/** * Returns all Weight Reading objects that fall within the time range specified (inclusive) * * @param leftBound The Date object specifying the earliest date boundary * @param rightBound The Date object specifying the latest date boundary * @param c The application context * @note Recreates only the new objects, since Identity Map is no longer applied: the reason for * this is because whenever data is fetched, we know its usage right away and will not need to * keep it in proximity for later usage, but rather direct usage * @return The ArrayList of all weighteReading in the database that fall within range * @throws MapperException Thrown when there is either a problem with mapping or if the * Persistence layer returns an error */ public static ArrayList<WeightReading> findAllWithinRangeInclusive( Date iLeftBound, Date iRightBound, Context iC) throws MapperException { try { ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> resultTable = WeightTDG.selectBetweenDatesInclusive( String.valueOf(iLeftBound.getTime()), String.valueOf(iRightBound.getTime()), iC); ArrayList<WeightReading> resultReadings = new ArrayList<WeightReading>(resultTable.size()); for (int i = 0; i < resultTable.size(); ++i) { ArrayList<String> values = resultTable.get(i); WeightReading r; Long id = Long.valueOf(values.get(0)); Date date = new Date(Long.valueOf(values.get(1))); /** Converts from Unix time to Java Date */ int sourceInt = Integer.valueOf(values.get(2)); ReadingSource source = sourceFromInt(sourceInt); float weight = Float.valueOf(values.get(3)); r = new WeightReading(id, date, source, weight); resultReadings.add(r); } return resultReadings; } catch (PersistenceException iE) { throw new MapperException( "The Mapper failed to obtain the Weight Readings from the persistence layer. The TDG returned the following error: " + iE.getMessage()); } catch (Exception iE) { throw new MapperException( "The mapper failed to complete an operation for the following unforeseen reason: " + iE.getMessage()); } }
/** * Compare based on start date. * * @param aAppt1 appt 1 * @param aAppt2 appt 2 * @return an int indicating the result of the comparison */ public int compare(Object aAppt1, Object aAppt2) { // Parameter are of type Object, so we have to downcast it Date date1 = ((Appt) aAppt1).getStartDate(); Date date2 = ((Appt) aAppt2).getStartDate(); return date2.compareTo(date1); }
public static Timestamp getTimeStampFromString(String userTime) throws ParseException { DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date date = dateFormat.parse(userTime); Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(date.getTime()); return timestamp; }
/** @tests java.util.Date#hashCode() */ public void test_hashCode() { // Test for method int java.util.Date.hashCode() Date d1 = new Date(0); Date d2 = new Date(1900000); assertEquals("Returned incorrect hash", 1900000, d2.hashCode()); assertEquals("Returned incorrect hash", 0, d1.hashCode()); }
/** @tests java.util.Date#clone() */ public void test_clone() { // Test for method java.lang.Object java.util.Date.clone() Date d1 = new Date(100000); Date d2 = (Date) d1.clone(); assertTrue("Cloning date results in same reference--new date is equivalent", d1 != d2); assertTrue("Cloning date results unequal date", d1.equals(d2)); }
@Override public CharSequence getDisplayContents() { CalendarParsedResult calResult = (CalendarParsedResult) getResult(); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(100); ParsedResult.maybeAppend(calResult.getSummary(), result); Date start = calResult.getStart(); ParsedResult.maybeAppend(format(calResult.isStartAllDay(), start), result); Date end = calResult.getEnd(); if (end != null) { if (calResult.isEndAllDay() && !start.equals(end)) { // Show only year/month/day // if it's all-day and this is the end date, it's exclusive, so show the user // that it ends on the day before to make more intuitive sense. // But don't do it if the event already (incorrectly?) specifies the same start/end end = new Date(end.getTime() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } ParsedResult.maybeAppend(format(calResult.isEndAllDay(), end), result); } ParsedResult.maybeAppend(calResult.getLocation(), result); ParsedResult.maybeAppend(calResult.getOrganizer(), result); ParsedResult.maybeAppend(calResult.getAttendees(), result); ParsedResult.maybeAppend(calResult.getDescription(), result); return result.toString(); }
