/** * Reads a string and puts it in a list of integers * * @param result the list of integers that contains the read string * @param name the name of the current node * @throws javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException */ private void readString(List<Integer> result, String name) throws XMLStreamException { if (reader.getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS) { int start = reader.getTextStart(); int length = reader.getTextLength(); String value = new String(reader.getTextCharacters(), start, length); for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) { result.add((int) value.charAt(i)); } // System.err.println("value = " + value); } else if (reader.getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) { if (name.equals(COMPILER_BLANK_ELEM)) { requireEmptyError(name); result.add((int) (' ')); } else if (name.equals(COMPILER_JOIN_ELEM)) { requireEmptyError(name); result.add((int) '+'); } else if (name.equals(COMPILER_POSTGENERATOR_ELEM)) { requireEmptyError(name); result.add((int) '~'); } else if (name.equals(COMPILER_GROUP_ELEM)) { int type = reader.getEventType(); if (type != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) { result.add((int) '#'); } } else if (name.equals(COMPILER_S_ELEM)) { requireEmptyError(name); String symbol = "<" + attrib(COMPILER_N_ATTR) + ">"; if (!alphabet.isSymbolDefined(symbol)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Error (" + reader.getLocation().getLineNumber() + "," + reader.getLocation().getColumnNumber() + "): Undefined symbol '" + symbol + "'."); } result.add(alphabet.cast(symbol)); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Error (" + reader.getLocation().getLineNumber() + "): Invalid specification of element '<" + name + ">' in this context."); } } else if (reader.getEventType() == XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) { if (name.equals(COMPILER_BLANK_ELEM)) { } else if (name.equals(COMPILER_JOIN_ELEM)) { } else if (name.equals(COMPILER_POSTGENERATOR_ELEM)) { } else if (name.equals(COMPILER_GROUP_ELEM)) { } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Error (" + reader.getLocation().getLineNumber() + "," + reader.getLocation().getColumnNumber() + "): unexpected event type '" + XMLPrint.getEventTypeString(reader.getEventType()) + "'."); } } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Error (" + reader.getLocation().getLineNumber() + "," + reader.getLocation().getColumnNumber() + "): unexpected event type '" + XMLPrint.getEventTypeString(reader.getEventType()) + "'."); } // System.err.println("result = " + result); }
/** * Construct symbol pairs by align leftSide side of both parts and insert them into a transducer * * @param pi leftSide part of the transduction * @param pd right part of the transduction * @param state the state from wich insert the new transduction * @param t the transducer * @return the last state of the inserted transduction */ int matchTransduction(ArrayList<Integer> pi, ArrayList<Integer> pd, int state, TransducerComp t) { int izqda, dcha, limizqda, limdcha; if (direction.equals(COMPILER_RESTRICTION_LR_VAL)) { izqda = 0; dcha = 0; limizqda = pi.size(); limdcha = pd.size(); if (pi.size() == 0 && pd.size() == 0) { if (DEBUG) System.err.println("e = " + t.toString()); state = t.insertNewSingleTransduction(alphabet_cast00, state); } else { HashSet<Integer> acx_map_ptr = null; int rsymbol = 0; while (true) { int etiqueta; if (izqda == limizqda && dcha == limdcha) { break; } else if (izqda == limizqda) { etiqueta = alphabet.cast(0, pd.get(dcha)); dcha++; } else if (dcha == limdcha) { Integer pi_izqda = pi.get(izqda); etiqueta = alphabet.cast(pi_izqda, 0); acx_map_ptr = acx_map.get(pi_izqda); // perhaps null rsymbol = 0; izqda++; } else { Integer pi_izqda = pi.get(izqda); Integer pd_dcha = pd.get(dcha); etiqueta = alphabet.cast(pi_izqda, pd_dcha); acx_map_ptr = acx_map.get(pi_izqda); // perhaps null rsymbol = pd_dcha; izqda++; dcha++; } int nuevo_estado = t.insertSingleTransduction(etiqueta, state); if (acx_map_ptr != null) { for (Integer integer : acx_map_ptr) { t.linkStates(state, nuevo_estado, alphabet.cast(integer, rsymbol)); } } state = nuevo_estado; } } return state; } else { izqda = 0; dcha = 0; limizqda = pd.size(); limdcha = pi.size(); if (pi.size() == 0 && pd.size() == 0) { state = t.insertNewSingleTransduction(alphabet_cast00, state); } else { HashSet<Integer> acx_map_ptr = null; int rsymbol = 0; while (true) { int etiqueta; if (izqda == limizqda && dcha == limdcha) { break; } else if (izqda == limizqda) { etiqueta = alphabet.cast(0, pi.get(dcha)); dcha++; } else if (dcha == limdcha) { Integer pd_izqda = pd.get(izqda); etiqueta = alphabet.cast(pd_izqda, 0); acx_map_ptr = acx_map.get(pd_izqda); // perhaps null rsymbol = 0; izqda++; } else { Integer pd_izqda = pd.get(izqda); Integer pi_dcha = pi.get(dcha); etiqueta = alphabet.cast(pd_izqda, pi_dcha); acx_map_ptr = acx_map.get(pd_izqda); // perhaps null rsymbol = pi_dcha; izqda++; dcha++; } int nuevo_estado = t.insertSingleTransduction(etiqueta, state); if (acx_map_ptr != null) { for (Integer integer : acx_map_ptr) { t.linkStates(state, nuevo_estado, alphabet.cast(integer, rsymbol)); } } state = nuevo_estado; } } return state; } }
/** Parse the <sdef> elements */ private void procSDef() { if (reader.getEventType() != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) { alphabet.includeSymbol("<" + attrib(COMPILER_N_ATTR) + ">"); } }
/** The constructor */ public Compile() { alphabet = new CompileAlphabet(); alphabet_cast00 = alphabet.cast(0, 0); // LtLocale.tryToSetLocale(); }