public boolean visit(ClassDeclaration s) throws Exception { Map<String, String> parameters = createInitialParameters(s); parameters.put("name", s.getName()); xmlWriter.startTag("ClassDeclaration", parameters); return true; }
@Test(result = {"m1()", "m2()", "m2(int)"}) Collection<MethodDeclaration> getMethods() { return nested.getMethods(); }
@Test(result = {"null"}) ClassType objectHasNoSuperclass() { return object.getSuperclass(); }
@Test(result = "") Collection<InterfaceType> getSuperinterfaces() { return nested.getSuperinterfaces(); }
// Check for default constructor. // 4997614: visitConstructionDeclaration reports info when there is no ctor @Test(result = {"NestedClass()"}) Collection<ConstructorDeclaration> getConstructors2() { return nested.getConstructors(); }
@Test(result = "ClassDecl.NestedClass") String getQualifiedName2() { return nested.getQualifiedName(); }
@Test(result = "java.lang.Object") String getQualifiedName3() { return object.getQualifiedName(); }
@Test(result = "java.lang") PackageDeclaration getPackage2() { return object.getPackage(); }
@Test(result = "T") Collection<TypeParameterDeclaration> getFormalTypeParameters2() { return nested.getFormalTypeParameters(); }
@Test(result = "ClassDecl") TypeDeclaration getDeclaringType2() { return nested.getDeclaringType(); }
@Test(result = "NestedClass") String getSimpleName2() { return nested.getSimpleName(); }
// Check that static nested class has "static" modifier, even though // the VM doesn't set that bit. @Test(result = {"private", "static", "strictfp"}) Collection<Modifier> getModifiers2() { return nested.getModifiers(); }