public Date transformarJulianaAGregoriadeLong(Long valor) { String j = valor.toString(); Date date = new Date(); String primerValor = ""; if (j.length() == 5) { try { date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyD").parse(j); } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else { primerValor = j.substring(0, 1); if (primerValor.equals("1")) { String anno = j.substring(1, 3); date.setYear(Integer.valueOf("20" + anno) - 1900); String s = j.substring(3); Date fecha = new Date(); try { fecha = new SimpleDateFormat("D").parse(s); } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } fecha.setYear(date.getYear()); return fecha; } } return date; }
@Test public void testAddAndGetApproval() { String userName = "******"; String clientId = "client"; String scope = "uaa.user"; long expiresIn = 1000l; Date lastUpdatedAt = new Date(); ApprovalStatus status = APPROVED; Date expiresAt = new Timestamp(new Date().getTime() + expiresIn); Approval newApproval = new Approval() .setUserId(userName) .setClientId(clientId) .setScope(scope) .setExpiresAt(expiresAt) .setStatus(status) .setLastUpdatedAt(lastUpdatedAt); dao.addApproval(newApproval); List<Approval> approvals = dao.getApprovals(userName, clientId); assertEquals(clientId, approvals.get(0).getClientId()); assertEquals(userName, approvals.get(0).getUserId()); assertEquals( Math.round(expiresAt.getTime() / 1000), Math.round(approvals.get(0).getExpiresAt().getTime() / 1000)); assertEquals( Math.round(lastUpdatedAt.getTime() / 1000), Math.round(approvals.get(0).getLastUpdatedAt().getTime() / 1000)); assertEquals(scope, approvals.get(0).getScope()); assertEquals(status, approvals.get(0).getStatus()); }
public static String millisecondsToHumanDateWithSeconds(long milliseconds) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); sdf.setTimeZone(CURRENT_TIME_ZONE); Date t = new Date(); t.setTime(milliseconds); return sdf.format(t); }
public static String format(long milliseconds, String format) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format); sdf.setTimeZone(CURRENT_TIME_ZONE); Date t = new Date(); t.setTime(milliseconds); return sdf.format(t); }
protected void verifyCreateDate(JournalArticleResource articleResource) { List<JournalArticle> articles = JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.getArticles( articleResource.getGroupId(), articleResource.getArticleId(), QueryUtil.ALL_POS, QueryUtil.ALL_POS, new ArticleVersionComparator(true)); if (articles.size() <= 1) { return; } JournalArticle firstArticle = articles.get(0); Date createDate = firstArticle.getCreateDate(); for (JournalArticle article : articles) { if (!createDate.equals(article.getCreateDate())) { article.setCreateDate(createDate); JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.updateJournalArticle(article); } } }
@Test public void getProductStatusSuccessfully() throws Exception { Date date = new Date(); String dateInString = Long.toString(date.getTime()); AggregationMappingEntry entry = new AggregationMappingEntry("10", date, date, Status.InProgress); AggregationMappingEntry entry1 = new AggregationMappingEntry("11", date, date, Status.InProgress); List<AggregationMappingEntry> entries = new ArrayList<AggregationMappingEntry>(); entries.add(entry); entries.add(entry1); List<Long> epids = new ArrayList<Long>(); epids.add(10L); epids.add(11L); when(productService.findProducts(epids)).thenReturn(entries); mockMvc .perform(get("/status/10,11")) .andDo(print()) .andExpect(jsonPath("$.products[*].epid", hasItems(is("10"), is("11")))) .andExpect( jsonPath("$.products[*].createdDate", hasItems(is(entry.getCreationDate().getTime())))) /* .andExpect(jsonPath("$.links[*].rel", hasItems(endsWith("self"), endsWith("10"))))*/ .andExpect(status().isOk()); }
public static CoveringInfo getWeeklyCoveringInfo(Date from, Date to) { int dayDiff = 0; Date tmpFrom = from; while (tmpFrom.before(to)) { tmpFrom = DateUtils.addDays(tmpFrom, 1); dayDiff++; } if (dayDiff < 7) { return new CoveringInfo(0, false); } Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(from); int fromWeek = cal.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR); int fromDay = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); int fromYear = cal.get(YEAR); cal.clear(); cal.set(YEAR, fromYear); cal.set(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, fromWeek); cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.SUNDAY); int maxDayInWeek = cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); Date fromWeekStartDate = cal.getTime(); boolean coverable = dayDiff % 7 == 0; if (fromWeekStartDate.before(from)) { // Count from the start of next week dayDiff -= (maxDayInWeek - (fromDay - Calendar.SUNDAY)); coverable = false; } return new CoveringInfo(dayDiff / 7, coverable); }
