private static String testISO(String input, AspireTDTEngine engine) {

    System.out.println("Input in LEGACY : " + input);

    HashMap<String, String> extraparams = new HashMap<String, String>();

    extraparams.put("dataType", "iso");
    extraparams.put("outputFormat", "HEXA");
    String output = engine.convert(input, extraparams);
    System.out.println(" -> to HEXA          : " + output);
    extraparams.put("outputFormat", "LEGACY");
    output = engine.convert(output, extraparams);
    System.out.println(" -> to LEGACY        : " + output);
    extraparams.put("outputFormat", "BINARY");
    output = engine.convert(output, extraparams);
    System.out.println(" -> to BINARY        : " + output);
    extraparams.put("outputFormat", "TAG_ENCODING");
    output = engine.convert(output, extraparams);
    System.out.println(" -> to TAG_ENCODING  : " + output);
    extraparams.put("outputFormat", "PURE_IDENTITY");
    output = engine.convert(output, extraparams);
    System.out.println(" -> to PURE_IDENTITY : " + output);
    extraparams.put("outputFormat", "ONS_HOSTNAME");
    output = engine.convert(output, extraparams);
    System.out.println(" -> to ONS_HOSTNAME  : " + output);

    return input;
  private static String testPN(String input, AspireTDTEngine engine) {

    System.out.println("Input in LEGACY : " + input);

    HashMap<String, String> extraparams = new HashMap<String, String>();

    extraparams.put("dataType", "phonenumber");
    extraparams.put("countryprefixlength", "2");
    extraparams.put("outputFormat", "LEGACY");
    String output = engine.convert(input, extraparams);
    System.out.println(" -> to LEGACY        : " + output);
    extraparams.put("outputFormat", "DECIMAL");
    output = engine.convert(output, extraparams);
    System.out.println(" -> to DECIMAL       : " + output);
    extraparams.put("outputFormat", "BINARY");
    output = engine.convert(output, extraparams);
    System.out.println(" -> to BINARY        : " + output);
    extraparams.put("outputFormat", "TAG_ENCODING");
    output = engine.convert(output, extraparams);
    System.out.println(" -> to TAG_ENCODING  : " + output);
    extraparams.put("outputFormat", "PURE_IDENTITY");
    output = engine.convert(output, extraparams);
    System.out.println(" -> to PURE_IDENTITY : " + output);
    extraparams.put("outputFormat", "ONS_HOSTNAME");
    output = engine.convert(output, extraparams);
    System.out.println(" -> to ONS_HOSTNAME  : " + output);

    return input;
  public static final void main(String args[]) {
    try {

      AspireTDTEngine engine =
          new AspireTDTEngine(); // path to directory containing the subdirectories 'schemes' and
                                 // 'auxiliary'

      HashMap<String, String> extraparams =
          new HashMap<
              String>(); // a HashMap providing extra parameters needed in addition to the input
                         // value

          "dataType", "gs1"); // permitted values are 'gs1', 'ISO' or 'phone' (not case sensitive)
      extraparams.put("outputFormat", "LEGACY");
      // permitted values are :
      // for EPC Tags and GS1 Bar Code (EPC TDS Compliant)* : 'LEGACY', 'BINARY', 'TAG_ENCODING',
      // for GS1 Bar Code (not EPC TDS Compliant) :'LEGACY' and 'GS1_AI_ENCODING'

      /** PARAMETERS FOR EPC Tags TDT * */
      /* These parameters are mandatory for inbound levels 'PURE_IDENTITY', 'LEGACY' or 'GS1_AI_ENCODING', */
      /* and if outputFormat=GS1_AI_ENCODING */
      extraparams.put("taglength", "96"); // the taglength must be specified as "64" or "96"
          "filter", "1"); // the filter value must be specified - range depends on coding scheme.
          "6"); // the companyprefixlength (length of the EAN.UCC Company Prefix) must be specified
                // for GS1 coding schemes

