public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Path baseDir = null; String localPath = null; String preservePath = null; String sIgnoreTablesFilename = null; String sNoPreserveFilename = null; String sDateString = null; long size = 0; // UNIX dates for right now long now = new java.util.Date().getTime() / 1000; long maxDate = now; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("--hdfs-path")) { baseDir = new Path(args[++i]); continue; } if (args[i].equals("--local-path")) { localPath = args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--preserve-path")) { preservePath = args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--no-preserve")) { sNoPreserveFilename = args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--ignore-tables")) { sIgnoreTablesFilename = args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--sleep")) { try { m_nSleepSeconds = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("ERROR: " + e.toString() + "\n"); usage(); } continue; } if (args[i].equals("--dry-run")) { m_bDryRun = true; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--date")) { sDateString = args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("--max-date")) { maxDate = Long.parseLong(args[++i]); continue; } if (args[i].equals("--max-bytes")) { size = Long.parseLong(args[++i]); continue; } System.err.println("ERROR: unknown arg " + args[i]); usage(); } if (baseDir == null || localPath == null || preservePath == null || sDateString == null) { usage(); } long minDate; if ("yesterday".equals(sDateString)) { // figure out yesterday's dates Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.roll(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1); // yesterday midnight cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); minDate = cal.getTimeInMillis() / 1000; // yesterday end of day cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 999); maxDate = cal.getTimeInMillis() / 1000; } else if ("last-week".equals(sDateString)) { minDate = maxDate - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60); } else if ("last-day".equals(sDateString)) { minDate = maxDate - (24 * 60 * 60); } else { // UNIX date since epoch of last backup minDate = Long.parseLong(sDateString); } long tmpDate = 0; BackupHdfs bak = new BackupHdfs(); // initialize the list of tables to ignore if (sIgnoreTablesFilename != null) { bak.initializeTablesToIgnore(sIgnoreTablesFilename); } // initialize list of files to not preserve if (sNoPreserveFilename != null) { bak.initializeNoPreserve(sNoPreserveFilename); } ArrayList<Path> pathList = new ArrayList<Path>(2000); HashMap<Path, Long> hmTimestamps = new HashMap<Path, Long>(); Configuration conf = new Configuration(); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); // If the HDFS path is a dir continue if (fs.getFileStatus(baseDir).isDir()) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); System.err.println(""); cal.setTimeInMillis(minDate * 1000); System.err.println("min date = " + cal.getTime().toString()); cal.setTimeInMillis(maxDate * 1000); System.err.println("max date = " + cal.getTime().toString()); System.err.println(""); System.err.println("Searching filesystem: " + baseDir.toUri().getPath()); bak.checkDir(fs, minDate, maxDate, baseDir, pathList, hmTimestamps); System.err.println(""); System.err.println("Skipped " + m_nIgnoredTables + " files due to ignored tables"); System.err.println(""); System.err.println("Number of files to backup = " + pathList.size()); System.err.println("Total bytes to backup = " + prettyPrintBytes(m_nTotalBytes)); System.err.println(""); System.err.println("sorting list of files..."); Collections.sort(pathList, new DateComparator(hmTimestamps)); System.err.println("done"); System.err.println(""); System.err.println("starting backup..."); tmpDate = bak.backupFiles(localPath, preservePath, fs, pathList, size); bak.closeFiles(); System.err.println(""); System.err.println("backup completed..."); } if (tmpDate == 0) { // If not size limit reached print out date for right now System.out.println(maxDate); } else { // Print out date for last file backed up System.err.println("Size limit reached."); System.out.println(tmpDate); } System.exit(0); }
public void draw() { background(255); // Turn off highlighting for all obstalces for (int i = 0; i < obstacles.size(); i++) { Obstacle o = (Obstacle) obstacles.get(i); o.highlight(false); } // Act on all boids for (int i = 0; i < boids.size(); i++) { Boid b = (Boid) boids.get(i); b.avoid(obstacles);; } // Display the obstacles for (int i = 0; i < obstacles.size(); i++) { Obstacle o = (Obstacle) obstacles.get(i); o.display(); } // Instructions textFont(f); fill(0); text( "Hit space bar to toggle debugging lines.\nClick the mouse to generate a new boids.", 10, height - 30); }
public void drawOrbits(ArrayList alObjectsArchive) { // println("SIZE:" + alObjectsArchive.size()); // ArrayList alObjectsArchive = timeline.getObjectStateArchive(); ArrayList alPrevPos = new ArrayList(); ArrayList alColors = new ArrayList(); alColors.add(color(255, 0, 0)); alColors.add(color(255, 255, 0)); alColors.add(color(255, 0, 255)); // for (int i = timeline.getTimeIdx(); i >= 0 && i > (timeline.getTimeIdx() - 1 - 100); i--) for (int i = 0; i < alObjectsArchive.size(); i++) { ArrayList objects = (ArrayList) alObjectsArchive.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < objects.size(); j++) { CelestialObject obj = (CelestialObject) objects.get(j); // CelestialObject obj = (CelestialObject)objects.get(1); PVector pos = obj.getPosition(); // stroke(0, 0, 255); stroke((Integer) alColors.get(j)); if (alPrevPos.size() == objects.size()) { PVector prevPos = (PVector) alPrevPos.get(j); line(prevPos.x, prevPos.y, pos.x, pos.y); alPrevPos.set(j, pos); } else alPrevPos.add(pos); } } }
