private void analyzeCall(RexCall call, Constancy callConstancy) {

      // visit operands, pushing their states onto stack

      // look for NON_CONSTANT operands
      int nOperands = call.getOperands().length;
      List<Constancy> operandStack = stack.subList(stack.size() - nOperands, stack.size());
      for (Constancy operandConstancy : operandStack) {
        if (operandConstancy == Constancy.NON_CONSTANT) {
          callConstancy = Constancy.NON_CONSTANT;

      // Even if all operands are constant, the call itself may
      // be non-deterministic.
      if (!call.getOperator().isDeterministic()) {
        callConstancy = Constancy.NON_CONSTANT;
      } else if (call.getOperator().isDynamicFunction()) {
        // We can reduce the call to a constant, but we can't
        // cache the plan if the function is dynamic

      // Row operator itself can't be reduced to a literal, but if
      // the operands are constants, we still want to reduce those
      if ((callConstancy == Constancy.REDUCIBLE_CONSTANT)
          && (call.getOperator() instanceof SqlRowOperator)) {
        callConstancy = Constancy.NON_CONSTANT;

      if (callConstancy == Constancy.NON_CONSTANT) {
        // any REDUCIBLE_CONSTANT children are now known to be maximal
        // reducible subtrees, so they can be added to the result
        // list
        for (int iOperand = 0; iOperand < nOperands; ++iOperand) {
          Constancy constancy = operandStack.get(iOperand);
          if (constancy == Constancy.REDUCIBLE_CONSTANT) {

        // if this cast expression can't be reduced to a literal,
        // then see if we can remove the cast
        if (call.getOperator() == SqlStdOperatorTable.castFunc) {

      // pop operands off of the stack

      // pop this parent call operator off the stack
      parentCallTypeStack.remove(parentCallTypeStack.size() - 1);

      // push constancy result for this call onto stack
 private void reduceNotNullableFilter(
     RelOptRuleCall call, FilterRel filter, RexCall rexCall, boolean reverse) {
   // If the expression is a IS [NOT] NULL on a non-nullable
   // column, then we can either remove the filter or replace
   // it with an EmptyRel.
   SqlOperator op = rexCall.getOperator();
   boolean alwaysTrue;
   if (op == SqlStdOperatorTable.isNullOperator
       || op == SqlStdOperatorTable.isUnknownOperator) {
     alwaysTrue = false;
   } else if (op == SqlStdOperatorTable.isNotNullOperator) {
     alwaysTrue = true;
   } else {
   if (reverse) {
     alwaysTrue = !alwaysTrue;
   RexNode operand = rexCall.getOperands()[0];
   if (operand instanceof RexInputRef) {
     RexInputRef inputRef = (RexInputRef) operand;
     if (!inputRef.getType().isNullable()) {
       if (alwaysTrue) {
       } else {
         call.transformTo(new EmptyRel(filter.getCluster(), filter.getRowType()));
        public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
          FilterRel filter = (FilterRel) call.rels[0];
          List<RexNode> expList = new ArrayList<RexNode>(Arrays.asList(filter.getChildExps()));
          RexNode newConditionExp;
          boolean reduced;
          if (reduceExpressions(filter, expList)) {
            assert (expList.size() == 1);
            newConditionExp = expList.get(0);
            reduced = true;
          } else {
            // No reduction, but let's still test the original
            // predicate to see if it was already a constant,
            // in which case we don't need any runtime decision
            // about filtering.
            newConditionExp = filter.getChildExps()[0];
            reduced = false;
          if (newConditionExp.isAlwaysTrue()) {
          } else if ((newConditionExp instanceof RexLiteral)
              || RexUtil.isNullLiteral(newConditionExp, true)) {
            call.transformTo(new EmptyRel(filter.getCluster(), filter.getRowType()));
          } else if (reduced) {
            call.transformTo(CalcRel.createFilter(filter.getChild(), expList.get(0)));
          } else {
            if (newConditionExp instanceof RexCall) {
              RexCall rexCall = (RexCall) newConditionExp;
              boolean reverse = (rexCall.getOperator() == SqlStdOperatorTable.notOperator);
              if (reverse) {
                rexCall = (RexCall) rexCall.getOperands()[0];
              reduceNotNullableFilter(call, filter, rexCall, reverse);

          // New plan is absolutely better than old plan.
          call.getPlanner().setImportance(filter, 0.0);
    private void reduceCasts(RexCall outerCast) {
      RexNode[] operands = outerCast.getOperands();
      if (operands.length != 1) {
      RelDataType outerCastType = outerCast.getType();
      RelDataType operandType = operands[0].getType();
      if (operandType.equals(outerCastType)) {

      // See if the reduction
      // CAST((CAST x AS type) AS type NOT NULL)
      // -> CAST(x AS type NOT NULL)
      // applies.  TODO jvs 15-Dec-2008:  consider
      // similar cases for precision changes.
      if (!(operands[0] instanceof RexCall)) {
      RexCall innerCast = (RexCall) operands[0];
      if (innerCast.getOperator() != SqlStdOperatorTable.castFunc) {
      if (innerCast.getOperands().length != 1) {
      RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory = preparingStmt.getFarragoTypeFactory();
      RelDataType outerTypeNullable = typeFactory.createTypeWithNullability(outerCastType, true);
      RelDataType innerTypeNullable = typeFactory.createTypeWithNullability(operandType, true);
      if (outerTypeNullable != innerTypeNullable) {
      if (operandType.isNullable()) {