private void loadFromFile() throws IOException, ReflectiveOperationException { RandomAccessFile file = null; try { int fieldId = 0; file = new RandomAccessFile(filePath, "r"); while (file.getFilePointer() < file.length()) { String fieldName = file.readUTF(); int fieldType = file.readUnsignedByte(); BitSet bitSet = BitSet.valueOf(new byte[] {file.readByte()}); boolean indexed = bitSet.get(BIT_INDEX_INDEXED); boolean stored = bitSet.get(BIT_INDEX_STORED); Field f = new Field(); f.setFieldId(fieldId); f.setFieldName(fieldName); f.setIsIndexed(indexed); f.setIsStored(stored); f.setFieldType(fieldTypeStore.findTypeById(fieldType)); fieldIdMapping.add(f); fieldNameMapping.put(f.getFieldName(), f); fieldId++; } } finally { if (file != null) { file.close(); } } }
public boolean verify(String message, Signature signature, PublicKey publicKey) throws Exception { if (!(publicKey instanceof PublicKeyLamport)) { throw new Exception("Wrong Type of Signing Key"); } final PublicKeyLamport publicKeyLamport = (PublicKeyLamport) publicKey; if (!(signature instanceof SignatureLamport)) { throw new Exception("Wrong Type of Signature"); } final SignatureLamport signatureLamport = (SignatureLamport) signature; final BitSet messageBits = new BitSet(this.k); messageBits.or(BitSet.valueOf(message.getBytes())); // verification algorithm for (int i = 0; i < this.k; ++i) { final Hash hashX = this.h.hash(signatureLamport.getSig(i).toByteArray()); final Hash hashY = !messageBits.get(i) ? publicKeyLamport.getY1(i) : publicKeyLamport.getY2(i); if (!hashX.equals(hashY)) { return false; } } return true; }
public boolean isPublicQueryable() { if (!isPublic()) { throw new IllegalStateException("This method is only valid for public edges."); } BitSet bs = BitSet.valueOf(new byte[] {this.publicLabel.getData()[16]}); return bs.get(7); }
void printByte(byte b) { byte[] bb = {b}; BitSet bits = BitSet.valueOf(bb); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { System.out.print(printBoolean(bits.get(i)) + " "); } System.out.println(); }
public boolean[][] getValues() { if (values != null) { return values; } boolean[][] v = new boolean[height()][width()]; for (int j = 0; j < bytes() * width(); j += bytes()) { for (int b = 0; b < bytes(); b++) { BitSet bs = BitSet.valueOf(HexUtils.toBytes(getHexLetter().split(" ")[j + b])); for (int k = 8 * b; k < Math.min(8 * (b + 1), height()); k++) { final int colIndex = (j / bytes()); v[k][colIndex] = bs.get(7 - k + 8 * b); } } } return v; }
/** * @return an iterator over all tuples on this page (calling remove on this iterator throws an * UnsupportedOperationException) (note that this iterator shouldn't return tuples in empty * slots!) */ public Iterator<Tuple> iterator() { // hdj final BitSet bitset = BitSet.valueOf(header); Iterator<Tuple> it = new Iterator<Tuple>() { int currentIndex = -1; public boolean hasNext() { if (bitset.nextSetBit(currentIndex + 1) == -1) return false; else return true; } public Tuple next() { currentIndex = bitset.nextSetBit(currentIndex + 1); return tuples[currentIndex]; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; return it; }
public class BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtilTest { private static final BitSet MIN = BitSet.valueOf(new long[] {Long.MIN_VALUE}); private static final BitSet B_MIN = BitSet.valueOf(new long[] {-1L}); private static final BitSet G_MIN = BitSet.valueOf(new long[] {-4611686018427387904L}); private static final BitSet ZERO = BitSet.valueOf(new long[] {0L}); private static final BitSet ONE = BitSet.valueOf(new long[] {1L}); private static final BitSet TWO = BitSet.valueOf(new long[] {2L}); private static final BitSet TREE = BitSet.valueOf(new long[] {3L}); private static final BitSet FOUR = BitSet.valueOf(new long[] {4L}); private static final BitSet FIVE = BitSet.valueOf(new long[] {5L}); private static final BitSet SIX = BitSet.valueOf(new long[] {6L}); private static final BitSet SEVEN = BitSet.valueOf(new long[] {7L}); private static final BitSet MAX = BitSet.valueOf(new long[] {Long.MAX_VALUE}); private static final BitSet B_MAX = BitSet.valueOf(new long[] {6148914691236517205L}); private static final BitSet G_MAX = BitSet.valueOf(new long[] {4611686018427387904L}); @Test public void testBinaryToGray() throws Exception { assertEquals(G_MIN, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.binaryToGray(MIN)); assertEquals(ZERO, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.binaryToGray(ZERO)); assertEquals(ONE, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.binaryToGray(ONE)); assertEquals(TREE, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.binaryToGray(TWO)); assertEquals(TWO, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.binaryToGray(TREE)); assertEquals(SIX, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.binaryToGray(FOUR)); assertEquals(SEVEN, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.binaryToGray(FIVE)); assertEquals(FIVE, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.binaryToGray(SIX)); assertEquals(FOUR, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.binaryToGray(SEVEN)); assertEquals(G_MAX, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.binaryToGray(MAX)); } @Test public void testGrayToBinary() throws Exception { assertEquals(B_MIN, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.grayToBinary(MIN)); assertEquals(ZERO, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.grayToBinary(ZERO)); assertEquals(ONE, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.grayToBinary(ONE)); assertEquals(TREE, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.grayToBinary(TWO)); assertEquals(TWO, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.grayToBinary(TREE)); assertEquals(SEVEN, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.grayToBinary(FOUR)); assertEquals(SIX, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.grayToBinary(FIVE)); assertEquals(FOUR, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.grayToBinary(SIX)); assertEquals(FIVE, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.grayToBinary(SEVEN)); assertEquals(B_MAX, BinaryReflectedGrayCodeUtil.grayToBinary(MAX)); } }