/** * Parse a method declaration. The declaration should be in the following format: * * <p>fully-qualified-method-name (args) * * <p>where the arguments are comma separated and all arguments other than primitives should have * fully qualified names. Arrays are indicating by trailing brackets. For example: * * <p>int int[] int[][] java.lang.String java.util.Date[] * * <p>The arguments are translated into BCEL types and a MethodDef is returned. */ private MethodDef parse_method(StrTok st) { // Get the method name String method_name = st.need_word(); // Get the opening paren st.need("("); // Read the arguments ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); String tok = st.nextToken(); if (tok != ")") { st.pushBack(); do { tok = st.need_word(); args.add(tok); } while (st.nextToken() == ","); st.pushBack(); st.need(")"); } // Convert the arguments to Type Type[] targs = new Type[args.size()]; for (int ii = 0; ii < args.size(); ii++) { targs[ii] = BCELUtil.classname_to_type(args.get(ii)); } return new MethodDef(method_name, targs); }
// Does a deepcopy of an array list public static ArrayList cloneArrayList(ArrayList al) { ArrayList alNew = new ArrayList(al.size()); for (int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++) { alNew.add(((CelestialObject) al.get(i)).clone()); } return alNew; }
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent evt) { if (!evt.getValueIsAdjusting()) { JFileChooser chooser = getFileChooser(); FileSystemView fsv = chooser.getFileSystemView(); JList list = (JList) evt.getSource(); int fsm = chooser.getFileSelectionMode(); boolean useSetDirectory = usesSingleFilePane && (fsm == JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); if (chooser.isMultiSelectionEnabled()) { File[] files = null; Object[] objects = list.getSelectedValues(); if (objects != null) { if (objects.length == 1 && ((File) objects[0]).isDirectory() && chooser.isTraversable(((File) objects[0])) && (useSetDirectory || !fsv.isFileSystem(((File) objects[0])))) { setDirectorySelected(true); setDirectory(((File) objects[0])); } else { ArrayList<File> fList = new ArrayList<File>(objects.length); for (Object object : objects) { File f = (File) object; boolean isDir = f.isDirectory(); if ((chooser.isFileSelectionEnabled() && !isDir) || (chooser.isDirectorySelectionEnabled() && fsv.isFileSystem(f) && isDir)) { fList.add(f); } } if (fList.size() > 0) { files = fList.toArray(new File[fList.size()]); } setDirectorySelected(false); } } chooser.setSelectedFiles(files); } else { File file = (File) list.getSelectedValue(); if (file != null && file.isDirectory() && chooser.isTraversable(file) && (useSetDirectory || !fsv.isFileSystem(file))) { setDirectorySelected(true); setDirectory(file); if (usesSingleFilePane) { chooser.setSelectedFile(null); } } else { setDirectorySelected(false); if (file != null) { chooser.setSelectedFile(file); } } } } }
// Does a deepcopy of an array list public ArrayList cloneArrayList(ArrayList al) { ArrayList alNew = new ArrayList(al.size()); for (int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++) { PVector pv = (PVector) al.get(i); alNew.add(new PVector(pv.x, pv.y)); } return alNew; }
/** Update all of the Ball's and draw them */ public void update() { if (balls.size() != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < balls.size(); i++) { Ball b = (Ball) balls.get(i); b.update(); b.attract = kelly; b.drawBall(); } } }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(args[0])); int tIndex = 0; int pIndex = 0; // This will probably change soon (name and implementation) NgramParser tnp = new NgramParser(args[1]); ArrayList<String> triplet = tnp.getTriplet(); ArrayList<String> polarity = tnp.getPolarity(); FileWriter sw = new FileWriter(args[2]); String line = null; while (((line = br.readLine()) != null) && (tIndex < triplet.size()) && (pIndex < polarity.size())) { if (line.matches("^[\\d]*:")) { // System.out.println(line); sw.write(line + "\n"); } else { Scanner sc = new Scanner(line); String trip = sc.findInLine(Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z]+#[a-z]+[#]?[0-9]*")); // if (trip != null && trip.equals(triplet.get(tIndex))) { System.out.println(trip); if (trip != null && !trip.toLowerCase().contains("no#cl")) { // System.out.println(triplet.get(tIndex) + ":" +polarity.get(pIndex)); String pol = polarity.get(pIndex); sw.write(line + " " + pol + "\n"); sc.close(); tIndex++; pIndex++; } else { String pol = "neg"; sw.write("no#a#1" + " " + pol + "\n"); sc.close(); } } // sw.flush(); } sw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public void calculateForces(ArrayList objects) { for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { CelestialObject obj = (CelestialObject) objects.get(i); ArrayList forces = obj.getForces(); float totalForceX = 0; float totalForceY = 0; for (int j = 0; j < forces.size(); j++) { totalForceX += ((PVector) forces.get(j)).x; totalForceY += ((PVector) forces.get(j)).y; } PVector newAccel = new PVector(totalForceX / obj.getMass(), totalForceY / obj.getMass()); obj.setAcceleration(newAccel); } for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { CelestialObject obj1 = (CelestialObject) objects.get(i); float forceX = 0; float forceY = 0; obj1.clearForces(); if (obj1.getClass() == Star.class) { println(obj1.getVelocity()); continue; } for (int j = 0; j < objects.size(); j++) { CelestialObject obj2 = (CelestialObject) objects.get(j); if (i == j) continue; PVector pvDistance = PVector.sub(obj2.getPosition(), obj1.getPosition()); // println("distance: x:" + pvDistance.x + " y:" + pvDistance.y); float distance = sqrt(sq(pvDistance.y) + sq(pvDistance.x)); float angle = degrees(atan2(pvDistance.y, pvDistance.x)); float force = (G * obj1.getMass() * obj2.getMass()) / sq(distance); forceX = force * cos(radians(angle)); forceY = force * sin(radians(angle)); // println("FORCES on " + obj1.getName() + ":" + forceX + "," + forceY); obj1.addForce(new PVector(forceX, forceY)); println(); } } }