private void dumpDocument(int docNum, Document doc) throws IOException { outputLn(); outputLn("Document " + docNum); if (doc == null) { outputLn(" deleted"); return; } // note: only stored fields will be returned for (Fieldable field : doc.getFields()) { String fieldName = field.name(); boolean isDate = "l.date".equals(fieldName); outputLn(" Field [" + fieldName + "]: " + field.toString()); String[] values = doc.getValues(fieldName); if (values != null) { int i = 0; for (String value : values) { output(" " + "(" + i++ + ") " + value); if (isDate) { try { Date date = DateTools.stringToDate(value); output(" (" + date.toString() + " (" + date.getTime() + "))"); } catch (java.text.ParseException e) { assert false; } } outputLn(); } } } }
@Test public void testCronTriggerJob() throws Exception { SessionConfiguration config = new SessionConfiguration(); config.setClockType(ClockType.PSEUDO_CLOCK); PseudoClockScheduler timeService = (PseudoClockScheduler) TimerServiceFactory.getTimerService(config); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"); Date date = df.parse("2009-01-01T00:00:00.000-0000"); timeService.advanceTime(date.getTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); CronTrigger trigger = new CronTrigger(date.getTime(), null, null, -1, "15 * * * * ?", null, null); HelloWorldJobContext ctx = new HelloWorldJobContext("hello world", timeService); timeService.scheduleJob(new HelloWorldJob(), ctx, trigger); assertEquals(0, ctx.getList().size()); timeService.advanceTime(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertEquals(0, ctx.getList().size()); timeService.advanceTime(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertEquals(1, ctx.getList().size()); timeService.advanceTime(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertEquals(1, ctx.getList().size()); timeService.advanceTime(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertEquals(2, ctx.getList().size()); }
public void messageReceived(int to, Message message) { Date date = Calendar.getInstance().getTime(); if (message instanceof RadioSignalResultsMsg) { RadioSignalResultsMsg resultMsg = (RadioSignalResultsMsg) message; log( date + "\t" + date.getTime() + "\t" + "RADIO15.4_RESULT_MSG" + "\t" + resultMsg.get_idReceiver() + "\t" + resultMsg.get_idSender() + "\t" + resultMsg.get_seqno() + "\t" + resultMsg.get_rssi() + "\t" + resultMsg.get_lqi() + "\t" + resultMsg.get_timestamp()); } else { log(date + "\t" + date.getTime() + "\t UNKNOWN_MSG" + "\t" + message.toString()); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <R extends HttpRequest> R bindToRequest(R request, Object input) { Builder<?> builder = request.toBuilder(); Payload payload = Payload.class.cast(input); if (payload.getContentMetadata().getContentType() == null) { payload.getContentMetadata().setContentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM); } Long contentLength = payload.getContentMetadata().getContentLength(); if (contentLength != null && contentLength >= 0) { checkArgument( contentLength <= 5l * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, "maximum size for put object is 5GB, %s", contentLength); } else { builder.replaceHeader(TRANSFER_ENCODING, "chunked").build(); } byte[] md5 = payload.getContentMetadata().getContentMD5(); if (md5 != null) { // Swift will validate the md5, if placed as an ETag header builder.replaceHeader(ETAG, base16().lowerCase().encode(md5)); } Date expires = payload.getContentMetadata().getExpires(); if (expires != null) { builder .replaceHeader( OBJECT_DELETE_AT, String.valueOf(MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(expires.getTime()))) .build(); } return (R) builder.payload(payload).build(); }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; CatalogCategoryMaster other = (CatalogCategoryMaster) obj; if (businessName == null) { if (other.businessName != null) return false; } else if (!businessName.equals(other.businessName)) return false; if (code == null) { if (other.code != null) return false; } else if (!code.equals(other.code)) return false; if (dateCreate == null) { if (other.dateCreate != null) return false; } else if (!dateCreate.equals(other.dateCreate)) return false; if (dateUpdate == null) { if (other.dateUpdate != null) return false; } else if (!dateUpdate.equals(other.dateUpdate)) return false; if (defaultParentCatalogCategory == null) { if (other.defaultParentCatalogCategory != null) return false; } else if (!defaultParentCatalogCategory.equals(other.defaultParentCatalogCategory)) return false; if (description == null) { if (other.description != null) return false; } else if (!description.equals(other.description)) return false; if (id == null) { if (other.id != null) return false; } else if (!id.equals(other.id)) return false; if (isDefault != other.isDefault) return false; if (version != other.version) return false; return true; }
