement)); final PsiType type = TypesUtil.createTypeByFQClassName( CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_ASSERTION_ERROR, assertStatement); ExceptionInfo info = findCatch(type); if (info != null) { info.myThrowers.add(myHead); } else { addPendingEdge(null, myHead); } myHead = positiveHead; } finishNode(assertInstruction); }
@Override public void visitCaseSection(GrCaseSection caseSection) { for (GrCaseLabel label : caseSection.getCaseLabels()) { GrExpression value = label.getValue(); if (value != null) { value.accept(this); } } final GrStatement[] statements = caseSection.getStatements(); // infer 'may be return' position int i; for (i = statements.length - 1; i >= 0 && statements[i] instanceof GrBreakStatement; i--) {} for (int j = 0; j < statements.length; j++) { GrStatement statement = statements[j]; statement.accept(this); if (j == i) handlePossibleReturn(statement); } if (myHead != null) { addPendingEdge(caseSection, myHead); } }
public void visitIfStatement(GrIfStatement ifStatement) { if (myExpression.equals(ifStatement.getCondition())) { myResult = new TypeConstraint[] { new SubtypeConstraint(TypesUtil.getJavaLangObject(ifStatement), PsiType.BOOLEAN) }; } else if (myExpression.equals(ifStatement.getThenBranch()) || myExpression.equals(ifStatement.getElseBranch())) { checkExitPoint(); } }
@Override public void visitCaseLabel(GrCaseLabel caseLabel) { final PsiElement parent = caseLabel.getParent().getParent(); assert parent instanceof GrSwitchStatement : parent + " of class " + parent.getClass(); final GrExpression condition = ((GrSwitchStatement) parent).getCondition(); if (condition == null) return; final PsiType type = condition.getType(); if (type == null) return; myResult = new TypeConstraint[] {SubtypeConstraint.create(type)}; }
private void addForLoopBreakingEdge(GrForStatement forStatement, @Nullable GrForClause clause) { if (clause instanceof GrTraditionalForClause) { final GrExpression condition = ((GrTraditionalForClause) clause).getCondition(); if (condition != null) { condition.accept(this); if (!alwaysTrue(condition)) { addPendingEdge(forStatement, myHead); // break cycle } } } else { addPendingEdge(forStatement, myHead); // break cycle } }
public void visitReturnStatement(GrReturnStatement returnStatement) { boolean isNodeNeeded = myHead == null || myHead.getElement() != returnStatement; final GrExpression value = returnStatement.getReturnValue(); if (value != null) value.accept(this); if (isNodeNeeded) { InstructionImpl returnInstruction = startNode(returnStatement); addPendingEdge(null, myHead); finishNode(returnInstruction); } else { addPendingEdge(null, myHead); } interruptFlow(); }
@Override public void visitOpenBlock(GrOpenBlock block) { final GrStatement[] statements = block.getStatements(); if (statements.length > 0 && myExpression.equals(statements[statements.length - 1])) { checkExitPoint(); } }
@Override public void visitSwitchStatement(GrSwitchStatement switchStatement) { final GrCaseSection[] sections = switchStatement.getCaseSections(); List<PsiType> types = new ArrayList<PsiType>(sections.length); for (GrCaseSection section : sections) { final GrExpression value = section.getCaseLabel().getValue(); final PsiType type = value != null ? value.getType() : null; if (type != null) types.add(type); } final PsiType upperBoundNullable = TypesUtil.getLeastUpperBoundNullable(types, switchStatement.getManager()); if (upperBoundNullable == null) return; myResult = new TypeConstraint[] {SubtypeConstraint.create(upperBoundNullable)}; }
public void visitTraditionalForClause(GrTraditionalForClause forClause) { if (myExpression.equals(forClause.getCondition())) { myResult = new TypeConstraint[] { new SubtypeConstraint(TypesUtil.getJavaLangObject(forClause), PsiType.BOOLEAN) }; } }
public void visitWhileStatement(GrWhileStatement whileStatement) { if (myExpression.equals(whileStatement.getCondition())) { myResult = new TypeConstraint[] { new SubtypeConstraint(TypesUtil.getJavaLangObject(whileStatement), PsiType.BOOLEAN) }; } }