public void trace(float x, float y) { println(x); if (frameCounter > 2 && mousePressed) { coords.add(new PVector(x, y)); frameCounter = 0; if (coordCounter > 0) { PVector tempCoord = (PVector) coords.get(coordCounter - 1); line(x, y, tempCoord.x, tempCoord.y); } coordCounter++; } // println(coordCounter); for (int i = 0; i < coords.size(); i++) { PVector tempCoordnear = (PVector) coords.get(i); float coordDist = dist(x, y, tempCoordnear.x, tempCoordnear.y); if (coordDist < distance) { stroke(255, 0, 0); line(x, y, tempCoordnear.x, tempCoordnear.y); } } frameCounter++; }
public void setup() { size(600, 400); smooth(); f = createFont("Georgia", 12, true); obstacles = new ArrayList(); boids = new ArrayList(); // A little algorithm to pick a bunch of random obstacles that don't overlap for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { float x = random(width); float y = random(height); float r = random(50 - i / 2, 50); boolean ok = true; for (int j = 0; j < obstacles.size(); j++) { Obstacle o = (Obstacle) obstacles.get(j); if (dist(x, y, o.loc.x, o.loc.y) < o.radius + r + 20) { ok = false; } } if (ok) obstacles.add(new Obstacle(x, y, r)); } // Starting with three boids boids.add(new Boid(new PVector(random(width), random(height)), 3f, 0.2f)); boids.add(new Boid(new PVector(random(width), random(height)), 3f, 0.1f)); boids.add(new Boid(new PVector(random(width), random(height)), 2f, 0.05f)); }
public static void main(String[] args) { /* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT. Your class should be named Solution. */ try { Scanner sc = new Scanner(new File("/home/santosh/Desktop/testData")); int testCases = sc.nextInt(); int i = 0; ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> inputArraysList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(); ArrayList<Integer> list; while (i++ < testCases) { int n = sc.nextInt(); int k = 0; list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); while (k < n) { list.add(sc.nextInt()); k++; } inputArraysList.add(list); } // System.out.println(inputArraysList.size()); for (ArrayList<Integer> arr : inputArraysList) { countPairs(arr.toArray(new Integer[arr.size()])); } } catch (Exception e) { } }
/** * Returns all editors. * * @return editors */ EditorArea[] editors() { final ArrayList<EditorArea> edits = new ArrayList<EditorArea>(); for (final Component c : tabs.getComponents()) { if (c instanceof EditorArea) edits.add((EditorArea) c); } return edits.toArray(new EditorArea[edits.size()]); }
public void avoid(ArrayList obstacles) { // Make a vector that will be the position of the object // relative to the Boid rotated in the direction of boid's velocity PVector closestRotated = new PVector(sight + 1, sight + 1); float closestDistance = 99999; Obstacle avoid = null; // Let's look at each obstacle for (int i = 0; i < obstacles.size(); i++) { Obstacle o = (Obstacle) obstacles.get(i); float d = PVector.dist(loc, o.loc); PVector dir = vel.get(); dir.normalize(); PVector diff = PVector.sub(o.loc, loc); // Now we use the dot product to rotate the vector that points from boid to obstacle // Velocity is the new x-axis PVector rotated = new PVector(,; // Is the obstacle in our path? if (PApplet.abs(rotated.y) < (o.radius + r)) { // Is it the closest obstacle? if ((rotated.x > 0) && (rotated.x < closestRotated.x)) { closestRotated = rotated; avoid = o; } } } // Can we actually see the closest one? if (PApplet.abs(closestRotated.x) < sight) { // The desired vector should point away from the obstacle // The closer to the obstacle, the more it should steer PVector desired = new PVector(closestRotated.x, -closestRotated.y * sight / closestRotated.x); desired.normalize(); desired.mult(closestDistance); desired.limit(maxspeed); // Rotate back to the regular coordinate system rotateVector(desired, vel.heading2D()); // Draw some debugging stuff if (debug) { stroke(0); line(loc.x, loc.y, loc.x + desired.x * 10, loc.y + desired.y * 10); avoid.highlight(true); } // Apply Reynolds steering rules desired.sub(vel); desired.limit(maxforce); acc.add(desired); } }
public void mouseClicked() { ArrayList objects = timeline.getStatefulObjects(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { CelestialObject obj = (CelestialObject) objects.get(i); if (obj.isMouseOver()) { println(obj.getName() + " clicked!"); break; } } }
public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < urls.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append("|"); } sb.append( String.format("%d,%d=\"%s\"", locations.get(i)[0], locations.get(i)[1], urls.get(i))); } return sb.toString(); }