public static int driver( String inputMaf, String outputMaf, boolean useCache, boolean sort, boolean addMissing) { Date start = new Date(); int oncoResult = 0; Oncotator tool = new Oncotator(useCache); tool.setSortColumns(sort); tool.setAddMissingCols(addMissing); try { oncoResult = tool.oncotateMaf(new File(inputMaf), new File(outputMaf)); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("IO error occurred: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (OncotatorServiceException e) { System.out.println("Service error occurred: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { Date end = new Date(); double timeElapsed = (end.getTime() - start.getTime()) / 1000.0; System.out.println("Total number of records processed: " + tool.getNumRecordsProcessed()); if (tool.getBuildNumErrors() > 0) { System.out.println( "Number of records skipped due to incompatible build no: " + tool.getBuildNumErrors()); } System.out.println("Total time: " + timeElapsed + " seconds."); } return oncoResult; }
public static String agregarGasto( int tipo, Date fecha, int tipoDoc, String numDoc, String descripcion, String monto) { float montoTotal; int numDocumento; try { montoTotal = Float.parseFloat(monto); } catch (Exception e) { return "Ingrese un monto valido"; } try { numDocumento = Integer.parseInt(numDoc); } catch (Exception e) { return "El numero de documento solo puede contener numeros"; } if (ValidacionGeneral.precioValido(montoTotal)) { Gastos g = new Gastos(1, fecha.getDay(), fecha.getMonth(), fecha.getYear(), montoTotal); g.setGasNumDoc(numDocumento); g.setTipDocCod(new TipoDocumento(tipoDoc)); g.setEmpDni(new Empleado(Integer.parseInt(ManejoSesion.getDNI()))); g.setProvRuc(new Proveedor("00000000001")); g.setTipGasCod(new TipoGasto(tipo)); new GestionarGastosImplementacion().agregarGasto(g); return "CORRECTO"; } else { return "Ingrese un monto valido"; } }
protected URL createSnapshot(final String foreignSource) throws MalformedURLException { System.err.println("--- creating snapshot for " + foreignSource + " ---"); Requisition pending = m_pending.getRequisition(foreignSource); Requisition deployed = m_active.getRequisition(foreignSource); final Date deployedDate = deployed == null ? null : deployed.getDate(); final Date pendingDate = pending == null ? null : pending.getDate(); if (deployedDate == null) return RequisitionFileUtils.createSnapshot(m_pending, foreignSource, pending.getDate()) .toURI() .toURL(); if (pendingDate == null) return m_active.getRequisitionURL(foreignSource); final URL url; if (deployedDate.before(pendingDate)) { url = RequisitionFileUtils.createSnapshot(m_pending, foreignSource, pendingDate) .toURI() .toURL(); } else { url = m_active.getRequisitionURL(foreignSource); } System.err.println("deployedDate = " + deployedDate); System.err.println("pendingDate = " + pendingDate); System.err.println("url = " + url); return url; }
public static String agregarGasto( Date fecha, int tipoDoc, String numDoc, String descripcion, float montoTotal, ArrayList<InsumoAlmacen> insumos, String ruc) { int numDocumento; try { numDocumento = Integer.parseInt(numDoc); } catch (Exception e) { return "Error: El numero de documento solo puede contener numeros"; } Gastos g = new Gastos(0, fecha.getDay(), fecha.getMonth(), fecha.getYear(), montoTotal); g.setGasDes("Pago por insumos"); g.setGasNumDoc(numDocumento); g.setGasNBol(numDocumento); g.setTipDocCod(new TipoDocumento(tipoDoc)); g.setEmpDni(new Empleado(Integer.parseInt(ManejoSesion.getDNI()))); g.setProvRuc(new Proveedor(ruc)); g.setTipGasCod(new TipoGasto(1)); if (new GestionarGastosImplementacion().agregarGasto(g)) { for (InsumoAlmacen ins : insumos) { IngresoKardexControlador.agregarIngresoKardex( g.getGasCod(), ins.getCodInsumo(), ins.getCantidad(), ins.getPrecio()); } return "CORRECTO"; } else { return "No se pudo agregar el gasto"; } }
/** @tests java.util.Date#before(java.util.Date) */ public void test_beforeLjava_util_Date() { // Test for method boolean java.util.Date.before(java.util.Date) Date d1 = new Date(0); Date d2 = new Date(1900000); assertTrue("Older was returned as newer", !d2.before(d1)); assertTrue("Newer was returned as older", d1.before(d2)); }
public Item( String source, String link, String title, String description, Date datePublication, List enclosure) { try { this.uri = link; values = new ArrayList<Prop>(); values.add(new Prop(RSS.link, link, true, false)); values.add(new Prop(RSS.title, title)); values.add(new Prop(RSS.description, Jsoup.parse(description).text())); if (datePublication != null) { values.add(new Prop(RSS.getURI() + "pubDate", datePublication.toString())); values.add( new Prop(RSS.getURI() + "pubDateTime", Long.toString(datePublication.getTime()))); } for (Object o : enclosure) { SyndEnclosureImpl e = (SyndEnclosureImpl) o; values.add(new Prop(RSS.image, e.getUrl(), true, false)); } values.add(new Prop("http://purl.org/rss/1.0/source", source, false, false)); } catch (NullPointerException e) { logger.error(e); } }