public void visitAssignmentExpression(GrAssignmentExpression expression) { GrExpression lValue = expression.getLValue(); if (expression.getOperationTokenType() != mASSIGN) { if (lValue instanceof GrReferenceExpression && myPolicy.isReferenceAccepted((GrReferenceExpression) lValue)) { String referenceName = ((GrReferenceExpression) lValue).getReferenceName(); if (referenceName != null) { addNodeAndCheckPending(new ReadWriteVariableInstruction(referenceName, lValue, READ)); } } } GrExpression rValue = expression.getRValue(); if (rValue != null) { rValue.accept(this); lValue.accept(this); } }
@Nullable private static PsiType getNominalTypeNoRecursion(@NotNull final GrExpression expression) { if (expression instanceof GrNewExpression) { return expression.getType(); } else if (expression instanceof GrReferenceExpression && ((GrReferenceExpression) expression).getQualifier() == null) { return getTypeByRef((GrReferenceExpression) expression); } return null; }
@Override public void visitElvisExpression(GrElvisExpression expression) { GrExpression condition = expression.getCondition(); GrExpression elseBranch = expression.getElseBranch(); condition.accept(this); List<GotoInstruction> negations = collectAndRemoveAllPendingNegations(expression); InstructionImpl head = myHead; handlePossibleReturn(condition); addPendingEdge(expression, myHead); myHead = head; if (elseBranch != null) { head = reduceAllNegationsIntoInstruction(expression, negations); if (head != null) myHead = head; elseBranch.accept(this); handlePossibleReturn(elseBranch); } }
public void visitThrowStatement(GrThrowStatement throwStatement) { final GrExpression exception = throwStatement.getException(); if (exception == null) return; exception.accept(this); final InstructionImpl throwInstruction = new ThrowingInstruction(throwStatement); addNodeAndCheckPending(throwInstruction); interruptFlow(); final PsiType type = getNominalTypeNoRecursion(exception); if (type != null) { ExceptionInfo info = findCatch(type); if (info != null) { info.myThrowers.add(throwInstruction); } else { addPendingEdge(null, throwInstruction); } } else { addPendingEdge(null, throwInstruction); } }
public void visitAssignmentExpression(GrAssignmentExpression expression) { GrExpression rValue = expression.getRValue(); GrExpression lValue = expression.getLValue(); if (myExpression.equals(rValue)) { PsiType lType = lValue.getNominalType(); if (lType != null) { myResult = new TypeConstraint[] {SubtypeConstraint.create(lType)}; } else if (lValue instanceof GrReferenceExpression) { GroovyResolveResult result = ((GrReferenceExpression) lValue).advancedResolve(); PsiElement resolved = result.getElement(); if (resolved instanceof GrVariable) { PsiType type = ((GrVariable) resolved).getTypeGroovy(); if (type != null) { myResult = new TypeConstraint[] { SubtypeConstraint.create(result.getSubstitutor().substitute(type)) }; } } } } else if (myExpression.equals(lValue)) { if (rValue != null) { PsiType rType = rValue.getType(); if (rType != null) { myResult = new TypeConstraint[] {SupertypeConstraint.create(rType)}; } } } }
@Override public void visitAnnotationNameValuePair(GrAnnotationNameValuePair nameValuePair) { if (myExpression.equals(nameValuePair.getValue())) { final PsiClass annot = ResolveUtil.resolveAnnotation(nameValuePair.getParent()); if (annot != null) { final String name = nameValuePair.getName(); if (name != null) { final PsiMethod[] attrs = annot.findMethodsByName(name, false); if (attrs.length > 0) { PsiType type = attrs[0].getReturnType(); while (type instanceof PsiArrayType) type = ((PsiArrayType) type).getComponentType(); if (type != null && isAcceptableAnnotationValueType(type)) { myResult = createSimpleSubTypeResult(type); } } } else { final PsiMethod[] valueAttr = annot.findMethodsByName("value", false); boolean canHaveSimpleExpr = valueAttr.length > 0; final PsiMethod[] methods = annot.getMethods(); for (PsiMethod method : methods) { if (!("value".equals(method.getName()) || method instanceof PsiAnnotationMethod && ((PsiAnnotationMethod) method).getDefaultValue() != null)) { canHaveSimpleExpr = false; } } if (canHaveSimpleExpr) { PsiType type = valueAttr[0].getReturnType(); while (type instanceof PsiArrayType) type = ((PsiArrayType) type).getComponentType(); if (type != null && isAcceptableAnnotationValueType(type)) { myResult = createSimpleSubTypeResult(type); } } } } } }