public JilterStatus eoh() { logger.debug("jilter eoh()"); // includeBCC is false if RCPT TO does not contain at least one field in TO, FROM and CC // this is a safety check as sometimes, RCPT TO is something differently entirely // and does not contain the actual recipients in the email MilterServerService milterService = Config.getConfig().getMilterServerService(); if (milterService.getIncludeBCC() && includeBCC) { logger.debug("including BCC addresses"); // check to see if address is flagged to ignore if (rcpts.size() > 0) { Iterator<String> i = rcpts.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String rcpt =; if (shouldIgnoreBCCAddress(rcpt)) { logger.debug("ignore include bcc address {address='" + rcpt + "'}"); i.remove(); } } } if (rcpts.size() > 0) { try { for (int j = 0; j < rcpts.size(); j++) { if (j == 0) { bos.write("bcc: ".getBytes()); } else { bos.write(",".getBytes()); } bos.write(rcpts.get(j).getBytes()); } bos.write("\n".getBytes()); } catch (IOException io) { logger.error("jilter failed to write end of header data", io); } } } return JilterStatus.SMFIS_CONTINUE; }
private ArrayList GetFolderTree(String s_Dir, String s_Flag, int n_Indent, int n_TreeIndex) { String s_List = ""; ArrayList aSubFolders = new ArrayList(); File file = new File(s_Dir); File[] filelist = file.listFiles(); if (filelist != null && filelist.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < filelist.length; i++) { if (filelist[i].isDirectory()) { aSubFolders.add(filelist[i].getName()); } } int n_Count = aSubFolders.size(); String s_LastFlag = ""; String s_Folder = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= n_Count; i++) { if (i < n_Count) { s_LastFlag = "0"; } else { s_LastFlag = "1"; } s_Folder = aSubFolders.get(i - 1).toString(); s_List = s_List + "arr" + s_Flag + "[" + String.valueOf(n_TreeIndex) + "]=new Array(\"" + s_Folder + "\"," + String.valueOf(n_Indent) + ", " + s_LastFlag + ");\n"; n_TreeIndex = n_TreeIndex + 1; ArrayList a_Temp = GetFolderTree(s_Dir + s_Folder + sFileSeparator, s_Flag, n_Indent + 1, n_TreeIndex); s_List = s_List + a_Temp.get(0).toString(); n_TreeIndex = Integer.valueOf(a_Temp.get(1).toString()).intValue(); } } ArrayList a_Return = new ArrayList(); a_Return.add(s_List); a_Return.add(String.valueOf(n_TreeIndex)); return a_Return; }
public void draw() { background(0); fill(255); if (!paused) timeline.moveForward(); if (dragging) drawOrbits(timeline.getFutureObjectStates()); else drawOrbits(timeline.getPastObjectStates()); ArrayList objects = timeline.getStatefulObjects(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { CelestialObject obj = (CelestialObject) objects.get(i); obj.display(); } }
public void draw() { // background(255); fill(255); rect(-4, -4, width + 4, height + 4); for (int i = skaters.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Skater skater = (Skater) skaters.get(i); // if (mousePressed) { skater.trace(mouseX, mouseY); // blob[i].x etc. println(i); } }
/** If a key is pressed perform the respective actions */ public void keyPressed() { // Add 'stems' to the balls if (keyCode == SHIFT) { stems = !stems; for (int i = 0; i < balls.size(); i++) { Ball b = (Ball) balls.get(i); b.STEM = stems; } } // toggle repaint background else if (key == 'b') REPAINT = !REPAINT; // Empty the ArrayList of Balls else if (key == 'x') balls.clear(); // Add a ball else if (key == 'f') addBall(); }
public int moveForward() { // println("forward!"); intTimeIdx++; // if the future values have already been calculated, just fetch them instead of calculating // them again if (alObjectStateArchive.size() > intTimeIdx) setCurrentState(cloneArrayList((ArrayList) alObjectStateArchive.get(intTimeIdx))); else { // println("calculating..."); sim.calculateForces(alStatefulObjects); alObjectStateArchive.add(cloneArrayList(alStatefulObjects)); } sliderTimeline.setValue(intTimeIdx); return intTimeIdx; }
public void mouseDragged() { if (paused) { ArrayList objects = timeline.getStatefulObjects(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) { CelestialObject obj = (CelestialObject) objects.get(i); if (obj.isMouseOver()) { dragging = true; PVector pos = obj.getPosition(); pos.x = mouseX; pos.y = mouseY; timeline.reset(); timeline.setCurrentState(objects); sliderTimeline.setValue(0); break; } } } }
/** * Gets the instances of <CODE>Template</CODE> that have an ID that is already in the database. * * @return An <CODE>ArrayList</CODE> containing the instances of <CODE>Template</CODE> already in * the database. * @throws java.sql.SQLException Thrown on sql exception. */ public ArrayList findTemplatesInDatabase() throws java.sql.SQLException { ArrayList templatesInDatabase = new ArrayList(); Connection oracleConnection = getDataSource().getConnection(); try { Statement query = oracleConnection.createStatement(); try { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT TMPL_ID FROM "); sql.append(MPSBrowserView.SCHEMA); sql.append(".TEMPLATE WHERE TMPL_ID IN ("); ArrayList templates = getTemplates(); int templateCount = templates.size(); for (int i = 0; i < templateCount; i++) { if (i > 0) sql.append(", "); sql.append("'"); sql.append(((Template) templates.get(i)).getID()); sql.append("'"); } sql.append(")"); ResultSet result = query.executeQuery(sql.toString()); try { while ( { String templateID = result.getString("TMPL_ID"); for (int i = 0; i < templateCount; i++) { Template currentTemplate = (Template) templates.get(i); if (templateID.equals(currentTemplate.getID())) { templatesInDatabase.add(currentTemplate); currentTemplate.setInDatabase(true); } } } } finally { result.close(); } } finally { query.close(); } } finally { oracleConnection.close(); } return templatesInDatabase; }
public void setCurrentState(ArrayList alState) { for (int i = 0; i < alStatefulObjects.size(); i++) { alStatefulObjects.set(i, alState.get(i)); } }
