/** * Emulates pressing <code>Enter</code> at current caret position. * * @param editor target editor * @param project target project * @param shifts two-elements array which is expected to be filled with the following info: 1. The * first element holds added lines number; 2. The second element holds added symbols number; */ private static void emulateEnter( @NotNull final Editor editor, @NotNull Project project, int[] shifts) { final DataContext dataContext = prepareContext(editor.getComponent(), project); int caretOffset = editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(); Document document = editor.getDocument(); SelectionModel selectionModel = editor.getSelectionModel(); int startSelectionOffset = 0; int endSelectionOffset = 0; boolean restoreSelection = selectionModel.hasSelection(); if (restoreSelection) { startSelectionOffset = selectionModel.getSelectionStart(); endSelectionOffset = selectionModel.getSelectionEnd(); selectionModel.removeSelection(); } int textLengthBeforeWrap = document.getTextLength(); int lineCountBeforeWrap = document.getLineCount(); DataManager.getInstance() .saveInDataContext(dataContext, WRAP_LONG_LINE_DURING_FORMATTING_IN_PROGRESS_KEY, true); CommandProcessor commandProcessor = CommandProcessor.getInstance(); try { Runnable command = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { EditorActionManager.getInstance() .getActionHandler(IdeActions.ACTION_EDITOR_ENTER) .execute(editor, dataContext); } }; if (commandProcessor.getCurrentCommand() == null) { commandProcessor.executeCommand(editor.getProject(), command, WRAP_LINE_COMMAND_NAME, null); } else { command.run(); } } finally { DataManager.getInstance() .saveInDataContext(dataContext, WRAP_LONG_LINE_DURING_FORMATTING_IN_PROGRESS_KEY, null); } int symbolsDiff = document.getTextLength() - textLengthBeforeWrap; if (restoreSelection) { int newSelectionStart = startSelectionOffset; int newSelectionEnd = endSelectionOffset; if (startSelectionOffset >= caretOffset) { newSelectionStart += symbolsDiff; } if (endSelectionOffset >= caretOffset) { newSelectionEnd += symbolsDiff; } selectionModel.setSelection(newSelectionStart, newSelectionEnd); } shifts[0] = document.getLineCount() - lineCountBeforeWrap; shifts[1] = symbolsDiff; }
private void setStructureViewSelectionFromPropertiesFile(@NotNull Editor propertiesFileEditor) { int line = propertiesFileEditor.getCaretModel().getLogicalPosition().line; Document document = propertiesFileEditor.getDocument(); if (line >= document.getLineCount()) { return; } final String propertyName = getPropertyName(document, line); if (propertyName == null) { return; } setStructureViewSelection(propertyName); }
private void setPropertiesFileSelectionFromStructureView(@NotNull Editor propertiesFileEditor) { String selectedPropertyName = getSelectedPropertyName(); if (selectedPropertyName == null) { return; } Document document = propertiesFileEditor.getDocument(); for (int i = 0; i < document.getLineCount(); i++) { String propertyName = getPropertyName(document, i); if (selectedPropertyName.equals(propertyName)) { propertiesFileEditor.getCaretModel().moveToLogicalPosition(new LogicalPosition(i, 0)); return; } } }
private int yPositionToOffset(int y, boolean beginLine) { if (myEditorScrollbarTop == -1 || myEditorTargetHeight == -1) { recalcEditorDimensions(); } final int safeY = Math.max(0, y - myEditorScrollbarTop); VisualPosition visual; if (myEditorSourceHeight < myEditorTargetHeight) { visual = myEditor.xyToVisualPosition(new Point(0, safeY)); } else { float fraction = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, safeY / (float) myEditorTargetHeight)); final int lineCount = myEditorSourceHeight / myEditor.getLineHeight(); visual = new VisualPosition((int) (fraction * lineCount), 0); } int line = myEditor.visualToLogicalPosition(visual).line; Document document = myEditor.getDocument(); if (line < 0) return 0; if (line >= document.getLineCount()) return document.getTextLength(); return beginLine ? document.getLineStartOffset(line) : document.getLineEndOffset(line); }
public void doClick(final MouseEvent e, final int width) { RangeHighlighter marker = getNearestRangeHighlighter(e, width); if (marker == null) return; int offset = marker.getStartOffset(); final Document doc = myEditor.getDocument(); if (doc.getLineCount() > 0) { // Necessary to expand folded block even if navigating just before one // Very useful when navigating to first unused import statement. int lineEnd = doc.getLineEndOffset(doc.getLineNumber(offset)); myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(lineEnd); } myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(offset); myEditor.getSelectionModel().removeSelection(); ScrollingModel scrollingModel = myEditor.getScrollingModel(); scrollingModel.disableAnimation(); scrollingModel.scrollToCaret(ScrollType.CENTER); scrollingModel.enableAnimation(); fireErrorMarkerClicked(marker, e); }
public void doWrapLongLinesIfNecessary( @NotNull final Editor editor, @NotNull final Project project, @NotNull Document document, int startOffset, int endOffset) { // Normalization. int startOffsetToUse = Math.min(document.getTextLength(), Math.max(0, startOffset)); int endOffsetToUse = Math.min(document.getTextLength(), Math.max(0, endOffset)); LineWrapPositionStrategy strategy = LanguageLineWrapPositionStrategy.INSTANCE.forEditor(editor); CharSequence text = document.getCharsSequence(); int startLine = document.getLineNumber(startOffsetToUse); int endLine = document.getLineNumber(Math.max(0, endOffsetToUse - 1)); int maxLine = Math.min(document.getLineCount(), endLine + 1); int tabSize = EditorUtil.getTabSize(editor); if (tabSize <= 0) { tabSize = 1; } int spaceSize = EditorUtil.getSpaceWidth(Font.PLAIN, editor); int[] shifts = new int[2]; // shifts[0] - lines shift. // shift[1] - offset shift. for (int line = startLine; line < maxLine; line++) { int startLineOffset = document.getLineStartOffset(line); int endLineOffset = document.getLineEndOffset(line); final int preferredWrapPosition = calculatePreferredWrapPosition( editor, text, tabSize, spaceSize, startLineOffset, endLineOffset, endOffsetToUse); if (preferredWrapPosition < 0 || preferredWrapPosition >= endLineOffset) { continue; } if (preferredWrapPosition >= endOffsetToUse) { return; } // We know that current line exceeds right margin if control flow reaches this place, so, wrap // it. int wrapOffset = strategy.calculateWrapPosition( document, editor.getProject(), Math.max(startLineOffset, startOffsetToUse), Math.min(endLineOffset, endOffsetToUse), preferredWrapPosition, false, false); if (wrapOffset < 0 // No appropriate wrap position is found. // No point in splitting line when its left part contains only white spaces, example: // line start -> | | <- right margin // | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa|aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa() <- don't want to wrap this // line even if it exceeds right margin || CharArrayUtil.shiftBackward(text, startLineOffset, wrapOffset - 1, " \t") < startLineOffset) { continue; } // Move caret to the target position and emulate pressing <enter>. editor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(wrapOffset); emulateEnter(editor, project, shifts); // We know that number of lines is just increased, hence, update the data accordingly. maxLine += shifts[0]; endOffsetToUse += shifts[1]; } }
private int offsetToLine(int offset, Document document) { if (offset > document.getTextLength()) { return document.getLineCount(); } return myEditor.offsetToVisualLine(offset); }