/** * Removes comments from the specified string and returns the first characters of a query. * * @param qu query string * @param max maximum length of string to return * @return result */ public static String removeComments(final String qu, final int max) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int m = 0; boolean s = false; final int cl = qu.length(); for (int c = 0; c < cl && sb.length() < max; ++c) { final char ch = qu.charAt(c); if (ch == 0x0d) continue; if (ch == '(' && c + 1 < cl && qu.charAt(c + 1) == ':') { if (m == 0 && !s) { sb.append(' '); s = true; } ++m; ++c; } else if (m != 0 && ch == ':' && c + 1 < cl && qu.charAt(c + 1) == ')') { --m; ++c; } else if (m == 0) { if (ch > ' ') sb.append(ch); else if (!s) sb.append(' '); s = ch <= ' '; } } if (sb.length() >= max) sb.append("..."); return sb.toString().trim(); }
/** * Returns a map with variable bindings. * * @param opts main options * @return bindings */ public static HashMap<String, String> bindings(final MainOptions opts) { final HashMap<String, String> bindings = new HashMap<>(); final String bind = opts.get(MainOptions.BINDINGS).trim(); final StringBuilder key = new StringBuilder(); final StringBuilder val = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; final int sl = bind.length(); for (int s = 0; s < sl; s++) { final char ch = bind.charAt(s); if (first) { if (ch == '=') { first = false; } else { key.append(ch); } } else { if (ch == ',') { if (s + 1 == sl || bind.charAt(s + 1) != ',') { bindings.put(key.toString().trim(), val.toString()); key.setLength(0); val.setLength(0); first = true; continue; } // literal commas are escaped by a second comma s++; } val.append(ch); } } if (key.length() != 0) bindings.put(key.toString().trim(), val.toString()); return bindings; }
int process(CharSequence org, int index, char begin, char end, StringBuilder result, Link link) { StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(org); int nesting = 1; StringBuilder variable = new StringBuilder(); outer: while (index < line.length()) { char c1 = line.charAt(index++); if (c1 == end) { if (--nesting == 0) { result.append(replace(variable.toString(), link)); return index; } } else if (c1 == begin) nesting++; else if (c1 == '\\' && index < line.length() - 1 && line.charAt(index) == '$') { // remove the escape backslash and interpret the dollar // as a // literal index++; variable.append('$'); continue outer; } else if (c1 == '$' && index < line.length() - 2) { char c2 = line.charAt(index); char terminator = getTerminator(c2); if (terminator != 0) { index = process(line, index + 1, c2, terminator, variable, link); continue outer; } } else if (c1 == '.' && index < line.length() && line.charAt(index) == '/') { // Found the sequence ./ if (index == 1 || Character.isWhitespace(line.charAt(index - 2))) { // make sure it is preceded by whitespace or starts at begin index++; variable.append(domain.getBase().getAbsolutePath()); variable.append('/'); continue outer; } } variable.append(c1); } result.append(variable); return index; }
/** Takes a string and hides its extension */ public static String hideExtension(final String str) { String[] arr = str.split("\\."); if (arr.length <= 1) return str; // there was no "." in str. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; ++i) { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append("."); sb.append(arr[i]); } return sb.toString(); }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void testAllResolved() { assertNotNull("Expected a Bundle Context", context); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Bundle b : context.getBundles()) { if (b.getState() == Bundle.INSTALLED && b.getHeaders().get(aQute.bnd.osgi.Constants.FRAGMENT_HOST) == null) { try { b.start(); } catch (BundleException e) { sb.append(b.getBundleId()) .append(" ") .append(b.getSymbolicName()) .append(";") .append(b.getVersion()) .append("\n"); sb.append(" ").append(e.getMessage()).append("\n\n"); System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } } } Matcher matcher = IP_P.matcher(sb); String out = matcher.replaceAll( "\n\n " + aQute.bnd.osgi.Constants.IMPORT_PACKAGE + ": $1;version=[$2,$3)\n"); assertTrue("Unresolved bundles\n" + out, sb.length() == 0); }
public void insertListOfCallPoints(@Nullable List<CallPoint> callPoints) { if (content.length() == 0) { content.append(EOL).append(" "); } content.append(" <ol style='display:none'>"); if (callPoints == null) { content.append("</ol>").append(EOL).append(" "); return; } content.append(EOL); CallPoint currentCP = callPoints.get(0); appendTestMethod(currentCP.getStackTraceElement()); appendRepetitionCountIfNeeded(currentCP); for (int i = 1, n = callPoints.size(); i < n; i++) { CallPoint nextCP = callPoints.get(i); StackTraceElement ste = nextCP.getStackTraceElement(); if (nextCP.isSameTestMethod(currentCP)) { content.append(", ").append(ste.getLineNumber()); } else { content.append("</li>").append(EOL); appendTestMethod(ste); } appendRepetitionCountIfNeeded(nextCP); currentCP = nextCP; } content.append("</li>").append(EOL).append(" </ol>").append(EOL).append(" "); }