public void addPoint(long handId, PVector handPoint) { ArrayList curList = getPointList(handId); curList.add(0, handPoint); if (curList.size() > _maxPoints) curList.remove(curList.size() - 1); }
public CreateCplusplusHeader(GNode n) { classTree = n; /*Debug**/ // p1.println(classTree.size()); final PrintWriter p1; final GNode[] containsRelevantClasses; final ArrayList<String> stringClasses = new ArrayList<String>(); final ArrayList<Integer> countClasses = new ArrayList<Integer>(); final ArrayList<Integer> countChildren = new ArrayList<Integer>(); final GNode stac = GNode.create("Holder"); File headerFile; File newDirectory; try { newDirectory = new File("cplusplusfiles"); newDirectory.mkdir(); headerFile = new File("cplusplusfiles", "Header.h"); headerFile.createNewFile(); p1 = new PrintWriter(headerFile); /*Remove comments below to Debug**/ // p1.println(classTree.size()); // p1.println(containsRelevantClasses.size()); // p1.println(countClasses); // p1.println(countChildren); p1.println("// Ankit Goel's Header"); p1.println("#pragma once"); p1.println(); p1.println("#include <stdint.h>"); p1.println("#include <string>"); p1.println(); p1.println("using namespace java::lang;"); p1.println("// Foward Declarations "); p1.println(); /* Remove comments below to Debug**/ // String s = classTree.getNode(1).getNode(0).getNode(0).getName(); // p1.println(s); // p1.flush(); // p1.close(); new Visitor() { int counter22 = 0; public void visitClass(GNode n) { counter22++; countChildren.add(n.size()); countClasses.add(counter22); visit(n); } public void visitClassHeaderDeclaration(GNode n) { stac.add(n); /*Remove comments below to Debug**/ // p1.println(n.getNode(0).getName()); // containsRelevantClasses[counter22] = (GNode) n; } public void visit(Node n) { for (Object o : n) if (o instanceof Node) dispatch((Node) o); } }.dispatch(classTree); /*Remove comments below to Debug**/ // p1.println(stac.size()); String globalVariableArrayCheck; for (int b = 4; b < stac.size(); b++) { createCplusplusHeader = (GNode) stac.getNode(b); GNode vMethods = (GNode) createCplusplusHeader.getNode(0); // p1.println(createCplusplusHeader.getName()); /*Remove comments below to Debug**/ // p1.println(vMethods.getName()); // We need a mapping of methodName to accessibility final HashMap<String, String> mNAccess = new HashMap<String, String>(); /*Remove comments below to Debug**/ // We need a mapping to methodName to whetherItsStatic // p1.println(mNAccess); // p1.println(mNAccess.get("goel")); final GNode constructorPrinter = GNode.create("ConstructorPrinter"); final ArrayList<Integer> getCounter = new ArrayList<Integer>(); new Visitor() { int counter2 = 0; public void visitVirtualMethodDeclaration(GNode n) { counter2++; getCounter.add(counter2); } public void visit(Node n) { for (Object o : n) if (o instanceof Node) dispatch((Node) o); } }.dispatch(vMethods); int startHere = getCounter.get(getCounter.size() - 1) + 1; /*Remove comments below to Debug**/ // p1.println(startHere); final String className = vMethods.getNode(startHere).getNode(4).getNode(0).getString(0); final String plainClassName = className.substring(2, className.length()); final GNode ARRAYTRACKER = GNode.create("ArrayTracker"); // Need another dispatch for constructor heeader node new Visitor() { public void visitConstructorHeader(GNode n) { // Add each node if (n.getString(0).equals(plainClassName)) constructorPrinter.add(n); } public void visitCustomArrayDeclaration(GNode n) { ARRAYTRACKER.add(n); } public void visit(Node n) { for (Object o : n) if (o instanceof Node) dispatch((Node) o); } }.dispatch(createCplusplusHeader); // p1.println(constructorPrinter.size()); // Find out when the virtual method declarations ends /*Remove comments below to Debug**/ // p1.println(getCounter); p1.println("struct __" + plainClassName + ";"); p1.println(); p1.println("struct __" + plainClassName + "_VT;"); p1.println(); p1.println("typedef __rt::Ptr<" + "__" + plainClassName + "> " + plainClassName + ";"); p1.println(); p1.println("struct __" + plainClassName + " { "); p1.println(); p1.println(" // The data layout for java.lang.plainClassName"); p1.println(" " + "__" + plainClassName + "_VT* __vptr;"); // Get the Field Decl in this final GNode fields = GNode.create("Fields"); new Visitor() { public void visitDataLayoutDeclaration(GNode n) { visit(n); } public void visitDataFieldList(GNode n) { fields.add(n); } public void visit(Node n) { for (Object o : n) if (o instanceof Node) dispatch((Node) o); } }.dispatch(createCplusplusHeader); // p1.println(fields.size()); final ArrayList<String> privateOrpublic = new ArrayList<String>(); final ArrayList<String> PrimitiveType = new ArrayList<String>(); final ArrayList<String> Decl = new ArrayList<String>(); new Visitor() { public void visitDataFieldList(GNode n) { visit(n); } public void visitFieldDeclaration(GNode n) { // if (n.getNode(0).size() > 0 ) // privateOrpublic.add(n.getNode(0).getNode(0).getString(0)); /* if (n.getNode(0).getNode(0).getString(0).equals("static") && n.getNode(1).getNode(0).getString(0).equals("int") ) PrimitiveType.add("static const int32_t "); **/ if (n.getNode(1).getNode(0).getString(0).equals("int") && n.toString().contains("static")) PrimitiveType.add(" static int32_t"); else PrimitiveType.add(n.getNode(1).getNode(0).getString(0)); Decl.add(n.getNode(2).getNode(0).getString(0)); /* else Decl.add(n.getNode(2).getNode(0).getString(0) + " = " + n.getNode(2).getNode(0).getNode(2).getString(0)); **/ } public void visit(Node