// WARNING: the current implementation of BitSet (1.7) copies the contents of ByteBuffer to // on heap! // TODO: make a new BitSet implementation which can use ByteBuffers properly. public WrappedImmutableBitSetBitmap(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { this(BitSet.valueOf(byteBuffer)); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public BitSet readBitSet() { long[] arr = readLongArray(); return arr != null ? BitSet.valueOf(arr) : null; }
private static byte setBit(byte input, byte pos, boolean set) { BitSet bs = BitSet.valueOf(new byte[] {input}); bs.set(pos, set); return bs.toByteArray()[0]; }
private BitSetWrapper makeBitSetWrapper(byte[] bytes) { BitSet bitSet = BitSet.valueOf(bytes); return new BitSetWrapper(bitSet); }
@Override public void decode(ByteBuf buf) { id = buf.readLong(); byte[] bitSetBuf = new byte[8]; buf.readBytes(bitSetBuf); this.bitSet = BitSet.valueOf(bitSetBuf); if (bitSet.get(0)) { position = readLongVector3(buf); } if (bitSet.get(1)) { orientation = readOrientation(buf); } if (bitSet.get(2)) { velocity = readFloatVector3(buf); } if (bitSet.get(3)) { accel = readFloatVector3(buf); } if (bitSet.get(4)) { extraVel = readFloatVector3(buf); } if (bitSet.get(5)) { lookPitch = buf.readFloat(); } if (bitSet.get(6)) { physicsFlags = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } if (bitSet.get(7)) { hostileType = buf.readByte(); } if (bitSet.get(8)) { entityType = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } if (bitSet.get(9)) { currentMode = buf.readByte(); } if (bitSet.get(10)) { lastShootTime = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } if (bitSet.get(11)) { hitCounter = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } if (bitSet.get(12)) { lastHitTime = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } if (bitSet.get(13)) { app.decode(buf); } if (bitSet.get(14)) { flags1 = buf.readByte(); flags2 = buf.readByte(); } if (bitSet.get(15)) { rollTime = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } if (bitSet.get(16)) { stunTime = buf.readInt(); } if (bitSet.get(17)) { slowedTime = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } if (bitSet.get(18)) { makeBlueTime = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } if (bitSet.get(19)) { speedUpTime = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } if (bitSet.get(20)) { slowPatchTime = buf.readFloat(); } if (bitSet.get(21)) { classType = buf.readByte(); } if (bitSet.get(22)) { specialization = buf.readByte(); } if (bitSet.get(23)) { chargedMP = buf.readFloat(); } if (bitSet.get(24)) { nu1 = buf.readUnsignedInt(); nu2 = buf.readUnsignedInt(); nu3 = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } if (bitSet.get(25)) { nu4 = buf.readUnsignedInt(); nu5 = buf.readUnsignedInt(); nu6 = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } if (bitSet.get(26)) { rayHit = readFloatVector3(buf); } if (bitSet.get(27)) { HP = buf.readFloat(); } if (bitSet.get(28)) { MP = buf.readFloat(); } if (bitSet.get(29)) { blockPower = buf.readFloat(); } if (bitSet.get(30)) { maxHPMultiplier = buf.readFloat(); shootSpeed = buf.readFloat(); damageMultiplier = buf.readFloat(); armorMultiplier = buf.readFloat(); resistanceMultiplier = buf.readFloat(); } if (bitSet.get(31)) { nu7 = buf.readByte(); } if (bitSet.get(32)) { nu8 = buf.readByte(); } if (bitSet.get(33)) { level = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } if (bitSet.get(34)) { currentXP = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } if (bitSet.get(35)) { parentOwner = buf.readLong(); } if (bitSet.get(36)) { na1 = buf.readUnsignedInt(); na2 = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } if (bitSet.get(37)) { na3 = buf.readByte(); } if (bitSet.get(38)) { na4 = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } if (bitSet.get(39)) { na5 = buf.readUnsignedInt(); nu11 = buf.readUnsignedInt(); nu12 = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } if (bitSet.get(40)) { spawnPosition = readLongVector3(buf); } if (bitSet.get(41)) { nu20 = buf.readUnsignedInt(); nu21 = buf.readUnsignedInt(); nu22 = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } if (bitSet.get(42)) { nu19 = buf.readByte(); } if (bitSet.get(43)) { itemData.decode(buf); } if (bitSet.get(44)) { for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { GItem item = new GItem(); item.decode(buf); equipment[i] = item; } } if (bitSet.get(45)) { name = new String(buf.readBytes(16).array(), Charsets.US_ASCII).trim(); } if (bitSet.get(46)) { for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { skills[i] = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } } if (bitSet.get(47)) { iceBlockFour = buf.readUnsignedInt(); } debugCap = buf.capacity(); buf.resetReaderIndex(); buf.resetWriterIndex(); }
/** Returns true if associated slot on this page is filled. */ public boolean isSlotUsed(int i) { // hdj BitSet bitset = BitSet.valueOf(header); return bitset.get(i); }
/** Returns the number of empty slots on this page. */ public int getNumEmptySlots() { // hdj:!!! use getNumTuples instead of bitset.size() or bitset.length() BitSet bitset = BitSet.valueOf(header); return getNumTuples() - bitset.cardinality(); }
/** * Constructs event class from given byte array. * * @param newStates changed states as byte array */ public NewStatesEvent(byte[] newStates) { this(BitSet.valueOf(newStates)); }