public void visitMethodCallExpression(GrMethodCallExpression methodCall) { final GrExpression invokedExpression = methodCall.getInvokedExpression(); if (myExpression.equals(invokedExpression)) { myResult = new TypeConstraint[] { SubtypeConstraint.create(GroovyCommonClassNames.GROOVY_LANG_CLOSURE, methodCall) }; return; } final GrClosableBlock[] closureArgs = methodCall.getClosureArguments(); //noinspection SuspiciousMethodCalls final int closureIndex = Arrays.asList(closureArgs).indexOf(myExpression); if (closureIndex >= 0) { List<TypeConstraint> constraints = new ArrayList<TypeConstraint>(); for (GroovyResolveResult variant : ResolveUtil.getCallVariants(myExpression)) { final GrArgumentList argumentList = methodCall.getArgumentList(); final GrNamedArgument[] namedArgs = argumentList == null ? GrNamedArgument.EMPTY_ARRAY : argumentList.getNamedArguments(); final GrExpression[] expressionArgs = argumentList == null ? GrExpression.EMPTY_ARRAY : argumentList.getExpressionArguments(); try { final Map<GrExpression, Pair<PsiParameter, PsiType>> map = GrClosureSignatureUtil.mapArgumentsToParameters( variant, methodCall, true, true, namedArgs, expressionArgs, closureArgs); addConstraintsFromMap(constraints, map); } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOG.error( "call: " + methodCall.getText() + "\nsymbol: " + variant.getElement().getText(), e); } } if (!constraints.isEmpty()) { myResult = constraints.toArray(new TypeConstraint[constraints.size()]); } } }
public void visitVariable(GrVariable variable) { if (myExpression.equals(variable.getInitializerGroovy())) { PsiType type = variable.getType(); myResult = createSimpleSubTypeResult(type); } }
@Override public void visitBinaryExpression(GrBinaryExpression expression) { final GrExpression left = expression.getLeftOperand(); final GrExpression right = expression.getRightOperand(); final IElementType opType = expression.getOperationTokenType(); if (ControlFlowBuilderUtil.isInstanceOfBinary(expression)) { expression.getLeftOperand().accept(this); processInstanceOf(expression); return; } if (opType != mLOR && opType != mLAND && opType != kIN) { left.accept(this); if (right != null) { right.accept(this); } visitCall(expression); return; } ConditionInstruction condition = new ConditionInstruction(expression); addNodeAndCheckPending(condition); registerCondition(condition); left.accept(this); if (right == null) return; final List<GotoInstruction> negations = collectAndRemoveAllPendingNegations(expression); visitCall(expression); if (opType == mLAND) { InstructionImpl head = myHead; if (negations.isEmpty()) { addNode(new NegatingGotoInstruction(expression, condition)); handlePossibleReturn(expression); addPendingEdge(expression, myHead); } else { for (GotoInstruction negation : negations) { myHead = negation; handlePossibleReturn(expression); addPendingEdge(expression, myHead); } } myHead = head; } else /*if (opType == mLOR)*/ { final InstructionImpl instruction = addNodeAndCheckPending( new InstructionImpl(expression)); // collect all pending edges from left argument handlePossibleReturn(expression); addPendingEdge(expression, myHead); myHead = instruction; InstructionImpl head = reduceAllNegationsIntoInstruction(expression, negations); if (head != null) myHead = head; // addNode(new NegatingGotoInstruction(expression, myInstructionNumber++, condition)); } myConditions.removeFirstOccurrence(condition); right.accept(this); }
@Override public void visitParenthesizedExpression(GrParenthesizedExpression expression) { final GrExpression operand = expression.getOperand(); if (operand != null) operand.accept(this); }
@Override public void visitThrowStatement(GrThrowStatement throwStatement) { final PsiClassType throwable = PsiType.getJavaLangThrowable(myExpression.getManager(), throwStatement.getResolveScope()); myResult = new TypeConstraint[] {SubtypeConstraint.create(throwable)}; }