Exemple #1
 private static void initImg(BufferedImage img, int pf, int flags) throws Exception {
   WritableRaster wr = img.getRaster();
   int imgType = img.getType();
   if (imgType == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB
       || imgType == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR
       || imgType == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB
       || imgType == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE) {
     SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sm = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) img.getSampleModel();
     int pitch = sm.getScanlineStride();
     DataBufferInt db = (DataBufferInt) wr.getDataBuffer();
     int[] buf = db.getData();
     initIntBuf(buf, img.getWidth(), pitch, img.getHeight(), pf, flags);
   } else {
     ComponentSampleModel sm = (ComponentSampleModel) img.getSampleModel();
     int pitch = sm.getScanlineStride();
     DataBufferByte db = (DataBufferByte) wr.getDataBuffer();
     byte[] buf = db.getData();
     initBuf(buf, img.getWidth(), pitch, img.getHeight(), pf, flags);
  private IFD writeGrayImage(
      ImageOutputStream out, BufferedImage image, int comp, TIFFImageWriteParam param)
      throws IOException {
    image = convert(image, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
    try {
      int width = image.getWidth();
      int height = image.getHeight();

      IFD ifd = new IFD(); // entries need to be in tag order !

      ifd.add(new DEFactory.NewSubfileTypeDE(2)); // 254 single page of multipage file
      ifd.add(new DEFactory.ImageWidthDE(width)); // 256
      ifd.add(new DEFactory.ImageLengthDE(height)); // 257

      DEFactory.BitsPerSampleDE bpss = new DEFactory.BitsPerSampleDE(1);
      bpss.setBitsPerSample(0, 8); // gray scale
      ifd.add(bpss); // 258

      ifd.add(new DEFactory.CompressionDE(comp)); // 259
      ifd.add(new DEFactory.PhotometricInterpretationDE(BlackIsZero)); // 262

      int maxrps, maxstripes; // max RowsPerStrip
      if ((1 << 13) <= width) {
        maxrps = 1;
        maxstripes = height; // one row per strip
      } else {
        maxrps = (1 << 13) / width;
        maxstripes = (height + maxrps - 1) / maxrps;
      if (comp == JPEG) {
        maxrps = ((maxrps + 8 - 1) / 8) * 8;
        maxstripes = (height + maxrps - 1) / maxrps;
      DEFactory.StripOffsetsDE offsets = new DEFactory.StripOffsetsDE(maxstripes);
      ifd.add(offsets); // 273
      ifd.add(new DEFactory.SamplesPerPixelDE(1)); // 277
      ifd.add(new DEFactory.RowsPerStripDE(maxrps)); // 278
      DEFactory.StripByteCountsDE counts = new DEFactory.StripByteCountsDE(maxstripes);
      ifd.add(counts); // 279
      if (param == null) {
        ifd.add(new DEFactory.XResolutionDE(72.0)); // 282
        ifd.add(new DEFactory.YResolutionDE(72.0)); // 283
      } else {
        ifd.add(new DEFactory.XResolutionDE(param.getXResolution())); // 282
        ifd.add(new DEFactory.YResolutionDE(param.getYResolution())); // 283
      ifd.add(new DEFactory.ResolutionUnitDE(Inch)); // 296

      ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      OutputStream os = baos;
      JPEGOutputStream jpegos = null;

      if (comp == JPEG) { // add JPEGTables tag
        jpegos = new JPEGOutputStream(baos);

        int quality = (param == null) ? 50 : (int) (param.getCompressionQuality() * 100);

        jpegos.setZZQuantizationTable(0, JPEGConstants.LQT, quality);
        jpegos.setRawDCHuffmanTable(0, JPEGConstants.HLDCTable);
        jpegos.setRawACHuffmanTable(0, JPEGConstants.HLACTable);


        DEFactory.JPEGTablesDE jpegtables = new DEFactory.JPEGTablesDE(baos.toByteArray());
        ifd.add(jpegtables); // 347


        os = jpegos;

      WritableRaster raster = image.getRaster();
      DataBufferByte buffer = (DataBufferByte) raster.getDataBuffer();
      byte[] imgdata = (byte[]) buffer.getData();

      int index = 0;
      for (int y = 0; y < height; y += maxrps) {
        Assume rgb image.

        Each strip: evaluate gray scale colour
                    save in byte array
                    write to image file

        if ((height - y) < maxrps) {
          maxrps = height - y;

        if (jpegos != null) { // jpeg: SOI,SOF,SOS marker
          int[] hv = {0x11}; // (Hi<<4)|Vi
          int[] q = {0}; // quantization table 0
          jpegos.startOfFrame(maxrps, width, hv, q);
          int[] sel = {0}; // DC,AC code table 0

        os.write(imgdata, y * width, maxrps * width);
        os.close(); // jpeg EOF: end of frame

        byte[] data = baos.toByteArray();
        counts.setCount(index, data.length); // update ifd strip counter array
        offsets.setOffset(index, out.getStreamPosition()); // update ifd image data offset array
        out.write(data); // write to image stream
      return ifd;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new IOException(getClass().getName() + ".writeRGBImage:\n\t" + e.getMessage());