n) { for (Object o : n) if (o instanceof Node) dispatch((Node) o); } }.dispatch(fields); // Print out the Data Fields for (int c = 0; c < Decl.size(); c++) { p1.println(); p1.println(" " + PrimitiveType.get(c) + " " + Decl.get(c) + ";"); } List<String> typeOfParameter = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> DECLARATOR = new ArrayList<String>(); // p1.println(constructorPrinter); for (int ccd = 0; ccd < constructorPrinter.size(); ccd++) { // There is more than one parameter if (constructorPrinter.getNode(ccd).getNode(1).size() >= 1) { GNode GETPARAMS = GNode.create("GETPARAMS"); GETPARAMS.add(constructorPrinter.getNode(ccd).getNode(1)); // p1.println(GETPARAMS); // Now Go through the Formal Parameters for (int dcc = 0; dcc < GETPARAMS.size(); dcc++) { typeOfParameter.add( GETPARAMS.getNode(0).getNode(dcc).getNode(1).getNode(0).getString(0)); DECLARATOR.add(GETPARAMS.getNode(0).getNode(dcc).getString(3)); } } else { p1.println(); p1.println(" " + className + "();"); } } if (DECLARATOR.size() >= 1 && typeOfParameter.size() >= 1) { p1.print(className + "( "); for (int goela = 0; goela < typeOfParameter.size(); goela++) { if (goela != typeOfParameter.size() - 1) p1.print(typeOfParameter.get(goela) + " " + DECLARATOR.get(goela) + ","); else p1.print(typeOfParameter.get(goela) + " " + DECLARATOR.get(goela) + ");"); } } p1.println(); if ((constructorPrinter.size() == 0)) { p1.println(); p1.println(" " + "// The Constructor"); p1.println(); p1.println(" " + "__" + plainClassName + "(); "); } // Find Instance Methods of the class Basically go through vtMethodPointersList and // go through its children and check if the qualified identifier is the same as the clas // name // Store the names in a Arraylist type final List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> types2 = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<Integer> indexx = new ArrayList<Integer>(); final HashMap<Integer, String> checkForOtherSuperClass = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); // final HashMap<String,String> checkForPredefinedMethods = new HashMap<String,String>(); // Basically You need to consider this fact there will be however so many Constructors and // you need to keep a tally to start it like that and // Ignore those indices final List<Integer> constuctorIndex = new ArrayList<Integer>(); final GNode constructors = GNode.create("CONSTRUCTOR"); final String constructorNameGetter = plainClassName; // p1.println(constructors.size()); // p1.println(constructorNameGetter); // Lets find out which methods are unique new Visitor() { public int counter = 0; public void visitVTConstructorDeclaration(GNode n) { visit(n); } public void visitvtMethodPointersList(GNode n) { visit(n); } public void visitvtMethodPointer(GNode n) { counter++; if (!(n.getNode(1).getString(1).equals("__Object")) && !(n.getString(0).equals("main_String"))) { // constructorIndex.add(counter); // p1.println(n.getString(0)); indexx.add(counter); names.add(n.getString(0)); // There needs to be a check for the other than __Object && __SuperClass checkForOtherSuperClass.put(counter, n.getNode(1).getString(1)); // checkForPredefinedMethods.put(n.getString(0), n.getNode(1).getString(1)); } else { checkForOtherSuperClass.put(counter, n.getNode(1).getString(1)); // constructors.add(n); } } public void visit(Node n) { for (Object o : n) if (o instanceof Node) dispatch((Node) o); } }.dispatch(vMethods); // p1.println(names); // p1.println("Constructors" + constructors.size()); // p1.println(checkForOtherSuperClass); // System.out.println("ARRAY CONTENTS" + names); // Now lets get the type of the method and store it in Types arraylist // Visit the Method Declarations of the Java AST and store the types in order into an array. // Then // store the corresponding names of the methods in another array then do matching to // determine the // the types of the method // p1.println(checkForOtherSuperClass); for (int i = 0; i < indexx.size(); i++) { if (vMethods.getNode(indexx.get(i)).getGeneric(0) != null) { if (vMethods.getNode(indexx.get(i)).getNode(0).getName().equals("Type")) { // I think there only needs to be one check for a bool value the rest translate as is if (vMethods .getNode(indexx.get(i)) .getNode(0) .getNode(0) .getString(0) .equals("boolean")) types2.add("bool"); else types2.add(vMethods.getNode(indexx.get(i)).getNode(0).getNode(0).getString(0)); } else types2.add("void"); } else { types2.add(" "); } } // p1.println(types2); // p1.println(names); // params are appended to the methods name List<String> specialnames = new ArrayList<String>(); // A single method name which is a string could essential map to however many Strings Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Remove anything after _ in the method these are the parameters that are appended to it for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("_"); Matcher m = p.matcher(names.get(i)); if (m.find()) { // p1.println("FOUND"); // p1.println(m.start()); // ****** Changed // specialnames.add(names.get(i).substring(0,m.start())); specialnames.add(names.get(i)); // Money.add(names.get(i)); parameters.put( specialnames.get(i), names.get(i).substring(m.start(), names.get(i).length())); } else { specialnames.add(names.get(i)); // The hashmap needs to be consistent parameters.put(names.get(i), "ZeroParams"); } } // p1.println(names); // p1.println(parameters); // p1.println(types2); // p1.println(parameters); // Now print the instance methods using the types and names p1.println(" // The instance methods of java.lang.plainClassName"); // p1.println(specialnames); // Constructor Initializeer p1.println(" static " + plainClassName + " init_Construct( " + plainClassName + "); "); for (int i = 0; i < types2.size(); i++) { if (parameters.get(specialnames.get(i)).equals("ZeroParams") && !