/** @tests java.util.Date#getTime() */ public void test_getTime() { // Test for method long java.util.Date.getTime() Date d1 = new Date(0); Date d2 = new Date(1900000); assertEquals("Returned incorrect time", 1900000, d2.getTime()); assertEquals("Returned incorrect time", 0, d1.getTime()); }
/** * Calculate the next alarm time for overdue reminders. * * <p>We schedule an alarm for after the due date (which could be in the past), with the exception * that if a reminder was recently issued, we move the alarm time to the near future. * * @param task * @return */ private long calculateNextOverdueReminder(Task task) { // Uses getNowValue() instead of DateUtilities.now() if (task.hasDueDate() && task.getFlag(Task.REMINDER_FLAGS, Task.NOTIFY_AFTER_DEADLINE)) { Date due = new Date(task.getValue(Task.DUE_DATE)); if (!task.hasDueTime()) { due.setHours(23); due.setMinutes(59); due.setSeconds(59); } long dueDateForOverdue = due.getTime(); long lastReminder = task.getValue(Task.REMINDER_LAST); if (dueDateForOverdue > getNowValue()) { return dueDateForOverdue + (long) ((0.5f + 2f * random.nextFloat()) * DateUtilities.ONE_HOUR); } if (lastReminder < dueDateForOverdue) { return getNowValue(); } if (getNowValue() - lastReminder < 6 * DateUtilities.ONE_HOUR) { return getNowValue() + (long) ((2.0f + task.getValue(Task.IMPORTANCE) + 6f * random.nextFloat()) * DateUtilities.ONE_HOUR); } return getNowValue(); } return NO_ALARM; }
/** @tests java.util.Date#UTC(int, int, int, int, int, int) */ public void test_UTCIIIIII() { // Test for method long java.util.Date.UTC(int, int, int, int, int, int) assertTrue("Returned incorrect UTC value for epoch", Date.UTC(70, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) == (long) 0); assertTrue( "Returned incorrect UTC value for epoch +1yr", Date.UTC(71, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) == (long) 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void createAverages(Date start) { if (start.getMinutes() != 30 || start.getSeconds() != 0) { // we want to obtain estimates for full hours, i.e. 4:00 or 5:00 // by calculating averages for 3:30-4:29:59 and 4:30-5:29:59 throw new RuntimeException("Must start with hh:30:00"); } final int HOURS = 25; // we want to have vehicles for full 24 hours, e.g. 4am to 4am next day long startTime = start.getTime() / 1000; // in seconds long endTime = startTime + HOURS * 3600; // in seconds taxisOverTimeHourlyAverage = new double[HOURS]; int sum = 0; int hour = 0; int n = 0; for (long t = startTime; t < endTime; t++) { if (this.taxisOverTime.containsKey(new Date(t * 1000))) { sum += this.taxisOverTime.get(new Date(t * 1000)); // seconds -> milliseconds n++; } if (t % 3600 == 1799) { // t == hh:29:59 taxisOverTimeHourlyAverage[hour] += (double) sum / n; sum = 0; hour++; n = 0; } } for (int i = 0; i < HOURS; i++) { System.out.println(i + " : " + taxisOverTimeHourlyAverage[i]); } }
public static Calendar getCalendarFromString(String userTime) throws ParseException { DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date date = dateFormat.parse(userTime); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTimeInMillis(date.getTime()); return cal; }
// See one project @RequestMapping(value = "viewproject", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView viewproject(Integer id) throws Exception { ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(); ProjectWrapper pw = projectDao.getProjectWrapperById(id); mav.addObject("pw", pw); Date now = new Date(); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (!pw.getProject().getEndDate().trim().equals("")) { boolean expired = now.after(df.parse(pw.getProject().getEndDate())); mav.addObject("expired", expired); } for (RPLink r : pw.getRpLinks()) { if (!r.getResearcher().getEndDate().trim().equals("")) { if (now.after(df.parse(r.getResearcher().getEndDate()))) { r.getResearcher().setFullName(r.getResearcher().getFullName() + " (expired)"); } } } for (APLink a : pw.getApLinks()) { if (a.getAdviser().getEndDate() != null && !a.getAdviser().getEndDate().trim().equals("")) { if (now.after(df.parse(a.getAdviser().getEndDate()))) { a.getAdviser().setFullName(a.getAdviser().getFullName() + " (expired)"); } } } mav.addObject("jobauditBaseProjectUrl", this.jobauditBaseProjectUrl); return mav; }