      /** PARAMETERS FOR GS1 Bar Code TDT * */
      /* These parameters are mandatory if outputFormat=GS1_AI_ENCODING */
          "]e0"); // GS1 Bar Code Type (permitted values are ']E0', ']E1', ']E2', ']E3', ']E4',
                  // ']I1', ']C1', ']e0' or  ']d2')
          "12"); // size of the bar code (mandatory with gs1symbol values ]E0 an ]E3), permitted
                 // values are 12 (for UPC-A), 13 (for EAN-13) or 8 (for UPC-E)

          "96"); // the countryprefixlength must be specified as "1", "2" or "3"

      //	        String inbound = "gtin=00037000302414;serial=33554431";
      //		String inbound = "gtin=03583782350398;serial=00000001";
      //		String inbound = "urn:epc:id:sgtin:00370001.23456.101";
      //		String inbound = "1010100000000000001000001110110001000010000011111110011000110010";
      //	String inbound =
      // "001100000101010000000010010000100010000000011101100010000100000000000000000011111110011000110010";
      //		String inbound =
      // "001100000101010000000010010000100010000000011101100010000100000000000000000011111110011000110010";
      //		String inbound = "cageordodaac=1D381;serial=16522293";
      //		String inbound = "cageordodaac=2S194;serial=12345678901";
      //		String inbound =
      // "1100000011100101011101111110101000000011100101100010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
      extraparams.put("outputFormat", "BINARY");

      //		extraparams.put("outputFormat","BINARY");

      /*		String outbound = engine.convert(inbound, extraparams);
      		System.out.println("Input string " + inbound);
      		System.out.println("Output is "+outbound);
      //	String inbound="gtin=03583781545313;serial=00000001";
      String inbound = "00" + (new BigInteger("30395DFA804042C000000003", 16)).toString(2);
      System.out.println("Input string " + inbound);
      //	inbound="001100000011100101011101111110101000000011100101100001111100000000000000000000000000000000000001";
      //	System.out.println("Input string " + inbound);

      String outbound = engine.convert(inbound, extraparams);
      System.out.println(" as BINARY:           " + outbound);
      BigInteger test = new BigInteger(outbound, 2);
      System.out.println(" as HEX:              " + test.toString(16));

      extraparams.put("outputFormat", "TAG_ENCODING");
      String o3 = engine.convert(outbound, extraparams);
      System.out.println(" as TAG_ENCODING:     " + o3);

      extraparams.put("outputFormat", "PURE_IDENTITY");
      o3 = engine.convert(outbound, extraparams);
      System.out.println(" as PURE_IDENTITY:    " + o3);

      extraparams.put("outputFormat", "LEGACY");
      String o4 = engine.convert(outbound, extraparams);
      System.out.println(" as LEGACY:           " + o4);

      extraparams.put("outputFormat", "ONS_HOSTNAME");
      String o5 = engine.convert(outbound, extraparams);
      System.out.println(" as ONS_HOSTNAME:     " + o5);

      extraparams.put("outputFormat", "GS1_AI_ENCODING");
      String o6 = engine.convert(outbound, extraparams);
      System.out.println(" as GS1_AI_ENCODING:  " + o6);

      //		extraparams.put("outputFormat","LEGACY");
      /*TDTEngine EpcTdt= new TDTEngine();
      HashMap<String,String> inputParameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
      String outbound=EpcTdt.convert(inbound, inputParameters,LevelTypeList.LEGACY);

      //String outbound = engine.convert(inbound, extraparams);
      System.out.println(" as LEGACY      :  " + outbound);
      outbound=EpcTdt.convert(inbound, inputParameters, LevelTypeList.TAG_ENCODING);
      System.out.println(" as TAG_ENCODING:  " + outbound);*/

      System.out.println(" ===> TEST HF");
      testISO("iso15693;mfgcode=98;serial=00104197", engine);
      testISO("iso14443single;uid0=08;serial=00197", engine);
      testISO("iso14443double;mfgcode=08;serial=00197", engine);
      testISO("iso14443triple;mfgcode=08;serial=00197", engine);
      testISO("oui=08;address=197", engine);
      testISO("00:1f:3b:bf:6a:e9", engine);

      System.out.println(" ===> TEST PN");
      testPN("+33112345678", engine);
    } catch (Exception e) {