(specialnames.get(i).equals(plainClassName))) p1.println( " " + "static " + types2.get(i) + " " + specialnames.get(i) + "( " + plainClassName + ")" + ";"); else { if (!(specialnames.get(i).equals(plainClassName))) { ArrayList<Integer> getTheParameters = new ArrayList<Integer>(); p1.print( " " + "static " + types2.get(i) + " " + specialnames.get(i) + "( " + plainClassName + " , "); Pattern pp = Pattern.compile("_"); Matcher mm = pp.matcher(parameters.get(specialnames.get(i))); while (mm.find()) { getTheParameters.add(mm.start()); } for (int cc = 0; cc < getTheParameters.size(); cc++) { if (cc != getTheParameters.size() - 1) { p1.print( parameters .get(specialnames.get(i)) .substring(getTheParameters.get(cc) + 1, getTheParameters.get(cc + 1)) + " , "); } else { int length = parameters.get(specialnames.get(i)).length(); p1.print( parameters .get(specialnames.get(i)) .substring(getTheParameters.get(cc) + 1, length) + ");"); } } p1.println(); } } } p1.println(); p1.println( " // The Function returning the class Object representing java.lang.plainClassName "); p1.println(" static Class __class(); "); p1.println(" static void init( " + "__" + plainClassName + "*" + " );"); p1.println(); // Changes for Command line arguements if (plainClassName.contains("Test")) { p1.println(" static void main(__rt::Ptr<__rt::Array<String> > args);"); } p1.println(" static __" + plainClassName + "_" + "VT " + "__vtable;"); p1.println(); p1.println(" };"); p1.println(); // Now print the Constructor taking into account which ones are implemented by the given // class p1.println("struct __" + plainClassName + "_" + "VT" + "{"); p1.println(" Class __isa;"); // Introduce some logic to differentiate between new methods and predefined inherited method // from Object List<String> arr1 = new ArrayList<String>(); arr1.add("hashcode"); arr1.add("equals"); arr1.add("getClass"); arr1.add("toString"); arr1.add("getName"); arr1.add("getSuperClass"); arr1.add("isInstance"); // Basically iterate through map and add any methods that have a type not equal to the // You need to add the inherited types p1.println(" void (*__delete)(__" + plainClassName + "*);"); p1.println(" int32_t (*hashCode)(" + plainClassName + ");"); p1.println(" bool (*equals)(" + plainClassName + " , " + "Object);"); p1.println(" Class (*getClass)(" + plainClassName + ");"); p1.println(" String (*toString) (" + plainClassName + ");"); for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { if (!(arr1.contains(names.get(i)))) { p1.println(); ArrayList<Integer> getTheParameters = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (parameters.get(specialnames.get(i)).equals("ZeroParams") && !(specialnames.get(i).equals(plainClassName))) p1.println( " " + types2.get(i) + " (*" + specialnames.get(i) + ") (" + plainClassName + ");"); else { if (!(specialnames.get(i).equals(plainClassName))) { Pattern pp = Pattern.compile("_"); Matcher mm = pp.matcher(parameters.get(specialnames.get(i))); while (mm.find()) { getTheParameters.add(mm.start()); } p1.print( " " + types2.get(i) + " (*" + specialnames.get(i) + ") (" + plainClassName + " , "); for (int cc = 0; cc < getTheParameters.size(); cc++) { if (cc != getTheParameters.size() - 1) { p1.print( parameters .get(specialnames.get(i)) .substring( getTheParameters.get(cc) + 1, getTheParameters.get(cc + 1)) + " , "); } else { int length = parameters.get(specialnames.get(i)).length(); p1.print( parameters .get(specialnames.get(i)) .substring(getTheParameters.get(cc) + 1, length) + ");"); } } } // p1.println(getTheParameters); } } } p1.println(); p1.println(); // Now the constructor initilization inlined in the header p1.println(" __" + plainClassName + "_VT()"); p1.println(" : __isa(__" + plainClassName + "::__class()),"); List<String> getImplementation = new ArrayList<String>(); int COUNT = 0; // Are there any instance methods for (int i = 0; i < specialnames.size(); i++) { if (!(specialnames.equals(plainClassName))) COUNT++; } // p1.println(COUNT); for (int i = 0; i < arr1.size(); i++) { if (names.contains(arr1.get(i))) { // Suppose a super class defines an Object method then this is wrong so add an // additional check // if(checkForPredefinedMethods.get(arr1.get(i)).equals("__" + plainClassName)) getImplementation.add(plainClassName); // else // getImplementation.add(checkForPredefinedMethods.get(arr1.get(i))); } else { getImplementation.add("Object"); } } // Remove comment to Debug // p1.println(getImplementation); p1.println(" __delete(&__rt::__delete<__" + plainClassName + ">),"); // Hardcoded May Need to Change in the final Phase if (getImplementation.get(0).equals("Object")) p1.println( " hashCode((int32_t(*)(" + plainClassName + "))" + "&__" + getImplementation.get(0) + "::hashCode),"); else p1.println(" hashCode(&__" + plainClassName + "::hashCode),"); if (getImplementation.get(1).equals("Object")) p1.println( " equals((bool(*)(" + plainClassName + " , Object)) &__" + getImplementation.get(1) + "::equals), "); else p1.println(" equals(&__" + plainClassName + "::equals"); if (getImplementation.get(2).equals("Object")) p1.println( " getClass((Class(*)(" + plainClassName + ")) &__" + getImplementation.get(2) + "::getClass), "); else p1.println(" getClass(&__" + plainClassName + ")"); // Remember to Take care of the comma issue if (getImplementation .get(3) .equals("Object") /*|| !