// todo: give options for document splitting. A line or the whole file or // sentence splitting as now public Iterator<List<IN>> getIterator(Reader r) { Tokenizer<IN> tokenizer = tokenizerFactory.getTokenizer(r); // PTBTokenizer.newPTBTokenizer(r, false, true); List<IN> words = new ArrayList<IN>(); IN previous = tokenFactory.makeToken(); StringBuilder prepend = new StringBuilder(); /* * This changes SGML tags into whitespace -- it should maybe be moved * elsewhere */ while (tokenizer.hasNext()) { IN w = tokenizer.next(); String word = w.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class); Matcher m = sgml.matcher(word); if (m.matches()) { String before = StringUtils.getNotNullString(w.get(CoreAnnotations.BeforeAnnotation.class)); String after = StringUtils.getNotNullString(w.get(CoreAnnotations.AfterAnnotation.class)); prepend.append(before).append(word); String previousTokenAfter = StringUtils.getNotNullString(previous.get(CoreAnnotations.AfterAnnotation.class)); previous.set(AfterAnnotation.class, previousTokenAfter + word + after); // previous.appendAfter(w.word() + w.after()); } else { String before = StringUtils.getNotNullString(w.get(CoreAnnotations.BeforeAnnotation.class)); if (prepend.length() > 0) { w.set(BeforeAnnotation.class, prepend.toString() + before); // w.prependBefore(prepend.toString()); prepend = new StringBuilder(); } words.add(w); previous = w; } } List<List<IN>> sentences = wts.process(words); String after = ""; IN last = null; for (List<IN> sentence : sentences) { int pos = 0; for (IN w : sentence) { w.set(PositionAnnotation.class, Integer.toString(pos)); after = StringUtils.getNotNullString(w.get(CoreAnnotations.AfterAnnotation.class)); w.remove(AfterAnnotation.class); last = w; } } if (last != null) { last.set(AfterAnnotation.class, after); } return sentences.iterator(); }
// Derived from http://stackoverflow.com/a/3054692/250076 public static File getRelativeFile(File targetFile, File baseFile) { try { targetFile = targetFile.getCanonicalFile(); baseFile = baseFile.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } String pathSeparator = File.separator; String basePath = baseFile.getAbsolutePath(); String normalizedTargetPath = normalize(targetFile.getAbsolutePath(), pathSeparator); String normalizedBasePath = normalize(basePath, pathSeparator); String[] base = normalizedBasePath.split(Pattern.quote(pathSeparator)); String[] target = normalizedTargetPath.split(Pattern.quote(pathSeparator)); StringBuilder common = new StringBuilder(); int commonIndex = 0; while (commonIndex < target.length && commonIndex < base.length && target[commonIndex].equals(base[commonIndex])) { common.append(target[commonIndex]).append(pathSeparator); commonIndex++; } if (commonIndex == 0) { throw new Error( "No common path element found for '" + normalizedTargetPath + "' and '" + normalizedBasePath + '\''); } boolean baseIsFile = true; if (baseFile.exists()) { baseIsFile = baseFile.isFile(); } else if (basePath.endsWith(pathSeparator)) { baseIsFile = false; } StringBuilder relative = new StringBuilder(); if (base.length != commonIndex) { int numDirsUp = baseIsFile ? base.length - commonIndex - 1 : base.length - commonIndex; for (int i = 0; i < numDirsUp; i++) { relative.append("..").append(pathSeparator); } } relative.append(normalizedTargetPath.substring(common.length())); return new File(relative.toString()); }
/** pad a value according the field definition. */ private void padField(Map<String, String> extraparams, Field field) { String name = field.getName(); String value = extraparams.get(name); PadDirectionList padDir = field.getPadDir(); int requiredLength = field.getLength(); // assert value != null; if (value == null) return; String padCharString = field.getPadChar(); // if no pad char specified, don't attempt padding if (padCharString == null) return; assert padCharString.length() > 0; char padChar = padCharString.charAt(0); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(requiredLength); if (padDir == PadDirectionList.LEFT) { for (int i = 0; i < requiredLength - value.length(); i++) buf.append(padChar); buf.append(value); } else if (padDir == PadDirectionList.RIGHT) { buf.append(value); for (int i = 0; i < requiredLength - value.length(); i++) buf.append(padChar); } assert buf.length() == requiredLength; if (requiredLength != value.length()) { // System.out.println(" updated " + name + " to '" + buf + "'"); extraparams.put(name, buf.toString()); } /* else { StringBuilder mybuf = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) { if (i > 0) mybuf.append(','); mybuf.append('\''); mybuf.append(value.charAt(i)); mybuf.append('\''); } System.out.println(" field " + name + " not padded as " + mybuf.toString() + " is already " + requiredLength + " characters long"); } */ }
private static String getUnmatchedBrackets(final String initialText) { String text = initialText.replaceAll("\\\\.", "_"); // Remove escaped characters. text = text.replaceAll("'.'", "_"); // Remove character literals. text = text.replaceAll("\"([^\\n]*?)\"", "_"); // Remove string literals. text = text.replaceAll("/\\*(?s).*?\\*/", "_"); // Remove C comments. text = text.replaceAll("//[^\\n]*", "_"); // Remove C++ comments. StringBuilder unmatchedBrackets = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i) { char ch = text.charAt(i); if (PBracketUtilities.isOpenBracket(ch) && ch != '<') { unmatchedBrackets.append(ch); } else if (PBracketUtilities.isCloseBracket(ch) && ch != '>') { char openBracket = PBracketUtilities.getPartnerForBracket(ch); int lastCharIndex = unmatchedBrackets.length() - 1; if (lastCharIndex >= 0 && unmatchedBrackets.charAt(lastCharIndex) == openBracket) { unmatchedBrackets.deleteCharAt(lastCharIndex); } else { unmatchedBrackets.append(ch); } } } return unmatchedBrackets.toString(); }