(getImplementation.get(3).equals("__" + plainClassName))**/) { if (COUNT != 0) p1.println( " toString((String(*)(" + plainClassName + ")) &__" + getImplementation.get(3) + "::toString), "); else p1.println( " toString((String(*)(" + plainClassName + ")) &__" + getImplementation.get(3) + "::toString) { "); } else { int x = names.size(); boolean bat = false; if ((x == 1) && (names.get(0).equals("toString"))) bat = true; if (COUNT != 0 && !(bat)) p1.println(" toString(&__" + getImplementation.get(3) + "::toString),"); else p1.println(" toString(&__" + getImplementation.get(3) + "::toString) {"); } // p1.println(names); // for (int uniqueNames = 0; uniqueNames < names.size(); uniqueNames++) { // Remove Unnecessary Methods if (arr1.contains(names.get(uniqueNames))) { names.remove(uniqueNames); specialnames.remove(uniqueNames); types2.remove(uniqueNames); } } // p1.println(types2); // p1.println(names); // ADD Remaining Methods to implementation for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { if (!(arr1.contains(specialnames.get(i))) && checkForOtherSuperClass.get(i + 6).equals(className) && (i == names.size() - 1) && !(specialnames.get(i).equals(plainClassName))) { // Remember to Fix this later p1.println(); p1.println( " " + specialnames.get(i) + "(&__" + plainClassName + "::" + specialnames.get(i) + ") {"); } // Finally Add Parameters Here else { if (parameters.get(specialnames.get(i)).equals("ZeroParams") && !(specialnames.get(i).equals(plainClassName)) && !(arr1.contains(specialnames.get(i)))) { if (i != names.size() - 1) p1.println( " " + specialnames.get(i) + "((" + types2.get(i) + "(*)" + "(" + plainClassName + "))" + "&" + checkForOtherSuperClass.get(i + 6) + "::" + specialnames.get(i) + "),"); else p1.println( " " + specialnames.get(i) + "((" + types2.get(i) + "(*)" + "(" + plainClassName + "))" + "&" + checkForOtherSuperClass.get(i + 6) + "::" + specialnames.get(i) + ") {"); p1.println(); } else { if (!(specialnames.get(i).equals(plainClassName)) && !(arr1.contains(specialnames.get(i)))) { ArrayList<Integer> getTheParameters = new ArrayList<Integer>(); p1.print( " " + specialnames.get(i) + "((" + types2.get(i) + "(*)" + "(" + plainClassName + " , "); Pattern pp = Pattern.compile("_"); Matcher mm = pp.matcher(parameters.get(specialnames.get(i))); while (mm.find()) { getTheParameters.add(mm.start()); } for (int cc = 0; cc < getTheParameters.size(); cc++) { if (cc != getTheParameters.size() - 1) { p1.print( parameters .get(specialnames.get(i)) .substring( getTheParameters.get(cc) + 1, getTheParameters.get(cc + 1)) + " , "); } else { int length = parameters.get(specialnames.get(i)).length(); p1.print( parameters .get(specialnames.get(i)) .substring(getTheParameters.get(cc) + 1, length)); if (i != names.size() - 1) p1.print( "))" + "&" + checkForOtherSuperClass.get(i + 6) + "::" + specialnames.get(i) + "),"); else p1.print( "))" + "&" + checkForOtherSuperClass.get(i + 6) + "::" + specialnames.get(i) + ") {"); p1.println(); } } // p1.println(getTheParameters); } } } } p1.println(" }"); p1.println("};"); p1.println(); p1.println(); p1.println(); /*Remove comments below to Debug**/ } // p1.println(names); p1.flush(); p1.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } }
public int matchCount() { return urls.size(); }
public void deinit(Appendable out, boolean force) throws Exception { Settings settings = new Settings(platform.getConfigFile()); if (!force) { Justif justify = new Justif(80, 40); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Formatter f = new Formatter(sb); try { String list = listFiles(platform.getGlobal()); if (list != null) { f.format("In global default environment:%n"); f.format(list); } list = listFiles(platform.getLocal()); if (list != null) { f.format("In local default environment:%n"); f.format(list); } if (settings.containsKey(JPM_CACHE_GLOBAL)) { list = listFiles(IO.getFile(settings.get(JPM_CACHE_GLOBAL))); if (list != null) { f.format("In global configured environment:%n"); f.format(list); } } if (settings.containsKey(JPM_CACHE_LOCAL)) { list = listFiles(IO.getFile(settings.get(JPM_CACHE_LOCAL))); if (list != null) { f.format("In local configured environment:%n"); f.format(list); } } list = listSupportFiles(); if (list != null) { f.format("jpm support files:%n"); f.format(list); } f.format("%n%n"); f.format( "All files listed above will be deleted if deinit is run with the force flag set" + " (\"jpm deinit -f\" or \"jpm deinit --force\"%n%n"); f.flush(); justify.wrap(sb); out.append(sb.toString()); } finally { f.close(); } } else { // i.e. if(force) int count = 0; File[] caches = {platform.getGlobal(), platform.getLocal(), null, null}; if (settings.containsKey(JPM_CACHE_LOCAL)) { caches[2] = IO.getFile(settings.get(JPM_CACHE_LOCAL)); } if (settings.containsKey(JPM_CACHE_GLOBAL)) { caches[3] = IO.getFile(settings.get(JPM_CACHE_GLOBAL)); } ArrayList<File> toDelete = new ArrayList<File>(); for (File cache : caches) { if (cache == null || !cache.exists()) { continue; } listFiles(cache, toDelete); if (toDelete.size() > count) { count = toDelete.size(); if (!cache.canWrite()) { reporter.error(PERMISSION_ERROR + " (" + cache + ")"); return; } toDelete.add(cache); } } listSupportFiles(toDelete); for (File f : toDelete) { if (f.exists() && !f.canWrite()) { reporter.error(PERMISSION_ERROR + " (" + f + ")"); } } if (reporter.getErrors().size() > 0) { return; } for (File f : toDelete) { if (f.exists()) { IO.deleteWithException(f); } } } }